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newborn Aug 2023
in moonlight mist beyond my fingertips
i trace the lunar patterns and come down
with a fulfilled thrill cast fishing pole hooks
inside the wild Milky Way galaxy
starlit strips against my lips reflected
by striped curtains folded on window panes
sweet Sirius on stilts along the brink of
reaching slight nightmarish ultimatums
hosted by my own unenthused gimmicks
that sink upon sheepish fragility
imposed by God, the sole pure deity  
though one must utter to the stars thinking
they are to suffer alone, forsaken
instead awakened by the knock of morn
super proud of this. might make sense; might not, but that’s the world idk. thanks for reading :)

newborn Mar 2022
sometimes i write to no one
nobody is filling the void deep in my soul
so i make up fantasy men to take up the space
to fill in the cracks with their vibrant smiles
cheekbones accentuated
i instruct these prosthetics to heat my freezing
cold heart
stuck in a plain old reverie with kisses and children dancing in a ballroom
these fake and imagined life forms leave behind a vestige of fantastical beauties
these creations are flowing like water in secret caverns
dancing around my empty body
healing my blemishes but they still return to the creations’ surprise
they lift my limp limbs and lower me over the ancient greek pond
letting me drink the rich and luscious stream
filling my body with water, weighing me down
more mass and a bigger center of gravity
btw i am almost dead by the time they finish these rituals
these fantasy men care for me day in and day out, but they are sculpted from my mind
not real, this is not reality
they make me feel “happier” and “fuller” in my eyes but i know this is all a façade
naked and no one shall know
that the girl who waits here for fantastical sculptures to touch her and clothe her is a deep and dark disappointment
some say, “what an ingrate.”
some don’t even bother to care
nobody truly cares
and i figured this out many months ago
i am finally letting go
and as i turn to these creations i have created inside of my head
they blow and dissolve into the wind
therefore i have virtually no one
so i weep into my pruny hands
then draw the conclusion that i will never be loved
at least i know one thing for certain  :/
i want to fall in love. i really just want someone to be my other half. i want to be tied at the hip to someone. chasing rainbows and happiness and fulfilling memories. someone to share moments with and laugh at our own displeasure.  i wanna ache for somebody other than me. i want someone’s compelling fire to burn every inch of my skin. ****** but on fire and engulfed in the flames. let me be with someone. let me heal with someone. let me hold someone. it hurts too much to be alone.

and i wanna stop making up fantasies inside of my delusional mind. i wanna start living and loving in real time.

newborn Oct 2022
you look like every teenage dream
every boy in a magazine
vogue and all the other ones.
you wore leather pants and a luxurious belt
and i almost forgot how it feels to have felt so infatuated.
you took that microphone and shoved it up my nose,
you don’t believe in miracles.
i taught you sadness, you taught me madness,
we breathe in deep red lights.
i can’t embellish you in free verse if you don’t love me first,
i miss when i used to use you as my muse.
i’ve never been in love, but if it would happen to me, i know i would fall in love with you.
cause you don’t believe in miracles,

but i do.
i swear i get the weirdest bursts of inspiration. 10/16/22
newborn Jun 2022
there were people dining in a roller skating rink
i was a waitress in a tiny skirt
you saw me
possibly in the corner of your eye
i was pretending i didn’t see you
but it didn’t matter
cause you saw me.
you were so excited
i thought you hated me
but you brought me over and
begged with your eyes for me
to extend my arms and
embrace you
i did, cause why not?
and then
it faded to black.
now it’s back to reality.
yes, it was just a dream.
maybe i’ve been watching too much stranger things and thinking about you too often

newborn Feb 2022
my innocence floated away in fourth grade
when all my classmates grew up and it petrified me.
the world has ruined my bones, has ruined the soil where i planted my first milkweed for the monarch butterflies
we have all been destroyed
we just don't realize
or maybe we do, we just shower and bask in it.  
every soul is so uncouth and the world now stings more than the crack of the whip.
termites are crawling inside our mouths
moths are being inhaled through our nostrils.
when i was nine, everything had a clear answer and i was always happy
but now that my innocence has been scraped from the bark of a crabapple tree
i am so bewildered and i can’t find any sanctuary and life is so unendurable.
restore my patient calm and timid mind
i loathe this planet and this wicked institutionalized harbor where i now have to spend my days
all because i lost my innocence in fourth grade
newborn Jan 2023
ships sinking
as you stare across the bay
memorize the smile on my lips
the hallucinations i’ve secretly kept

breathe me in, don’t spit me out
i’ve outcasted myself enough times for the both of us
don’t give me that solemn stare

take me back to the roller rink
to the depths of my heart i haven’t explored
to the party of yours that i missed

i’m so sorry for the past inconveniences that haunt you and quite visibly me
can we be friends again before the ship sinks into the void of indigo ocean water?
making you smile so often was quite possibly my greatest accomplishment

i miss u

newborn Mar 2023
there is nothing on this sinking ship except naivety and

(in my quiet solitude
though uninhabited, i see a force that wears the skin of a wolf
and it circles around me like a vulture to its prey.
there is yet to be found a validity
alive in this misfortune
obscenity has a spiteful home here.

have these bones grown too brittle?
have you turned into a surge of unnecessary memory?
the pressure folding my lungs like cards
the violence raising me as a scapegoat.
have you seen these ugly acidic tears turn the ground into a salt mine?
if you have looked for me, you have not seen me.
my intuition pulls and hides and repositions me
these conditions we instill are making us suffocate.
and these borders are making me unfamiliar
to the uproar i had grown so accustomed to.
to the sewer, we were flushed
and we lost the foundation that was hardly standing beneath our groaning feet.

