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10.4k · Feb 2018
A Recipe for Happiness
LeV3e Feb 2018
Love = Lust + Respect
4.6k · Nov 2016
LeV3e Nov 2016
You tie my gut in knots
Never expected this in my plot
Twisting my lochs with
Nervous fingers locking
Hands with you is magickal.

You tie my mind in knots
Its like a roller coaster lost
In space the comet's frost
Ignites a shower of colors
Cascading across your eyes...

You tie my heart in knots
I pray it doesn't clot my
Thoughts about our
Dreams about our
Kids about our
Means of getting by...
And I love having this in common with you.
4.5k · Jul 2016
LeV3e Jul 2016
Here we go again,
Another day, another dollar bill to spend,
Still dividing my time, by seven twenty five
Plus tips up the bid,
School will "take care" of your kids,
Don't think about missing out on them,
Cause in the end we all gotta eat...

It's not as easy as it's made out to be,
This, so called "American dream".
It's been a scheme since the banks became a thing,
And it seems to me that,
Winning isn't really even an option....

Cops shootin' down innocents,
Ignorant people blaming the immigrants, Violence is imminent in the face of division.
And we are all victims.
3.4k · Feb 2023
LeV3e Feb 2023
I've been pacing from room to room

Waiting for the world to stimulate

Something other than haunting gloom

Scroll unrolling a new series of emotions

Trends are mountaintops so better follow

The path is winding and this high peaked

Enjoy the view of this digital landscape

As the rest of the world crumbles at your

While we are more connected than ever in history, we've never been more divided. Strung along by hits of dopamine that keep us addicted to our screens, but who could blame us when the view out the window is so depressing.
2.4k · Jan 2023
I Have A Question
LeV3e Jan 2023
Is it better to be seen?
Or should I hide the parts
Of my mind, the unseemly
Things that eyes don't like, so
I can sell enough bits and
Pieces of my soul to
Pay this month's rent?

Is it better to be heard?
Or should I quiet the
Sounds that my thoughts are making
When feelings start biting
At my rib cage and my heart
Skips across the cold street
To keep the peace?

Is it better to be owned?
Or should I keep trying
To make it work? Just because,
I'm used to suffering
by now, you'd think it wouldn't
hurt so bad while watching
you walk away...

I have a question to ask
If God ever finds time
I've been wondering why for
Quite a while despite
My parents trying their best
Telling me I'd get it
but, Eventually
hasn't come yet.
1.9k · Nov 2022
The Blasted Tower
LeV3e Nov 2022
If ignorance is bliss
And knowledge is power
I'll conquer the abyss
And defend my Tower

If Babel did spiral
And cursed all our people
I'll learn occult symbols
And cast out this evil

If Zeus blasted my crown
And reduced to rubble
I'll flow red from your brow
And rip through your muscle

If Prometheus ran
And flames danced in his eyes
I'll pluck two apples and
Hand you our sweet demise.
1.8k · Feb 2023
LeV3e Feb 2023
Our logic is round
Like the world that we stand on
Our fathers are proud
We proved to be worthy spawn

Our reasoning is cyclical
Like the seasons return on schedule
Our mothers still cynical
That love exists beyond her child

Morality makes us whole
Like a cold drink from a clean spring
But do we have a soul?
The weight of the question runs deep

You can't prove me wrong
Isn't a good enough reason to act out
And just because a song is sung
Doesn't mean I have to listen to you shout
Tolerance is a paradox, and despite our efforts to be and act freely, there are moral failings that keep us chained to the rule of Law.
1.5k · Nov 2016
Lets Take a Walk
LeV3e Nov 2016
Lets take it slow
Me and you are
Just getting to know
What its like when a spark
Lights your heart a'glow

Lets take a stroll
Through the park
What a beautiful soul
We can sit and do art or
Lay and gaze at the Moon

Lets take a walk
I'm in no hurry
I love hearing you talk
Though the future is blurry
We can brave the fog.

Lets hit the road
Have no fear, love
We can build an abode
The kingdom up above
Can be our new home.
1.4k · Sep 2016
The Fall of Man
LeV3e Sep 2016
Blessed by Thee, the gift of creation.
Cursed by needs of individualism.

