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Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Weeping Man (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Dec 2015
Weeping man
All alone
Reading text
Upon his phone

No eye contact
No face to face
Her distant words
Lacking grace

Flowers dumped
In public vase
Intended ring
Reflects his face

He walks away
To numb the pain
Mixing bourbon
And weak *******

To lap of love
By means of gold
A strangers flesh
He needs to hold

Broken dreams
An empty bed
Missing wallet
Pounding head

Drunken walk
Lacking grace
Finding flowers
In public vase

Weeping man
All alone
Walks the street
Miles from home
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Silent Train
KarmaPolice Nov 2015
Wandering the streets in vain,
A darkened soul calls my name,
Her haunting voice draws me near,
The path I take, will soon appear,

The fog as thick as yesteryear,
Clinging to my pores and hair,
My tired feet can’t take no more,
Seeping blood upon the floor

A dancing light, leads me below,
Underneath the watching crow,
Frozen as the light draws near,
The silent train of yesteryear,

She cries for me to save her soul,
The train derails out of control,
Arms reach out, push me back,
My legs are caught upon the track,

And silence falls….

The fog retreats from where I lay,
With phantom limbs upon display,
The curse remains for all to see,
No legs remain below my knees.
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
High Rise
KarmaPolice Nov 2015
Cold grey exterior,
Weeping acid rain,
Condensated glass,
Rotten window frame,

Drum and bass lines,
Speakers on the floor,
Tired mother screaming,
Kicking at their door,

Abuse laden vocals,
A wolf pack circle round,
Commotion on the stairwell,
Falling to the ground,

Blood soaked footsteps,
Muffled voices flee,
Sirens in the distance,
Mother cries for me.

Drum and Bass lines,
Speakers on the floor,
Orphaned son is weeping,
Mother screams no more.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
War (A collection)
KarmaPolice Nov 2015
Apologies in advance. I wanted to share them all x

For the fallen

The world is such a tormented place,
Haunted by the insecurities of every race.
Obsessed with greed and absolute power,
The dictators rained on the weak,
With a gun filled shower.

Brave men were enlisted to bring peace to the land,
To help the weak be strong and to make a stand,
Women and children were left abandoned, alone,
While their men were out fighting protecting our home.

Families shattered by one single blast,
Congregating together in one single mass.
Weeping beside a freshly dug grave,
Lay a widow wishing that he had not been so brave.

We will remember him always for his courage and valour,
By honouring his name in silence upon the eleventh hour.
Rest in peace my friend we are forever in your debt,
We will pray for you all.... lest we forget.


Love in War

Thinking of you my love,
As this horror reigns upon me from above,
Scared, freezing cold and wet,
I think of you, the good times we had,
Which I will never forget,

One by one, my comrades fall, into this stranger of lands,
Where they once stood tall,
Too weak to keep going, no food, no water,
We think of our loved, wives, sons and daughters,

Shells falling, exploding beside,
Blood shed all over, my comrades have died,
I am alone now, with nowhere to turn,
As the carnage of war continues to burn,

I hear the enemy drawing near, shouting aloud,
The trophies off my comrades, have made them so proud,
I have to make a choice, as either way I will die,
As I cook this grenade and blow them sky high!

Why my father cried

Sitting by the fire,
He raised a glass,
Whispering words,
Of his secret past,

A solitary tear,
Wiped slowly away,
Hiding the pain,
Of that fateful day,

As a curious child,
I always wondered why,
My heroic father,
Would sit and cry,

Or wake up screaming,
Soaked in his bed,
Telling my mother,
The noise in his head,

As I grew old,
I understood why,
My soldier father,
Would sit and cry,

He lost his family,
Not linked by blood,
He witnessed things,
That no human should,

Affected by the war,
Still to this day,
His post-traumatic stress,
Stuck on replay.


The Return

Newsflash on the radio, he saved many lives,
Protecting his brothers, by self-sacrifice,
Dreading the moment, of a knock at my door,
Just hearing those words, pin me to the floor,

My wife drops her cup, is crippled by the dread,
We know what is coming, our heroic Son is dead,
I'm crying deep inside, on the outside I am strong,
Footsteps drawing near, I know it won’t be long.

Flashbacks whirling round, family moments we shared,
Too proud to tell my son, just how much I cared,
I reach for my wife, to hold her in my arms
The doorbell rings, like the morning alarm,

Bringing her close, I tell her it's okay,
Holding each other’s hands, as we start to pray,
I walk to the door, heart beats through my chest,
Opening it slowly, as it comes to rest,

My son stands before me, tears replace tears,
No scratch upon his skin, allaying all my fears,
A reoccurring dream, every single night,
As we await his return, from their heroic fight.

Written for all the families affected by war.



My husband sits for days on end,
Staring through his empty friend,
My tearful words fall alone,
His mind resides in combat zone,

A man replaced by shell so cold,
Numbed by scars of war untold,
Violent dreams lived each night,
Lashing out, at all in sight,

He returns to war inside his head,
Trauma stained by all bloodshed,
A trigger pulled, his mind released,
Begging for, all thoughts to cease,

His scars remain, but can't be seen,
Buried deep inside his dreams,
Years of therapy, will help him free,
From the damaging effects..
.. of PTSD

I pray for the day, he's finally home,
So the trauma of war, can leave us alone.


A Winter's Soldier

A winters night, into the cold,
The Queen's servant, looking old,
Just ten years since Iraq..
Ripped cloth upon his back.

Paper sheets, and plastic bags,
Warming body holding rags ,
His bottle lacking wine..
Drinking passed the time,

Daily grind, passing by,
No one stops, wonders why..
..His lips, are a shade of blue,

Tight fist clutched to chest,
A hero soldier, came to rest,
Upon commuter street..
..look down beneath your feet...

..Yes you!

A winters soldier, died alone,
Buried deep, below the stone,
Tortured by the war..
By the scars nobody saw.

If only you had not ignored,
The dying soldier there before,
Then maybe we could save...
..The wounded and the brave.

