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213 · Dec 2019
Vic Dec 2019
Graciously flies the butterfly
Through the morning sun and night
She picks the prettiest flowers in the field
With a touch so soft and light

Silently flies the butterfly
All across the garden
She keeps the flowers safe all day
She is their gatekeeper, their warden

Softly flies the butterfly
Tenderly she touches every flower
She'll never be tired of her company
She loves them every minute, every hour

Carelessly lands the butterfly
Right there on my shoulder
She looks at me as if to say;
"Don't ever grow older."
Every minute without you feels like an hour. Time is passing so slow with nothing to run on. I haven't aged a single day. It's meaningless without you.
213 · Dec 2019
Note 281:
Vic Dec 2019
I still keep waiting every day
For one of your poems to appear,
Because that's all I have left of you now.
A poem every day
212 · Apr 2019
Heaven or Hell?
Vic Apr 2019
When I die,
Will you go to hell with me,
Or will you wait paitiently for Heaven?
Wich one?
212 · Feb 2019
Vic Feb 2019
I am the victim
Of my own abuse
212 · Dec 2019
Note 271:
Vic Dec 2019
My diary is in "crypted."
Every letter is a different sign.
I guess I don't want anyone to read my diary
I want to keep telling them I'm fine.
A poem every day.

If they can't read my diary (I hate diaries) they can't see if I'm alright or not. It's pretty sad.
Vic Oct 2019
Then you said;
"Chaos is better than an unknown peace."
So I have only one question right now.
Will you dive into the middle of the storm with me?
In the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet,
For just a moment, a yellow sky.
Let there be all our chaos around us.
I'll be okay with you by my side.
Let it rush and stream,
Destroy everything and the wind flow.
We might only hear the quiet,
But we won't view the world through a window.
We'll be right in the middle of all there is,
And we won't need to hide it.
211 · Oct 2019
Note 229:
Vic Oct 2019
Can I unsubscribe from gender?
A poem every day.
210 · Apr 2019
Note 20: Hello there
Vic Apr 2019
Hello there.
Same sentence,
Different voice.
But I want to hear yours.
I dreamed about you last night.
Not really a surprise.
Just desire.
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me. This is #20
210 · Apr 2019
Vic Apr 2019

Why do I feel like this?
209 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
"He's either a madman or a poet."

"Can't I be both?"

"You already are."
Late night conversations are weird yee yee
Vic Dec 2019
Just because it didn't last forever,
Doesn't mean it was a mistake.
That goes for a lot of things
207 · May 2019
Note 48: Purple
Vic May 2019
I have a thing with the colour purple,
It always has something to do with the bad things in my life.
The person with the profile picture,
The purple LGBTQ+ flag.
The purple walls of your room,
The purple flowers with my blood on them.
Not like anyone notices,
It's probably just my imagination.
I 'aint ever going back to that dark place tho.
A poem every day.
Vic Dec 2019
Dear G,

It's been a while since we last talked, although we've been messaging indirectly (like this) somehow. That's better than nothing, but still. Knowing that you remember me feels good, since I haven't passed a single day without thinking of you. At least I'm not invisible to you. Like I've said to myself to many times; Letting you go was one of the dumbest mistakes I ever made. It was my own mistake, and I'm sorry.
I can't explain why I left you (yet. someday I will) but I hope that that doesn't stop you from being amazing at what you're doing.
I think that the thing that hurts the most, is not knowing how you're actually doing. The only way I ever hear something from you is stuff on HelloPoetry and via anime memes on your instagram story. Looking at the poems you posted, you're doing better. I don't know if I should be happy or not with that. I probably should, I want you to be happy.
I'm not begging you to get back with me, be friends again or even talk to me. (There would be to much to discuss anyways) Hell, I'd never wanna see myself again. But still,  nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe, when you're ready, if you ever will be, or already are, consider it. Consider reviving what we had.

