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Oct 2016 · 801
That One Guy Oct 2016
When I was younger I thought rainbows were the most beautiful things you could see,
But then I saw your face my whole perception of beauty changed for me.
When the darkness that surrounds me in the form of my friends,
Sometimes it takes me awhile to notice that there are nothing but dead ends.

To get me out of any bad situation all I can think of the light you have given me,
Your smile brightens up my day even when you've never tried to.
Your laugh fills the room and makes my every pore glow with glee,
How you do any of this without even trying I have no clue.

I smile every morning knowing I get to see you again soon,
And maybe one day I'll be able to do the same for you.
Until then every time I see you I will smile like a goon,
Because every day before this my love for you grew.
I am terrible at writing, and would love any pointers or edits you guys can throw my way.
Jul 2016 · 927
That One Guy Jul 2016
I used to wake up
To the beat of the drums
And the pitter patter
Of solders outside my door
"at ease solder,
we're going to war"

They would say
As we crossed the valley
Green men, green trees
Passing us by
Without many to try
Many would die
Except my brother and I

We would fight the good fight
Even when he was gone
Many months at a time
But one day there came a knock
With many a medallion and a glock
Two men sent my mother into shock

I miss you brother
Though I didn't know
The stars and strips buried with your body
One last mission I sent my men on
To protect your body
With a green man in your hand
Your Purple Heart will glow
Memorial to all of those who lost there lives, saving ours. Sorry if it is poorly written. I did not take the time to edit it as much as I should.
Jul 2016 · 801
Thank you
That One Guy Jul 2016
You bring light into my eyes
When I can only see darkness
Jun 2016 · 641
That One Guy Jun 2016
Words float
Through my head
Though they do not escape,
If I were to give them my voice
I'd be hanging
By the neck.

You pollute the room
With absent minded words,
Yet you expect an audience
To applaud
The things you spew.

Behind my back
Speaking words of wisdom,
Noone likes a prophet
Who can't open his mind,
Before his mouth.
Jun 2016 · 919
That One Guy Jun 2016
I think about what would happen,
If someone could read my mind.
What if she could hear my thoughts?
Would she love me
Because I think of her so much?
Or would she be disgusted?
At how many times I sing her name in my head,
Because I like the way it sounds?

Would she smile at how beautiful I think she is,
Or find it repulsive,
That I can remember every detail of her face?

I tell her she's cute,
But if she knew how many times I've wanted to say she was,
But didn't,
Would she want to know?
And if she knew how many times I've written
"I love you"
In a text,
Just to erase it,
Would she say it back?
Or would she want to get away from me?

If she knew how depressed I feel,
How bad I can get.
With my past that I've hidden from everyone.
If she knew I hid my agonizing depression from her,
So I don't have her either worrying
Or hating my guts,
Because I should just, "Get over it."
Would she still want to see me?
I hide it from her,
So that I can focus on making her happy,
But is her not knowing
Still doing
What it's supposed to be?

Half of the things I think in my head
I can never put into words,
With my overactive anxiety.
So if she was able to read
Would it make a difference?
Would knowing the happiness
I feel whenever I see her,
Make her feel the same?
Or should I hang my head in shame?
Would knowing that I hide my overactive brain,
So I can share happiness with her,
So someone around her
Isn't depressing
Would she be happy in knowing I care?
My ****** poem that my GF will never see! Cause Im a Donk!
That One Guy May 2016
I was    scared.

To become



                   ­      safe

Or      another.


I want nothing more
Than        you happy.

It's you that matters.
If you look at my older poem, this one and the "Love is happiness" poem I made the old poem thinking about my ex, and with this I am getting rid of the words that were meant for her, and keeping the ones
Apr 2016 · 2.3k
That One Guy Apr 2016
I used to be
But seriously
I think I found the one
Maybe not the one I marry,
Or anything as scary
But I've fallen in love
Mar 2016 · 709
Swedish Death Metal
That One Guy Mar 2016
Watching you write
Gives me a feeling of delight
Doing what you're passionate about
While I look afar
Wanting to know just who you are

When I'm with you
I'm not asking for attention
But I love affection

Although I can't write like you,
You are something I expire too
Writing, prompts of stories you drew
And I'm watching, and thinking of you

