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144 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
Walking through
the empty halls
wishing for you
to grace me again
with your light
gentle presence

Brushing fingers
across the books
and grabbing one
an adventure novel
that you so loved
yet still left here

you are a ghost
lingering around
in my home
and my heart
leaving those sweet
memories scattered
142 · Jun 2019
Expecatations III
Kai Jun 2019
Nothing I do satisfies you
I'm not funny enough
my looks are to rough
I eat to much stuff

I know you'll say adieu
and leave for a better girl
let's face it she's a pearl
compared to this churl
I'll never meet your expectations
139 · Mar 2020
Kai Mar 2020
why worry the world
it is inevitable
we will start again
I don't know about you but I've been joking about a new plague being due for awhile now. So yeah, wish come true. Humans are messing things up anyway it's time for the apocalypse.
138 · Jun 2019
Expectations I
Kai Jun 2019
I know I'm not much
not much of anything
and I tend to cling
to you for everything

I'm kind of out of touch
and we don't always agree
with what I should be
for you to love me
Can't you lower your expectations?
137 · May 2019
Star Crossed
Kai May 2019
An angel stands before me
singing shattered twinkles
of starlight crashing
down on my retinas
Your eyes hold galaxies
never before now
has lost in your eyes
been so true
Based off the story "In Your Eyes a Galaxy".
137 · Jan 2020
Kai Jan 2020
whether I try to identify as
a girl or a boy in any way
the only thing consistent
for me to identify with
seems to be lonely
I cut my hair all off it was really fun! Also though people be thinking I'm trans, not a bad thing, but I'm not. Gender is wack and I don't care about it really.
135 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
The darkest place on earth
I'm in v shaped depressions
and the deepest trenches
like the Marina Trench

I'm so cold and heavy
almost nothing escapes me
I contain horror creatures
and strange scary features

I'm named for Hades
the truest underworld
a deeper realm of death
you never fully explored
Mysterious and deep I'm Hadalpelagic. I'm known as the Hadal zone. I'm only found in the very bottom. I'm the deepest part of the ocean with horrors unknown in my depths.
134 · Jun 2020
no context thought
Kai Jun 2020
no time for gender
when there are crimes to commit
134 · Apr 2020
Kai Apr 2020
roaming through the house
here pacing these empty rooms
restless in moonlight
133 · Sep 2019
Brown Eyed Girl
Kai Sep 2019
Her eyes were brown
not sweet like honey
or cracked with gold
with green flickers

Her eyes were holes
deep pits of darkness
That held me tight
and pulled me in

Her eyes were dark
They held secrets
from iris to pupil

Her eyes were beautiful
Don’t give me the romanticized golden or light brown, I want pools of night looking deep into my soul.
133 · Oct 2019
Witching Hour
Kai Oct 2019
will you run or hide
spirits lurk in shadows now
is it safe inside?
The greatest holiday now approaches us, are we any safer hiding away in our homes?
132 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
656 feet and 3,281 feet
I can faintly see the sun
I couldn't imagine
what you would think

I love my dear friends
they're strange and lovely
from joseph the swordfish
and mrs. and ms. wolf eel

I think you'd be interested
in my crazy silly things
I'm the "twilight zone"
I hear that mocking theme
Hey, I'm the Mesopelagic! You can call me the middle pelagic or twilight zone. I'm also known as the midwater! I love my strange creatures and choppy waves. Sunlight only glimmers faintly in my deep waves.
131 · Sep 2020
Kai Sep 2020
I painted my brothers nails black
he got tired and we took a nap
then I woke up to get a snack
there was even a little cold snap
Prompt: write about what you did today!
131 · Dec 2019
Kai Dec 2019
sometimes it’s hard
hard to breathe
my mind will seethe
with my own disregard

and a lack of empathy
for everyone and even me
because I’m a detainee
of my very own body

It’s almost midnight, that’s the worst time to be alive and alone with my thoughts.
130 · Jun 2019
Love of All Kinds
Kai Jun 2019
Love isn't a concept
strapped down to romanticism
it's like light through a prism

Reflecting itself in different ways
you can love someone platonically
or even inconsistently

Love no matter the form
however you take that to be
will always be love to me
Love is love in any shape or form we believe it is. Love your spouse, your child, your pet, and your best friend. Love isn't just some fairytale meeting. You can find love in anything.
129 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
Explored in your machines
I settle at 3,281 feet beneath
I lay just on top of the abyss
it's dark in every way here

I'm dangerous for you
May than fourteen times
the pressure you can stand
I crush people in my waters

