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HTR Stevens Aug 2022
On a hill far away from the city
In a beautiful distant galaxy,
Live a boy and a girl so happily...
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
Where the stars like glitter forever shine,
Where the rivers bubble with rose red wine,
While on sweet apples and oysters they dine,
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
Where the weather will always be just fine,
High among the stars, floating on cloud nine,
Whispering to each other "You are mine"...
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy
Daddy he loves Mummy
Mummy she loves Daddy.
As if written by children
Feb 2022 · 849
Turn Again, O Loved Sinner
HTR Stevens Feb 2022
Once I knew not my Redeemer
Who had freed me from death.
When I seemed lost in this vast world -
Swimming, I held my breath.
Tossed by the great stormy sea,
Blinded by worldly cares,
Striving for things that'd never be,
Not a moment was rest.
The thunder did above me moan,
And lightning flashed in the sky,
And the flood did all o'er me pour,
Then I heard the Lord's cry:
Turn again, O loved sinner,
Return thou to thy home,
Why art thou in this vast water,
Waiting for thy doom?
I died upon the wooden cross,
That thou and many live,
Thou shalt not be lost,
If only thou believe!
Oh, how my heart then did rejoice
When I left all and all,
And I did raise my voice (loudly),
"Dear friends, do hear this call:
Turn again, O loved sinner,
Return thou to thy home,
Why art thou in this vast water,
Waiting for thy doom?
I died upon the wooden cross,
That thou and many live,
Thou shalt not be lost,
If only thou believe!"
Another poem I found from years ago, that I wrote as a teenager!
Jan 2022 · 1.7k
Oh Somewhere Still
HTR Stevens Jan 2022
Somewhere, my love, I heard the rustling leaves,
The songs of birds,
My mind their music perceived.
Oh somewhere still! the silent call of God
Midst all the noise,
"Come, follow me!" called my Lord.
Follow the Lord! He guides you to the best,
Follow him on
Till you reach the place of Rest.

Somewhere, I heard the laughter of the flowers,
Gentle their words,
Lingered they on, many hours.
Oh somewhere still! the silent call of God
Midst all the noise,
"Come, follow me!" called my Lord.
Follow the Lord! He guides you to the best,
Follow Him on
Till you reach the Place of Rest
A poem I found, that I had written many years ago as a teenager...
Dec 2021 · 502
The Fount of Love
HTR Stevens Dec 2021
From the fount of Love flowed forth blood
To wash away your sins and mine;
They made a cross of tough, rough wood
And there they hung our Love Divine.

O our Saviour who for us died,
At Calvary was crucified,
Is now calling: "Return to Me...
B'fore the Father I plead for thee."

Would you still say: "There is no room -
No room, dear Lord, no room for Thee"?
O sinner, beyond this earth's foam,
Remember, is eternity.

O our Saviour who for us, died,
At Calvary was crucified,
Is now calling: "Return to Me...
B'fore the Father I plead for thee."

For sinners, Love died on the cross,
For them who stray along the way;
Increasingly prays He for the Lost:
On the path throws a shining ray.

O our Saviour who for us, died,
At Calvary was crucified,
Is now calling: "Return to Me...
B'fore the Father I plead for thee."
A poem I found I had written years ago as a teenager...
Dec 2021 · 929
Happy New Year!
HTR Stevens Dec 2021
Merry Christmas and all that
Do put on your tinsel hat
Humour does not go amiss
To one and all blow a kiss.

Rules are for some - not for all
Well! this is quite a close call
Remember to doff your hat
Aye, the Queen can greet the cat.

Twinkling stars and fairytale
Flying carpets never fail
From all our eyes drop the scales
Re-mix and spare the details.

Living in a "Wonderland":
My eyes can feel grit and sand
Like floating in outerspace
With a mask across my face.

Earth has had a thorough shake
The world is due a re-make
We'll see what lands on the top
For success, failure or flop.
HTR Stevens Dec 2021
Love called me, Love called me, Love called me
But I drew back; in sin was lost.
"O sinner, I come to look for thee;
For thee I died upon the cross.
O my beloved, return with me:
The good Shepherd, with Him go home.
From the jaws of the wolf I free thee
Come home with Me and no more roam."
Hear the voice of Love: "Come home..., come home...
Come home, beloved, and no more roam..."

