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sage May 2018
though, so incredibly hard to say,
i think i killed myself today.

no, it wasn't the gun i thought it would be,
and it wasn't the pills i bought to be free.

it wasn't the candles or the gasoline,
it wasn't the running into a limousine.

i think it was me in my bed so late,
unwilling to behold my fate.

my eyes slipped shut and they haven't opened yet.
but that would be lucky, and i'm alive, i bet.

just wait until tomorrow, maybe we'll see
what i can really do to me.
i think i give up.
Mar 2018 · 508
s u n l i e s
sage Mar 2018
❝ i feel
so hollow
in this pale moonlight

i beg of you,
make me feel right,❞
the empty girl cries once again.
Jan 2018 · 744
for someone i love(d)
sage Jan 2018
she was everything
you weren't,

she cared
when you didn't

i trust her
with things i'd never tell you,

she holds me
so tightly, unlike you,

she understands when i can't speak,
and she doesn't push me.

she is amazing,
but that's why i'm so scared.

because those were the same things
i once said about you.
it's going to happen all over again, isn't it?

isolate the first line from the second and you'll understand.
Jan 2018 · 558
what am i if not a cynic?
sage Jan 2018
my only love was created by hating yours.

i hated your happiness, and that brought me to a place of destruction,
where i spent late nights drowning in the thoughts of you.

in those hours, a lover took my hand and brought me away from myself,
to a place where happiness existed without empty bottles.

and then you found my happy with jealous green eyes,

and then you took it all from me in a matter of seconds,
pretending your love was more than mine could ever be.

and it was easy for you,

because i was a cynic.

and no one could change that.
the story of losing love to an enemy.
Dec 2017 · 704
temporary happiness
sage Dec 2017
temporary happiness is ruling my life,
with each empty bottle scattered through my room.

leaving me in ignorant bliss
to what i had been feeling before i swallowed.

it's all a haze,
before and after the liquid.

all smiles,
before and after the pills.

dancing dreams,
in the midst of the smoke

i haven't slept a wink,
or maybe i have.

it's so dangerous,
to live in this fake life.

but the intricate workings of my mind
aren't allowing me to let go

of this

let me realise that i'm killing myself
Dec 2017 · 286
l i p s
sage Dec 2017
when someone speaks to me, i take in their every feature.

i remember their eyes - warm, cold, colourful, bland - all secretly beautiful in their own ways.

i take note of their noses, of sun kissed freckles scatter across the bridge to their cheeks.

but most of all, i watch their lips, as they speak, as they smile, as they frown.

and people find it strange when they see my eyes focused on their lips, but i'm focussing on the way their words fall from their mouths so fluently.

i'm focussing on their emotions depicted through their muscles.

i'm focussing on what they won't say.
this isn't a poem, but i just wanted someone to know
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
ocean eyes
sage Oct 2017
The water edge draws me,
Calls me.

It has many times before,
Until I was pulled away.

The ocean stares back at me with deep blue eyes,
And speaks in soft careless whispers.

The waves lap at my ankles, Kissing my feet.

The sensation is overwhelming,
The freezing cold water calming.

The water entwines it's fingers in mine,
Taking me further from where I could stand.

Every touch is gentle.
Every cell of mine begs for more.

I'm dislocated
I'm alone

So far out,
My mind is stolen.

No coherent thoughts,
Just the cold breeze tenderly caressing my cheeks.

Then I dive in once,
The feeling of nothing addicting.

And I smile as I drown,

Knowing I'm never coming back
Fear of the Water - SYML
third try, Hellopoetry deleted the first two.
Oct 2017 · 505
u s e l e s s
sage Oct 2017
in a pool of tears

stained with the crimson of blood

surrounded by shattered glass

and sparkling metal.

a window open

yet no air to breathe

cold but burning

somehow ready to hurt more

fearful of emotion

begging to feel a breath of love

blinded from seeing too much

weak and lonely

desperate for help

finding no words

and capturing painful cries.

that's where I stay.
all I want to do is help, but I don't know how, so I just sit here crying as I write my worries further into my skin.
Oct 2017 · 702
his name was happy
sage Oct 2017
I knew a man once,
One filled with life.

He spent every day passing flowers to strangers,
Spreading joy through soft spoken words.

All who met him left with a smile,
And all who knew him found fondness in living.

But as the days moved on,
People began to change.

He was told he had to be emotionless to be strong,
and fearless to be flawless.

He was pushed around by the wicked,
Banished into the darkness.

