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Aug 2014 · 405
The mist holds Thee
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
The mist bestowed a great story,
As it flew.

Archaic stories,
Chronologically written.
For research to find.
To discover.

Within the mist,
The ruins of the Gods stand.
Where an ancient Demi.
Was awakened..
Aug 2014 · 330
Marks to Subdue
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
If marks could subdue the beast,
That inferno within.

Can scratching save a life?
Aug 2014 · 416
The Unequal
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
My life is equalized,
By the way it burns.

My mind shifts,
Beside soul.
Aug 2014 · 901
The Jewel (For Joe Cole)
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Within the breeze,
Beyond the world.
Lies The gem.

The sparkling jewel,
Lined with traits.

Born from a diamond,
And a scale.

Destined for greatness,
Destined to fate.

This Jewel,
The gleaming Gem.
Meant to hold,
In your very hands.
Aug 2014 · 319
Heart Broken by a Mate
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
What carries a burden.
Of stone cold sorrow.

It leaks into the pores,
Severing every contact from the mind,
To the soul.

You walk numb.
Relentless to break this hold.
You knew this would happen.

That he.
Would break the chain.
The bond.

No contact,

Time to move on...
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Into the World
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Proud, Curious.
She steps forward.
Taking in the sight of the beast.

Cautious, Senile.
She growls darkly.
Alerting it's peers.

She doth take yes,
Nay to No.

Proud, Curious.
She goes onward.
Into the world.
December 18ths around the corner.. Oh boy
Aug 2014 · 628
Forest of Thieves
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
The trees were bleating,
Sweet Sweet Sorrow.

Along the brick road of Gold,
Red, and green.

Follow the yellow brick road,
Into the forest.
Of thieves.
Aug 2014 · 635
Life tends to be Ignored
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
When life is real,
It smacks you in the face.

If you don't acknowledge decree,
It will drag you down.
Into an abyss of confusion.

One thing is for certain,
Get it straight.
Or keep getting destroyed,
By it's violent truth.
Alot on my mind right now
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
What it Seems
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
As days blur,
I see the pattern...
Grazing, sealing, purifying.
All that is hideous.
To make it seem beautiful.

I hide,
Behind a mask,
A shell..
A force field.

What seems beautiful,
Isn't true for the beast.

The Beast,
That is hideous.
When she's angry.

So as the pattern lays flat,
These days turn into weeks,
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn to years..

Not a lifeline goes by,
When a monster is involved.

And when it's involved,
It seems the sands of time,
Are frozen still.
Even in the wasteland,
Of Hell..
Just a thought that crossed my mind
Aug 2014 · 433
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Goddess of Hell,
Mother of an Elf.
She is the Red Wing.

She is...
Aug 2014 · 711
Elisiphs Heart
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Within the shadows,
A son of Cichol stands.
Looking down over Iria.

He sees his lady fair,
With the blood of the Elves..
With his eyes upon his prize.

He is Shocker,
Son of Cichol.

His heart is set,
Now he makes his move...
Mabinogi poem
Jul 2014 · 640
That news is grave Indeed
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
The news.
How grave it is to hear,
That a deadly cancer.
May be here..

My grandmother,
You must be brave..
Your the last grandparent I have..

Of course you won't tell me,
I already know.
Just I won't say anything..
Not even a word.

My heart is breaking,
If you die I swear..
It will release that being..
The one who wishes not to be here.
I'm upset, this is not going to bode well...Too many deaths for me to withstand, I hope she will be alright.. Please concider her in your thoughts and hope for the best..
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Pain that Never Leaves
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
My pain irks me,
Sends me flying into my bed.
Under the cover of darkness.

As I cry myself awake,
Unable to sleep.
I ask myself..

Why am I such a ***** up?
Why do I make mistakes,
Knowing my parents will be angry?

My tears intensify,
My claws take my skin,
Leaving ****** marks...

I scream in my head,
Rocking to the beat of my music,
That sings in my ear bud.

Rascal Flatts.

I cannot find peace..
All I feel is that pain.
That has ****** me over for,
Five years.

I'm only a teenager,
I only can take so much.
Until Its over.

I've already tried once...
What makes you think I'll try again?

