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14.1k · Mar 2014
K603 Mar 2014
Every person you meet, see, talk to, give a single thought to is going to affect you.  So don't give thought to those who are not worth it.  But keep the ones you give thought to close, hold them tight, cherish them.  Because they think about you to.
3.6k · Oct 2015
Frosted Flowers
K603 Oct 2015
Flowers bloom
After the frost
All too soon,
They will be lost.

Claimed by a white blanket and covered with care
The mother claims all
Everything gets it's fair share

All too soon
Nothing will bloom.
Walked by the garden this morning
3.3k · Feb 2013
Helpless color
K603 Feb 2013
Blood is red
Bruises are blue

Red is a bad sometimes mad color
Blue is sad maybe bad

Our blood ran
and bruises blue turn black

Some yellow and purple
Swollen and ugly things

Running Running
It kept coming

Blood is red
Red and running

Forever flowing

Some are dead

Roses are red
Violets are blue

And once again
Here I stand with you

K603 Feb 2016
The galaxy stretches beyond
Stars are all over and a fire dances at the center
I no longer am contained
My jar I broke
Free from you
To be with
I dance with the others bright
And he
I have no jar
I am free to be
This is not the end...
2.7k · May 2014
A love in Arms
K603 May 2014
His arm drapped across me,
                        around  and  under.
He  holds  me  tightly
       as  a  rock  but
                           light  as a  feather.
We  mold  to
         each  other,
   that's  how
                         we  should  *be
2.7k · Aug 2014
Threw the S curve and slow
K603 Aug 2014
Turn the key
Push the clutch in.
Grasp the handle bars and push the botton.
the engine roars to life then I'm gone, what a beautiful day not to hold on.
Today I'm on a trip, down the windy roads of the back country.
Shady spots where trees lean over head the cool air on my skin. I can feel the air change as I go farther and farther down these roads
I come to a stop a three way to no where. Go left because everyone seems to be right.  Let go of the bars and let the bike roll I can fly for a moment.  
Threw the S curve going faster but slow to see the hills roll by
Today happiness for I may fly, I think of you for just a moment how good it would feel to be pressed against you as you drove.
But you're not driving,  I am, so I go and go still looking for a place to land.  
Threw the S curve and slow to see the hills, feel the cool breeze and the shade of the trees.
This is freedom if you don't think about it.
2.3k · May 2014
What Home Is
K603 May 2014
Home is where you want to be.
2.3k · Jul 2014
Smells of Decay
K603 Jul 2014
I can smell you in my sheets
every move or motion
another wave another waft.
Gone from my bed for the day,
slowly works its way out to return to fresh sheets.
Decaying away till its gone,
only for a few hours 13? 15?
The next morning it will all be the same
2.2k · Mar 2016
My Hero
K603 Mar 2016
Let's be heroes, and save ourselves.
No one else is going to
2.2k · Apr 2014
K603 Apr 2014
What is "normal"
Can you tell me?  
Because I know everyone around me tries so hard
to be this "normal"

Why be normal?
You want to be that copy?
That fake thing that walks the streets?

I have yet to see the "perfect copy" or the "normal"
So stop trying.
Try something New
Be yourself.

Be your Normal
1.8k · Aug 2015
Deep Blue Sea
K603 Aug 2015
Today I found you gone,
gone from my life

Blown away like the leaves fallen from a tree.

Tomorrow I too will go,
swallowed whole by the dark deeps like the sea.
1.8k · Mar 2014
K603 Mar 2014
Love is insanity...
The acceptable kind in todays society
K603 Jun 2014
How many things are really whole.
How much is full?
How much is too much or too little,
Whats the standard measure of these things

If I am to be me and you are to be you, why have a standard to go by.
Let me be me and you be you no one to be compared to
Judge how you see fit, how full it is to you does not matter to me.

What I see as overflowing you see not even half.
Standard will vary from me to you and you to me
From her to him and back again
K603 Sep 2014
In that one weak moment
You decided your fate,
My fate.
I'm a forgiver, not a seeker of revenge.
You'll carry that wait and that's all the revenge I need
I see the guilt even now.
Just keep smiling
It's brought us closer, we still fight
but makeups are better.
We are better and I'm beginning to trust again.
Maybe in time my love
Smile because our Fate is Sealed.
New edited version.   Things might be looking up...
1.3k · Apr 2014
New life
K603 Apr 2014
I sit here in a cafe drinking my coffee
I see the green already growing
the new life nature is already spreading.
But I see no other people one else
No point today as there will be none tomorrow
1.2k · Aug 2015
Starts with trees
K603 Aug 2015
Car meets tree
I'll sleep for eternity
1.2k · Apr 2014
K603 Apr 2014
I drive past all these places, I'll never see.
#driving, #unrest, #adventure
1.2k · Oct 2016
I ruined it
K603 Oct 2016
“Everything I love has either ruined me or watched as I ruined it instead.”
By -Unkown
1.2k · Sep 2016
K603 Sep 2016
“Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are.” —Unknown
To you I raise a glass
1.2k · Dec 2015
Sky cries
K603 Dec 2015
I love when it rains,
The sound
The smell

