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Lady Bird Oct 2016
depression is such a pain
throwing curve ***** of
downfalls in the membrane
my written words has pulled me
from the pits  of the brains pollution
and this I know to be a true fact indeed
"Writing" is the best cleaning  solution
Blake Aug 2018
Spasming in life’s web,
Clustering under eight legged dreads,
Watching some rise from its smother,
But only for short pathetic seconds.

I watch many downfalls,
Idle in wait for my own,
Seizuring with a horrible burden,
Fortune telling with no end fortune.

All mere blinded mirrors laying in wait,
Distorting the spidery figure differently,
Mine reflects its harsh fangs and nature,
Others reflects admiration towards the creator.

The web a complex beauty,
But I can’t claim cruelty home,
The ripples of intertwined death,
Some by father...foe...or friend.

The inhumane humanity,
Puppets and the almighty player,
Cloud me from things called prayer,
For that hope must be alive and well.

I’m just waiting for my bones to decay,
Peace in nothingness or so you claim flames,
Free from the *******
And all that it stands for.

I’m an unholy ghost.
Adria Feb 2018
Dear Someone,

As of this moment, I’m writing you a letter without the slightest idea of who you are. Have we met already? Do we bump each other’s way unknowingly? Or are you someone I already know and just waiting for our story to unfold absentmindedly? Tomorrow, a week, a couple of months, or even years I know I will meet you in an unpredictable way and you will finally stay.

Hope still blossoms within my heart even if it got broken a multiple times. I hope you’re having the time of your life so when we meet in the future, I’ll gladly listen to your unending stories about your adventures. I only want you to keep one promise; please be patient while waiting for me. I know fate gives us tough ordeals but keep in mind that we can both do it even if we’re not in each other’s side yet. For now, I want to apologize for not being there with you through your battles. I’m sorry I missed a lot of important days with you. Don’t get me wrong with this, I hope you experience heartbreaks before I step into your life. I believe that it will make you wiser and stronger so when the day comes that I have you in my arms, I will make you the happiest and show you genuine care for the reason that you deserve to feel what real love is supposed to be. It is a tough journey yet this is worth waiting for. You are worth waiting for.

When that day comes, I will love you wholeheartedly, always. I will push you to become a best version of yourself. I will be there for you through your success and downfalls. As what 1 Corinthians 13:7 said; Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. I will not give up on your perfectly good soul. I will always believe in your capability. I promise to give you hope and light through the dark times, and we will endure every reckless path in the journey and make it worth the fight.

One day, your voice will be my favorite song. Your eyes will be my favorite painting. Your words will be my favorite poetry. Your presence will be my sweet tranquility. You are the home I keep coming back to. You are my comfort zone and at the same time, the adventure I am willing to take the risk. You are the daydream that I cannot escape. You are the sunshine that brings happiness in my frowning days. You are the laughter and smiles that I will remember in the back of my mind. You will be my greatest serendipity that destiny has given me. You are the evidence in this universe that God, in his timing, truly blesses a perfect prince to His brave princess.

Go on with your life and commit to your own happiness, I would do the same. Let us both keep going until the day we finally meet. I can’t wait to tell you how fortunate I am to be existing the same time as you. Fill yourself with self love and take care of your heart. When the right time comes, I’ll be the one who will nurture and take care of it.

So to the man I will fall in love in the future, everything will be worth the wait. Fate and gravity will eventually lead us to each other’s arms. I’ll see you very soon.

Tout L'amour,
Your sweetest Adrianne.
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Image is everything, spin and white lies are addictive, destined to become ugly truths in a malevolent world, it's all about increasing your number, and binding to the best people available; you'll enter their clique in order to further enhance your image and validate your own false reality; once your host is unable to enhance your façade, they will be discarded; and you will move on to the best people available to you; in order to further enhance your image and validate your false reality.
This cycle is destined to go on and on and on throughout your entire life-cycle.
Friends and family will become worthless in time, becoming  just one of social climbings many downfalls.
No  direction just a circle.
List in a loop.
Hannuh Jacey Oct 2012
Old fashioned girls with indifference in their eyes.
a will to be different.
a desire to be unique, but an emptiness fit for the farthest reaches of space.
a pathetic excuse for an individual are you.
the exact copy to that of a ghost of nothing... vain fantasy, as inconstant as the sea.
but dependable are your downfalls, everyone see's your issues.
if you were smart, you'd take it off.
you'd shed your skin and be yourself.
deny the paint on your face and the fact that we can all see it, we know you think you're above it.
you may think what you say doesn't reach my ears, but your ridiculous calls and impunitive voice are what I hear above all else.
it'll escape your mind, and I'm the one who will remind you of what it once was.
I'll get in your head, you're thinner than you think, your being is nothing, and your demise I will be.
your downfall is on a platter dear, take heed and be smart or behind your back is where you'll find the MOST disappointment of your life.
wish all you want, wishes are nothing.
especially to the undeserving.
Dec. 29th, 2008 - 10:34 a.m.
Amber K Apr 2014
There is a certain sadness
found deep within happiness.
Although happiness is the best to be,
there are a few downfalls to it once it's been discovered.