O'er mountain-tracks Love strove and found me
Blinded by the darkness of sin.
"I am the Way...Follow Me!" said He;
All my conflicts melted within.
Long in darkness, naught could my eyes see;
I gazed now at my Saviour's face:
Full of tenderness and sympathy,
His face shining with love and grace.
Love, in a still voice: "Come home...come home...
Come home, beloved, and no more roam..."
I found this poem I'd written many years ago when I was 16...
Sep 2021 · 688
Farewell, Bukit Merah
HTR Stevens Sep 2021
For nine years I have stayed here -
But time seems to pass so fast
With friends loyal and sincere,
And with those you love and trust!

Farewell, o Bukit Merah -
Cheerful faces, willing hands!
With peeps like these you'll go far;
May this red hill firmly stand!
Apr 2021 · 2.7k
The Queen's Consort
HTR Stevens Apr 2021
Standing tall among men was he,
Very humbly he called himself a 'refugee'.
He was the Queen's Consort, oft full of wit;
Yet in humour, he pretended to be a twit.
Some thought he stood among the gods,
Busy with so much he had no time for the Land of Nod.
In life steps behind the Queen he would always be;
At death carried high before the Queen and for all to see.
All the many good works he had done,
The world only knew at the set of his sun.
Apr 2021 · 838
Extreme Ballroom Dancing
HTR Stevens Apr 2021
The very big and the very small
Get together at a ball.
Invite guests of similar size
Not a room full of elephants and mice!
HTR Stevens Jan 2021
Christmas is here, and no one is celebrating:
Families can't meet up due to the R-ratings.
Everyone is in lockdown, the virus is not abating -
Spreading out of control, while for the vaccine we are waiting.
Along comes a variant strain, to blow our brains, has no one seen it coming?
Cases multiplying seventy times faster, the thought is mind numbing.

Everyone looks around, wondering who to blame;
I'm propped up on my bed, playing my matching game...
Knowing that in every way, tomorrow's world will not be the same.

The third world war - against an invisible enemy;
A war to TOP all wars - and a war for eternity!?
A war to TOP all wars - virus versus humanity.
Nov 2020 · 353
A Conversation Overheard
HTR Stevens Nov 2020
The wind is whispering to the trees:
"Come! Come! Do speak to me."
The trees reply, "Please send the breeze
Our leaves break loose and free!"
Sep 2020 · 212
Spilled Crabs
HTR Stevens Sep 2020
Like a bucket of spilled *****,
Human life is certainly in confusion.
News come thro' in drips and dabs;
I relax with a chamomile infusion.
Life is stranger than fiction;
Has man e'er walked in Eden?
Just as in the depiction,
Is naught ever forbidden?
Mirrors and smoke...
Missing pieces to the jigsaw...
Truth, falsehood, crooks...
Each man is to himself the law.
Sep 2020 · 221
Let Not Our Life Be In Vain
HTR Stevens Sep 2020
I wish I'd never been born,
Born to see this suffering world:
As in the power of a thorn -
Huge, invisible, and cruel!
But let's not come here and go,
As though we have never been;
And let it be left in woe
Though we have come, heard, and seen!
Let us do our very best,
That our life is not in vain;
Let's strive and go through the test,
Let this world be freed from pain!
Aug 2020 · 194
Life's Philosophy
HTR Stevens Aug 2020
Be soft in words;
Be gentle in deeds;
Be glad like birds;
God'll supply your needs.

Let hatred go
As soon as it comes:
Forgive your foe
As do say the psalms.

