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2.2k · Jul 2021
Imprisoned in ice
Winter's eternal snowfall
In hallowed esteem
Haiku 3
1.5k · Oct 2020
Like A Waltzing Matilda
I've been wandering around, like a waltzing matilda.
From Fife in the lowlands, to the cliffs of St. Kilda.
Carrying my life, and all that it wills
Appalachia and plains, to the mighty Black Hills.
Trekking so far, exploring the Earth
Miles away, from the place of my birth.

From the land of the Scots, to the land of the Sioux
From familiar homes, to the places so new.
I'm wandering around, with so much to do.
In the land of the Gaels, to the land of Lakota,
I'm slinging around, like a waltzing matilda.
Lately, I've been trying to find a way to celebrate both my Highlander and Lakota ancestry, and I decided to try writing a poem about it. I hope you all like it
1.4k · Jul 2021
In the dead of night
When the sun is far away
All life starts anew
Haiku 2
1.3k · Aug 2021
Coming Home
What do you do with the anger you feel?
What do you do with sadness so real?

I saw my home in the greater distance
A sight on the path of least resistance

What do you do when your home is always moving?
What do you do when you lose all your footing?

Together we walk the road we've never been
To find that hope on the far horizon

Hand in hand, walking toward the distant blue
I ask of this: let me come home to you.
I'm coming home.
1.1k · Jul 2021
This frozen hellscape
Where winter cries forever
A glacier of tears
Haiku 8
1.1k · Jul 2021
Your Wing
Sheltered in your wing
A bloom renewed for my heart
Fly on, my bluebird.
Haiku 4
894 · Jul 2021
Breathe the winter air
In the soft of the moonlight,
to take in new life.
Haiku 1
786 · Jul 2021
Of stone, ice, and wind.
Standing proud against the world,
Myriads of stone.
Haiku 5
784 · Jul 2021
Feathers fall to Earth
At the request of the heart
A gift from angels
Haiku 10
658 · Jul 2021
Leave me an echo
Your spirit etched in fire
Crystalline ashes.
Haiku 6
601 · May 2020
I Loved You At Your Darkest
I loved you at your darkest
You only loved me at my brightest
Your silent tears were an illusion
As you devoured me until depletion
A thousand curses on the hands which broke me
And a thousand curses on the ones which you see
You will never forsake me again.

Bha gaol agam ort aig an àm as dorcha
Cha robh gaol agad orm ach aig an ìre as soilleire
B 'e manadh a bh' anns an deòir sàmbach agad
Fhad 's a bha thu gam ithe gus an robh mi air falbh
Mìle mallachd air na làmhan a bhuail mi
Agus mìle mallachd air na fheadainn a chi thu
Cha trèig thu mi a-chaoidh truilleadh
We’re standing together now, under the light of our winter moon.
Standing proud, for the love we will share begins soon.
I see your face, shining, with that certain celestial light.
You’ve brought back my hope to glow eternally bright.
Unattested, you have answered my call; all I’ve been praying.
And I’ll always cherish this peace and the love you’ve been saying.
You’ve filled the gaps, sitting idly inside my heart.
It’s been longing for you, all this time we’ve been apart.
I will cherish this life we’ll have, so you can be closer to me.
And for the greatness, we’ll share, growing endlessly.
I want nothing more than to face this all, together.
And the chance we have to start our “happily ever after.”


Acum stăm împreună, sub lumina lunii noastre de iarnă.
Stând mândru, pentru dragostea pe care o vom împărtăși începe curând.
Îți văd fața, strălucind, cu acea anumită lumină cerească.
Mi-ai adus înapoi speranța de a străluci etern luminos.
Neatestat, mi-ai răspuns apelului; tot ce m-am rugat.
Și voi prețui întotdeauna această pace și dragostea pe care ai spus-o.
Mi-ai umplut golurile, stând în inima mea.
Mi-a fost dor de tine, în tot acest timp am fost separați.
Voi prețui această viață pe care o vom avea, astfel încât să puteți fi mai aproape de mine.
Și pentru măreția pe care o vom împărtăși, crescând la nesfârșit.
Nu vreau altceva decât să fac față tuturor, împreună.
Și șansa pe care o avem de a începe “fericit pentru totdeauna.”
English and Romanian
542 · May 2020
Across the Western Ocean
My home is now silent, and I have taken to those haunting waves
To set forth upon new land, and to find you, the woman of maebh.*

We come from different worlds, locked together in constant motion,
But I'm determined to embrace you, even from across the western ocean.