All of my creatures are tough
tough enough to survive me
giant squids and hulking wales
I'm the biggest layer you see
I'm the Bathypelagic, just call me midnight or the dark zone. My depths reach into the dark parts of the ocean. Hardly an sunlight ever comes here. All my strange creatures are nekton like; squid, large whales, and octopuses.
125 · Dec 2019
Kai Dec 2019
lay me down to sleep
so broken battered and tired
just let me rest please
Sometimes my body won’t let me sleep. Sometimes I’m trapped in wakefulness. Sometimes you need to take a benzodiazepine.
125 · Oct 2019
screw up
Kai Oct 2019
every day
no matter what I do
I'm just a ***** up
unlike you
My poems don't seem to like to save... hopefully this one goes up since I'm not saving a draft before I post it.
125 · May 2020
Late Nights
Kai May 2020
at that first loud crash
I huddle under thin sheets
shivering and scared
Some side thoughts from my last haiku.
123 · Sep 2019
Live Again
Kai Sep 2019
crack your bones
tear your veins
and grieve now
for your past lives

breath now deeply
weep now openly
and scream out
for those with you
123 · Jul 2020
In December
Kai Jul 2020
this december I will remember
or at least we can try too
I'll try to hold on to those memories
of a year gone to hell
a year in which I held onto you
and we fell together

this december I will remember
all the harder times
in those dark moments we had
yelling at the world
late at night crying for what is wrong
knowing we were too young
121 · Apr 2020
Taste of Freedom
Kai Apr 2020
fresh like crisp bursts of fruit
it’s a popping kind of thing
that explodes in your mouth
it’s juicy sweet and succulent
you know it when you taste it
sometimes I think feelings can be best described by the taste of it
121 · Feb 2020
Drive By
Kai Feb 2020
Maybe a car will drive by
throwing out some light
onto my face in the dark
catching on my tears there
revealing my vulnerabilities

Maybe a car will drive by
then when I leave the house
they'll think of me tomorrow
as a story on the morning news
or maybe they won't remember

Maybe a car will drive by
as I walk alone in the dark
the driver won't even glance at me
the headlights flickering across
without ever noticing my figure

Maybe a car will drive by
and it will bless me tonight
it will drive along the bridge
I will look at it from the ledge
and it could hit me on accident
121 · Feb 2020
Astronomy Class
Kai Feb 2020
The weight of the heavens
set on the scales of time
reduced to facts and figures

what once was celestial majesty
has become mathematical
precision and location of the stars

The universe and it’s beauty reduced
to the base of all its atoms within
what we questioned is now quantified
Just finished my astronomy unit one test. I suppose these are my thoughts so far. It’s fascinating to think that the stars were gods and spirits to people, but now I’m calculating their distance and evaluating their chemistry.
119 · Jun 2020
The End
Kai Jun 2020
at the end of the world
the sky is dyed in grey
the ashes of us all falling
through the still air

huddled away with you
shaking but holding tight
watching as the end comes
and as the planet dies
I'm just really into writing two people at the end of the world stuff.
118 · Jun 2020
don't cry
Kai Jun 2020
don't cry darling
whip those tar tears
from your starry eyes
and breath out the smog
of all that you'll leave behind
Prompt 76. Don’t cry.
117 · Jun 2019
Expectations II
Kai Jun 2019
I can't seem to meet
all your expectations
all these sensations
and unfamiliar situations

Leave me off the beat
of how and what I should feel
I can't seem to meet your ideal
everything feels surreal
I can't meet your expectations.
115 · Oct 2019
Little Moments
Kai Oct 2019
Sometimes you have to pause
stand still in the every day
no matter how long it's been
and breath life deeply again
sight it out and observe
look at all that is wonderful
take a glance at the little things
I've been waiting to post this for awhile, I'm really glad that my computer is working properly again. Hopefully I can spew out a ton of Halloween poems soom. I love Halloween. Oh! Also, this poem is based of Moomin Valley, kind of. I love Snufkin's ideology of just taking life how it is and finding something in anything. Sorry for the long note! I'm just excited to post again.
114 · Sep 2020
morning sun
Kai Sep 2020
what is true nature if not this
the whole feeling of sunshine
as it streams onto my face
bring such warmth and joy
as I soak in its morning rays
111 · Jul 2019
Record of Thought
Kai Jul 2019
the scratch of a record player
and a burst of static fills up
every corner of the room
thoughts in my mind are static

scratchy and skipping around
always bursting in annoyingly
during the best part of the song
intrusive and impulsive ideas

there the track skips a song
needle down another groove
losing track of the beginning
my mind down the rabbit hole
108 · May 2019
Deep Breaths
Kai May 2019
Take a deep breath
they say it'll help
but I don't know how

Even if I did
how could I breathe
when I'm drowning
under the waves
107 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
Dearest sunlight shining
you peek through the waves
shining and shimmering
on my leisurely surface

I'm only the first 656 feet
the little beach you dip
your toes in to relax
where you fish and play

With coral reefs of color
and sparkling scaled fish
I caress boats across me
and flow ever so gently
Hello, my name is Epipelagic! You can call me the sunshine zone. I love tossing my calm waves at the shore line and I have tons of cool reefs and fish in me!
106 · Oct 2019
In the Wrong
Kai Oct 2019
High school is wrong
mixing and mushing
facts and figures
into students heads
till is bleed out
through their ears

High school is wrong
telling you to sit down
shut up and to behave
whenever we are wrong
we are failures to them
for simply trying our best
Part one of two high school related poems.
106 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
Never voicing that small hope
I'm always upset
I can't face my fears

