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Jul 2017 · 470
How Do I Explain
Tay Jul 2017
How Do I begin To explain
What happens to me when I write poetry
I'm on a merry go round
And I can see my thoughts unravel as we go faster and faster
See all my past events
How Do I begin to Explain

To People
That Poetry is a part of me
They Roll Their Eyes
Yea right they would say
That inside poetry is what softens me

How do I begin to explain
That On The Merry Go Round
How I think

How I breathe
How Do I Begin To Explain To Others
That I'm
This is my favorite poem I wrote please enjoy this!
Jul 2017 · 451
Tay Jul 2017
All colors coming together
Mixing and matching
That form one
A masterpiece has been formed
And it is formed again and again
For the whole world to see
Its so beautiful the sunset is so calming and it can be wild But I love it.
Tay Jul 2017
Some are born to their natural mothers
But oh not me
Some are adopted that is me
But the hardest thing is
When your birthmother gets married
And is ready to have a child
Thus want more to say when she has a child is force a smile
And say congrats what do you say
You keep that child but yet not me
You were young and foolish and
You went
Too far
But now suddenly reality turns harsh and the whole thing goes too far
That's the thing they will be my half sibling
Which is
Quite hard for
Whenever I visit them or see them after they are born
I will be reminded
That they were lucky keeping their mom
While my half sibling is smiling I will be crying
For in Grief And realization hits me
Now she's ready to have a child
She actually keeps
Every time I will see that new baby
It is like a knife embedded in me
Unlike me
Who was adopted
Treasure It
Sometimes I am proud of being adopted sometimes I want to curl up in a ball and cry
Jul 2017 · 345
Walking Away
Tay Jul 2017
Walking Away
From what matters most
Blending in like others
Walking away and being like others
Walking away
and be like most
Walking away alone
I have done this too many times to count
Jul 2017 · 375
We belong to be treasured
Tay Jul 2017
We are a princess inside and out
Drawn to perfection
No matter what we cannot be stained
For we are a special
And belong where everyone can see us
We are beautiful everyone is
Tay Jul 2017
I'm running out of reasons of life
Even though it's just the beginning
Should I give it a chance
Even though I know it's the end
Should we give a chance knowing
That either way we are
Just Starting
Just Ending
I wrote this poem and just got around the publishing it
Jul 2017 · 2.8k
Free like a bird
Tay Jul 2017
Free like a bird
Surfing the air
My feathers fluttering in the breeze
I'm free from my cage
I'm a free bird
See that tree there thus I can go there
See that flower there I can fly there

My chain is broken
I am a free man
No one owns me no more
I do what I please
I don't please no man expect myself
I am free
I have freedom
And no one can stop me

See that bird over there flying to that tree
and flower
I can pick it up if I please
My time is golden
I will enjoy it day by day
I'm a free man
Sometimes you have to fight for the thing you want the most
Jul 2017 · 284
Tay Jul 2017
My work of art
How I have labored over it
Sculpting and shaping
Painting by the sweat of my brow
Thus not giving up
For at the end of each tunnel is light
But for you to pass through the tunnel
But Thither is not that far

Hence it is only a arm's length away
Creativity is what powers making art
Out of the dark and into the light
But some get stuck in the dark
And become wanderers endlessy

Trying to get out and having to avoid the truth
Thy is stuck
And feverishly trying to get out
But after trial and failure
We can find the way into the light