I'll sail across the world for you, even if the journey sends me to Hell.
It merely took one glance and I was immediately under your spell.

Like a siren's call, you pulled me in from a world away.
To arrive at you safely, I can only hope and pray.

And someday soon, when this coffin ship meets the shore
Hand in hand, together, in this new life, we will explore.

Day after day of this journey, we long for our first embrace,
But until then, I will be guided by your enchanting grace.
*(may-v) Gaelic word for someone who is alluring.
513 · Aug 2021
I'll reach for you when my soul cries
I'll hold you up when the waters rise
Can I come to you if I lose my sight?
Will you be the brightness, and the light?
I have a special place in this heart for you
Endless, with a hope for the greatest truth
All my prayers were answered when you came
You've shown me that two hearts can be the same
I'll always cherish you in any way I can
By yourside, forever, your faithful man.
504 · Aug 2020
Untitled (August 10th)
I have removed the multitudes of my humanity
To reveal myself to the cosmos as a celestial entity
A formless being, or merely just a vessel of knowing
Into the myriad of thought, my primordial self is showing
Stream of consciousness
495 · Jul 2021
Sadness has freed me
Sow a scar upon my face
Release me from dark
Haiku 7
472 · Jul 2021
Therapy and hope
Never losing my spirit
Still alive, for you.
Haiku 11
Tha cuimhne agam air an latha fliuch sin;
An latha a thòisich thu a 'tathaich orm.
**** thu aon sùil, agus leag thu mi leis na sùilean sin.
Thuirt thu aon fhacal, agus thuit mi ann an gaol.
Beannaichidh mi an latha a lorg thu mi;
Agus beannaichidh mi an latha a thig sinn gu bhith na aon.

I remember that rainy day;
the day you first [began haunting] me.
You took one look, and leveled me with those eyes.
You said one word, and I instantly [become infatuated].
I will bless the day you found me;
And I will bless the day we become one.
Some things get lost in translation; feelings do not.
465 · Jul 2021
All the birds soaring
Together in harmony
Bringers of life's hope
Haiku 9
Ever since I was born, I was placed in between two empty fields of darkness.
Empty, soulless planes of nihil that eternally stab me with endless sharpness.
I was once nothing for an eternity before I appeared in this form in this life.
And I'll be nothing once again after I finally rescind my last breath in strife.
A dead soul who is condemned to repeat the failures of a failed history,
A silent voice unable to express bitter resentment for living years of misery.
This frigid air of the funeral wind is penetrating my barren, lifeless skin.
I was lured into this life by promises of joy; albeit, joys that I could never win.
Sometimes I can use depression for motivation.
452 · Jun 2020
Our Shadows (Ar Faileas)
I'll hold you in my dreams until our first day.
I don't know your face, but I know your presence.
My heart has been yours since you first caressed my cheek
But seas between us have made me grow weary;
Will time be on our side?
Or will our shadows forever fade with the sunset?

Cumaidh mi thu na aislingean mi gus a' chiad latha againn
Chan eil mì eòlach air d' aghaidh, ach tha fios agam air do lathaireachd.
Tha mo chridhe air a bhith leatsa bho bhuail thu mo ghruaidh an toiseach
Ach tha cuantan eadar sinn air mo dhèanamh sgìth;
Am bi ùine air ar taobh?
No am bi na faileasan againn gu bràth a 'dol fodha le dol fodha na grèine?
Someday, I'll find you.
O plimbare cu tine sub cer deschis
În timp ce drumul nostru de mai jos sa bazează pe stimă

Când mă privești cu ochii tăi de Egee
Simt căldura ta îmi influențează visele

Un sfert de secundă a fost tot ce a fost nevoie
Să știu că nu aș fi niciodată la fel

Începând această călătorie, o nouă pagina pentru cartea noastră
Pentru că deocamdată va rămâne doar seninătatea
A walk with you under open skies,
As a path below rests in august esteem.

