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KarmaPolice Feb 10
I break the surface  
As the water recedes,  
I'm no longer fighting,  
Washed up in the weeds.  

I search for the voice  
That guides my return,  
Breaking the sand  
Where the tide has turned.  

I crawl like the waves,  
Retreating, then strong—  
I stand on two feet,  
Though the journey is long.  

I walk for the hills,  
The sun escapes me,  
The night draws in,  
Moon lights the quay.  

I see you waiting  
On the pier alone,  
You never gave up,  
Guiding me home.  

The pain in my heart  
Washed out at sea—  
A burden released,  
As you comfort me.

By Darren Wall ©
The final revised part.
KarmaPolice Feb 10
A moment of solace  
Destroyed by the sea,  
It's pulling me under,  
I cannot break free.  

I cling to the boat,  
My grip starts to fade—  
The storm rages louder,  
It’s time to be brave.  

A torrent of water,  
Crushing my chest,  
Pinning my body,  
Stricken of breath.  

My mind is a storm,  
Fear pulls me deep—  
I watch as the shadows  
Swallow my sleep.  

I hear my name  
As you call for me,  
You settle the noise,  
The storms and the sea.  

All light disappears,  
My vision is blurred—  
A violent squall  
Is all that’s heard.  

Then—a faint whisper,  
A break in the roar,  
Your voice finds me  
As I reach for the shore.  

By Darren Wall ©
The third part, Revised.
KarmaPolice Feb 10
The distance between us  
Stretches, vast and dark,  
A storm of broken senses  
That tears me apart.  

Out here, I wrestle  
With nature’s cruel game—  
Waves whip and lash me,  
Salt brands me with shame.  

Mountains of water,  
Crash, freezing my skin,  
I’m anchored to the seabed,  
Crushed with guilt, and sin.  

Fear is my existence,  
Hope feels far from home.  
Encircled by water,  
I’m fighting alone.  

Memories surge,  
A flickering reel,  
Each one a wave  
I can no longer feel.  

Numb to the light,  
And the glorious view,  
A break in the storm—  
Leads me to you.

By Darren Wall ©
Part two of my revised anthology.
KarmaPolice Feb 8
I'm drifting out to sea,  
Where the storms brew,  
At peace with the thunder,  
Entranced by the view.  

The lightning leads,  
As my eyes fixate—  
The violent storm  

I can't hear your cries,  
I can't feel your pain,  
Blind to your attempts  
To save me again.  

The sea crashes,  
I’m dragged from the shore,  
Trapped and alone—  
To fight this harsh war.  

I'm lost in the storm  
That silences your plea.  
Don’t cry for me now…  
This fight is in me.  

By Darren Wall ©
Im not keen on my original poem. I've made changes in order to help it flow better.
Feb 3 · 129
KarmaPolice Feb 3
A winters stare,
Beautifully resonates in the air,
A clear sky, a frozen pitch,
I wonder if the beauty,
will last more than a few minutes,

The snapping of a twig,
which was once part of the untouched view,
A graceful swan as muted as I am in awe,

Gliding by,

Looking over by the hill,
The mist breathing through the grass,
as I pause once more,
The grandest of oaks, silhouetted by the rising sun,
Grips me to the core,

Only in England…

Say no more.

© Darren Wall
A really old poem, I wanted to share again.
Jan 28 · 386
Sirens (Revised)
KarmaPolice Jan 28
His senses hold him prisoner,  
Overwhelmed and alone.  
The walls are his burden;  
The light, too much to bear.  

The soaked linen of yesterday’s news,  
Stained with fear from battles before—  
An old uniform hangs alone,  
Boots polished beside paper awards.  

Headlights cast broken shadows,  
Each a spectre of the past.  
Empty scotch bottles and cigarette burns  
Mark a slow crawl to solitude.  

Light burns through a slither 
His heart beats through the walls.  
Strangled by the sirens  
That triggered him before.  

He needs to be cradled,  
Yet no hand reaches for him.  
He sways back and forth,  
A pendulum of grief.  

Screams, muted by paralysis;  
Silence pervades the void.  
Fractured by a rasping breath  
And a crescendo of emotions.  

The warning bells pass—  
They did not come for him.  
His fragile breath of sorrow  
Whispers to an empty room.  

By Darren Wall ©
I previously published this under Sirens (Alternative), but I wanted to try and grab the readers attention better.
Jan 20 · 652
KarmaPolice Jan 20
A silent swing  
To a closed door.  
A slow hiss  
On formal mass.  