New poems added. Hopefully improve them in time :-)
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Feast Of Sins
KarmaPolice Oct 2015
Sipping from the glass,like a fine wine,
The aroma of your body, simply divine,
Full blooded Italian, dripping down my face,
Dabbed with silken cloth, delicate in taste,

Conversation ends, passion no longer there,
Hunger replaced the lust, quiet as you stare,
The pallor of your skin, an array of grey's and blue,
Only thirty minutes pass, since I devoured you.

I watch your body age, as bones depart your skin,
Your blackened heart remains, a reminder of your sin,
A lady of pleasure, turned her back upon the light,
Into the arms of Nosferatu, as I stalked you through the night.
Oct 2015 · 2.4k
The Corpse Bride
KarmaPolice Oct 2015
Lying motionless, pretending to be,
As dead as the bodies, surrounding me,
Covered in blood, bits of dead skin,
Masking my aroma, as they close in,
Dragging of feet, hearing their groans,
A chorus of dead, no longer alone,
Clutching tight, the axe in my hand,
Looking for flesh, around me they stand,
Smelling the air, one turn's his head,
Breathing deeply, he can tell I’m not dead,
Rage fills my body, a fight to the death,
Swinging my axe, with every breath,
Cracking of skulls, I fight through the mist,
A figure remains, the one that I missed,
Anger turns to tears, my beautiful bride,
Killed by them all, now a Zombie resides,
My arm lowers, I beg her to leave,
Closer she comes, I fall to my knees,
She reaches out, as her eyes bulge red,
I scream out as I....
....put an axe to her head.
Oct 2015 · 3.2k
The Silent War
KarmaPolice Oct 2015
Etched in his mind,
The internal war,
Haemorrhaging blood,
Hidden once more,

Slowly he’s dying,
His body too weak,
Paralysed lips,
Unable to speak,

Traumatic life,
Slipping away,
His heavy soul,
Aching today.

He witnessed it all,
The burden unseen,
Screaming their names,
Tortured in dream,

His cries settle,
His memory fades,
Wiping the tears,
For former comrades.

For all the soldiers alive today, we will remember them too.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
KarmaPolice Oct 2015
The space absorbed
By positive thoughts

Of one’s expressive mind

Is crushed by failure
And negative thoughts

In this dismissive mind

The trigger pressed
By recurring stress

In this historic mind

Leaves broken text
And forward steps

**Within the confines of my mind
Oct 2015 · 525
Her Shadow
KarmaPolice Oct 2015
I'll be forever in her shadow,
In the darkness I wait,
The situation consumes me,
As I'm left to contemplate,

I look exactly like her,
In every single way,
I mimic her movements,
It’s a game I like to play,

I blend with her shadows,
I follow her when she leaves,
I know her every mannerism,
I even copy how she breathes,

We tread the route together,
Picking flowers in the sun,
Sharing the memories,
Of all the things we've done,

She gazes at the light,
Beaming through the sky,
Breaking through the clouds,
Warming her inside,

We walk along the path,
But I let her lead the way,
To the comfort of our home,
On this summers day,

She lay upon the bed,
And whispered close to me..

...I miss our days together mum,
I wish you were here with me.
Sep 2015 · 1.8k
KarmaPolice Sep 2015
Upon reflection,
I see the past,
Stained with tears,
On broken glass,

Years of pain,
And near despair,
Kept fragile shards,
Beyond repair,

Mirrored soul,
Shows the cracks,
Historic scars,
Panic Attacks,

Mind resides,
In contemplation,
Picking apart,
The situation,

Finding solace,
In desperation,
Triggered grief,
Upon ones reflection.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
KarmaPolice Sep 2015
Falling leaves,
Float on by,
Rustic colours,
Touch the sky,

Birds roost,
Squirrels climb,
Here I stand,
No fear of time,

Silence broken,
A duck calls,
Geese gather,
Along the falls,

A dog chases,
The birds away,
Leaves crumble,
As children play,

Mist descending,
A least weasel,
I capture them all,
Upon my easel.
Aug 2015 · 2.8k
KarmaPolice Aug 2015
A winters stare,
Beautifully resonates in the air,
A clear sky, a frozen pitch,
I wonder if the beauty,
will last more than a few minutes,

The snapping of a twig,
which was once part of the untouched view,
A graceful swan as muted as I am in awe,

Gliding by,

Looking over by the hill,
The mist breathing through the grass,
as I pause once more,
The grandest of oaks, silhouetted by the rising sun,
Grips me to the core,

Only in England…

Say no more.
Aug 2015 · 2.0k
KarmaPolice Aug 2015
Always fighting,
From the inside,
Breaking the walls,
Of his former pride,

The scattered remains,
Washed by the rain,
Fading all hope,
Of easing his pain,

Searching the puddles,
Through autummal leaves,
Scratching the floor,
For broken beliefs,

Brushing the grain,
From trembling hand,
Mixed with dirt,
And goldless sand,

He crawls away..

Leaving his dignity,
And all that he gained,
In the gutterless hole,
For a moment of fame.
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
War (A collection)
KarmaPolice Jun 2015
Apologies in advance. I wanted to share them all x

For the fallen

The world is such a tormented place,
Haunted by the insecurities of every race.
Obsessed with greed and absolute power,
The dictators rained on the weak,
With a gun filled shower.

Brave men were enlisted to bring peace to the land,
To help the weak be strong and to make a stand,
Women and children were left abandoned, alone,
While their men were out fighting protecting our home.

Families shattered by one single blast,
Congregating together in one single mass.
Weeping beside a freshly dug grave,
Lay a widow wishing that he had not been so brave.

We will remember him always for his courage and valour,
By honouring his name in silence upon the eleventh hour.
Rest in peace my friend we are forever in your debt,
We will pray for you all.... lest we forget.


Love in War

Thinking of you my love,
As this horror reigns upon me from above,
Scared, freezing cold and wet,
I think of you, the good times we had,
Which I will never forget,

One by one, my comrades fall, into this stranger of lands,
Where they once stood tall,
Too weak to keep going, no food, no water,
We think of our loved, wives, sons and daughters,

Shells falling, exploding beside,
Blood shed all over, my comrades have died,
I am alone now, with nowhere to turn,
As the carnage of war continues to burn,

I hear the enemy drawing near, shouting aloud,
The trophies off my comrades, have made them so proud,
I have to make a choice, as either way I will die,
As I cook this grenade and blow them sky high!