Although I couldn't ask
When you did, like a swig of a flask
I was drunk by your words
And as high as the birds
It's an inside joke, the "Swedish Death Metal" thing is.
I would love constructive criticism.
Feb 2016 · 521
Gray on Grey
That One Guy Feb 2016
I go to this place where I feel insane
And I go to it again and again
One of these times it'll leave a stain
But, somehow it always rains

To wash out all the colors
It takes away from the endless amount of colours
And tug on everyone's collars

I sometimes think I should pick up some paints
Then maybe I could finally repaint the colors
That have been missing from my world
They just get washed away
Into the rough

It downpours, just to decay
Everything it touches turns gray
Is there a debt that I have to repay?
All I have to pay with is grey

I have heard birds sing happily
And I wonder at the legality
Of having fun in this place of insanity
I want I to end entirely

There's a man that has the power
He controls the rain
And destroy the colors again
Somehow I always thought he was bigger
But it is I, who pulls the trigger
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Love is Happiness
That One Guy Feb 2016
I was so scared.
Scared I'd revert back
To become who I was before you.

Simply wanting you
Is not love to me,
Even though such thoughts
Cross my mind constantly.

Love is doing everything
To make sure you find comfort.
It's knowing that you are safe
Whether it is with me
Or with another.

Knowing someone else puts a
Smile on your face
Hardly hurts
Compared to the rest I feel for you:
More than words can say.
More than anything.

I want nothing more
Than to see you happy.
Maybe not with me;
Maybe it is with him.

But in my mind,
It's you that matters.
Oct 2015 · 7.2k
That One Guy Oct 2015
I want to write you you more
Because you are the one I adore
You are a best friend to me
And a lover
I'll kiss you free
Of pain, stress, and anxiety

I think of you as a friend
Of course I will defend

I'm going to bring you on dates
I'll bring you flowers
But more importantly
I'll be here, smiling
And giving my all
To catch you when you fall
In love with me again
And lift you up
And kiss you when you stand tall
Oct 2015 · 4.5k
My love
That One Guy Oct 2015
I love all the memories we share
And I don't want them to end
For you are my best friend
A short and cute little poem...
Oct 2015 · 996
That One Guy Oct 2015
I keep feeling myself
Falling into pieces
While I feel you falling
In another pattern
No matter what
I'll be here to pick you up
I'll pick up the pieces
And put you back together

I love you more than words can say
And I won't make you stay
If you feel the need
I will not fight out of greed
I'll fight because
I love you

I know the depression
Will make you think horrible dark thoughts
But those are lies
You will not hurt me
There is no way you could

I love you
And again I'll fight
To be able to never stop
Holding you tight
Please come here
I won't bite
I'll hold you
Until morning light..
I love you, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere and I'll fight and give my all to see us grow.
Oct 2015 · 473
That One Guy Oct 2015
I never let the wind
Flow through my hair
I never actually
Gave a care
I always hid my pain
For nothing was to gain
Until I met you
You opened my wings
And I flew

The pain I felt in the past
Will not go away as fast
As I fell in love with you
I know I showed you my light
But you gave me the gift of flight

After you saved me
From drowning in my sorrows
I can't lose you
And not have us be together
To save one another from tomorrow's
i love you...
Oct 2015 · 545
That One Guy Oct 2015
Did you know that Wallmart's heart
Is two hearts put together?
Because when I feel in love with you
I now float like a feather
Please don't ever stop talking to me
I want our kids to know the birds and the bees
Before we stop kissing in trees
Just let me say this, please?
I love you more than there are stars in the sky
I love you more than money can buy
Flowers for the love of my life
I want to stay together until we die
I wanna learn by you're hand how to use a knife
So that when you are sick
I'll make you food, without your kick
Off the bed and onto the floor
Before you even think about
Opening our bedroom door
Our kids will be the second
Most beautiful things I see
The first is just a picture of you three
And me

We'll put our hearts together
And find love within one another
I don't want you to ever go
Without letting you know
I love you with all of my heart
Now please don't let out another ****
Sep 2015 · 540
A new light
That One Guy Sep 2015
I felt like I've always been in the darkness
I've never seen the light myself
I was always pushed and thrown down by others
but when I saw you
I pushed myself to become stronger
At the time I did not know why I pushed myself
to become stronger for someone
I barely knew their name
But I pushed and pushed
Until, I could shine my own light
I got out of the darkness to show you my light
to guide you on the path of happines
I know why I did it now
It was to shine that beautiful light
that was hiding in a cloud of darkness
Numbing your sense of the beautiful things in life
I did this not to be with you
but to give you happiness
and show you the light.
the me now in a beautiful relationship with you.
Just makes the love I felt for you
Stronger than ever
Jul 2015 · 577
Here I am. Again
That One Guy Jul 2015
Here I am again
Trying to write something
So someone will hear
But nobody will