Stripes and numbers,  
Caught in a loop—  
Procedures run  
In reverse.  

Distorted lips,  
And posturing,  
Play out  
To a full room.  

Blurred shirts  
Ebb and flow,  
Washing all  
From my view.  

Time shifts—  
Paths alter.  
Blurred screens,  
At the desk.

Warning bells,  
Blown speakers,  
Distress and  
Wretched panic.  

A locked door.  
Pounding fists.  
Screams and  
Tears befall.  

Blurred shirts  
Ebb and flow,  
Washing all  
From my view.  

The screen fades.  
The reel burns.  
Doused by  
Eternal grief.
Trauma and it's nightmares, stuck in a loop, played out on VHS
Oct 2024 · 540
Copse (Draft)
KarmaPolice Oct 2024
A lone tree stands
Its colour fades,
Leaves muted
By the grey

Dense fog
Blinds the copse
Their shadows
Slip away

By Darren Wall ©
Sep 2024 · 1.0k
KarmaPolice Sep 2024
You took a sip of my pain,
And mocked your fellow man.
Take the whole bottle-
Let's see if your
Still standing


By Darren Wall ©
Jun 2024 · 715
Flashback (Revised)
KarmaPolice Jun 2024
My husband sits for days on end,
Staring through his vacant friend.
My tearful words fall alone,
His mind resides in combat zone.

A man replaced by shell so cold,
Numbed by scars of war untold.
Violent dreams he lives each night,
Lashing out at all in sight.

He returns to war inside his head,
Trauma stained by all the bloodshed.
A trigger pulled, his mind released,
Begging for all thoughts to cease.

His scars remain, but can't be seen,
Buried deep inside his dreams.
I wish that I, could set him free,
From the damaging effects of PTSD.

I pray for the day he's finally home,
So the trauma of war can leave us alone.

By Darren Wall
Jun 2024 · 646
KarmaPolice Jun 2024
After years of silence,
I realised
That my kin
No longer inhabited
My world.

I was discarded,
Mentally neglected,
Cast aside.

My tears rang
Like tinnitus,
Disturbing their peace
And pride.

The familial stench
Of shame
Slowly infected
Them all.

A broken brother,
Ravaged by life,
By fate.

Lost to the embers
Of time.

By Darren Wall

May 2024 · 305
KarmaPolice May 2024
Their freedom granted by bifurcation
Roots severed from the family tree
They mourned the living, in brief
Discarded the wither and blight

Shed no tears to the fallen branches
The stench of phantosmia remains
Spring can't mask the memories
The wretched guilt shows no bark

The sap leaks through each season
The moss where blossom should be
Old wounds cast in the amber
Preserved for the life of the tree

Half dressed in a dawn chorus
Juxtaposed by muted decay
A lowly woodpecker knocks
Broken by a solitary shrill.

By Darren Wall ©
May 2024 · 878
Kin Abandoned
KarmaPolice May 2024
They shed no tears as the bridges burned
A lingering stench of phantosmia remains
No pouncet box can mask the memories
Their shame leaks through guilty pores

By Darren Wall ©
Feb 2024 · 901
Sirens (Alternative)
KarmaPolice Feb 2024
His senses hold him prisoner
Overwhelmed and alone
Walls were his burden
The light too much to bear

The soaked linen of yesterday's news
Stained with fear from battles before
Eclectic hoarding and microwave meals
Swallows a sharp suit and a badge

Headlights cast broken shadows
Each a spectre of the past
Empty scotch and cigarette holes
A slow crawl to solitude

Light burns through a slither
Heart beating through the walls
Strangled by the sirens
That triggered him before

He needs to be cradled
Yet no one comforts him
He rocks back and forth
Rhythmic on the floor

Screams muted by paralysis
Silence pervades the void
Fractured by the rasp and
A crescendo of emotions

The warning bells pass
They did not come for him
His symphony of sorrow
Plays out to an empty room

By Darren Wall ©
Feb 2024 · 951
KarmaPolice Feb 2024
The hero of mine
My closest kin
Protector of fear
Where do I begin?

