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newborn Jan 2022
your flesh is brackish and bruised and covered in melancholy
it seems like you work in the coal mines with those oil stains printed all over you
i am worried that you might never return home after you were swooned by some blond chick (pawn) at the rowdy city bar and dazzled her with your charm
i am starving from the core because of a perfidious promise
licking up the crumbs and rummaging through the schemes
locked and loaded like a rifle
but you know i would never fire
cause i am the coward
who fell for your clownery in the first place
i just wanted us to be perfect
newborn Mar 2022
i’ve wanted to fly
ever since i was a little kid
but i never realized that if i could i would be the center of attention
i could be taken advantage
i am so exhausted of being the highlighted
on a planet i never wanted to be associated with
now, i would like to be invisible
the shrugs and shoulders that would bump me on my way to class
but i wouldn’t mind that
the cloak of protection from the deadly weapons and teeth that all strangers bear
free and safe from the paranormal stares from the ghosts that have occupied my mind for years
walking alone
with no one to hurt
what can be bad about that?
i know outgoing never suited me well
i know being noticed was awkward never swell
and i know in the bones of the people i know
that they want me gone
so i will do them all a favor
and become invisible
i know for a fact that no one would notice i had disappeared
they would all forget what i looked like while i would watch them with sorrowful eyes
sipping soda
sitting sophisticatedly
as the bokeh lights blur even more
drowning in the silent whispers and the drool made by my tongue from trying to make sounds
invisibility would hurt me
but not as much as the brush to the side hair clippings falling
from me
parts of me are crashing and dying ever so slowly
but they still are
i’ve always wanted to be invisible therefore i could ruin my own life, but not even come close to affecting others
a burden, would be the official definition, and i fit it like a glove
hiding away never seemed to hurt anyone
disappearing is mostly for humanity’s greater good
so no, i don’t wanna fly like a pelican in the florida sky
i am not made for that elegant flight type of life
my roots were made in the sewers
muck, murk, and waste
deep down below, i always knew no one loved me
i just wanted to prove myself wrong
prove to the world that i wasn’t just a detriment stepping into all the puddles
but it turns out i am
i have always been a detriment
shielding myself with an arm that didn’t deflect any enemies or spiders  
climbing into my skull
and claiming it as their own
invisible so nobody can see me get eaten alive by the monsters under my bed
chewed strategically by the monsters that dictate my head
i honestly think i was God’s mistake
and He regrets placing me on the earth now
clutching his fingers and almost cursing watching the security camera footage of me
but that’s enough!
i wanna be invisible
harming my own personal self on the inside
nobody knows
nobody wants to know
but i can’t care or say anything because i am invisible
melting away
as dust scatters off of me
gone with the flush of a last tear
a tree fell down in the woods
and no one was around to hear it
so it didn’t even make a sound.
i thought i was ok
newborn Aug 17
and i’m swallowing each impossible love
and letting it fill my stomach lining.
i have touched this ****** with shaky palms.
i have taken my fill,
i have loved, lost, loved, and gave birth to a body i never conceived i would.
i have been in my own company
each night with stacked dishes and undone laundry
and puffy eyes that cannot seem to shrink.
i’m swallowing each sweet nothing as if it belongs to me—as if you belong to me.
through flesh and blood, i see your insides.
they are living. your aura. the soft delicate smooth manner in which you exist.
i live to see the sunrise from your bedroom window in a nightgown,
observing whole towns awakening
as our hearts have never known another
as clearly worth living for.
we are alive and i’m swallowing each emotion
i forced myself to deny.
i breathe what i feel, i am what i want, i am wanting
and oh dear, there is nothing wrong with that.
was looking on pinterest then got inspired. how human is it to feel? so deeply human that i am not immune.

newborn Dec 2022
the wilderness is violent, and chaotic and
fireworks crackle in the golden brown sky
i don’t want to kiss in a busted-up mustang
with a cracked windshield
don’t want to bathe in beer or get drunk in love
unless you want to carve your name on my chest
leave me hanging on the drywall in your bedroom
or leave me outstretched in the dessert
left to my own vices
the heated sun burning marks on my body

from the day we became mirages of our inner selves
and our demons fought in ****** battles that ended in calamity,
we have hid each other in line breaks and kingdoms

the rising sun the single witness of our togetherness
and of the
blisters on my chest
from the tattoos you engraved on the foreign body of mine that didn’t give you the consent
i haven’t been wronged enough to be super passionate about writing hehe. anyway, it’s almost Christmas, the best time of the year.  enjoy this piece

newborn Dec 2021
Your eyes are silver and shades of
My destiny
You’re beautiful
“No one has said that to me.”
I want to taste your saliva
I want to lock in your love
Cause it’s when your rain falls
That I feel at home
They might be killing us from
Every side
But who said we can’t
Put up a fight
You seem petrified
I don’t want you to drown
In the murk of the water
Or on the Devil’s side
In the own safety of your sorrow
Bathing in your sisters blood
She’s not dead in your heart
And you gotta move on
Just watch the beads of sweat
That tumble down my dry and
Erase face
Focus on me
Blessed are you for keeping your
Cool and
Not dying
And bless your peach tree lungs
Lips that taste like cinnamon
You know I’ve never seen such
Beautiful eyes
Holes in someone’s face
Colors, tricolored
Like the fireworks
I haven’t seen since I
Had a mother
But you’re the figure I’ve always
The shoulder that feels like
But is as strong as steel
So even when the barbed wire
Pierces my olive oil skin
I’ll run to you darling
And find sanctuary
In the holes at the top of your head
That glitter
When you smile
Even as everything goes to dust
You’re still afloat
You’re still your father’s girl
You’re still my safety in this world
You’re still a jaw dropping
Type of girl
No one’s soul
Could ever shine as bright as
“Mira, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you smile?”