the fury i breathe through my tired nostrils
entangles me
like a vine in a rainforest that only knows how to be sunny.
if you have looked for me, you would have seen a corpse instead.
a semblance of what used to exist.
a current swept over terrain that remains, that never
the barriers across miles of lands picked over, lands filled with dry tumbleweed, lands uncooperative with human life,
we rested upon.
in painful oblivion,
we lost the voice of the siren.
our qualms swelled
manically filling us with unease inscrutable to our undeveloped skulls.
we wear our burdens like unwashed clothes.
we walk within the hands of famine and loss and destruction.
we hear each other’s names, but all it causes is…)

i miss the past

newborn Jul 2023
same man who told me i would be his girl
ripped my heart out and slammed it onto the floor.
haunted by betrayal, it twists around my room
it sits upon my bed and it refuses to listen to you
or me.
same guilt pressed against my skin
my own friends lost so much sight of me.
i’m sorry.
he was accidental tears falling from my eyes
makeup worn to disguise
the melancholy deep within my soul.
same man who told me i would be the one to take home
told me to go.
stretched out on the beach,
nothing but the sky and sea
reaching towards a meaning you would never give to me.
somehow now it’s all my fault
i misread all your calls
i had mistaken your sudden advances for something meaningful.
you’re a narcissist, a crawling goblin,
a regretted kiss, your knife still sharpened
over my silk body, over my salty tears
over all these doubts
you couldn’t heal
carved a heart shape out of my chest
left in a dying mess
i bet you’re happy
knowing you hurt someone like me
for the hundredth time
do you ever learn?
before you hurt people like
who just want to be seen
by a man who tells us we’re beautiful?
does it burn you to see the fireworks sink from the sky
beside your bedside?
or do you never regret anything
never apologize when you’re mean
never have to take accountability
for your stupid actions.
you are the glass shards in my back
aching intensely
the extra teeth in my mouth just puncturing me
you are a brutish maniac, a life threatening heart attack
you are a dead man
run ahead, man.
same man who loved me for months
says he’s done
with this.
same man who betrayed me
still thinks he’s holy.
same man who broke my heart
still thinks he’s an injured part.
oh, you never knew me
but i must not have known you too well, either.
about someone else’s situation. the audacity on some people and the naivety of others.

newborn May 23
she touches me—
leaves me for extinct
while you
graze your fingers up my arms
and i am a desert revived by your touch.
i feel like if i showed you my favorite songs
you would nod along
and appreciate every sound.
her mouth is like a razor-blade
splitting the hairs on my skin
like a viper, she pounces
streaked red crimson blood
with bite marks like tattoos.
you’re a calm ripple to her tsunami waters;
i drown under her oppression,
i live for just a taste of your connection.
i ruined something great with my ****** shaky hands.

written: 5/13/24– 5/14/24
published: 5/23/24
newborn Jan 2023
you scream like a cooped up witch
saturn’s screeches soft and scary.
in your manic delirium
in the riptide rushing
the silence is painful
and painless
and fierce.
mercurial girl
who washes her hands
in the sand
moves with the moon.
you stray from the constellations
and get devoured by black holes.
fickle flight.
you dive in the atmosphere
bound in the sky.
the planets isolated
abandoned and forsaken.
translating the sounds cascading
from my mouth.
the stars are so plain
and staple and monotonous
they look like your mistakes
that never give accountability.
you suffer in sound.
you shrink into dust.
without your meaning
carved inside history books.
in your total incoherence
in the motionless galaxy
the dawn has no meaning
like the cells
that make up your existence.
like saturn you scream
a moribund planet
waiting to be rescued
by the fragments
that make you a wasted
futile shell of inconsequentiality.
like saturn you shriek
like a banshee.
you’re dying.
heard saturn’s sounds. it was scary. the poem is about social media and how people don’t have much purpose anymore. idk.

newborn May 2023
you sold your savior in the papers
he was a lanky man, with eyes red and bloodshot
the press shoved his face in everyone’s faces
tangled his poster beauty in bleached hair
does it pay to be lied to
does it make it seem more bearable?
and have you seen their intimidation tactics
their ways to force you to believe their scam
your savior looks like he would abandon you in a minute in a strange situation
be careful who you trust
being truthful is inferior, supposedly
so is being a decent human being apparently?
such behavior is anomalous to me
if you want a savior, then go be free

southern skies
it’s all north from here—catharsis
you didn’t like your savior
impossible to please, ever consider locking yourself up in a cage with the lanky man in your dreams?
he has belts and chains and violent ways
and he uses his pain to manipulate
it’s all north from here—it’s evil in disguise
when lying is the only thing that soothes your mind
he was red and unrelenting
and it was the heat stroke that made it serious
did he save you or he did just come to scramble up the honesty?
it’s all south from here—secure in doubt, a running nightmare, sleep paralysis woman
if you want a savior, too bad, he already left you
with the moonlight, with the pure fright
bring a flashlight

but it’s not his fault you abandoned him
left him by the gas station
with his hands buried in his chest, his knees clutched breathlessly
it’s not his mistake you’re misguided, he wants you to be his child
you’re a flame and he’s just gasoline
lit him up and now the boils are forming
how dare you throw him out in the garden?
bruised, purple marks of bitten flesh
left by such a disingenuous mess
oh, the soothing ocean waves
against the southern palisades
you dug him into his grave
don’t you dare cry now that he’s laid
you punished him for a mistake
he bleeds for you—for your pain
“insane head on that woman, she just needs someone to hold her”
that’s what they all say
but a woman doesn’t just blindly rage without a whisper in her left ear
but you sold your savior out
for a couple dimes, you proud?
do your teeth sink into the battleground
right above his bleeding crown?
panic sets in, he’s abandoned
you made him your weapon
to wield against the inevitable
against the powerful
don’t you dare start feeling sorry
you may have confused him amidst your fury
but your savior is perfect, ain’t he?
such a perfect—perfect reflection of what you
want to see
wrote the first stanza a while ago. i didn’t want to post it yet, but now i fixed it cause ethel cain inspired me lolz.

