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Oct 2011 · 605
Tap on the Glass
a sad human breathes;
they reach for windows on walls
too big for any one person to climb.

it's too late to tap on the glass.

near waking
the power of reality
goes off in a quiet sense,
silent wings passing
apart and together,
clear in their meeting
as they tried.


simple shadows
of nights running into long hours
space the future,
years in a line,
stretching off,
as years in a line are wont to do.

and so they say:

it's too late to tap on the glass.
ARGH **** ****
today hasn't been the best to me
woe betide they who cross my path
for today hasn't been the best to me
and there are things I'd like to destroy
but none of it belongs to me
(just gonna have to deal)
and today hasn't been the best to me
so maybe it's time to just





and take a breath and keep writing
god it's cathartic sometimes
but it still makes me think
that today hasn't been the best to me
and I'm still in a pissy mood
(though it's not as bad as it was)
so the fact hasn't really changed
that today hasn't been the best to me
at all
Just needed to throw some words at the canvas, folks. I'm sure you can relate.
Oct 2011 · 521
Such Is the Way I Ramble
happiness walking...tired, slow;
sharing the street,
watching dusty half-gods sitting on their steps

they drink tonight
their art is a quiet passion,
golden fair, worth taking,
born of birds in a burning city who
return from their winter spring
looking for tomorrow
Oct 2011 · 367
That Moment
thinking, land  
knowing, fly
hide your mouth; she's looked, knows different!

meaning: grow round filled with reason


listen to the floor making red noises...
Oct 2011 · 497
For A.Z. II
Hey girl

I know you don't care anymore
I'm still thinking of you
(and will be for a long time to come)

I'm sorry about that.

I guess it gets easier every day
or at least
it used to be like that

I don't know why you're still in my head.

I hope you're well
I wish I could hear your voice
at least once
I miss you so much

Again, sorry about that too.

Love you poupee
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
What words do I capitalize in a title?
Which rules do I apply?
I never asked for this to happen
but here I am all the same.

I'd ask you for instruction,
maybe get a helping hand;
it's just I know you know
you'd never let me try.

So what words do I capitalize in a title?
How do I proceed?
I used to know how this is done
but that was long ago.
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
Out (In a Literal Sense)
Hellz yeah!
I wanna do that!
It'd be a right gas
the night is young!

The best part will be:

...waking up in the morning?

Pfft. We should go here.
He can't.


Movin' on -
Dude, it's gone.

Y'know it's not right.
Dude, it's gone.

****, that stuff is nasty!
Movin' on!

Need it.
Call it.
Got it.

© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
It's not the haze of the early morning
taking up your side of the bed
that tells me it's time to pretend
you weren't here again last night.

It's not the gaze of a silent songbird
peering at me through the window
that tells me it's time to act
like I don't know who you were.

It's not anything I can pinpoint
or explain, convey, or describe
that would let you know how much
I wish this wasn't so.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 2.0k
Coffee Shop Thoughts
Copious amounts of lava
seeping over the table
steaming mugs of java
cutting off the cable.

Rara Avis is a Latin term
no sneakers for me today
eaten by the Conqueror Worm
during the month of May.

******* drugs
and Sugar Twin
white punk thugs
chasing Rin-Tin-Tin.

Rainbows of black
babies howling out loud
guerilla attacks
a huge raver crowd.

Windshield wipers
with ribbons attached
little sticky diapers
and gates made of thatch.

Alphagetti monsters
smoking a jay
card-carrying punsters
greasy burgers on a tray.

Cute cotton *******
on lithe little nymphs
disappearing shanties
owned by drugged-up pimps.

Rhymes gone bad
a little cash in my pocket
hanging at the pad
and watching Davy Crockett.

People eating doughnuts
***** up on the beaches
hips that do the low strut
and blood ******* leeches.

It all comes down
to a single final thought:
was the Queen's big crown
really traded for a ***?
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 607
For A.D.W.
I guess there really is only
one way
to get over someone.


