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9.7k · Jan 2015
Thoughts We Think We Thought
Tanner C Jan 2015

We think them

We feel them

We share them

We write them

We visualize them

But what prompts us to think of a thought?

Are thoughts created?

Or were they already there from the start?
7.7k · May 2015
Tanner C May 2015
This weight on my chest

This feeling of 100 punches to my gut

The pounding of hammers in my head

The feeling of a blade slip through my fingers

The smell of iron in the air as the thick red water drips and flows

All these pains and yet the worst feeling I've felt was the crushing blows of your words echoing in my ears.

Your words weighing heavily on my heart like an Anvil defying physics.

I feel the pressure and it's caving in...
4.2k · Jan 2015
Tanner C Jan 2015
Such an easy thing to most people,
Yet so difficult to others.
It can be a Blessing to some,
But a Curse to most.
Why should we forgive?
Because sometimes,
It's not just them that needs closure.
Without forgiveness,
We would be eaten up inside.
With Guilt, Heartache, and Remorse.
Forgiveness is the most oldest form of Mercy, not just for them,
But for Ourselves.
Because holding all that Hatred and Pain inside
Will **** you.
So Love more,
Hate Less,
Forgive often.
Because Life is not worth living If
Your Head is clouded with Self Doubt.
2.6k · Jan 2015
Love, Hate, Sex, Pain
Tanner C Jan 2015
Burn me away with with love or hate
Either way is just the same.
I feel my legs give way
as you kiss me or walk away.
My soul gets warm with your embrace
Or cold as ice as you slap my face.
I could've yelled, I could've screamed
Instead I was silent as you stared into me.
And now your gone like like smoke on water
and yet for some reason I did not falter.
I look now toward the future with pride
even though I feel frozen inside.
I can now look at someone new,
with eyes so beautiful and lovely too.
Your smile warms me and brings me comfort,
even when I feel like I suffered.
You bring the light into my life,
and make the shadows disappear and die.
I'm glad I found you and that you made my life better.
But now its time I helped you be the light in others lives.
Thank You for all that you've given me.
I now wish to give you the same respect and love of life as you have given me.
2.5k · Jan 2015
Time... A Fickle Thing...
Tanner C Jan 2015
Time Can ****...

Time Can Save...

Time Can Heal Those Cuts And Scrapes...

But Time Is A Fickle Thing When It Comes To The Heart.

Those Moments In Time That Can Change The Pace.

Time flies In These Short Moments of Life.

Your First Kiss...

Your First Date...

Your First Love...

There are many Firsts in Life.

There is no 2ND Firsts.

These Decisions you make in Life are short.

But its Moments In Time where you make mistakes.

You make bad decisions.

You said something you regret.

Did it hurt?

Did you suffer?

At that point in your life, maybe it did.

But this isn't the end for you my dear.

This is the Time you Wake Up.

You realize and Accept the Wrongs You Have Done.

Sometimes, you have to Say Yes or No.

To bandage up those Cuts and Scrapes.

To Say Your Sorry...

To Apologize...

And To Acknowledge the People who Didn't Give Up On You.

To say Thank You To Those Who Stayed and Waited.

Who Said "Hello", "I Miss You", And "I Love You"

So Right The Wrongs...

And Change Yourself Before You Try To Change Others.

It may be slow...


Because It takes Time...

LIVE those moments that make you feel ALIVE.

FIGHT for what YOU LOVE.

LOVE the people who make you SMILE.

2.2k · Jan 2015
Broken Trust
Tanner C Jan 2015
I believed in You.
You were Family to Me.
You made Me believe you would be there for Me.
To comfort Me. To encourage Me.
But most importantly... Trust..
One of the many links in the chain that you've broken.
Now that chain is dragging me down, down under the water.
All those lies forcing me under.
Drowning me.
I lost both because of You.
1.7k · Jun 2015
Lust Is...
Tanner C Jun 2015
For a moment

You lost your breath

Your heartbeat quickens

Cheeks red

Sweat sweet and a light moan

And then the fire rages...

Lust is a War Zone

Clothes scattered about the room

Gentle fingers and claw marks

On our backs,

On our knees,

Hands and feet...

Lust is Primal

Passionate kisses

Heavy breathing

Bodies in rhythm

Eyes fixated on the each other

Lust for Love
Saintly Sins and Saintly Sinners
1.5k · Jan 2015
Take a Chance
Tanner C Jan 2015
I Reach out to You

My arm outstretched

My palm open

Trying to grab your hand

Would you take Me?