started: 4/30/23
finished: 5/31/23
newborn Feb 2022
i wail
but maybe you can’t hear me over the screeching of the boat engines and the crashing of the waves
i wail
it pains me so badly that you can’t hear me in the air or in the flowers that fill the wind
i wail
desolate creature is unknown, her voice is lonely and can be mistaken for a lone wolf in the dense woods
i wail
but i think this is the last sound i am going to make
no one can hear me
maybe i should just scream louder or

newborn Jul 2022
disgusting. pls don’t fight me. my opinion at the end of the day

newborn Nov 2023
for the millionth number i can’t count of times you’ve made my heart want to spout out profanities and send a flood a ‘rushing your way
i hate to say
but i will with my entire chest cavity
i do not owe you.
i am not your pretty princess ready to bend to your wind or your will
i am starting these words with “i” because even that you didn’t allow
my opinions didn’t matter, my music taste didn’t matter
for the meaningless songs of yours i just smiled along to and tried to humor you about them so you wouldn’t feel slighted were awful
you can’t treat people like objects who are only supposed to serve you and expect me to love you back
and the audacity for your mind to be so clogged and to think that you will make mine too
i can forgive your crimes, i will forgive your crimes,
don’t you even dare think that i won’t.
you’re pathetic and that’s honestly incredibly sad
that your parents never loved you and all the experiences with awful people is the only love you’ve ever had.
tearing people’s skin off and expecting them to kneel at your feet,
you thief,
you merciless useless shell of a woman
what mercy do you think you will receive when you give me nothing when i have done absolutely nothing to hurt you
and trust me, i’d be the first one to know.
where’s that conscience of yours?
not in that heart of steel, nor in those dying robotic eyes
you are nothing to me
after how you play me like a toy
like a mendable device,
i will still be so nice, so smiley, so personable, so favorable to you
and my brain tells me that you don’t have an empathetic bone in your body,
and it would be a million trillion times right.
it makes sense when your parents haven’t taught you a single moral in your almost eighteen years of living, although you act like you’re three years old with a problem with sharing.
sorry, i’m using correct grammar, something you don’t know.
how many times can someone make excuses to just avoid you?
why will i haul you around this town just for you to call me the b word and act like it’s some kind of silly goofy joke.
i am not laughing.
are you?
oh, of course you are, you plotting sinister smarty
and i feel remorseful for saying those things about you when you say way worse and never move your tongue to apologize.
it’s just one word girl.
oh wait, it might be too hard for you to pronounce.
“i’m sorry” takes too much effort.
you never loved me
and i always knew that, but admitting that to myself would make me feel more alone, but now i don’t care at all
i am completely apathetic to you.
completely indifferent to you.
i never loved you.
come on, it was obvious.
it is obvious.
get a grip.
treating your friends like trash on a dirt road is not how kindhearted people act.
you are childish, childless, erratic, insane, a literal crisis in and of itself.
you are not my friend.
you are not my support system.
you are no one to me except a brutal dictator, picking and choosing what i can and can’t do with my life.
heck, i treat the ground i walk on with muddy shoes better than you treat me.
must be nice to feel so high up, but know deep down that you are just so low.
so low i can’t even see you from here;
i don’t want to.
you are utterly awful and i forgive you for that,
some people just can’t help their insufferableness
i think i just made up a new word,
but it defines you perfectly so i will devote it to you,
you slimy intolerably unempathetic (another word) angsty teenager.
get a grip and be nicer.
it really is not that hard to treat me like a human being.
i’ve been doing it to you this whole time
and you’re lucky i haven’t complained once.
so for now;
leave me alone.
my “friend” *****. ***** you. like seriously. ***** you.

written: 9/24/23
published: 11/8/23 because it’s relevant now again.
newborn Aug 26
i was never what you truly wanted, i was just someone to look to.
look for me on the road
either scattered or waving hesitantly,
warm sunlight beaming down upon my shoulders.
you were what i truly wanted, i was just too scared to tell you.
deathly afraid you’ll see how much you mean to me
and then you’ll disappear into the corpse of our love.
i’m so terrified to tell you,
so sick of being unsure.
sick of being second;
all i want is to be heard.
and if you do not adore me
how will this all go?
when i love you till i’m dying quick,
how fast will you hold me?
oh, how fast you know me.
when no one quite understands,
i hear your voice and smile,
wishing you would speak to me,
i haven’t seen you in a while.
i’m always second pick
i’m sick of being pushed to the side
i miss you—i miss us.
i miss every conversation.
every contemplation of whether i’m in love with you,
every expectation you had of me,
every quiet moment where i didn’t feel like exploding.
i wonder if you know that you know me better than anyone.
i wonder if you know you’re all i think about when i’m lonely.
i wonder if you know i love you.
i hate being left out. it makes me miss you.

newborn Sep 2022
the atmosphere seems bleaker through the second story windows
on the first floor, there i scramble, breaking through the wake of the waves in my illusion crawling mind
creating a line of sea water from the teardrops that tumble onto my shaky hands
trudging through the unbeknownst woods,
seeing mini faces carved into tree logs
and then i collapse
over and over again.
every day feels like a shank in the veins
as if a phantom has taken the reins with its cold bony hands
and i am left to sit in the carriage of death
with Belonging, Happiness, Optimism, and Life itself.
do i look as stormy and gloomy as the earth through the second story windows of this prison?
i hope not.
writing in my first period class is surprisingly fun. 9/8/22
newborn Aug 2022
i see bags of stones tied around my ankles
ropes around my neck
penny’s resting firmly in my belly
i see flames that i swallowed
chains around my kneecaps
tossed into the raging sea

but most importantly i see you in my arms on a rouge sofa by the fireplace in my new york city apartment on a dark and stormy night
i randomly thought of this the other day
newborn Dec 2022
deceased people around me
see the anxiety that
towers over me
like a dictator hungry
for tyranny

held by the nightmares
that heighten my senses
tighten my vessels
take into account
my unenlightened downfall

off my rocker
stabbed with blades,
they knocked her
out and she cried
but not ta’
worry, she’s

years since i’ve felt rapture
left my optimism
in a time capsule
fractured my bones
discarded them in a chapter
lost my laughter
caught in disaster

just when i assume the worst has passed,
the peril continues
strong and decided
seizing me,
frightening me,
conquering me,
capturing me

newborn Jul 2023
the reflection of tangerine sunset on the rainy road and the wide expanse of kansas is the pretty i want to be.