Why my father cried

Sitting by the fire,
He raised a glass,
Whispering words,
Of his secret past,

A solitary tear,
Wiped slowly away,
Hiding the pain,
Of that fateful day,

As a curious child,
I always wondered why,
My heroic father,
Would sit and cry,

Or wake up screaming,
Soaked in his bed,
Telling my mother,
The noise in his head,

As I grew old,
I understood why,
My soldier father,
Would sit and cry,

He lost his family,
Not linked by blood,
He witnessed things,
That no human should,

Affected by the war,
Still to this day,
His post-traumatic stress,
Stuck on replay.


The Return

Newsflash on the radio, he saved many lives,
Protecting his brothers, by self-sacrifice,
Dreading the moment, of a knock at my door,
Just hearing those words, pin me to the floor,

My wife drops her cup, is crippled by the dread,
We know what is coming, our heroic Son is dead,
I'm crying deep inside, on the outside I am strong,
Footsteps drawing near, I know it won’t be long.

Flashbacks whirling round, family moments we shared,
Too proud to tell my son, just how much I cared,
I reach for my wife, to hold her in my arms
The doorbell rings, like the morning alarm,

Bringing her close, I tell her it's okay,
Holding each other’s hands, as we start to pray,
I walk to the door, heart beats through my chest,
Opening it slowly, as it comes to rest,

My son stands before me, tears replace tears,
No scratch upon his skin, allaying all my fears,
A reoccurring dream, every single night,
As we await his return, from their heroic fight.

Written for all the families affected by war.



My husband sits for days on end,
Staring through his empty friend,
My tearful words fall alone,
His mind resides in combat zone,

A man replaced by shell so cold,
Numbed by scars of war untold,
Violent dreams lived each night,
Lashing out, at all in sight,

He returns to war inside his head,
Trauma stained by all bloodshed,
A trigger pulled, his mind released,
Begging for, all thoughts to cease,

His scars remain, but can't be seen,
Buried deep inside his dreams,
Years of therapy, will help him free,
From the damaging effects..
.. of PTSD

I pray for the day, he's finally home,
So the trauma of war, can leave us alone.


A Winter's Soldier

A winters night, into the cold,
The Queen's servant, looking old,
Just ten years since Iraq..
Ripped cloth upon his back.

Paper sheets, and plastic bags,
Warming body holding rags ,
His bottle lacking wine..
Drinking passed the time,

Daily grind, passing by,
No one stops, wonders why..
..His lips, are a shade of blue,

Tight fist clutched to chest,
A hero soldier, came to rest,
Upon commuter street..
..look down beneath your feet...

..Yes you!

A winters soldier, died alone,
Buried deep, below the stone,
Tortured by the war..
By the scars nobody saw.

If only you had not ignored,
The dying soldier there before,
Then maybe we could save...
..The wounded and the brave.

New poems added. Hopefully improve them in time :-)
May 2015 · 827
Natures Loss
KarmaPolice May 2015
The first drop fell, upon your skin,

As nature shed her first tear,

The sky grey from mourning,

As war, ravaged you all here,

Breathing through your branches,

Cooling you with snow,

Warming you with sun rays,

But you refused to grow,

The earth you lay, was poisoned,

Neglected, beyond all repair,

Your mother held you closely,

As waste consumed the air,

She flooded the world with tears,

Burying all the earth below,

Laying rest to her only child,

As she finally let him go.
May 2015 · 2.6k
The Invisible fight
KarmaPolice May 2015
I cannot lie,
I cannot hide,
I cannot keep,
This trauma inside,

I will break the stigma,
I will break the walls,
I will break the boundaries,
Hiding us all,

I will fight the cause,
I will fight in name,
To prevent others suffering,
Exactly the same,

I vow i'll recover,
I vow I will speak,
To show the world,
Our minds are not weak.
May 2015 · 647
Thomas Rose (1)
KarmaPolice May 2015
Chapter 1

Most children my age, have a place called home, ?
Parents or siblings, they are never alone,
Have their own room, with clothes on their back, ?
Food on their plate, piled in a stack, ?

Well educated, a wealth of close friends, ?
But for me?. It is hard to pretend, ??
Eating scraps off the floor, no water or food,
A derelict home, no light in the fuse, ?

No brothers or sisters, not a friend in sight,
Forgotten by the world, I lay here tonight.
Dishevelled clothes, trainers hang of my feet,
Winter descends, snow following sleet, ?

Tiles missing, the wind sets a chill, ?
Huddled in the corner, I await her still. ??
She walks the street, hour after hour,
Collecting the funds, for an ****** flower,

I can sit here all night, yet she will fail to return, ?
I'm second to addiction, I have soon come to learn, ??
Pain in my stomach, freezing I stare, ?
The door creaking, but no one is there,

Sirens in the distance, I wish they'd find me,
Too weak to get up, too dark to see, ??
Twenty four hours, I lay here alone,
Shivering in cloth, through to the bone,

Tears fading, they serve no use, ?
They cannot save me, from years of abuse.
Commotion outside, unable to shout, ?
Too ill for fear, impending blackout, ?

Door kicked in, they rush in and see, ?
The fear grips the room, as they find me. ??
In the hospital, I awake alone, ?
No mother beside me, I should've known, ?

A woman attended, called me by name, ?
I knew that my life, would never be the same.
Part one, feedback welcome.
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
Vigil (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Mar 2015
Trembling hands grasping bow,
Flowers laid on ground below,
Candles burnt and tears flow,
Balloons in hand, we let them go,

Glass remains amongst the tree,
Bark stripped back, in memory,
Stories shared for all to see,
High emotion, running free,

The sun descends in golden sky,
I feel your presence walking by,
Fading son caught my eye,
Waving back, he said Good bye.

By Darren Wall
Feb 2015 · 5.2k
Judged (Fictional)
KarmaPolice Feb 2015

My fate lies in another's hands,
In front of the judge, is where I stand,
Sweating profusely, under my suit,
Waiting to end, this two year pursuit,

Which has consumed me every day,
Nowhere to put, these troubles away,
Clinical depression, grew out of control,
****** my life away, into a black hole,

Clouded by darkness, no light shone,
Desire to do anything, had already gone,
Locked myself up, staring at these walls,
Every glimmer of hope, destined for a fall.

