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Jun 2019 · 427
I'm Not Young
G Rog Rogers Jun 2019
I'm not young anymore
but I am not old yet
My youth now gone
but I believe well spent

Paid in full
returned with interest
To obtain the treasure of rich
and wondrous life experience.

Holding dear the absolute
enchantment of living
and the time that might yet still remain

Embracing the joyous moments and memories
of the sweetest glorious reminisce

May 2018 · 723
Untitled Quip Quote
G Rog Rogers May 2018
Almost is not
near enough.

Feb 2018 · 509
-February 17 (03-18)
G Rog Rogers Feb 2018
To Whom it may concern;

Today marks fifteen years
that have come and gone
since you left me there alone

Now I have made my way
back up to where together
We once belonged

But still I will probably
die of a broken heart
The broken heart
You left me to endure
all along.



Jan 2018 · 647
-December 31
G Rog Rogers Jan 2018
To Whom it may concern;

Do You remember
that last night
in December?

Thirty years ago today
I found You the love of my life
We shared a beautiful journey
Filled with wonderful moments
of the greatest grandeur of sublimity.


We together.

Nothing will ever be as good.
We were still then young.

Now We are growing old.
Never can we be young
and in love again.

Goodbye my Love.


Jan 2018 · 593
-Untitled Prayer
G Rog Rogers Jan 2018
A heart of Love
A heart of Hope
A heart of Devotion
unto God above

Grant me this Lord
and life restored
Guide My thoughts
My words My way
All then unto Thee

I then seeking the blessing
that righteous virtue
may achieve
Knowing through Your
will for me
is that place where
there then is all I seek

A heart of Love
A heart of Hope
A heart of Devotion
that Almighty God
holds from above.


Jan 2018 · 464
-Every Beat Counts
G Rog Rogers Jan 2018
The Human heart has about
3 billion beats at 72 beats
a minute average.
About 37,843,200
Heartbeats per year.
To reach 80 years old
Your heart must beat
3,027,456,000 times
on average.

Every Heartbeat Counts!
Make it Matter.
Dec 2017 · 587
-Impromptu Rendezvous
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
I'd like to plan a chance
impromptu rendezvous
with you

Meet Me near the Beach
by the cannon
at the top of the cliff
That overlooks the pier
and the Ferris Wheel

Just before sunset
To watch the Sun
meet the glistening sea
Sighing in the reflections
To enjoy the moment
of just We between

We can then
stroll the pier
and surely ride
the Ferris Wheel
With all the colors
of the dazzling night
lights ablaze

In the cool of night
We will walk
alone together
and touch that
perfect semblance
of the Devine surreal

We can then
have a cup of coffee
or share a glass of wine
along the Promenade
As We speak of
happiness transpired

The moments gently pass
Then We part with
a hopeful glance
That there is much
more still between Us

Content in a
beautiful evening
well shared

I'd like to plan a chance
impromptu rendezvous
with You.

Meet Me...


Dec 2017 · 615
-Our Last Poem
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
I lifted you up
As you raised
Our life higher
To a place much finer
than when We found
each other

Surely We had
Our struggles
Still the time was
Ours to hold
And We held it
Oh so well

We lived and
were so alive
Contentment then
Our blessing
and Our prize
Love then true
in a world
wholly Devine

Surely then it was
good for you
To have someone
who loved you so
To feel you were
the most precious
And your life dear
would always hold

You and me
We had it made
With a blessing
for Us between
All We touched
turned to goodness
Our life achieving
the best of all
Our dreams

We lost Our Blessing
somewhere there
And it was all Our fault
We lost the magic
beyond chemistry
that requires the
touch of God

Now We know
what it's like
a blessing
once to hold
Then to know
Our precious blessing
was then lost
and truly broke

Sadly now
You are an Angel fallen
Further than the
worst of all fears
To a place
I've never seen before
To a place that
I've never been

Still I will probably
love you forever Baby
or at least that's
the way it seems.