When you look at me with those Aegean eyes,
I can feel your warmth influence my dreams.

A quarter of a second was all it took
To know I’d no longer be the same

Beginning this journey, a new page in our book
Because for now, only serenity will remain.
428 · May 2020
To A Phantom
I'm beginning to think my wisdom is failing me
because that single voice was enough to set me free
Since I last felt this way, it's been months, it's been ages
She merely looked at and has written her name in my pages

I hope to see the day when the horizon is ours, if only for a while
I'd follow your phantom-like path for endless miles
But maybe one day, once again, if it comes to light, what should be
Whether in this world or the next, I'll feel her close to me
Dated: 4-14-2015
This was originally meant to be song lyrics, but I changed it up a bit.
406 · Jun 2021
A Part Of You
Forever now, a part of me is a part of you
Embedded in your soul, and your heart too.

I found you nestled in a constellation of stars
Putting back the pieces of your broken heart.

You’ve buried your tears everywhere you’ve gone
Hoping to see a new light by the break of dawn

Your shattered self can build back up again
In a new spring, soaring, like a beautiful wren

Gazing proud, like a sacred evergreen
Forever now, a part of you is a part of me.


Pentru totdeauna, o parte din mine face parte din tine
Înglobat în sufletul tău și în inima ta.

Te-am găsit cuibărit într-o constelație de stele
Punând la loc bucățile inimii tale sparte.

Ți-ai îngropat lacrimile oriunde ai mers
Sperând să vedem o nouă lumină până la zorii zorilor

Sinele tău spulberat poate fi reconstruit
Într-o nouă primăvară, în creștere, ca un wren frumos

Arătând mândru, ca un sacru veșnic verde
Pentru totdeauna, o parte din tine face parte din mine.
You were a ghost in my arms; a phantom in my bed.
I swear you had no reflection as if you were dead.
This affair’s death was inevitably beginning to show.
Chaos was in my heart, but emptiness was in your shadow.
Even though you walked like a lioness in her pride,
There was a vacuum of sorrow in my insides.
Internally, it was a cascade of dark, no-void form.
But externally, you were the one who brought the storm.
You forever etched your image across my skyline.
But alas, the sun is gone, and your image has died.

Bha thu an thaibhse an mo ghàirdeanan; taibhse na mo leabdaidh.
Tha mi a’ mionnachadh nach robh sgàthan agad; mar na mairbh.
Bha bàs an daimbh seo gu cinnteach a ‘toiseachadh a’ nochdabh.
Bha gealtach nam chridhe, ach bha falambh nad sgàil.
Eadhon ged a choisich thu mar uaill an leòmhann.
Bha mi làn bròn nam broinn.
Taobh a-staigh, gleann de chruth dorcha gun bheàrn
Ach air an taobh a-muigh, b ‘e thusa a-thig an stoirm.
Tha thu gu bràth air do ìomhaigh a dhèanamh thairis air faire agam.
Ach, thig a lorg, tha a ‘ghrian air falbh, agus tha an ìomhaigh agad air bàsachadh.
354 · Jan 2021
Oceanul a fost creat pentru noi
Norii ne-au copiat lacrimile, și au cântat.
Pașii noștri au răsunat bătăile inimii Pământului
În timp ce mergeam de-a lungul țărmurilor sale de toamnă
Și chiar și atunci când ne îmbrățișăm
Am nevoie so fii mult mai aproape
The ocean was made created for us
Clouds copied our tears and sang along.
Our footsteps echoed the Earth's heartbeat
As we walked along its autumnal shores
And even when we embrace,
I need you so much closer.
My first poem in Romanian.
Tha 's e seallad air beulaibh orm
Thàinig sin o na h-ainglean
Tha cuibhlichean na h-ùine air stad dhuinn
Mar a ràinig sinn an am seo ann an ùine
Oir mar as fhaisg a tha mi ort
Mar as fhaisg a tha mi air neambh


There is a view in front of me
That came from the angels
The wheels of time have stopped for us
As we approach this moment in time
Because the closer I am to you,
the closer I am to heaven.
Thank you to my muse for the inspiration.
320 · May 2020
The Tower (An Tùr)
I am waiting in a tall gray tower,
Whose shadow is as dark as your heart.
And every time I look out on the land,
I pray for the wind to bring you to me
So that we can be healed here together,
And this tower will touch the hands of God.

