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Oct 2017 · 980
The Nothing Egg
MindsPalace Oct 2017
Peter got his very own egg. His had a package of skittles.
Lizzy got her very own egg. Hers had two rolling dice.
Sarah got her very own egg. Hers had a book of riddles.
Landon got his very own egg. His had bean-bags with rice.
Kathy got her very own egg. Hers had a mini clown.
Henry got his very own egg. His had a lock and key
I got my very own egg, and I was jumping up and down
As this was my first egg that was given just for me.
I had reached the age of ten, so now I was allowed
To have my own egg this easter, and boy was I proud.
I took my egg, I tore it open, and what was inside?
What was inside was suddenly something I wanted to hide...
"What's inside?" Asked Peter and Lizzy.
"What'd you get?" Asked Sarah and Landon.
"Is it candy?" Poked Kathy and Henry.
And I ran away, because nothing is a hard companion.
Nothing. My egg had nothing. I tried to let it go...
It really should've been easier as the months went all too slow...
But nothing, good old nothing: It stayed and seemed to grow...
And nothing's now my only friend, and because I made it so.
Oct 2017 · 437
The Water's Message
MindsPalace Oct 2017
I look in the water,
An image staring back at me.
It seems the image knows me better than
I know myself.
I don't know identity,
Just hide it.
No one knows I can't know myself,
They see who I let them see.
"Trust me," the mirror says,
"You'll be… more real."
But I know the mirror
Is just me, but a reflection.
A clean reflection.
Me as I was born, as I will die,
An exact me.
I wish this water would
Show me solutions and not the problem.
No one needs to know I looked in the water,
They'll never see what I saw.
The mirror,
It's just for me, it's all my choice.
I can't forget I am not who I think.
I can hardly know my deepest self.
The mirror knows:
I am not myself. I am the reflection.
Oct 2017 · 557
Once Revived
MindsPalace Oct 2017
Now once revived in bed I lay to sleep,
Now once revived from bed to life so steep.
Then many changes found in like came seen,
Then many changes pierced my skin so keen.

To see the world in eyes of colored pen,
For blind are but the eyes of alien,
Do **** the future in reality,
And do not look on past as fallen tree.

Then magnet comes and mind goes through all hell,
And grasping then I feel my opposite:
My brain, my heart, not human I could tell.

Now calculation builds the blocks of mind,
And life and death consuming all I knew,
My world in this new body I must find.
Mar 2017 · 609
That Soup
MindsPalace Mar 2017
It wasn't that bad, that trip to the ER,
And my sickness didn't leave a physical scar,
But I must admit I got carried away
While making that soup one fine winter day.
See, my friend went and dared me to make the stuff,
And to this day it could've been a bluff,
But when I am dared, it's a serious matter,
So I started to whip up a little bit of batter.
Right into the fridge, my hands were busy,
Making that soup really got me dizzy.
A fish head, salsa, old dried beans,
Mustard, spinach, and coffee creams.
That glop must have boiled for hours and hours,
And that kitchen, I swear, it needed a shower.
At any rate, I don't yet feel regret,
But I'll tell you right now, the key word is yet,
Because I still have a big medical issue,
And on top of that, no social life, too,
But the occasional heart attack won't make me droop,
Because I loved making and eating that soup.
Nov 2016 · 1.5k
Pie of Life
MindsPalace Nov 2016
Pie can be made with fruit,
Pie can be made with chocolate,
Pie can make you smile,
Pie can make you *****,
Pie can be elaborate,
Pie can be quite simple,
Pie could be literal,
Pie could be a symbol…

The Pie of Life is hot,
Or maybe it is cold,
You could heat it up,
Or maybe it's too old,
The Pie of Life has flavors,
It's dynamically unique,
But what's your pie like?
It's changing as we speak.

Every day it changes,
Sometimes we eat,
But not until we die
Is our Life Pie complete.
Our choices are the flavors,
Our thoughts roll the dough,
Our actions bake our pie,
So what have I to show?

Our pies explain us,
My pie is my success,
Is my pie good enough?
Do I have enough, or less?

Thankfully you've offered me
Ingredients to help me try.
Our friendship is, I'm sure,
A nice addition to my Pie.
Nov 2016 · 719
The Cycle
MindsPalace Nov 2016
Early morning, still asleep, but awake. Driving.
Trail head, moving, but still asleep. Starting.
Early blues, dirt and cold, move. Hiking.
Sunrise, waking up, seeing green. Accepting.
Light and day, a smile, and examination. Upwards.
Afternoon, some food, energized. Suspense.
Another start, a drink, you see it. Anticipation.
Final push, sun overhead, sweat. Breaking.
A moment, you're there, the peak. Relief.
A pause, a rest, the magic. Beauty.
Postpone, delay, but down again. Exhaustion.
Aching, sore, but worth it. Descent.
Time, darkness, back again. Driving.
Ahead -- another mountain, tall, for tomorrow. Sleep.
Aug 2016 · 529
I Know Me
MindsPalace Aug 2016
You sometimes tell me I can't love,
Really? Wow. Good to know.
You sometimes tell me I don't want,
Really? Thanks, well now I know.

You sometimes think you know what's right,
And what I'm supposed to do,
Really? Great! I'll really take
The things you're giving me to do.

You sometimes think you have more info
On my life more than yours,
Really? Wonderful. Please do tell
What my life seems to tell.

