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J Rodriguez Jul 2017
Your enemy is right beside you!
J Rodriguez Nov 2018
gave you all the love i had in me did my best at all times nobody is perfect but as soon as i did one little thing wrong i was the bad guy but when you hide your kids from a relationship i see you as a different person what did i do to ever deserve this pain you have a whole family and now i have to carry with this pain but at the same time i feel so stupid i knew something wasn't right in this relationship but i stayed through it because i loved you but i cant continue to hurt my self over people I've been nice for to long time to change the papers for once.some times god bring people into your life to make you learn a lesson and mines is for not to trust or give my all to someone ima always keep my distance past years ive wasted on a person that was never their for me judges me for anything the toxic person will always blame you and will try to manipulate you in all types of ways .
J Rodriguez Feb 2019
I’m slowly but surely learning to love my self .
J Rodriguez Aug 2019
I remember when I would look for healing on those who broke me
J Rodriguez Jul 2017
ive been through alot but dont show it ,i remember struggling to hide my tears. i remember being in class trying to focused..
J Rodriguez Apr 2018
No matter how busy I was !
I always had the time to text you!
No matter who I was with I gave you attention!
You can give the simplest things to mean so much ! But I don’t even cross your mind ! Morning texts never counted once middle of the day hey what’s up hello ! Where have you been always an excuse! Why you didn’t pick up the phone sorry didn’t realized it was ringing! Now I come around accusing of cheating ! Flip it back around I’m stressed and I’m tearing ! I love you but I’m leaving !
J Rodriguez Dec 2019
I knew I grew up when I sat right next to my enemy and had no reaction!
J Rodriguez Feb 2017
Unexpected news can have your nose running.
J Rodriguez Dec 2017
Im better of alone , being with myself wont hurt me ima love my self more than ever, get to where i want to be in life,stress free no more fake love from people negative vibes to the trash it goes, closing my circle
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
You have to be your own counselor, write down how you feel when your down ... whenever I was younger I would take a note book ... wrote a lot of poems expressing how I really felt that day .. still till this day I still write poems ! Nobody else is going to understand you but yourself..
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
You can't be someone your not your unique don't let nobody tell you wise !
J Rodriguez Feb 2017
Have you ever just blinded your self , I was blinded once in love ,blinded into lies not knowing what to trust !
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
I keep quite cause I want to hide my pain , I keep it covered cause nobody ever would look at me the same , try to explain they can't relate , he or she would always play the same game ...
J Rodriguez Aug 2017
When you met a soul you've never seen , it can never compare to how good it feels , caught my self smiling for no reason , replying to kissy heart texts not knowing what can happen next . All I ever asked for was a better men than my ex which I will never have to wait for a text ...
J Rodriguez Feb 2018
Sometimes I just like to chill with the lights low and  turn on some sad songs and just cry my *** off
J Rodriguez May 2019
April 17 2019
It took me 4 years to get over this relationship to realize how blind i was the whole time he didnt love me all he would do it disrespect me i learned that i have to say no to what i don't like of feel comfortable with the person i was with he would always put me down i remember a cab guy told me sometimes it's not all about the money which didn't make sense to me because i'm not a gold digger but now i understand what he meant to say about that i needed to move on from this toxic relationship. I want better for my self men wise and respectful wise . i live and i learn i hope to never do this mistake again i need to stop picking the wrong guys an i would not tolerate a rude men and talks down to a women when mad i would not deal with all of that NO NO i felt humiliated with him he made me feel like **** even if he was sweet at times he would turn sour quick .f it's a turnoff for me .one time we went to the mall u know what he did he made me hold all his bags in front of people so embarrassing until i told him to hold his **** im not a slave like WOW nobody would believe me when i say i been through *******. He would always blame me call me crazy for always being right
J Rodriguez Aug 2017
Im day dreaming cause of you !
J Rodriguez Jan 2017
I start thinking hard , my throat starts turning into a knot , it's so tight I can't seem to hold it in anymore......
J Rodriguez Jul 2017
I wil no longer chase. what will not chase me. i promised my self i will never show my all cause thats when you get hurt the most.....
J Rodriguez Oct 2019
Deep down I want to start crying deep down I want to start screaming deep down .
J Rodriguez Apr 2017
Love can have you mix with emotions, one day you feel like you can't be without him the next you want to choke the living **** out of him ..then end up crying cause you feel unwanted or you feel like your not good enough for him ...
J Rodriguez Oct 2019
Believe it everything will come to the light .
J Rodriguez Apr 2017
No matter as much as I fall I will get up .
J Rodriguez Feb 2019
Once in my lifetime i wasn’t happy with my self and who I’ve became weak, sad, depressed, I felt worth less angry, and alone just because one person that I fell for made me feel so low about my self never again will I ever let some one put me down to the point where I drop my crown never again will I ever not know my worth !
J Rodriguez Feb 2019
I fight my own demons I rather deal with them my self.
J Rodriguez Dec 2017
sometimes I have to be a fool to fool the fool
Let it go with the flow at the end their the ones that are going to be hurt , since you already know the truth pretend you never seen anything  .#Fool # toFool
J Rodriguez Oct 2018
sometimes I have to be a fool to fool the fool
Let it go with the flow at the end their the ones that are going to be hurt , since you already know the truth pretend you never seen anything  .
