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29.8k · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Black Rose
                      Black Queen
              Black me with my black heart
      You think my black clothes are so trite
Because they cant be seen at night maybe
They weren't meant to be seen I keep trying to lay low Its so hard to hide with all this melanin im bound to be spotted
16.4k · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Yes doesn't always mean yes
And we forgot what no meant awhile ago
Does the sight of my purple bra strap
                 Turn you on?Oh well
           Dont teach me how to dress
           Teach your son not to ****
Dont give me detention for showing my
                 Melanin rich legs
        Teach your son not to stare
I should be able to wear what i want and
       Not be punished because I flaunt
             "What were you wearing?"
        "Clearly you were asking for it !"
8.7k · Sep 2015
effort is attractive
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Take me to an art museum on our first date  
       Snip pictures of me next to the masterpieces and when im hungry buy me a veggie burger and strawberry smoothie
          Compliment my kinks when I take out my braids tell me on gorgeous even on  
            those "****** days ".
Support my dream to strut the runway but dont force me to go to church on Sunday
                 Love me for who i am
                       Is all I ask
            Effort will take you a long way
         Once you complete this task
Im not that hard to please
5.7k · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Last Night was fun
But the next day you were a stranger
Upon this relationship we made no promises but a warning wouldve been nice
             Why do you need more than one?            Why couldn't I suffice ?
Your phone is going to explode if you keep collecting numbers  Pretty boy please dont make me me feel dumber
Lets pretend were more than friends so I can make myself feel better
3.5k · Aug 2018
Myaja Black Aug 2018
I built a flowerbed last night to soften my landing
                      because I always seem to fall  abruptly
                                My lover promised to catch me
                       He said Sunflowers are something to hold on to
                             So he puts his hands on my hips and
                              tightens his grip as I loosen my heart he feels me expanding
making room for all that he has to offer
                         Welcoming him in and welcoming him home
                       Cuz I've been away from my Sun for too long
                      You ever seen a sunflower grow without the light
     It's possible but I always find myself growing in the direction of his warmth
                                       He asks me how does it feel
                            cautious to make sure he's giving me enough
                                             I tell him I want it all
                  because who doesn't want a love without measure
A poem about my current love life.
2.3k · Dec 2014
Why did i let him in?
Myaja Black Dec 2014
Why did i let him in?10 months have passed but I've still haven't forgot,Counselor tells me to forgive,trick question ,Do I forgive me for not fighting as hard as I could,not screaming loud  enough, allowing him in my house,or trusting him.Flashbacks include scrubbing my skin till it was irritated trying to remove his scent,only one question haunts me daily,why did I let him in?So called friend that was there when I needed him never crossed my mind he would commit such a sin.Yes he did the crime but I did the time ,Time spent crying and punishing myself for what happened is it true you can control others actions? why couldn't I stop him from tearing off my underwear?Could I stop him from stealing what was rightfully mines?On a mission to get it back, It shouldn't have Left me anyways,but I'm scared to knock on his door scared once he sees my tears he'll realize the score,why did I let him in when he knocked on my door?
1.2k · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
I think we are all natural born hedonist
No one is born sad we all want to happy
       Ironicallly enough some people find
                  Happiness  in sadness
           I seek my pleasure in tragedy
          That is where im comfortable
        Take away my pain and ill be lost
                         Or maybe
                        Just maybe
                        I will smile
1.1k · Sep 2015
Unpicked Petals
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Im 17 and I still have my flower the
petals have yet to fall keep trying to  
       tell these boys you gotta have it all
I need someone who can keep up with my
         Pace or maybe a little  faster
Not someone who wants me to chase after
I just want a boy who wants to see me  
      Make it and not see my naked
                 Momma raised a queen
         These heels to tall to chase a boy
Im far too good to be played with do I look
                           Like a toy?
995 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
I stray away from love
Cuz i fall faster than the leaves in Autumn
        The after math will hurt us both
