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Sarah K May 2015
I write because my head is full of things I cannot say out loud.
I write for the way my heart bleeds when people cut into it.
I write as my heart swells with joy until I feel like the Grinch on Christmas day.
I write when I cannot think of anything but hate;
The words angrily scrawled out on paper like hot flames burning up my emotions.
I write to let everything out.
I write because writing cannot talk back;
It can't tell me I'm wrong or to change something
It is purely just me.
I write because it is the one thing that will not judge me no matter what I say.
I write because writing is all I have.
Some of the very many reasons why I write.
May 2015 · 722
Why I Write
Sarah K May 2015
I write to spill love, loss, and hate onto blank pages instead of my conscience.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
My Addiction
Sarah K Mar 2015
In the middle of the night
I am wide awake
Craving you
Wanting your love
Needing your love
I've been counting the days since you've been gone
My mind bubbling over with frantic thoughts
An itching under my skin I can't scratch
Sometimes the world seems to disappear
And I'll see you standing right in front of me
But then just as fast you are gone
Then I find myself in a completely different world again
Lying on the floor unable to pull myself up
Or even remember exactly where I am

                       Just one more touch....

                                                     ­                   Thats all I need...
Mar 2015 · 673
Away With the Night
Sarah K Mar 2015
I watched the stars with you and I was hypnotized
Since then I have not been able to come out from under their spell
I awaken with the night
And tire with the day
My soul is tied to the beaming white moon
As I long float away with the clouds you seem to be trapped in
The sky is my prison
And the moon is my captor.
Mar 2015 · 624
Limitless Love
Sarah K Mar 2015
I think I could love you till the stars we look up at stop twinkling
And the moon turns out its light.
I still love you.
Mar 2015 · 826
Your Addiction
Sarah K Mar 2015
I wanted to be like your cigarettes
I wanted to be what calmed you down
I wanted to be what you couldn’t wait to press your lips against
I wanted to be the little thing you looked forward to during the day
I wanted to be the one thing you could not live without
And I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to become addictive
I just wanted you to need me the way you needed to light up every night

                              But then one day you quit smoking..
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Middle of the Night
Sarah K Nov 2014
I'm addicted to heartache
The kind that rips you apart inside
Leaves you shaking
Tears streaming down your face

The moon bright in your eyes
Sparkling behind the moisture
Sobs wrack my body
The stars seem to be falling from the sky
This feeling is what I know best

All is quiet
The night doesn't make a sound
Theres nothing left to come out
Tears have dried
And my mind is numb
I feel nothing
Hollow and empty
This feeling is all too hauntingly familiar

The morning approaches
And I am still awake
Staring at the wall
Nothing left

Time to get up
Plaster a smile on my face
Smear concealer under my eyes
And pretend like those dark circles aren't there

Everyone is oblivious
But I know
That tonight
I'm going to go through it all again
I wrote this pretty quickly on a whim tonight.  I like it.
Nov 2014 · 792
Sarah K Nov 2014
I should know better by now
But its the exhilarating feeling that gets me every time
I can't stop myself
And this time you're hard to read
I have absolutely no idea what you are thinking
I cannot help but be more than intrigued
Especially because usually I have the ability to read people like a magazine
But no
Not you
You are a completely new mystery
Nov 2014 · 1000
Sarah K Nov 2014
I may not be suicidal
But I'm still sad in a way that destroys me
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
People Seldom Know..
Sarah K Nov 2014
I like handwritten letters
And old paper back books
I like walks downtown past old buildings
With peeling paint and cracked side walks
I like old sneakers with holes in them
And soles that scrape the ground when you walk
I like things with stories to tell

I like to meet people and talk about minimal things
Things that won't matter to anyone else
The things that cause their eyes to sparkle
And make a smile tug at their lips
I like to listen to their opinions
The things they feel such passion for

Yet I do not like to stick around
Never do I get close enough to touch
No one makes it past the mask of sincerity
Masterfully placed on my face
Never do I let them breach the surface

I like to stay light and free
Of hurt, pain, and complications
And humans carry these things with them everywhere they go
So once I've learned all I can about a person I move on to the next

And continue my journey of life

I like old fashioned romances
Throwing rocks at windows
And cool walks in the night holding hands
I like good morning wishes and butterfly kisses
I dream of embraces so close
You can feel the trickle of their breath on your neck
Their heartbeat involuntarily syncing with yours

I dream of these things
These things I have longed to feel

I still get excited at the sight of a swing left vacant at a playground
Or mini marshmallows in hot chocolate
On bitter winter nights.
Nov 2014 · 5.5k
A Contradiction
Sarah K Nov 2014
It was a love hate relationship
Love was on his side
Hate on mine.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Sarah K Nov 2014
Real tears do not fall from the eyes and over the cheeks
They fall from the heart and cover the soul
And mine is completely soaked through.
Nov 2014 · 536
Ignorance is Love
Sarah K Nov 2014
Its so sweet to see all these young people
Wanting to fall in love
I sit back and laugh at their ignorance
When you fall in love you must then fall out of love
And when you fall you will eventually hit the ground
You cannot stay in flight forever
Even if your hands grapple for every branch jutting out of the cliff on the way down
There is not a way you will not hit the ground
They tell me someday I will just keep falling
And I'll never break into a million pieces again
But I laugh in their faces and say Its not possible.
One must always return to the ground eventually.
Nov 2014 · 413
Sarah K Nov 2014
She is gone now
The anchors of her heart dragging her to the depths below
Hands grappling for air as she sank
Eyes full of fear and despair
Hair swirling around her face like the thoughts in her head
She is gone now
I pray that you'll remember her
I pray that you will love her forever too
Because she ******* died for you.
Nov 2014 · 471
I've Forgotten
Sarah K Nov 2014
They say you never forget how to ride a bicycle
Well I have been riding with you all this time
And now that I'm on my own
I've forgotten how to.
Nov 2014 · 914
Dirty Sheets
Sarah K Nov 2014
As dull as the lust left on ***** sheets
Is our love
A fire burning with the embers of passion
Has since fizzled to ashes