Blessed by Thee, eternal unification.
Cursed by greed, social consumerism.

Blessed by Thee, light the gift of vision.
Cursed by breed, melanin racism

Blessed by Thee, a drop of infinity
Cursed by genes, fates indecision.

Blessed by Thee, the heart of a musician.
Cursed by jealousies rotting prison.

Blessed by Thee, Will of The Magician.
Cursed by bodies physical division.

Blessed by Thee, Love and compassion
Cursed by creed, systematic division.
1.3k · Jul 2016
LeV3e Jul 2016
You medicate my mind, but inside I know I'm dying by your hand alone; yet, my body cries out for more. The high is unlike anything the world could otherwise have shown me, lifting the world off my shoulders. Alas, Atlas, at least you got to breathe the breathe of a Goddess. Green dress, and red hair, so ******* gorgeous, her essence seeping into my stream of Being. My hearts racing, my thoughts, tracing the outline of space and time, encasing Your face in form, accepting my fate and yearning for more... As you gently lay me down, back to dirt, my mind is clouded and my eyes are purple, and I recall a journey, but my memory is hazy, and I'm so tired... To sleep now, and dream of your touch, is all I desire, for tomorrow comes with no mercy, and I must continue on my own... until you call my name, again.
1.3k · Mar 2017
Hollowed Maple
LeV3e Mar 2017
The sun can't make up for
Missing body heat
My maple leaf was torn
Cold spike was driven deep.
Sticky sap flows from me
My soul has been tapped
My sweetest flavors flowing
Won't ever get them back
Strands of shared pleasure
Wrapping around your hands
Connections with no measure
Getting messy wasn't the plan,
But you penetrated my bark
Seeking this supple blood
Bliss for your starving tongue
Left me empty now that you're gone.
1.3k · Jun 2023
Set Sail
LeV3e Jun 2023
Can you still feel their pain?
Or have we forgotten pleasure
Try to bleach away the stains
Blood left on your treasures

Bury the coins down deep
And lock away the guilt
While choking on the key
My inky guts spilt out

I'm sick on melancholy
Numb to what's right or wrong
The ship has sailed, behold her glory
Sirens wail, so great their song

Stories told by word of mouth
Gossip scribbled out a map
X marks my heart, 10 paces South
Tricked again, fell in the trap

The clash of steel, the smell of smoke
Aye, I gouged out his eye again
Nay, just another sad bloke
Who's plans went awry Captain

As I patched up my face, and dusted my coat
A crack in the mirror split across my soul
The two parts of myself, the survivor and the ghost
Both covered in blood from others we stole.
Our desires can feel so much larger than ourselves, so much more important than the other people around us... and when we lose sight of each other as equals, those desires will wreak havoc on our relationships as we put THINGS and GOALS and STATUS ahead of the people who care about us. Always remember where the path to your heart is, and beware of the pitfalls layed out from our traumatic pasts.
1.3k · Jan 2017
My Beautiful Face
LeV3e Jan 2017
The Eyes
We see with our
Not what we need
But what we greed

My jagged teeth
Feed me bloodshed
My brain NEEDS it
By God as I pray
I'm being preyed upon

Do you ******* Soul?
Swallow my whole
****** down a black hole
Lets talk about how
None of this is even ******* real.

Practically real at least
Floating out in space
Existing as geometrical shapes
Shaded by our history
Trying to remember
How exactly light works?...
1.2k · Nov 2018
The World
LeV3e Nov 2018
While contemplating
My ethical take on
Conflicting desires
Between individuals
My children playout
Imaginary tragedies,
Attaching to things,
Building an identity...