......Maybe being in the tunnel is part of what kind of inspires us
And The darkness is what leads us to the light
Rights Reserved Taylor Riley
Dark is what sometimes shows us the light
Jul 2017 · 205
Tay Jul 2017
Endless days written on paper
Days spent writing hunched over a diary
MY diary
Jul 2017 · 277
Tay Jul 2017
Is like a vacation
You forget the past
the present
what is yet to come
and it is made up
but reality
when you
I feel like this is true for everyone at some point in time in life.
Jul 2017 · 503
To My Birth-Dad
Tay Jul 2017
Do you hate me for life?
Do you hate me because I am yours
Or because you don't even know I am your daughter
You hate me because I reflect you
But that's ok No its not actually
That just me telling myself It's okay
When I breakdown in the shower
Is that define okay?
Me wondering about you
Spending a day just wondering
Is that define okay?
I'm not as perfect as I appear
That's just my armor
It's what I built to protect myself
From people's words and love and hate
Is that define okay?
For me It is
My appearance is diverting you from me
My appearance isn't even really me
It's who I made
To appear okay
I guess I am not okay?
Are you okay?
Creative writing
Jul 2017 · 542
Im never alone
Tay Jul 2017
Your always there
Crying your there
Reaching out for me
I am your child
You protect me when I'm scared
You send angels to watch over me
You saved me from being run over by a car
You are the reason I'm living
The reason I cry in joy
In bitterness you forgive me
In regret you comfort me
You forgive me
You won't give up on me
If everyone else does
You never will
You are mine
I am yours
I glorify you
You protect and teach me
I glow by faith
By faith I am living
You love me
When Boys give up on me
You are still there you won't leave me
I am yours
Every sunrise your always there for me
After hardships I wake up and your there for me
You always were there your waiting
One day I'll be with you
In Heaven
You will never leave me
Eternity your compassion spills over for me
You protect me
Because I am a child of God
Religon is something but faith is everything to me. God never gives up on me he never will.
Jul 2017 · 367
I am singing to him
Tay Jul 2017
Singing is flowing
Musically lifting my voice to God
I praise God lifting my hands to the sky
Glorifying him is the best gift out there
You won't understand this feeling unless you've been there or do this Its so unique but so uplifting its pure joy to me theres no other way to describe it is just pure happiness and gratitude
I feel closer to God every time I sing
It's like a gift to him
Praise God in every name and every language
I will always be faithful
I can do anything though him
And right now I'm doing everything
This is Joy
This is something personal and something I cherish
Jun 2017 · 256
We were fine
Tay Jun 2017
Trust is empty promises
Discarded truths
Withheld information
Thrown aside carelessly
Stepped upon up and down
Something people cower from
Something I am afraid of
Something I edge away from
Something People Don't understand
Take for Granted
Something that once promised
To me and is not held
Trust is something that
Makes me sob
Just from
Memories You promised me together forever
Holding hands for eternity
You had everything planned out
We were happy
We  were perfect
Trust was perfect