Dec 2017 · 466
-Running Wild Horses
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
The Wild Horses in my heart
rampage in Remembrance
of what you once then were

There's running
wild horses
in my spirit
and my soul
Stampeding on
Running still

So I'll get a ranch
in California
Run Wild Horses
free upon the range
Tame them each
and all by Summer
by December rain

So God please
Bless all the
Wild Horses
That We together
once did ride

Even still I bless
You Baby
All the days
of my life.


Dec 2017 · 390
In All Thy Ways
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
In the darkness
we see the stars

In Our worst of moments
the dawn of Hope is obscure

Yet even then to persevere
for God is near and never far
Waiting to be acknowledged
for the life given and
the life restored

Even in that
the darkest moment
When the tide
sweeps all away

The lowest ebb
is the turn of the tide
unto the break of
a brand new day

It's so much colder
and the night is darkest
in the final moments
just before dawn

As God stands on
there beside you
And you He has
once again saved.

"In all thy ways
acknowledge Him
and He shall
direct thy paths"


Quote from;
The Holy Bible (KJV)

Dec 2017 · 590
-To Know Her
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
To know Her was to love Her
To love Her was to show Her
all that then We together
could become to be

Then to be a loving couple
in the subtle settled company
of life's contented sublimity

All reason to
that purpose of the flame
that would sustain us.

Dreaming on
that life would always be
as it once then was
In the wondrous beauty
of Love's light of life

Still to know Her
was to love Her
To love Her
was to show Her
what once back when
We together became to be.


Dec 2017 · 393
Untitled 22
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017

is the mother

of Destruction.

Dec 2017 · 370
-A Prayer for an Angel
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
I knew an Angel once
She was captured in the war

The music was my own
Her song she sang alone

I prayed to forever hold her hand
To forever be her loving man

Her home was far away
Just where I could not stay

God bless her as she sleeps
Please bless her as she awakes
Bless her as she walks
Keep trouble far away

Lord bless her when she cries
and whisper all the whys
Please hold her closely
in your arms
Please keep her safely
from all harm

As the time has past us by
Still it was joy to love her
for awhile

Dear God I beg you please
always bless the goodness
of the Angel who used to be.


Dec 2017 · 450
Untitled Quip Quote
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017

Ignorance can be cured

Stupidity is terminally fatal.

Nov 2017 · 420
-Looking Back
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Me at that oak table
Sitting on that couch
There in that room
of what was then
Our house

You on the loveseat
There by my side
We then together
in grandeurs
warm light

There is where
the good the bad
and the beautiful

Supposing all the tomorrows
were held within Our hand
The days then were precious
Now sadly never again

As I remember
how it all went
I think of you
lovely as an Angel
from Heaven sent

My eyes cannot see
through all of the tears
Thinking back on
the best of of Our life
of those most wonderful years

Since you've been gone
I must you then now tell
I'll see you in Heaven
because I've already
been there in Hell.


Nov 2017 · 425
-Of Fear and Death
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
I have no real fear of death
Yet no welcome there will be
For while I live I am alive
and there then within
my heart of hearts
is the greatest
love of life

Every moment
to then make precious
Every memory
to then hold dear

All the beautiful expectations
of all the wonderful tomorrow's
All the overwhelming hope
of all that still remains

Let death occur
as God has chosen
I then resisting
until the final end

I have no real fear of death
Yet no welcome there will be
For while I live I am alive
And there then within
my heart of hearts
is the greatest
love of life.


Nov 2017 · 710
-The Blessed Curse
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
-Lyrix (Hard Rock)

Yes and No
and maybe even so
seems that's all
these people
will ever know

They live their lives
inside the walls they build
and they fill them full of their lies

**** their brothers
for a piece of dirt
oh they scratch and groan
I hope that your not hurt

Life it takes
it's toil over me
when all I am
cries out to be free
I feel it's weight
pushing down
from above

It's the bless-ed curse
of eternal love
It's the bless-ed curse
The bless-ed curse
The bless-ed curse
of you.