Sincerely, yours

A poem every day

I'm sorry. If it doesn't **** you, just, call or text me? I'm not okay and you need a proper apology. Not like this.
202 · Apr 2019
Note 31: Death
Vic Apr 2019
As I lie down
On the bed of grass
The flowers around me
Turned red from the swirling blood
Inside my veins that finally poured out
The pain is gone
It doesn't hurt
It's even worse
And I love it
I stare at the tree branches
Wondering what I could have been
And as I swallow my last bit of air
The blood pouring out
I'm thinking what Hell will be like
Breathe my last breath
Now it's dark
So I'll never open my eyes again
A poem every day.
202 · Apr 2019
Note 30: Laughter
Vic Apr 2019
I heard you laugh
And I wish I was a part of it
A poem every day.
202 · Apr 2019
Note 37: Love
Vic Apr 2019
Why do we always run away from love,
And then wonder why we're so dark inside?
A poem every day.
201 · Oct 2019
Note 205:
Vic Oct 2019
You can't raise Hell with a saint.
A poem every day.
201 · Apr 2019
Note 32: The one
Vic Apr 2019
And here we are again
You're the one that I want
But stil you can't
We can't
I hate you
I love you
I disgust you
And I want you
People say
It's called love
I doubt it
A poem every day.
199 · Oct 2019
Vic Oct 2019
I could send you so many love declarations, but I'm not good at writing conclusions. I could write an essay about how beautiful you are, but I'm not good at making points. I could write so many songs about you, but I'm not really the best with music. I might write way too much poetry for you, but that doesn't mean I can make all the words rhyme. I might not be the best at showing you that I care, but I'm trying. I really am. Loving is quite difficult for me, but you are here. So, I will try. I want to try, because I care about you. Because I love you.
*We Know playing in the background*
199 · Oct 2019
Note 213:
Vic Oct 2019
Even if I did live in my head,
You'd still be there.
Whenever I'm scared, I remind myself that you wouldn't want me to be scared, so then I remember;
I know that I'll be okay anywhere.
A poem every day.
199 · May 2019
Note 49: Clean.
Vic May 2019
I thought I was clean,
After 5 months no drugs and alcohol.
I thought I was safe,
After six months of not hurting myself.
Guess I was wrong.
A poem every day.
199 · Dec 2019
Note 282:
Vic Dec 2019
If you wanna know,
There's still a picture of you in my room.
I just always tell people it's because my best friend is on it too.
Little do they know.
A poem every day.
198 · Sep 2019
Armageddon (Part 2)
Vic Sep 2019
We're right on the middle
Of the end of the world
If I die, in the fight for our lives.
Will I wake up tomorrow,
Under glorious suns,
Or with another battle?
With the never ending rythm,
And the rhyme of decision day.
197 · Oct 2019
Vic Oct 2019
I just apologise for everything I guess.
They call it "the result of trauma"
I like to think I'm just a very out-of-myself person
196 · Mar 2019
Note 16: Hide
Vic Mar 2019
Hide everything.
Words, Thoughts.
Feelings, Cuts.
Good thoughts are spoken.
Bad thoughts are thought.
Letters written,
Emotions bestowed.
Never show,
Never tell.
Hide my poetry,
No one needs to know how I feel.
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me, This is #16
196 · Dec 2020
Note 562:
Vic Dec 2020
I'd light the world on fire to be with you
Which is slightly problematic
Because then we'd have nowhere to stay
Unless you'll take me to the moon someday
A poem every day
196 · Mar 2020
Note 365:
Vic Mar 2020
If the beetlebee can fly another day
Maybe so can we

We don't have to be anything we aren't
As long as you're with me

I love you, oh so very much
Hopefully, that you see

I'll just wait here, next to the traintracks
Until you're mine baby
A poem every day.

I'm a trainwreck.

What a hell of a ******* year this has been. It was a wild ride. Dare I say, the weirdest year I've had so far. The world is so ****** up, and in this world full of poetry with meaning we tend to lose ourself in the darkness. Let's not do that for once. Let's be happy. I know it's hard, and that's okay. I believed it even was impossible some times this year. A few days ago, it almost was. But, you know what? I'm still here, and if you're reading this, it means that you are too. I've learned a lot, been a lot, and seen a lot this year. I think the most important thing I learned, that I tend to forget often, is that things always work out. Just usually not in the way you expected it to. Life doesn't always have to be great. It isn't always great. That's just the way this world works. But, I don't think the world would be endurable if there wasn't sadness. Hapiness is a little surreal for me, and I bet it is for you too. That's okay! We're still here, and I'm so ******* proud. Of me, and of everyone who's reading this. Of the people who have been following since the beginning, and everyone who came inbetween. Now, let's talk happy. There's enough time to be poetic and sad later.
Since I posted note 1, A lot of good things happened too!
I stopped doing cocaïne!
I barely drink or smoke anymore.
I have a new boyfriend, and he's the best person someone could ever imagine.
I ****** up school, and I'm working on fixing it. I'm still failing, but it got better!
I made more art,
Wrote a lot of poetry
Started a book!
Re-modeled my room (a million times)
Got so much closer to my brother (and built some forts with him)
I made graffiti with my boyfriend (finally)
Started doing makeup!
Came out as a transguy
Came out as transmasc enby!
Got closer to my friends
Made music! (and released nothing)
Killed a lot of cactuses and got a new small tree
Made a lot of food, and baked a lot
And, I signed up for climbing classes.

A lot of bad **** happened this year, and you know what?
THAT'S ******* OKAY.
We're all still alive here. It's gonna be okay.