But I also love it because I know everyone else is
Crying too

Rain is gods tears
And he weeps tonight
Bring on the rain
1.1k · Jul 2014
Living in fast Forward
K603 Jul 2014
I do
wish to start again.  
To do it all with only minor changes.
Turn the pages of time
rewrite a few lines.
But the pages flip and turn,
The sand in the hour glass gone way too fast.

But once we've passed only those that love us will keep our book.
with ripped pages and coffee stains, only a few will really look.
So dust me off and flip the glass over read page one.  Don't skip to the end.
life is an adventure the greatest tale.
so love and laugh relish the moment and don't live
Too Fast.
1.1k · Apr 2014
K603 Apr 2014
I've found a strange calmness
In each breath I don't take
#life, #death, #breath
1.1k · Apr 2016
Different Meanings
K603 Apr 2016
I am
A jigsaw puzzle
Taken apart piece by piece
Put away and shaken
In the dark
I was fun once
Until I got old and you knew
All my ins and outs
Now I'm back
I'm my box
Never to be
Middle of the day write!
What does this mean to you, leave me a comment!
1.1k · Jun 2016
I want to love myself
K603 Jun 2016
She wants you to love her
Im sure you do everyone sees it
But even then,
You must love head she wishes she love herself
1.1k · Apr 2014
Smiles and a Pretty Face
K603 Apr 2014
I like this game,
here let us play again.

So you start this time.
You say it.

Ill hide what I really feel,
what I want to say.

Fake smiles,
And pretty face...

That's what they've told me at least.

Pretty Face and a Fake Smile
That's all I need...

Don't worry,
I wont crash, I wound break down...
Not with this pretty face not with this smile...
not with this Frown.

So let us play on,
I'll start the next round.
Sometimes it all we have
1.1k · Apr 2014
Living vs. Surviving
K603 Apr 2014
I want to live
Not just survive.  
But when I'm barley surviving
Can I afford to live.
K603 Apr 2014
What would it be like...
Would it turn off like a television does
or maybe
more like a light goes out?
How about a fan,
slowly spinning to a stop.
What would it be like
To Turn it Off?

If I could just turn my life off,
to change it all completely.  
To just stop and let it all go out
like a bulb when it bursts.
The nothingness of a black screen,
the slowness of a fan spinning to a halt...

What would it be like,
To Turn it All Off.
1.0k · Apr 2014
Death Awareness
K603 Apr 2014
Enjoy your life,  but the biggest adventure is yet to come.  Be prepared for death.
1.0k · Mar 2016
Cheek bones and Hearts
K603 Mar 2016
Cheek bones
High and sharp
Press against your heart
Hold her close
She could slice you
Take your heart
She never draws
First blood
Work in progress
993 · Feb 2014
Hiding my Heart
K603 Feb 2014
This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
Who blew me away
Blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done

- "Hiding my Heart"  sang by Adele
written by Brandi Carlile
963 · Jun 2016
First Place!
K603 Jun 2016
We were going to break
Each other
Mentally and physically

It was just a race
To see who
Would do it

I'm not sure if it is better
To finish First
Or Last

Either way
I suffer a
What cleaning does to the mind
947 · Jan 2014
Don't look back
K603 Jan 2014
As you walk along don't look back, parts of who you were have fallen off.
As you walk this road you will change into who you are to become.
914 · Apr 2014
Replaceable mold
K603 Apr 2014
Everyone is replaceable.  But no one fits the same mold like the person who came out of it.
912 · Jun 2016
Pray to Both
K603 Jun 2016
I hope to the God
And the Devil

That someday I
Wrote all the things
That bring upon your smile
Someday I
Am the one

I can't sell my soul for you
I can't give you an
Unbroken heart

Let me worship you, my temple
You worship I
A king and queen
Of our own design

I can give you me and future
I hope that's enough
Oh I hope this time it does not end
902 · Nov 2016
K603 Nov 2016
I don't need you
To give me the world
To provide for me
To hold my hand every step