the mystery soaking in the wound.
some sun-tanned lady with a ballgown.
a rose bush absent of the thorns.

the burial sight of an isolated victim.
an unspoken but understood shadow.
the willow tree’s branches after a nightly frost.

the strange white light before death.
the neatly tidied vanity.
a polite aftershock after a raging earthquake.

the sandals,
the beachside condominiums,
the skyline with white stripes.

my amiability
surging through the atmosphere,
singing for salvation.
the happiness of life.

newborn Jan 2023
the shark ambush
the corrupt crux of a handmade answer
the waters that fill with scarlet blood
animals that thrash with hearts in their jaws
the deep gulp taken before the submersion  
the ultimate fear plastered on grim faces
pointy teeth shredding silky skin
bleeding guts
the rush of control must overpower such a creature
this feels like insanity. why, just why. thank God it’s gonna be friday tm, i’m so tired of this. song title is because i love shark in your water by flower face. bye

written- 1/8/23
newborn Jul 2023
no one cares what books i read
my “best” friend cries on the phone to me
she says it’s just a matter of time
before we go on vacation together
or the april child she loves will
wind up at her ivy-covered door
with lips filled in apologies
or half-hearted “i adore yous.”

she says it’s just a strange world
comparing each of my companions to her
i don’t allow myself to get worried
with her obvious emotional manipulation
her selfish need to conspire against me
constantly thinking it’s for the best.

her mother speaks so softly
tells her not to get so out of hand
tries not to let her wash her life away
in a trailer park fever dream
with cigarette smoke and boys that come
and go, but they never know
the brutal need for her to skin her victims
package them away in garage bins
and leave them to handle their mangled limbs
by themselves

one day, i think i will freak out
and rip up the bluebird-colored tablecloth
and pluck the shards of glass
from my weakened arteries
and she will meltdown in a sweaty bar
turn soggy and white in the face
and her relatives will all disown her

she says i’m one of the only friends
to chose from
to swim in a pool by the ocean
she wants the florida marsh in my hair
the cypress smile sticky on my top lip
but she doesn’t care about me
and my irregular temperature
my august windstorms
my maine hemispheric cold-spouts

her merely view through telescopic lenses
magnifying me
but she says slurs and she thinks it’s ok
and it’s not
multiple skeletons lying upright in her closet
as i try to open the doors
she slams them shut
freckles from the sun and the never-ending daytime hour she rarely sleeps and
maybe that’s her issue
all blue and purple, bruised legs
and egos falling on the floor
like dominoes
springtime wishful thinking,
but winter betrayal sinkhole in my backyard

she says it’s about time for
her to come to my house
deposits her eggs for me to chew on
or take care of or whatever
she thinks this transactional
friendship is
or how it looks from the inside
lurking along the corners of the creaky fence

she moves in muscular anomaly
she uses me like a chess piece
bent to her inconsistencies
face flat on farmland
and flannels torn to holes
from her constant urge to
crunch up all my simple pleasures
leaving them like mush
and stomach acid lingers
on their polyester remnants
smelling like old shoes worn by
some old storyteller

but i am in hibernation,
comatose on the dewy grass
my liver sits untouched inside of my belly
crabapple seeds are planted
but rarely the trees ever sprout or venture
farther than one foot
buried inside infertile ground

she waits attentively for my eyes to bat open
for the coma to subside
so when the morning wetness climbs
atop my powdered-coconut nightgown
sallow in complexion
i rest with shut pupils
so the fools don’t bolt into
the inmost part of me  

she tells herself he’ll write her a letter
stained with decaf coffee or maybe
his own sweat or spit or
passion dipped into a quill pen
and out onto the parchment
pathetic diction and apathetic vindication
she tells me one day,
he will regurgitate it back for her
onto her palms and she will recite
every word like a well-thought out poem
sprawled out upon her chest
heaving his misleading justifications

but i won’t be waiting
for her
as the florida air stains her soul
from the inside out
until her heart is black as coal
and her hands are stained from the
peeling of my brain cavity that
leaks blood she thinks
makes oddly-familiar patterns
across her guilty figure
(my way of telling her to shut up. almost sounds polite, but that’s just cause of the word choice. the biggest word she knows is a swear word. totally not making fun of her…)

newborn Apr 2022
funny how smiles make wrinkles on your face
and we deem no wrinkles as “beautiful”

we as a society love sad people
kinda deep lol
newborn Apr 2022
would it be easier if i was prettier?
being pretty sounds so wonderful and simple
maybe that’s why i don’t fit in at this cemetery-like building

newborn Jul 2022
young kids are always afraid of the dark
in their closest, the monsters under their beds
and when they grow up, that never actually goes away
we just realize there’s more darkness in the people around us
than in our childhood bedrooms
i am still a little bit afraid of the dark, but more afraid of humankind

newborn Apr 2022
it was astonishing
that you noticed
i was gone

i thought i was on my own
haha i was sick/dying of pain one day at school and i had to go home. i was shocked so many people texted me and asked me if i was ok.

newborn Apr 1
you want to see me stripped on the floor
a motor of a girl gasping for breath
crawling with her blistered knuckles
her wounds harsh and fresh
can’t you just breathe in deeply?
exhale, then inhale me
oh, for your sake baby
push it in then leave me diseased
you only see a body
you only see a body
you only see a body
you only see my body