Fighting with my mind, trying overcome,
More obstacles appear, before I’d begun,
Drifting through each day, like I wasn't there
Distant from the world, drawn into a stare


I climbed myself out, of this black hole,
To walk tall again, my one and only goal,
My vocals returned, clouds leaving my brain,
Sunshine appearing, clearing the rain,

Like sunny intervals, I had moments of joy,
Localised pressure, fog falling from the sky,
Trying to penetrate, deep into the cracks,
To rebuild my life, and return to the track,

Awaiting the moment, I hear the result,
As I fight from all corners, excepting my faults,
Refusing to be drawn, on the what ifs and whys,
The truth will prevail, and settle their cries,

Fact and understanding, from this broken man’s part,
Will show you his compassion, and the pain in his heart,
Whether it is accepted, my offering upon this plate,
I am ready for judgment, regardless of fate.

I will return to my family,
Regardless of your plan,
No longer..My life in pieces,
No longer..A broken man.
Feb 2015 · 503
Cold Heart
KarmaPolice Feb 2015
Why do I feel so cold?
Years pass, the longing to hold you..
..Is gone

My beautiful flower
Decomposed into the soil..
..No tears

The sun leaves me behind,
A stranger lies beneath,
Once a devoted wife,
Now an historic cheat,

I want to forgive you,
Time has twisted my heart,
No answers to my prayers,
Too long we’ve been apart,

One day our paths will cross,
I will lie amongst you once more,
Your weathered memory concealed,
By unforgiving moss
Feb 2015 · 3.0k
Flashback (fiction)
KarmaPolice Feb 2015
My husband sits for days on end,
Staring through his empty friend,
My tearful words fall alone,
His mind resides in combat zone,

A man replaced by shell so cold,
Numbed by scars of war untold,
Violent dreams lived each night,
Lashing out, at all in sight,

He returns to war inside his head,
Trauma stained by all bloodshed,
A trigger pulled, his mind released,
Begging for, all thoughts to cease,

His scars remain, but can't be seen,
Buried deep inside his dreams,
Years of therapy, will help him free,
From the damaging effects..
.. of Post Traumatic Stress

I pray for the day, he's finally home,
So the trauma of war, can leave us alone.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
My life compared
KarmaPolice Jan 2015
If I was to compare, my life with another,
Born the same, I'm led to discover,
Lives in a world, that is just like mine,
A mirror image, echoes the time,
The same job, and vocation,
Set within, the same location.

I reflect on the image, of my weary self,
No illness resides, an aurora of health,
Whereas I struggle, with duress upon me,
They are relaxed, as they ever could be.
A wide smile returns, no grey skin,
No walls around, keeping it in,

Why you ask, are they so calm?
Is it because, they live without harm?
Are not judged, or working to a rule,
That was made, by a government mule,
They have not suffered, mental pain,
Or lived a life, clouded by rain,

They live in a world, and they all get along,
United in harmony, like a beautiful song,
I can only dream, of their peaceful land,
Where instead of suffering...

They hold each other’s hand.
Jan 2015 · 2.6k
A Father Reborn (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Jan 2015
A father reborn

Waking up in tears, is a normal day,
Since I was informed, you had passed away,
I know you’d be angry, for me falling apart,
I try to be strong, but guilt crushed my heart,

I keep beating myself , for being away all the time,
When your clock in your body, had started to chime,
A countdown had begun, and you wasn't aware,
While I was out socialising, and didn't seem to care.

We barely spoke , when we were at home,
I didn't show you respect, by leaving you alone,
I was side tracked, by the lover in my life,
I should’ve saved our marriage, and cared for my wife.

I failed to even ask, how you were each day,
As I picked up my briefcase, and left on my way.
I failed as father, missed our children growing up,
Always in the distance, when I should’ve been close up.

I forgot each birthday, and anniversary as well,
I made your last months, difficult as hell,
I'm so sorry my love, I want you here next to me,
I was blinded by her lust ,when I needed to see,

I wasn't even beside you, as you took your last breath,
I was beside my lover, as I heard of your death,
I can't turn back time, and change what I’ve done,
But I promise you always, I'll be a father to our sons.

I have quit my job, and severed all ties,
To the place where I worked, and my life full of lies,
I didn't know how, to be a family man,
But I aim to be, the best father I can,

It's been challenging, upsetting and wonderful to see,
As a single father family, who are as close as can be,
You can rest in peace my love, as your memories live on.
As I see your spirit, in each of our sons.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
The Ruins
KarmaPolice Jan 2015
I found this ruin only by chance,
Its hypnotic Ivy, leaves me in a trance,
Hiding the features with its natural lace,
Supporting the wall, as they embrace,

The child inside me, can't help but explore,
Ascending the steps, to the withered old door,
Opening it slowly, interrupting the calm,
Disturbing the peace, like a morning alarm,

Birds fleeting, like the thoughts in my mind,
In awe of it's beauty, I left my troubles behind.
The sun breaking through, the absent gable,
Highlighting a chair, missing its table.

I come to rest in that old wooden chair,
I look up, in the suns aura I stare,
The heavens open as my spirit glides,
Out from my body as I breathe through the sky.

I am drawn to the roadside of an old country lane,
A car hugging a tree, smoke following flame,
A camera recording, from a lifeless grip,
Capturing the tragedy of a summers road trip,

Besides a body, is his newly wed bride,
Her breathing shallow, she looks in his eyes,
Calling his name, for the very last time,
Her spirit leaves, as she is drawn to mine,

Our spirits embrace as we ascend for sky,
As the heavens await the groom....
..and his beautiful bride.
Jan 2015 · 759
A Fathers Fear
KarmaPolice Jan 2015
Breaking news,
Of a traumatic kind,
Numbing my body,
Torturing my mind,

As I witness,
Youthful innocence,
Oblivious to the hatred,
Of cultural indifference,

My childs fears are simple,
Her world is not the same,
She is a little princess,
Enjoying her fun and games,

But how can I protect her,
And keep trauma from her eyes,
In a world full of corruption,
Where the innocence has died.