What makes you so ******?
Taking it out on me,
Because I don't listen?

Why can't you and my step mom,
Just realize..
That I'm only Seventeen..

And so it says,
My title will always stay.
Lone wolf forever..

I cant be perfect,
It's just not my style.

My life is so different,
I cry even harder.

Promises broken.
Two faced liars..

Why aren't you here?
I need you..
And I need you now..

As my pain intensifies,
All I see is the cascading shadows.
Watching my every move...

My music doesn't help anymore..
Really ****** day and my parents don't realize that I'm trying to be an adult.. Not a teenager.. I make split second decisions for my well being. Not their own.
Jul 2014 · 615
Reasons for Myself
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
The reason why I stand,
Is to fight your laws.

The Reason Why I breathe,
Is to destroy you.

The reason why I *Live
Destiny has chosen me.
To stand within the shadows,
To fight with destiny.

My life is different,
There are morals,
Laws and Rules,
That must be Followed.

I'm alive.
**For a Reason.
The reasons why an Assassin or average person lives for justice.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Archaic Destinys
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Thy heavenly sound,
Hath unleashed fury.
Upon mankind,
For all eternity.

Thy guidance,
Into a realm of lore,
Hath cometh to destroy,
Your true words.

Wilst thou remain?
In thy Reqiuem of hell..

Fall mortal,
*Thy serpentine awaits thee.
Jul 2014 · 233
The Changed
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
My world has changed.
It isn't like a childhood dream.
^No more fun, or games.

My heart..
Has become distraught..
it longs for one thing.

can be such a *****.
Why does this world,

**When you least expect it?
Jul 2014 · 3.7k
To breathe or Not to Breathe
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
When I was young,
I would stand by the lake.
Watching the cascading ripples,
Of Aqua Marine.

They would show me memories,

I would breathe,
Not choking on stale air.
Not suffocating,
On the reality of life.

I felt free.
As the wolf inside of me.

Sometimes though,
You have to return.
To keep making a living,
To survive this world.

There is more than meets..
The eye.
Jul 2014 · 277
Distant, Nothing to Slept
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Distant Days,*
Close nights.

All time that I had wished,
I hadn't slept alone..

Without you here,
Sleep means nothing...
The title I did that on purpose...
Jul 2014 · 5.0k
Iria Of Raven Rock
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
My family is dead,
I am the first Dunmer to return.

My Crimson eyes tell stories,
Of my emotions,
My dreams.

I am Iria,
Daughter to the House of Telvani.

My home is now Ash,
And deserted.
The Red mountains destruction,
Left only coals to burn.

As I journey,
To the Frozen lands.
I wonder what's in store,
When I arrive in Skyrim...
Jul 2014 · 5.2k
Dark Elf of Raven Rock
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Through the land,
I know every sound.
That caresses my pointed ears.
Vibrating to the very core of my brain
Seeping through it's cracks...

I walk this land,
Astride my horse.
Wandering as a nomad,
^No place to call home..

I was born in Raven Rock,
A Dunmer or dark elf..
as some would say.

I am known as a Gray-skin,
To Skyrim..

So I keep astride,
Finding any camp to sleep.
Though I have to **** for rest.

I am destined to return,
To ash Island of Solsteim.
To defeat Miraak..
And Yes,
I am Dragonborn.
Will be creating Iria for her journey across Skyrims landscape!
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
The Dragons
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
In the eyes of mortals,
They are monsters.
Of vibrating destruction.

In the eyes of a Rider,
They are worshipped and strong.
They seek companionship,
A guardian for life.

These creatures fly high,
Over the mountainous peaks,
Through the Evergloom valleys.
Down the rising sea.

They pride their right as Dov.
Rightful to their kin.

They are...
The Dragons.

They are not monsters.
Who create destruction.

They are not viscious,
When it comes to Royals.

These Dragons are so misunderstood.
Cant they live among us,
For the good?

Their sleek scales,
Massive wings,
Ivory claws and spikes.
Two lungs create,
Fire and Ice.

These dragons,
They are breath-taking.
Almost Immortal,
They will outlive a human being.

