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Jun 2015 · 365
Will you wait for me?
It was brief but it has marked a place inside of me.
Although you're far, I know you won't ever forget and neither would I.
All I'm saying is that it just really feels like
walking over shards of glass that represents my broken soul
for I lost the other half that makes up of it.
It was the past that I have been fearing and yet I am here but I guess I need to fight fear with courage.
Just lend me all your strength and I shall fight my way out of it.
I am going back into your arms once I survive.
As I am going to a different path to fix my mistakes, I hope you don't forget about me and I wish to see you at the finish line.
:( :) idk.... T^T
Jun 2015 · 245
These ain't butterflies
My anxiety gets worse
and I think I'm about to burst
every time you are near
and the pain I can never even bear.
You don't really cook
or even like reading a book
but upon closer look
you are a man with such intelligence,
a man with so much diligence
but doesn't have that much patience.
Set that aside, you are our life consultant
as if you've recorded all the ins and outs
of life as you grew up and you tell us
all about it.
You act out as our instant super hero when
our heads are coiled up but I guess a poem
can never really explain the whole you.
Only those with you could tell who you really are
even though you have your own shortcomings.
You are a man of many names
"Papa, Dad, Daddy, Pops, Pa, Itay"
and many more names the world could make of
but there is only one name for us
Happy Father's Day!
We Love You!
for my dearest grumpy father... Happy Father's Day... You have taught us so many stuff... good and bad... XD hahahahaha
Jun 2015 · 291
True Loves and Forever
I know they don't believe in "forever" but I do.
I haven't proven it yet but I'd like to prove to you
under the gray clouds or the summer sky blue.
This has to be true cause never have I been so sad
to be far from you.
There's this something that grips my heart
whenever we are apart.
My heart floats when I'm with you.

I'm not talking about a guy I like nor a guy I love,
a friendship to infinity is what I've been seeking for
and it's what I'm fighting and saving for.
You may haven't known the me from the past but I guess
you'll be the audience of my present and future.
This kind of feeling will never stop overwhelming me.
I guess I understand now
what the true meaning of home meant.
It wasn't some sort of fancy place you bunk in,
eat at neither does it provide a shelter or a roof
over your head.
Home is where you feel yourself being yourself
no matter how stupid you get
or how much of a failure you become.
FARADAYDAY!!!!!!!! A.S.E.M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IONs!!!!!!!!!!!! lab you guys... :) hart hart XD
Jun 2015 · 336
Hope to see you again :)
Summer's almost over
School's about to start
You ain't here anymore
But I get to see you today
I hugged you tight
And almost squeezed the life out of you
But maybe I just really miss you... :(
Deym long distance friendship... aw... T^T Hope yer doing fine bruh... gunna miss poking your chubby cheek... XD
Jun 2015 · 277
Don't talk, just stay
I guess no gifts or amount of cash
could top you up
Just seeing you stand there
has filled my face with a smile
and makes my heart almost
Jun 2015 · 495
A child no more? No way.
They usually told me to grow up,
to stop running in the streets,
stop giving out childish antics,
quit watching cartoons
and start acting responsible,
start being like a lady,
to open my eyes and take interest
in what adults or teens like to read.

Maybe I still don't want to let go of my childish self
cause it has been a long time since I've enjoyed myself.
I like fantasies that have a different twist, children who are out of the ordinary, stories that come from another land.
They never cease to excite me and make me think that this thing called reality is just a part of a dream, that my real world exists somewhere in another realm or in another portal where in even though you are already having a nightmare it still seems like a dream.
They might've long grown up but I don't think I will any time soon.

This kid inside me is wild and still wants me to imagine wide as if there ain't no boundaries.

