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Jul 2023 · 1.1k
The Cat Is The Hat
They said you can't do that with a cat—
The world's not ready for that!
And at first they jeered,
but then they cheered,
'cuz my cat is the fanciest hat.
© 2023 J.J.W. Coyle
Oct 2021 · 2.4k
Weekend Haiku
man with a bandsaw
incredibly obnoxious
7am, ****
© 2021 J.J.W. Coyle
May 2021 · 532
So Loud
dear upstairs neighbor,
do you own an elephant?
I think that you do.
© 2021  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2020 · 317
Shooting For Stars
Silly Stormtrooper;
You wish you could shoot the things —
but really, you can't.
© 2020  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2016 · 15.0k
Ride to Work
ride never showed up
boss not answering
guess I'm not working today
© 2016  J.J.W. Coyle
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
I Have To Go
It's not that I want to leave,
it's that I have to go.
It's not that I don't love you,
it's because I love you so.
It's not that I can't tell you yes,
it's that I have to tell you no.
It's not your fault, or mine, or his,
but still I have to go.
© 2016  J.J.W. Coyle
Feb 2016 · 18.5k
Dirty Limerick #3
A guy and his gal were abed,
when she looked over at him and said,
"The way your ***** is bent
is my only lament."
So sideways they did it instead.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Beguiling Winter
beguiling winter
clouds waiting idle and calm
moon and sun argue
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Dec 2015 · 2.6k
my happiness tonight
snow on the leaves
leaves on the snow
frost on the moon
a red and green glow
the evening is silent
I trim up the tree
a warm fuzzy fire
Vince Guaraldi
hot cocoa in hand
look out through the glass
and softly reflect
Christmastimes past

this is my happiness tonight
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
The Therapod
You'll never know a fairer pod,
Than when you meet a therapod;
For a therapod will care a lot
And doesn't want to scare a ***.

So if you chance to meet a therapod,
Don't think that it's a terror pod –
A therapod is a rarer sod,
Unless you meet a pair o' pods.
Feels a little forced, but I still like it. Happy Dinovember!
Jun 2015 · 11.2k
Dirty Limerick #2
Canoodling his significant other,
Our man Henry was loathe to discover:
The **** had run dry,
But rather than cry,
He decided to go get the butter.
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2015 · 12.4k
This Thread of Mine
a spool of heart's thread
pulled taut just for you
tie a knot and watch it break
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Hide & Seek
in the misty wood
hoping I'll find you
smiling from behind the trees
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2015 · 18.0k
Quiet Dawn
quiet dawn's dim light
serenity at its best
sneaking up on you
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2015 · 812
Everyday Life
Everyday's the same, same old crap, same old wonder
New day is dawning, morning bright, a day to plunder
Welcome to the real world, one away from heady dreams
Yet still ripe with stargaze and colour and off-of-table schemes
You wake up in the moment, taking it as prescribed
Leaving buried things buried, you keep it all inside.

Visiting "Chez Louis", tossing back Main Street
Who's putting on who, who's missing the beat
Pair of size 10 sneakers, rubber soles, red and white
No sweater, no hat, the sun is raging bright
You take a trip to nowhere, not so very far
And marvel at the marvel, of feeling like a star.

They call you a lost wonder, you call 'em all first rate
Leave it all to karma and destiny and fickle, fickle fate
Don't start your **** again, just leave and keep on truckin'
You've other strands of life that you'll want to get to pluckin'
Living, it's called, a right serious sore temptation
To shed false airs and try for new sensation.
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2015 · 581
An End
Oh, to die a death less valued
     Much that was once lost now lives
And yet, and yet...
     Here I find myself undone
By powers beyond my scope
     Such is my end.

Oh, such wonders wondered
     Living a life unloved
Waiting, waiting...
     A threat not voiced
Only spoken through silence
     A morning without sun.

Oh, what wroth hath writ
     Hope sharp as wit
Love a soft-spoke casualty
     Of a crushed and listing ship
Foundering on a shore
      This wielded weapon.
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
She's looked, you speak, finally, yes;
Dancing the talk of a child...
Hearts strong shall fight soft,
Falling, young, set, and sorry...
Held, they gave peace.

Soft music and falling leaves.

She's spoke, you look, finally, yes;
Knowing she heard sad in a bright laugh...
No reason, her mouth at peace,
Her eyes bring dear hell;
Lost, there is no longer a longer.

Snow brings the cold.
Dec 2014 · 11.4k
hot shower/clean pyjamas
there is no cure quite like for the dour
than clean pyjamas post-long-hot-shower.
with a sigh and a hug and flannel kisses to yer ***
hot shower/clean pyjamas: for when a day is done.
© 2014  J.J.W. Coyle
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
Eat A Star
Pure shadow, breathing;
seeing the question in your embrace —
     the color of heat...birds in a secret storm.  