From the book I am reading right now. It’s so adorable
newborn Jun 2023
when the taylor swift concert ended
and you didn’t even ask me how it was
that was the second i knew
when the only thing you commented was how
far away the stage was from my seat
your jealousy creeping up like a monster
you only talk about yourself, never ask me how i am
i might be asking for too much, but maybe you don’t ask for enough
and you didn’t ask about it once just, “how was the show?”
the most bluntly asked question ever
do you ever consider how you make me feel
when you constantly degrade and insult me?
wallowing in my own loneliness feels better than being around you
i’m sorry i don’t know who you are
wait—of course i do
you explain every detail of your life
lamenting over your “struggles” and your stupid little petty dramas
spouting out nonsense like a fountain
do you even know i have a brother
or that he beat down the walls
and the tears from the years of his constant fist fights and head banging?
do you even know about my love for taylor swift or lana del rey because it feels like they actually listen to the things i have to say
even if it’s just their lyrics that i sing to the dusty mirror by my bed?
do you even know i have anxiety festering underneath this forced porcelain skin?
do you even know how sad i get, just how unwanted and melancholy i feel when i pace around my room having nothing better to do?
do you even know how much i cry at night, just ripping myself apart and not even for anyone else’s sake?
do you even know the pain i feel knowing that even my best friend won’t ask me how i’m doing, won’t let me get the flames off my chest?
do you even know my dreams and aspirations?
do you even know that poetry twinkles in my soul and brings light into a vast void of nothingness?
do you even know how much i vouch for you in the vehement conversations i have with my parents?
do you even know my favorite songs, my favorite shows, my favorite movies, my favorite foods—the most basic facts ever?
how do you even sleep a wink at night knowing the lack of details that you know about me?
i saw my favorite artist two days ago and you didn’t even ask me how it was.
you didn’t ask me if she played my favorite song, if it was loud, if it was as fun as i expected, if it was the first time i’ve seen her, if it was a sudden realization that letting go is beautiful?
do you even care enough to ask me anything at all, or should i just keep asking about the boys who constantly blow up your phone, about the “friends” of yours who don’t want to see the best in you, of your “totally unfair” parents supposedly wronging you over and over again?
do you even care about the girl you call your best friend?
do you even care?
this is so personal i almost feel like i shouldn’t share it, but i have to. just a bunch of questions. i definitely feel like i am in a toxic relationship with my best friend and maybe she doesn’t realize it. but i’m so sick of it. just of the impending loneliness that lives in me. i just don’t know.


written at midnight too lol. love you taylor <33333

“i guess sometimes we all get
some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
and i never think of him (her)
except on midnights like this (midnights like this).”

“if you never touched me, i would've
gone along with the righteous.”

-taylor alison swift
newborn Jul 2022
teach me how to drift in the wind
how to build homes out of charred wood
teach me how to dream
how to change stuck mindsets
teach me how to grow as wild and as old as the aged sycamore trees
how to paint stars in gloomy night skies
teach me how to capture saturn on film
how to be the best i possibly can
teach me to be unbothered like the ocean tide
how to make imaginary planets with the cellulite on my thighs
teach me how to love myself
how to love you as well
teach me all you know
the waves, the breeze, the undertow
teach me how to adore love
how to preserve nature
teach me how to be carefree like dolphins
how to roll in flower fields
and how to feel beautiful
teach me everything you know
i wanna love myself, i really do

newborn Jul 2023
i know you have a good heart
your eyes are set on a victim
but perhaps you are broken
a wheel spinning out of control
i’m a forgiving pacifist
seeing good fortune in the corridors
of your darkness
is it delusional to give second chances?
you wouldn’t know how to write my eulogy
you’d be tapping the pen
giving up
i walk the downtown streets with a frown
and my cheeks get bumpy from the stress

but i know you’re good at heart
and it just tears me apart
because i want to
resent you and your fanatical calls and your abrasive nature and obsessive behavior
and i’m trying to ***** out words
but it won’t let me
i’m mourning my intuition
around you it’s like i almost have none
i’m a delicate wanderer who wants to love you
more than you’ve ever wanted to
appreciate me

it stings like listerine in my mouth
as i try to flush out
the parts of you that taint my pores.
i can’t call you anymore

i lost one ghost inside these sickly-green walls
who makes me
forget how to keep being a human
and i’m pathetic and we’re all pathetic
smiling behind disguises
and misleading truth
i don’t wanna speak
to you and i know that would hurt to find out
that i don’t love you as i say i do

i know you have a good heart
so just show me it
in the words you say to me
in the conversations we have
just please.
just please.
um. yeah. about the same topic i keep writing about lolz. it’s not good. just about my feelings :)

wrote this: 7/11/23
and finished: 7/12/23
newborn Jul 2022
your fists are like cannonballs
hard, closed
you trap me in the palm of your sweaty hands
crushing me
but the warmth is the only temperature i feel
so i stick by your disheartening side
i wrote this the other day, i kinda liked the idea of it lol. i’m not in an abusive relationship btw, just clarifying

newborn Jul 2022
the tennessee sky never did like him much
never treated him right
maybe that’s why i was placed on this earth
to love a lonely soul
just like him
how tragic
newborn May 30
i love you,
and that terrifies me.
pull you by the cars
tell you how i feel
let you contemplate.
even though i rejected you many times,
it was all a lie.
because i love you,
i’m just so terrified.
how would you react
if i texted you right now at almost midnight
and said i adore your company
and want to be your girl?
would you ask me if i was drunk or sick or stupid or dumb
or would you say ‘yes’ in an instant, barely even thinking?
would you apologize for losing feelings because i had told you ‘no’ countless times before?
or would you say ‘i love you too,
and that terrifies me’?
i had the sudden urge to tell him how i felt. but that’s dumb. i really could ask him and tell him, but that’s very scary to do. i literally could tho. i chickened out of course. maybe another time.