I can only pray her future,
Is faced with a cultural belief,
That regardless of our differences,
We can live our lives in peace.
Nov 2014 · 828
For the fallen
KarmaPolice Nov 2014
For the fallen

The world is such a tormented place,
Haunted by the insecurities of every race.
Obsessed with greed and absolute power,
The dictators rained on the weak,
With a gun filled shower.

Brave men were enlisted to bring peace to the land,
To help the weak be strong and to make a stand,
Women and children were left abandoned, alone,
While their men were out fighting protecting our home.

Families shattered by one single blast,
Congregating together in one single mass.
Weeping beside a freshly dug grave,
Lay a widow wishing that he had not been so brave.

We will remember him always for his courage and valour,
By honouring his name in silence upon the eleventh hour.
Rest in peace my friend we are forever in your debt,
We will pray for you all.... lest we forget.
Nov 2014 · 691
The Cost Of Addiction
KarmaPolice Nov 2014
He lurks in the darkness,
Adrenaline pulses through his body,
The trembling of his hands,
Shows his desperation....

He needs your money

Eyes sunken, dark circles around,
He pushes his greasy hair back,
With his tobacco stained fingers,
His feet rotten to the soles,

Ulcerated needle points,
Run like dominos up his arm,
Past his man made tattoo,
Sweating through his dishevelled clothes,

He waits......

His lips crack as his grin widens,
You are walking alone...again,
Pulling your trolley behind,
As your head stoops low,

Easy victim........

Out of the darkness he comes,
The adrenaline takes control,
His heart spasms,
Collapsing to the floor,

He scores no more
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
The Bus Stop (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Sep 2014
Here I stand upon this stop,
It's my ritual every day,
With all the other zombies,
Tired and looking grey,

The thought of public transport,
Irritates my brain,
As the bus arrives at my stop,
Packed like a commuter train,

The usual faces look away, 
Thinking please don't sit with me,
I park my **** upon their bags,
I pretend I didn't see,

The huffing and the puffing,
People late for work,
The woman sitting next to me,
Thinking...he's an effing ****,

Trying not to look at her,
Or the hairy man in front,
I look at the condensation,
As her elbow gives a shunt,

Getting up from my seat,
Needs balance and an awkward grin,
The bus brakes late upon this stop,
As she heels me in the shin,

My eyes welling up,
As I let out a massive ****,
The poor old lady gags,
Pulling up her winters scarf,

Embarrassed by my actions,
I pressed the button quick,
The odour travelled up my nose,
I think that i'll be sick

Fighting past the commuters,
Trying to get some air,
I knew it was too late....
Throwing up on some ladies hair,

So now I drive to work,
Past the Bus Stop that she waits,
We are married with two children,
Some people call it fate,
Sep 2014 · 982
Son of no Cross (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Sep 2014
Mistaken father, i'm not here to pray,
Or confess my sins, to you today,
Your bible brings, no inner peace,
Your rules abused, no soul released,

A holy disciple, twisted your words,
Tears and torment, all that was heard,
In a place of worship, for only the few,
Told me silence, would bring me to you,

Muted words, brought only shame,
Corrupted my soul, tortured my brain,
A life of crime, no retribution,
Local news, provided a solution,


Cold steel, a stormy night,
A chapel exposed, in thunderous light,
The door opened, to a church of lies,
Recognised words, tears in his eyes,

Praying I forgive, praying I forget,
Praying his god, will pay off his debt,
The thunder roars, a burning light,
The gates of hell, opened tonight.

No remorse,
For my actions taken,
A son of no cross,
Forever forsaken.
Sep 2014 · 707
War and Peace
KarmaPolice Sep 2014


Aug 2014 · 874
Old Love/New Love
KarmaPolice Aug 2014
Old Love,
Hardened my Soul,
New Love
Made me feel whole,

Old Love
Made me regret,
New Love,
Made me forget,

Old love,
We reminisce,
New Love,
I remember her kiss,

Old love,
Covered the cracks,
New love,
Made our own tracks,

Old love,
I miss you too much,
New love,
Can't compete with your touch,

Old Love,
Set my world on fire,
New Love,
Just what I desired,

Old Love,
Please take me back,
New Love,
Packed all my bags,

Old fool,
Feels ashamed,
Old Fool
Only himself to blame.
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
A Winters Soldier
KarmaPolice Aug 2014
Winters Soldier

A winters night, into the cold,
The Queen's servant, looking old,
Just ten years since Iraq..
Ripped cloth upon his back.

Paper sheets, and plastic bags,
Warming body holding rags ,
His bottle lacking wine..
Drinking passed the time,

Daily grind, passing by,
No one stops, wonders why..
..His lips, are a shade of blue,

Tight fist clutched to chest,
A hero soldier, came to rest,
Upon commuter street..
..look down beneath your feet...

..Yes you!

A winters soldier, died alone,
Buried deep, below the stone,
Tortured by the war..
By the scars nobody saw.

If only you had not ignored,
The dying soldier there before,
Then maybe we can save...
..The wounded and the brave.
Aug 2014 · 611
Summer 1993
KarmaPolice Aug 2014
A bunch of hyenas,
They circled around,
Weapons in hand,
Sinister and proud,

Stopped in their tracks,
Tension in the air,
A child witness,
They didn't care,

A quick escape,
No route back,
Cowardly *******,
Begin their attack,

Prone position,
Time stands still,
Screaming sisters,
A summers chill,

Running away,
From where he lies,
Blood stained jacket,
Traumatic cries,

Police arrive,
Crowds disperse,
Family gather,
Expecting the worst,

A road to recovery,
Their day in court,
Sentence given,
Tragically short,

Time heals,
Scars fade,
Memories remain,
History replayed,

A twist of fate,
On a dark day,
Found him love,
That took it away,

Moving on,
His family grew,
Childs laughter,
Pulled him through,

This family man,
Can always walk tall,
He took on his troubles,
And conquered them all.
A True story
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
MH The Silent Foe (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Aug 2014
MH The Silent Foe


Creeping up, a silent foe,

Breaking him down, nice and slow,

Crushing all his hopes and dreams,

Bravery fading, silent screams,

  - -

Fighting on, war and peace,

Just to get, a partial release,

A little confidence, suddenly lost,

One step forwards, the ultimate cost,

  - -

Walls built, a safe distance,

Hiding the world, from his existence,

A man in a cave, keeping away,

Building the courage, to battle today,

  - -

Invisible injury, a runaway train,

Mental illness, significant pain,

Weakness, it's how it's percieved,

Colleagues find...It hard to believe,

  - -

Lack of remorse, absent support,

Pushes him, to obvious thoughts,

Attenion seeking, he was no more,

Discovered today, by local law,


Tears shed, guilt ridden hearts,

Talking history, picking him apart,

Realisation, lack of due care,

Former colleague...