—i wish so hard that you would just see me
about how people talk about my body and other people’s bodies. i feel like they only want me for something that isn’t on the inside. this is also for people who are only seen as objects and feel like they can only impress by wearing something or looking a certain way. see us for who we are. we are shooting stars, we are dying to be seen.

written: 3/30/24
published: 4/1/24
newborn Aug 2022
the bypass was strangled by
tiny knots in the road.
breathing was steady
but ready for attack.
i must have seen smoke
rising up from the hills.
in smoke appears signals
and bodies and old friends.
i saw the life form become human
in front of my naked eyes.
stood with needles and bruises, and his blemishes screamed “i’m tired of being alive.”
with bronze stained cuts
perched on his quivering lips.
i gazed up in shock, lost in
the unfamiliarity of his somehow soulless eyes.
but i heard bombs bursting
and doors breaking.
all of a sudden,
the dots were connecting.
the perplexity of this theory
stole my mind away for a minute.

and then, as if he was lightning,
he was gone.
the surrounding sounds become
numb lulls in the background.
i tried to process, but the thought
tore the inner walls inside of me down.

~he had felt this tingle of
dull memories creeping up into his fortified mind… shaky hands, and odd behavior, hold up, where am i? the world feels like it’s in slow motion, barely hanging on.. don’t know what hope is…he blacked out earlier that day, perhaps he didn’t know it? the intensity lit up in his distressed face… knowing, unknowing.. memories come flocking back like migrating birds…he lost the grip on his mind so long ago.. but when he had stood underneath the bridge, with stormy clouds in his eyes… i remembered him…and they could only ask me why.
“and in that moment, he remembered him.”

newborn May 2022
could someone love me like i love the rain?
how i wrap myself in the mist
and dream and sparkle and...
no one can love me like the rain.
it’s so gorgeous and rambunctious
i wish i could touch it
i can...
but i can’t reach the full span of it
it’s little bit by little bit
no one can love me like the rain.
it falls too fast
and it’s impossible to grasp
but please
even if you try
a little tiny bit
you could love me like the whole span of the rain
and maybe that’ll happen someday
newborn Mar 2022
write it on my
                            F      A      C       E

the air is heavy
incapable of breathing it
it clings to my mouth
******* in the

i’ve never hated being alone more
but i know i am not just alone
i am lonely
when the sky falls
turns purple and pink
i am left in an empty battlefield
full of unloaded guns

oh, what have i come to?
but what am i kidding
i have always been unlikeable
i should have known
i am going to be forever alone
newborn Apr 2022
and stuffy basements with kids underages
smoking cigarettes while vinyls play in the
skateboards and monster energy drinks
clothed in baggy white t’s with dangling chains

i JuSt DoN’t BeLoNg
basically, i hung out with my friend today downtown. we had fun at first, but then she went to a skatepark in this basement thing and a lot of her friends were there. it was kinda awkward for me. i had such a weird feeling in my stomach. it felt like i shouldn’t be there. but you know, i don’t wanna be friends with drug addict sk8er teens. and maybe i don’t wanna be friends with her anymore cause she hurts me and makes me feel away from the stable grasp of reality. idk tho

newborn Oct 2023
plenty of phrases, soaked through the bone
eyelashes moving with eyeballs closed
it’s almost halloween
it’s almost time to party
for our souls
for our bones
for our skeletons we push inside our closets, we have a place to hide, don’t we?
but loneliness is an illness i would rather contend with
it’s familiar and frost-bite warm
i should’ve been warned
about “love” and hasty infatuation
these are my bones
creaky and unknown
they are alone
beside these muscles
that i keep so i
can convince myself i’m fine
beneath a cloak of darkness, of fear
you shouldn’t come to me
you shouldn’t dare
pack a suitcase full of your organs
don’t come to my part of this ghost town
let’s hide our skeletons away, so no one sees, so no one stays
to love us
we don’t deserve it
it’s almost halloween
and i will try to be me
behind a cave
carved makeup on my face
i will try to keep a smile
i will try to leave this denial
i will heat my body up with something besides the hesitation
this presentation, i will perform
with the skeleton in my room
that hides during storms
that is afraid of collecting friends like memories
someone take these bones from
i thought it was glamorous.
newborn Jul 2022
might as well have poisonous chemicals poured onto my skin
since i want to rip it off
strip it off my body
pile it inside the trash
for the raccoons to go to town on

the body i came with
i want to send it back to the store
i want it to be returned
packaged away
return to sender

invasive species
on the layers of my skin
that i should be calling home
but i disown them
get this dead weight off of me!
i am insecure about everything on my body. make it stop.
newborn Apr 2022
you and me
and our cheesy
twinkling as the ashes
burst out of the effervescent
i’m wearing your
sweater and
i look like a little
in an old mug
of hot cocoa
you pull me into your
sturdy arms
the breeze whips through
whistling like a singsong
we’re cuddled up next
by the snug heat
of the wood burning
orange sheet
you’re holding me
around my belly
(you know how much
i hate that word)
the fire builds cityscapes
and countrysides
and warm embraces
cheeks are rosy
hearts are cozy
ashy smoky
burning bark
and rustic willow
leaves chattering
in the silence
of the
frozen in time
i fall asleep
in your lap
so you lay me down
and i still smell the
smoldering fire
as you put the flame
to rest
and the hazy smoke
envelops our stationary
just imagining a woods with a small opening in between a million (probably a thousand, but a million sounds more dramatic) thick trees. little bonfire love and hearty hugs <3