I wonder what exactly
I have to teach them
When I'm still deciding
What it even means
To do Good in such
An abused and broken
1.2k · May 2022
LeV3e May 2022
I'm so obsessed with
Being better that I'll
Be better at being worse to, you

In our worst moments
You'd better remember
The rhythm of the words we spoke, cause

Through better or worse
Until death do us part
My better half is your worst
1.1k · Nov 2016
LeV3e Nov 2016
Getting nervous, feeling alone in my brittle beige sitting chair.
Biting calloused fingers cause the nails aren't quite fitting there.
Tearing at the layers of tough bunches of skin cells
Cutting cuticles ****** cause the pain is kind of exciting when,
The boredom creeping in your soul leaves you
Desperate for anything that you can control, so
It eats at your digits and carves out your mind.
Until regret overwhelms all of the wasted time.
1.1k · Jan 2018
LeV3e Jan 2018
I want to touch the
Escape the clock and

Searching for more than
Light burns my eyes when
I go looking

Blinded by our ends
Making ends meet in

Is consciousness really
Or is death's essence
Our destiny?
1.1k · Sep 2016
False Idol
LeV3e Sep 2016
Idolizing drugs as if it's what sustains you
While I'm worshipping love contained in a statue.
I painted your face upon the cracked stone,
Hoping your grace could make me whole,
Again, my goddess crumbles at my feet.
Stolen from me by the shadows deceit.
Hollow was the ground upon which we built,
Our home was a grave held up by rotting stilts,
Twas only a matter of time before collapse,
Foretold by the stars, prophecies own map...
Still, I fought for you, to rip off the mask
Your grasp on my heart faltered,
We weren't meant to last.
To let you go, meant to shatter like glass
So here I am, scattered shards, lost in the sand.
The pieces cut my hands, I don't remember who I am.
Blood smears the reflections. I don't understand,
The message was clear before fears lead you astray
Now Death has come, a headstone is all that remains.
LeV3e Sep 2016
You don't make me cry anymore.
When my mind glides by your amorous glow,
Our past no longer slows my rhythm.
You struck a chord, and our light diminished.
A musicians sword, cuts like a prism.
This prison I've put us in,
Is no longer fitting,
For rainbows arch too far from tradition,
And a white dress only fits on a ******.
It's urgent that,
I spell check my wording, cause
My inner workings are always flirting with
The idea of falling for you again.
1.0k · Nov 2016
LeV3e Nov 2016
Rotting as the Wheel turns
Watching as the fields burn
Flesh is falling down from heavens
Graces never known by man, but
Devils rip and tear at fire
Breathing smoke and
Hanging rope a'
Round my ankle cause I
Think its time to reconsider
Our positioning between
Reconciliation and...yet another *******.

Bet a dollar that you scream
When the seas all fill with cesium
Call the Father to the scene but
We can't clean up the chemical, so
I'll continue bleeding out my eyes
Eyes can't see their own demise
Look through me as we decay
Together in lifeless harmony.
1.0k · Nov 2016
Black Tar
LeV3e Nov 2016
I never thought you'd take it so far

A clever girl with spots running across

Your cheeks were pale this morning

It reeks of foul play and burning

Black tar bubbling on a hot summer

Days in the sun remind me of the

Night we soaked each other in liquor and

******* basements are chilly when

Your blood runs thin, the ink soaks skin

Needle ****** again and again but

This time you stayed asleep.

Rest in peace...old friend.
964 · Jan 2017
The Witch (Night Terrors)
LeV3e Jan 2017
Evil strung across her face, flaring
Yellow eyes glaring with
Hunger in her sparkling smile
Fangs protruding waiting
Ever so patiently...

Im in terror.
She promises the end of me
As I turn to flee, helplessly
Weightless as gravity fails
I flail fighting the sky, but
To no avail...