Empty chair


Trying to find the words to explain the poem. The message is there. Think about your actions to those you see every day. The ones that annoy you, for their quirky behaviour. There is an untold story behind each of us. Some suffer in silence, some try to seek help. Compassion and understanding is within us all. The unseen illness is a killer.
Jul 2014 · 958
Socially Flawed
KarmaPolice Jul 2014
The paranoia of the world today,
Escalated by the Social way,
A local crime, spread through the world,
Differing opinions to the events unfold,

The words spread like a virus, infecting us all,
Crushing our confidence in our politics and law,
Similar crimes, group with the last,
We worry the present, is more dangerous than the past,

Scared to go out, we shop online,
In fear of being the next victim of crime,
We lock up our doors, keep our children inside,
So we can watch closely over our pride,

When will it stop, the fear in us all?
That is etched upon the updates...
Of the Media's wall.
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
The Fan
KarmaPolice Jul 2014
I’m forever in her shadow, in the darkness I wait,
The situation consumes me, as I'm left to contemplate,

I look exactly like her, in every single way,
I mimic her movements, it’s a game I like to play,

I blend with the darkness, I follow her when she leaves,
I know her every mannerism, I even copy how she breathes,

I will do anything to lie by her side,
As I step from her longer will I hide?

She loves me, I know what’s in her head,
As I wait for her to come home..

...and see me in her bed.
Jul 2014 · 667
Moving On? (Fiction)
KarmaPolice Jul 2014
Moving on, how does it work?
Do I erase you existence?
Or keep it in a box?
Do I turn love into hate?

..For  you leaving me alone.

When I cry in my sleep,
Shall I not call your name?
And replace your picture,
With an empty frame?

Do I mourn like the others?
Or just blame myself?
For not understanding,
Your frail mental health.

Do I lay some flowers?
Or a permanent shrine?
To the nearest point,
Upon the mainline,

Do I join a charity?
And fight in your name,
To prevent another,
Doing just the same,

Answers I need,
To the questions unheard,
The silent killer,
Of a flightless bird,
Jul 2014 · 994
Writers Block
KarmaPolice Jul 2014
A blank book, stares back at me,
An unwritten verse, of poetry,
My future novel, full of events,
Leather bound story, missing contents,

A clear mind, dogged by history,
Halting the flow, unfinished mystery,
Weeks of regress, a total non-starter,
A comedy of errors, missing the laughter,

Passion reduced, barely a simmer,
A future best seller, lacking it's winner.
Jun 2014 · 703
Twenty Nine
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
Out in the dark, no light ahead
Finding my way, weary I tread,
The door is ajar, lucky for me,
Creeping inside, nothing to see,

The smell of death, like no other,
Feeling around, I try to discover,
Creaking stairs, leading the way,
To the room, where I used to stay,

Fumbling round, temporary light,
Blood splattered walls, traumatic sight,
Broken glass, her favourite wine,
His last moments, frozen in time,

Turned over bed, a false board,
Revealing the past, a glorious hoard,
Money in bags, a book and a gun,
All that’s required, for a man on a run.

Slipping out in the dark, no way back,
Smouldering building, no longer intact,
The streets lead the way, sirens ahead,
A back door brothel, providing my bed,

Altered appearance, a well groomed man,
Fighting for vengeance, a murderous plan.
Part 29 of Thomas Rose
Jun 2014 · 758
Feast of Sins
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
Sipping from the glass, like a fine wine,
The aroma of your body, simply divine,
Full blooded Italian, dripping down my face,
Dabbed with silken cloth, delicate in taste,
Conversation ends, passion no longer there,
Hunger replaced the lust, quiet as you stare,
The pallor of your skin, an array of grey's and blue,
Thirty minutes pass, since I devoured you.
I watch your body age, as bones depart your skin,
Your blackened heart remains, a reminder of your sin,
A lady of pleasure, turned her back upon the light,
Into the arms of Nosferatu, as I stalked you through the night.
Jun 2014 · 415
Thomas Rose (Chapter 2 & 3)
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
Chapter 2

The coffin lowered, deep in the ground,
No words spoken, not even a sound,
Dropping the flower, tossing some dirt,
Hate for my mother, hiding the hurt,

Standing with strangers, under foster care,
Temporary love, but I needed her there,
A shoulder to cry on, she led me away,
To the solitary car, for the funeral that day,

Hoping a new life, would help me succeed,
From a life in squalor, that I used to lead,
But I’d cry every night, as I slept in my bed,
Life before drugs, swimming round my head.

Three months passed, I started to heal,
Medicated trauma, life was surreal,
Normality of life, returned in time,
No fear for the future, away from the grime,

She pulled me through, the difficult years,
Calmed my anger, understood my fears,
Anna loved me, like I was her own,
Yet they interfered, robbed me of a home,

Do they not realise, what they have done?
Halting my progress, before it's begun.
I wasn't aware, of the corruption involved,
A child bought, for a palm laced in gold.

Identity changed, stolen from the dead,
The place of my birth, reads London instead,
What could I do, no family was traced,
The son of a walker, tragically misplaced.

Chapter 3

When the door closed, her face changed,
From a look of joy, to sudden rage,
Shouting at someone, for reasons unknown,
With a *** in one hand, shouting at her phone,

Grabbing my luggage, throwing it aside,
"A new one", she said, "another boy"
Her call cut short, as she grabbed my arm,
Weighted by gold, and it's various charms,

Virtually dragged, to a room upstairs,
A boy lying on his bed, as smoke fills the air,
"That's your room", she said. "Now sit down",
"We'll talk later, I’m heading up town"

The boy stares, like I'm waving a flag,
Flicking his ash, as he stubs out his ***,
She shouts at him, but he laughs in her face,
"Leave us alone", he said, "give us some space",

My nightmares starting, all over again,
Tears down my cheek, feeling the strain,
The window is closed, as my eyes burn,
From funny cigarettes, I was to learn,

"What's your name boy?, I won't ask again,
Answer me you *******, tell me your name!
Those tears will change, as I'll inflict some pain,
Upon your weak skin, now tell me your name...."