I want to write
upon the sky
I want to slip
into the dawn

I want to see
your love crashing
all around
I want to love you true
I want to take you down

I will stand and wait
in the darkest tide
I will love you still
until the very day I die

It's the bless-ed curse
The bless-ed curse
The bless-ed curse
of once loving you.



G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Waiting is not my vocation
Patience then not my forte
I could say I've been
standing in the rain forever
But the Sun always shines
in LA

I hear there's an LA Woman
Maybe here is where
She again will appear
The clouds blew through
for just a few seconds
But here in LA
all the skies are
bright blue
sunny and clear

They say She lives
by the ocean
She walks barefoot
in the sand by the sea
Behind Her ear
there's a flower
All then take notice
of She

Her whispers
barely but silent
resound throughout all
conscious thought
Her aura is of love and passion
hoping and never to be lost

There is an LA Woman
The wind makes a carriage
for Her grace
She smiles as if
by Her magic
the moments of
Her movements
are blessed

I will wait
a little bit longer
An hour or maybe
much more
Where minutes
cascade into later
Until again Her beauty
is once more revealed

Waiting is not my vocation
Patience then not my forte
I could say I've been waiting
in the rain forever

But everyone knows
the Sun always shines
in LA.



Originally posted on
August 2, 2017, my first day
with HelloPoetry. This poem is a personal favorite. I wanted to share it again now with those whom I didn't yet know just a few short months ago. Thanks.

Nov 2017 · 359
-Concerning Power
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
There is a power of tears
in an angry world

Love and devotion
distilled in sorrow in pain compassion and joy

For the quenching
moisture unto the thirst
of Our Good Earth.

"Mine eyes do fail for tears..."

Let not they be in vain.


The Quote from
The Holy Bible (KJV)

Nov 2017 · 360
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
If and when
you do begin again
Give it all you've got

Tomorrow is just
a day away
And soon today
will be long gone

It takes a plan of action
Setting goals you
can attain

Follow through
with all you've got
See it happen
Then do it again

An ounce of misery
is preferred to
pounds of pain

And mistakes are
the hardest of teachers

Risk analysis
before every move
Know what you get
for what you might lose

Risk and reward
determine the odds

Take decisive action
knowing and counting
each and even
the intangible costs

Keep your score
and know you've
won far more than
you ever have lost

Seek joyful happiness
Knowing sorrow
is never far

Embrace yourself within
the good and the best
To become truly
who you are

If and when
you do begin again
Give it all you've got

Tomorrow is just
a day away
and today is
almost long gone.


Nov 2017 · 527
-I Called Her Baby
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Country Music Tune

After all the years
I called her Baby
Never could have dreamed
She would betray me

After all the years
She called me Darling
She was gone and left
without a warning

Leaving after She
spent Our life savings
Now my Baby's been
having her troubles lately

So still and on I go
to those places
We might have
together been
If she had then
stayed true
The way she was
when We began

I remember when
She was there
to save me
From the start
She was my
precious lady

I've been on
my own awhile
But I been learning
I'm still the same
but more determined

Still so and on I go
On the open road
alone again
If only she had
then stayed true
The way she was
when We began

After all the years
I Called her Baby
After all the years
She called me Darling

Never could have dreamed
She would betray me
Gone and left
without a warning.


Nov 2017 · 531
-Object of Adoration
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
As an Artist needs a model
A Poet seeks a heart
An object of adoration
to spark the more
noble aspirations
and the brighter
things that are

The entreaty of
a knowing smile
The slightly tearing eye
The overwhelming
joy of happiness
That sweeps from
your heart to mine

When adorations
meet the adored
It's then beyond
the poets words
For there it all
begins and ends
With the knowing
look of Love.