Here I am again
In my head
Replaying memories
Of a life I once had

Here I am again
In the darkness
Of my own room
Starring of into nothing
Replaying the future
Or what I fear to be

I wonder if anyone really cares
I sit and pretend I know who loves me
I know of only a tiny group
Not even that
Maybe two, "friends"
I know of only one who truly loves me

Even then my head reminds me
Who would really love you
It makes me think while thinking of her
I know I am not good enough
Yet she stays

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
Telling me that she doesn't really care
I know it is lying to me but I can't help but listen
Sometimes I believe
It will never end

I know she loves me
Yet my brain tells me
She doesn't love you
Nobody cares
As I pretend not to listen I cry

Every one wants a day away
I wouldn't know that
I'm different
It's always a day away from me
Yeah some want a day away from everything
But most, Just want a day away from me
I dont know how to write. and I didnt have anyone proofread it so thats why its blahh
Jun 2015 · 570
That One Guy Jun 2015
You are my world
I would do anything for you
Climb through your window
I would sleep in your bed
Cuddle up next to you
And kiss your head

You are my world
And I would do anything for you
Your life
To me
Is worth 10 of mine
If I could I'd make a shrine

You mean the world to me
I would do anything
Listen to me
When I say this
I love you
With all of my heart
With all of my strength
I will always love you
May 2015 · 1.9k
When I look at you now.
That One Guy May 2015
I remember someone I once knew
You are no longer her
She has faded away with time
I sometimes see her deep inside
But no longer showing
Tucked away, she still finds her way out

But this new person is growing
More beautiful than before

What once was a wilting flower
Is now a new bud growing into
A beautiful flower
Lavender, sunflower, rose?
Who knows

But one day it will be fully grown
Yes it might wilt on the dry
Horrible days of its life
With the old self trying to break free
From its prison deep inside

But you are stronger now
And you can keep it from reaching the top
And decaying the beautiful outer flower
Smile for me? You are the most beautiful person in the world... And that smile of yours could brighten anyone's day... I wish I could see it... I love you...
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
That One Guy Mar 2015
Are the cards that I am dealing
  Solitaire is the game
Everything that I am feeling
  They are mostly the same


Shooting off a gun
  I will try running away
Again no more fun
  I have also tried to pray

Appearing in front of me
  Even though I thought she was gone
My insecurities flee
  I am no longer a pawn

I never thought I would find
  Someone as beautiful as this
She keeps blowing my new mind
  Then, gives me, long forgotten, bliss
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Please stay
That One Guy Mar 2015
So many people walking away
Why can't you stay?
     Can't you stay for a cup of Jo?
  Fine go ahead and go
          "I have to time"
   Here I am trying to clime, and clime
I would spend every penny, nickel, and dime
                    That I have
    To spend a little more "time"
               with, you
Weird thing I wrote when I was drawing random people walking the "away" from me.
Feb 2015 · 507
That One Guy Feb 2015
I see these photos of these beautiful things
Even one of you sleeping
In the middle of the day

I know now that we won't
Talk almost at all this week
And that saddens me
But when I do get that call
Whenever it may be
Your voice will be the highlight of my day
vacation talk call photos
Feb 2015 · 549
(Your) Vacation
That One Guy Feb 2015
Even though,
You will be gone for a week
Happiness, for you, I will seek

I want you to know
I'll always be thinking of you,
So be happy
And have a beautiful week

I will want your touch
I will desire your lips
I will urne for your eyes and smile
And need you in my arms

With beautiful weather
Get a tan
And come back to the land of snow
You will surly glow