A mind of books
A wild story teller
Helping me sleep
Brothers bestseller

You took me away
On the high seas
We fought armies
Bullies and Thieves

I idolised you brother
Always by your side
Bikes from the shed
We'd go out for a ride

Long summer nights
Watching the skies
Satellites passing
Stars filled our eyes


Youth escaped us
We were no longer free
The weight of life
Came down on me

The sun didn't shine
The shadows grew long
I searched for you
I tried to be strong

I missed your stories
I needed you brother
We drifted apart
From one another

I tried to reach you
But silence befalls
Keeping me out
Surrounded by walls

Ten long years
Since I saw you last
Only memories remain
Left long in the past

I really don't want
Our story to end
But our bond is..
Too fragile to mend

By Darren Wall ©
My PTSD doesn't just affect me, it pushes those you love away. They can't understand why you are not the man you were before. It's difficult, but it is what it is.
Jan 2024 · 1.8k
Hidden (Alternate)
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
I'm hidden by barriers
That you cannot see
I'm trapped and alone
But you can see me

I'm muted by noise
That you cannot hear
My screams fall silent
I'm frozen in fear

The pressure builds
My mind is racing
You fail to see
The struggles I'm facing

The room is spinning
My heart's beating fast
Thoughts creeping in
How long will they last?

I sit here vacant
I'm traumatised
I failed to answer
You.... recognised

Pounding your desk
Screaming my name
Jumbled words
Repeating again

I don't know the answer
I want to reply, but..
I keep blanking out
I can't explain why

In front of the class
You call out my name
"I've told you twice..
I'm not explaining again!"

I'm hidden by the barriers
That you cannot see
I'm trapped and alone
Until quarter past three

By Darren Wall
Jan 2024 · 1.5k
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
His senses held him prisoner
Overwhelmed and alone
Walls were his burden
The light too much to bear
The soaked linen of yesterday's news
Stained of fear from battles before
He needs to be cradled
Yet no one comforts him
He rocks back and forth
Rhythmic on the floor
Anemic screams suffocate
Silence fills the void
That breaks with a rasp
Sirens in the distance
They did not come for him
Noise bleeds through gaps
Like it did before
He weeps
Jan 2024 · 831
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
I only asked for your presence
I didn't want to call you again
I didn't expect you to mock me
As I, tried to process my pain

I'm sorry I expressed my sadness
I'm sorry I needed a hand
I didn't want to burden you
I hoped that you'd understand

I'm sorry I battled my demons
I'm sorry I shared my distress
I'm sorry but I was drowning
With Post Traumatic Stress

I didn't expect the silence
I didn't expect the blame
I suffered for my illness
I upset the family name

I had to hide my demons
I kept my sorrow confined
I watched you move on..
Without me,
As I was left behind

Time has left a stranger
I'm not the brother you know
In order to help me heal
I had to let you go
Jan 2024 · 784
Lost at Sea III
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
A moment of solace
Destroyed by the sea
It's pulling me under
I cannot break free

I cling to the boat
My nails digging in
The raging storm
Battling within

A torrent of water
Crushing my chest
Pinning my body
Causing distress

My mind floods
I'm drowning in fear
Helplessly watching
My end drawing near

I hear my name
As you call for me
You settle the noise
The storms and the sea.

The light disappears
My life fades to black
I struggle to breathe
But you pull me back
Jan 2024 · 1.1k
Lost at Sea II
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
The distance between us
Grows further apart
Consumed by the storm
That blackens my heart

And out at sea I battle
With all that nature throws
Waves that strip the ocean
Exposing cracks and bones

I'm battered by the storms
Waves tower over me
I'm frozen on the sea bed
Time stands still for me

I'm paralysed with fear
Exhausted, weak and prone
The sea will soon consume me
I can't fight this alone

My life flashed before me
A memory kept inside
Playing my emotions
That surge with the tide

A glimmer of light
Breaking the skies
In awe of the wonder
That light up my eyes
Jan 2024 · 588
The Fall (Haiku)
KarmaPolice Jan 2024
Is the tree falling
When time has left it still
Slow path it's crossing
Nov 2023 · 1.0k
Lost At Sea IV
KarmaPolice Nov 2023
I break the surface
As the water recedes
I'm no longer fighting
Washed up in the weeds

I look for the voice
Calling out to me
Feeling the sand
Away from the sea

I crawl for a while
Then stand on my feet
I take a few steps
Snow following sleet

I walk for the hills
The sun escapes me
The night draws in
Moon lights the quay

There on the pier
You waited for me
You never gave up
You kept calling me

The pain in my heart
I left in the sea
No longer distressed
I'm finally free

By Darren Wall
Feb 2020 · 262
KarmaPolice Feb 2020
I'm hidden by barriers
That you cannot see
I'm trapped and alone
But you can see me