newborn Aug 2022
i’ve watched the same show for over two weeks
and when my favorite character was falling apart,
it put a damper on my mood.
i am that attached..
to fiction.
it wasn’t even real and i still cried in my bed
with my hair concealing my eyes.
i never like to think of myself as the most empathetic person out there,
it was a sudden jolt in my nature.
perhaps i see myself in his wild eyes,
not the wicked side,
but something in him that reflects in my heart.
i’m repulsed by my poetry.
i wouldn’t even consider it poetic in any way.
i tell my close friends that i write poetry
and i like to think that they scoff at that idea.
i told my retiring teacher that i wrote poetry
and she gave me her email.
what makes her think i’m good enough to be read throughly by an english teacher of forty years?
kinda ironic since i’m posting on a poetry website.
i’m embarrassed of my efforts,
ashamed of my achievements.
see, i’ve never been good at anything
i played basketball in middle school
and my friend would always say that i bombed a shot or i needed to do something more involving.
my past crush even said i was too short to play or something.
i tried being nice for a day because my sister and mother were telling me i was too mean,
i swear i’m not.
but i tried to be nice
and bad things still happened
and i called people rude names.
i’m not good at staying prompt to journaling
like tumblr girls at their highest.
catch my drift, i have never been good at anything,
and poetry is the only thing that makes me feel like i’m alive
who cares if it’s actually well written?
it’s self expression.
i hope everyone at least tries to write one poem once in their lifetime,
it changed my life.
step one: find a muse, trust me, if you have a good one, you might not even experience writers block
(that’s an overestimate, but sure)
step two: write about anything and everything.
write about your drive to work, how the highway signs started to feel like heartbeats because they were so repetitive.
write about your dreadful day at school and about the teacher who freaked out.
step three: find a metaphor in everything.
trust me, if you look hard enough, there’s always a metaphor.
step four: see yourself in other people. capture the conversation the bus passengers had. write from different perspectives;
you’ll learn a lot about empathy.
step five: don’t listen to my advice because i’m not qualified.
don’t listen to the writer of bad poems.
there’s no use in fearing rejection,
i get rejected by myself on the daily.
you’ll never be something to someone if you don’t just say it.
tell them you like them.
tell them they make your world glimmer
and they make bad days a little more bearable.
and if they shrug, it’s ok, souls don’t have the same meaning to everyone
and that’s beautiful.
you’ll live.
rejection is inevitable.
when i’m invested in a show or a person, it becomes my obsession.
when i lie awake at night, i’m wondering what will happen next,
what character is going to get killed off next.
i want my poems to be lengthier and
luckily i can rant like nobody’s business.
i feel less anxious when i throw my feelings onto paper,
and i think things through.
no need to have to suffer through all your chaotic thoughts alone.
that’s advice to me.
write when your favorite character is stressed,
write when you feel peeping eyes on your back.
write when the world churns you out of shape like butter.
write when the music doesn’t seem to calm your inner self.
the world can be wrong,
that’s a possibility.
you are allowed to critique it,
you are allowed to believe in miracles
and you are allowed to ask God if you can’t conjure up an answer all by yourself.
that’s why they say He’s always listening.
they lie about lots of other things,
but definitely not that.
writing is not for everyone,
it picks its candidates with reasoning.
i guess i was chosen
and i won’t let my muses down.
they live inside of my heart even when i wanna tear them out.
i won’t send my poetry to my old teacher,
and i won’t live another day without the benefits of writing.
i still have two more seasons to binge watch of this show
and more and more reasons to be alive.
the world is wrong,
but i never said i was right.
i have no vendettas
and writing has infiltrated my mind.
no tickets are accepted at admission.
come another time.
just wanted to write a lengthy poem. it’s all over the place, forgive me, i never said i was a good writer

newborn Jan 19
in the moonlight, i dream of being you
partially blue, but all there
unafraid and unbelievably able
if i were to be stable
perhaps i could be capable
of holding my arms outstretched
to reach a release that yearns for me
perhaps i could be capable
of moving the whole ocean around
in a tiny bottle
to lay in the riptide
consumed by the violent rise
and fall of the swells of
dwelling little white-caps
i could be more than you would ever know
i could be a you you’ve never known
never shown
never grown
up to be a “when push comes to shove” kind of
i could be a you you’ve never heard of
never dreamt of
never conceived of
never believed of
but, of course,
the good ones never know
never show
never grow
up to be machines
always own up to be-
ing flee-
i could be a me many have never heard of
i could be a me that is silent and swift like a dove
a silence warm, reached out in a hug
a soft streetlight that shines light not so bright as to blind
but as to awaken the right light in one’s eye
and in the moonlight,
i dream of being who i can fully be.
spoken word i guess. i want to register for this competition, i just don’t know.

written: 1/10/24
published: 1/19/24
newborn Dec 2021
i hate social interaction with a burning passion.
the lights, camera, action!
the crying inside but laughing.
the talking, asking.
wearing me down.
seconds from crashing.
the holding together when cracking.
the losing air, the gasping.
the bombs, the blasting.
the “i’m gonna die” contrasting.
the almost ending but lasting.
the social interaction.
I thought of this while walking through crowded school hallways
It stresses me out.

I understand everyone who is struggling with social anxiety.
I’m here for you.
newborn Apr 2023
the house i grew up in
festered with a body—a garden perpetually filled with weeds
the rainwater refused to fall
the roof caved in
stricken with a sense of unending

i miss the poor girl i used to be
who smiled after she tasted her salty tears.
she tried to seek the positive out of situations.
the chains in the train yard wouldn’t dare shackle to her.
she stayed locked—unwillingly—in a strangulation cage meant for wild animals.
she couldn’t scream or thrash
for the danger she faced was inside her own home
grappling with the concept of his nature
bound into his fibers of being
chasing a reason for such cruelty that was instilled on me

when these songbirds are trying to explain to me
the own reality that confronts me.
like a shark to its ****,
eating so slowly, so monstrously
without a care.
anger is a ghostly emotion—apparently—and i was told that my entire life.
you can’t make mistakes for things you can’t help
or you can’t hurt someone because you didn’t mean to.
you didn’t mean to hurt me, so the stain on my mind doesn’t exist, right?
the pain i have endured, it doesn’t mean a thing.