Look for wisdom:
Learn to love nature;
It is freedom:
Freedom in picture.
Aug 2020 · 426
Freedom and Ecstasy
HTR Stevens Aug 2020
Born of freedom, wild birds that rule the air!
Have I but a view of earth just as fair:
Of impassive mountains, of golden sand,
Of vast continents that link man to man,
Of seas their depths human eyes cannot reach,
Of beautiful islands, oh, what a treat!
Of grass stretching like a green carpet wide,
Of worms, snails that across green grass glide.
Can I but feel the playful gentle breeze
That ofttimes I see kissing leaves of trees,
That dancing in suspended gaiety
Do free some of my earthly cares from me!
To see these birds flying is ecstasy -
To think not of my inability!
Birds, fly on! my heart make light, my soul lift!
At least mankind share the joy of your gift!
HTR Stevens Jul 2020
Peeping out from my rabbit hole,
I cannot see a single soul.
The virus is floating about,
But is it okay to go out?
The economy is going down the drain...
Some say that to ‘stay in’ will be double pain.
Play Russian Roulette: just roll the dice...
If you know not what to do is wise!
Jun 2020 · 135
HTR Stevens Jun 2020
You can buy me silver, you can buy me gold,
You can buy all the treasure the world can hold.
All that you can give, your generosity may overflow
There is naught you can swap for my freedom - the answer is "no".
You can't have my sunshine, you can't have my rainbow,
You can't have my raindrops, the answer is still "no".
The world is my freedom, if I tread on no one's toes.
You who deprive me of freedom are my mortal foes.
You can't lock me up if I have done no wrong;
Injustice always reeks of a yucky pong.
The world is open to all who belong;
Not letting my freedom go for a song.
The sun is shining...I dance in the rain -
Freedom like glitter tingling thro' my vein.
Jun 2020 · 196
HTR Stevens Jun 2020
"Softly, softly" sang the breeze
Sweeping across hills and trees,
"Sweetest kiss given to Man
Is in the sight of his friend."
"Softly, softly" sang the breeze,
"Utter no noise nor a sneeze,
Lest you disturb lovers sweet,
Who on this cool evening meet.

Sweetest things given to Man,
Never last unto the end;
So all lovers sweet and true,
Why not meet under this blue?
Whispers will be my singing
To brighten all life in Spring
All clouds shall I blow away,
To mark this lovely Spring day."
May 2020 · 246
Worldly Wise - a satire
HTR Stevens May 2020
One rule for you, another for me
That is how it is going to be.
Born to rule,
Know who's who,
Born to rule, and not to obey -
Breaking my own rules is okay.
Austerity in any shape or form,
For common folks should be the perfect norm.
I do not need to mind my 'p's and 'q's;
I need a laugh while collecting my dues.
I am above, you are below;
Stop moaning, your position know.
Rules are for the likes of you, not me;
At least you live in a 'free' country.
I can get away with ******, you can't get away with theft;
The law will take from you your last scrap, when you have nothing left.
If you are poor, you'll be poorer still
When fat cats move in for the ****.
Love of money makes the world go round -
Work and no play when I wear the crown.
May 2020 · 190
HTR Stevens May 2020
Like smoke it comes towards me a-sailing,
Moving slowly through the cold, silent air;
It covers me - I cannot see a thing;
I stretch forth my hand - but feel nothing there.
May 2020 · 215
HTR Stevens May 2020
Let not age by days be told;
When his wit grows dull and slow
Like a river at its low,
Then only is a man old.
Apr 2020 · 175
Angel of my Dreams
HTR Stevens Apr 2020
Angel of my dreams,
We will meet again,
Where flows the clear stream,
And where falls the rain.
I looked down from my window,
In amazement I held my breath;
There I saw walking below,
Was you in your attire best.

I saw you last night,
Walking as in a dream,
In the bright moonlight,
Beautiful to the brim.
Your dress I could recognise
Even amongst a thousand.
My life would I sacrifice,
For your love in return.

What a blessing - to see you,
Your graceful figure,
Glistening like morning dew,
Blends in with nature.
I can recognise you,
Amongst a thousand,
No one is like you,
None has your fragrance!
Mar 2020 · 136
Mystery Poem: What am I?
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
I am a little superpower:
Small but strong,
Tough like Kong;
I double triple by the hour.
Breathe me in, while I float about...
Seriously, I can wipe you out!
Mar 2020 · 144
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
For a few weeks there is now a lock-down:
In my dreams I am wand'rin 'round the town,
Visiting places I've not seen before,
Now that I am behind a bolted-door.
To every beauty spot my mind will float,
Oft-times in my imaginary boat.
Where'er I go is colourful and bright -
My mind's eye has given me supersight.
Mar 2020 · 155
Just One Tick
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
"Just one tick to the grave",
Says the heart to the head.
"You must be very brave
As you lay on your bed.
Wait for the end to come
When you have had enough.
Feel not any alarm -
Laugh out loud, call its bluff.
The night will soon be gone -
The sun again will rise.
When the heart feels reborn,
The earth is paradise".
HTR Stevens Mar 2020
In times of yore to this modern day
Men of all ages have in their way
Sought to do right, but excelled in wrong
My youthful friends, give ear to my song.