To be truly happy,
you have to feel the pain of sadness first.
You eventually get use to this feeling,
you develop an attachment to it.

Once you discover happiness,
the attachment is not easily broken.
It's not impossible to break,
but it is quite difficult.

First you might struggle with your daily routine.
You have to learn how to wake up smiling,
thinking of the day as a new day
instead of just another day to fight through.

Then those songs you've always related to,
become so pointless and you can't relate.
There lyrics are now just words.
They are now just remnants of your past.

After awhile,
you begin to change into someone new.
But don't let this destroy your positive state of mind.
Change isn't always so bad.

That attachment will eventually fade into oblivion.
The happiness you feel will fill it's spot more generously.
It will remind you that even when we become attached to negativity,
there's always a positive alternative waiting to be discovered.
Lola N Mae Sep 2011
This is who I am and it will always be ILLOGICAL, IRRATIONAL and above all, STUPID.

I miss you.

You don't understand me. Its not feasible. Everything won't work. You won't work. I won't work. We won't work. You can't reason your way out of this. Not enough time. Not enough time for me. Not enough time for us. It would've ended anyways he tells me. I tell myself this over and over. Convince yourself, I AM INDEPENDENT. I will vitalize and intoxicate myself by myself. Thats what people do everyday. The issue being, I am not a genuine person. I persuade and assure myself I can handle this role and it satisfies my craving for normalcy. I'm not a gifted actress. I lose more and more social contacts due to this complication. I must learn from the independent ones so I can stop breaking apart these silly boys limb by limb.

You must stop making them care for you. You are not a whole person and therefore cannot be an authentic concern of others. You are imaginary. You are empty. Two opposite minds, insanity and sanity, fighting over the same body is an immense misadventure. Insanity wants to ******* boys, intently watching the peculiar escape routes they design. She sneers as they try and try, withered by a constant sense of defeat, each of them exhibiting exciting, unique and new qualities. She forces the body's muscles into a terrifying object. Then she denies his superiority complex of its primary function as he realizes that this damsel is in a permanent brand of distress. Sanity, however, is fleeting. Sometimes, she truly gives a **** about others. She is the pure example of meek, anemic and decrepit aftermath. She is selfless for selfish reasons. She wants them to adore her. She will exceed expectations, impresses and astonishes them. The product of this relished humanistic quality, acceptance, nourishes her. She savors boys who tell her she is strong and capable. Lies lies lies lies lies is all they speak. Its been too many years. She's forsaken by insanity.

Never enough time for this. Nobody has enough time. Who will give me the time? These days the clock shows seamless progressions to worse and worse. Sleepless nights remind me of night after night after night of our restless, unsetting and ineffective dialogues. Lets just go in circles for a little longer. Why not a little longer? Where do I find someone willing to linger with insanity? Just give me more time. I need a few more moments with real people to feel okay. Let me practice my part with you. Coach me. Tell me what to do next. I'm craving a sense of reality. I trusted you with it. Give it back. Give it to me. Let me have it. Feed it to me. Now.

I kid myself. If you get to know me a bit further I might let you peer at my Dali-esque picture of the present. Wonderland has me descending head first down the rabbit hole. Alice found herself stationary, bruised and filthy with temporary madness years ago. I've kept plunging for decades after and suddenly I'm gaining speed. Momentum, its all about physics. They throw ropes, then yarn, then thread to me. Once again the thread brushed my skin and I found possibility. The sensation of active nerve endings engaged my curiosity. I search for the sort of matter that could interrupt this regression. One faint wonder to what could have been is met by pathetic and pointless conclusions.

You are so associated. Everything and everyone is marked by inclinations. What affects you is the fact that you are now aware of it. You recognize that I see something different in you. I see something unusual. I see a habit. Nouns are consistently becoming verbs. You are not beneficial to this at all. I allowed you to be my unhealthy. I linked you to infection. Is that why I need you so badly? Is that why I want you back? You gave me composure from your expectations.You raised questions and I gave you the appropriate answers conjured from my ideals. I store a list of rules that are rarely followed. I let you in on every ***** secret so I had to abide by constructs of sickness. I had no other choice.

Will I ever be able to do this? If this is me and I am me forever who will swallow it? Who will take responsibility for my downfalls? Faults that are too confusing for explanation are menacingly sweet if you hold inquisitiveness, in place of a heart, on your sleeve. I can't understand. You can't understand. There is no more on and off switch somewhere in a dark basement. I'm not twelve anymore. I can't blame mommy and daddy. Its all my fault. I got myself here. It's my transgression. Don't you dare blame them. Recognize my liability. I ****** up this time but I found an oddity; I found perfection in this imperfection. It's something of a conundrum.