I'm not Perfect

I'm not Handsome

I'm not Rich

But I have Love

Would you take a chance on Me?

I'll treat you like a Queen

I'll show you how precious Life is

I'll prove my worth to You

Just Reach Out

And take my Hand

Will You Take a Chance?

Just One?
Everyone deserves a chance at Love. Just give someone a little bit of your time and you'll realize it's not all about the similarities between two people to know just how special someone can be to you.
1.2k · Feb 2015
Little Pieces Left Behind
Tanner C Feb 2015
I promised myself I wouldn't love again. The pain of a broken heart, unbearable. Yet we pick ourselves up and tell ourselves "Everything is gonna be alright. I won't make the same mistakes again..."

But what does our emotions do to us when we meet someone? Someone we can talk to and share thoughts and opinions with? Who we get to know on a deep and more personal level? To somehow make a connection with another living soul? We then feel compassion for that person. We care about them. We feel the desirable need to let them know that someone out in the wide world understands them. But when it's someone who has been hurt. Broken. Practically shattered. You feel that much closer to them. Because who better to understand a shattered heart than another? But then when things begin to feel serious, for one or the other, things go wrong. Doubt pokes it's ugly face around the corner and causes a total cluster ****.

I have been judged, bullied, beaten, threatened, cheated, and lied to. Yet I still stand. Pieces left behind by those who thought, "There has got to be someone better..." But what if you don't find better? What if what you had was perfect? What if? The sad thing about this? I still carry a little piece of you everywhere I go. These blessed and cursed memories. The little pieces left behind...
This is no poem but personal experiences I've had with relationships over the years. Just a lot bottled up I needed to get out there. Sorry...
1.1k · Jan 2015
Heart Of Glass
Tanner C Jan 2015
My Heart of Glass

It lays there's safe on a pillow of feathers

Laying there cold

Cracked and full of holes

But where is the Glassmith?

The one who can fix this fragile heart

Where is she to close the cracks

To fill in the holes

Who will mend my glass heart?

Laying cold among the feathers
Tanner C Jul 2015
I need to Say It

I need You to Hear It

But the Words are Locked up
And Voiceless without the Key
To unlatch the Cages.

If I Release them
Will You hear?

Will I hold Your Heart with Love and Care?

Or will it slip through My fingers

To Shatter like glass

And disintegrate into a million pieces on the floor

Either way

The outcome is unknown

But at least I showed You my Heart

That's what matters at the least


1.0k · Apr 2015
Tanner C Apr 2015
The illusions you have cast

Are nothing more than false images

Memories fabricated from the Book of Lies

Painted Pictures You believed to have Created

With each word, syllable, and sentence, you spew

You are just another Viper spreading your Venom
949 · Feb 2015
Tanner C Feb 2015
You had the Fire.

The raging Inferno.

But it died.

Got smothered.

You had the Fire.

Now you lay there in a pile of ash and flickering sparks.

To Build it up and make it burn, You wait for someone to stoke it.

You had the Fire. But will you allow yourself to rise high and shine bright?

Will you be... The Raging Inferno?
Find what makes you happy. Find places you wish to go. Find love. Find whatever will drive you forward. Whatever will fuel the will to live life to its utmost fullest.
Tanner C Feb 2015
We Live, We Die, We Laugh and Cry.
Kisses with soft lips
Hugs of warmth and tenderness.
The Dreams we had almost a Reality
But Nightmares Past came Roaring.
Suffering from Famine,
Of a Lonely Heart.
A Burden weighing your Soul.
Consumed with Doubt.
Wars Raging Inside Your Mind
Thoughts clashing with Hopes and Goals.
Praying for Death to ease the Pain,
You lay there Suffering Slowly.

The Feeling of Love is a Gift,
Pure and Euphoric.

While Hate is a Ravenous Plague,
Eating away at your Soul.

I'm Done Hating the Past. I Accept the Choices Others and Myself have Made. I'm choosing to be Happy. Thanks for the Good Memories.
859 · Jan 2015
Liquid Love
Tanner C Jan 2015
Love is like water

It ebbs and flows to the currents of emotions

It can wash over you like a baptism

It can pelt you like a waterfall

And sometimes leave you drained and dry

Love is like water

Lets take a drink
713 · Jan 2015
The Abyss In My Mind
Tanner C Jan 2015
This Place is Dark

Blacker than Black

Light no longer lives

In the Emptiness of Space

My Chances seem slim

Close to Zero

Nowhere to Run

Nowhere to Hide

Alone and Afraid

Scared to speak

Someone Help Me

Save Me

Exposed on all Fronts

Is this how I Die?