Don't take them as Deceitful.
They wish not to destroy.
They are guardians of this world.

Our Dragons,
Are definitely.
A riders Bestfriend.
Jul 2014 · 806
Stubborn People
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
The dream,
A ruse.
The world,

Why is it always the sun,
That dries their thick skulls?

Those stubborn people,
Who know not when to.
*Shut the hell up?
Jul 2014 · 686
Last Feather
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
When the last feather fell,
From her tattered wings..
She realized this..

The world will cause her wings to fail her...
The last breath drawn will be hers..

Fallen beauty,
Why so alone?

Did the dear world,
**** every ounce of love.
Did your heart die..
Only to be black forever..

The last feather has fallen,
Her title..
Revenge has struck,
This Fallen Angel..
Jul 2014 · 510
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Today is a day of darkness...
Many do not see,
The tears that fall.
They feel pain and agony,
When death hath cursed thee.
My family dies one by one,
Where they go to the gates,
Of Heaven or Hell,
Do they make haste.
I fear the time of pain,
Has returned with reign.
For another one is on the way.
Their death will be celebrated,
For they hurt no more.
They dance, sing.
Within the storm.
February twenty-third,
Rest in the peace.
Grandmother the third.
I hope you are joyous,
Behind the gates of light.
You will return one day,
To take another way.
For I fear she is next.
My Aunt, Your friend.
She will have rest,
No more pain, no sorrow.
Just pure happiness,
When she takes her last breath,
Leaving us behind in nest.
She will return after you,
To take another kin,
One day after her death.
It shalt sting.
Requiescat en Pace...
Jul 2014 · 504
The Meaning of What I Am
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
My mind is racing, the finish line is just a little farther. My heart stretches but can't reach. It can't reach the goal I've strived to accomplish. For it only shadows and scars those who love. Theres fear in my head, theres pain in my ashure eyes. This strange feeling scares me. It scars a heart that has been through hells unremorse. No hand nor heart could heal its wounds, only true hearts can heal the broken. A dark heart only fails to realize the reality behind its darkness and hate. Beyond the crowd, is where the creed resides. The true Kings and Queens of the Heart. My heart is in an inbalance with its soul that keeps it beating. With one knife ******, it could end. With one bullet, it could be no more. The true heart must reside, and survive the greatest feat its ever known. Strange lives are lived today, but only the shadow of that demon remains. Within its snare is a lonely soul, with no love that remains.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Ethereals Message
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Decisions come from the turmoil of the mind. As it questions your character and self-righteousness. Choice, is the will to give your action an ending. Two kinds of consequences hover in the place of THAT choice. The Righteous consequence and the justified consequence. 
 The wise bring the righteous to the poor, they walk as lions, but herd as shepards to their sheep. Despite the unveiling indications of destruction, the time of glory will come to pass as the king.
 Our lives are not simple, we have destinys that were never heard of and rules that werent really applied. We are indeed mortal, but it does not make a fool out of the insane. A jester may jest to please his mistress, and fight a boar to please his lord, but his choice of action still stands and a question remains... Why?
 There is a simple resolution to the cause and effect. You gain important friendships to nobles and royalty, you get a whole new world of opportunities to boot. Decision... Comes from both the mind and the heart, you must choose who to follow at that time of strife.
 Young one.. My daughter. Disperse from the pride and wealth of people. Escape your past and seek true fortune from within your soul. The time of war for our kind has just begun! Mount your righteous dragon Jerusalem, he will serve you until death. Soar into battle! Now, in the heat of the moment. The battle of Rider versus kingdom commences. Seek out the Menoaya tree, uncover the truth and find victory. You are destined for greatness my dark one... Choose your path, I will love you always.. Goodbye, Kekay.
Thank you.. Sugactuahna..
Jul 2014 · 285
Once upon a Memory
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Once upon a memory,
I had a heart, a life.
I was friendly with everyone,
Even my loves.

My voice sound,
My energy of life secure.
It all seemed good,
Until I was a teenager.

Now all is different,
Everythings so cruel.
I hate people.

I have dangers that I fight,
And I will **** to survive.
Once upon a memory,
There was no worry.

Now everywhere I turn,
It's all hatred.