nights staying up
praying for a difference
praying for deliverance
scared to wake up the next morning
scared the beast would crawl in between the walls
and plant itself into a vase inside my room.
woke up to crashing, banging, screaming, flailing, falling, yelping, sobbing, screeching.
living in an intricate world faced with devastation.

left me alone in empty bedrooms
arms around my kneecaps
clambering about for stability
for refuge
devoid in a void
clumps of hair collapse onto the floor
with a sore scalp and arms
spit on weeds to stir growth in them
no seeds, no roots, no living things
sprouted from the rouge colored fluid

police sirens would go off, thinking they would finally take you away
instead it was brutal beating and
no one came to save me.
the world i felt was icy cold, with icicles plopping down from trees onto the crystallized ground where my tiny feet stood.

the beast would shred the tapestries,
drown the happiness,
banish goodness.
claws as sharp as razor blades—attached to my skin and it wouldn’t free me.

came upon purgatory with tears blamed on allergies,
weariness blamed on tiredness,
fear twisted into nervousness.
do you think the inhabitants believed me when i watched the garden soak up with water?
no, they didn’t.
and i didn’t want to believe either.
the neurons inside my brain painted as façades, shapeless and blurry
for i could not worry if i left my mind in an alleyway
bound to be found one day
by a friend; not isolation, not consternation
but something that could bring forgiveness.

but violence—it’s red and unavoidable—
haunting every cell
like a tornado whooshing along a path
paved with fresh cement and bright bloomed roses
ripping up piles of dirt
flinging it around every corner.
it knew i looked up every night to find Heaven,
gleaming in the blanket of night.
from the gold gates to the strikes of my enemies.

the mind i knew grew cold
the situation was dense, kidnapped in the notion that suffering was forever—in certain circumstances it can be—finding fault in my own soul
instead of in the soil in the battlegrounds of a labyrinth

a corpse unlike any other.
shell of an aging body
built on the foundation of red violent tendencies.
flesh of an unidentifiable creature
alone in its reality
doomed to linger.
for forever.
i can’t write pretty poetry about this.
probably will add to this in the future.

newborn Jul 2022
i don’t crave your big green eyes
but you’re using them to watch over somebody else.
i know this relationship is over
but i wish i could’ve ended it with somebody else.
and i don’t like that you’re sharing drinks with another woman
who sells her body to get money
wouldn’t you have liked to be with somebody else?
she has your favorite songs on cds and i never did
i wish you could’ve ended up loving somebody else.
somebody who’s rude to waiters, somebody who is only good for a first date or
at least somebody else.
now i have to hide my cold hands under my winter coat
cause you’re too busy holding somebody else’s.
your dog still loves me more
but he has to spend some time with somebody else.
just like you went and forgot me
cause it was more beneficial to see yourself with somebody else.
now you’re happy go lucky
since you’ve replaced me with somebody else.
lonely eating ice cream
while you’re shoving it down in the house of somebody else.
perhaps, i don’t miss your company
i’ve just been enjoying it more with somebody else.
or maybe this is hopeless
and i should let you make love to somebody else.

i don’t want your body
but i hate to think about you with somebody else.
somebody else inspired poem. 7/7/22
newborn Feb 2022
apparently the opposite of love is fear
so why do you think running away from him skittishly after he burned you
means he loves you?
newborn Aug 2023
there is music made by the delicate
cadence of my mortal heart when your name
is spoken from this constructed abyss
absent of the means for real happiness
there is a chapter of my life that is 
undisclosed, there are seeds planted in the
soil where your heavy feet once trod by day
there is a rose bush neglected by soft
gardening hands by the landfill where your
hollow corpse lays, as ***** rainwater trickles
down my spine, in places your fingers will
ne’er reside, confiding in your shadow
dare say if the infrastructure faces a
sudden hurricane surge—friends forever.
now i love sonnets hehe. enjoy.

newborn May 2022
i don’t wanna be that girl who uses her body
i don’t wanna be a little toy for one night and one night only
i am not that kinda girl

i will not be the kind of girl you can just push around
i will not be the laughed at puppet in some circus show for morons
i will not be her

i hope i am never the kind of girl who throws away her life
i hope i am never the person who loses her head and doesn’t go to church
i hope i am never her

and right now
i don’t wanna be the girl who cries cause she’s lost and lonely
but i am
and i am sorry that i let you down
**** you, lady bird
newborn Aug 2022
sometimes i don’t believe in true love
but i haven’t witnessed an elderly couple
dancing in the kitchen with a whisk and a fork
and hands together like swans locking necks
will i know once i’ve fallen in love?
will i be ignorant to the feeling?
will i brush it away like extra hair?

i desire to dance in the moonlight with the vinyl in the background singing ever so sweetly
expectations are hard to shake
and i still want your hands in my hair
and your heart in my hands
sometimes i don’t believe in true love
and sometimes i do
and sometimes i wish i felt it with you
must be nice