Computer science is fruitless thinking. I AM NOT A MACHINE. I am not a computer, not a mechanism, not a problem. I am not a riddle to solve. I am contradiction in every sense of the term. Its broken, shattered and pieces have gone missing. They were outdated and oppressive. They were thrown out, burned, buried, and forgotten. Once treasured, they became cumbersome and then dropped along the way. With them, logic vanished beneath my feet. Its gone now. I'm gone now.

Weightlessness necessitates a higher being than the imperfect human. It requires me to remain underwater, letting go of the compulsion to meet the surface for air. These ancient seas compel me and draw me further down with their loveliness and passion. I am mesmerized by the mania involved. You won't spot me in the engrossing waters. The black surface holds many afflictions.

Rose Alley Apr 2013
I can remember growing up in my car
That year of not so sweet sixteen
As my line of sight aligned with my knuckles and
Further to the cyclops viewfinder windshield
That showed me the world through its
Cracks of heat expansion and cold contraction

I remember getting ice cream with a girl once and
Realizing that high school never was one of Baskin Robbins 32 flavors
Maybe that's why I never bought into it or liked the taste
Feeling it to be a waste of time

I remember driving by the school
Bright and early in morning
Deciding today was not my day and I'm not going
Because I was always too cool
Or more accurately too foolish to see the point of it all

I remember drug filled days passing by in a daze slowly but surely
But in my mind they drift by like a cigarette drag in my memory
Subsequently with each inhale and exhale

I remember the day I chose to walk the halls like a ghost and
Make as little impact as I possible
As far as I'm concerned I was fairly successful

I remember not knowing what it meant to be a sophomore
Only that as the pain progressed I was beginning to feel more and more soft

It's hard being the ****** in the vehicle
It's a vicious vessel to handle

Four grades in a classroom
Three years in my backseat
Two days in jail
One life to live

When I was sixteen
I wish this wasn't the future
Now it's my past
ryn Jun 2016

Cloak of invisibility...
Render me unseen.
As I tremble with the fury of
a thousand downfalls
and untimely disappointments.
Let the complacent eye
merely skim the surface of my masquerade...
Without learning of what seethes underneath.

Cloak of invincibility...
Render me impervious...
To the callous digits that know only to point.
To the disastrous effect of heated words.
To the unforgiving nature of
my wayward thoughts and emotions.
Grant me strength and resilience
through hardened skin that promises not,
of betrayal.

Cloak of infallibility...
Render me trustworthy and honest.
So that I can rest with the knowledge
that what I feel is true...
What I feel is me.
That this isn't the result of the faint murmur
of errant gossip...
But instead the genuine exchanges
between the heart and mind.

Cloak of myth...
Render me a believer.
Aid me in finding my footing
in the blasted dark.
I have been siphoned dry,
during these unsure times
that have drawn much...
Too much.

Emilio Rivera Sep 2013
it's sad to think
that at one point
i thought i was
madly in love with you.

and it's so strange because
i was so convinced that
everything would be alright
despite the downfalls we had
and how i would stay up at night
wishing i was there with you.
and sadly when i finally got
to know how your lips taste
they were bittersweet
because there was doubt
in the way that you kissed me
and no matter how convinced
you were that those kisses were true
we both knew
that deep down inside
you weren't sure how to feel about it.

our path was a loose gravel bridge
that fell apart with every step that we took
and no matter how hard we tried
to fix it along the way
things seemed to get worse.
but we kept at it
because one just doesn't give up
on something that could be so perfect.

i thought you were perfect
but when your colors truly showed
it wasn't the hue i thought
i knew.
our colors didn't go together
the way we once though they did.

and it's a shame i invested so much time
into someone who in the end
couldn't live up to their promises.
dead ends
with dead feelings
and an aching head
wasn't what i bargained for.

so now when i stay up at night,
i don't wish about holding your hand
or kissing you.
i stay up because
im upset that i wasted so much time on you.
taken from my blog (
- Jul 2013
Life is easy to obtain
Life is easy to lose
Whether young
Whether old
Cherish every day
As if it's your very last
Cherish every moment
Breathe in that oxygen
Love the ones who need it
Care about the ones who love you
Do everything you can
To make your life good
To make your life worth it all
The sadness, the tears
The happiness, the smiles
The downfalls, the highs
If you live your life right
You'll only need to live it once
And grow old together with
The ones who saw you as a kid
The ones who saw you become the adult
That they had loved and cared about
This doesn't rhyme well, but nevermind.
My poem was inspired by the death of Cory Monteith,
who tragically died yesterday. It reminded me that,
life is easy to gain, but it's also easy to lose.