Nov 2017 · 1.2k
-She Was
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Time did not wash
Her memory away
Time could not
Her beauty fade

She was loved
by all who knew Her
So beautiful So perfect
Wonderful in every way

She always said
She was a singer
That modeling
was a lark

She was a
wondrous singer
and a strikingly
beautiful model

She then the rage
of all around
The stars were
then for Her arranged

She was like lightning
striking minds with beauty
and touching hearts
with caring joy

But love was what
She was all about

We shared our life
and shared our love
But tragedy struck
and we both moved on

Many years went by
when I got the
saddest news
that She was gone

Taken early in life
and now passed on

Oh my Precious Darling
Whom I still love
Now forever
alive no more

Yet still I pray God
She is blessed in Heaven
Because She was
so wonderful
in life on Earth.


Nov 2017 · 957
-Random Elucidation (What?)
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017

Definitive semblance
of allegorical allusion
That unto the masses
in abject delusion
Replete with the
studied sacred illusion
of cosmic worth
for every cosmetic remedy
of indolent intrusion

Yea Right.

Characteristically docile
Accused and convicted
of arrested development
Screeching Hell awaits
the plentious harvest
of the crop of fools
Arreared in impetuousity
and impulse for that
most deviant sake

Yea Right.

Drowning awash in misery
Choosing to swim on alone
Thinking they then
are the chosen one
They then the center
God society et al
ad infinitum?
That most aberrant
Human Secular



Nov 2017 · 462
Untitled 21
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017


The shadows descend
as a darkness arises
Sleep well my Darling.

English Haiku

Nov 2017 · 520
-Gladiators Smile
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Gladiators wear
a twisted smile
More than a
little bit askew

The snarl of
disdainful contempt
and the optimism
of the eventual win

For him it's just
another judgment
day again

Confident in the outcome
His preparation is for war
Knowledge of the victories
triumphed in before

Behind the stoid steel facade
He glares upon the prey
Another snarling man
who expects to win the day

The adversary also
He wears the twisted smile
Expecting that
the man He sees
is another man whom
He will slay

For every day is
judgment day


Nov 2017 · 436
-Concerning Ambition
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
Good fortunes arrive
as misfortune subsides
Or is it a mistake
I still haven't decided
even unto this day

I hesitate and reflect
on all that is happening
To think it all through
then quickly to act
There to avoid
that fatal mistake

Time was when
with a burst and a flash
I then attained my goals
but lost my love
and my good life

Yet still I must
and yes I will
complete the course
set out for myself

To succeed and prosper
within the domain
of goodness
Remaining there
within goodness


Nov 2017 · 437
-Untitled 20
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017


Sticks and Stones break bones

But words can be quite lethal

Just remember that

-English Haiku

Nov 2017 · 4.9k
-Empty Ring Finger (RVSD)
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
-Lyrix (Pure Country Tune)

There's an empty ring finger
where a band of gold once was
The symbol of Our life and hopes
Our dreams and Our love

A vow to stay together
through the plenty
and the lean
Forever lovers and
Forever best friends
then and to the end

The years they passed so quickly
yet our love still held on strong
Up until that fateful time
when it seemed that
everything went wrong

Still I then adored you
You I cherished
and hoped to keep
But strangers
came against us
The destruction
was complete

There's an empty ring finger
where a band of gold once was
The symbol of Our life and hopes
Our dreams and Our love

A vow to stay together
through the plenty
and the lean
Forever lovers and
Forever Best friends
Then and to the end

Your gone yet
I remember
All the precious
moments still
I remember you
beautiful loyal
and lovely
And I always will

It's been so long
Still I sometimes look back
upon the wonderful You were
Truth is as it always was
I'll still love You forever Girl

There's an empty ring finger
Where a band of gold once was
The symbol of Our life and hopes
Our dreams and Our love

A vow to stay together
through the plenty
and the lean
Forever lovers and
Forever Best friends
Then and to the end

I sometimes touch the finger
Where the band of gold once was
Thinking about the one I loved
The Angel I once adored

There's an empty ring finger
where a band of gold
once was

And an empty feeling
deep down in my heart
For the Angel who was lost.