newborn Jul 2022
text bubbles moving
as i wait for a carefully
calculated response.
the anticipation is brutal.
sentences ending with lol
cause there is nothing else
to say, but if i stop speaking
it will be rude and offensive.
the screen lights up and
your name flashes by and
my pulse increases in speed.
how do i respond…
this is what happens when i text people
newborn Jul 21
before i go to college, i want to live. i was living in a moment of time, paused to wait along for me. i want to hang out with friends and stay out until early morning and sleep the whole day and meet up again and again. i want to climb the monkey bars and slide and swing on swings and run till my head aches. i want to dive headfirst into a pool, not worrying about how deep the bottom is. i hate to be alone, but it’s all i know. it’s all fear. i live by fear. i let it spoon feed me only soft foods and i can only swallow when it lets me. i let it live pacing in my stomach, letting its claws dig at my intestines. i let it tell me what to do and what not to do even if i don’t want to. even if i want to run away from the suffocating arms of liars who say they care about me. i will remain at their heels, wining like a lost puppy, waiting for my owner to lift me up and pet me and reassure me. i don’t wish to be alone, but sometimes the ache is so immense the only thing i can do is slam the door. shut everyone out. i can only injure myself if i am alone. i do not wish to hurt anyone. i want to dab at pulsing wounds. i want to wash hair in a sink and wrap the towel around a cold body. i want to tuck someone in. i want to love, i have so much love to give. so much love to foster inside of me. i have so much life to live, but i’m stuck walking back and forth in a vicious nightmare. i want to be in your dreams, a warm hand to hold, a fire that’ll warm the bones that you hide away. i will not judge, i will only stroke your hair and love you. i have so much love to give, i don’t want to be alone anymore. i want to spend my entire sweltering summer days lying on picnic blankets and staring at the clouds saying ‘this one looks like a heart, this one looks like singapore, this one looks like a train, this one looks like you.’ i want to live and cry and sing with friends on an open road with the windows down and laughter ringing in my ears. i want my abs to burn and i want to dance in flower fields unafraid to be alone. i was not made to be alone. i was made to be a friend, a lover, a trier, a doer, an example of what wondrous things can do. i was made to belong, even if i try to deny myself of it. i was made to love and live and be happy just as much as the next person. i was made to be myself. i was made to be the person i am now and i should not deny myself the entirety. i was made to exist, to live and love and live and love until i’m dead and gone. i deserve to be loved, i deserve the feeling of belonging, i deserve to live.

by the time i get to college, i want to be able to love you and live.
selflessly, beautifully, and endlessly.
i saw my friends yesterday and it was fun, but i just feel like i’m missing out on something they all seem to have. they seem to know how to live, how to navigate their emotions and what people to befriend and what people to hang around. i wish i understood how they did it. i just want to take charge of my life. that’s all i want. i’m so sick of being so alone.

newborn Jan 2022
it’s the age of technology
yet i don’t even have ur phone number
you could leave it in grocery bags
you could leave it outside the store
i just wanna feel something
i wanna be part of something more

it’s the age of technology
you still left me on read
you heard every word i said as i spat them out
you listened to my every cut bleeding
and you patched them up
i just wanna hear ur voice again
i just wanna remember what we had

it’s the age of technology
yet i couldn’t feel further away from you
you could contact me in less than ten minutes
if you ask around
you could cackle like ravens with me
if you made one sound
i just wanna feel you on earth
i just wanna be part of something more

and it’s the age of technology
yet ur a pen and paper
i reject you as i type on an iphone eleven
losing the pressure of pressing on the ink
and it splattering everywhere
i just wanna reunite
i just wanna be alright
don’t give me a paper cut this time
Send me a message
It takes less than five seconds

newborn Dec 2021
you stand on the dock of the ship
watching the waves rise and fall
over and over again.
you cower over the edge
glancing softly
but stained from the sword slashes.
you want to see the foreign substance
taste the liquid solution
choke your soluble throat
and bomb the disapproval of the miscreants.
you don’t know what to do—you’re conflicted.
you were told to make the best decisions
but what if you could never determine this?
maybe just one step
and the day’s treachery
and the slavery of the industries you can’t deny
will be gone with the snap of a finger.
you precede slowly
glance at the roaring aqua
and you don’t stop.
you don’t lose.
you only see blue.
The explanation is in the poem

Just read
newborn Jul 31
every morning, it’s the same monotonous routine.
i’ll die and be buried in the soil.
perhaps someone may lay a coffin in the ground
in the shape of my emptiness,
the vast surface area of loneliness.
i’ve loved in spite of every distraction
in spite of every dying emotion
in my brain.
i have walked in hands of friendships just to feel some sense of relief
but all they’ve done is empty me.
i sit on my bed every night,
nothing changes except the length of my sighs
knowing fully i’ll never escape.
i can’t tell the ones i love,
they’ll worry for me,
and they need some happiness in their lives too.
i can’t tell friends, i shove them away,
wondering why people never choose to stay.
i’m erratic and sick of my own games:
to watch on the sidelines and never take part.
so sick of the routines,
all i want to do is donate my heart
to you.
take good care of it and water it and this proves i have no clue what to do with it.
please make it a home, with a hearth
and make it happy,
i’ve tried, but i’ll never bring it peace.
no matter how long i sleep
the same emptiness stays until i am it
and it is all me.
i’m packing my bags,
i’m moving upstate,
i ache to be someone you tolerate but don’t hate.
i can’t be someone else,
i’ll always be six feet underneath as you gaze upon me
and your eyes are so alive
and i love you,
i do,
what has this come to?
my frail body lying in a bed of dirt—
i’m dead before i hit the ground.
the same day all over
can i just lay with you
until night falls softly upon your pillow
and you call me a friend,
i’m someone to defend,
worth someone to you.
i keep the room quite tidy
tidy enough so the emptiness has a satisfactory space.
but you’re in the kitchen
and i’m hugging my knees
i’m scared i’ll die lonely
empty pews in the church,
with the emptiness clinging to my fraying shirt sleeves.
what have i become?
the same monotonous cycle
defining every aspect in my life.
i’ve loved till my heart was whimpering in pain,
and i’ve recorded every sound to revisit its anguish
and i’ve served every doubt till it’s wasted in a bar.
i’ve loved every human who stopped just to tell me that i was worth existing,
even just for a second,
i’ve loved myself more for every joke you’ve ever laughed at
i’ve loved every second with you in it
and i want you to have my heart
because you can do great things with it.
i know you can
because the emptiness feels fuller when you’re around
and it sits down in a swivel chair and it listens to you
and actually smiles.
i was revived every time you’ve said my name
even by mistake,
i was less lonely some days,
just replaying the sounds till my cheeks hurt
and you’ll never know,
but just keep my heart warm.
keep it by the fire.
keep it by yourself
it’s certain to be safe.
i cried while writing this, especially towards the end. emptiness is a constant.