RIP Cory. A talented soul gone too soon.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
escape Apr 2014
Today in class, I saw you writing a spreadsheet
Numbering girls looks from 1 to 10
You gave me a 7, told me that was alright
But I don't want you to define my beauty with a number
To the government, I'm just a digit
To charities, I'm a statistic
To businesses, I'm only the amount I own
I want to go back to the days when you wrote poems about me
You caressed my flaws and kissed my imperfections
The day you told me I was gorgeous, I looked myself in the mirror
"I'm actually pretty" "I'm like all those other girls" I told myself
But what's changed since then?
When you fell out of love with me, did my importance sink too?
With a clear view, do my downfalls and my embarassing body diguist you?
You were too insensitive to show the slightest bit of affection
So you labelled me, gave me an average and put me in a category
To you, I just want to be human
To be beautiful
To be loved
Eliza Jane Apr 2012
Who could ever love an Eliza?
Awkwardly a little too tall,
Possessing a dorky laugh,
Silly mannerisms,
Above all,
A dream of love.
An Eliza writes poetry,
Crying to God for answers to life's questions,
Asking for God to provide some form of companionship.
An Eliza,
Is impatient,
Her largest downfalls,
Caring too much.
An Eliza is an Eliza,
Is that a good thing?
To My Haters

People look at me and laugh,  
They walk around like clowns wishing they  
Had what it takes to walk my way ,
What a shame to still someone else name ,
They go around and say bad things and
Get others to believe something that isn't true  
About me how crazy but I will never let you  
Bring me down don't you see you could never  
Be me God made me the way I look and that  
Will never change my DNA ,
They make fun of my every move,  
But then I must say look in the mirror and what  
Do you see is darkness in your life ,
Not to pretty is it ?
What I want to know is what is it about me that people hate,  
Could it be the fact that I have nothing to prove,  
People are just ignorant for no apparent reason,  
I love me that is just the way it is ,
They talk about me every season for whatever reason ,
If they see a hot man look my way thing can get nasty
That will tell him bad things about me for him to look  
Some were else as long as it was not at me ,
What for, I don't know, this war has been going on to long ,
I don't really care, and my attitude shows it,  
People are going to talk if I like it are not ,
But, that's okay because I know how to walk,
And how to be myself ,  
They are wasting their time talking about me,
I'm using my time to walk away so free in summers breeze
On easy with my happiness I am me ,
I don't have time to play little childish games,  
My life is so real I don't need to play the loser games ,
At least I can I say I'm happy in my skin God gave me ,  
But I want to say thank you for taking your time out for me  
Because it means I'm doing something right I'm always on  
Your hateful minds ,
I feel life is going just fine :)
I really don't like to fight I love me you must see :)
People are only looking at me because they wish they was me ,
They spend hours looking on the outside of me,  
Wow they would hate me, even more if they see my big heart
Of what makes me ,  
The part of me they should talk about is what's in the inside ,
How God loves me and gives me peace even in the life I live  
Of hat and shame of child play ,
They also look at the downfalls of themselves ,  
I know that must really hurt but don't give me your dirt ,
Sometimes, I just have to tell them,  
There's no shame in my game ,  
I have a lot of love for  myself and I don't want to take time out
To put your nasty ways in my heart ,
So, people can take their opinions about me and stack them on a shelf,  
And take the book down and write down what you have learn ,
For those who look at me and make fun of me,
I know I'm all in the game of being me ,
I just have to ask you something,  
Are you really looking at me are your nasty self ,
For those who are laughing at me,
I bet you cry in your sleep
wishing you was never that mean ,
I want to tell ask you something,  
Is it really me you're laughing at,  
This is a poem for my 'Haters'
to think about not me but at themselves
Love to all my haters. :)

Poetic Judy Emery © 1980
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Kai Jan 2022
As school comes to an end, I decide to
spend the summertime with my instrument.
I read music theory for two hours,
but my hands yearn for the touch of six strings.
Fingers position themselves to stroke bliss.
But my phone’s troubled with recurring rings.

****, it was mom telling me I have class!
I raced for my backpack, and I told her:
I will not slack. Papers grew so lonely
without their folder to cuddle them close.
I couldn’t care to organize them cause
usually, I’d lay in my seat repose.

Ionic bonds? What do they even mean?
And what the heck is “double replacement”?
Okay, I should start paying attention.
I grasp the pen. I notice the tension.
As soon as I write, my hands start to shake.
I start over. Now hands begin to ache.

What in the world is happening to me?
Two words: I scream. Head jerks, and my legs shake.
It has to be a dream. It has to be!
Don’t want to move, but I have to take notes.
Why are random words bursting out my throat?  
I’ma be real. I need my mommy!