J Rodriguez Apr 2017
A lot of people are so quick to criticize other people not knowing what they go through or went through in their life . I met a women she was always grumpy . In my head I was like she's a ***** ..  so I would always be in her class room .... I'm the type that will sit their quite and analyze you I'm looking at her just by me staring at her while she wrote down my assignment I asked her if she was okay .. she look to the side and said yes me knowing she wasn't she wouldn't let me see her eye to eye I noticed she had a patch on her face of make up not blend to well I noticed it was a bruise.. when class ended I waited to be the last one out of the students went up to her and told her that is not to late to get away from the toxic relationship ,she didn't know what to say she couldn't speak her voice was in knot she leaned over to me I ended up hugging her she cried in my arms and she said I try my best to be perfect and im not good enough . .... it broke my heart when she said that a young beautiful women dealing with a ******* Scumbag.....
J Rodriguez Oct 2018
I just want to tell you that your so beautiful you have such a good heart your so caring I love it baby , every day you just blow my mind baby . I can’t wait to lay my tongue on that ***** baby I think about you day and night baby, I wish I was really close to you right now baby I wouldn’t even mind smelling your breath in the morning baby, I’m so goofy I can’t help it baby I want my arms around you baby I’m never leaving you baby ,your all mines baby and when you wake up baby just know you already on my mind baby , I want to be your ride or die baby like the one you never had baby just know you shine more than a diamond baby , I don’t even try to rhyme baby it just comes out of me baby I can’t wait to make you mines baby ! i usually don’t do this baby but you got me baby .
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
Fall so hard you can't get up
Try so hard not good enough
Laugh so hard can't hide enough
Think so hard you think your done ..
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
Be smart about it think what you really good at and make something out of it ... a lot of people want to see you fail in life them that u can make nothing out of something be creative with these haters because haters will always be found  hating on me or hating on you ...
J Rodriguez Jul 2017
Dont be afraid to tell someone how you feel weather they like it or not ....
J Rodriguez May 2018
I feel alone
I feel like I’m always their for everyone
I feel like I listen to everyone
I feel like I help so much and get so little
I feel like I need someone
I feel like I’m not good enough but I do the most
I feel like I’m not loved
I feel like every time I put my all into something always end up betrayed
I feel like I have nobody but my self
I feel like I need a hey how are you doing text
I feel like I’m the only one chasing
I feel like I’m not wanted
I feel like crying sometimes
I feel like I deserve to be happy for once
I feel like I’m in a dark space and I need to see some light !
J Rodriguez Oct 2018
Arguments never seem to stop the past always seem to come up , leaving cant find a way the next day a good day the following allowing your whole day ruined.
J Rodriguez Jun 2018
I fall apart when I take a couple sips can’t help to think how hurt I feel take one more to see if I can go into this different world of no feelings try to forget where I’m at the moment and just float away .Take a sip of *** cause I don’t like anything clear. Take another sip you can’t get near, thoughts running through my brain can’t control it but to fear always open up and break into tears
J Rodriguez Feb 2020
We go through so many ****** up situations with nobody to talk to for thinking that the next person will judge you for all the mistakes you have done and continue with dealing with thinking that the days will go by faster and faster waking up and it’s a disaster.
J Rodriguez Feb 2017
Care to much it hurts ,can't seem to notice it's killing you inside but you try to ignore It, wake up in the middle of the night can't stop wondering if she ever felt so awful,to do nothing but to explode.
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
I can love you so deep that nothing else would matter to me , but let's get one thing clear if you back stab me I can also drown you so deep so you can see how far you can swim ..
J Rodriguez Jul 2017
ive lost my self trying my best to ******* the best lost my self trying to please you in so many ways ,i lost my self loving you so deep i cant seem to find my self with no one else, also lost my self loving such a ungrateful person .....
J Rodriguez Oct 2019
I had a lot of anger because of unanswered questions
J Rodriguez May 2019
I've opened up to the wrong people in my life now i'm completely shut down when it comes to the past ,present ,and future i move quietly azabache always with me to much evilness.
J Rodriguez Aug 2018
Games games play play poke poke my heart one more time so I could bleed more !
J Rodriguez Aug 2018
Just watch how the person that means the most to you express he’s words listen to every single word even when he’s mad .that’s when it matters the most the truth comes out just observe he’s moves look at his eyes to see how quick he switches up on you those evil dark pupils of his transforming into this person you never seen before attitude on 100 now . Loud voice trying to make u feel less you always blame your self for everything even when u didn’t do anything trying to figure out why me ?
J Rodriguez Mar 2017
I never been ungrateful I always said please and thank you
J Rodriguez Jan 2018
Happy New Years !
New Year letting go off all the negativity welcoming positivity...........
J Rodriguez Nov 2018
Have you ever just sat down and said wow I was just about to open up to this person WOW!
J Rodriguez Oct 2018
I’ve finally let my self go.
I’m free as a bird no attachments.
I’m better than ever never on a rainy weather.
I’m better not bitter sometimes sour you’ll always remember when to be sweet ! It’s now or never better than forever !
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