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278 · May 2018
Together we can fly
Özcan Sh May 2018
I would like to fly
to see the world from above
but I can not
I only had one wing
I saw someone
she also had only one wing
she watched as I try to fly
hopefully she wished that I could fly
but I could not
she could not fly either
I took her hand
let our wings flap
and together
we could see the world from above.
277 · Jun 2018
Like an old piano
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
His heart is
Like an old piano
He waits under the dust
Quiet, lonely and shy
Until she plays him
And makes his strings vibrate.
275 · Dec 2018
Her body
Özcan Sh Dec 2018
She showed me her galaxy
And I stared at the stars
On her delicated body.
273 · Jun 2018
Silent beauty
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
she was quiet
she could not talk
she could not hear
but still beautiful.
272 · Jun 2018
Rose petals
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
They pull each time
A rose petal from me
Until I have none left
They wanted to see me suffer
But she never let me thirsty
She pours her trust,
Love and strength on me
Thanks to her,
I can grow again
Thanks to her,
I can bloom again
Thanks to her,
I can fight back.
270 · Aug 2022
Do not forget
Özcan Sh Aug 2022
Do not forget,
I love you
270 · Aug 2018
Bright smile
Özcan Sh Aug 2018
Your bright smile
Killed the darkness
In my heart.
270 · Oct 2018
Cold heart
Özcan Sh Oct 2018
Cold as the snow
Slippery like ice
And easy to break
Into many pieces.
266 · Jul 2018
The sound of her pen
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
When she writes
Her pencil starts
Scratching the paper

It creates a sound
A sound that was like
Music to ears

I love that sound
It reminds me
How she fill my empty world
With her beautiful words.
263 · May 2018
Özcan Sh May 2018
Life is full of waves
Waves are different strong
Some are big, some are small
But through every wave you ride
You will be better and stronger in life.
261 · Apr 2018
Spring is here
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
Trees become more alive
Flowers are blooming
Birds started to singing
The weather is getting better
And the hearts become warmer.
260 · Jun 2018
Little fighter
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
He was a little fighter
Blood flowed down from his head
Sweat keeps his whole body warm
But after every hard fight
His heart starts to cry.
258 · Mar 2018
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
Life is like a boat on a Ocean,
Big waves and thunderstorms
Rise in front of you, but after
The waves and Stroms
The ocean is calm and beautiful.
254 · Jul 2018
Heart like a shiny diamond
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
She gave me her heart
It was like a diamond
Big, shiny and Beautiful
I took her heart
Hide it from the light
Because by the light
The thieves will know
Where my diamond is.
253 · May 2018
The devil and his mask
Özcan Sh May 2018
We were always together
We laughed a lot together
We had a lot of fun together
But one day
I saw him stabbing a knife in my back
He was not a person to trust
He was not a friend
It was just a devil wearing his mask.
252 · Jul 2018
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
Makes the heart cry
Trust begins to die
Like a knife that cuts deeper
And slower inside
252 · Apr 2018
He will fight
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
He was weak, but now he has become stronger
He was falling to the ground, but now he gets up
He was naive, but now he is more careful
He was not a fighter, but now he is one
He does not break hearts, but he tries to reunite them
He's fighting because he wants to protect their smile.
251 · Apr 2018
Hearts are blooming
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
When our hearts unite
begins our hearts
To bloom
Like a cherry blossom.
251 · Jun 2018
Hidden feelings
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
She love the black and white tiles
Listend and loves to play the piano
Many don’t know how she feels
Through her songs she plays
Every key she presses
I always knew how she feels
Because in every music note
I could feel her hidden feelings.
250 · Jul 2018
Just let me write
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
The pen becomes lighter
The ink gets darker
I fly through the paper
Just let me write
To enjoy my flight.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
I love it when, i see you smiling
But i dont love it when i see you crying.

I love it when, i look into your eyes
But i dont love it when i see a tear from your eyes.

I love it when, i see that you are happy with me
But i dont love it when i see you sad without me.