Once upon a memory,
All was good..
Truth Divine...
Jul 2014 · 644
Limits to Succumb to
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Love so pure,
Your wolf like eyes..
I succumb to your touch,
Behind closed doors.

I wish we could push,
Ourselves to the limit.
But fear overwhelms me,
When your close to me.

I wish love wasn't so fearsome,
As many others would claim..
Seduction however,
Is true to this day.

I wish to succumb,
To this excitement..
But when?
Feelings that change with the wind, are different with laws of consent.. Not today has it happened.. When will this happen? I'll never know..
Jul 2014 · 3.0k
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
His personality,
Geeky yet refined.
His knowledge incredible,
Even his love.

When you meet a guy,
Your heart screams try.
Mine did..
Jul 2014 · 292
Vampire Stands Alone
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
I stand alone,
Between the shadows.
The crowds.

It is a dreary life,
When blood is not involved..
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Life is Fading-Valkyrie
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
Life is fading.
It streams through a sovereign breeze.
Bringing chaos above peace.

It fades,
When you stop believing.

Believe in life?
Probably not the best bet,
For a Valkyrie with child.
^No idea what's next..

Their coming for her,
The guardian of us all.
She doesn't believe in life.

It has faded from her heart.
She gave it her all.
Time to end it.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
Everythings Spinning
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
The world blurs,
As the storm clouds my vision.
I struggle to stand straight,
I cant stand at all...

My breathing is shallowed,
My head is seeing double..
What is this?
Why am I weak?

Stand... Straight..
I cant see...
This world is spinning,
All around me..  

True poem....
Jun 2014 · 865
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
The sensations can be unbearable,
When you are so far away..
I reach out to grasp your hand,
Nothing to save..

How I long to hold your hand,
To kiss your lips.
To be mated forever,
Under one final push..

My dear,
Its unbearable to wait,
But I will prevail..
Waiting for that day,
To meet face to face..
Something struck my heart and made me teary eyed..
Jun 2014 · 614
Plane, Airport race
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
The sky becomes ground,
The bird takes off.
Leaving town.

Everythings so small,
20,000 feet away.
As we fly over to Minnesota,
The home of states.

Now as we run,
Through concourse F to C.
Our legs are burning.
30 min to leave..

What a trip...
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
Trust is the will of many,
Betrayal runs through the blood of all.
Where doth one heart lie?

Whereth it not lie at all..

Beyond the golden grains,
Of any time it bestows.

You must earn your way,
To trust your own soul..
This is a serious subject i wish many people would not take so lightly..
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
The Cough
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
Heave your chest out,
Lock your ribcage.
Feel the burning in your throat.

Cough out your heart.
Dark Jewel May 2014
Beyond the grey water,
A light sustains its glow.
Radiating over the rippling water.

The waves,
Las Olas..
They are beautiful,
Under the blue moon.

The blue moon is known as Aurora,
"Goddess of the smiles"
She prolongs the life of the light.

Blinking over the binding waves,
Caressing your hand as we float astray.

Aurora guides our path,
To the island of paradise.
The island with the light..
The brighter it gets,
The closer I become.
To finding You.
My love..
Beyond our path is our future, With a mate for eternity's sake. Look to the moon Aurora, She guides our eyes. And will not let us go astray.. Las Olas means.. The Waves in Spanish. <3
May 2014 · 435
Vox Populi
Dark Jewel May 2014
To all who stand,
On the western shores.
Vox Populi.
Time for war.

To the Dov,
Who fly higher than any other soul.
Side with us,
Control the raging war.

Behold your life.
Your soul has become Rider,
Of your dragon Vrael.*

Vox Populi,
May 2014 · 1.0k
Generous Heart, Fear of Love
Dark Jewel May 2014
Words cannot express,
The pain I feel.
When my sword is my shield.

Expressions cannot even define,
Your generosity to love me.
Divine wisdom comes,
When two hearts meet.

In due time,
You will understand.
Why I am afraid...

To open my heart again,
Would be a victory day..
May 2014 · 622
Dark Jewel May 2014
Words cannot express,
How much I love you.