Is it that there's only one way that you know of?

You take a little piece, you give a little piece, right?


Maybe it's not really a matter of
getting over it
but rather a matter of
deciding how big that little piece is going to be?

Is it more important that each piece fit?

Or is it more important that each piece be worth something?
© 2008  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 927
My Day Is Done
My Day is done
and all is calm;
the sun goes down
and the sky is long.

The breeze picks up
as night comes to play;
the branches a-rustle
for the leaves they display.

The woods they sparkle
'neath a darkening hue;
a veil is falling,
as if on cue.

Thus I sit so quiet
near a gnarled old tree;
thus the shadowed woods
are calling to me.

I'm at peace!
The first in a while;
for my Day is done
and now I can smile.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 745
Search Party
night sits on the ground
nobody wants to say it
but the boy is gone
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Frinigh in the City
You'll never win.

Many ways to sin.

Ride it 'round the bend.

Disperse it to the wind.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 947
The Other Guy
I walk the miles,
ruining smiles,
people throwing stones;
I find the hours,
failing powers,
spiteful hateful man.

A lazy man,
adoring fan,
watched God with pride;
yet his lord,
wielding sword,
slices low and wide.

Ice-age glacier,
species erasure,
nothing here for me;
I am above it,
I am summit,
I am Lord to thee.

Bow before,
come adore,
all smitten by my grasp;
death to all,
'gainst my pall,
striking as an asp.

And still...

I walk those miles,
body piles,
bearing a disease;
I am true;
Lord to you,
it is I you must appease.
Aug 2011 · 387
Would You?
would you believe me
if I told you the world's done?
I didn't think so
Aug 2011 · 10.0k
Happy Days
happy days are here
now go **** the messenger
'cause the beat's too much
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Aug 2011 · 710
Battle's Cry
I weep to wonder why we were chosen
for such a time so near to closing —
a time that's dark and dreary indeed
with valiant heroes whose hearts do bleed
when evil dreads arise again
to do battle 'til the end.

Thunder rumbles with malicious glee
at these people who hope to flee;
ere the tides of good are turned
and those who died are too soon burned
and those who died afore they fought
are torn asunder without thought.

But unto this troublesome time
a little light must surely shine?
Though dark shadows rub their hands with joy
for the machinations they employ
to wring the land of all that's dear
and leave us yet with days unclear?

Thus knights in armor ever-white
shall go forth to fight the fight;
Lo! Our triumph (though for a time)
shall blow the gates and the mind
shall clear the lands for those who bled
and leave us be to bury the dead.

For a time enjoy the peace
and always 'member that darksome beast:
all he wrought upon the land
the very land that we once ******
and do not forget that we did fight
side by side and might by might.

Thus this world would ever quake
should its evils lie awake —
but as prophecies are spake on high
we will sound the Battle's Cry
should evil dreads arise again
Take heart! We will do battle 'til the end.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Jul 2011 · 460
That Thing
There was this thing...remember?
It was something you said, not long ago...
Or maybe I just remember it that way.
Jul 2011 · 530
For A.Z.
I know you don't miss me
but I wish you would kiss me
and hug me and haunt me
and tell me you want me
and make me feel the way you always did.

Your smile my sunshine
your laughter my shoreline
I wish you were here
'cause I miss you my dear
please make me feel the way you always did.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
It's a special kind of ******
what makes you shake like this
and yer feelin' quite certain
that you're seein' red curtains


"*******!" you exclaim
and then you pop a vein
and you rage and shake a fist
because you're just. that. ******.


In the end it ain't your doin'
to the people that yer screwin'
and everyone can go to hell and
hey! — yer just the one to tell 'em.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Jul 2011 · 404
That Time
I can tell by the glow
of the bedside clock
that you've run off with my heart again.
I'm all squinty-eyed this am (A.M.)
with a certain je-ne-sais-quoi
in my brain,

Strumblin' about, trippin' on stuff;
My body responds not as it should!
I'm in dire need of coffee or bacon or toast or ELECTROLYTES
(my friend assures me this is so).