Tha mi a 'feitheamh ann an tùr àrd liath,
Tha a sgàil cho dorcha ri do chridhe.
Agus a h-uile uair choimheadas mi a-maich air an fhearann,
Guidheam gun toir a 'ghaoth thu thugam
Mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a shlànachadh an seo còmhla
Agus ruigidh an tùr seo làmhan Dhè.
I wish I had said this before the darkness fell
Shrouding me in doubt before secrets I could tell
But time; oh dear, time cares not for what we do
And someday maybe, time will bring me back to you.
I can only imagine what goes on behind your stare
For when I'm lost in the shadows, I can only hope you're there.

Tha mi a ’guidhe gun robh mi air seo a ràdh mus do thuit an dorchadas.
A ’còmhdach teagamh orm mus b’ urrainn dhomh mo dhìomhaireachd innse.
Ach ùine. Ò Mo chreach. Chan eil ùine a ’gabhail cùram mu na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Agus is dòcha uaireigin, bheir ùine mi thugad
Chan urrainn dhomh ach smaoineachadh air na tha a ’dol air cùl do shealladh
Oir nuair a tha mi air chall anns na faileasan, chan urrainn dhomh ach a bhith an dòchas gu bheil thu ann.
301 · May 2020
Spirited Away
Bidh beatha a leantainn, eadhon às deidh bàs
Dh'ionnsaich thu dhomh sin mar a gabh thu d' anail mu dheireadh
Gus am buail an solas orm, fuirichidh mi ann an spiorad
Oir nad chridhe, fuirichidh mi as fhaisge ort
Nuair a thig an solas sin air an latha mu dheireadh agam
Bidh mi còmhla ruit nuair a bhios mi air falbh.

Life carries on, even after death.
You taught me that as you took your last breath
Until the light takes me, I will remain in spirit
For in your heart, I will remain the nearest.
When that light comes on my last day,
I will be with you as I'm spirited away.
292 · Aug 2020
The Last Sigh of the Wind
For too long I've kneeled in the tragedy of this forest floor.
My barren skin, representing the ages of perceived insignificance.
I'd ask this sacred to give me my strength, if only once more
Before I forget who I am and become yet another agent of pestilence.
The truth is revealing itself, and we are in the aftergloom.
Like prey, we're endlessly approaching the darkest of funeral moons.
The preachers promise us blissful, eternal life after death
Yet they cherish nothing of Earth in the very same breath.
Every step further is a step walking on eminent fields of grief.
I pray the spirits to take me away, peacefully, to the golden sleep.
My last hope for man is to ask forgiveness for all they've sinned
Before the light takes us, and we feel the last sigh of the funeral wind.
A wish for humanity.
Will the moment comes when we will be together,
arm in arm, embraced as we dance until the morning?

Listening to the songs of the western ocean;
a kiss upon my cheek while on you, my sacred colors adorning.

We embrace and reflect on the first glance of each others' eyes
While the earth below us is illuminated by endless, starry skies.

I never want this moment to end; entwined by land and sea.
I will bless the very day you first glanced at me.

And if the sun fades forever, and our souls become blue,
In this world or in the next, I swear, I will never abandon you.


An tig am mionaid nuair a bhios sinn còmhla;
gàirdean air a ghabhail a-steach agus sinn a 'dannsa gu madainn?

Ag èisteachd ri caol a 'chuain an iar;
pòg air mo ghruaidh, fhad 's a tha e ort, mo dhathan naomh a' sgeadachadh.

Bidh sinn a 'gobhail ri agus meòrachadh air a 'chiad sealladh de shùilean a chèile
tha an talamh gu h-ìosal air a shoilleireachadh le speuran gun stad.