Tis True.
May 2014 · 2.1k
Living in a Shadow
Dark Jewel May 2014
Disguised as a shadow,
Creeping among the pools of people.
I watch carefully.
Reading every movement.

My eyes glitter in the light,
It blinds me.
I blink once, twice.
I now can see.

Living in the shadows,
You see everyone change.
Around you they age,
And become wise.

No one senses what you feel,
You fake a smile to appease them at will.
They dont know my pain.

Now as I walk,
Within the pool of people.
A riot has started.
Between them,
And my people.

Dont test the shadows...

It may be your demise.
Walk  within the shadows..
May 2014 · 4.0k
Dark Jewel May 2014
The pain intensifies.
Aching, searing pain.
That covers like a burning ember.
It skins the heart.

Tearing it apart,
Into a billion pieces.
This pain.
Is a heartbreaker.

You left me...
Behind the walls,
Of Hell.
May 2014 · 5.3k
Dark Jewel May 2014
Angelic Beauty,
Sturdy and wise.
She gazes from above,
Into the darkest disguise.

Valkyrie is thee,
Sudden and strange.
Difference is an understatement,
Where royalty reigns.

Beside a Valkyrie,
A scaled beast resides.
Ready to fight,
And to die.

Alongside all Valkyries,
The dragons stand proud,
In armor of white.
They will fight.

The Valkyries,
Angelic and dark.
They will fight,
To save you from the dark..
May all who read know the life told here. Valkyries will save anyone, just know their name.
May 2014 · 12.6k
Trance of a Deer
Dark Jewel May 2014
The trance of a deer,
Will only change if you move.

Bounding delighted,
The chase will move.
Into the meadows,
Of forgotten.
May 2014 · 2.7k
A Message From Grandma
Dark Jewel May 2014

I can not be there with you now,
But you'll always feel me near, my dear.
Look deep into your heart and soul.
Let the love around you forever grow.
Turning sixteen is such a big milestone,
Always know you're never alone.

Grandma Kirby

Thank you..
My sweet one..
I will always remember you,
Grandma.. I miss you so much, it makes me tear up just to type this poem.. Thank you for being there for me to the end.. I am sorry I could not say goodbye on your final day.. Requiescat en Pace my dear, sweet, grandma..
May 2014 · 1.5k
Fiery Hell Raised
Dark Jewel May 2014
Able bodies,
Warm and afraid are we.

To see the fire engulf,
The home of two or three.

Transcend into panic,
Run like a lunatic.

Exeunt from thy flames,
Hell has been raised.

What Idiot starts a fire?
On a warm and sunny day?
May 2014 · 1.0k
Perspective View
Dark Jewel May 2014
Defined by the way you look at things.

What your views are,
Are very different,
Or Similar to mine.

Perceive well.
For your opinions are acknowledged freely.
But that does not mean,
That WE Agree.

What we see,
What we experience.
Is quite different from your nationality.

We do not fear this world,
Just fear what lies ahead for all.
What I see is very different from people. Use your eyes to see into the souls of others...
May 2014 · 3.5k
Visible Perception
Dark Jewel May 2014
Eyes dance across ,
The wondering images alive.
Visible to those,
With a perceptive eye.

Focusing on whats in sight,
Figuring out the reaction.

We are visible to those,
With the eyes to see.

We stand in plain sight,
But are ignored by the tyrants.
The ghouls, The thieves.

Perception is everything,
When it comes to seeing whats in front of you.

With eyes to see,
You are visible.

As a canvas of vivid colours.

As a storm dancing in.

As a house burning with fire.

As a mustang and his kin.

We are Visible,
We are the perception.
That you see.
We are visible to those around us, And we blend with the crowd. Visible perception is everything. When it comes to those around.
May 2014 · 722
Dear Heart
Dark Jewel May 2014
Dear Heart,

You beat gracefully.
Your gracious pound,
Transferring life to another.

What heart doesnt love?
Was it the sweets that spoke,
Or was it his velvet voice.
That made you jump?

Dear Heart,
I love him.
More than ever.
Do you too love thee?
May 2014 · 352
First and Last
Dark Jewel May 2014
May the trumpet sound,
When you breathe at last.
Astonishment first.
Tears, last.
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