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Proxii Aug 2016
Where mermaids swim and pirates fight. Where lost Boys sing and dance All night. I'll remember the pages written so well, time will fade the Sirans spell.
Proxii May 2016
You have a seemingly Placid mind that Strikes back with the Vengeance of a Thousand slain Kings.
Proxii May 2016
If my thoughts could be described as a Color,
Which one would You choose?
Do my eyes still search for You.
Do they peer Everlong from a field of Poppies?
Red like the color of this Stain on my Lips,
Forever the shade of Biting my Tongue.
Proxii May 2016
The moment Your mind touches mine,
Complete and utter Devastation from Singular existence.
1.3k · Apr 2016
Words in Flames
Proxii Apr 2016
The words will not flow freely from me now,
Crushed by the weight of my world,
Things I have and have not done,  
Things I have to do...
Stop breath and wait for the flames to die down.
For the words to catch spark.
1.2k · May 2016
Same Moon
Proxii May 2016
I thought of you as I was staring up at the Moon.
I think of you and it sometimes catches me by surprise.
To dream that we could lay, Intertwined under the Stars.
We could lay until the Night gives way to the Day.
You and I are such similar Creatures, and I don’t know if you realize that,
No matter how far we get from one another,
I will always look to the Moon knowing that you to may be seeing the Same sight, and then any distance does not seem so far.
Proxii Sep 2016
the Ice is melting.
Your touch brings,
Hunger like a pack of wolfs.
Worlds apart.
974 · Apr 2016
Lost Heat
Proxii Apr 2016
How I do,
Long for the inspiration your eyes gave.
For that moment in time we’d held close breaths.
Trembling fingers.
Clashing flesh, like teeth.
I was yours in the hours of another day.
Savored the Mystery and remembered the Heat.
We lay together no more.
899 · May 2016
Proxii May 2016
Words etched across my skin like the pages of Your favored book.
Tell me who I am,
To You.
Gifts of sensations You give not belonging to this earthy Realm.
Tell me who You are,
To me

In this Darkness We are Free.
My toes inch over the edge and You take my hand.
Tell me that You ain't goin' nowhere.
I close my eyes and take a shuddery breath.

Like Magic there You are.
At the bottom now,
Calling my name.
Telling me who I am.
Telling me, to jump
To trust
You'll catch me.

When I jump,
when Fall and Shatter,
You with Your smooth voice and rough hands.
You Will mend me.
You'll guide me back to the Top
To do it all over Again.
Proxii May 2016
Some people fall in love & touch the Sky.
Some people fall in love & find Quicksand.
I hover somewhere in Between.
768 · May 2016
Of You
Proxii May 2016
If someone loved You,
With all the power of Their soul for a whole lifetime,
They couldn't Love You as much as I do in a single day.

And when I think of You I think of how there's:
No Growth without Resistance.
No Action without Reaction.
No Desire without Restraint.

One step at a time that Fear is receding.
You've assured me of this.
Proxii Apr 2016
Can you step up and claim my love?
Stand like steel while waves of fear crash upon Your shores?
678 · May 2016
Masks (10W)
Proxii May 2016
You don’t know me .
Our masks are chipped but unbroken.
Proxii Aug 2016
Unraveled and re-spun into My deep web
The layers of My imagination
Using Your love my Demons are fed
604 · May 2016
One Night (5-7-5)
Proxii May 2016
You make me glisten,
With exciting melodies.
Call me Yours tonight.
Proxii May 2016
Iv got this strange Feelin’ deep down in my heart,
I cant tell what It is, but it Wont let go,
It happens every time I give you More then what I have.
593 · Jun 2016
Proxii Jun 2016
You are the sky '
And I am the Bird
You spin me around
But I never learn

The sky may be Blue
But my waters are Black
Your eyes may be Bright
But its a Soul that I lack