But you decided this wasn't enough
You decided you were tired of this
That you don't care about promises
That haven't been filled
You decided death seemed appetizing
You thought it was better
But it wasn't you were stupid
Something we take for Granted
Tay Jun 2017
I can't be something I'm not
Ive ben morphed by society to what is considered "acceptable" Its suffocating what happened to being original
To stand out in todays society is looked down upon
If everyone is wearing a new type of shoes and your the only  one without them you will get judged
What is society's gain these days?
We are jealous and self-confident that we are perfect
But what I  love
Is someone who's different
Whos not afraid
To be themselves
Brainstorming and i CAME UP with this
Jun 2017 · 252
Dear Mom and Dad
Tay Jun 2017
I love you guys so much
Thank you,yo always support me in everything I Do
And love me no matter
Just thank you for everything you've done for me so far
Love you guys so much!
To meh Mum and Dad
Jun 2017 · 276
Growing Up
Tay Jun 2017
When I was 5 all I cared about was building the next lego tower or getting in trouble for not sharing something
The older I got age 7 was tomboy when I just wanted to climb trees I didn't care about makeup I just loved the earth and dirt was under my fingernails for playing in the yard
And making up games to play with the neighborhood kids
Age 9 I became aware a little more about my surroundings but I loved my barbies and dolls and dressing them up
Dancing around the house like there is no tomorrow
trying to be serious and falling and burst out laughing
Not getting what death means that someone is truly gone and not coming back I figured that out later in life once gone it doesn't come back for you
Age 10 I became a huge bookworm always head in the books instead of the clouds
I never worried about judgement I was care free and troublesome creature ...
Age 11 I realized makeup and wanted it
I started to wake up from my dream To the real world and what its like I got interested in clothes and shoes and fashion and loved it
Age twelve I got obsessed with makeup ,clothes,fashion,shoes "what all the girls at my school were wearing' and I "had to have it" I got caught up in the cloud of drama...and having a middle school life
Thirteen Im obsessed with modeling and dieting even though
I'm skinny I find out about my friend trying to commit suicide
Im stung by how the real world is...
Nothing like how I imagine my world as a 8 year old in a safe little bubble
How I wish i could go back and appreciate my childhood
This is so true!
Jun 2017 · 370
Tay Jun 2017
Full of promises
Breathing In
Anxious for something new
To meet someone new
Bored sometimes
Twiddling your thumbs
Summer is long
Running and shouting in glee
Summer full of lots of promises
Empty promises yet to be filled
Wishing for tomorrow today
Never wanting the fun to end
Dancing together
Everything else blurs
Blurred Lines except us
Summer is full of promises
Promises kept
Surprises made
Happiness and Memories
Forever Remembered and Cherished
Summer full of fulfilled promises
For summer to come again
And bring
once more
Empty Promises
Ready to be Fulfilled
Excited summer has started!!! Need to write something to make it official. :)
May 2017 · 433
Tay May 2017
Reasons are why people leave each other
Reasons are why people die
Reasons are why people are left behind
Reasons are why people fail in life
Reasons are why people fail tests
Can't go to college
Their boyfriend dumps them
THEY feel like life doesn't care
Reasons are why their friends don't care
Reasons they feel hopeless
There is always reasons behind everything
Reasons for life reasons for death
Reasons for Hobbies
Just like the Reason I'm writing this
Is to try to make a
difference in the world
Hope this helps ya'll! :)
May 2017 · 1.0k
Reasons to live none
Tay May 2017
Is life worth even living what are any reasons
Thinking about this
Apr 2017 · 560
Tay Apr 2017
Are where I roam
Streets are where people disappear
Streets bathed in dark people never return
Streets are where arrests occur and crimes
Streets are where some people lurk
Streets are where I belong
;-) Enjoy!
Apr 2017 · 255
Tay Apr 2017
Waiting for the time of my life
My life
My life
My life
Has never come
It was ended in
In the cruelest way
My life
My life
Has just begun
My life
Is just ending
My life
Is starting over
My life is life and death
My life is black and white
****** is never ok :-(
Apr 2017 · 394
Tay Apr 2017
Fire burns through things destroying anything in the way and everything it touches fire is untamed its wild it's free