Everything he worked for wasn't worth it anymore,
And he felt his heart hurting every second he lived.

So now he's no where.

And I don't know how to get him back.
i would miss him if I remembered what it was like to have him.
Sep 2017 · 562
golden eyes
sage Sep 2017
I'm so much like the boy who cried wolf.

Just like him,

it all began as a joke.

As I repeated my musings,

Over and over,

My words meant so much less to those who heard them.


All so suddenly,

Those words came crashing down on me.

The letters drew tears that stained my cheeks,

The syllables burnt in my throat.

All the times I asked for the world to **** me,

It was killing me in so many ways.

So now I'm staring into the golden eyes of my very own wolf,

And I realise that,

Like the lies of the boy,

I was the one who hurt myself.
I've reworded this so many times and I still feel it will never be want I want it to.
Sep 2017 · 741
i miss my blood
sage Sep 2017
When I was little, I found myself seeing my blood a lot.

I would slip, or fall, or graze my skin.

It was always the times I was having the most fun.

Scars came over time, and each one of them meant that I had happy memories before they occurred.

Now when I see my blood,

I'm no longer okay with it.

I have new scars, and with them,

I can only remember that I used to have happy memories before they occurred.
i was bleeding today.
Aug 2017 · 697
sage Aug 2017
When I first met you there was a garden growing in my mind,
But it was never beautiful.

Filled with thorns from the dead roses I had been given by someone I used to love,
My thoughts hurt me every day.

My head was bleeding on the inside,
The outside willing to collapse at any moment.

My tears watered the thorns,
Helping them to grow stronger, and sharper.

Then you came along one day,
And said hello.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared into your bright green eyes,
Admiring your sunkissed skin.

Freckles scattered across your nose,
reaching your softly blushed cheeks.

I bit my lip,
Saying hello back.

Now I know you,
That garden is no longer dangerous.

That garden that wanted to be beautiful,
Finally was.

You cleared the thorns,
And replaced them with daisies.

Now every time I close my eyes,
I don't have to fear myself.
not my best but I liked the idea.
Aug 2017 · 972
sage Aug 2017
Declare your love for me

In the changing wind,

So even if I am behind you,

I can still hear your confession.
from the inspirations of a cold and windy day.
Aug 2017 · 1.7k
sage Aug 2017

I looked at the stars like I do every night,

and I cried.

because this time,

I remembered

that some of them are dead.

and I realised

just how envious I was,

that I was not as beautiful as a star,

even though,

I too,

was still there.

yet also



I've lost my love and I don't know how to get it back.
Aug 2017 · 520
he was wrong
sage Aug 2017
He screamed into the night, believing no one was listening.

He cried out of fright, his eyes dark and glistening.

His thin wrists continued to bleed, razor sharp cuts made clear with crimson.

His heart begs to feed, far from the sorrow he lives on.

His mind told him to never wait, no one would search for him.

But his mind knew not of fate, and there was a light in the dim.

There stood a girl - willing to fall in love, and there was a boy - about to fall apart.

And then came the tale that all were in awe of, where they shared a broken heart.
I don't know what this is or where it came from. I guess I know more than sad.
Jul 2017 · 414
bad habits
sage Jul 2017
there are things that people do that they aren't supposed to.

like holding in a sneeze,
picking at their fingers.

bad habits that are hard to stop, and can be harmful.

it makes me worry that holding in tears for so long is bad for my eyes,
if it makes me see the world in the wrong light,
if it ruins my perspective of the world.

but then I remember that doesn't matter.

my mind ruined the world for me, anyway.
i'm in the midst of losing my mind but it's not like i'm going to tell anyone about it
sage Jul 2017
She began to paint one night,
Never having taken a lesson in her life.

She didn't know what she was painting,
She didn't really know how to either.

But she picked up a brush,
And began to speak.

Her bristles spelt out words,
Her colours make the canvas scream.

The works she had done before spoke the stories of her heart,
The tales of her memories.

Anyone who had seen her canvases saw genius,
Saw light.

But when she looked at them,
She saw nothing.

She knew what they meant,
Each story embedded in her brain.

Her pain, and her hurt,
There for people to critique.

And the paint she used,
Seemed so bare and bleak.

She had been so desperate for colour,
She had tried to draw it from her skin several times.

But no one knew,
And no one ever would know.

Because in the end,
the only colour she really wanted to see was black.

Because these greys she saw as she stared at her work,
Told her she would never be able to understand how beautiful her words were.
this was supposed to be happy but nothing really goes my way.
Jul 2017 · 809
sad girls
sage Jul 2017
The world doesn't like sad girls.