I am alone now.
Left in the scaffolding
Its baffling, what was she?!
I can still hear her laughing?!
Why not just **** me?
Was I not prey? More of just a play thing?
Maybe...but still
Way up here, alone...
Im as good as dead.
943 · Mar 2017
LeV3e Mar 2017
I opened my soul to you
Shared with you my dreams.
Now there's no escaping the loss
Not even in my sleep.
940 · Dec 2016
Midnight Apocalypse
LeV3e Dec 2016
Another night
Screen blaring bright
Blurry visions scurry across your mind
While out the window
Right before your eyes
Eclipsed by a mass of terrestrial size
The moon was consumed by
Purple hues and shadows...
The stars began to fall
I crawled across the floor
Never will I be who I was before
I called out to the sky
Why now, do we fight amongst ourselves?
In the audience of angels
And we parade with gunfire...not trumpets.
A mad man came to me.
His babble meant nothing, but he was not afraid?
Could he really be who saves me?
Or am I the real Fool here, still
Dreaming dreams?...
932 · Mar 2017
LeV3e Mar 2017
Do you believe in
Like the time you
Doubted in your mind
The existence of such
Frivolous things, but
The moment you stopped
To look at the clock,
God spoke to you
930 · Mar 2017
Open Ocean
LeV3e Mar 2017
Don't look so sad
You'll get lost at see
919 · Jan 2017
The Lovers Light
LeV3e Jan 2017
Running fingers over the ridges of your rib cage
Sliding gently down your spine
Feelings linger over the bridges of time and age
Your beautiful eyes are divine.

Tightly woven fabrics define your curvature
Patterns carve out your mind
Brightly colored magicks entwine our pleasure
Tattered edges by design.

Dreadlocks twisting like branches from a tree
Matted blonde bow ties.
The shock that kissing you causes in me
Goosebumps couldn't lie.

Our time here, together, is sacred to me
I pray for daily reminding
Our childhood fears doused in good company
The Lovers light is shining.
914 · Apr 2017
LeV3e Apr 2017
My mind is split between
A broken body or a
Good nights sleep...
A few more drinks
Or dimes on my check
Hickeys on my neck
Or ink on the paper
Cutting down trees, at least,
Puts money in the bank
I've got a sinking feeling, that
Sand's sliding beneath my feet
The reapers shadow cast
Upon the hour glass, so deceiving...
Had me believing that
I could escape mortality.
902 · Dec 2016
Star-crossed Lovers
LeV3e Dec 2016
Your touch sets my soul ablaze
Days with you under the Sun
Running across your face, the rays
Gazing at you, my hearts been won.
Stunning beauty has me in a daze
My crazed mind is overcome
Strung along on oxytocin, raised
Chemical levels...make me think Im in...

A complicated place and time
Rhymes only sound right when
Blended, words are whirling inside
Minds can be dangerous given
Again and again we've redefined
Humankind and our position within
A grim existence, alone besides
A light in space; behind your eyes...

Stars are watching us fall forever
Never before has this moment been
Seen through the eyes of a great beholder
Cleverly drawn out by cryptic men
Sin can't possibly be the measure
Treasure is weighed by scales within
Skin can feel a spectrum of colors, so
We suffer with pain, pleasure and passion.
892 · Aug 2016
Let's just be friends
LeV3e Aug 2016
She asked me, if we could still be
As if we ever really
were in the first place.
In this case, I forgot my heart on the night stand, and I
dropped the price I charge for a one night
Standing ovation going out to the
Fools chasing pyrite, it's alright cause,
In the lime light tequila takes your clothes off, and
though the night life soaks your soul, the salty rim leaves you thirsty for more.
There's no cure, for Levee, see
the ocean is where I'll always be, and
no matter how shallow it seems, depth will be the death of me... and our friendship.
875 · Dec 2016
The Ritual
LeV3e Dec 2016
Sitting by candle light
Fire in my eyes
The night is young,
Waxing moon is fruitful
Truthfully, we know
not what seeds shall bear, but
Be it thy Will,
It will be done.
873 · Sep 2016
LeV3e Sep 2016
If I could list off your flaws
I'd put my name at the top.
Not your acne, that doesn't bother me.
Not your shaggy hair, three days *****.

If I could pile up your shortcomings
I'd seat myself upon a throne.
Not your blissfully ignorant youth.
Not your wistfully exaggerated woes.

If I could collect all the darkness
I've ever witnessed in your acts
I'd keep it closest to my heart
Where my shadow holds onto addiction.