newborn Jan 2022
i wanted to be a prodigy at spanish
so i could be better than someone
at something, anything
i guess i will never be better
and i should just accept that sooner
I’m a loser....
newborn Aug 2022
i’ve dreamed like a stallion
but i’ve never ran like one.
bolting across prairies
and open fields
with open arms
and feet clomping
on the grass.
and it’s unfair
because you crawled
up the beaches and never
made a peep
and you drove for so long
that you started to hate your feet.
you couldn’t have chosen to be free
like me.
storms dictated your schedule
i can chase my tailbone
in the eclipse of
the waking sun
and the pouring rain.
you’ve missed your family
so your father died,
and your mother only has one kidney
at least she’s alive?
you got robbed of your dignity.
bystanders tell you to
loosen up your knees.
you flail when it’s time to go to sleep,
something i have taken for granted
since i was thirteen.
you have possibly
dreamed like a stallion,
but you never got to believe.
you’ve begged God to just let you
jump from the empire state building
at six fifteen for some
strange reason.
have you ran like a stallion?
with your mouth agape
your lips pursing
your armpits sweating?
have you dashed
through farmlands
and markets and cornfields?
feeling the gatekeeper in your
chest start cussing and blurting
out words you haven’t
since the day
your brother
slapped your
i’ve dreamed like a stallion.
wild, free, and intense.
i dreamed i would escape
into the sunset, bathing
in its rays
spread all over the place.
and one day,
i hope to run like a stallion
with no worries, just the starlight
on my back and
thunder crackling in my veins.
and one day,
i hope you do the same thing.
war is hardest on the men that didn’t create it.
newborn Mar 2022
i looked up at the depressed sky
and i saw her children
the stars
they cried with her
and they sparkled as they did
i watched in silence
i felt at home
even as a tiny being
on a tiny planet
in a massive universe
and when i sit in my room
in the dead still night
alone and empty
i look out of my window
at the glowing sky
the stars are crying tears for me
i guess i am not as lonely
as i thought i was
basic title but ***** it.

sooo i think we can all agree that the sky gives us comfort. we can recognize how small we are in this humongous universe. such a hauntingly beautiful perspective. such a humbling moment. anyway, hope you enjoyed :D
newborn Dec 2021
now you are the exact replica of worry
you are fading
i can feel it
i just don’t want to admit it
but wait, you aren’t fading
you are just becoming more permanent
a constant light
you’ll never disappear in my eyes
your flame will never be diminished in my night
Even though you may feel far away
You will never fade from my heart
newborn Dec 2021
steroids and temptation
           the wind blows
   and reminds you that you are still alive
                   breathing and gorgeous
  you’re not a waste of paper
                        there’s not a line I wouldn’t
        write for you
                         you’re more meaningful than
         the scenery that passes our eyes
   in seconds
                     in blinks
                                   they are there for a
       you are here for a lifetime
You’re here
I’m taking you fully in
newborn Dec 2021
i’m **** foggy on the memory
but i know you aren’t
my pulse is rumbling like a
freight train gaining speed
faster than lightening
ur gonna die, steve.
i wanna kiss your dimples
as you hold me as a tote
and tell me like a joke.
i’m purple
i’m bruised
do you got a leg up
on me for some reason
i’d still take that beating
to glow like a red hot
on a gingerbread man
and reek of pies
draped in leopard skin
i am not a vegan
how many times can i tell you this, steve!
are you crazy?!
i wanna go back to the foggy memories
and the summer seasons
caught in barbed wire
or fishnet
i’m not a vegan, steve!
stop touching me with your
mechanic hands and eyebrows
i am so exhausted from this torture
just **** me sir
stop decorating me with
wrapping paper
putting the bow on the box
i am not beautiful steve
how many dang times can i tell you this!
i am not a good person
i am the devil
we get it, you’re elvis
but i am memphis
you wouldn’t be anything without me
ugh, but you’re disgusting
quit pacing around
the corridors
come home, stop making
homemade torture
homemade bombs
drugs for me to take
don’t rip out my brains!
please, steve, don’t do this to me!
how many times can i tell you this?
you mean dang nothing to me
if you bring me back
or place me in the cemetery
with mustard seeds
maybe you’ll mean something
but stop acting like you love me, steve.
you love my actions
and my cardamom tongue
you don’t like the people i love
the figures i look up to
get out of my delicious drink
how many times can i tell you this?
you are bitter
like strawberries
i can’t dip you in the chocolate sauce anymore
get out of my mouth
out of my brain
those double dimples
don’t phase me anymore
leave me alone to my crying, steve!
how many times can i tell you this?
i don’t wanna taste the scent
of your fake glamour
get out of my house, steve
how many times can i tell you this?
go drown in the ocean of the devils
you’d fit in there
cannibalistic carnivore
psychopathic idiot
go die in a hole, steve.
gotta get those peach dimples
out of your melting face
and make them into earrings.
how many times can i tell you this?
i hate you steve!
newborn Sep 2023
through tsunami waves
like fortresses
pounding with such force and restlessness
lay a hand upon this chasm
fissures along this human body.
blinked two times;
a signal for help.
you, an undercover perpetrator, spilt this ****** blood
there’s no rhyme or reason
for the capture of such purity.
the eagerness of the flesh
descending upon uneasiness.
one heart unmoored
one mourned
two hearts unbreakable
by a force of nature
so undeniable,
death is willing to submit to its feet.
yeah…i haven’t written in a while. i just haven’t been inspired. this is about innocence and the destruction of it. also about the human experience, doing things we do not want to, but others plead us to. and…the things we don’t do do not define us. the definition of things have changed.

newborn Jul 31
is it crazy how weak i feel falling in love?
it is stronger to start to cling onto an unfamiliar season
and wade through its frozen river.
it is stronger to let a fragment of yourself stray into the bog,
approach a stranger with olive branch eyes
reaching out for a piece of your soul
you weren’t sure even existed.
is it crazy how weakness is all i think of love?
a mistake, a mishap, something to do-over.
i need stronger arms, stronger limbs.
i was so much more as a child,
playing with love in my hands; bending it whichever way i deemed fit.
there is possibility in adamant denial:
a curse for a lover disguised as apathetic.
i am stronger in love than it seems,
only weakness is simple to grab onto
allowing the tiredness to creep onto my eyelids
and the force of sleep beckons me.
loving is giving up,
loving is sinking into quicksand in shallow waters.
love is strength masquerading as weakness,
a pale creature moving in the bog.
how come i am so scared of love when that is all i am made up of?
every little embrace, every small favor, every tiny chuckle,
every good cry, every rekindling, every intermingled life in mine.
i am strong for believing in something as fragile as love,
that could crumble in my hands at any moment,
yet gently still holding it so that it may remain.
i never tell people my true feelings about them.

written: 7/28/24
published: 7/30/24
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