newborn Aug 2022
i trudged through frozen rivers
passed through red oceans
i bottled up my feelings and tossed them into the wrathful sea
fishing ships skimming through the vibrant bay
caught wind of my hopeless message floating meters away from where they cast their nets
tiny thoughts floating through levels of salty sea foam, devoured by the vicious waves
breaking, scattering and tossing seaweed into the briny air
“land **!” they bellowed, tying a thin rope to the side of the vessel
wonder if that truly makes a difference or that the boats just don’t really desire to depart
with unwashed fingers and hands, they ripped the bottle from the ocean’s greedy grasp
observing it with curiosity, they tapped on the glass of the object
the bottle cap popped open, revealing the suspicious contents
pouring it out onto the dock, they whispered when they saw the small yellowish letter lying flat; my letter
the captain read it to himself quietly and deemed it unnecessary to repeat to the rest of the crewmen
“perhaps, it is time to rest. the moon is almost at her peak.”
the captain uttered a couple words, for he was astonished such a hopeless thing could float ironically in the most teeming ecosystem to ever exist
my feelings were daggers, and not knowing where they originated from worried the captain

but everyone rises and falls
everyone lives and dies
everyone hopes and becomes hopeless
water carries secrets,
and in that, it holds stories

  -happy ever afters don’t exist in the ocean
kinda of a little story. written because school coming up makes me feel hopeless. maybe someone can relate

newborn Mar 2022
-(read the text in the parentheses if you care hehe)

the gates are opening
and—i don’t mean to sound crass
but the tainted and staggering woman
and the saturated spineless specimen
are ****** and plastered with poison
their corpses are decorated in holly leaves
they won’t be eligible to enter
i hate to be the pointer
the dog in the marsh
but their faces are melting
like molten lava
they will bring this disease through
the golden gates agape
i promise i am not the
i won’t aim the musket
with silver bullets
at them
and their porcelain skin
their lies are painted on them
my sore eyes make assumptions
i am shaking my throbbing finger
at your dismayed face
claiming the woman with the
squid-like back
shouldn’t enter the golden gates
but i am here
the hypocrite of the century
taking accountability
but only in privacy
i should be tossed out of the
weightless sky
not banging the gates loudly
declaring that i have a ticket
when the man in the front
says i am denied access
who am i to say you won’t
be entering the king’s castle?
who am i to judge a soul
just as damaged as mine?
these gates were destined to
keep out stragglers
but we are catfighting
because we both think
our ways are more superior
this is such a waste of energy
how dare us both avouch
that our paths to our houses
are the correct ways to travel
ah—yet he took the road less traveled by
and surely got through
to the other side
i might know for sure
that i have the right code
to the front door
but i shouldn’t assert my dominance
on such a similar being as me
leave it up to the guard
(the one with slicked back hair
and a watercolor smile
the one with medallion teeth
and jewelry sculpted from
lemon grass, brass and gold)
at the opening of the golden gates
to call upon us disoriented people
(or illusions as i call us)
and punish and kiss and love and miss
those who
are plunging to their eternal death
the guard will decide
and i don’t think i will make it out
fully alive
or at least without a single rash
or cause of decay
or a single slap on the back for
not trying hard enough
(not a pat on the back as i would
hope for at minimal
getting to breathe
the same air as saints and
“paying their way” passengers)
but anyway
the women and i will give
each other fair grins
and maybe even shake twisted hands
mending the wounds we caused
by (maybe) being ignorant?
my wings will start to be restored
but i know i will probably
tumble to my eternal demise
just like the same people
who tried to dictate
other’s lives
or tried to play the guard
in a playwright
dangling the keys
but not taking the time to
review the sign up sheets
(i included)
i am guilty of passing judgment
for no reason
and i’m sorry
newborn Sep 2022
connection is like the waves
in which it comes and goes
ebbs and flows
washes towards my frail frame
washes away from my broken limbs.
words don’t seem as rough on your tongue
as they feel on mine
i wonder what potion you drank to
keep them at bay
can i buy it at the local supermarket
in large quantities?
there’s a loop of unfamiliarity
in my brain twenty four seven
and i have waited for them to say, “cut!”
since the day they tied the
shackles to my scratched wrists
and never explained why.
words don’t seem as hostile to
your choice of them.
they nod their heads in contentment.
i looked someone right in the eyes
as the staircase appeared
more and more daunting.
i think he saw the words slither
out of my eyeballs,
reaching out to him to help me speak them
but he just looked right past me
and moved along.
words don’t seem as tarnished
and feigned on his lips.
his fists don’t come up to punch
his missteps and the words
he accidentally mumbled
when he slipped into a tangent by accident.
he just laughs them off
like tiny crystals falling from the cavern roof.
i screamed my insecurities into the wind
hoping they would float away
but they catapulted back
like boomerangs
and my face still has that scar to this day.
words don’t seem as cruel of a master to you
as they are to me.
connection is like mount everest
unreachable and above my sea level
why should i be expected to reach it
before i shatter?

words don’t seem as rough on your tongue
as they feel on mine
inspired by a poetry channel on youtube.

i wish i didn’t have social anxiety.

newborn Mar 2022
they are all in love
they have all been touched
but i stand here alone, with my soaking wet socks
unlovable, unloved

come on, i am fifteen
i should have had a boyfriend by now
but no, i am alone
and i am sick of wanting happiness for myself
in a teenage boy who would probably want something more out of me

i am not like the kids my age
they can turn their shoulder and be kissed
i haven’t even experienced that sensation yet
i haven’t even had a boyfriend
again, another hopeless romantic hopeless yet hopeful “poem”

newborn Mar 13
i never loved you like that
it was just that you were
a raft to my dehydrated,
ocean-soaked body.
i never loved you.
i never loved your pores or your sweet talk,
it was just that you were the tourniquet that stopped the bleeding.
you were the peace treaty.
it was just that you were
the smiling child to my baby fever.
the edge of my doom was a little grassy field
off the cliff—
it was you.
i was never
—will never—
be in love with you
but you were a handmade quilt
constructed with a mother’s caring kiss
that laid over my body
so that the cold could not nip.
you were a constant.
and i know you know
i will never be in love with you
but i love you for what you made me,
for what you allowed me to become.
i will love you
till all time
for teaching me how to love who i am.
and hopefully,
one day,
i will be able to return the favor.
thank you. you’ll never know how much it truly ever means to me.