I'm muted by noise
That you cannot hear
My screams fall silent
But you know I am here

I'm frozen by fear
Yet my body will hide
The trauma and pain
Leaking inside

I'm fighting the past
To keep history confined
My ignorance clear
I've wasted your time

Messages cease
Friendships break down
Burden too much
To stick around

I'm hidden by barriers
That you cannot see
I'm trapped and alone
Now you've left me

By Darren Wall
Oct 2019 · 483
Empty Chair
KarmaPolice Oct 2019
Creeping up
A silent foe
Breaking him down
Nice and slow

Crushing all
Hopes and dreams
Bravery fading
silent screams

Fighting on
War and peace
Just to get
A partial release

A little confidence
Suddenly lost,
One step forwards
The ultimate cost

Walls built
A safe distance
Hiding the world
From his existence

A man in a cave
Keeping away
Building the courage
To battle today

Invisible injury
A runaway train
Mental illness
Significant pain

It's how it's perceived
Colleagues find…
It hard to believe

Trauma consumes
His fragile mind
He seeks a spot
That's hard to find

Lack of remorse
Absent support
Pushing him
To obvious thoughts

Away from the public
Away from the noise
Away from the world
He said his goodbyes

Discovered alone
Discovered too late
Discovered the body
Discovered his fate

Tears shed
Guilt ridden hearts
Talking history
Picking him apart

Lack of due care
Former colleague...

Empty chair

By Darren Wall
It's World Mental Health Day today. I have changed an old poem that speaks from the heart. Although I have never had the intention, I have seen the damage it can have on families.

I'm grateful that the world acknowledges Mental Health each year, but this illness should not be confined to a day. Awareness, support, empathy and understanding should be instilled in us all every single day.

Colleagues, friends and family. We need to support each other to reduce the number of suicides in the world.

Speak up, communicate and prevent the trauma affecting the families that lose someone they love.

Take care all ***
Aug 2019 · 539
Lost at Sea I
KarmaPolice Aug 2019
I'm drifting out to sea
Where the storms brew
At peace with the thunder
Entranced by the view

The lighting leads
As my eyes fixate
The violent storm

I can't hear your cries
I can't feel your pain
Blind to your attempts
To save me again

The sea crashes
I slip further away
Trapped and alone
It's easier that way

I'm lost in the storm
That keeps you away
Don't cry for me now...
I'll find my own way.
Jul 2019 · 956
KarmaPolice Jul 2019
Take me back
To times of tranquility
In a time of peace
And mental stability

To escape my feelings
Of guilt and regret,
All the trauma and pain
I just...cannot forget

Where my mind is pure
With social innocence
Deaf to their words
Of cynical influence

Where fear is a myth
A story of fiction
Condemned by verse
To eternal extinction

I could be..

Free from the trauma
Free from the pain
I can erase my history
And walk tall again

By Darren Wall
May 2019 · 347
Post Traumatic Stress
KarmaPolice May 2019
Waking to the trauma
That yesterday brought
Locking in the guilt
And the battles I've fought

The triggered event
Overloads my senses
Occurring each night
Breaking defences

The fights that I have
Invisible to your eye
My heart is strong but
My mind wants to die

Shutting down
My brain cant digest
The repetition
Of Post Traumatic Stress

Waking to the trauma
That yesterday brought
No memory of nightmares
Just the pain that they cause

Darren Wall
Oct 2018 · 498
KarmaPolice Oct 2018
Looking through the mirror,
Something catches my eye,
A rush of deep emotion,
And the urge to cry,

My body shivers,
My hairs are on end,
Ten years since I saw you last...
...My one and only friend,

Closer you come,
The cold sears up my spine,
My jaw cracks open,
We're frozen in time,

Your hand reaches out,
As I try to scream,
My vocals muted,
Paralysed in a dream,

Your whisper wraps my body,
Feeding off my thoughts,
Devouring my soul,
As my spine contorts,

Falling to the ground,
Exposed for all to see,
The body of a sinner,
Consumed eternally.