*I believe that the only way out of reality is through a fantasy.
I need a secret place
for whenever I need silence and a tender embrace
From there, I shall gaze upon the stars
and no noise shall be heard even from the cars
just the sound of silence and the forest
If you want to join me, please be my guest
I want to make this a quest
There we shall camp
Whenever our eyes feel damp
Tell stories of our journey and worries
Eat mallows and chocolate dipped strawberries
Let our thoughts wander around
And for a moment feel *safe and sound
Jun 2015 · 387
The big revelation
There are so many words left unsaid,
so many feelings left untold
but I know that someday
they will all unfold.
Jun 2015 · 333
Your voice
I just want to talk to you
Even about the most nonsensical
things out of the blue
Yeah I miss your presence
But I guess
your voice will do*
For the meantime
Jun 2015 · 273
Forever and always
No matter how weird or crazy I get
you'll still be here, I bet
Cause you've always been and always will
For my mom and my supportive friends! :)
Jun 2015 · 359
Turned upside down
Just when things are turning out so nice
fate would unleash its specialty
Plot twists...

Your whole life suddenly turns around
leaving you broken again,
making you scour the whole land
for somebody to fix you.
Jun 2015 · 520
Unreasonable antics
Don't come looking
for the one who loved you unconditionally
when all you did was treat them irrationally.
Jun 2015 · 243
Maybe it was you, not me
They say "Why would they get so involved in your life, care for you and make you feel so loved and then leave you as if you never existed?"

Haven't you asked yourself? Maybe it wasn't them. Maybe it was you. You didn't think they'd ever leave up to the point that you didn't care if you don't show them any love and care.

To top it all up you didn't give enough attention and importance that's why they felt as if you never really appreciated all of the things they've ever done.
Jun 2015 · 394
~Seems unbreakable yet so fragile~
Jun 2015 · 661
Till the end we shall stay
The world is so cruel.
The people we wanted to be with the most
is the hardest to be with
cause it feels like the whole world is
against you.
I wonder if there'd be a day
where you and I would stay
and together we shall play
forever to our hearts content.

As another page turns,
something new has to be written
and without you in it
I don't know what'll happen
but one thing's for sure
*I'm gonna miss you.
For a friend of mine who is going to start a whole new school year in another school... :'(
Jun 2015 · 4.5k
To believe or not to believe
No one wanted to believe in angels anymore
because they have met so many demons

*But little did they know,
I came across a deceiver
who became a love giver.
Apollo, Apollo
The God of poetry
I'd also like to learn archery
And a song or two
On the lyre from you
XD lawl...
Jun 2015 · 235
Don't bury yourself in sadness.
It will eat you alive.
Jun 2015 · 340
It really doesn't take much
It doesn't take much for me to remember you.*
*Just a glance at the starry night brings chills up my spine
and a clear image of you comes up in my mind.
Jun 2015 · 566
Welcome to hello poetry
In this world
all the people who are down
are gathered from different towns.*
They help one another
to pick up their broken pieces together.
Jun 2015 · 11.4k
For every exploration
you need an inspiration
that will serve as your motivation.
Jun 2015 · 297
Are you the world map?
With you as my inspiration
nothing's unreachable.
With you as my guide
nothing's too far away.

**But with you by my side
our destination
is at the most beautiful
I guess you were nothing special,
not even a heartthrob,
not really a smart kid,
not even this smooth
guy who gets the ladies
but I wonder how
you started looking
like an angel to me.
Jun 2015 · 7.5k
Just a somebody
You were just a somebody.
I don't know when I made sense of it all
but you suddenly became
the **brightest star in the cosmos.
Jun 2015 · 398
Creepy... But true...
Life's a two way mirror.
I see you, you see me.
You picked up my broken pieces
I gazed upon your lovely eyes
Expecting you to put it back together
But you dropped and stomped on it
like the beast that you are
Don't get too caught up in the moment
cause you may not know what you're
getting into.
Maybe it may not seem like it
but the joke's on you.
Better open your eyes or you'll
get stuck into feeling blue.
Just because what's happening
feels like out of a fairy tale
doesn't mean it would have
a happy ending.
You may not know it
but maybe all he's been doing
was not really genuine.
May 2015 · 291
Just a reminder
The most beautiful and colorful
frogs are the most poisonous ones.

The most elegant flower
has the most numerous

The prettiest smiles
hide the most evilest grins.