Class is over. I exclaim to mother:
my fingers refuse to stop tremoring.
And I’m getting these tics. What set it off?
First thing I do is reach for my guitar.
I can’t hold it. I can’t ******* grab it.
Eyes of terror stay written on my face.

The next day I was in a wheelchair.
I cannot look straight- straight up to the sky
or look in front and into people’s eyes.
My right-hand curves to the left. A tendon
sinks into my flesh, and my left fingers
cramp up from being intertwined like vines.

They are stiff. Hideous. These are not mine.
But it does get much better with some time.
I can walk again, talk again, and write.
But all good things come with downfalls, don’t they?
My brain disease will come at me with might.
And I refuse to give up on this fight.

There will be a time when I reach stage five.
And I know it won’t be a pretty sight.
I’m ready for what will happen to me.
Dearest guitar, please know you’re my heaven.
Why bother to fret? Cause’ when the time comes
I’ll see you again in a few seconds.
Last year I was diagnosed with a brain disease, but that won't stop me from doing what I love.
Is it these petty imperfections that make us whole?

See forth the future, at which the past is unrecognized.

Steer clear of troubles and regrets and know you can only be humanistic.

A withered heart deals great with a deserving smile.

Take pride in yourself my friends for we have come too far not to.

Do not fill voids with downfalls and accusations, we were made whole for some reason worth searching for.

Now go find it.
I've dealt a lot with myself lately and the fact that I've been pointing out my imperfections far too much. I have trouble getting past my demons but at the same time and great with helping everyone else rid their own. I've come very far in life so far, according to where I came from. So to that I say don't ever stop pushing friends.
Lover of Words Oct 2012
Boys, Boys, Boys,
Likable, lovable,or lonely,
Some are completely despicable,
You got those hard ***** who are too strong for love, or who will just lead ya on, making you think thoughts you shouldn't about them and
Making you want them more then you should,
Or you got those babies, the ones who refuse to actually grow some *****,
The ones who ask you to forgive them of their weaknesses,
Their shortcomings and their downfalls,
Like seriously?
I'm a girl, not a leaning post who you can depend upon,
Ok, maybe if I knew you more,
But still like, really?
The ones who refuse to make a move, like even afraid to touch you,
What? Do I have cooties or something,
Hold my hand, or hold me,
Come on!
Then you got those ones who don't even know how to communicate,
Or say something worth hearing,  
Please I've heard it all,
How cute and adorable I am,
The Goddess, a queen, labeling me to be one who I'm not,
I'm a human being, one of you!
Last time I checked I was a mortal, not some model of perfection,
But to be put on such a pedestal is simply too much.
So come on guys, get a grip and learn how to stand up for yourselves,
Don't pretend I'm something more then I'm not,
It aint going to work,
I want you as a friend, then a lover, but the crushes are constantly crushing my hopes and dreams of finding that one prince charming
A Strong Woman,
Repairs a broken home.
Blessed with the kingdom keys
Opens a door to follow the path of your dreams.

A Strong Woman,
Is molded by her struggles
Salvation keeps you walking, towards the King's light

A Strong Woman,
Embraces her inner beauty
Love thy self & the insecurities;

A Strong Woman,
Gives essence to the world around her,
There she shows respect & power.

A Strong Woman,
Finds courage,
Motivated by her downfalls
Picking up her crown.

A Strong Woman,
Is passionate,
Steadily driven by what she loves
Letting nothing stop her.

A Strong Woman,
Births a new soul;
Her sweet lullaby heals
The unwanted cries..

A Strong Woman,
Touches a meaningful purpose to life
Walking towards, the Kingdom's light.

I believe we all have an strong woman in our lives we look up to. Feel free to comment and check out my page for more. Thanks.
Diana Aug 2020
The idolization of an individual
Is a form of dehumanization
It places an insurmountable pressure
To live up to an expectation
And disregards the downfalls and limitations
That make us all human
So anything but perfection is not permitted
The static perception of an individual
In itself
Is a form of dehumanization
As time moves along and changes
So do humans
We evolve and grow
But to place the identity
Of who someone was
Ten years ago
One year ago
Six months ago
Onto the current version of who you see
Is a form of dehumanization
To not acknowledge the change
And to stay static in your perception
Is a disservice
Not only to the other
But to yourself as well
Because your perception of others
Is a mirror for one’s inner judgement
Of the self
Emma Sep 2013
Spotlight is on me.. yet again
I am the main attraction; the one they all came to see
The one they laugh at. The one they joke about
As long as I've remembered, I've always been the "ugly" one, the "awkward" one
A freak
and I'm starting to believe these controversial jokes
I am a clown
and they all seem to laugh at my downfalls