Despite our differences, my sweet sinner
That which makes you ugly, makes you human,
And if I am to ever love your ruin.
I'll learn to love my hate for blisters.
870 · Jun 2016
LeV3e Jun 2016
A part of me, now, wonders if you'll ever hear the last verse I wrote for you.
A part of me wonders, how we'll ever grow to be more than words on paper.
A part of me, starts to consider walking away from the past; But,
A part of me remembers the spell I cast was meant to last forever.
846 · Sep 2020
LeV3e Sep 2020
Oh god...
Please no, not this
Just breathe slowly and
Hopefully it'll go away, then
SHIVERS spark beads of sweat
The pain inside you'll never forget
Hot and cold, breathe in and out, then
   Oh God Why?? I'm
CH...Oking on my
       I n s i d e s
CO....UGH I can't FU....Cking breathe
My God is it ove.... Rrrrrrr...

Breathe... Just breathe
Spit and wipe the tears from your face
Sweat in my eyes burns like
The acid in my throat but
At least it's done...
At least I hope
827 · Jun 2016
Speak to me
LeV3e Jun 2016
Speak to me, like you did that night. Look at me, your eyes so bright. Walk with me, by pale moon light. Talk to me, we can make this right.

You are the Major to my minor, the roots to my leaves. You are the silver lining my mirror, you bring out the best in me. You are the fire to my water, the sky to my sea. You are the light that casts my shadow, you shine on the worst of me.

Speak to me again, I miss my friend. Look at me again, it doesn't have to end. Walk with me again, out on the sand. Talk to me again, I promise to you I'll make amends.

You are the Major to my minor, the roots to my leaves. You are the silver lining my mirror, you bring out the best in me. You are the fire to my water, the sky to my sea. You are the light that casts my shadow, you shine on the worst of me.

Carry on my dear, there's nothing to fear.
The road ahead appears before nimble minds and loving tears. Carry on my dear, I'll be waiting right here. Counting ahead the years drag every moment you're not here.

You are the Major to my minor, the roots to my leaves. You are the silver lining my mirror, you bring out the best in me. You are the fire to my water, the sky to my sea. You are light that casts my shadow, you shine on the worst of me.
I might turn this into a song, it's not often I flow into a format.
821 · Mar 2017
Purge/Ink Blotch
LeV3e Mar 2017
Grain by grain the sand
Fell through the sieve
You slipped through my hands
Your belief faltered

The pile stacked against you
No perceivable escape
This land becomes your tomb
Your body upon the alter

Ready to make the sacrifice
Nothing is gained if absent
Blood is mankind's truest vice,
But ink is the authors
807 · Mar 2017
Pharoh Monarch
LeV3e Mar 2017
I put blinders on my heart

to keep from bleeding out my mouth

all over the shoes of those too mummified to

feel the souls of their own feet anymore
782 · Nov 2016
LeV3e Nov 2016
I look inside and it is empty
Void of even atmosphere
A book written on black pages
No hope of escaping despair.
Infinite space, nothing really matters
Adam cast out into darkness
A blink of experience shatters
Death is the only constant.
Entropy devours my very soul
Physical bodies dividing us all
Universal laws fill the bowl
Until you see the water fall
Until you witness an atom bomb...
746 · Jan 2017
Another Day
LeV3e Jan 2017
Another day in the life
A shadow cast upon the earth
Cold atmosphere caresses your skin
Warm blood is the gift of birth
Iron flavor coats your tongue
Swallow the ***, for the next of kin
Begins again, and again, until
You learn life's final lesson.
730 · Oct 2016
LeV3e Oct 2016
Words...words, words
Words don't ******* work when your
Mind conducts the chorus ticking
Time distorts our memory until the
Image of ourselves is bleak and left
A lie, alone we shall only ever know
Not a single true thing that's happened...

I can't unlock the doors to my perception
Can't break the floor of my depression
The streets all pour out with indiscretion
Protesting our right to withhold confessions
This process wreaks havoc among friends...

They're just ******* sounds...
How niaeve of me to ever really believe that
I could get to know somebody.
To be deceived by my needs to
Exist socially among busy bees
But we're all just working.