Saint William Blake, Muses’ poet-child,
Shelley Bysshe, Muses’ poet-wild -
Keats and others many more like them
Left for heaven when by earth condemn’d.
They in lifetime were out-casts part time;
Their works, since their deaths, were thought sublime.
Had but Shelley’s muse foreseen that morn,
He would have laughed and held earth in scorn!
Did earth find itself a pure lily,
Scornful of them in their poverty,
To see their faults and not their merits?
Faults they had but from earth inherit’d!

All meet on earth, good men and evil –
Here doth meet two, Christ and the Devil!
Here are many men true and divine
But more wicked men, with them combined
To fill this earth, on this earth aspread!
Here doth meet the evil and god-head!
Heaven and hell thus on earth doth mix –
Until God doth put a deep betwixt.
Feb 2020 · 156
If You are a Shooting Star
HTR Stevens Feb 2020
If you are a shooting star
On which you wish from afar,
You'll grant all your wishes true;
Every thought returns to you.
Remember that soon or late,
You are Master of your fate...
Like a "matching game" you play,
Each "move" goes part of the way
To "Victory", or"Try again"...
Life is fraught with joy and pain!
Nought done is ever in vain...
Tho' you creak under the strain!
Nought is ever forgotten...
All regrets are forgiven.
Jan 2020 · 126
The Oneness of All
HTR Stevens Jan 2020
The source from whence we came
The whole, the blind and lame
(No need to cast the blame!)
The source is but the same
The source without a Name!

Together we are whole:
Some are young, some are old,
Some are hot, some are cold,
Some are fast, some are slow,
Some cowardly, some bold.

Of nature we are part -
Of one Mind, of one Heart!
It can't stop...It didn't start...
What didn't come, can't depart!
Life is both science and art.
HTR Stevens Jan 2020
I kiss your eyes so you may sleep
Little baby, dream of my kiss
When into slumber you sink deep
And dream of happy morning bliss.
Love is on your innocent face;
You smile as the darkness creeps by.
In this world you are god-sent grace...
Your face shines as heav'n you espy.
I wish I can see what you see...
Beyond this world - sunk deep in sin.
Your young soul is happy and free
And you are deaf to this world's din.
Little baby, dream of my kiss
When you're grown up, remember this.
Nov 2019 · 1.5k
Life is Like an Onion
HTR Stevens Nov 2019
Life is like an onion:
As each layer you peel,
You seek true reunion -
Closer with the real you.

Each life kills or cures you
From life's infernal ills.
Every man pays his due
Just as we do our bills.

Each man judges himself.
As he stares in the pool,
He thinks he sees an elf
Holding his worn out tool!

Every life should reveal
The nature of that soul...
We may try to conceal
How far we've yet to go.

We may lie to others...
But to ourselves be true!
Let's not judge our brothers!
Be mindful what we do.
Nov 2019 · 279
Teacher “X”
HTR Stevens Nov 2019
At the art of nagging she will excel;
With her – heaven is earth and earth is hell.
Much in quantity, I venture to tell,
Is her absurdity – enough to sell.

Quick to censure, quick to chide,
As a teacher, than to guide;
A loud voice her single pride,
Both to condemn and deride.
Nov 2019 · 224
To “Miss”
HTR Stevens Nov 2019
I love you –
Your voice is like music to my ears –
Fresh as dew.
Your heart is full of understanding;
They are few,
Who can win in less than half a year,
Smart students specialised in grumbling.
Nov 2019 · 253
HTR Stevens Nov 2019
Last night I was thinking of you:
How you came without our consent!
How you would leave, against our will!

When you are gone,
We return to routine.
Days will drag on -  
A well-oiled dull machine.