                Cuz with love comes stress
                And with stress comes pain
            And "Pain demands to be felt"
        And enough pain can cause death
                 In this 2 player game
               Love will defeat us both
                 So i rather not play
Who needs love anyway?
920 · Mar 2016
Flowers For Her
Myaja Black Mar 2016
Flowers started to bloom on my
     Anxiously I picked everyone that
                Reminded me of her
                  Bold and Carefree
 My mixed feelings didnt let me give them
            To her instead I gracefully  
                 ripped each petal off
Next time i feel like destroying a flower
                  Ill grab it but stop
      I dont need to pluck off petals to
          Proove that you love me not
       I planted a flower 7 months ago
            And it still hasn't bloomed
        Who plants flowers during Fall?
      I shouldnt have started so soon
901 · Oct 2015
Myaja Black Oct 2015
I don't remember you
                    But I love you    
       I bet your laugh was contagious
  And your bright smile turned heads
You were the kindest **** anyone couldve
Heard the universe stopped turning when
                              You left
After all nothing can survive when its lost
                              The best
Never got to know you before you left
                           This world
          But i will always be Daddys girl
893 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Is it a sin that I no longer care about you
       Im calling Karma but I cant get through
                If she picks up Ill be happy
          Im scared she will remember my          payback to you and come after me
                     If she asks ill lie
             Ill hold this secret til I die
845 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Oblivious  to you lies and
Distracted by your smile only gave you
  More time to play me for awhile
          But we ended so you had to find a new victim ,somehow I became the victim
Of your new relationship guess I couldn't  
                      Escape your grip
I used a bat and some pliers to free myself
                           It worked
I thought I was too poise to get physical
     But sometimes when your pushed
To the edge ,falling is theonly way to go
        Next time dont disturb a goddess at peace they dont like to be bothered.
831 · Oct 2015
Myaja Black Oct 2015
Everything changed when the weather did
I just happened to fall Before the leaves got a chance
Suddenly whispers sound like screaming
And i keep checking my phone in the evening
I wont reflect in the past for that will get me nowhere
I'll soon be an expert at pretending not care
830 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
My demons get the best of me when Im alone They rest on my lungs making it.  hard to breathe when my room door opens they dissapear and go into hiding when my room door shuts  they return to remind me
     They remind of everything thats wrong in my life.
733 · Jan 2016
Myaja Black Jan 2016
I've always been a fan of art.                   Some might even call it an addiction
   I allowed few to draw over my heart
   They left nasty graffiti and unspeakable memories But then I met a real artist
   she came and made it a blank canvas
      She asked if she could paint something beautiful I said yes but take your time
  At first the image appeared to be us
     But then the colors started to run         together and I couldn't figure it out
        No one could not even her
 But art is never understood until its completed Now we are finished and the paint has dried And I finally see
       That you created a masterpiece
684 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Stvcy baby,
You find comfort in pain Looks of a queen drive both genders insane
Only one I know who finds beauty in the rain
You speak the language of tragedy only I can understand
Took you two years to unconsciously teach me self worth
I now know that its
Okay to hurt
613 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Please stop asking me if im okay
                        Im tired of lying
              Constantly hiding my pain
                   Fronting like im sane
       Started with a jar full of marbles
                 Now I only have  one
          I lost them the moment you
                    Opened your mouth
598 · Jun 2017
Begging On Your Knees
Myaja Black Jun 2017
Remember when you would beg to eat my *****
You already had a serving that morning
And the night before
But Frank Ocean was playing
I was wearing your shirt
And you said you were starving
You just couldn't get enough
I said "No" all day because
I loved to watch you beg
572 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
As you held me I started to cry
                You didnt know what to do
  You were already holding me tight
         So you watched my tear slowly drop
After awile it seemed as if the floor was flooded i had enough tears to fill an ocean
            You attempted to mop it up
                     But you failed
You couldn't handle me at my worst
     At the rate we were going
         You would never see my best
   You were the reason i was depressed
561 · Jan 2016
In the Clouds
Myaja Black Jan 2016
You're toxic but therapeutic this