I'll be waiting in your driveway
With open arms
To catch you
As you jump into them
In a weeks time
We will be reunited
And fall tremendously in love
With lying down together again
love vacation fun happiness beautiful tan snow open-arms  Desire
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
That One Guy Jan 2015
What is this maze?
Of questions
I am trying to go through
But there are nothing
But dead ends
Trying to make me look bad
Either way I go
I hit another dead end
Dec 2014 · 3.8k
Looking At You (Edit)
That One Guy Dec 2014
When I look at you,
I see someone I adore
Someone who is beautiful, sweet, and kind
The imperfections I do not mind

When I look at you,
I see you are fading away
Into a state of decay
And yet still beautiful and sweet
But fighting something you cannot defeat

When I look at you,
I see someone who has been hurt from the beginning
And someone who's love of life is dwindling
I don't care, I will be there
Through thick and thin
I will be there to lift up your chin
I am going to be there for you
There are things I wish you knew

When I look at you,
I see someone I love
I will be there;
Until you can fly free like a dove
I made this a while ago but I decided to edit it a tiny bit and repost it
Dec 2014 · 4.7k
6 Months
That One Guy Dec 2014
It's been 6 months
Of being with you
Over a year
Sense I fell in love

6 months
Of time spent with you
Hugging, Kissing, Loving
Each other

6 months
Of loving you
And missing you
When your gone
So, here is to
6 months together!
(Hopefully a better poem then)
Another gift for 6 months, is the poem after this one!
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Reply (Slumped in my Grave)
That One Guy Dec 2014
I love you
I care for you
I need you
Without you
I wouldn't know what to do

I kiss you
I miss you

Return to me princess
So, I can become your prince

We can live together
In our castle
Not filled with
Jewels and trinkets
But with laughter
Love, and kisses

No, it will not last forever
The laughter and fun
There will be down times too
But, we will be together

Helping in each others struggles
We will bring each other back up

I love you, Kagami
And I will never leave you
Please, come join me in the castle
Dec 2014 · 829
Princess - One:
That One Guy Dec 2014
You asked me
"Why do you call me princess"
Well it's a number of things

You are so beautiful
Not just physically
But mentally

I look into your eyes
I see who you really are
A beautiful women
I look passed the scars
And all the imperfections

But when you look at yourself
All you see are the scars
The imperfections in your skin
And in your head

I want you to see yourself
The way I see you
I want you to treat yourself
The way I treat you
As the beautiful princess you are

And one day
I will marry you, princess
I will become your prince
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
I love you
That One Guy Nov 2014
If I could have anyone on this earth
I would have you
If I could hug anyone
It would be you
If I would love anyone
It would be you

I love you
With all of my heart
With everything I've got

I love you
Knowing that you are in my life
Makes me the luckiest guy in the world
Knowing you are there
Makes me smile
Knowing you love me
Makes me love you even more!
Nov 2014 · 4.5k
That One Guy Nov 2014
Please be happy
For me?
I want you to smile
Can you do that for me?
I want you to forever feel
How much I love you
I want you to be forever happy
Knowing that I will be with you
I want to know that I can make you happy
Can you do that?
Be happy for me?
That One Guy Nov 2014
I don't know you did this Kagami
Nov 2014 · 655
That One Guy Nov 2014
Writing for you
Something I love to do
Seeing your face glow
Like the sun on snow
That smile that I love so much
I would love to touch
With our lips we kiss
I always get the feeling of bliss
I love you
Nov 2014 · 5.9k
That One Guy Nov 2014
You are beautiful
I don't know how else to say it
I see your body
And I think your ****
I see your face
And I think your cute
But the way you act
And who you really are
Is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
Your heart makes mine skip a beat
It shows me truly how beautiful you are
Oct 2014 · 18.6k
That One Guy Oct 2014
You are my sunshine
I want to see you rise
With the amazing morning sun
And lie down with you
Setting with the sun
I shall watch you get brighter
Throughout the day
And shine the brightest with your smile
That only I can see
Oct 2014 · 474
That One Guy Oct 2014
Roses are red
Violets are blue
They are beautiful but
Nothing compares to you
Oct 2014 · 476
I wanna be with you
That One Guy Oct 2014
What do I have to do
To always be with you
Without having to be apart
I will do anything
To be with you
Sep 2014 · 385
Writers Block?
That One Guy Sep 2014
I wrote for the things
That would make me happy
Or because I was sad
And wanted to show my emotions
But now that I have her
And never plan to let her go
I have nothing to write about
I am so happy I cannot put it into words