Nov 2017 · 394
-Untitled 19
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017

Old School
New School

My School
is the
Cool School

in all the
Golden Rules.

Oct 2017 · 697
-I Told You
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
I told you before
you are lovely
You said something like
no never not me

Well then maybe
I will take a photo
so you can know
how by this man's eyes
You are seen

A masterpiece of composition
Perfect like beautiful days

A song that maybe only
I will be humming
in all the loveliest
of lovely ways

Beauty is held
by the beholder
So that all might not
have to agree

Lovely is held
in a separate place
So that heartstrings
entwined believe

I will tell you again
You are lovely
Maybe you'll think
Then so you say

We will not need
to look at a photo
Yet you will know
You are truly lovely
In such a beautiful way.


Oct 2017 · 773
-Untitled 18
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Indelible Words

Inked as small
whispered traces

Liberate the mind.


English Haiku

Oct 2017 · 609
-I Mourn You
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
I mourn you for all
that was stolen
I mourn you for all
that was lost

I mourn you that
You were betrodden
Until nothing was
left that once was

Your life had
a beautiful reason
You can't be accused
of living in vain

Your days were made full
of goodness that's lasting
Yet the tragedy of all
that's about you remains

Cry me
because I'm here
without you
Cry you
because you're
gone far away
Cry We
that we lost
all We treasured

I mourn Your loss
forever somewhere
beyond my very last day.



Oct 2017 · 918
-How I Wish
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
How I wish
We would have
grown old together

Then all the tragic things
that happened would
no longer really matter

We together would
remember the beautiful
The brighter and the best

The precious and the blessed

All the days of Our moments
of poetry and of wine
of song and of love's time

When Our children
were young and
not yet grown

When We were young
and together were
in love alone

We loved by Our magic
and lived in a breeze
These are the memories
I treasure and keep

When it was
Us  and Ours
and all about We

Shared memories
in quiet reminisce
All the minutes lost
Every moment missed

Each time I thought
how much I really loved you
and didn't seal it with a kiss

How I wish
We could have
grown old together

Oh how I wish
We had persevered

Then I could have
held you in loves
eternal embrace
as Lovers together
Forever and Ever

and nothing else
would ever matter.



Oct 2017 · 11.1k
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
is a confiding smile
that reaches from
deep within the heart
An outstretched hand
up and out
to give a life forsaken
a new start

To seek and search
far beyond
and glimpse
a brightly shining path
Yet then to look behind
and back again
to be assured that all
will know the way

is a knowing look
a glance from eye to eye
A slight inflection
of radiant joy
in the tenor of a sigh

The quietly warm
and whispered word
with a gentle breeze of hope

Revolution is a beautifully
harmonious triumphant tune
that just won't leave
you alone



Oct 2017 · 646
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
and ye will perceive
that you have been pursued

and perhaps persuaded
Then prevailed upon
through and through

Prevailed within a purpose
a purpose of the truth
The truth of a proclamation

Proclaiming the promise
of pure and perfect Love
for You.


Oct 2017 · 1.2k
-Song of Woman
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
If all the beauty of existence
were put within a song
Would it not be
the heart of woman
for it then
to be written upon?

Then all the choirs of Heaven
would sing as one

I might then hear the beauty
of the chorus as they sing
And marvel in amazement
from the deepest darkness
of this lowest place I'm in

So never quiet
an hymn of sorrow
nor despise the tears of joy
For those who
from the darkness
yet remember how wonderful life was

Memories awaken
and hope is again reborn
At that melodious
first moment
of a woman's heartfelt song

Hers is in the singing
as life is once
more renewed
Hers is in the song
as is the Heavens
eternal truth

Yes if all the beauty
of existence
were put within a song
Would it not be
the heart of woman
for it then to be written upon?