It likes sad boys that the happy girls make smile.
It likes how the happy girls make the sad boys fall in love with their every word.
It likes when the boy who is no longer sad kisses the girl who made him so.

But then the sad girls are still sad,
and no one cares.
i read a lot, knowing no one could read me.
Jul 2017 · 774
sage Jul 2017
she stared of into the morning sky,
watching the delicate birds fly.

they were so peaceful in the atmosphere,
left her wishing that she wasn't here.

blood stained her scarred wrists,
her hands forming clenched fists.

her knuckles were bruised and harshly beaten,
and all day, she'd hardly eaten.

there were tears in her eyes,
those as blue as the skies.

her hollow chest held a heart that hurt,
a heart that had been thoroughly stomped in the dirt.

there were anchors in her lungs,
that she'd had since she was young.

as she stared into the midnight skies,
there were tears in her light blue eyes.

the birds flew past the window sills,
and that's when she took one too many pills.
just making my point
Jul 2017 · 414
sage Jul 2017
The richest models take their clothes off,
but the best writers rip their hearts out.
I wonder who gets paid more though.
Jul 2017 · 394
sage Jul 2017
Forgive the scars on my legs, arms and knees,
Mistake them for the joys of childhood and take them as nothing but scratches.

Forget the blood on my hands,
Mistake it for my fall that must have happened because I was clumsy, not dizzy.

Forgive my uncovered bones,
Mistake them for my genes and not the food I never eat.

Forget the skeletons I hide,
Mistake them for a trick of the light that hardly shines into my room through my old curtains.

Forgive my tired eyes,
Mistake the sleeplessness for eagerness of the next day, keeping my thoughts alive throughout the night.

I shall remind you of this every day.

But I beg of you, my friend.

Notice of my fresh scars,
Don't take them as nothing.

Remember the new blood,
Don't leave me to help myself up.

Notice my ever present ribs,
Don't let me push away my plate again.

Remember those ***** skeletons,
Don't allow me to hide what hurts me so terribly.

Notice my teary, tired eyes,
Don't smile and pretend you don't notice how much I've cried last night.

I know you're scared, my friend.

Of saying the wrong thing.

But anything is better than nothing, my friend.


I need someone to help me.
I had yet another bad day in a series of bad weeks, but I'm sure it'll be different tomorrow.
Jul 2017 · 371
fake fairytales
sage Jul 2017
He brought your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss against your knuckles.

His crown that he wore always seemed so stable in his head, his blonde hair looking as if it were made of the same gold of his castle.

His smile seemed kind, but you could see the wicked in his emerald eyes.

He had been cast in a different role from what his black heart truly desired.

He tried his best to hide it through his velvet coats and admirable wealth, but you knew better than to believe in this fake fairytale.

You pulled your hand away, and ran from him as fast as you could.

Because you knew,

He may be a Prince, but he sure as hell isn't Charming.
you'd know, wouldn't you?
Jul 2017 · 339
i've never
sage Jul 2017
i've never felt more alone then through the days that my cheeks are streaked with tears.

i've never felt colder than the days that the rain bats against my windows.

i've never felt more poisoned then the day i first heard you laugh.

i've never felt as much pain as i did the day you left me.

and i've never felt more serene than the day i died
why can i only think about dying now that you're gone?
Jul 2017 · 891
i hurt everywhere right now
sage Jul 2017
today I spoke once again of my problems though another soul.

someone I loved told me they knew people who suffered from their thoughts, from the reality projected to them in their minds.

I held my hand subconsciously over my scars and smiled sadly.

"That's terrible" I said "It's so hard when you feel empty, and the chemicals that make up 'happy' aren't there"

"I couldn't imagine it" they said.

I held back my tears.

'I feel it through each day', I wanted to say.

But I didn't.

I changed the subject.

And hurt myself again.
I cried while I wrote this. I just needed someone to know.
sage Jul 2017
My heart is like a broken bone – it could be fixed, but will it ever really be the same as it once was?

I don’t believe it can be fixed anymore.

I feel like the sunset in black and white - losing the colour from my life, all because she never wanted me.

It’s as if she- the sun- has burnt out and left me – the blue moon – without a drop of light to warm me and bring back the colour I had lost from being alone.

If the stars were to align the same way, then there could be a beauty like her, but then without her smile, there are no stars in the sky, no light in my heart, nothing to look for in the lonely nights that push me to the ground over and over again.