Let's  be  tight.

Weak legs.

A crazy shine.

A dry catch, safe;
love's stone a spent breeze —
     laughter's lot...short emotions that needed to rise.  

Gentle sounds.


Eat a star.

Minds died, began;
cool facts giving way —
     later...night's secret covers the skin.
...for M.C.

© 2013  J.J.W. Coyle
Jan 2013 · 601
For T. B.
There's one thing I want you to keep in mind: you decided it had to go down like this. You decided I wasn't worth it. You were the one who decided I was a waste of time.

And in case you're still wondering what being in a "real relationship" is all about: it's when you care so much for another person that you'd do anything to stay with them. Problems aren't problems as long as you have someone watching your back. You don't run away, you stay and fight for the other person, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because you love and care about the other person so much that you want the relationship to succeed. It's when everything seems right when they're there, and wrong when they aren't. It's when you know that no matter how low things get, you'll always have someone there to help you through it.

A real relationship means "us",  not you and I.
© 2013  J.J.W. Coyle
In the end,
you've only managed to pull the trigger first.
And yet,
knowing full well the consequences,
I struck on,
hoping that someday my love would fall true.

It was my mistake.

How was I to know
— a man bereft of possessions and purpose —
that you
— glorious, important, so very very tired —
required more than:
                    a single glance,
                              a sidelong smile,
                                        a tender touch,
                                                  a silent moment...

These things no longer exist,
or, at least,
if they do,
I have no idea how to find them with you.
Aug 2012 · 2.3k
Dirty Limerick #1
There once was a man named Munn,
whose wife in bed was no fun;
but the horrible part
is when she would ****,
and say, "Get off, I'm all done."
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Lying eyes
disguise goodbyes;
the Honest ones will tell you.
It's like love,
just to know that time
has taken you from my life,
my eyes,
my heart.

By day, the feeling is...away.

By night...the world makes
me say the words I think,
mind all the little things
I used to know.

I'm a man in the light,
a long look on my face,
left there to tell you,
"I need you."

Head up, smile in hand,
trying to make friends with the clock.

*I thought people were better than this.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Friends watch with real wonder
taking the high ground soon
just as sure fingers silence wrongs
seen in the dark.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
May 2012 · 5.3k
One Moment, Please
hold on, it's coming
be ready, it's almost here
too late, now it's gone
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
May 2012 · 800
The Shower Is My Refuge
The Shower is my Refuge
hidden home to unfound thoughts
each drop an incandescent ode to joy in the sunlight
floating up
and left
and right
in the sunlight
these are my lives
each one more necessary than the last
each one recounting the lost stories of imagination
each one timeless and insecure and fragile and tiny

The Shower is my Refuge
with curtains drawn on my private stage
a hot haze of steamed applause
where each member of the audience is required to dance
and the echoes of my voice can be heard
o'er the tumultuous rapture of this orchestrated flow
soft and yielding
hard and battering
until the waters have ebbed and my time here has passed
so cleansed I step into a new world

The Shower is my Refuge
A window flung open with drapes barging into the room,
The sun's smug shine tells my toes that the rest of the world is awake,
And so my eyes make their first journey into today's forever.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
O! The Things I can do with this Language!
It can be turned ndsıpǝ-poʍu, and drawkcab,
and bɘɿoɿɿim as well —
rcsbamdel, like eggs, even.
Made to read, made to speak, made to listen.
It Cᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅs, it beckons, it s̷h̷a̷d̷e̷s̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷t̷r̷u̷t̷h̷.
It tєครєร, it broadens, it SCREAMS.
Narration, instruction, completion, construction:
all of these things Mine Ears do accept.
It is in this inexact form that I find myself exuberant,
laughing as Webster turns in his grave.

*Sometimes, I don't even need a pen.
1 poet,
0 thought;
*with a wink.

© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 4.9k
Synthesize Pride
A test is nothing more


one man's way of gauging

another man's way of calculating

another man's way of thinking

all so pride may be synthesized

in forms of correct and incorrect

put to paper for someone's satisfaction.
Mar 2012 · 5.1k
Differentiate Impression
Differentiate impression
to understand the question
that guarantees concession
of alternate force of will.
Adopt a Metaphor:

© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 998
10 Word Poet (10w)
My excuse?
                            —  I
                                  never learned
                                  to write a sonnet proper.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 5.6k
Out of Touch (10w)
It's been a year
(and a half)

*where are you?
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 7.5k
Marsh and Cope
Marsh and Cope
lovers locked in embrace
took it upon themselves
to make each other great
by destroying what they had
all the while
mapping new life with old bones.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 1.6k
Intentional Disarray
I occasionally
skip a beat
to watch you falter.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
Mar 2012 · 563
This, a Touch Will Do
Should the earth die
a touch to make times stay,
a soft voice waiting, looking,
room for a kiss.