*So be careful who you bump into
May 2015 · 1.4k
My love from the stars
They say you're DECEPTION
yet you are still my favorite constellation
who goes by the name *Orion.
:) :"D
This is poetry.*
*Instead of leaves,
words build up a tree.
May 2015 · 587
It's all about perception
Not all good people are good.
Not all bad people are bad.
It was just a mere label, it isn't
who they truly are or let's say "were".
May 2015 · 207
I guess so
Maybe we got ourselves too absorbed
with lies that we lost our way towards the truth.
May 2015 · 251
Do what you must
Sometimes to get away from destruction,
you must put yourself in isolation.
Call someone a ******,
they'll turn into a ******.
Because as the saying goes,
"You see what you want to see."
Came up with this after watching Edward scissorhands... THE FEELS, MAN... THE FEELS...
May 2015 · 406
Coming soon
As the school year
draws near,
I could already smell my greatest fears.
I could already taste those upcoming
salty tears.
Me and my friends are like a dandelion puff
You'll take a glance
and see that we all look so lively
being with each other

But once you blow
and set us all apart
we'll still look nice in our own way

Yet nothing like how we once looked like
when we were together
May 2015 · 918
They all want to be fit and buff
They curse you with words so rough
Till you drop and blood you shall cough
Better cover your ear with an ear ****
So you wont hear their evil laugh
May 2015 · 2.5k
Trying too hard to be funny
Gimme tips on how to be a dummy
Because I really want to be funny
I wanna hear their endless laughs
And praise me then gimme thousand claps
But I end up being mainstream
Cant make a joke with a yummy cream
I cant satisfy their funny bones
So i'll just eat lots of ice cream cones
Aside from being stupid... How do you even make funny punch lines?
May 2015 · 785
~I guess change is necessary so
we won't get hurt~
May 2015 · 353
It's all about you
I feel so intoxicated
As if such a strong spell has been cast upon me
I can't seem to sleep
Can't even make my self go away from you
This would sound cliché
But I know it's true
"I don't know what to do without you"
Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?
The problem with us is that we all wish to be equal
As if saying that we are all human and a human we shall stay
But in reality, we all have different roles
Portraying a certain character
We need to consider one another and seek for justice and understanding instead of equality
May 2015 · 261
I loved a monster
I always loved feeling your hug
Your sweet kisses upon my lips
The way you hold my hips
As we danced all night long
To our most favorite song

But as we go on
Your hugs felt like my skin was being pricked
Your kisses stung on my fragile lips
That once secure hold now felt like a very tight grip
Our once favorite melody turned into a horrible symphony

I wonder where all the sweetness and softness went
*Cause all I remember now is this huge scar upon my heart
It was a long line
all your patience would drain
your energy slowly lowers
your limbs go numb from all the standing up for too long
even thinking bout giving up

But then you think to yourself
"I'm almost there."
"I got this far."
"Only about 10 people more and it is my turn."

and once you get there you'll say
"It was worth all the wait."
"It wasn't for a very long time but I sure did enjoy it"

Everything's metaphorical....
*Was some kind of reflection towards our day at the amusement park...
May 2015 · 283
Fragments of me
Day by day
The fragments of my memories of yesterday
Gets lost among the recesses of my mind

I wonder
*If they'd ever live again
May 2015 · 413
Childhood memories
I hear the children's laughter
I feel like my emotions are about to falter
it reminds me of my lonely days
when i'd usually be with myself
locked inside
as if my skin wont ever be kissed by the sun
till' I remember the countless stars I've gazed upon,
those numerous gashes and wounds that are now scars,
the number of times I've played outside,
those multiple of friends I played with and to whom I shared some of my stories,
those beads of sweat that form on my forehead whenever we run under the gazing sun,
the sweet laughter coming from our lips,

Yes, I had a good run.
I don't want to forget but
I guess I have to move on and accept what's ahead.
May 2015 · 687
Guinevere's logic
With just one glance
I was lost in a trance
They say your name is Lancealot
Let them stare
I don't even care
Not even their glare would bother
And who the heck is Arthur?
May 2015 · 367
Not even worthy enough
Those parts that were once holy
Only meant for those who are worthy
Those who'll live with us in honesty
Now can be accessed by anybody
Its holiness
Banished from the very realms of this world that's unworthy
Touched by those hands that are so filthy
May 2015 · 420
Stupidity took over (10w)
I thought I fooled them
I was actually the fool
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