Chan eil mi a-riamh ag iarraidh gun tig an ire seo gu crìch, air a cheangle le fearann is muir
Beannaichidh mi an dearbh latha a choimead thu orm an toiseach

Agus ma tha a 'ghrian a' dol fodha gu bràth agus ar n-anaman a' 'fas gorm
Anns an t-saoghal seo no an ath rud, tha mi a 'mionnachadh cha trèig mi thu gu bràth
288 · Aug 2020
I See Nothing But Eternity
We were both born in the same, ethereal motion.
Endlessly searching for the banks of a distant ocean.

You are the peace of mind that for years, I’ve yearned for.
You are the gentle waves that caress my endless shore.

Sing to me, my love, your swansong song against the skyline.
Embrace me, my dear, so that our stars begin to align.

The sand beneath our feet, and the wind in our hair,
As if you were the answer to my continuous prayer.

If in some beautiful way, you’ve brought what the stars foretold,
Then no one can ever take the spot in my heart that you hold.

And in this life, or in the next, I’ll have you lay forever with me.
When I look at the soul you possess, I see nothing but eternity.
For you.
It's okay that you've lost your light; maybe it was never yours to begin with. Maybe you never had a light of your own. But it's okay. You're in good company. I know the deepest things about you without even knowing you.

I don't know your name, but I know how much you craved to have someone else know it.
I don't know your voice, I know how horrible you felt when someone ignored it.
I don't know what you do for a living, but I know the hurt you felt to have your dreams ridiculed by people didn't see your potential.

You might not see very well, but you can see eternity.
You might not sing very well, but you express your soul better than anyone.

But I don't know everything about you:

The remnants of your heart that are still missing; the hours of anxiety and uncertainty; the night you so desperately craved to have someone there to hold you; or how it felt the receive the last goodbye from the person you once thought was your soul mate.

When it was all said and done, you felt like you were defective. But really, it was them. They saw delusion where you saw dreams. They saw a freak when you saw creativity. They saw darkness when you saw light.

You didn't lose your light. You just needed to change the bulb.
This was originally a short spoken-word piece.
283 · Aug 2020
I'll Be Your Dancer
I heard your call, and I immediately ran,
To hold you close, and to hold your hand.

We stand together now, by our sky-blue sea,
With no more angst, our souls forever fly free.

And when you call, I swear I will answer.
And when you sing, I’ll be your dancer.

By all the stars, our dreams will come true.
Upon your whim, I’ll be beside you.

So in this moment, make your wish, my dear,
And whisper your grace, forever, in my ear.


Chuala mi do ghairm, agus ruith mi sa bhad,
Gus do chumail dlùth, agus do làmh a chumail.

Tha sinn a ’seasamh còmhla a-nis, ri taobh na mara speur-ghorm againn,
Leis nach eil barrachd angst ann, bidh ar n-anaman gu bràth a ’sgèith an-asgaidh.

Agus nuair a dh ’iarras tu, tha mi a’ mionnachadh gum freagair mi.
Agus nuair a bhios tu a ’seinn, bidh mi nam dannsair agad.

Leis na reultan air fad, thig ar aislingean gu buil.
Air do chuim, bidh mi ri do thaobh.

Mar sin anns an àm seo, dèan do mhiann, a ghràidh,
Agus seinn do ghràs, gu bràth, na mo chluasan
Another poem with a Gaelic twist.
271 · May 2020
Fàidh Cridhe
I originally wrote this in my native language, Scottish Gaelic. Both the English and Gaelic versions are here.

My beloved, my darling,
Do you have a new heart?
I have one for you.
Early last morning,
My heart was saved from the
seven elements of the storms
Because dreaming is the only way
that I can see you,
My beloved, my darling.

Fàidh Cridhe

A ghràidh, m'eudail,
A bheil cridhe ùr agam?
Tha fear agam dhut.
Moch maduinn air latha roimhe
Thogadh mo chridhe
Side non seachd sian
Bhitinn a'cadal gu math a-noch
Is bruadar an aon dòig
A chi mi thu,
A ghràidh, m'eudail.
257 · May 2020
Ye Brave and Bold Robert
A man with secrets known only to him and God,
he walks along the machair with pride.

He's unbothered by the ghosts of the waves and water
because his destiny lies on the shore's other side.

A brave and bold young man with dreams of a better life,
he's now begun to put this goal in motion.

