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177 · Apr 2020
Note 400:
Vic Apr 2020
i'm    f l o a t i n g
in the     s k y
but i'm still drowning
in the    w a t e r   beneath me
A poem every day

not sure what this is supposed to mean
177 · Aug 2019
Note 157:
Vic Aug 2019
Sorry, I was 9 notes behind. The other 8 will be posted today/tomorrow.
A "poem" every day
177 · Jan 2019
Hi, i hurt someone.
Vic Jan 2019
It's me again
You Probably don't want me
Don't want my poetry
Or my friendship
Well at least we talked again
Said you didn't want to lose me
It felt Amazing
But the problem is
I hurt her too
When i teared us apart
So we Can't just be like nothing again
Because it'll hurt her even more.
i'm sorry
Just wait
This is real bad but i just needed to write about it
177 · Jul 2019
Note 125:
Vic Jul 2019
So I'm on a vacation for 3 weeks so my poems will be quick scribbles.
Thanks for understanding :)
Love you ( as a friend )
A "poem" every day.
Vic Apr 2019
My poems are not me
My poems are not how I feel
My poems are just a simple constellation of words that my brain created, and my fingers wrote down for the reading pleasure of others
I'm fine
A poem every day.
176 · Sep 2019
Or maybe not.
Vic Sep 2019
So, here's another thing I've written to you. I've filled pages and pages, and, I kept a record. It's calles: "All the things I wanted to tell you, but never did." Usually, I call it "All and more." I just read one of 'em back. And I still can't explain the anger I felt. "3 months you've been posessing my mind." I still feel the anger from when I wrote that down. I was so mad. Not at you, but at myself. At the world. For letting me feel this way, and allowing myself to feel this. I used to think you were just a wave of lurid inspiration. But you weren't. You weren't just a wave, you were the entire ocean. And everyone knows how beautiful the ocean is.
rant rant rant blah blah blah
176 · Nov 2019
Note 241:
Vic Nov 2019
I just don't understand
A poem every day.
176 · Feb 2019
You laugh
Vic Feb 2019

You laugh
Hearts start beating rapidly
Angels stop singing out of jealously
Prayers are silent in harmony
Adrenaline rushes quickly
Poets lose their words immediatly
Smiles turn around peevishly
Thieves run to the other side secretly
Paintings lose their creativity
Knives cut me inhumanly
Fire turns cold deathly
Your eyes shine desirably
Two lovers love desperately
Teardrops turn into blood instantly
Happiness feels nothing but misery
Demons rise up miraculously
You Laugh

175 · Jun 2019
Note 102:
Vic Jun 2019
A "poem" every day
174 · Jul 2019
Note 111:
Vic Jul 2019
I love you
Is the lie told
Most frequently
Of all the others
A "poem" every day.
173 · Nov 2019
A thing
Vic Nov 2019

Second all, you're beautiful.
And I've told you many times before.
But you don't seem to realise,
So I'll just tell you once more.

You're such a beautiful person.
You're adorable, caring and sweet.
You're cute, kind and genuinely granting.
You're a person, that's all I need.

Every time you say "I love you."
My whole heart just gets overthrown.
I've wished for that forever.
But maybe you've always known.

I can't explain how much I love you.
Like when you call me cute, or 'a blessing.'
You loving me is so surreal,
And it's the most amazing thing.
172 · Apr 2019
Note 22: Hell
Vic Apr 2019
If all the good girls go to hell,
I'm the sweetest of them all.
Because I'm already there
A poem every day.
171 · Jun 2019
Note 98:
Vic Jun 2019
I put alcohol in my tea
A "poem" every day.
170 · Jul 2019
Note 119:
Vic Jul 2019
I don't want to write anymore
A "poem" every day
170 · Oct 2019
Note 216:
Vic Oct 2019
My phone clock said it's 18:0011
And I wondered if I traveled back in time.
But then I realised, once again,
You can only do that after midnight.
A poem every day.
170 · Jun 2019
Sorry for bothering
Vic Jun 2019
And for apologising
But I just know you don't care
A little bit
Vic Sep 2019
[16:25, 9/24/2019] You: I read your letter
[16:26, 9/24/2019] You: and I also can't communicate so taht's good
[16:26, 9/24/2019] You: but I love you too

[16:26, 9/24/2019] Me: How do you make me so happy, it's unhealthy??