Fire has more freedom then we do
Fire can fan itself out we can't
Fire is untamed there is no rules
We have rules
Fire has utter freedom
We have controlled freedom
Fire destroys everything
We are regulated by a government
Fire can be for the good or for the bad
We even turn aganist ourselves
Fire may have freedom
But we *cannot be controlled
I feel like sometimes things can have such as some things and people know no boundarys  if that isn't weird.
Apr 2017 · 317
Tay Apr 2017
Going somewhere I want to leave
Gone gone gone
I'm going places unknown to man
Not seen by the naked eye I'm going to see World mysteries I'm
Going to see phenomens small and big
I'm going to see something even better
I'm going home and
Seeing my family
Family is always more important! :-)
Apr 2017 · 254
Tay Apr 2017
Go go
Before there isn't any time
Left go accelerate
Don't stop
Have to stop
Before we
Apr 2017 · 450
Tay Apr 2017
Online talking is all games
Till you start texting wanting a deeper
Relationship but they don't
the closer you get the farther they push you away
The more you want to know
The more they close up
The more you talk
the more they stop texting you
The more you find out about them
The odds and
ends about them
Weird stuff that
makes you
Out loud but cover
your mouth since everyone
looks at you
The small quirks and jokes
The sly comments and serious comments
The truth and lies
This decliate web built upon trust,love and weaved with
enjoy :-)
Apr 2017 · 500
Tay Apr 2017
Darkness seeps  through the cracks
While I'm sleeping I'm inhaling it
I'm breathing it in
I fight it to come out
Hello Darkness my old friend
I haven't seen you since 2010
Ever since you stole someone I loved from
Back again so soon?
Darkness comes back in 2017 tries to steal someone but fails
Darkness you have evil but I have Light
You have hate I have love
You have abuse I have compassion
You have Demons
I have angels
We are different you fight for bad I fight for good
I have God
You Have Satan
I have friends
You have haters
We're different you may be able to seep through cracks and take someone
But I'll see them again in heaven
So my Dear Old Friend Darkness did you think you could outwit me
I'm always one step ahead of you
I'm just not going to say anything and leave it at that!
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Hello World
Tay Mar 2017
Hello World knocks on the glass
Are you there
I know your there
stares through the glass
Hello is anyone out there
looks out
Help I'm trapped in the delusion of my mind
People disappear as quickly as they appear
Things flash by
People Die
All before my eyes
Their eyes searching mine for any sign of distress
Help I'm trapped in my own world a glass ball
states out
Hello mind I know you are there
Hello World
I know your there
Your out there and I'm trapped in here
Hello World
I have no key you are the lock
You threw away the key
It's just a smooth surface now
No comfort or warmth from it
Hello World
You can't contain me
I  am free
Hello World
I found the key
You want to know what it is
It's what you will never have
It's Love
Your world is different than me
Yours is with Evil
Mine is Light
Yours is with Abuse
Mines with Compassion
Yours is Filled with Demons
Ours is filled with Angels
You report to Satan
I pray to God
Yours is ******
Ours is Justice
Yours is Painful
Ours is delightful
Yours is Lonely
And ours is Filled with love
Hello World
looks out defiantly
I'm not scared
You may have evil
But I have Light
You have demons I have God
You have Darkness I have Light
You have abuse  I have compassion
You have ****** I have justice
See now
Hello World
Are you listening
We're coming for you
World we are taking out the evil
Hello World
See I look from the inside out
But you look from the outside in
But where do you go
I can retreat you cannot
Forever time is frozen you on
That evil world
Hello World
Are you there?
Sometimes I wonder
Mar 2017 · 785
R.I.P Poetry Freak
Tay Mar 2017
I miss you I miss you
The raw emotions on there
The kind words commented
The encouragement on there
The friends I made
All lost
Swiped away
I wish you would come back
Or does please only work in real life?
Well please come back
There is a hole in my heart
I'm slowly breaking
I have to let go
Before I too get ****** away
I Miss You
I'm creating a poetry freak collection of poetry freak poems message me if you want to join or want me to add any poems! -Thanks
Mar 2017 · 929
Tay Mar 2017
Trust is when your
Trust is leaning back and letting
Trust is
Trust is Pixie
Trust is earned