**Whoever said I wanted to be in this circus?
Kayden Fittini Apr 2015
I wish to go home were I'm protected from life's downfalls.
To journey across the seven seas
While I'm in sadness counting all my flaws.
The weight of the planet's heartache and harm is bleeding.
Angels smile down as the demons look up, while plotting and feeding.
Dreaming every night of this place.
One could only pray of such a heavenly space.
We must work for it, put all this turmoil aside.
Lift our chests up and remember we have pride.
No matter what time it is, I'm willing to fight against the fire.
Vampires exist mind you they prey on our souls, this hour is dyer.
Lets build a new empire.
One that represents the human kind.
Lets all be kind
To one another, without jealousy or lies.
Shady plans as they whisper behind your back.
The love they show on the outside means jack.
Allow me to return to the vision seen.
A wonderful ground surrounded by nature and a useful team.
Imagine if every person just experienced the spark.
Point the bright torch at the furthest wall, its a bit too dark.
I see it in the distance.
Look at the state of the world.
Turn their money into power for our resistance.
pledge your allegiance to the mighty fight.
So we can all one day reach the land of the light.
Rainswood Sep 2021
The sedum has begun to blush.
Something in change of seasons  
That intensifies my craving
for strong male energy.
A Gravitational pull
Towards Infamous downfalls.
Until the day that all the Jessica stories have been told
I will continue living this way
Dancing in the rain
Stomping over the invisible lines
Drawn to keep me contained
On knowing and loving myself
E Townsend Nov 2016
The poison of my expectations
immunized my body systems

creeping in the veins a shot
of disappointments, frustrations

I cannot keep setting myself up this way

Antidotes are not the cure. Nothing can remedy
the syrup of downfalls encroaching my liver

the gates are closed.
You can’t hurt me anymore.
Karishma Chokshi Mar 2015
Don't quite understand why people keep crying,
Cribbing about things, cursing their fate all the time.
As if tortured by life, sulking and sighing,
Not realizing that everything would eventually be fine!

Being dejected by the minor downfalls in life,
Depressed as the moments unfold unexpected.
Forgetting that they are the gist of being alive,
Without which the upheavals wouldn't be augmented!

Lamenting on their past, not focusing on the present,
Too busy regretting, mourning and grieving,
Observing and noticing only the unpleasant,
Failing to grasp the true essence of living!

So just break all barriers and breathe free,
Remember, there was a reason you were born!
No matter how difficult, just let it be,
Coz the only truth is- life goes on!
lynn karen Oct 2016
I remember the old tree with apples galore
Which lived in our garden right near the back door
His branches were twisty with all sorts of knots
With fruit to feed many, from a time once forgot!

He looked really posh with his head in the air
And he was my friend and long hours we did share
Up high in his branches where birds sometimes flew
In a make believe kingdom where dreams did come true!

When needing escape from the trivia’s of school
I’d climb high in his branches and wept like a fool
I’d tell him my downfalls and he’d lend me his ear
Then he’d rock me so gently, and away went all fear!

The old house we lived in was too old for repair
Then an order was served, to evict us from there
In the garden of my childhood where things came to pass
Mere mortal and nature,with a fondness to last!

So I’ll remember the old tree with apples galore
Whom lived in our garden right near a back door
There was more to the old tree than apples or wood
His branches held comfort, and his heart had much love!

© by LynnKaren
Bus Poet Stop May 2015
come to me,
my beloveds
with long nails
and squinting eyes,
spare neither
claw or hook,
delve and devolve,
critique and solve
the words of this prophet
scribbled on plastic
bus seats

give me
my due,
my comeuppance,
my downfalls

will me
to be better
or worse
if that be betterment

so eagerly
will embrace,
grasp, insert
your benailing fingers,
soften, grasp,
repoint thy claws
taking thy earnest joy
at pain inflicted
as my own
as long as you dare
just say something!
A bus poem
in honor of my invitation  
my digital birthing

April 8th, 2015
A little more than misunderstood
For the most-part
Of her life,

A magnet
For destruction,
Was all sorts of strife.

Made of best intentions,
A valuable, fine jewel;
Priceless and rare,

Kindness was the fluid
running through her veins;
Her heart was only capable
Of empathising,
It couldn't help
But to care.

A wounded healer,
Strong enough to know
That her pain was never in vain,

Her experiences came with lessons,
A gift she offered with pride,
Not with shame.

There weren't many
Trials or tribulations
that she didn't overcome,

She was always
A little miss understood,
A little warrior,
A champion,
Second to none!

In all of her downfalls
She was still ever grateful,
Never was she guilty
Of being unappreciative
Or resentful, whilst in pain,

As hard as it ever got,
She didn't stop to count
The numerous falls,
Or blows that she received;
She just kept on getting up
And again,
And again.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Amelia Pearl Aug 2015
Being in love with a paradox,
can be quite a ride.
A lesson in months,
Love in days,
Or it just loops the other way around.

It's never boring,
You have something to love,
Something to be disappointed of,
You have something to believe in other than the existence
Of a God.