Oct 2017 · 748
-As It Goes (Asymmetry)
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
-Haiku Poem

Let the children laugh
It is good for the children
Sorrow comes in time

Sorrow awaits all
Who with wisdom then of joy
lived in joy complete

Joy begets sorrow
There all the knowledge within
the wisdom of loss

Joy is enrapture
While sorrow ever awaits
Sorrow knows one end

That then is our life
The moments of joyous peace
The sorrows of loss

Time swept memories
Joyful reckless abandon
Our remembrances

Let the children play
They've time to laugh it away
Joyous hearts grow bold.


-English Haiku

Oct 2017 · 514
-One Man Emerges
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
One man alone...emerges
seeking to claim His own

Barely, yes
but still breathing

Desolations disgrace
is what has been shown

Clawing up from where
crushingly abandoned

Sure to escape
the horror the man
He has known

Describe Him
despicable rejected
Quite altogether forlorn
Surely far lower
than hopeless

Still advancing steadily on

There is not one
that He can call out to
Neither friend
nor family or home

the laughter of cynics
to the jeering of scorn

The continuous
critical whispers
only lengthen
the sojourn
He is upon

But still through
the music
of His conscious
His soul cries
a sad quiet groan
The total
incalculable sorrow
of all the man
He has borne

yet always pursuing
Searching for all
His destiny has sworn

One man alone......emerges
Seeking....... and sure
to reclaim His Own.


Oct 2017 · 319
Untitled 17
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Everybody knows

You reap what you sow.

Sow the wind
Reap the whirlwind.

The Holy Bible (KJV)
Oct 2017 · 563
Untitled 16
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Hold a Woman
With reverence
and respect

To adore
And to protect.

Oct 2017 · 2.7k
-Your Addiction
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Nothing could save you
from your addiction
No one can save you
from your self

When you fell
You fell
straight to hell
You were gone
when you started
And nothing could
stop you...

from your addiction

Hell-bent for trouble
Headlong into tragedy
Drug induced psychosis
held you tight in its grip

Tighter than the clench
of a tightly gloved fist
The clenched fist of...

Your addiction

You bartered away
everything you owned
While incinerating
Your mind

Your heart and your life
cannot much longer
hold on...

against your addiction

No one could save you
from your addiction
Nothing can save you
from yourself.


Oct 2017 · 1.2k
-From Nothing Again
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Now there is nothing left
that's worth the mention
Yet there is so much more
I wanted to say

The years have passed
as a whirlwind
There was nothing left
that together we had

The horses The trailers
The tractor and truck
The saddles and the tack
All then gone for a song

A funeral dirge
of the saddest kind
A song about the
loss of We and Us

Destruction was there
then relentless
Only one single thing
I could keep

Just a wallet I bought
In Our last days together
Holding the picture ID's
of Our Sons

So on I alone
went through
unending destruction
As though all Hell
existed alone against me

Until I again studied
the sunrise and claimed
a new beginning
alone there
beside the sea

So sorry you're not
still here with me
With a beautiful
start-over play
for keeps

I heard for you
it went very badly
And you languish
In doom and sorrow
and grief

I hurt for you
Knowing the very
moment of

You set loose
upon yourself
The worst of all
of your fears

Are you happy
that you succeeded
Did you accomplish
all that you planned?

Didn't you know
I would get up
and go on and do
what we did together
by myself once again?

So on I must go
to restoration absolute
of that which was
Ours then to claim

Knowing you're
gone forever
I am again myself
surely restored

But not now nor ever
would it be possible
To recover
Our once
precious Love
once more

We Shared Love

We Cherished Life.