Trust is me falling and you catching me

Trust is marriage

Trust is
Trust is love
Just like trustfully you trust that someone (hopefully) catches you!
Trust Is pixie Dust!
C Taylor Riley
Rights Reserved
Tay Mar 2017
When I was born you smiled so big I thought you were going to hurt your jaw
When you play football with me I know you let me win
When you go shopping with me you have no clue on how to shop for girl clothes but that's ok
You don't always understand me but that's ok
You always cook and I love that
You always support me in the sports I do
Even if I hurt myself in stupid ways playing it
If I make a bad grade your ok you help me study harder
If I fall your there to catch me
You laugh at my silly jokes
Even though they are not funny
You cry when I cry
You worry about me even when I am asleep
You always are proud of me
You tickle me till my stomach hurts from laughing
And you hold my hand when times our rough
You scare those boys away that teased me
You take me out to eat to celebrate my birthday
You always know what I want for christmas
You always forgive me if I do something wrong
You ell me I'm the most beautiful girl  in the school
When I doubt myself and try to go on diets
Even though I look fine
When I doubt myself you say you don't need makeup
Makeup is to cover up flaws and you do not have a single one
You don't always get why I'm so obsessed with makeup and shoes
You always tell me I'm perfect even if I think I'm not
You always tell me you love me
And I always will love you
Rights Reserved To Taylor Riley
my dad means the world to me so this just is a sign of how much my dad means to me I'm so lucky to have a dad like mine who is always there for me and catches me before I fall he's careful but still protective
He's loving and everything I could ask for
Dad if you see this I just want you to know that this poem cannot not even start to explain the things you do for
me  and I love you so much thank you that your always there for me
Mar 2017 · 383
What we once were
Tay Mar 2017
What we once were
Running along the beach
Hand in hand
What we once were sneaking out for a midnight kiss
What we once were secretly dating
What we once were walking hand in hand into the sunset
What we once were till you left
Mar 2017 · 394
Tay Mar 2017
Born I breathe
Living Eyes Open
Mouth wide open
Legs waving in the air
Gleam in eye
Grow Weak
Has Friends
Had Husband
Had Children
Had pets
Had a life
Threw it away
I am fragile
Grow Weak
Breaks Bones
Car accident
I can't be fixed
Dull eyes
No gleam
I'm slowly
Fading away
From Life
I'm broken
And faded
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Is anyone out there
Tay Mar 2017
I'm so cold and lonely
My strength is fading
I weakly wave no one notices
Hello mr.candy man
Am I invisible walks out of shop
I'm lonely
I am weak
I feel fragile
But my blood is rushing
I feel broken
But young inside
Hello is
Anyone out
Sometimes ...
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Tay Mar 2017
What binds us all
Is the fall the blood
The sweat the tears
The fall makes us mad
And want to get up and try again
The tears from failure make us try harder
The blood mixing with the tears and well earned sweat
The crowds cheer
I cry
Tears of victory drip down my face
I bleed it mixes with the earth and adds
To the
This is like me I have to get up after falling over hurdles bleeding and try again
Mar 2017 · 327
Tay Mar 2017
Why I wonder
Does everyone view my poems
Are they pitiful or sorrowful
Or just entertainment for them
Do they understand what I'm writing
The meaning underneath
The sign im sending
The help signal
That comes
I always wondered this
Mar 2017 · 252
Tay Mar 2017
I am broken
To be put
Mar 2017 · 421
Tay Mar 2017
Words I never mean
Slip out I never meant to
Words come out and stab others
Words that come out
Hurt the
Mar 2017 · 483
Fly Be Free
Tay Mar 2017
Fly Fly away
Be free
You are broken out of your cage
Be free little butterfly
Fly Fly Away
Quick for I might take you back
Run Run
Fly Away
I will get in trouble
But fly be free and remember me
For I can't escape this cold confined prison
Fly Little
Mar 2017 · 465
Tay Mar 2017
Fire destroys everything
Fire is also what makes a new path
By burning through old and showing you new
Fire has a reason like everything else
Fire's reason is because God told him to
Tay Mar 2017
I am making a collection called To Dad
If anyone wants to share anything they wrote feel free to post it to me
Mar 2017 · 384
Tay Mar 2017
I am on top
But I have been dropped and rebuilt
This time nothing can hold me together
We all have the fragile moments  in our life.
Tay Mar 2017
When I was born you smiled so big I thought you were going to hurt your jaw
When you play football with me I know you let me win
When you go shopping with me you have no clue on how to shop for girl clothes but that's ok
You don't always understand me but that's ok
You always cook and I love that
You always support me in the sports I do
Even if I hurt myself in stupid ways playing it
If I make a bad grade your ok you help me study harder
If I fall your there to catch me
You laugh at my silly jokes
Even though they are not funny
You cry when I cry
You worry about me even when I am asleep
You always are proud of me
You tickle me till my stomach hurts from laughing
And you hold my hand when times our rough
You scare those boys away that teased me
You take me out to eat to celebrate my birthday
You always know what I want for christmas
You always forgive me if I do something wrong
You ell me I'm the most beautiful girl  in the school
When I doubt myself and try to go on diets
Even though I look fine
When I doubt myself you say you don't need makeup
Makeup is to cover up flaws and you do not have a single one
You don't always get why I'm so obsessed with makeup and shoes
You always tell me I'm perfect even if I think I'm not
You always tell me you love me
And I always will love you