You learn about strong will,
With the hard times and the downfalls of the relationship.
But yet,
You with your hard head,
In love with a paradox of feelings,
That is quite a fitting contradiction.
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
Lips sealed, forced quite
One rivet, two rivet
There we go, three otta do it
Last step here is to blow both eardrums with a dangerous harmonic
Ah, there we go, perfect
But I forget
This negativity comes from a resident
One living rent free from infancy in my attic
And amidst my constant panic
I barricaded the wrong side of the door by accident
Now help can't get in to stop the punishment
I'm trapped inside my head with a lunatic
Obviously this is problematic
Hear no evil, see no evil but the mind is never silent
A silver tongue tyrant, my downfalls conduit
I know it knows I'm on to it
But a relic like toxic thoughts doesn't give a shiit
I've proven I can't go toe to toe with it
My wins are really just me escaping THE moment
It can return to being a problem at ANY moment
It never fights fair, super over dramatic
Big signs posted, "Bipolar, Beware", looking post apocalyptic
Wait, how many are against me in here? I thought "me Vs the world" was more just symbolic
Ritualistic hunter and the hunted, predator and prey, animalistic
No one ever sees the bouts, to barbaric to air it
Try to grin and bare it but it's apparent
I can no longer dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge the bombastic rhetoric
And I've literally just locked myself in with the traumatic and away from the public
I don't feel safe in here with myself and don't know what to do about it...

Devon Clarke Jan 2014
We loved
With a love
That I didn't know existed.

This is not a love poem;
This is a ballad
Of all the sweet love songs
that finally made sense,

This is a dictionary
Defining the new outlook on life you gave me,

This is the final scene
Of something so perfect,
It had to be nothing much more than fiction.

God stitched together
All of my cuts and wounds
With thread made of your touch,
Your scent, your voice,
Your laugh, your hair flip,
Your 'I love yous', your leftover strands of hair
Still clinging to all of my clothes,
As if this distance between us
Was never there in the first place.

We were like Romeo and Juliet,
Discarding what everyone had to say.

I loved you like I was an abused dog
Straggling along, pouncing on any piece of meat
That came my way
Until you held me tight close to you,
Letting me know that
It'd all be okay.

Your love rivaled that
Of the Sun and the Moon,
You had shed light on my world
When I couldn't see
Past my insecurities and downfalls,
And brought shooting star showers down upon me
When it seems like the bad days could not get any longer.

We trekked over hills and valleys
And sure, sometimes, we slipped -
but we always made sure
That we got back up and kept going.

Our love was a perfect melody,
And sometimes, we struck a sour note,
But your voice was always a beautiful symphony
That slowed everything back down to its right pace.

I loved you
like diamonds yearning
For the perfect ray of light
To grace its surface
So that it may project a perfect spectrum
Upon your naked left ring finger
That i had daydreams every day
Of staking as my territory.

We were a binary solar system
In supposed equilibrium
Until your gravitational pull
Ripped away all my outer layers
And you left me vulnerable,
so that you could use all my flaws
To become a black hole
and tear my whole being to shreds.