You know me, and so you always say
You know of all my character,
You somehow think that you could be
The ambassador of my character.

Great, oh grand! What wonderful news,
I've always wanted to be
Told that someone else knows me
More than I know me.
Aug 2016 · 963
Where In The Heck?
MindsPalace Aug 2016
Where in the heck are my glasses?
I've seemed to look everywhere.
Everywhere that is, but in front of my eyes.

Where in the heck is my cell phone?
I've seemed to look everywhere.
Everywhere, maybe, except my own pocket.

Where in the heck is my nice, new pen?
I've seemed to look everywhere.
Everywhere, yes, but not by my ear.

Where in the serious heck is my hat?
I've seemed to look everywhere.
Everywhere, sure, though still not on my hair.

Where in the heck? Please, seriously,
Someone tell me what is going on.
I can't stand losing all my stuff,
And right now it all seems to be gone.

Where in the heck did everything go?
I can only find my wife.
And she says if I can't find my things,
She thinks I've lost my life.
Jun 2016 · 995
Noble Heart
MindsPalace Jun 2016
When once in heav'ns of swelter'd glimmer'd heat,
The shock of all reflection in the sun
Oft charged all veins through body to the feet,
And Godly blessing's kingdom I had won.

'Twas all in first what men could want to dream,
All meat and grain with dozing nectar sweet,
My fingertips with lightning wrath may seem
All pow'rful, yet my inner part doth cheat.

Where is my heart? My noble heart then dies,
And leave the Gods where Godly power lies.

I ne'er thought I could boldly leave the clouds
And long lost father's thoughts then to destroy,
But 'neath those wand'ring feet can pass the shroud
To live in silent abstinence of joy.
May 2016 · 875
MindsPalace May 2016
Questions, asking, always inquiring,
Boredom, controlling, brainwashing, time-wasting,
Answers, responses, results and results,
Topics, mainstream, popularity stats,
Demand it speak, the world of Cyber,
Ask, please, ask, for it to control you,
Learn what you need from what it can give you,
Learn but forget what it adds to your life.
May 2016 · 1.4k
An Apple
MindsPalace May 2016
I ate an apple.
It tasted like an orange.
Isn't my rhyming great?
It's pretty
I think.
May 2016 · 876
The Professor's Decree
MindsPalace May 2016
"Now listen up," the Professor said
With his big brain blown-up inside his big head,
"When I get old and frail and weary
Your life may become, quite frankly, quite dreary.
For life without knowledge is something to flee,
And knowledge, we know, is stored inside me.
So I make myself clear in this moment right now
To have you, my son, take on a great vow.
Once I pass on, the world is hopeless,
Unless a Professor remains in existence.
So you as my son must become like me,
You're the next Professor-- that's my decree."
Don't ask me why me, he said what he said,
And what he says is law-- coming from that big head.
Now I've received a new occupation,
And I'm the luckiest kid in all of creation!
The next Professor... Just think, that's me!
And then I get to make the next decree!
May 2016 · 907
A Friendship Shines On
MindsPalace May 2016
Life seems to
At moments in time, But never does it do so for more
Than a chime.
The holidays, birthdays, vacations Are fun; all nice and good, but
So fast they are done. These
Moments in between are Endlessly Long,
Where life stays dark and without Any song. I need some light, some
Real happiness, I need Some joy that keeps me in
Bliss. But Life doesn’t deal any hands like that, and in
The darkness
                                                   ­                                                            All alone
I sat.
                  Then came a lantern, Slowly, Pursuing,
It never gave up, it never stopped searching, it
Reached for my Inner soul And gave me an urging.
An urging of Trust, an urging of
Kinship, a start of
Respect, a glimpse of
Friendship. It truly
Cared and it Ignored my faults, no judging
Or hating, It should have left fast, but it didn’t.
It cared, and it gave. If my life was not then better, what
Yet Did I lack? With friends Loving like that.
Troubles are real and can’t be erased, but I’m still
Alive, for in
I’m Encased.
They are all I want and they’re perfect To me. Every day my friends are all
I want to see. A Hope, a light,
A Haven
That could never be more appreciated, they could never be
Replaced, or ever be Faded. I love this light; I do my best to be
A light back and give someone a rest from
Their own daily struggles.
Thank you My friend,
For being
And a Light
To me.
Your light
Shines on, so
Strong, My friend,
Shine on.
May 2016 · 1.1k
I Sat Upon A Rock
MindsPalace May 2016
In park I sat upon a rock,
Ahead, a trail lay.
I calmly sat and pondered there
Until the sky turned grey!
And in a flash the moon came up,
The rain began to pour.
I stood and ran to nearby trees,
My fear went to the core.
The world shook and morphed and bent,
My vision went askew,
And as the wind began to blow,
I knew not what to do.
Then in a purple puff of smoke
A man came from the sky,
He waved his hand and gave me wings!
And I began to fly.
I beat my wings against the rain,
Through stormy, darkened skies,
When all at once a thunderbolt
Struck out my painful cries.
Falling fast down to the earth
I readied for the shock,
But when I hit I looked around:
I sat upon a rock.
Ahead, a trail still there lay,
Just as it always had,
The sky was blue, the trees were green,
I hardly could be mad.
And so I settled down to think
On all that was my dream,
For often all the dreams I have
Will show a simple theme.
And so I calmly sat and thought
As daytime burned away,
Before I knew it, in a flash,
The sky had turned to grey!

— The End —