We stand at a great door
the moon's arms our friend,
our bed running beauty,
believing we're at sea.

O happy morning!
To help us understand,
this last night's song,
when men lay staring at stars.

This, a touch will do.
Mar 2012 · 564
The Time Was Now
January, Tuesday,
an hour, a minute;
A calendar year,
a second to win it.

Friday's high noon,
six weeks disavowed;
Nighttime's deadline,
is yesterday's now.

So when all is done,
after the fact;
It's all I can say,
there was no time to act.
Jan 2012 · 575
So Breathe Deep
A sigh transforms
a breath into
a rainbow of meaning.
Dec 2011 · 1.7k
This Ain't Really It
It's Christmas Eve
and here I sit
drinking a drink
and giving a ****.

The mistletoe's hung
way up in the air
on the semi off-chance
that you'll give a care.

With stockings and trimmings
and **-hoes and tree
and candies and dandies
and gifts not for me.

So welcome to Christmas
a wonderful time
with tannins and balms
and lonely red wine.
Seriously, I'm having a great time tonight. Lit three ways from yesterday's Christmas tree. Just goin' for a feel here. Hope all y'all in the Hullo Poetry World are doing the same. Murry Xmasses.
Nov 2011 · 558
I'm scared of the letter A you know
for all of the things it's done
it's a sneaky one

occasionally it will wobble
though most often it's played straight
and sometimes held too long

always though
that letter A comes out on top
and makes you regret ever wondering
why it's at the start of the alphabet in the first place
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Nov 2011 · 580
What Just Happened
bedside clock
blinking red
repeating these moments
inside my head
Nov 2011 · 8.3k
Ode to the Zombie
Perhaps the zombie,
in all his uncanniness,
is truly the definition
of asymmetrical anthropomorphism.

Perhaps the zombie,
with his slow shuffling gait,
is really the word
when it comes to unbridled determination.

And perhaps the zombie,
his hunger bottomless,
is indeed the very picture
of a man who can have it all.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Be Not Bitter in Thine Writings,
for They Be Most Wondrous Things;
Catacombious Monstrocities,
Though You May'st Conceive Them.
Words Stray'd and Pluck'd into Near-Woven Dressings,
Gone Fade with Thine Temperament—
These Things that You Shrug and Forget!—
Shall ****** Adventures unto the Intrepid,
Kind Caretakers as yet Unknown to These Days.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
cannot hand in code
stupid website will not load
this is getting old
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Nov 2011 · 1.6k
My Cat's Goodnight
My cat howls at night. I sometimes wonder why.

I don't think it's 'cause he's lonely.
The door is open a crack and he knows how to get in.

Maybe he's going deaf. I heard that can happen.
"They howl real loud, like echolocation."

Or maybe my cat is a mutant.

All I can tell you, when he starts up like that,
is when I call his name he stops.
And comes into the room.
And jumps up on the bed.
And starts to purr.

So here's what I think—
that maybe what he's doing,
when he howls like that,
is scaring away the monsters so we can sleep.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
There's this thing that I think
that I thought I once knew;
but the thing is I think
that I ain't thunk it through.


Perhaps this is old,
perhaps this is new,
this odd little thought
I thought I once knew.


So I sits and I scritch
and I says to myself,
"Sort your wits slowly,
like plates on a shelf."


Maybe it's big,
perhaps it is small,
this odd little thought
that I cannot recall.
w.i.p. - There's so much more I want to do to this.

© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Oct 2011 · 894
Tit for Tat?
I'll never understand
what could possess
one to tell one
that they have no skill?

How do you not know
that they know how to do
things you could never
master yourself?

And what if they ****
at math or soccer or
just being social
and stuff?

Maybe they have
this awesome innateness
that endows them ability
to rock your wife's socks off?
Oct 2011 · 460
Top Words
the time I know we just spent today
was the best long little like
I could spend your way
I happened to glance at my Top Words and this little ditty just sang right out.
it's a fair thing when the air dreams
the windows tell me so
it's time again
to leave what we've got
while thought is deep and white and slow

so hunker down and enjoy the now
with a warm spot in the bed
tonight will pass
and tomorrow will shine
but for now we'll sleep instead
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
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