i haven’t posted in a long while.
newborn Jan 2023
the woman.
she’s soft and young and impressionable.
the woman.
she’s kind and compassionate and beautiful.
the air she breathes
curtsies at her feet.
the happiness she bears
makes her complete.
the feathers in her long hair.
the eyelashes on her innocent face.
the fire blazing
inside of her heart.
the pathways inhabiting
her brain.
the woman hides
from the storm.
the rain falls on her back
and never apologizes.
the moon carefully watching
her smile form.
the woman runs from danger.
the danger dissipates into the atmosphere.
the pinecones shivering at the close call.
the woman dances in soggy puddles.
bathes her body in a stream
that touches her skin rhythmically.
the woman takes flight with the birds.
swooping above forest lines.
the woman rests when it comes a time.
she lets her rapid heart slow.
she tames her impulses
and lets her truth grow.
the woman shoots arrows as the sun rises.
she begs for warmth.
she feels her heart fill
with love and with caution.
the woman often strays beyond the path.
she explores the rocks, the twigs, the earth.
she breathes sweetly.
her arms flap freely.
the woman finds a crystal in the woods.
she shelters it from the beastly wolves.
holds it in her palms.
allows its full form to sprout.
encourages its struggles
repeats sweet phrases.
the woman lays down
with the body she tends to.
she lets the world
fill her with whatever it may.
no matter the consequence.
the woman sings as the river rushes.
she watches the moon sink beneath
the horizon.
she’s the kind of woman i wish to be.
the kind of woman i want to be will anger you. you will obsess over the type of woman i want to be. but i already am her and you don’t have to worry about it.

newborn May 2022
the mirror plays favorites
she twiddles the beauty queen’s golden hair
she puckers up so lipstick can be placed on her full lips
her hair the perfect length to play with
not dry, but smooth and so healthy

she picks the prom queen’s silky dress with dignity
it’s perfect for her malnourished body
it lays and sits so beautifully
the mirror sees her and appreciates the craft she created
grins, and puts silver and gold expensive earrings on her ears

but when i approach,
she turns her face in disgust
throws an outfit at me; ripped jeans and a tacky t-shirt
she says i’m too fat and that i should keep my legs far apart so people don’t notice how weird i look
she grimaces at me and i walk away bashfully
‘never letting her look at me again’
i say
i always come back for her critical opinion
and i accept it
that’s exactly what i am
not beautiful, a fat failure
she’s evil, don’t let her look at you
maybe next time she’ll turn you into stone
who knows?

newborn Dec 2022
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then free falling
the glimmer in his eyes only ever gave me solace
in the easiest time of the century
when worrying didn’t even cross my mind.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then crying
a lovesick baby, a two-faced wannabe
it’s better to be invisible than living life lying about being meaningful.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then failing,
this time on stage
in front of an audience of about ten million narcissists
they say my emotions aren’t art
and the shakiness of my breath—the sweatiness of my hands—is manifested.
it’s writing and writing and rewiring
have you come to terms with knowing that you were doomed from the start?
i wish i had someone to devote my writing to, but it’s only for me

newborn Mar 2022
looking around the room
watching the door
the windows
every entrance
just to see if you would come back to me


only my eyes are lit up by the moon
the tears are streaming in slow mo
the door still hasn’t opened

that’s it.
wrote this while listening to the night we met by Lake Huron :((

newborn May 2022
i’ll make an effort to write good poetry for you. my work is average at best and you look like a red moon in the most haunted night, so that won’t do. you reflect when light is shining on you. i turn to rust underneath your fingertips. when i find the one, i’m gonna scrap all my old works to make room for the newest editions. when i find the one who is a full moon filling every corner of my tiny room. maybe you can spend the night outside of my window. when i wake up, you’ll tell me to put on some clothes and i’ll greet you as if i had no clue that you were outside my window the night before. when i find the one, maybe i’ll start loving myself or write better poetry that is actually enjoyable to read. maybe i’ll start reflecting light, even in the rain.
inspired by madisen kuhn’s poetry
newborn Jan 25
tonight i sit with a tightened noose

and a woman with tights
and jaguar plotting eyes
sits beside my body  

there’s dust and gravel
in the crevices of my sandals
and the laundry is upon the floor

tonight i sit with a bruise on my cheek

not from the pure pain i received
but from the pain that was
once masked as love

there’s a tree where i once stood
beyond the voices of doubt or condemnation
and the branches sway without hesitation

tonight i sit in the halo of the red moon

tonight i wish it wasn’t me,
instead that it was you
this is about my friend. how she ties me up with rope and gawks at me trying to free myself.

started: 1/6/24
finished: 1/21/24
published: 1/24/24
newborn Jan 8
there comes a slow, soft afternoon pace and a dinner bell
i sweat, jogging, to the table,
soaked with the cherry blood red fruit of my labor.
when my meal is served,
there’s grease in the pan
and my hands are black as coal,
so it lathers my throat and turns sore.
unfixable bellyaches and frequent *****.
my hairbrush combs knots of dead hair, clumps in my fists
and the mother is a cross old women,
apathetic and unforgiving
she touches with a stonewall embrace
she tells me i am worth something,
and then she tells me i am not
as i scrub the dirt from every single step she takes
and wash my entire mouth with soap after every word that i slip up and say.

yet there is a place inside the trees
where there are fawns and fairies and peacemakers
and the meadow sings almost humanly
with a beautiful flute and a distant harp
and that is where the light is the brightest.
there are no cold, empty corners
hidden by the dusty rust of time
there are only staircases leading to the sky
and bounding rabbits and seashells nowhere near the sea,

but in this house,
the cruel and unforgiving mother
owns me
and i cannot fathom escape  
in this fit of naivety.
about life currently…uncertainty and a bad friend. how i figure out how to deal with these things is through writing.