Hands up! Who's all broken?
and disjointed
                         and confuddled
                                                     and hell — bedazzled!?

The sparkles in my eyelids won't go away

What a great time tho? I think...YES.

Later that day...
— Happy ***** Times!
Jun 2011 · 985
Wasn't she the best ever?

I was always impressed with
her wit
her beauty
her intelligence
her charm.

It's too bad you never got married, eh?
I had a bit of a crush on her too!
She was a cutie.

I bet she was a good kisser, huh?
Was she a good kisser?
Do you remember kissing her?
Was it nice?
Pretty nice?
Are you worried that one day you'll forget what it was like?

Wouldn't that be sad?
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
May 2011 · 499
It's Gotta Be Love!
He thinks she's gorgeous,
She hates his guts;
Together, it's love,
or close to such.

She's by herself,
He's with her;
Together forever,
or at least they infer.

It's gotta be love!
It's written in stone!
Because otherwise...
Otherwise — it's too cold to be alone.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 457
in working order
almost too much
but not enough to make me care
everywhere at once
but never ever there
I wish you'd give a sign
something you could say
but it's almost too much
and not enough to make me stay
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 481
The Best Advice
The best advice that I have to give —
Never trust a woman who knows how to kiss.
She'll steal your heart and leave you to grieve,
A worn out husk that nobody sees.

So when next you let lips decide your fate,
Nerves all a-quiver as you anticipate,
To not heed my warning, you would be remiss:
Never trust a woman who knows how to kiss.
Apr 2011 · 903
Going Through the Motions
Wanna try a kiss?
Yes I think we should
Take our relationship
Where a relationship would.

Wanna get a room?
Wow that was fast
But I'm all in
If you think it will last.

Breakfast at noon?
I suppose that's just fine
As long as we go
Where I usually dine.

Living together?
I'm a bit unsure
Your stuff's already here
It was kind of a blur.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 1.5k
Grim Death
what's this, my good man?
I dare say you are quite wrong:
you are not Grim Death
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 11.0k
Man All A-Rush
a man all a-rush...
he's not a man who can wait;
perhaps he should try
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 446
Saw It on the Wall
Wouldn't it be great
To stop the world
And watch all of the people fall off?*

That's what the plaque said.
Apr 2011 · 565
How It Goes
Caution! She's not for you!
You're supposed to forget, right?
That's how it goes.

But then...

What if she hasn't forgotten?
She probably has.
Or at least she doesn't want to remember.

You'd tell yourself
Everyone has their time.
She definitely had yours.

Oh ah...

Brush your shoulders.
Shrug it off.
You're supposed to forget, right?
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 1.5k
That Scent
It was a last late night
late last night
and your perfume has lingered.
Apr 2011 · 707
I hope when you say
it's 7am
there's no need to observe the hour.

I'd rather stay here and pretend
you know
make like my fingers are curious.

I'm glad you caught my attention last night
long lashes
Miss Rai would be jealous.

I've no idea where they all came from
the mystery drinks
I could've paid if you'd've let me.

I'd ask you to stay for breakfast
I cook
and your shirt is stained.

I can't remember your name
it's A.Z.
pretty sure it's in my phone.

I'll say goodbye to an empty pillow
because the door is already closed.

I suppose these things happen
at 7am
so I'll just let it go for now.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Apr 2011 · 14.7k
I Sat with a Cat in My Lap
I sat with a cat in my lap.
This cat is having a nap.
I wish she'd get off me,
I have to go ***.
This cat in my lap should ****.

This kitty is itty & bitty.
She jumped up to where I was sitting.
She needs to get down,
I'm wearing a frown.
My bladder is making me giddy.

So here I sit like a twit.
My lap must be made of catnip.
My need is so great
But she just won't vacate.
This cat in my lap should get.
The cat's name was Mystery, by the way.

© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle

— The End —