One more drink at the Rosie Tavern before he goes
to say goodbye to the friends and men he knew so dear

Or maybe one more walk around the neighborhood
to say farewell to the family he held so near.

Come aboard the ship, ye brave and bold young Robert,
for there's a fortune to be made across that western ocean.

You'll be leaving behind memories of that coal burnt town,
but pay no mind to the darkness that'll be falling.

When songs of the old country bring tears to your eyes
think only of your strength; your legacy is calling.

Ye brave and bold Robert, you'll have all the fortunes you can see
Ye brave and bold Robert, you'll break the shackles of poverty.
For my grandfather.
Madainn mhath, mo bhanrigh. Dhùisg d’anam mi.
Fhad ‘s a chaidil sibh ri mo thaobh,
Bha ‘s a’ faireachdainn mi fhin nad bhruadar.
Ach bha mi nas toilichte nuair a dhùisg sibh
Leis gu bheil beatha nas fheàr na na sinn a ‘bruadar còmhla

Good morning, my queen. Your soul woke me up.
While you slept beside me,
I felt myself in your dream.
But I was happier when you woke up
Because life better than what we dreamed.
238 · Jun 2020
I Dream of Eden
I dreamt of Eden; I dreamt of you.

I dreamt of your radiance
And of your ethereal elegance.

You're the light at the end of my tunnel,
and you're the silencer of my storms

I never thought I could witness such grace
With such an eternal, celestial form.

But when I next close my eyes,
and when all my fear subsides,

I'll dream of Eden. I'll dream of you.
219 · May 2020
The Storm
I was greeted early by your oncoming storm
A whirlwind with a violent, turbulent swarm.

Through the power of spirit, we will end your suffering
Endless thoughts of chaos will cease their fluttering

I see you there; I know you're fighting
Beyond the walls, beyond the lightning.

I can't hold you right now, like I know I should be
But keep on fighting until I can bring you close to me

Our days will be golden; they can never be taken away
As soon as your souls collide, I promise, I'll make everything okay
219 · Aug 2020
The Raven and The Dove
I am a raven, flying high above this open canyon.
And you; you are a dove, awaiting your endearing companion.

It's easy to see that there's a fire that burns in your heart,
But what can I, the raven, do to just have a single part?

I'll scour near or far away land to bring you stalks of heather.
I'll keep you warm at night, with each of my darkened feathers.

But you wouldn't accept it.

Sadly, it's none of these features of which I speak
Or any of the treasures around this mountain peak.

Because anything I can give you, from below or from above
Just emphasizes that I am too broken for your love

And no matter how hard I try, when push comes to shove,
This sickly raven doesn't deserve the heavenly dove.
I am the raven. She is the dove.
215 · Jul 2020
Beneath the august sky fire
She had spoken her peace and sang her swansong to the horizon of time.

With a shallow voice, the echo of her humanity rang back before the great silence crept in.

From this oaken knoll, she etched her spirit in a pillar of autumnal grace upon the golden sky.

Which began away layers of her existence as the wind carried her soul into the ethereal realm.

And beneath this august sky fire, I began to see all life plateau on the far away ridge.

Alas, the sun began to set forever and took with her, the austere essence of her life.

From which of these pillars will I celebrate her ending call? From whence will I call upon her soul?

The pillars of her spirit are now eternally coalesced into being, and all life has faded from her lips.

Until the final days of this existence, we will forever walk these hallways of haunted spirits.
189 · May 2020
The Strength of a Storm
You have the strength of a storm, but the fear of a child.
You're stuck in a rut, yet you yearn to be wild.

Every mistake you've made just won't seem to leave,
But have faith in yourself; you just have to believe.

You've slid into a funk that you just can't explain
It's okay though; not everyone understands your pain.

You have a lot of love to give, but not right away.
Have patience for what will be in your coming day.

When night falls, and you lie there forever awake,
No more will you cry for someone else's sake.

You will emerge stronger than all the storms on Earth
And find someone who understands your true worth.
176 · Jan 2021
Have Faith In Me
Thoir dhomh do làmh, a ghràidh
agus chan eil sinn nar n-aonar tuilleadh.

Chan eil sinn a ’faireachdainn dubh an t-saoghail
Leis nach eil sinn nar n-aonar tuilleadh.