my dad means the world to me so this just is a sign of how much my dad means to me I'm so lucky to have a dad like mine who is always there for me and catches me before I fall he's careful but still protective
He's loving and everything I could ask for
Dad if you see this I just want you to know that this poem cannot not even start to explain the things you do for
me  and I love you so much thank you that your always there for me
Mar 2017 · 373
Blurred Lines
Tay Mar 2017
When someone says you look good
Their are lying
When they like your new hair color
Their lying
When they ask you out they are just using you
When they are done being friends with you they leave
And after that you sit in your bathroom makeup spread all around you from your makeup session with your "friends" you sit in the midst of it eyeliner
Dripping down your face ******* splotches of dark mascara dripping down trailing black lines down your face in noticeable lines
Lipstick smeared and eyeshadow I smeared you still think they are your friends tho sitting in the midst of this a designer pair of heels broke in half one of your
Favorite dresses with holes in it and nail polish on it
You gather it up wipe it off and square your shoulders And walk off to study
11pm they text you hey wanna do the makeup again you say sure the next time more stuff in ruins perfume bottles spilled everywhere
I try to read the fine print that  comes with these friends but it's blurred because of the pain and tears that block me
Have been made to be Fragile
#shattered #crying #sad #maleup##blurred
Mar 2017 · 273
Tay Mar 2017
Sorry I have not been in a while I'm doing a collection series/contest for spring break writing a poem every day for seven days about the things I see or natures wonders if anyone wants to join me tell me in the next day!
And I will be looking for those poems that just stand out!
Thanks for everything guys *hug*
Dec 2016 · 728
Why do we inflict pain
Tay Dec 2016
Why do we inflict pain on others
Just to do it
Just to see them cry
Why do you beat mommy up and then the next day act all sorry
Why do you keep doing it
If you are really sorry you would stop
Why do you threaten me if I try to tell someone
You said it is a game
I don't like this game daddy
Why don't you take me to ball games
And take me out for ice cream
And play games like all the other dads do?
Why do you laugh when you make me cry
Why are you never there for me
Why do you do this
Daddy this has gone on for years
Years and years enough for too many tears
5 years pass and a million tears fall
Clothes in shreds
And I have no bed
Seeing stars in my eyes
While your grinning devilishly
You raise your hand
And I can't stand
You say sorry
But sorry is not enough
I've learned to be tough
And I don't buy your crap apologies anymore
This has gone on for more than a years
12 too many years
This needs to stop
I can't escape
Why can't you stop
I'm dying can't you see
daddy Stop
Your hurting me
Daddy I'm dying
Daddy God loves you
Why don't you understand that
Daddy war has harden your heart
Daddy stop
I never go anywhere
I'm always in dingy house with badly worn furniture
Daddy where's mommy
I saw the police discovered a ****** body in the dumpster
Daddy crys stop
Daddy I hate you
Go where you belong in hell
#beating # child abuse hurting dying police mean Daddy daughter
Tay Dec 2016
The closer to christmas the more chaos
We get wrapped up in making treats and buying gifts and watching movies
We wish the days would  fly faster and get to the 25
but each day belongs to be treasured and not be rushed and thrown away
And strewn across the floor forever forgotten
And by the time you try to remember a detail of the day
It is gone in a  wise since you rushed through it not caring about the *details or the small things
Time is precious like fine china but weaves a web finer than human eye *can see
Don't let it slip through your fingers for the dice our rolled the moves are played
The people are moved coming closer to the end
*Don't rush through life in hustle and bustle for enjoying the small things *in life are truly pleasures
I realized I myself do this sometimes.
But I need to sit back and relax and enjoy life and it's pleasures.
Dec 2016 · 351
What is out there
Tay Dec 2016
There is so many people in our world
But only some stay true
And the ones that do  I thank you
Now in this world is it no full of misery
Full of pain no gain and all losses
What is the point of living in a world so dark and cold
Where there are rapes every day and mass murders every other week
I cannot stand this God please help me
Your child is in pain
And she wish's it to stop
Where Do I stand In a world full of darkness?
But I stay by God in victory
Hope was lost
But now I found it
I hope others discover this same kind of joy
#joy #God
Dec 2016 · 778
I should have looked
Tay Dec 2016
Speeding up going faster not looking *
I should have looked
I should have done so many things
I should not have died
That taxi should have stopped
I had so much of ahead of me marriage,children and life
But to that driver I was a hit and run
I wasn't done
I should have looked
But I didn't
It was my fault
I could have lived.....
I'd only I *takes last breath

(C) Rights Reserved To Taylor Riley
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Tay Nov 2016
When all hope has been given up
You sit down to cry
There is a spark left...
Some hope a tiny bit
But who would pay attention to that small bit
Because in the real world there is no second chances
You have to make them yourself
And with that,that small tiny spark got going and caught on fire
And before you know it, it became a huge bonfire
It only takes a spark
And when that spark catches on
It's like a wildfire
But if you keep it tamed then it can be used for good
If you let it run wild then that spark could bit by bit break
Down people's confidence and hope
Be the spark that grows
Don't become a careless wildfire
Kind of thought of this off the top of my head. :-)

— The End —