I love it when, i have you in my arms
But i dont love it when i miss you in my arms


I love how you make us beat our hearts at the same time.
With love, you can look at the world with a different view
249 · Jul 2018
I turned to ash
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
Flame in my heart
Air in my chest
Your water drips on me
I turned to ash
But did not stop glowing
Because my flame
Will come back again.
247 · Mar 2018
A empty poem
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
I feel empty when I read
I feel empty when I write this poem
I feel empty when I am in the classroom
I feel empty when I look at the stars
I feel empty when I do not hear your song from your piano
I feel empty when I walk on the street
I feel empty if I do not hear your voice
I feel empty when you are not with me

Without you, I'm just an empty poem
246 · Jun 2018
My heart in a rain cloud
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
My heart hurts
It was ripped in pieces
And thrown into the clouds
When it starts to rain
My tears fall on the cold ground
No one pays attention to the tears
No one feels that the rain is crying
They just open their umbrella
And walk without care through the sad rain.
245 · Jul 2018
I hold her in my hand
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
She locked in my heart
I hold her in my hand
We dance together
On empty pages.
244 · Jun 2018
Love ink
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
My heart is like my pen
Everyone takes them in hand
Some throw it in the trashcan
Or use it until it can not write anymore
But she refilled my pen every time
Because she loves to write with my pen
And I feel her ink flowing through my pen
But there was no ink in my pen
It was her love that brought my pen back to writing.
244 · Jun 2018
A weapon called trust
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
I gave him a weapon
A weapon called trust
He holds for the first time a weapon
Will he shoot me or protect us from our enemies?
I will not know it yet...
But I know
That one day he will pull the trigger.
242 · Mar 2018
The Pikes of a Hedgehog
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
Love can be like the Pikes of a hedgehog,
If you take the hedgehog gently on your
Hands you do not get hurt yourself and
The hedgehog fells safe with you,
But if you hurt him
he will defend you back
With his spines and make you bleed
241 · Apr 2018
Unknown feeling
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
What kind of feeling is that?
I do not know what I feel
It tingles in the stomach and my heart beats faster
Every time I think about her,
Every time I see her smile
I feel that feeling again
But that feeling in me tells that I should protect her
And put a smile on her face
but the most important thing is to make her happy.
240 · Apr 2018
Magic cube
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
Life is like a magic cube
Think, try and turn
It takes a lot of time to solve a puzzle
But by every attempt we make
Let us take a step closer to our goals.
240 · May 2018
The puzzle inside me
Özcan Sh May 2018
My heart is like a puzzle
Sometimes I lose the puzzle parts
Every time I find my lost parts again
But this time I miss a part
A part that I can not find
This part was looking for me
And I was looking for her
The puzzle piece wants to complete my heart
Because this part knows what is going on in my heart
And the puzzle piece knows that I need her
Because without her
My heart can hardly beat.
240 · May 2018
Eyes are just windows
Özcan Sh May 2018
I see something through her eyes
It is as if the eyes were windows
A window you can see what's behind there
I look through her beautiful eyes
I could see and feel her warm heart
Although I don´t have her in my arms.
239 · Oct 2018
The fiery game
Özcan Sh Oct 2018
A fiery fake smile
Enchanted me
It felt wonderful
But only for a short time

Her helping hand
Grabbed my hand
Took my heart and
Threw on the floor

Again and again
I felt pain

She played a game
A game that brought my heart
To a mosaic art

I let her go
Saw her fake smile disappear
And began to miss me

She saw my mosaic in my heart
Fell in love with the broken art
The whole fire in her
Brought my heart into pieces

The fire turned to water
Saw how she fell on the knees
And tears fell out of her eyes

She was injured
Her heart was full of scars

She was a toy just like me
They took her heart and played
-The fiery game

She believed that someone
Would take care of her heart
Still they used her heart as a toy