Oct 2017 · 398
-Eternal Moments
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
I sought
the beautiful thoughts
the most beautiful words
to know the intangible
essence of all
the beauty I could behold

Gathered memories
Stored then unearthed
To gaze upon in solemnity
and remember the best

The touch of a loved one
The moments sublime
Smiling memories
of my children
A glimpse of
The Devine

Treasured eternal moments
that never slip away
The joy and grandeur
of a few seconds
In memory held still
to cherish in my mind

Still in such a moment
the remembrance of
insufferable pain
But yet though
the tragic beauty of
eternal moments
forever still remains.


Oct 2017 · 750
-Cowboy for Real
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

My Grand Dad was a Cowboy
They called Him Cowboy Bill
But to me He was Grand Dad
A cowboy for real

He lived His life
In a pickup truck
as He'd go from sale to sale
Buy them calves
when they's almost dead
Then He'd raise 'em
back to health

Cause He's a Cowboy for real
Cowboy and He always will
be a Cowboy still
He's a Cowboy
Cowboy for real

Thought a time
He would settle down
with a woman sweet and fair
Wasn't long and He was
on the road
and no one had to tell her

He's a Cowboy for real
He's a Cowboy and
He always will
be a Cowboy still
He's a Cowboy for real

Ridin' in to Abilene
Boots were shined
Hat was steamed
Thought He'd stop in
at the sale awhile
Talk with some
good ole' boy's He knows

Sittin' down and talking stock
Lookin' mainly toward
the bargain lot
Thinkin' maybe
He'd sit a spell
when He smiled
and grabbed His heart

Adios  He thought
and said good-bye
Mounted up
and took His final ride
The Lord He said
Cowboy come on home
The Cowboy He be ridin' on

Cause He's a Cowboy for real
Cowboy and He always will
be a Cowboy still
He's a Cowboy for real
and He always will


Country Tune

Oct 2017 · 362
Untitled 15
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

It's good to wear boots

In a flip-flop world.

Oct 2017 · 394
-Alone Together
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Let me look into
your eyes now Baby
Let me look into your eyes
Everything I need
I see there Baby
Let me look into your eyes

Let me look into your eyes

Let me take your hand
in my hand Darling
Let me take you by the hand
Walk with me
alone together Darling
Let me take you
by your hand

Let me take you
by your hand

Let me put my arms
around you Baby
Let me hold you
in my arms
Let me embrace you
through and through
My Darling
Let me put my arms
around you

Let me put my arms
around you

Every moment of
every minute
Every second of every day
I want to do with you Darling
Doing whatever
come what may

Let me say I love you Baby
Let me show you that I care
Everything I'm all about
adores you Darling
Let me show you
that I really care

Let me show you
that I really care

Let's go to the
top of the world
Let me then
take you there
We can surely
make it Baby
Let me take you there

Darling, let me
take you there

Every moment of
every minute
Every second of every day
I want to do with
you my Darling
Doing whatever
come what may


Oct 2017 · 349
Untitled 14
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
"What good is it to a man
if there is no profit."

-The Holy Bible (KJV)

Then ask;

What profit then
if there be no goodness.

Oct 2017 · 393
-Santa Fe (I'll Be Waiting)
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Western Ethereal Rock

Will you meet me in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away
If I get there early
you know just what I'll do
I'll be waiting there for you
I'll be waiting.... there for you

Yes I'll meet you in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away
If you get there early
I know just what you'll do
We can't wait can you?
We can't wait...... can you?

Been wondering lately
if anybody knows
what's going on
Thinking probably
that not really many
know even at all

They may catch on later
I won't wait around to see
I'll be gone long gone
Gone. I'll be gone long gone

Will you meet me in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away

Yes I'll meet you in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
gonna' leave right away
If I get there early
you know just what I'll do
I'll be waiting there for you
I waiting there
.......for you.


Oct 2017 · 431
Untitled 13
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

My generation was raised
on Hard Rock and Motown.

The younger generations
cannot make up for the lack
of a good education.

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