    Medicinal drug thats slowly killing me  

     Your kisses are filled with narcotics

           You got me all high floating

     Somewhere between like and love

                         Like is safe
                  Love is dangerous

          I don't care where I drift off to
               As long as theres an us
556 · Jun 2017
Myaja Black Jun 2017
Am I finally at peace or am I broken piece?
Am I so distraught that I am numb ?
Too numb to react to any of this new mess I've gotten myself in
My body is just used to it
This is nothing new
Only this time
A male did it
And I was unaware
That I would have my heart
Handed back to me in shattered pieces
Time to glue it back together
This time I wil take my time
Peace by Peace
My former boyfriend is a *******.
545 · Jul 2017
Forbidden Fruit
Myaja Black Jul 2017
Its always been you
It's always been us
How dare we hide this godly connection
Selfish of us to not show people the fire we create when we touch
A pair of lovers
In a room full of bodies
But it feels like we're alone
Tempted to touch but not too much
Or they might catch on
Then I'll catch myself
Because I always forget where I am
When I look into your eyes
Don't ask me where I went
Because I don't know
But I'll take you with me
I'll take you with me if it means
We can be in solitude
Because you are my truth
In this lie
How could they not see
That we are lovers
It never felt easy but it always felt right
I'm in love with some I shoudnt be.We know it's wrong but we cant help it.Its hurts but it feels so good.
522 · Mar 2019
Myaja Black Mar 2019
I am becoming
I am becoming like a tree
deeply rooted but growing
towards abandonment
the rain that falls taste like solitude
and my leaves are breaking with every rain drop
I'm happy I promise
But I'm also becoming
im becoming like the sun rise that flowers need to bloom
I'm becoming like a black woman
whose been sheltered all her life
but refuses to be contained by
any more boundaries
She's fed up
The world is hers
I will stand like a tree deeply rooted
and proud like a black woman
And everyone will watch
me become
518 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Live life to the fullest because were all
    Going to die in the end as long as I
             Have you I'll be content
       I dont have an extraordinary life
                          Plain Jane
           As long as I have you Im sane
      Promise me that you will never leave
                   Or I will lose my ****
Theres alot that I would do to keep you
                 I could  write a list
            But diminishing my self -worth
                            Wont fit
503 · Jan 2016
Myaja Black Jan 2016
I've become dependent on your
                     Goodnight text
Why is it that I can't rest until you allow me
            Ironically enough my heart
         Wont rest if you ever leave me
I wonder what will happen if I leave you......
462 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Tonight When you are asleep
I will go swimming in the ocean that hides
                     All of loves mysteries
In search of the answer to my question
                   What went wrong  ?
                Forgive me if I drown
I really cant swim but Id do anything to
       to remember why I chose him
457 · Sep 2017
The Art of making love
Myaja Black Sep 2017
I have never made love
                      Although I thought I came close to it
                          My lover pressed his body on me
                              as close as he could that night
                               Frank Ocean was on repeat
                 And I felt feelings I've never felt before
                      I thought we were making love
        but you later handed me back my heart in pieces
             and now your dancing in someone else's bed
                    How could you have ever loved me?
                      We couldn't have made love if
                           I was the only one in love
409 · Sep 2015
Myaja Black Sep 2015
I gave my heart to cupid
So he could repair it
He returned within a day
Claiming it was to used to be fixed
With one glance he could see
How much I loved you
Who do I give my heart to when I
No longer need it?
299 · Nov 2019
Myaja Black Nov 2019
Its hard to describe someone as godly as him in mere words
But I will try
I will try because he deserves every thing
Everything that the universe refuses to give
She’s so stingy to my lover
I’m determined to make up where she lacks
Because nothing is more holy than waking up next to him
258 · Nov 2019
Black Woman
Myaja Black Nov 2019
Woman I am
Can’t you see
The way my hips move to their own beat when I walk
How I stop natural disasters when I talk
Planets lose their alignment when I bleed
And fall back into order when I succeed
Cuz female energy is even more attractive standing next to a black woman like me
244 · Mar 2019
Fake Friends
Myaja Black Mar 2019
You get tired of pretending that someone is a good person
The fairytale no longer makes sense
The ink on those pages start to run
And Your hand cramps from writing "I forgive you " so many times
I was distraught
What would the world think if for once I frowned
Would they think I lost my crown
Would they think I was incapable of getting a new one
A minor setback
Enough to feed the birds
They love that ****
However this comeback will be enough to make the world tremble
And my happiness will resemble
What I used to write about only
This time it will be real
203 · Nov 2019
Myaja Black Nov 2019
I’m not bound by religion
I’m bound by my moral compass
Laws of karma
Science says you get what you give
Naturally, my energy reflects such
So I’m cautious with whom I touch
Each transfer is significant
I can no longer afford poor exchanges
My spirit has gone through enough changes
The new me will be unrecognizable
The pieces will be placed back differently.
My puzzle has a new name
This one is a lot harder to solve.
It takes a real one to get to me
Only those of a true heart

— The End —