written: 1/3/24
published: 1/8/24
newborn Mar 2023
these quiet soft bodies in the forest are suffering
there is an endless question in the mouths of the rivers
there are scoundrels dressed in foggy black smoke
making peace with themselves while killing everyone else
their canines sharp, their chilling howling winds making the spirits’ hair stand on edge

these quiet soft bodies in the woods are suffering
there is a constant pounding of war drums beyond the horizon
buried underneath silk-spinning spiders and fool’s gold
there are ghastly ghosts shrieking for eternity in their eternal vacant brains
their tepid seething souls scavenging the abandoned corpses like vultures

these quiet soft bodies in the darkness are suffering
there is a hazy fog that blinds the earth from the heathens that have been buried in vain
they have bulging eyes and stigmatic circumstances protruding through the silence
tempestuousness swirling beneath their feet as in a hurricane churns up the foamy water
they see red coals and embers in the cores of any sane soul
they will gag you with a temper, leaving anger imprinted on your skin  

these quiet soft bodies in the emptiness are suffering
their cries for help are being intercepted by the government that birthed them
leaving them to be swallowed by the jet-black monsters that lurk in the shadows
there is a mask that is worn over their heads before their sense gets scraped off of their skin
they never have to feel a thing, the gashes only give a sense of victimhood

these quiet soft bodies in the nothingness are suffering
they are getting eroded away, thrown up in flames, spewing out ****** teardrops
they are hunted down and shot, seasoned perfectly and oiled
the trees groan from the fumes exuding up beyond the sky line
their branches fall off as they look the other way, vapid in their deliberations
disease is ravaging and no one even notices. or they do and they just don’t have enough of a reason to question it. or they truly believe that disease does not exist.

newborn May 2022
i have a c+ in chemistry
i have a basic style
i am so far from prodigy
it takes me 10 minutes to run a mile
but why do i desire to be more than one?
                             i still think college is an
college is the best i’ll ever be

                                my friend said that i don’t
                     wanna be trailer trash
    well, i don’t let my worth be defined by grades
                     -no way

it hurts
my pain is immense
i am weird
i am failing
i am a failure
                                     and people have the
                                                     guts to say
                                   ahem, no you’re not

you aren’t a mistake or a blank part of a page
            oh, honey
            trust me
                            I have tried a million times to    

but ever since my best friend left
    every place i’ve been is
     ­                                             uPPsiDe-doNwnn
               i pray to God every night
        and things change
                He helps me through the car crashes
     the beatings
-the emotion

                             i swear,
                                             i owe Him
        i should have redid the lab i already did
      ***** you chemistry!
      you’re disgusting!

                           you’ve got me resorting to
                                 yelling at classes
                            and grades i can’t help

a problem

and they are taking ap chemistry
    and they are smart
and might get accepted into harvard
       and they will have wives who bake
  blueberry pie
and five kids in a red minivan
       like my mom and dad

  ­              i have to go outside
            to tan, to feel like i’m alive
                to try to determine the rest of my life
           at fifteen years old
                                              i don’t even trust myself with my chem grades
             let alone the whole rest of my life
                                                               if only
        we weren’t defined by the grades we get

but society says
                                try me, little girl
i sat up front alone :(
only God doesn’t see me as a failure

newborn Feb 2022
i hate the sun


maybe it’s because i am never truly fully happy
or because i don’t want my ***** pale and wretched skin illuminated in the light for everyone and their mother to see
maybe because the sun shined when i was having a crisis and now i resent his rays
or because the sun is gorgeous and i am not and jealousy can eat someone alive
i am sick of watching the sun rise and fall almost every single day
only a few clouds bid me goodnight
maybe that’s why i find comfort in the gray and the gloom
because i can hide in the cracks and crevices and in the light from the moon
i hate the sun because he understands how much i despise him and yet he still returns over and over again
my family say that i sound crazy
sound like a vampire or something
i just retreat and retreat
the sun shouldn’t follow me shouldn’t define me shouldn’t label me depressed for hating the extra light
but i will still hate the brightness of the sun no matter what
what the heck

newborn Oct 2023
the swarm of flies is me
wheatgrass dry hair
regretting below the canopy

listen, i don’t want to be your only,
your stop sign in the road
the swarm of flies is you
clouding my mind
making me confused

the rapid flight of tiny bodies
all dropping dead in front of me
unaware of their demise;
only aware of me

sweet breather,
the swarm of flies is you
panicked and anxious
erratic and angsty
i’ll never need a body to complete me
never need some hands to manhandle me into emotions i do not feel

maybe you’ll always need another skeletal system to inform you of how to exist
productively killing themselves
from within
the swarm of flies is you
a cold reaching hand outstretched to my flimsy bones
warning me to jump into the abyss with no real meaning behind it

the swarm of flies is me
my fluctuation of feelings
mixed signals and pushbacks

i’m sorry, other human,
so sorry i have retreated back into my own thoughts
pacing around a maze that’ll never be completed

the swarm of flies is me
for blaming you
for my own childish fears
for leaving you a corpse
mislead and exhausted

the swarm is me
just how i feel atm. i kinda hate being liked lol.

(title and idea inspired by claude’s girl by marika hackman)

newborn Apr 2022
the type of man that’ll never leave
once he leaves an impact on me
the type of man that’ll never know
how much he means to this world
the type of man that’ll waste his life
trying to get rid of all strife
the type of man who understands
but still stands in the deep end
the type of man that’ll chase his dreams
until he drowns in the foamy sea

the type of man that’ll never be yours

haha this was org a song but it sounds great as a poem too. my sister said this was a great title and a cool concept so my ego was boosted lol
newborn Jan 2023
the walls cave in sinking like ships shrinking, growing stomach acid churning from within my body the room gets smaller my lungs tighten my pulse beating on my neck so rapidly i can feel the pounding in my head it won’t stop—please stop it won’t stop won’t stop.
the pressure feeling of anxiety.
newborn Dec 2022
poinsettias in the corners
of the grand staircase
red and white matte petals
lonesome resting
all the while,
snowfall tumbles down
from Heaven’s angels
tossing sparkles into the air
landing on the brows
of swaying strangers
saw the nutcracker live today and it blew my minddddd. oh my. i feel so full rn and that’s strange. i love it tho. been listening to classical music and ballroom dance stuff and it makes me feel so good. ahhhh

newborn Dec 2021
thank dear God for such a fantastic year
he sent me angels
cloaked in sand dollars
and i have been so happy this entire year
because of you dear
thank you for being there for me when i went to school
dying and crying into my knuckles cause i didn’t have many friends
but you propped me up on my nightstand and allowed me to run to you
when my back was aching and i love you for your comfort
thank you for being a distraction in all this madness
in the pouring rain you were my umbrella
thank you for making my 2021 better
and providing me Heaven
You made my year, I love you
newborn Jul 2022
there’s something about belonging
that sounds so sweet
his clutch on my skin
my devastation from his manic-like episodes
his huge sweater dangling off my body
something like being someone’s pawn
look in the mirror and tell me who you are
without a him
i am a tornado and i need a house with a stable foundation.
newborn Aug 2022
the sky gets darker earlier this time of year
my heart grows weeds
and becomes as hostile as an abusive man
exiting a pub
i lose all the strength i built up
and all my protecting walls collapse
instead of breaking free i break down
in my room, silently, with only the echoes of my pain surrounding me
my parents say it’ll all be fine,
but if it was that simple, why wouldn’t i try to lessen the blow?
why would i wanna be stuck with voices
ringing in my head like noisy sirens?