Thank you so much for all the support! I've posted letters here, notes, poems, song lyrics and sometimes it wasn't even a sentence. But it was here for me, so thank you, for not making it worthless. I'll keep writing notes till HelloPoetry goes down. I love y'all so much, and I'm forever grateful for you.

Goodbye fellow writers,
Until tomorrow

Your Local Grocery Store
195 · Sep 2019
Note 179:
Vic Sep 2019
Tap tap
Does the rain against the glass
As I blow my nose another time,
And wish I wasn't sick.
A "poem" every day.
193 · Oct 2019
Note 220:
Vic Oct 2019
~ Amaryllis
A poem every day.
193 · Aug 2019
Note 138:
Vic Aug 2019
The wifi didn't work again.
The poems I missed will be posted soon
A "poem" every day.
193 · Dec 2019
Note 264:
Vic Dec 2019
I lost the count
For my poems
And I'm losing
All my control
A poem every day.
193 · May 2019
Wake me up
Vic May 2019
Wake me up
At the cracks of dawn
Because you had
A nightmare

Wake me up
In the middle of the night
Because you need a hug
And you want some cuddles

Wake me up
When I'm not asleep
From the daily nightmare
That's called me

Wake me up
When you're thirsty
And need someone to walk you down the stairs
Because you're scared alone in the dark

Wake me up
Whenever you need me
4 AM, 6 PM
I'll always be there

Wake me up
And make me
Stand up with tangles in my hair
To dance with you at midnight

Wake me up
Before you leave to work
So I can wake up next to you
Like we've always wanted

Wake me up
To make love
I wish you would want me
To be your passion
Will you ever?
192 · Jun 2019
Dear poets
Vic Jun 2019
I'm here
192 · Aug 2019
Note 152:
Vic Aug 2019
No inspiration,
A "poem" every day.
191 · Aug 2019
Note 150:
Vic Aug 2019
"Where are you?" I asked.
"Existing between stanzas." You simply replied.
I never asked what it meant,
And I still think about it 'til today.
But I never thought to look it up,
Because little do I know,
You never wanted me to.
A "poem" every day.

This one is for you, kind stranger.
190 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
You are my dearest posession,
The one I keep in a locket around my neck.
But you see, the thing is-
No matter how beautiful the locket is,
I'm still allergic to silver.
Facts. I'm still going to wear it though, **** my skin.
Vic Mar 2019

Because my poems are always depressed,
I tried to write something happy for you.
Depression returns.
Half of our converstations
Is laughter.
And I was figuring out,
If your laughter was a mask too sometimes.
And I broke through,
But it wasn't
Hapiness stayed.
I helped you write your first poem,
The motto:
Never give up,
Don't be sad.
And I wonder
If you'll ever
See trough the eye,
of a true poet.
And if you'll never,
Stay sad.
And if you'll ever,
Keep going

I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me, This is #12
188 · Jan 2020
Note 291:
Vic Jan 2020
The last day of the decade in which I grew up.
Funny. Every year felt like a decade itself.
A poem every day.
188 · Jan 2020
Note 292:
Vic Jan 2020
Ah yes,
A new year to completely **** up.
I promised myself I wouldn't drink the next half decade.
I failed within the first three minutes
Happy new year
A poem every day
187 · Jul 2019
Note 124:
Vic Jul 2019
-            Even
    .     Is
a                  poem
A "poem" every day
185 · Oct 2019
Note 218:
Vic Oct 2019
I used to think you were just beautiful,
I didn't know you at all.
And I stil don't know you now.
But for your mind, I did fall.
A poem every day.

You were just pretty, until I fell in love with a mind.
185 · Aug 2019
Note 159:
Vic Aug 2019
If you're sad
Say 'stroopwafel'

have a nice day bro's
A "poem" every day.

( A friend wrote this)
185 · Dec 2019
Note 278:
Vic Dec 2019
Not today
A poem every day
185 · Aug 2019
Note 153:
Vic Aug 2019
oh ****,
i am so terribly in love with you.
**** no
ah ****
A "poem" every day
184 · Nov 2019
Note 231:
Vic Nov 2019
"I still can't really explain it,
But have you ever seen all the firework go off at the same time at new years eve?
That's what it feels like to kiss you, and it gets better every single time."
A poem every day.
183 · Apr 2019
Vic Apr 2019
182 · Oct 2019
Note 217:
Vic Oct 2019
Yes, I can write forever about you.
But pens run out of ink sometimes.
A poem every day.
182 · Aug 2019
Note 140:
Vic Aug 2019
Paris was kinda fun
Going home tomorrow.
Can't really post an actual poem right now, but they'll be back soon.
Love you :)) <3
A "poem" every day.
181 · Dec 2019
Note 269:
Vic Dec 2019
A poem every day
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