[16:27, 9/24/2019] You: literally though, talking to you makes me feel like I'm drunk, or high
[16:27, 9/24/2019] You: but in a good way

[16:27, 9/24/2019] Me: Finally someone who understands

[16:27, 9/24/2019] You: awww
[16:28, 9/24/2019] You: I wanna kiss you
[16:28, 9/24/2019] You: I want that so badly

[16:28, 9/24/2019] Me: I'm not gonna stop you.

[16:28, 9/24/2019] You: are you sure?

[16:28, 9/24/2019] Me: Yes. Really sure.

[16:28, 9/24/2019] You: I have no experience whatsoever
[16:29, 9/24/2019] You: I probably **** at kissing, jsut warning ya
To quote hamilton:

(then you walked in and my heart wentt BOOM)
Vic Apr 2019
But I can't figure out what it is.
A poem every day.
Vic Jan 2019
Started not that big.
Thought of you when i was with her.
Or in boring classes.
It got more,
Just like the feelings for you that i am not supposed to feel.
No one knew about this.
They think i am in love with her
Even she does.
Even i do.
All i wanted,
To be the one to speak her name as mine.
Now you're always in my mind.
Even if i don't realise.
So please,
For once.
Could you stop taking over my mind?
166 · Jun 2019
Note 79: somehow
Vic Jun 2019
I'm still writing
A poem every day.
166 · Oct 2019
Dear [Deadname], (5)
Vic Oct 2019
Hey. Here's another letter kinda thing. Been writing these a lot lately. In my mind, never on paper. I don't really know how to explain what I feel anymore. It's like, I have this sense of feeling? Like I know that they're here, but I just can't seem to find them? Like I can see someone else in front of me, while knowing that they are a person with feelings and thoughs, but not being able to recognise them. Not being able to see the person standing there. Like I can see all of it, but not knowing that it's there. It kinda scares me, in a way. Like I see myself, but not me. Like I see something I was, that people still see as me. I don't know anymore. I've been trying to get my feelings out, and I still am, I just don't succeed often. This is seemingly the only way to get out whatever I'm thinking or feeling. Which is a lot, but also nothing at the same time. I feel lost, so incredibly lost. The world's passing me by and I'm behind a ******* window trying to reach it, but I can't. I never did. I just taught people how to communicate with me through that stupid barrier. It never went away. But if people don't come close to you they won't notice that, so it's fine I guess. And then you came in and smashed the entire thing with a ******* hammer. I wasn't used to opening up to people, especially not people who understand. But, I'm glad I did, and glad that you are here to listen. I don't open up to people much. Been botteling these emotions since 2006, so it's hard to open the bottle now. But I'm trying, and I can't thank you enough for being there with me. Thank you, so much. I love you, bye.
Idk how to tag these anymore, enjoy
164 · Dec 2019
Note 268:
Vic Dec 2019
For everyone who needs it. Y'all better take care of yourselves, I love you.

First thing, If you think you're going to self-harm, make sure that there are people around. Meet up with a friend, walk around town, go to a shop, or even just go into the living room with your family. If you're not alone, you can't self-harm. You can also call a friend, whatever it takes to not be alone.

Second, listen to some music, watch a movie. Silence is a killer. Put on some relaxing piano music if you're having a kind of anxiety attack. If you're not being that anxious, maybe listen to some of your favorite (upbeat, happy) songs. You don't even have to sing along.

Smiling. Smiling, even forced, actually makes you feel better. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you look beautiful, that your smile is great, and give yourself some compliments. Even a little. Just, smile?

Writing it down helps too. Even if it's stupid. Just, write down whatever. Not just your feelings, but things like jokes, happy song lyrics, something nice someone said to you, whatever.

If you have an instrument, play it. Just, pluck the chords or smash some random keys. Same with drawing, you don't have to be good at it, just draw. You have to be busy, and actually do things physically.

Working out could help too. You'll be fit, and you'll feel better.

Draw/paint/write on the place you want to harm. Make happy stuff there, so you'll be reminded of good things.