i pray noticeably more when the sun dies sooner
i know it’s a bad habit,
only pray when things aren’t going well,
i’m so sorry,
i wish i was a better disciple, a better woman with stronger feet holding her up

my bedtimes get earlier,
but i fall asleep much slower
noticeably slower
the stars don’t remain beacons of hope, 
they are fireballs bursting,
relishing in my devastation

time drags on in this time of year
my knees fold under pressure
my lungs shrivel up
my brain turns into a non-thinking zone
and i can’t escape the neurons packed deep into my radioactive mind
i can’t rid of my involvement in that sabotage

i pray and i pray and i pray
noticeably more this time of year
they get answered, but some of them are just too extreme
i don’t blame a soul
only the lost energy lodged into my wild mind
(and see, i can’t even think, i can’t breathe this time of year)

i’m never prepared
for this time of year
the summer air losing its warmth
the autumn chill filling my throat

i drowned many years ago
i still lurk in the water
and sometimes when i get full of myself
i grab feet and legs and drag them under with me
so they can feel the exact pain i did
when i lost my last breath
around this time last year
it’s almost that time. 8/21/22
newborn Apr 2022
oh, how i wish i could be those girls in miniskirts
those girls who make 360 turns
in their Range Rovers
those girls who have boyfriends in perms
those girls who never recycle
those girls who party all night and never see real struggles
those girls who find opportunities on their rich stepdad’s floor
those girls who walk lightly cause they’re attainable  

but those girls die early due to their depression
they overdose on medication cause the media’s attention is too
they scream into their pillows at night and
cut their tongues to make an effort to be silent
they kick and punch, but the world has no sympathy
they get discarded and left for the next best thing

and so
maybe i don’t wanna be those girls
i wanna stick to my world
where normal isn’t boring, it is a staple
and in a world where the only thing the future holds
is the future
not sick and twisted girls in miniskirts
i hate myself so i wanna be someone else, but i know that’s not the way to go...

newborn Aug 2023
though not a muse; a dull blue evening bruise
hollering for a midnight train in haze.
you know not the fluttering butterfly
nor the docile daisy by the small pond.
you know of tilted ships destined for wreck
of slow tears that have already been wept.
i will shatter completely if you ask.
this originated as me wanting it to be a sonnet, but i didn’t know how to finish it. it’s lowkey a half sonnet since it’s seven lines lol.

newborn Feb 2022
firstly: i know one hundred and fifty percent that i will blush when i see your face after all these years. my smile will morph into a full face frenzy of happiness. and i will definitely hide behind my friend that i see basically every single day. sorry, you always brought out my nerves
secondly: i miss you and i have missed you so incredibly much ever since you left and i left too. i don’t want to admit that unless you read my poetry one day, which i might end up giving you the username and you’ll read every poem i have ever written, you will never know what i truly feel about you. breach of privacy, but it’s for you. cause i wrote almost every time i missed you and i tried to summon you as if you would appear outside of my window, throwing rocks, waking me up in the middle of the still night. maybe you don’t miss me?
thirdly: i will struggle making conversation with you. i was always horrible at doing that before, but now it’s gonna be even worse. you will laugh and say i am being awkward and then i will laugh to try to cover the awkward, but it will always creep around the corners where i reside. i am hoping it can be just like before without any hesitation
fourthly: i am gonna show up to impress, probably in ripped jeans that show off my thighs. maybe you will be encapsulated by my features and maybe ask for my number that you never got. who am i kidding? from you stemmed my worst insecurities and the nights when i sobbed the loudest in the pouring rain. but i will still put my heart and my body out on the line, ready for objection and rejection of all kinds. maybe this time you will call me “pretty” or “pleasing.”
and lastly: life hasn’t been the same since i have seen you. i am afraid that i will act differently than you have been expecting. a different girl from a different world in a different form. don’t judge me for shifting my personality to fit in. whatever, as long as you say hi and we all have great recollections of such fantastic memories, i think it will all be ok. in the end, i am the only one who can control what i do and how i speak. i just can’t wait to see you and everyone else. and read my poems :D
I don’t think I’m ready

P.S- it got postponed:’(

newborn Aug 2023
i am homeless in this hopelessness
aimlessly bound in the instability
fragile, weak, pathetic.

there’s a string tied to my seemingly weightless ankles
brutally thrashing
splashing in inescapable fate
along the carefully constructed dock
two hands hover over the water
they do not reach in to pull me out.
they do not reach in to pull me out.

humoring the doubt that inhabits a single house above an ocean current
counting the comets in the sky
this is sincere gasping
clawing at the murk
there is a bright lighthouse lamp flashing
but there is a blindfold closed over my pupils
nearby a ship sits docked upon the shore
held by a ten-foot anchor
the captain does not try to reach my boat.
the captain does not try to reach my boat.

there is an island in an unnamed ocean in an unknown location
the organisms gnaw on my skeletal structure
and among this plight
rare will a light start to shine
there are feet that ne’er surrender
but there are lungs that must concede
there are nights upon us that will slip me in underneath the veil of false serenity
there are failures that will taunt us
with their vines
like black silhouettes that howl
in the deepest darkness.

and the fair truth is that i will never be rescued.
wrote this about being upset about something. now i’m happy hehe, so i am ok to publish it now.

written: 8/10/23—8/12/23
published: 8/18/23
newborn Apr 2022
tiny footprints in the grainy sand


tiny footprints in the salt licked sand

tiny footprints stay in the sand

until the tide washes away all the evidence
why did they suffer so brutally?