My Soul feels empty

My Body Hollow

I'm Alone in my Mind
642 · Jul 2015
Happiness Is...
Tanner C Jul 2015

A drug with no negative side effects

A drug that is free for all


Legal for all

That effects All.

Happiness is not a disease

It's is not a Plague

It does not Hurt

It does not Scar

It's does not need a Vaccination

It is a simple state of being where one is at Peace of Mind.

Happiness is:





Happiness is Healthy

So Smile

Live Happily
Topic of the Day from my dear friend Rachel.
514 · Jul 2015
Tanner C Jul 2015
The Faces You See
The People You Meet
The Connections You Make
The Happiness You Feel
The Smile and Laughter You Spread

These simple things you do in Your daily lives is what makes each day worth while

It's what makes You Human

All this Hate over Simple and Silly things that take no effect on Your Life.

Issues that don't change Your life in any way, shape, or form.

You may be Voicing YOUR Opinions, but do you really believe your opinion matters to anyone?

Sure, some could agree with your views, but is it necessary?

You may live by a book written a couple hundred years ago, but don't go spreading your disagreements in the name of someone else who hasn't spoken up on the subject.

For all You know, God, Jesus, whoever or whatever Deity You worship, isn't the same as when they were described in Your books, scrolls and ancient texts. If Laws, Rules, Governments, Nations, and People can grow and change, then so could the Gods You Idolize.

Hateful Words are just as Dangerous as Guns and Blades.


Wise Words can be Courages

Kind Words can build Faith

Caring Words can Soothe a Broken Heart

So brush off the Negativity

Shake off the Hate

Live Life like an Adrenaline Rush

Life is too precious to waste with hateful words.
This may not be considered a poem, but more like a statement. Either way, I hope some good can come out of this.
513 · Mar 2020
Feels Like Heaven
Tanner C Mar 2020
I didn't know who I was looking at. First glance.

I thought maybe this was just another Soul I'd get to walk this Earth knowing.

But Never in My wildest dreams did I ever think I'd want to Walk this Earth WITH You.

Maybe it was Your Hazel Eyes.

Glowing like warm Amber veins on Leather Canvas.

Glints of Green shimmering around Your Irises.

Maybe it was when I felt the weight of Your hand in mine.

A weight I knew held much Love inside Her as well an immense feeling of Sadness.

When we first met, I didnt know Who I was dealing with.

I'm dealing with an unapologetic Theif.

When our lips first touched it shifted something in Me.

Something twisted came untwined...

I felt a real sense of Love again.

You who stole My heart so easily and effortlessly.

Although probably unintentional on Her part.

She Stole every bit of focus inside Me.

I can't help but have this overwhelming urge to just shower You in everything You've been missing.

Love... Affection... Gratitude... Attention... Appreciation... Respect....
For The Love of My Life H.Pinner 2/14/2020
484 · Jan 2015
Fire Within
Tanner C Jan 2015
Pour that Whiskey Girl...
Pour it down on me...
Down over the gaping hole in my chest.
Let me feel the burn. Feel the rage of fire run through me.
That burning desire to both hate and love you.
The rush of emotions I dare not feel again.
Not now.
Not yet.
That fire was extinguished.
Maybe it'll come back.
not as a full flame
but as a spark that never goes out.
Hopefully one day...
You'll fuel that spark.
Help it become a fire again...
Until then it will stay here.
Locked in a jar
with holes in the lid.
Waiting for you to open it.
447 · Jan 2015
Life: Go With The Flow
Tanner C Jan 2015
Life is like a river.

It only goes in one direction and never the other way around.

So make the right choices, and live life to the end until you drift away into the Ocean's embrace.
385 · Jan 2015
Which Would You Take?
Tanner C Jan 2015
To die would cause grief, but to live would cause relief. I dont know what I'm doing. Help is what I'm needing. I scream for the answers inside my mind. But there's none I can find. I found myself in a trench of lies. Smells of death, rot, and flies. Falling into the flames of Hell, or to float to hear the bells of Heaven.

— The End —