As hungry as the lust left on ***** sheets
Is our love
Your simple glance I feel upon my shoulders
Devours me whole

As eloquent as the lust left on ***** sheets
Is our love
Every simple caress and tentative whisper
Faded into gentle cotton fabric

As arrogant as lust left on ***** sheets
Is our love
Knowing just how to make your eyes see only me
You discovered how to take away my world

As empty as the lust left on ***** sheets
Is our love
Angry words electrifying the traces we left behind
Doors slamming, leaving me alone with this misshapen heart

As confining as lust left on ***** sheets
Was our love
This bed like a prison cell
Has bound me to you.
Nov 2014 · 517
Tragedy Beneath the Waves
Sarah K Nov 2014
I got lost in the waves today
While you swam through my mind
I saw you in all the cracks of this underwater shipwreck
Your jaws clamped down around my heart and drew blood
And now that you've smelled that blood you've come back for more
I can't get you out of my mind
I'm floating out to sea without you to save me this time.
Nov 2014 · 359
The Mark of Death
Sarah K Nov 2014
A sorrow so deep
Can only render a darkness so cold.
Nov 2014 · 758
Lust Left to Die
Sarah K Nov 2014
The mere smell of cigarette smoke triggers something in my brain
I can suddenly feel the kisses you left on my lips
And the places you laid your hands upon sting
I crave your touch
I need it to survive
I'm addicted to you.
Nov 2014 · 923
Which are You?
Sarah K Nov 2014
Those who go to bed early
Look forward to tomorrow
Those who dread the coming day
Stay up until they can see the sun
Just to make sure they'll make it.
Nov 2014 · 319
06/13/14, 11:05pm
Sarah K Nov 2014
You told me to go tell my therapist everything
Because You didn't want me to tell you anymore
And that's when I really felt it.
Nov 2014 · 471
Suffocating on You
Sarah K Nov 2014
I feel you in my body
Pulsing through my mind
Swimming through veins
Digging through my stomach
Wrapping yourself around my spine
And growing in between my rib cage
You are a part of me
And now you are so far from me
Oh what will I do with all these remnants of you?
For you are intertwined within my bones
And I am slowly suffocating on you.
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Sarah K Nov 2014
Its 4am and I all of a sudden woke up
With chapped lips missing your company
And a stomach all tied in knots
Meanwhile my head buzzing with thoughts of you
Missing you is hell.
For the one who had to leave without a choice.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Why I Write
Sarah K Nov 2014
I write to set my demons free
To let them out into the sun
Hoping they will vanish from my sight
I write so I can spill love, loss, and hate onto blank paper
Instead of my conscience.
Nov 2014 · 706
Our Garden
Sarah K Nov 2014
I feel like we are one
Like the weeds that grew in my chest bloomed into flowers when I met you
Then vines grew in your bones only to wrap into mine
So how am I supposed to cut these vines and let you leave?
I already feel numb without you
The flowers within me are wilting now
I need you so bad
And now you're pulling up the roots of us
I've become helpless and hopeless and hateful
I'm sorry if I am not the same blossoming person when you return
Nov 2014 · 871
Running Out of Time
Sarah K Nov 2014
My heart is holding on for dear life to the thread of you
And with every minute you are gone
It slips a little more.
Nov 2014 · 919
To Survive is Not to Live
Sarah K Nov 2014
The wild at heats, and quiet in life
The ones who seek a better and bigger world
Whose imaginations radiates from their fingertips
The ones who find alter egos in book and characters
The people who will travel the earth to experience every possible sight, smell, and sound
Even the ones who live for the taste of a perfectly cooked meal
Or just the guilty pleasure of a mere Hostess snack cake
Do you notice how the stars twinkle so bright under a clear perfectly clear night sky?
Or how the clouds seem creep along in the chilled midnight air
But then there are some people who notice how flower petals are the closest you’ll get to knowing what a color feels like
Some discover the feeling of freedom in a paper and pen
These are things nobody seems to notice because they are trapped in their busy 21st century lives
I admit, guilty is charged
Those media induced people have learned how to survive
But the others are learning to live.
Nov 2014 · 487
I Love..
Sarah K Nov 2014
I love the day time silly one liners
I love the late night heart wrenchers
I love the early-late night truths that pour out of me
I love the bursts of inspiration out of nowhere
The things that I have to write down RIGHT NOW or I’ll forget them
I love the way my pen seems to glide across the paper
I love the ink blotches later found on my fingers
Like little trails of words that have now stained those lines
I love the sloppy, thought out, nicely written, typed, tear drop stained, words
I love the blatant obviousness and I love the hidden meanings
I love the suspense, sadness, furiosity, joy, excitement, heartwarming, celebration
That I can create with just this little pen and my emotions
I love the way my brain doesn’t over think
I love how my mind moves even faster than my hand can write
I love the freedom writing gives you and I love the shackles it creates
This is yours and only yours, no givesies backsies
I love the way my writing is me, it’s you, it’s someone who doesn’t exist It’s the little girl who’s scared of the thunder at night, and the woman who don’t need no man in her life
It’s hopeless, it’s depressed, its shaky anxiety struck, its lifeless, its cold, its bawling right there on the paper
Tears do not need to be seen to be heard
From the bottom of my soul
I love to write.

— The End —