We will miss you -
All the fun you give us.
Fresh morning dew
Will be covered by dust.
Oct 2019 · 630
HTR Stevens Oct 2019
I ‘kept watch’ at the Pearly Gate
While St. Peter went for his tea;
As a ‘bouncer’ I was third-rate  -
One and all just slipped in for free!
Oct 2019 · 294
My Homeland
HTR Stevens Oct 2019
My homeland when this day I see,
Looks like a fairyland to me;
With its bright and dazzling lights,
Shining everywhere at night.
Beautiful my homeland fore’er shall be;
May its fairy-lights shine eternally;
Increase may its fame and glory,
As is now my country’s story.
Higher and higher its buildings grow;
How changed it is from eight years ago!
Vegetable-fields are many,
They’re grown instead of padi.
Many too are cars, tramcars, and buses –
They drive carefully for life is precious.
Streets, houses, things and all,
Are not the same anymore.
Sep 2019 · 251
Criticism on “Love”
HTR Stevens Sep 2019
Too often has the word “love” been profaned;
He is shallow who loves and loves again.
Tho’ “I love you” sweet words may seem to be,
But, they have been used how often and free!
False, false indeed are the words: “I love you”;
Bright and glamorous like the evening dew.
Sep 2019 · 442
Teaching a Child
HTR Stevens Sep 2019
If you a child would teach,
His/Her heart you first must reach.
Sep 2019 · 340
Time Waits For No Man
HTR Stevens Sep 2019
It is a race against Time!
Until I finish this task,
Stay, Time! the church bells do chime…
Alas! Time has won; it’s dusk.
Sep 2019 · 362
All Youths Admire Thee
HTR Stevens Sep 2019
All youths admire thee to a high degree,
Thou fair image of youth: Vitality.
Thy fragrance of youth; thy zeal and fire;
Steadfastness for Truth; these youths admire.
Sep 2019 · 430
The Curt Hurt
HTR Stevens Sep 2019
Home from the winds, home from the sea!
Bidding all my friends come to tea,
I laid dishes for thirty-three;
But none sat at table with me.

I called the beggars in for tea,
And they were more than thirty-three –
They drank my health; I left for sea
With a heavy heart within me.
HTR Stevens Aug 2019
A lying tongue and smiling lips!
Blood dripping claws at finger-tips!
To find my friend and foe are one;
The truth drops on me like a ton.

First, come the shock and disbelief –
Then acceptance with flowing grief…
Then anger wells up in my heart.
The mole has changed into a wart!

Betrayed by one who calls me friend,
What foe will to such depths descend?
A coiled serpent beneath the grass…
I cannot simply let it pass!

I must blast it to kingdom come!
Treachery is a game to some!
I want blood, as my blood’s been drawn;
Shock has changed into hate by dawn.

The hate on my face must not show –
While I plan vengeance sweet and slow.
Death is too quick for treachery!
This foe must waste away slowly…

So shall justice be metered out…
Betrayal one jokes not about.
Here my words come to a rude end.
Be the same for my so-called friend!
HTR Stevens Jul 2019
Never is the sky always bright,
Without dark clouds that bring the rain;
And never is life all delight,
Without suffering, sorrow or pain.

I know not how I’m to thank you
For everything that you’ve taught me;
You regard me as I the dew
Altho’ I love you most keenly.

Oh! Give me the key to your heart;
Oh! Tell me how you can be moved;
Or teach me how to make a start;
Whisper how I should my love prove.

Oftimes on you I contemplate:
A statue towering sky high –
Thro’ marble naught can penetrate;
Its inmost thoughts none can espy.
Jul 2019 · 616
HTR Stevens Jul 2019
The crickets jump...! The crickets hop...!
Chirping in the dark, they won't stop...
Telling me where they are and where they're not
But they are not there, when I reach the spot.
Little crickets, the chirps you make -
Oftimes your location is faked!
Where are you? Along the long grass I look - ;
I just want to give you a gentle stroke.
Little crickets, you're such a tease!
You jump! Then you ride on the breeze...
You sing thro' the night, on a summer day;
I listen to your song from far away.
Jun 2019 · 1.6k
Let The Gods Be…
HTR Stevens Jun 2019
Let the Gods be my wonder, be my light!
All things around me like fireworks ignite:
Just to see the world aglow in my sight,
Beautiful – like luminous paint, and bright!
Just one last time before it’s time to go:
I want our planet earth to be “just so”.
I want to see the lovely world unfold…
All nature is not to be picked and sold!
Spell not the word “evil” backwards for “live”;
Take not from the earth for all it can give!
Man on this planet is a one-off breed,
Motivated not by need but sheer greed.
Soon Mother Earth will shed us off like skin;
More power to her elbow – for her to win!
Jun 2019 · 336
HTR Stevens Jun 2019
I think there’s a wormhole in my bed:
Can’t find my mobile, needle and thread.
My scissors have vanished, I’m afraid;
Not quite where all of them have been laid.

