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mads Feb 2015

nail beds,

palms so sweaty,
i could replenish all seven seas.

the freckle on the inside of my left ring finger.

i wish,
they would stay together.

my fingers,
they always find back doors and wander off to new continents.

my palms,
continue to melt away with the salt water they leak.

my freckle,
left me for another.

and now all i have is wrist stumps,
and no way to reach the scratch on my back.
observation warmup in my creative writing course, i used my own hands. :-)
mads Feb 2015
peppermint lips,
eyelid kisses in the snow,
interlocked ice palms.
Lenore Lux Nov 2014
Across the sky, dauntlessly, watching,
Shoes in cigarette stems while I
Wonder what flight's like.
Would I transition softly with the means?
Wingspan cutting resistance leaving me freedom
to fall, or better, to land when I see
earth worth tasting in the air around
mirrors in sanctuary.

Across the ground, dauntlessly, watching,
Shoes in cigarette stems while I
Observe my life like
Stone in the wind, steady as the leaves blow
Leading and closing the shows before and after
to end, like weather, and begin again
Forces to withstand time while I walk
sit, or lie where I go

What it looks like
What it is
Ends and means,
unanswered wishes
What it looks like
What it is
Ends and means
within reach will I take,
Palms wide open
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
Please, take your best guess
Palm readers have *tried
and failed
cause my fists are clenched

© Matthew Harlovic
Sylvia Nguyen Aug 2014
I desire your well being
for the reasons that

your palms may bestow
the unknowable depth for the good.

And if I continue any longer
I'll take leave of all my
Jotting this down before I awake into my living dream, and forget.
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
When my ****** hands reached the top,
My palms without lines to read,
And my fingertips stripped of identity,
My fragile lungs violently exhaled,
My honest eyes disappointed me,
I had not reached the zenith,
For this was merely the end of the beginning.
i May 2014
you dream them,
and you can't get
any sleep,
you wake up
sweaty and
terrified of
what they might bring.
Martin Narrod May 2014
So I scuttled up, until I found a voice like Japan, I read him his rights, turned out the lights, and laid right back on the sand. They said, "Sir, he was much of a father to me, but we were labeled his kin, right in our family tree." "Oh wow", I said, with a gentle, smooth voice, he went missing last August, but now he wants back you boys?" "Oh yes, he sure is a feral man. We think that's why he dried up and flew to Japan." Right then, the two of them went silent just like two second story men, so I inquired, "What happened then?" "From Monday thru Sunday he took to prayer from the bible, and on every other weeknight he watched Japan's Top Model. He threw gallant parties to a harem of wives, he read each of their palms, and looked in their eyes; some time later, when everyone was about to leave, he'd turn on Happy End and start a wild ****." By this time I was tired, the sun began to set, I grew tired of my beach patch and yearned for my bed. Although soporific, I tried to be polite, I said, "Let's finish this conversation some other time." "Of course!", they said, "We're off to bed. We'll see that you'll do the same." Then they stood up quick, and reached down and picked up my chains. The beach we laid on was black top, asphalt and tar, the bed I craved was behind a row of private bars. The two of them, them both, were children of mine, because my memory is shot, this might've been their millionth time. i got locked up in a county that's dry as a beach, like Elizabethtown, Kentucky, where I was raised till 13. No one, not even the warden, knows really why I'm here, even some man from Cell Block Five, asked me last Sunday, why was I here. My beach perhaps, it's love at last, concrete, gravel, and stone- a 6' x 10' room with bars and a porcelain throne. It's mine I cry, each night I die, with glee, with smile, with rite. But it makes the other guys run at me, and try to start random fights. I don't remember the boat I took, but I remember the tour, going to Japan at Epcot Center since I'd never gone before.

— The End —