If I were to look up from the stab wound in my chest, it would be to see her hand at the hilt – a devious smile painting her face with all the colours she has kept hidden from the world.

As the blood from my heart drains to the ground below me, I would drop to my knees, and paint the ground in crimson - my last colour left.

My blood would paint the story of my love for her, before my life is stolen away from me.

And yet the true irony of it all would be the love I hold for her until my last breath- and not even then would my feeling fade.

Long after my life has ended, my heart would still belong to her. It would still yearn for all the intricacies of her being.

Pandora’s Box has released itself on my heart, tearing at it as if it were a hungry lion attacking a peaceful gazelle.

I am forever drawn to her, as if my soul was trapped in her eyes.

The gods have turned against me, making my shadow grow, letting itself bleed through my veins and into my soul.

A soul with no colour should not be a soul at all.

I am forever burdened with no muse, no passion.  

I am a lone wolf, destined to lose my life without a love in the world.

No one to care for, no one to remember in the long nights.

No one.
an edited excerpt of an english assignment from years back. I got a B.
Jun 2017 · 2.2k
sage Jun 2017
I stare at you all day, rosemary,
only at you.

Though all day, rosemary,
you never look back at me.

Not a single glance, rosemary,
i never meet your eyes.

I could imagine their colour, rosemary,
a satin soft blue.

You run your hand through your hair, rosemary,
like your fingers touch pure gold.

What does it feel like, rosemary?
to be what everyone wished they had?

I wish i had you, rosemary,
to feel okay again.

You could save me, rosemary.
if you just look back.
well, of course. rosemary is love in witchcraft
sage Jun 2017
staging my thoughts to stage my mind,
to tell everyone that I'm doing fine

though I'm about to fall apart
because it was only hope in my hopeful heart

the hope of the world, one that understands
where the waves only crash down on golden sands

it's stupid to think that someone could care
for someone who wishes they weren't even there

so i'll pack my bags, and leave it so
who would care if I had to go?
sage Jun 2017
I told you once, in a silent whisper
my wishes, my fears,

I told you of leaving to finally feel,
to finally not break again.

I told you that it wouldn't matter,
that no one would mind.

But I spoke so quietly,
And when you asked me to repeat myself,
I told you it didn't matter.

Now I have blood tracing down my skin,
and it really did matter.

But I was so quiet.
so this was my day, how was yours?
Jun 2017 · 584
u l t r a v i o l e t
sage Jun 2017
Ultraviolet, you're so quiet.
Pretending that your thoughts aren't violent.

Ultraviolet, you can't hide it.
Screaming help, you can't keep silent.

Ultraviolet, you're colour blinded,
Black and white, your mind's decided.

Ultraviolet, please try to fight it.

I couldn't live without your light.
what an incredible spectrum you are
Jun 2017 · 359
the little things
sage Jun 2017
It's always the little things.

The little things that people used to miss that they miss the most when they can't miss the moments anymore.

They miss the way you smiled at the ground when someone smiled at you.

They miss the way you tucked your hair behind you ear when someone embarrassed you.

They miss the way you laughed when you were just about to cry.

They miss the things they missed when they were with you.

They miss the things that would have let them know you weren't as okay as you said you were.

And you can bet they miss you.

After all,

you only know what you had when it's gone.
even so, i'm sure no one would miss me
Jun 2017 · 391
o n e s e c o n d
sage Jun 2017
One second goes by when you turned me away.
One second I cry because of you just today.

One second is slower than an hour with you.
One second was all it took for us to be through.

One second they smiled like a wolf at a sheep.
One second felt like a drastic leap.

One second goes faster through every day.
Because of one second I had without you in May.

Your eyes were shut for more than a second.
And the cold of those seconds were all that beckoned.

I was told that you would be gone for longer than that.
My heart had been torn like a mouse with a cat.

One second of hurt felt longer than years.
One second and I was brought to tears.

One second the bullet had shot through my head.
If you were one second faster,
I wouldn't be dead.
sage Jun 2017
you always want to be someone

but when the only thing you're good at has been done a thousand times before, a billion times better,

you're just repeating the same words of someone who had to work harder than you.

and then you're no one again.
i'll never be good enough, but i have to be okay with that, i guess
Apr 2017 · 312
sage Apr 2017
Memories hurt when they are the memories you wish to forget.

There are sometimes small reminders,
as you go by your day.

You never know what it could be,
but when you see it,
it hurts.

God, does it hurt.

Of course,
if you’re unlucky,
Those reminders are pictures.

And if a picture tells a thousand words,
One is too many.

— The End —