Stumbling words, interrupted by laughter,
I'm pulling your leg, it's not pain that I’m after,
His drug filled grin, and heavy red eye's,
Reached for a draw, and grabbed his supplies,

"Sit with me mate, and have a little smoke,
Ignore her downstairs, she's a practical joke,
If you stick with me, you will be okay,
Your life will be better, if you follow my ways,"

Michael was his name, an orphan like me.
A tragic accident, killed his family.
He was just a child, when he landed here,
Hardened by life, a boy without fear,

No one realised, this home was a front,
Each child was used, by a shameless ****,
They were sent out, like a pawn in his play,
As he gained power, through his criminal ways

Survival, is the way it has to be, and the drugs?
....will make life easier for me.
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
An ill man’s guilt

I’m perfectly fine, I keep telling myself,
I’m loaded up to my eyeballs, swimming in my wealth.
I've got a best friend who's with me all the time,
His favourite drink is lager and lime.

Yes officer my name is Dave, my address?
It's number 1234 The Cave.
What am I wearing officer? What a strange thing to ask.
I'm wearing a penguin suit and an eye glass?

What's that Steve? I won’t mention that...
They will think I am loopy or some kind of prat!
Yes officer, No I am fine, why do you ask?
I want to complain and put you to task!

Don't raise my Voice?? What do you mean?
Tell him Steve, to stop being so mean!
Get off me, what's going on?
Help me someone my mind has just gone!

Yes officer, there is medication I take,
It's at 1234 down by the lake.
Hello there doctor, I have a sore throat,
Steve help the Doctor out, don't just stand there and gloat!

A drink doctor? I'd love one, a saccharin as well?
Impressive what's in it?? Go on. Do tell...
I’m tired Steve let me go to bed!
I've not slept for months, let me rest my weary head.

OK doctor do what you like,
But be careful doctor, those syringes do spike.................
Apologies doctor for the other day,
My mind just wouldn't come out to play!

Who's Steve Doctor?? Ask him yourself! He’s just there,
The one with a jumper and ginger hair,
No Doctor Steve isn't dead,
He went for a long sleep in his double sized bed.....

Steve was my brother Doctor, can you not see?
He died in the summer of August...1973
I should have been there Doctor, when Steve passed that night,
But I was too busy injecting, I was high as a kite!

Before the Guilt

Steve? Listen to me,
When mom goes out, it’s just you and me,
We are going to play a game called hide and seek.
You be quiet when you hide, and do not speak!

Do we have an understanding? Or do I draw you a picture?
Or use those cards, that you are familiar?
That's it boy, keep it to yourself,
I've got to locate my 'medicine', off the top of the shelf.

Right then she's gone, you go and hide like I said,
Don't be so obvious and lie under the bed,

Stupid boy... he's sixteen years old going on three,
I'm rattling badly, I need the karma in me,
Switch on the music, get out my ****,
My usual is coming round, so I can plant my seed,

Steve? I can't find you...I'm a sarcastic ****!
He's probably fell asleep. With any luck,

Need to open the windows, this gear is filling the room,
The ****** is bubbling nicely, on this battered old spoon,
My hands shaking, I need to hurry this up,
The needle is drawing nicely, the syringe is full up,

Time to meet karma, widen my eyes,
Needle in my legs, it's easier to hide
The rush in my blood, filling me with calm,
I'll light up my joint, it won't do any harm.

Feeling drowsy, this **** is so strong,
I'm out of my face, but my feelings are wrong?
The pain, pounding in my chest,
I'm sweating profusely, right through my vest,

Can't move, falling asleep in the breeze......

Can you hear me? Can you hear me? You *******!!!
Your brother hung himself......while you were plastered!
I'll never forgive you for what you have done...
I can't even look at you...You are no longer my son!
Read in the intended order. The secret behind his schizophrenia.
Jun 2014 · 791
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
Self help
To break the weight,
Of depression,
And free oneself,
From cyclic procession,
Requires motivation,
Courage and fire,
To fight off the demons,
Down in the mire,
And see the light,
On a dark day,
Opening the doors,
That block your way,
Talking to others,
Old and new,
Escaping the silence,
Binding you,
No help
A small step forward,
Some steps back,
Moments of joy,
Clouded by black,
Family and friends,
Other side of town
Scared to speak,
Mental breakdown,
Medicated journey,
Rambling words,
Paranoid doors,
Unsettled nerves,
Right help
Road to recovery,
Reduction in stress,
Mind full of therapy,
A lot to digest,
Small hurdles,
Progressively bigger,
Reaching my goal,
Mind pulls the trigger,
No self pity,
No clouds of black,
Beating my demons,
No looking back.
Jun 2014 · 4.2k
Why my father cried
KarmaPolice Jun 2014
Sitting by the fire,
He raised a glass,
Whispering words,
Of his secret past,

A solitary tear,
Wiped slowly away,
Hiding the pain,
Of that fateful day,

As a curious child,
I always wondered why,
My heroic father,
Would sit and cry,

Or wake up screaming,
Soaked in his bed,
Telling my mother,
The noise in his head,

As I grew old,
I understood why,
My soldier father,
Would sit and cry,

He lost his family,
Not linked by blood,
He witnessed things,
That no human should,

Affected by the war,
Still to this day,
Is stuck on replay.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Coffee House Walls
KarmaPolice May 2014
Angry looking man,
Stressing over his weak coffee,
Makes him feel vulnerable,
Caffeine helps him dictate,
As sharp as his suit,
Lessened by his gait,

Waitress not impressed,
His twitching brings her nausea,
The smell of coffee,
Affecting her hangover,
Public toilet looks appealing,
No time for tissue,

The new lovers, one wears a ring,
The other wants his wife's,
His money appeals,
He drives a fiat,
Full of bravado,
Is silenced at home,