Drinking on sweet honey
Lick her bottle neck when it drips
And don't worry darling when it stings
You're only getting the tip
You're only tasting your own buds
These grooves'll rub your toungue raw
And I saw the way you moved when
That vibration killed the mood and we
Lost the connection.
Inspired by a bad day and a good song
725 · Sep 2016
LeV3e Sep 2016
I named myself after the sweet moment
I saw you fall in love with innocence.
I became something more of a poet
In hopes that you'd notice my attempts at
I've devoted my title to the memory
Of you and me and the green water
Spring, bringing new life into being;
A gift unto me.
You wrought my art with a silver lining
Brought forth by my slurred wording
I was never worth dirt until the the day that
You refined me.
Tonight, though, Lilith has eclipsed our
Perceptions are limited by shadows I
Sense the time of reckoning upon us, though,
Thou shalt not change.
My goddess visited you in a nightmare
Still, I crave the taste of your blood
Fair warning, that with you harm my come,
So life's not fair.
It is time to bear witness to the
Grander scheme of things, that
Not everything you've always wanted
Is always meant to be.
724 · Jun 2017
LeV3e Jun 2017
100 poems in a year

100 thoughts in a second

100 bubbles in a beer

100 cracks in the cement

100 drops on a sheet

100 degrees in the summer

100 hits top the charts

100 stars can't solve hunger

100 reasons why we live

100 ways things could change

100 seasons blessings give

100 days and leaves fall again
709 · Aug 2016
LeV3e Aug 2016
You just want him because he doesn't want you.
What's the real difference between the two,
besides the fact that I tried and he doesn't want to.
On paper we put the same weight on the table, but
in your eyes his coating shines brighter than mine. It's like
a triangle who's legs can't connect, like a
parallel universe where lines intersect, but they
Never touch.
We can't get that intimate, you see,
we all know pain from the past, and the
lasting effect that vibrations leave when your
feelings grow too fast, and it
crashes and burns.
Back to dust, now I recognize what must have always been,
but another illusion woven on loves whim.
705 · Jul 2016
LeV3e Jul 2016
I'm ******* hurting
The pains here to stay
Only momentary lapses
In between memories.

So I set **** blazing
Smoke myself into a haze
Swallow brews 'till I'm dazed
I know my days are numbered.

Feeling crazed and starved of affection, as of late.
Seeking desperately for connection, my soul mate.
Trying my hardest ever, hoping, to cheat fate.
Yet, doubt looms in vacant spaces, and I always take the bait...
697 · Nov 2017
The Shadow of Death
LeV3e Nov 2017
Clocks turn and
Stars burn but
Out in space
Shouts are silent.

Man is violent.
**** and face
My demons
Rage is blazing.

Shake the cage.
Steal your age,
**** it and
Take if you must.

Just survive.
Alone rocks
Mountain tops
Are dust to Us.

Your Lord's speak.
Death and dark
Surround us,
No one escapes.
680 · Sep 2016
LeV3e Sep 2016
Everytime I close my eyes
I look to find the fire in the sky.
The light that burned your
Image to my mind forever more
I can still feel your lips on mine.
If I could go back in time,
And hold that moment with you
I'd stay in that World, and call it
The kingdom of heaven.
Can you remember what it was like?
When you touched my hand and
Walked into my arms, and
We kissed. Then we kissed again,
And I have never been that happy since.
My only wish is to remake that moment with you
Every single day, for
As long as I remain here,
Tied to this plane where
Time steals away my
Hopes for infinity.
669 · Aug 2016
LeV3e Aug 2016
Feel like I'm back to square one
Having a hard time with the lesson
Wrapped up in on myself like
Leaves lick the wind like
Trees ring within, despite
Drought, despite rain
It's like nothing ever really changes
Yet, things will never be the same....
666 · Aug 2023
Trace My Face
LeV3e Aug 2023
We are all so flawed that
When we attempt to trace
The face of divinity
The names scrawled frantically
Carving ink into our skin
All of our moral failings
The meaning lost in translation
Though we try again and again
Allah doesn't ring the same as
661 · May 2017
LeV3e May 2017
Hit me up when you need a man
Cause money only calls on killers
And if your paperwork's got a face on it
I won't sleep until Im DEAD.
660 · Mar 2017
Don't Tread On Me
LeV3e Mar 2017
You do me one, I'll do you worse
Not even Christ could lift the curse
Living lucifer might burn your church
You crucified your ****** birth
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