She was alone in the dark
Nobodys help her indside
And never saw the light

I could read her story in her eyes
I want to see her smiling and not crying

I took her broken heart
Glued with my parts
To be in one art

Her eyes shone love
A smile rises like the sun
And her heart began to pump

She rushed in my arms
Layed her head on my chest
And we fell in love

Even if she hurt me
Her pain was more painful for me.
238 · Apr 2018
Friends flower
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
Friends are like flowers
Every single flower has its own beauty
Every flower has its own fragrance
And gives you a feeling called trust
When the trust breaks down
The flowers will dry out
take care of the flower so it can blossom thanks to you
237 · Jul 2018
Empty night
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
I was sitting in front of the steering wheel again
It was very dark outside
The night was back
But without stars in the sky
Many stars are hiding behind the clouds
But this one star was not hiding
She showed herself
She was not afraid
Because she knows
That all stars in the sky
Beautify the empty night.
237 · May 2018
The Phoenix
Özcan Sh May 2018
Every attack I get
The fire comes up in me
They want to see me on the ground
But they do not know that every attack I get
That the  fire awakens in me

I am like the phoenix bird
Through the fire
I become stronger
I'm not afraid of the fire
Because I am the fire.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Her heart is very easily breakable
She was often broken by everyone
She looked at me fully trustworthy
And gave me her broken heart
I carefully took her heart
And I gave her my heart
Because the hearts we hold
Become indestructible through
Our true love.
233 · Jun 2018
Under the shower
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Stand under the shower
Turn on the faucet
Water flows down on me
I close my eyes
And hope that the water
Extinguishes the flames
Of my broken heart.
232 · May 2018
Beautiful blind love
Özcan Sh May 2018
A boy and a girl
They have never seen the world
The two saw nothing
But by theire voices
And heart beat
They heard how the world sounds
Through the hands they hold each other
They felt how the world feels
And through love,
They could finally see how the world is.

He was her world
She was his world.
Even blind people can love even though they have never seen each other but their hearts and souls have already met.
228 · Feb 2019
Beautiful lies
Özcan Sh Feb 2019
I didn’t fall in love with you
I fell in love with your beautiful lies .
#poetry #poem #fake #love #lies #words
228 · May 2018
Özcan Sh May 2018
I let myself melt for you
So you do not stay thirsty
And continue to live your life.
228 · Jul 2018
The silent rain
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
Every time I cry
I think it is a crime
I cry in silence
Like the silent rain.
226 · May 2018
I saw a baby
Özcan Sh May 2018
I saw a baby today
The baby looked at me
His eyes shine like diamonds
His skin was sweet as chocolate
And his cute litte smile taught me
How the love in this world feels.
I love when babys smile and laugh ☺️
223 · Jun 2018
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Every one of your lies
My trust in you dies
Brought a tear out of my eye
Thought you were a friend for life
You were just a stranger for the whole time.
223 · May 2018
Love is like a weapon
Özcan Sh May 2018
Love unites two warm hearts
But love can do more than just that
It can shoot a heart and
Make someone´s heart to bleed.
222 · Apr 2018
Star sparks
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
The sun goes down
Stars start to spark
Street lights go on
Moon is rising
We sit in front of the piano
Let our love play the piano
And our hearts begin to spark
Like the stars in the night sky
221 · May 2018
Özcan Sh May 2018
Anger it's like a fire
The flame gets bigger every time
It starts to burn inside
And the soul becomes weaker

But if you hear her voice
You could feel how she extinguishes
The inner fire with her beautiful words
And through her tender love
The soul becomes stronger again.
221 · Apr 2018
His only fear
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
A boy who never looks after himself
He has a very big heart and patience
He did not care if he was beaten, insulted or bleeding to death
He had only one fear in his life
It was not dead
His fear was to see a tear fall from her eye.
218 · Aug 2018
Dark times
Özcan Sh Aug 2018
In dark times
I lost my mind
But her smile
Makes my day brighter.
218 · Apr 2018
Notebook of a poet
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
The eyes close
Heart opens
Feelings come up
The pen is moving
The notebook will come alive
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