By Darren Wall
Apr 2018 · 610
Mindless Media
KarmaPolice Apr 2018
Judgmental eyes
And septic tones
The Illiterate views
Of a mindless clone

Their brain sparks
At headline news
They follow the herd
Missing the clues

Making assumptions
Lacking the facts
Finding their prey
To launch an attack

They stir up hatred
And dish out blame
Keyboard warriors
Resilient to shame

Provoking responses
Encouraging hate
Feeding on trauma
Served on a plate

Selling papers
Creating division
Spreading their lies
To fund their addiction

By Darren Wall
Apr 2018 · 526
KarmaPolice Apr 2018
Trembling hands grasping bow
Flowers laid on ground below
Candles burnt and tears flow
Balloons in hand, we let them go

Glass remains amongst the tree
Bark stripped back, in memory
Stories shared for all to see
High emotion, running free

The sun descends in golden sky
I feel your presence walking by
Fading son caught my eye
Waving back, he said Good bye

By Darren Wall
Mar 2018 · 514
The Ruins
KarmaPolice Mar 2018
I found this ruin only by chance,
Its hypnotic Ivy, leaves me in a trance,
Hiding the features with its natural lace,
Supporting the wall, as they embrace,

The child inside me, can't help but explore,
Ascending the steps, to the withered old door,
Opening it slowly, interrupting the calm,
Disturbing the peace, like a morning alarm,

Birds fleeting, like the thoughts in my mind,
In awe of it's beauty, I left my troubles behind.
The sun breaking through, the absent gable,
Highlighting a chair, missing its table.

I come to rest in that old wooden chair,
I look up, in the suns aura I stare,
The heavens open as my spirit glides,
Out from my body as I breathe through the sky.

I am drawn to the roadside of an old country lane,
A car hugging a tree, smoke following flame,
A camera recording, from a lifeless grip,
Capturing the tragedy of a summers road trip,

Besides a body, is his newly wed bride,
Her breathing shallow, she looks in his eyes,
Calling his name, for the very last time,
Her spirit leaves, as she is drawn to mine,

Our spirits embrace as we ascend for sky,
As the heavens await the groom....
..and his beautiful bride.
Jan 2018 · 624
KarmaPolice Jan 2018
Upon reflection,
I see the past,
Stained with tears,
On broken glass,

Years of pain,
And near despair,
Kept fragile shards,
Beyond repair,

Mirrored soul,
Shows the cracks,
Historic scars,
Panic Attacks,

Mind resides,
In contemplation,
Picking apart,
The situation,

Finding solace,
In desperation,
Triggered grief,
Upon ones reflection.
Nov 2017 · 504
Weeping Man
KarmaPolice Nov 2017
Weeping man
All alone
Reading text
Upon his phone

No eye contact
No face to face
Her distant words
Lacking grace

Flowers dumped
In public vase
Intended ring
Reflects his face

He walks away
To numb the pain
Mixing bourbon
And weak *******

To lap of love
By means of gold
A strangers flesh
He needs to hold

Broken dreams
An empty bed
Missing wallet
Pounding head

Drunken walk
Lacking grace
Finding flowers
In public vase

Weeping man
All alone
Walks the street
Miles from home
Feb 2017 · 843
KarmaPolice Feb 2017
Here stands a man
A shadow of himself
Burdened by guilt
And failing health

Yet on the outside
You would fail to see
The trauma and pain
That resides within me

My apparent smile
Is perceived as joy
A simple disguise
I like to employ

My social disdain
Is seen in reflection
Yet...I masquerade
To avoid your attention

But as time passes by
The cracks, they appear
Leaking my soul
Through a solitary tear

Keeping a distance
Is the only way
To stop the trauma
Releasing today
Dec 2016 · 613
In Limbo
KarmaPolice Dec 2016
Deep in thought
Consumed by fear
I watch them fight
Their own ideas

They speak for me
They speak for them
They speak as though
I’m mute again

My tears run slow
Eyes well with dread
Their sermons preached
As though i’m dead

Yet I am here
My mind’s intact
As they expose
The hairline cracks

Decisions made
They all agree
Awkward eyes
Return to me

Papers passed
My future laid
By union trade

I sit at home
I wait for news
I look online for
Similar views

Breaking down
My body aches
As I endure
Life mistakes


*Showing the inhuman side, when policy and procedure comes out to play
Dec 2016 · 973
Prisoner of the mind
KarmaPolice Dec 2016
I am a prisoner
Locked by the thoughts
In my mind
History frozen
In time
Reliving the moment
Of crime
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Death of a Soldier
KarmaPolice Oct 2016
Etched in his mind,
The internal war,
Haemorrhaging blood,
Hidden once more,

Slowly he’s dying,
His body too weak,
Paralysed lips,
Unable to speak,

Traumatic life,
Slipping away,
His heavy soul,
Aching today.