Analyze movies, songs, beats, behaviour of people on soaps, whatever.

Do chores. Another "keep busy" thing, but it works. Your house/room will be clean, which will make you feel better. If you can't clean, just organize something.

Make yourself some food or a nice drink.
Focus on different things.
(Or message me of course)

If you really can't resist the urge;
You can shoot an elastic band at your arm or rub paper against your skin.

If you eventually end up harming yourself with scissors, a knife, razor blades, whatever. MAKE SURE IT'S CLEAN. I can't stress it enough. If you decide to self-harm, you don't want it to infect.

What NOT to do;
- Shower. (You'll see all the places you wanna harm, there are razor blades around and sitting in the shower for too long will make you feel sad)
-Listen to sad songs. (They'll make you feel worse)
-Lie down. (If you're active, you're more likely to be happy. Don't lie down. You'll sink down, mentally and physically. Even if you just stand up and walk around the house that'll make you feel better)
A poem every day
164 · Sep 2019
Note 180:
Vic Sep 2019
I wanted to write a goed poem,
But words don't always work in the way you expect them to.
A "poem" every day.
163 · Nov 2019
Note 256:
Vic Nov 2019
I'd walk to the edge of the world with you
With our collar to the wind
Having it guide us wherever
Who knows what we'll find

Take me with you
On your journey far away
I wanna wake up next to you
Again, and then another day.

I love you with everything I have
Even your anger I can't take somehow
Even your bruises and scars
The future, someday, will be ours.
A poem every day.
162 · Feb 2019
Vic Feb 2019
First of all,
Yes, i realise that this letter won't mean much to you but this really needs to get off my chest.
Sounds Standard like all,
Bet you heard all of these;
1. You'll get through
2. We care about you
3. We're There for you
4. You can do this
5. Don't **** yourself
But what is left to say.
I can't share my secrets
Because things can get quite complicated.
Wanting to be the one to speak her name as mine.
I understand
But nobody understands us.
So please,
I already lost myself to this illness called "suïcide"
I don't want to lose you aswell
Do it for me.
A friend is having suicidal thoughts, and i'm trying to help. It's hard. Just needed this of my chest.
161 · Jun 2019
Note 105:
Vic Jun 2019
So I started a bullet journal.
Where is life going honestly
A "poem" every day.
160 · Dec 2020
Note 543:
Vic Dec 2020
The world just winked at me
When the trees turned white
And the air turned blue
But my nose stayed red
You're glowing too
My breath evaporates
In a cloud of emptiness
Like the thoughts in my head
Baby, we're a mess
But the world is smiling at us
A poem every day
160 · Jul 2019
Note 130:
Vic Jul 2019
My father and I made a new card game;
It's called "*******"
I love my family
A "poem" every day.
158 · Jun 2019
Note 97:
Vic Jun 2019
Today is a good day
A "poem" every day
157 · Jun 2019
Note 78: Deja-vu
Vic Jun 2019
But I don't want it
To happen again
A poem every day.
157 · Jan 2020
Note 300:
Vic Jan 2020
Thank you.
I'd be lost without y'all
A poem every day.
157 · Oct 2019
Note 215:
Vic Oct 2019
I dreamt that I kissed you last night,
But I wasn't sad when I woke up.
Because seing you in real life is just like a dream,
Like the dreams I lived were real.
A poem every day.
156 · Oct 2019
Note 203:
Vic Oct 2019
I don't do don't don't disundisdisagreen'tn't
A poem every day.
156 · Apr 2020
Note 396:
Vic Apr 2020
stage this; five kids from all different mcr eras. a scene kid for bullets, a depressed punk for three cheers. a baby bat for black parade. a modern punk/scene kid for danger days. a semi e-boy/girl for after 2012. they are standing in an alley next to hot topic and burger king. theyre in a circle. there's candles, pictures of ray toro and merch on the floor. you seem to hear nothing, but as you come closer you hear them softly chanting.
älbüm älbüm älbüm
A "poem" every day

156 · Dec 2019
Note 285:
Vic Dec 2019
Force yourself upon me
Push me down with all your strength
Let me be your prisoner

Lock me down and hold me still
Silence me against my own will

Tie me to your bedframe and we can play together for hours

Love my body the way you love my mind
Don't be tender,   don't be shy      (we're all gonna die)

If you can be so toxic to mind
Why aren't you like that   in real life?