I loved you
Like the breeze loves flowing through
Your hair, making a cascading waterfall
that left me drowning in your beauty.
But now -
You're not mine anymore.
*And I'm not okay with that.
Chris Byng Dec 2014
A man wearing a tailored suit appears at a rivals lodging holding a box in his right fist and his hat in the other. He knocks on the door. A man in rags answers, he is desperate to experience the same kind of riches that the well dressed man has accomplished. It seems that they have been rivals since birth.  Both men came from the same place and are indistinguishable in almost every way. The only difference was appearance. One appeared  greater, and the other appeared lesser. The well dressed man's rival has been hounding, pleading, scheming for years to get whatever it is that made his counterpart successful. The man in rags dropped to his knees in the doorway of his broken down cube that he calls home. "What's your secret? Is it in that box?" This box was in the successful man's life for years. This exact interaction has happened countless times. The difference with this particular moment is that the man in rags has lost hope. Lost luster, lost vigor and drive. His downfalls have put extreme weight on his shoulders and has literally brought him to his knees right in front of his rival.
Once he had demanded,  "You will tell me your secret! At every chance you get you look in that box. At every heartbreak or wrong turn you peek inside and get aspiration, epiphanies. I want that. I need that. You tell me what's inside!" But it never worked. The well dressed man would say nothing, do nothing, and would act as if the lesser man was invisible. The man in rags could never convince the well dressed man to share his secret. Force wouldn't work either because the man in rags was a pacifist.  Also displayed weakness, meagerness, he was insufficient and desperate.  The well dressed man was the exact opposite,  strong decisive, calm and confident.  The lesser man wanted what was on the other side of the fence, he wanted to feel the soft bluegrass beneath his feet, as opposed to the dirt covered baroness yard that he had became so spiteful of.  "The key to success is in the box." The man in rags thought.
Now the man in rags is almost 6 feet into the ground, metaforiacally, he is at rock bottom. The well dressed man for saw this and that was why he was standing in front of a failing vessel holding his prized humble possession.
The box was black, with gold trim painted on the sides. It also had a lock embedded in the side made of platinum.  It was a identical to what the well dressed man embodied. The man in rags tried many times to break inside but to no avail,  the box stood resilient. Couldn't even make a dent or scratch.  
Now he had given up. Leaning against the frame of his door, welts growing bigger and more painful on his knees with every passing moment. Tears flowing from his eyes, so much he could hydrate a village of camels. The well dressed man, with no reservations, no emotion says nothing and hands the lesser male a purple key with a gold and platinum crown embroidered on the hilt. The man  in rags looks up with sorrow and anticipation.  He gently grasps the key and slowly glides it into the platinum lock. 'Click' it's opening. Every second that passes by feels like an hour to the man who's knees are numb with pain. Finally he looks inside and comes to see... That the box is empty. "What is this!? A trick?! A lie!? Why do you toy with me so, why?" The lesser man's shoulders slumped down to his waist. He falls dead fully silent.
The well dressed man puts the box aside while he kneels down on one knee, still exuberant with confidence and strength and looks the man in rags man in the eyes. The energy was so intense the lesser man was frozen and felt every emotion imaginable at once.  ".....There was never anything inside of this parcel..." The greater man  then put his hat on, and walked away.
People get so caught up in what other people are wearing that they forget to mend their own clothing.
Faith Maxine Jan 2013
Must you harass my soul
Heat breathes from within
Ah! How you vex
Mocked assurity
charismatic inquity
Magnetically persuaded
Hell can be evaded
But once
Pantomime with my
Heart strings
Positvely attracted
To that which is negatively
With so much ease
Doth that rock role down
The hill
Artificial light...
Crushed with each rotation
How hard fell I for you
Upon a hill...
Upon a hill...
Repeatedly pelted
With this divine purpose
Must it be
This sin I furtively commit
Looked upon as if
My skin is no longer adhered to these decayed bones
Looking inside of me
My downfalls
Splashed in my face
Oh! I'm melting!
...for her
But a consonant
No larger than a rock in the road
Return to me
Reverberation occurs
Rebounding off the walls of
Your thought cavity
Three dots seperate me from
"Straight is the path and narrow is the way"
~Deciding Factor~
Before we judge, sometimes we should step back and think..."it could've been me."
Dana Taylor May 2014
I had forgotten all the bonus feelings that came with true hope
Giddy like a teenage girl going on her first date
Happy like a kid catching the ice cream truck
Excited like a toddler at Disneyland for the first time

I had tried to forget all the downfalls that came with true hope
Fear like a child trying to sleep in the dark
Anticipation like a pageant contestant waiting to hear the
judge's decision
Anxiety like a politician on election night

I've had hope where the results far exceeded my
wildest imagination so that the words to describe it
didn't exist
Hope that was smashed like a bored little boy jumping
on an empty can
Hope that shriveled up and blew away like a
tumbleweed in the desert

And hope came and went again
Catherine Flores Jan 2017
My dear, you deserve the kind of love that is not perfect but will wrap its arms around you, runs his fingers through your hair, and kisses your forehead most tenderly. A love that stays even after you told him to leave, always ready to accept you with open arms and an open heart, the kind that stays true to his roots and words. A love that makes mistakes, has downfalls and shortcomings, but will make it up for you because he does not want to lose you. A love that argues, has flaws and differences…a love that is not perfect but it is exactly what you need.
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
A life with no safety net
Do I make it or will this be yet another instance where I don't hit the ground running, instead I splat flat on the pavement
Place your bet, I'll take that bet
Another tally mark added to my list of regret
I'm my own biggest threat and relentless as it can get
I feel preset to replay every horrible event
A looped cassette
Bad precedent after bad precedent set
Where is this button labeled reset?
When will I find the bottom of this decent?
If you tell me I'll try to keep the secret
I forget now if I've ever even seen it
I know I never see it coming, but there's no question I've felt it
Going dark and cold like a long forgotten briquette
Stagnant and never lit
Like a burning cigarette this hell is a slow burn with evil intent
I'm spent like a tax return, sanity gone before I even got to know it
Out of my mind cause I could no longer afford the rent
My twisted twist on Russian roulette is the full chamber aspect
So you can surely predict past it
My downfalls bound to hit a record high percent
The first click shoulda/woulda/coulda ended it all in an instant
With steel to flesh, I find myself desperate to create an outlet
To finally get the torment to ease up a bit
But it jams every time and I must admit
Dumb luck and the law of odds get the credit


— The End —