He witnessed it all,
The burden unseen,
Screaming their names,
Tortured in dream,

His cries settle,
His memory fades,
Wiping the tears,
For former comrades.

KarmaPolice Oct 2016
He sat by the fire and raised a glass
Mumbling words from his secret past
I watched him wipe some tears away
As he recalled their final days

As a curious child, I wondered why
My heroic father would sit and cry
Or scream out, from his soaked bed
Pleading to stop the noise in his head

We would hide away, each bonfire night,
In fear of the noise, the smoke and the light
He thought our home was under attack
Lost in the daze of a random flashback

As he grew old I understood why
This brave soldier would sit and cry
He lost his family not bound by blood
Witnessed things that no human should

Mental scars burned deep in his mind
From the devastation, he left behind
He was a prisoner of war every day
Locked in a memory…
...his mind would replay
KarmaPolice Jul 2016
I watch the waves
Crashing down below
I see the lighthouse
Lighting up the snow

I watch the sunset
Slipping out of sight
I see all the ships, make
Portraits in the night

I watch the stars intently
As colour fills my eyes
Tears of amazement
In wonder of the skies

I leave the embers glowing
I let my feet lead the way
Following the imprints
Along the rustic quay

I rest upon the harbour
I see your face appear
My is heart beating, racing
As we meet along the pier
Originally called "I See" , I changed the poem a little as I felt it needed to be longer. I hope you like it.
Jul 2016 · 4.0k
I See
KarmaPolice Jul 2016
I watch the waves
Crashing down below
I see the lighthouse
Lighting up the snow

I watch the sunset
Slipping out of sight
Silhouettes before me
Boats drift into the night

I watch the stars intently
As colour fills my eyes
Tears released by beauty
By natures own surprise
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
KarmaPolice Jul 2016
The door that rests
But fails to close
Holds open the fears
He cannot dispose

He tries to force it
And leave them behind
Yet the images leak
And poison his mind

His vision fails
In weeping eyes
His heart beating
Drowning all noise

Laboured and forced
Soaking of skin
The doors wide open
As trauma rushed in

Drowning on surface
Lungs contract
Invisible illness
Panic Attack
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
KarmaPolice Jun 2016
Accelerated trauma
Starts my videotape
I replay it ten times over
Until my body breaks

The voices in the distance
Lost by a wall of sound
Distorted scenes crush me
Falling to the ground

Screaming out in fear
A fight before my eyes
Lashing out around me
Leads to my demise

Rapid breathing dissipates
Calmness fills the air
Tears break the silence
Fills me with despair

The dark storm receding
Carnage everywhere
Scattered lives around me
Damaged beyond repair
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
A winter's soldier
KarmaPolice Apr 2016
Stepping out into the cold
Beaten limbs, feeling old
His home upon his back
Just ten years since Iraq

Paper sheets and plastic bags
Warming body holding rags
His bottle lacking wine
Drinking passed the time

Daily grind pass him by
No one stops or wonders why
His lips are a shade of blue

Tight fist clutched to chest
A hero soldier came to rest
Upon a cold dark street
He fell beneath your feet

A winter's soldier died alone
Buried deep below the stone
Tortured by the war
His mind could not ignore

If only we could stand beside
Help our heroes, show our pride
Then we can help to save
The wounded and the brave
Mar 2016 · 804
The Journey
KarmaPolice Mar 2016
I see the trees are painting
Graceful scenes for you
The wind slowly whispers
To the sky of grey and blue

The clouds break in silence
Light warms the earth below
The path of ice beneath me
Basks in the morning glow

Leads me to Flanders fields
Your silhouette appears
The crosses of memorium
A deliquesce of tears

The peacefulness resounding
My emotions run away
By the name that greets me
On your remembrance day
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
KarmaPolice Feb 2016
I came across some paper,
It was crumpled, torn and frayed,
Stained with ink and tears,
A tormented artist played,

Their heavy heart and troubled mind,
Had written words so true,
A hidden path into their world,
A reason for their blues,

Inspired by your written words,
I penned one of my own,
To tell you not to worry,
That you will never be alone,

My heavy heart lifted with the words I wrote,
Flowing without effort,
Upon this tear stained note,