I look for each thing for days on end:
Cannot find my notebook nor my pen.
My torch also promptly disappears,
While my teddy brought me close to tears.

I search for my lucky charm in vain –
I clasp close the things that still remain.
Looking around to see who to blame,
I can only utter my own name.

Stressed and feeling the ultimate pain –
I’m resigned ne’er to see them again.
They then appear from another plane…
Either that, or I’m going insane!
Jun 2019 · 332
Ferris Wheel
HTR Stevens Jun 2019
Life is like a ferris – up and down.
You rise so high! then you touch the ground…
Your head is turned by colour and sound.
You marvel, your feelings are profound.
Altho’ not always fun while it lasts –
Every so often life is a blast!
May 2019 · 363
To an Old Friend
HTR Stevens May 2019
More than thrice I dreamt of you,
The little girl with whom I used to play;
You whom I no more can view,
Your child-like image in my dreams so gay.

   Now and then of you I dreamt:
   A sweet child standing beside the school-gate;
   Oft, too, in our classroom realm
   Laughing together, forgetful of hate.

Why I dreamt of you: or loved
Deep in my subconscious the lady-child
Who resent’d me, with me strove;
My childhood playmate I fain reconcile.

   But change I must the word “love”
   For my love was nought but mild affection
   And this I would like to prove
   Mild affection was not infatuation.

I thought of you with kindness
And without any inward youthful fire;
My schoolmate, your aloofness
Did I silently regard and admire.

   Perhaps, your image with me
   Is still the one formed in Primary Four;
   Innocent and young were we
   Sitting side by side near our classroom door.

My memory is fresh and bright,
Of days and years by the wind blown away;
My message, hope, is no fright;
Perhaps, you think my head has gone to lay.

   But I write with affection,
   My ink mixed with the early morning dew;
   Here I send, not in fashion
   My message of goodwill
           And God bless you!

To our future I drink here
A glass of water clear – cool, refreshing;
May one day your face, my dear,
I see with the warmth of old remaining
May 2019 · 281
Thro’ Troubled Times
HTR Stevens May 2019
Thro’ troubled days that gloomily hang,
Thro’ dreary songs I wearily sing,
May the gods help me be not depress’d;
But set my poor mind at peaceful rest!
Let not my reasoning be a mess!

My stormy mind cannot concentrate.
I may even confuse love with hate.
I feel the ******* world closing in!
My poor nerves are rattled by the din!
Is all the noise without or within?

Real peace is not found in worldly state!
Nor is true joy on a golden plate!
May 2019 · 252
A Day to Remember
HTR Stevens May 2019
Never have I felt so gay,
Never have I felt so happy;
Gone are the tests today,
Oh, what a happy memory!
Gone are the tests that I loathe,
Gone, gone are they forever,
Ne’er are my feelings better,
Oh, what a day to remember!
My heart sings my thankfulness,
My face shows my joy,
My legs jump for happiness,
Most found in a boy!
Ne’er have I felt like this before
Oh, so very light and gay,
Oh, my heart used to be so sore,
As goes and passes each day!
What is better to remember
Than a test that has gone by?
But yet, yet, all is not over,
The results may make me cry!
This is from back in my school days...
May 2019 · 473
I Know Not
HTR Stevens May 2019
I know not whether I’m crazy,
To love you with such fire;
There is in you a quality
I cease not to admire.
Characters are sent from heaven,
Tho’ not all be heav’nly;
But all virtues are God-given –
Pray, sweet angel, tarry!
Write I like a fool, blind in love,
These last hours of your stay?
Let our messenger be the dove
When you are gone away.
There is in you a quality,
None to you must reveal;
Lest false superficiality
The Truth decides to steal.
Virtue should not be self-conscious,
Or ‘tis Hypocrisy;
May all your friends deem you precious –
Tho’ why, they cannot see.
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