So twist Me up
Tangle Me in
Slash Me to Bits
Watch me run back Again

For you are my Sky'
And I am Your bird
History Repeats
because We never Learn.
Proxii May 2016
Even if I fall,
Even if You believe the silly Notions, of Breaking me.
I don't need to be Rescued.
Like the wind We cannot see,
We're both Everywhere,
Do You fear the wind?
Proxii Aug 2016
Stranger things have happened then You and me
Stranger paths have been Taken
Out to that turbulent Sea.
568 · Jun 2016
Rush (10w)
Proxii Jun 2016
How can I  
be considered Evil
For a wanted Touch?
566 · May 2016
Of Things to Come (10w)
Proxii May 2016
The first flash of Lightning signals this up coming Storm.
558 · Jul 2018
Storms and Rust
Proxii Jul 2018
Copper coiled heart, with Hands coated in Rust.
Can we Outlast with the Stinging needles of truth.
Words Scattered across our skin like the rain in Monsoon.
Can You survive my Chaos, or will You willfully slip of that Cliff, into the shadows, Just like so many before you?
Are You of the same mind as me?
Can We hold hope Or is this a fruitless hunt?
Do we sin?
Or is apple tree is barren my dear?
Proxii May 2016
You capture Me.
Enrapture Me.
Spin Me up in this web of Impossibilities.
547 · Apr 2016
Proxii Apr 2016
I Just want to step out into the new.
To find what could be between me and you,
we let the floods rush where they will,
In hope that time will never **** this feeling we both share.
Even without the longing to stare down a dream that rests on the shoulders of man.
538 · Aug 2016
Here We Go.
Proxii Aug 2016
Ignition. Here we go, here we go, and here we go.
I want you to know the truth. I'm seeing beyond the Sorrow.
I'm not asking for answers, Acceptance.
Just to have a moment with you while I breath for two.
You caused me to take a Second glance,
To savor and Cherish the moment.
I understand now live Life in that moment!
You never know what it could have been.
None, nothing happens naturally ever, and yet it happens with a Reason.
It just happens? whether in the Moment or later in life.
You are revolution, You are living breathing change.
I think I'm ready to show You; the Victim.
Proxii Apr 2016
This will be You when the Thunder strikes, Feet frozen to the ground.
Lost in the grip of lust.
You are man, but I am Fire.
514 · May 2016
You Too
Proxii May 2016
The wind is blowing cold from the south.
You saw it too,
Shadows that reach from this abyss.
You heard it too,
The whispers spread across my skin.
You feel it too,
The fall, the jump, the spry of deep dark waters.
494 · May 2016
Proxii May 2016
This is my soul.
So Patiently waiting,
For Beauty and color.
To hug creativity,
Waiting for freedom from Monotone Living that,
  Scratches the board with a Hand of long nails.
It Screeches so Loudly,
  I must try to describe it with Paint and a brush,
With Ink and quill,
but is it Really there?
I use Metaphors to get more Points on the table that No guests are     Eating at.
They’re all at home,
Are they feeling this pain?
This Is my soul So patiently waiting…..
Proxii Aug 2016
If could crash into You...
Like the waves of my raging Heart
If i could...
Feel the  struggle before You are torn apart.
476 · Aug 2016
The question (10w)
Proxii Aug 2016
Why do I care? Because, with You i am Me.
463 · Apr 2016
A Pretty Song of love
Proxii Apr 2016
We walk hand in hand, because its a cool song on love.
Twist and turn our hearts together till they become one.

You will never be my fool,
and I will never be yours,
and I will

We walk arm in arm.
Its a pretty little song of love.
It feels like the sun is shining,
But the Moon is still out.

You will never be my fool.
And I will never be yours.

Never, Never because its a quiet the little song on love
We awake cheek to cheek .
Its a pretty little picture of love

You will never be my fool,
And I will never be yours,
But I will

Its a pretty , pretty song.
A song of you  and  I.
432 · May 2016
Ache (10W )
Proxii May 2016
My fingers Ache to Know the Texture of Your mind.
Proxii May 2016
Know I shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be Running away,
But I cant seem to keep my Head out of the Rain,
The sun out of my Eyes,
Or your Face out of my Mind.
362 · May 2016
Words Words Words
Proxii May 2016
New ideas,
Old habits.
Ways we were,
Ways we could be.
Things we know,
Things we thought we knew.
Love found and lost.
337 · Apr 2016
Proxii Apr 2016
She hides her feelings,
the feelings for you.
She hides them safe in her dreams.
She longs.
Shes something more,
More then you thought,
More then you see, 
 She hides, in plain sight.
Hides from herself,
Hides from you.
She thinks of something more.
She is something more then you thought.
She will become her feelings
The feelings for you.
293 · May 2016
Night out
Proxii May 2016
When your eyes are all on me, it's the motivating factor.
All dolled up .
There's no Business Like.
Disturbing the peace, no the so-called peace.

— The End —