I put this note into the bin,
And I slowly walked away,
To hide the emotion of my soul,
Of where this artist played.
Feb 2016 · 440
Break the cycle
KarmaPolice Feb 2016
Broken window,
Damaged door,
Tempers rising,
Personal war,

Clenched fists,
Raised heart,
Eyes bulging,
A man apart,

Words fail,
Closed ears,
Red mist,
Own fears,

Locked door,
Black eye,
Help me,
She cries,

Angry man,
Local law,
He resists,
Once more,

Changed heart,
New start,

Spilt glass,
Angry man,
Beaten wife,
Changed plans,

Courage found,
To walk away,
And escape,
His drunken ways,

New life,
No fear,
Only joy,
Draws tears,
Feb 2016 · 6.7k
Empty Chair
KarmaPolice Feb 2016
Creeping up, a silent foe,
Breaking him down, nice and slow,
Crushing all his hopes and dreams,
Bravery fading, silent screams,

Fighting on, war and peace,
Just to get, a partial release,
A little confidence, suddenly lost,
One step forwards, the ultimate cost,

Walls built, a safe distance,
Hiding the world, from his existence,
A man in a cave, keeping away,
Building the courage, to battle today,

Invisible injury, a runaway train,
Mental illness, significant pain,
Weakness, it's how it's percieved,
Colleagues find...It hard to believe,

Lack of remorse, absent support,
Pushes him, to obvious thoughts,
Attenion seeking, he was no more,
Discovered today, by local law,

Tears shed, guilt ridden hearts,
Talking history, picking him apart,
Realisation, lack of due care,
Former colleague...

Empty chair


Trying to find the words to explain the poem. The message is there. Think about your actions to those you see every day. The ones that annoy you, for their quirky behaviour. There is an untold story behind each of us. Some suffer in silence, some try to seek help. Compassion and understanding is within us all. The unseen illness is a killer.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Locked In
KarmaPolice Jan 2016
Locked In

Closing my eyes, I drift away,
A memory of old, I hope to replay,
That special birthday, or event,
My mother’s cooking, a homely scent,
The trip to wales, our broken car,
Hysteria of life, the passing star,
Imagination, running free,
Brothers and Sisters, close as can be,
My first crush, and broken tears,
The dreams I have, roll back the years,
Christmas at home, a day in the park,
Long summer gone, a new life starts,
A walk down the aisle, my vow to keep,
A young child cries, her father weeps,
Home replaced home, our family grew,
One child family, soon became two,
Holidays abroad, children at school,
Bed before eight, that was the rule,
Two graduations, and career breaks,
Comforting daughters, boyfriend mistakes,
Tragedy returns, my eyes awoken,
Crying deep inside, no words spoken,
Family gather round, my body is dead,
The soul occupies, the thoughts in my head,
Holding my hand, hysterical tears,
Support switched off, as my time nears,
I close my eyes, feeling no pain,
Dreaming of when...
I will see them again.
Jan 2016 · 4.5k
The Internet Troll
KarmaPolice Jan 2016
Sitting in his chair,
Laughing at your pain,
Abuse driven glory,
His only aim,
Withdrawn from society,
Curtains drawn close,
Prozac painkillers,
Attention less ghost,
Viral anger,
Lack of remorse,
Deflecting the pain,
Of his parent's divorce,
A knock at his door,
The troll opens it wide,
A recognised face,
Looks him straight in the eyes,
Fear grips his body,
As she pins him to the floor,
Their screams turned to silence,
A troll he was no more....
The urban legend,
Of the internet troll.
Punished by the evil...
That devoured his soul.
Dec 2015 · 597
Cyclic (Final Edit)
KarmaPolice Dec 2015
We will succeed in stripping you apart,
Exposing your chest and crushing your heart,
Exposing your mind to collective lies,
Twisting your thoughts to their murderous cries,

Forcing your stance on their pedestal high,
Cutting your wings as you fall from the sky,

They left him cold; he succumbed with distress,
Anxiety forced upon weakened chest,
All the black and white pictures the media pressed,
Were tainted with lies a corporate mess,

They dragged his carcass through the public mire,
Flaming their cause and they set him on fire,
They watched him burn his former self,
Leaving his spirit crushed, by failing health,

He then slipped away

In to the troubled path of cyclic noise,
History bleeds within the brain it destroys
Based upon the stories behind the media and the destruction it leaves. It is fiction.
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