I am so happy with her
But sad because I cannot write
I want to write but I can't... At least I feel like the happiest guy on earth
That One Guy Sep 2014
When I look at you
I see the most beautiful girl
That has ever set foot on this earth
I know that the pain and sorrow
From the past, is not going away
But I believe you can push them away
I believe you are strong enough
I know you are

You have helped me through so much
And I want to tell you
You are so beautiful
And I will always be here for you
Through anything

I want you to know
I love you.
And don't argue
Because, I love you, more :)
I am not good at making things flow, but I just did not know how.
Aug 2014 · 995
I think...
That One Guy Aug 2014
I think of your smile
And I wish I could see it
I think of your laugh
And I wish I could hear it
I think of your lips
And I wish I could kiss them
I think of your hugs
And I wish I could feel them
I think of you
And I miss you

I think of you
And I love you
Jul 2014 · 464
Ummm... Hi
That One Guy Jul 2014
I fell in love with you
I fell in love with all of you
Your heart and soul
Yes your body is beautiful
But what is inside is gorgeous
I love you so much
I will do anything for you
Jul 2014 · 431
Take, Take, Take
That One Guy Jul 2014
They take her away from
Any thing they can
Just because they can
You want to take from her
And be an ******* to her
But Don't Take Her From Me!
You take from her and
Never give her a break
I love her and I want to see her
Now you are not just taking from her
You are taking from me
You take from her and it makes me hurt
But now you take from me
From both her and I
And I want to see you hurt

She has been taken away from me
For a day or two
But it feels like an eternity
And I don't know what to do
I love her so much
Don't take her away from me

I don't know how to word things... so sorry if it does not make sense
Jun 2014 · 827
That One Guy Jun 2014
I'm tired and don't know what to do
I wish I could be with you
And give you a kiss or two
Writing a poem is what I put my mind to
How much I care for you is something I wish you knew
And is something that grew
Not kissing you would have been something I rue
I don't know what else rhymes... Moo
Jun 2014 · 337
That One Guy Jun 2014
I stop myself
From texting you
Because you want
To be alone
But I want to do something
I stop myself from
Saying anything out loud
Because I don't want
To do anything wrong

I care for you so much
A lot more then you
Think I do
And I am always
Going to care for you
And be here for you
I want to keep writing
These poems
But I don't want to get annoying
Telling you the same thing
Over and over
Sorry if I am becoming
Jun 2014 · 297
That One Guy Jun 2014
I want to be there
For you and be able
To hold your hand
To help you through
Anything I can
And comfort you
Because I care
I want to do as much
As I can for you
Right now I want
To be there for you
Jun 2014 · 5.1k
I need you
That One Guy Jun 2014
I said it
I need you
And the thought of
Not being with you
Hurts me
Even as a friend
I need you
And I can't live
Without you
Jun 2014 · 318
Through anything
That One Guy Jun 2014
I am right here for you
Jun 2014 · 415
That One Guy Jun 2014
When you asked me
To leave you alone
I wanted to say
But I did not want you
To get mad
I am here for you
I....I care for you so much
I wish I could
Do something
To say that I will
Stay here with you
But I can't ever
Get the words out of my mouth
So... I write this down

I don't think of you
As just someone who has
Thought of suicide
I am here for you
If you do
But I am here because
I don't always think
Of you like that
I think of how
Beautiful you are
And what I can do
To be able to
Be as good a friend
As I can

I would do anything
For you
If you needed me
So when you do I am here
But until then
I am here
Trying to do everything
I can
To see you smile
I could keep going
But I can
Finish it later
If you want me to

And I don't know if
This makes any sense or not
Jun 2014 · 387
My Eyes
That One Guy Jun 2014
My eyes burn
They do every time
I cry
I cried multiple times
Trying to be happy
I hate doing this
Especially on your birthday
For that I say
I'm sorry
Jun 2014 · 355
That One Guy Jun 2014
You say you
Want to be alone
Yet when I leave
You don't tell
The others to go

I leave to let you
Be alone because
You ask to be alone
Yet when another
Person comes up
And wants to help you
You don't ask them to go

Just tell me to leave
Don't tell me
You want to be alone
I don't know
I am just being an idiot
I just felt like you
Did not want me
To help
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Happy Birthday
That One Guy Jun 2014
I want to do something
For your birthday
But for now
Hassy Birthday
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