Force your way into my body
No matter how bad you'll hurt me
If this means I get to hold you
I just want to taste you,  can't  you  see?

Take me,
Taste me,
Hold me hostage

Throw the dice, dear.
Before your time is up

A poem every day
155 · Jan 2020
Note 293:
Vic Jan 2020
You keep asking me to be more honest, reveal more. You're stripping me down, piece by piece, but the thing is; I'm already naked. You're just hopelessly tearing off my skin because you so desperatly wanna find something that isn't there. I must say that I feel sorry for you. Forcing me to be so honest sometimes just forces me to lie more. At least you tried.
A poem every day.

This is for my parents.
155 · Jun 2019
I'll stop
153 · Oct 2019
Note 202:
Vic Oct 2019
"You make me realise a little bit more every day that love can be a good thing."
A poem every day.
152 · Nov 2019
Note 251:
Vic Nov 2019
I'm about to cry in class
I'm not okay
A poem every day.
152 · Dec 2019
Note 273:
Vic Dec 2019
For the first time in a while
I felt comfortable with me
And I could show my true identity
So that everyone could see
A poem every day.
151 · Jul 2019
Vic Jul 2019
I'm stuck in this
State of mind.
This dark room.
With nothing left
But cigarettes
And a lighter
I'm trying my best.
I really am
I don't want to exist.
Feeling good,
Doesn't make my futute brighter
We're all addicted to something that takes the pain away.
150 · Aug 2019
Note 136:
Vic Aug 2019
I went paragliding again today.
It was fun.
A "poem" every day.
150 · Nov 2019
Note 254:
Vic Nov 2019
I wanna
And never
Wake up
A poem every day.
150 · Oct 2019
Note 222:
Vic Oct 2019
Every day's a guess
A poem every day.
149 · Mar 2020
Note 374:
Vic Mar 2020
Dear Rich,
Happy 6 months! I'm really glad we got to spend these months together. It was a heck of a ride, but you've always been there for me. Thank you. Thank you for always listening, always caring, for just being there and holding me when I need you. I love you. There isn't really anything else to say. I love you, and I'm so, so grateful you love me back. We've been through a lot, but look at where we are now! We're gonna be okay. I'm so proud of you, for everything. I've kind of lost my words in all the poetry I wrote, but I hope these still have a bit of meaning. Thank you for being with me.
I love you
A poem every day.
148 · Oct 2019
Note 226:
Vic Oct 2019
School used to be a bad place, you know?
Homework, stress, and people.
People lie, gossip, and hate.
But then I met you,
And things changed.
School used to be a bad place,
But with the people I am with now,
School is home.
I am home.
A poem every day.
147 · May 2019
Vic May 2019
For tearing you apart,
And not comming back to stick you together.
For betraying you endless times.
For lying and running.
And telling the truth and hurting.
For scaring you and pushing you away.
And letting the monster inside of me go.
No apologies will be enough,
I really ****** it up.
I'm not the worst person in this story.
But I'm still the bad guy.
And I'm really, really sorry.
For not staying away.
I love you
You know it's for you.
147 · Jan 2020
Note 301:
Vic Jan 2020
Rival - Ruelle

The tide is high
It's sink or swim
My only rival is within

Giants calling round the bend
My only rival is within

I won't let my demons win
My only rival is within
I will fight through thick and thin
My only rival is within

Kingdoms rise and kingdoms end
My only rival is within
This is where it all begins
My only rival is within

The tide is high
It's sink or swim
My only rival is within
A poem every day.
147 · Jun 2019
Note 95:
Vic Jun 2019
I need to post actual poetry don't I?
A "poem" every day.
146 · Dec 2019
Note 280:
Vic Dec 2019
Dear G,

I'm sorry. That's all there is to it. I wrote maybe a hundred sentences, but honestly? That's just *******. I tried to tell you in many ways, and here's another try.
I really am sorry.

Sincerely, yours
A poem every day.
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