Crying child,
False smile hides mothers stress,
Child irritated by coffee house walls,
Grandmother knows best,
New methods to raise,
As flat as the coffee house scones,

Elderly man sitting with his paper,
Keeping warm,
Same drink is now cold,
Watching the world go by,
David Attenborough in his head,
Two weeks to live,
And I’m happier than them all.
A typical day in the local coffee house
May 2014 · 1.1k
The Internet Troll
KarmaPolice May 2014
Sitting in his chair,
Laughing at your pain,
Abuse driven glory,
His only aim,
Withdrawn from society,
Curtains drawn close,
Prozac painkillers,
Attention less ghost,
Viral anger,
Lack of remorse,
Deflecting the pain,
Of his parent's divorce,
A knock at his door,
The troll opens it wide,
A recognised face,
Looks him straight in the eyes,
Fear grips his body,
As she pins him to the floor,
The screams turned to silence,
A troll he was no more....
The urban legend,
Of the internet troll.
Punished by the evil...
That devoured his soul.
May 2014 · 361
Thomas Rose
KarmaPolice May 2014
Chapter 1

Most children my age, have a place called home, ?
Parents or siblings, they are never alone,
Have their own room, with clothes on their back, ?
Food on their plate, piled in a stack, ?

Well educated, a wealth of close friends, ?
But for me?. It is hard to pretend, ??
Eating scraps off the floor, no water or food,
A derelict home, no light in the fuse, ?

No brothers or sisters, not a friend in sight,
Forgotten by the world, I lay here tonight.
Dishevelled clothes, trainers hang of my feet,
Winter descends, snow following sleet, ?

Tiles missing, the wind sets a chill, ?
Huddled in the corner, I await her still. ??
She walks the street, hour after hour,
Collecting the funds, for an ****** flower,

I can sit here all night, yet she will fail to return, ?
I'm second to addiction, I have soon come to learn, ??
Pain in my stomach, freezing I stare, ?
The door creaking, but no one is there,

Sirens in the distance, I wish they'd find me,
Too weak to get up, too dark to see, ??
Twenty four hours, I lay here alone,
Shivering in cloth, through to the bone,

Tears fading, they serve no use, ?
They cannot save me, from years of abuse.
Commotion outside, unable to shout, ?
Too ill for fear, impending blackout, ?

Door kicked in, they rush in and see, ?
The fear grips the room, as they find me. ??
In the hospital, I awake alone, ?
No mother beside me, I should've known, ?

A woman attended, called me by name, ?
I knew that my life, would never be the same.
First part of my book. Not for the faint hearted.
May 2014 · 832
There you lay
KarmaPolice May 2014
I found you there, lying on the tarmac,
Dressed in a suit, your hair gelled back,
People walking by, hadn't got a clue,
Too busy in their minds, but I could see you,
Car's driving by, gesturing at each other,
Unaware of a body, lying undiscovered,
Commuters in the way, I struggle through the rush,
Stubborn moans, as they refuse to budge,
Twisting my ankle, stumbling off the kerb,
Knocked off the pavement, by this one way herd,
Calling out to you, I asked if you're okay.
You didn't respond, so still that you lay,
Checking your vitals, your eyes open wide,
Ignoring my calls, like you wanted to hide,
I call for some help, a policeman walks by,
Oblivious to us both, as you let out a cry,
More people look around, they see you there,
Rubber necking as they, gather and stare,
The policeman asked, if you were okay,
You didn't respond, so still that you lay,
Calling an ambulance, as commuters watch,
A vagrant on a bench, clutching his scotch,
People calling over, Will he be okay?
We didn't respond, so still that you lay,
Arrival of a paramedic, and an off duty Nurse,
Reading your vitals, talking chapter and verse,
Interrupting them both, we asked if you were okay,
They didn't respond, so still that you lay,
Movement of your eyes, as you whisper a sound,
A moment of silence, as you look around,
I lay down beside you, to listen to your words,
The commuters muted, in their gathering herd,
You said
The reason I'm lying in the road is....
Newsflash on the Radio,
A city sleeps,
Thousands laying down,
Refusing to speak,
We asked for an update, from commissioner grey,
He didn't respond, so still that he lay,
End of Transmission
Based upon the video for Radioheads Just single.
May 2014 · 983
The Old Robot
KarmaPolice May 2014
The tired old robot came to rest,
Years of working, left him worn and distressed,
His batteries lacking power, he walked without grace,
The lights dimming, on his dented old face,

Rust makes him brittle, seizing up his hands,
Joints lacking oil, clogged with debris and sand,
His circuit’s burn, as the sparks rattle his brain,
His memory corrupted by electrical rain,

Reaching the end, after all these years,
The robot cries, his battery tears,
Crashing to the ground, falling apart,
As the power slips, from his computerised heart.

There he lay, upon his back,
As the wind covered, his final tracks,
Placed upon the scrapheap, stripped of his parts,
They carefully removed, his memory and heart,

Words read from, the old kindle book,
As they restored his body, with the classic old look,
Wires refreshed, the burning of solder,
Faint light returns, to his classic controller,

One final piece, to power his soul,
The heart replaced, in the mechanical hole,
Twitching fingers, he opened his eyes,
Met with cheer, and emotional cries,

Holding his hand, were Robots restored,
Embracing each other, mechanical applause,
As Light beamed, from behind the seventh,
He spoke..........
"Welcome my son, to robotic heaven"
May 2014 · 853
From the Rubble
KarmaPolice May 2014
Drifting in and out of consciousness,
As the blurred images come to light,
The ringing of my damaged ears,
Greeted by the smouldering sight,
Rubble all around me,
Smoke dense, as it burns my throat,
Blood dripping down my fingers,
Stepping over winter coats,
My anxious screams for help,
Drowned out by ringing ears,
Tripping over unknown objects,
As I am faced with all I feared,
The dense smoke clearing,
Bodies scattered amongst the cold,
Light captures their innocence,
Drawing out their traumatic souls,
Falling to my knees I watch,
As his hand collects them all,
Tears run down my broken cheek,
As I await his beckoning call,
The ringing of my ears fade,
The pain no longer there,
As my soul leaves my chest,
To climb his awaiting stairs,
Next page