I do need
Someone to kick my ***
Tell me to pull my **** together
To look at me with that grin
To reassure me

To know they could give me everything, but won't.  
Because I can do it myself
I need to do it myself

I need you to walk beside me
Stand with me
835 · Jan 2016
Galaxy of Stars I
K603 Jan 2016
You collected me
A bright star you saw
Put me in a glass jar and kept me close
Kept me far
Far away for no one to see
But my light it dwindled and sputtered
Only for a moment!
You put me on the shelf, far from you
Far from everyone else

There were others
Burnt out and dim
You're own faded Galaxy on a shelf
Boredom write!!!
832 · Feb 2013
A thought
K603 Feb 2013
A thought
What is a thought?
Nothing More than a thought
A thought is a thought
You think of the thought
And act the thought
Then maybe
A thought is more than a thought
But an action
Maybe a dream
But it was once a thought
A thought is not just a thought
831 · Sep 2016
Holes in Chests
K603 Sep 2016
“For reasons unexplained, every person in the world is born with a large gaping hole in the center of their chest…while not uncomfortable, it is widely considered unsightly, and pretty much everyone tries to fill it with something…some people fill it with religion, others just buy a bunch of stuff, and some even fill it with other folks…I left mine alone, though, because I found out if you run against the wind at just the right angle, it makes a whistling noise.”

Aaron Diaz, The Distinctly Essential Dresden Codak Primer
830 · Nov 2015
Toddlers Again
K603 Nov 2015
How do I tell you
I like you
And in a more than friends way
We are adults
So why do I feel like a scared little girl?
Oh the sleep I want to get
801 · Jan 2014
Lies are better
K603 Jan 2014
Truth is easy
Lies are better

Truth is light
Lies are heavy

Truth ends
Lies become

Truth is hurtful
Lies are better
791 · Jun 2014
The Toll of Grasses Greener
K603 Jun 2014
I love to hear the church bells chime
Everyday, three times a day
But one day while laying in the grass they rang
At the wrong hour

Slow pace
One ring ever six seconds
The slow toll of sadness

Here I lay in the grass
time continues to pass
784 · Mar 2016
K603 Mar 2016
Even in the shallows of the ocean
There is depth
I hope you can
I hope we can swim
769 · Feb 2014
A Window
K603 Feb 2014
You keep talking hoping I'll pay some attention
You try to make me mad
You try to make me happy
Hell even sad

But I just look through you
You are just another window
768 · Jan 2014
It's us
K603 Jan 2014
It's a new snowfall
That leap of faith into the pool
The sweetness of moist cake
Your favorite song coming on the radio
The feeling of the sun on your skin
Finding money in your pocket
Running away from the sprinkler as a kid screaming and laughing
Going through an old box and finding forgotten things
The memories that flood when you find pictures
The first sunrise you see and it makes you gasp
The first morning together

It's new and exciting
Unexpected and last minuet
Wonderful and joyful

It's Our Love
766 · Feb 2013
The Pen
K603 Feb 2013
One day I found a strange thing
It dripped once pressed to the blank slate
beautiful curves that soon became letters and then onto words
Now I cannot stop
even if I wished it so
744 · Oct 2015
Sober Up Buttercup
K603 Oct 2015
I'm sober now because I have stopped drinking you
I still miss the burn
But I'm loosing the yearn
Recovering from the wounds you left.
718 · Sep 2014
Anchors in Quicksand
K603 Sep 2014
You're too pretty for this,
he's not worth it, leave his ***, let go...
That's what they all say, everyone around me pulls me away.
But my heart cant let go.
We can't help but collide,
we meet, our paths cross.
There is no escape.

You're like gravity,
I need an anchor.
Not quicksand
A muddy puddle pulled away my boot!
703 · May 2016
You're Both
K603 May 2016
You're you
And wow, I'm impressed
A child, 12
Immature and disobedient
Playful as a puppy,
With sharp teeth
A scream
Loud and obnoxious
To what I don't know

You're 24, a man
I see
Strong and hard
Elegant Wolf
Protector, leader
A sigh
Relief and longing
Clearing the fog

King to my Queen
I do not serve heaven
Feelings are caught and lost
Caught and lost
Found and discovered
686 · Sep 2016
Some Level
K603 Sep 2016
“Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.” —Unknown
I dont know who you are, I found this on Stumbleupon.  You I admire.
684 · Sep 2015
K603 Sep 2015
If I could
     I'd sing to you
    But I can't
Not since he ripped my throut
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