A ’roinneadh gàire gun chrìoch,
Còmhla ann an cuantan gun chrìoch.

Biodh creideamh agad anns a ’chothrom ******>Biodh creideamh agad annam.


Give me your hand, my darling
and we’re no longer alone.

We don’t feel the melancholy of the world
Because we’re no longer on our own.

To share in infinite laughs,
Together in endless oceans

Have faith in this chance
Have faith in me
I watched you dancing in the sunset, on an ocean shore made for an angel.
You danced like it was your happiest day, without the emotions so painful.

Like a ghost in my arms, I felt you slowly fade away into the far-plane.
With every second passing, you melted away, and only your memories remain.

And now I walk along the empty shores where our love would frolic and sing,
But that has left us both, and flown away with you on your broken wing.

I'm now condemned to walk this shore alone, without your accompanying guidance,
And I'm forever haunted by your ghost who wanders this ocean of endless silence.
I'm sorry.
160 · Jun 2020
But then you left
I remember that day - the last day I'd ever speak to you. I sat eagerly, waiting for you to respond to me. You told me you would call me that night, but you never did. For the whole day, I had my phone on me, just in case some miracle happened. 

I sat there, waiting, but I'm not entirely sure why. Deep down, I knew you'd never respond. But unfortunately, that's why this letter is so blue. I didn't want our last conversation to ever end.

I wish I could have comforted you when you were sad, and I wish I could have solved all of your problems. I know you're probably feeling guilt over how you treated me. I accept it. It's okay.

In the short time that I knew you, the world stopped spinning. I think that's probably why I don't want to let go; for a time, I could talk to myself through you. You reflected all of my thoughts.

The hardest realization was that this wasn't the dream I was dreaming of; it wasn't the start of the story I wanted to tell people years from now. But when I got up and accepted this, there was a spark of something.

From this short time, I learned that I am still capable of being loved. That I'm still capable of caring for people. That I'm still worthy of someone's time. And that someone is still out there who can do that for me.

It's time to let go, but I'm not ready yet. I don't want to, not for my sake, but for yours. I wanted to give you the world, and I tried, but the world I was prepared to give just wasn't suited for you, at least for the time being.

I'm still waiting on that call you promised me.

I waited, but then you left.
I'm sorry. I'll see you around.
158 · Jul 2020
Wherever You Are
With every broken hope, I swear I'll stay to wipe your eyes,
And you won't have to hide behind some fake disguise

The smile that you carry brightens up the world and makes it shine
I'd give up every single thing to wake up one day and call you mine

Wherever you are I'd do anything just to hear your voice
Maybe we're crazy but no one has to understand our choice

I'll sing you anything you'd ever want on this guitar
You'll remember all my songs when we are so far

But still, from this point, you're my life's greatest mystery
I'm trying my best to understand just what you are to me

I promise that one of these days I'll pay our bills with my words
And we can run and sing together with the birds
158 · Jun 2021
Un Sfert de Secondă
A walk with you under open skies,
As a path below rests in august esteem.

When you look at me with those Aegean eyes,
I can feel your warmth influence my dreams.

A quarter of a second was all it took
To know I’d no longer be the same

Beginning this journey, a new page in our book
Because for now, only serenity will remain.


O plimbare cu tine sub cer deschis
În timp ce drumul nostru de mai jos sa bazează pe stimă

Când mă privești cu ochii tăi de Egee
Simt căldura ta îmi influențează visele

Un sfert de secundă a fost tot ce a fost nevoie
Să știu că nu aș fi niciodată la fel

Începând această călătorie, o nouă pagina pentru cartea noastră
Pentru că deocamdată va rămâne doar seninătatea
143 · Jan 2021
Against the Crimson Sky
Our walls are burning against the crimson sky.
Both of our shadows are slowly becoming one.

Your hand in my hand, your soul in my eye.
Our days are forever, unlike this dying sun.

Embrace it now, for it will always live on
And it will be the light of a new day’s dawn.

No longer lost in the dark eons of time
You’ve painted this hope across the burning skyline.
I hope you know who you are.
109 · Jan 2021
I could almost feel you as I dreamt last night.
But with each step closer, you got further and further.

— The End —