They always seem to move on
All they leave me is tears
and those regrets half said
106 · Jun 2019
S(wallow) it
Kai Jun 2019
I'm swallow'in
things I'll never be
what the world wants

I'm swallow'in
their opinions of me
what society says

I'm swallow'in
all my own thoughts
to keep on breathing

I'm wallowing now
in what I could have been
You can't just keep on choking down on what everyone expects you to be or you'll never be happy in the end.
106 · Feb 2020
Plants on the Windowsill
Kai Feb 2020
life lines window sills
listener of whispered words
light lays on the leaves
When I speak in heaving sobs who listens?
100 · Jan 2020
Kai Jan 2020
hand against the glass
is it protecting me
from spilling all out
or am I a prisoner
drowning inside the bowl
99 · Feb 2020
Out of Order
Kai Feb 2020
The screen flashing red
blinking menacingly
I wait by the yellow line

the trains aren't running
but it's cold outside
and darkness is creeping

there is a man watching me
as I shuffle in fear now
his face is obscured in shadow
98 · May 2020
Star in a Box
Kai May 2020
do you see it?
shining so quietly
through the cracks
yearning to be lovely
trying hard to be light
can you see the star inside?
96 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
twenty-five words
left to tell you
that without you
I feel so broken
you are my glue
that fills the cracks
left from my past
Looking for inspiration? Check out this great list I use: This poem is prompt 15: Challenge yourself to write a poem that is no more than 25 words long.
95 · Jun 2020
hold me
Kai Jun 2020
with the falling sky
now at the end of it all
with your hand in mine
94 · Mar 2020
sound of silence
Kai Mar 2020
small crickets and wind
there're sounds in the silence
some noise never ends
94 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
The gods are dead
and their dreams
sleep within us

Breathing inspiration
into our souls
from a forgotten memory
91 · Mar 2020
Like a God
Kai Mar 2020
Like hermes on a road
dusty sandals and robes
waving hello to travelers
they make their way home

Like athena in the library
nose in a book reading aloud
young children gather round
for knowledge to share

Like poseidon by the seashore
collecting shells and bobs
waving to the waves
as they wash on shores

Like apollo riding the sky
bringing light and joy
smiling like sunshine
and warmth like a hug

Like artemis in the woods
hunting in the forest
with little girls and curls
and flowers in their hair
88 · Aug 2020
Kai Aug 2020
that romanticism it chokes you
trying to holding sweet moments
and hoping for more again
looking for some soft memories
when there were never any
drinking cocoa like it wasn't gasoline
sugar down your throat like *******

you're acting lovely and wistful
like love wasn't a gun to the head
a threat on your deathbed
let go and cut your puppet strings
even if they connect to the parachute
the keeps you from an ocean of doubt
full of salty tears to drown you
just thinking of some stuff this poem doesn't make much sense...
87 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
my heart stuttering
sitting across from you now
my hands are shaking
I have my first meeting with my new therapist on Tuesday. I've been to so many therapists at this point in my life, but no matter what I still feel awful.
86 · Mar 2020
Kai Mar 2020
Like hands around throats
ringing the breath from lungs
words will bubble and foam up
spilling from those tender lips
melting fragile hearts like acid
chains that tie feet to the ground
eroding skin into bleached bones
Prompt 28: Poison, describe something toxic and its effects on a person. I wandered a little away from the prompt, but it's still a type of toxic.
84 · Feb 2020
Life's Long Journey
Kai Feb 2020
to forever
a trek beside
a road and you
down the long road
the trail that never ends
me on foot you on horseback
our journey that curves to the future
the path of destiny stretches before us now
small distant horizon of the coming years is ahead
but the dirt beneath our feet is today as it will always be
can you see how the path cuts off in the distance will we as well
look how much is behind us now we cannot even see it can you remember
I tried to make it like a path stretching out to the distance. It's small far away but big when close. kind of like life, it's big in the moment while the future and past are just thoughts and memories that are not even there. sorry for the lack of punctuation, it ruined the text formatting of the path so I ended up removing it. I'm very sorry.
83 · Oct 2019
Time Will Tell
Kai Oct 2019
Only time will tell
how forests age
aching from the fires
and planting new seeds

Only time will tell
how the mountains
shall move and crumble
into the cities we see

Only time will tell
how the waters settle
slipping deep in streams
and wading through

Only time will tell
how we will break
away from one another
into another we know
83 · Mar 2020
Song about you
Kai Mar 2020
Like a young boy in love
I wrote a song for you
something sweet and strong
to play on my guitar
but when I finally finish
when chords and melodies
have become what they will
I try to find the lyrics
but that is there now
is an empty space for you
because while you were waiting
I tried to find a way to move you
but you were already moving on
I wrote my heart into this song
but now that you're gone
and my lyrics are left unfinished
I sit down to write them anyway
because you not wanting me
doesn't mean that I wont feel again
so for the next lonely lover
I'll sit down in this moment
finish what was meant to be your song
I'll write these lyrics through my sobs
I think I'm actually going to go write some chords for this...
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