newborn Jul 2022
hey, you.
i don’t know who you are
or what you look like
or where you work.
actually, i don’t care.
you are enough.
  i am a hopeless romantic.
  i hope that doesn’t scare you.
  i just dream of starlit picnics.
  dates on tiny boats in swampy lakes.
  looking into eyes full of diamonds.
i don’t know how this kind of thing works.
i have never had a boyfriend before.
teach me the ropes.

  this letter is awful,
  but i can’t wait for you to come along.
  dear future boyfriend,
  i hope that you’re the one.

newborn Aug 27
i’ve been stuck
and you’re here.
your silky clothes,
your gentle understanding.
does the night seem heavy to you?
does it make you die inside?
does it make your bones shake
and your heart ache?
does the day take its toll,
leaving you an empty shell?
does it bring sadness in its arms?
does it leave hope dead in your yard?
all i’ve known is the void,
a sizable gap inside of my body,
a place no one dares to explore.
how am i stuck in a rotting bed,
in a world that’s unforgiving but won’t take the blame?
what will i do when the branches i climb collapse
and break these legs of mine?
fragile limbs.
frost bite.
what will you do
when the hole in my heart gets bigger
and i cannot hold it inside of me anymore?
if you cradle me, like the baby, the child i once was,
will i see my parents in your eyes?
will all this confusion make it even clearer
that your strength will carry me out of the deepest ditch?
my limbs are failing.
will you lift me to bed when i cannot climb the stairs?
lay me to rest, away from all the pain
and suffering in the living room
making jokes at someone else’s expense.
no one ever asks me to stay.

but you do.
you always do.
sorry, i always have this certain person in my mind when i write all the time. he is an amazing person who made me feel the best i ever have about myself. i want to be able to be like him to someone else. to someone else who feels worthless and alone. he will never understand what he has done for me, but i think about him every day. just the sheer kindness he showed and continues to show me. love you <3

newborn Apr 2022
in the unrestrained tornado
i heard the scream of a little girl
she screeched and screeched and got louder with every breath she took
i heaved deeply
so deep i felt my ribs crack a bit
but it didn’t impair me
because i was too locked in to her helpless and terrified yet determined screaming
so locked in
that i didn’t take a moment to breathe

     and that’s when the winds died down
     the roaring halted
     the shouting of the young girl was all gone
     the uncomfortableness that i felt, dissipated
     into the shadow of the night
     no damage had been done
     everything is all good now
     i didn’t know natural disasters could be
     created inside the mind of a poser
oh my gosh, something so embarrassing happened yesterday. i don’t even want to go in full detail about the story, but let’s just say i thought about it all day yesterday. anyway, i wrote this about that situation and used metaphors so i wouldn’t have to name direct details etc. you better like this poem for my embarrassment. thx. i’m gonna cry now

newborn Apr 2023
i used to know all your best friends,
just so you know
we used to giggle together in intimate classrooms

     but forget that, right?

i forgot the richness of politeness
the sweat dripped off my body
and your eyes dazzled like crystals.
a rose grew from the slight smile on your lips.
you awakened a fight or stay response in me

you reached out and touched my palms
and yours were not hot coals as i expected them to
they were violet and soft and smooth and moisturized
you didn’t have the crocodile disposition i dreamt you would

i felt like an animal that accidentally broke the glass of its confinement
and didn’t know what to do
with the scattering crowds and screaming children
so it just ran.

in your arms,
you caught me.
not too harshly,
but so i felt safety.

i owe you some serious debt for giving me
the simplest little smile along with
the tiniest little gestures

the claws of the lion dug into my spine,
razor-sharp and cruel

i didn’t deserve the kindness you showed me
i was scared you would hate me if i talked to you,
i didn’t know what to do.
the roses wilted inside my palms
as they stayed clumped from under the weight of my hands.

i pray that you blossom in your future
and i aspire to give the same kindness
as you have gifted to me.
thank you.

written: 1/27/23
published: 4/16/23
newborn Feb 2023
girl in your salty apparition
drastic ammunition
posed for the dreary mood of the camera screaming slurs on
withheld by the standards of creation

poor girl
the daughter of society’s atrocities
you have synchronized heart failure
with the darkness
the desert sand engulfs you
it transports you into the hyperbolic grasp of reality

girl and your insatiable hunger to be bigger than the swords that chop off your limbs
you are the choices you make
you are the friends you make
you are the opportunities you take
you are the you that you are terrified of
the you that shines with red blood dripping from her fangs
the you that violates the system
the you that ingests chemicals so she can feel whole
the you that has been burned to the ground

girl in the danger zone that is your lungs
your venomous victimhood
encroaches on your meaning to exist
yet in spite of your crestfallen volition
you can divorce
the misnomers
you can transform
into a creature that looms over your sorrow
and pecks away at its core

girl in the heart, mind, body, and flesh
be the force of nature you couldn’t stomp out
be the ammunition that locks and loads and explodes
stop the premonition of an incoming battle
lock your jaw and
connect the fragments of your stricken language
yet don’t harden the hit on the clambering back
of the man who keeps all of his power
locked in a lockbox
don’t form a coalition
and strike his shoulder
with bleached eyelids
alike colluded soldiers following orders    

girl with your soggy teardrops
it will all be over
and the summer will hold you
with both of its arms
and you will embrace
not shortly, for a long period of time
and you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 know love
and you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 be acknowledged
and you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 be reborn from the ashes
though the trees will topple onto your highways
and the stars might seem light years away
you’ll get there someday
and when you do
i will withhold you in the ecstatic standards of creation
you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 abandon the reprises
you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 sing in the opera
you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 adopt a new method
and divest the old
screeching with indignation
your shaky hand will greet another and
you 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 fall in love
either with the affairs of your unkept emotions
or with a kind individual who promises you stability

be freed from your chains
and set off into the horizon
the you that you are
rose from the ashes
you are the you that you always were
just a thing

written- 2/15/23
published- 2/17/23
newborn Feb 2022
my tears could be your tears
          ever so s

                        ­                      different but not
                                              quite noticeable

my tears could be
a part
of the rain
d r i z z l i n g
onto your

                       a             e
                                                  my struggles
                                                  could­ transfer
                                                  to yours
                      through the w
                 ­                           t
                               c y c l  e
   ­       we aren’t so different
          after a
This was sooooo tedious

newborn Mar 2022
i find it odd how the most well known love story is a tragedy
i wonder why i ever thought it could work for me
thx Shakespeare
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