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13.1k · Aug 2017
"Where I'm From"
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
I am from VapoRub,
From Goya
And morisoñando.
I am from the traffic
And loud horns,
From the Caribbean heat,
And the city lights,
From the buildings
And the towers.
I am from the palm trees
And the coconut trees,
Dancing bachata
And merengue
In the beach,
From yaniqueque
Y plátano,
From tostones
And fish.
I am from Sunday gatherings
And loud family members,
From Jose, Maria, and Primos,
And the hardworking
Payamps clan.
I am from the
Madera’s baseball team,
From Canó, Sosa, y Ortiz,
From the long summer rides
To ***** Cana
And Samana’s beach.
From “work hard
Cause life is not easy”
And “family before friends.”
From Christianity
And Saturday morning sermons,
From God is good
And He brings joy.
I am from Santo Domingo
And Monción,
From Santiago
And Spanish ancestors,
From mangú con salami,
From rice and beans.
From the grandpa
Who owns the village
Surrounded by
Chickens, cows, and bulls,
From the business owner
And the well known uncles
In my hometown.
I am from the only flag
With a bible.
From the red, blue
And white.
From the most beautiful
Island in the Caribbean,
From Quisqueya y
I am from the
Dominican Republic,
The country that holds
The people I love and
Miss the most.
I am from the
Little Paris box
I keep next to my bed,
Filled with precious
Gifts and letters
That make me feel
A little closer
To them.
a little background
2.7k · Aug 2017
My Favorite BHS Athlete
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
Have you heard about our tennis player?
She is our first singles slayer,
She can serve and she will probably hit you with an ace,
She is impossible to replace.

She can be the sweetest girl you have ever met,
Before the game starts, we shake hands by the net,
But do not try to mess with her when she is playing the tennis game,
She could hit you with her racquet’s frame.

But let me tell you about this girl:
She can easily win the game,
Not only with her smart brain,
But also with her skills that will surely get her to the hall of fame.

If you ever see her around,
She never has a frown,
She will gladly give you a smile,
But do not forget to slowdown and take a look at her style.

You might recognize the girl,
It’s the one with the awesome curls,
You will see her around these halls,
And her pictures will be hanging on the walls.

She is our proud valedictorian,
She will forever be victorious,
One of our most outstanding students,
Oh what a big inspiration but she is clueless!

This journey has been tremendous,
So let me give a shout out to tennis,
Is the sport that brought us together,
I could not ask for anything better.

Now looking back at the place we were,
Only makes me cherish every moment I spent with her,
I will always be thankful for every advice,
That has helped us reach our own paradise.

The best I wish for her career aims,
I hope to see her in the Olympic games
And be the player she wishes to become,
I am a proud friend to see how far she has come.

I never thought I could be this close to her,
Nobody else I would prefer,
To say a “see you later”, at the end,
What a big blessing to call her one of my best friends!
940 · Dec 2017
Pencil & Paper
Ileana Payamps Dec 2017
And here I have been able to find refuge.
It is more than a simple pencil and paper.
This is where my tears fall and my smiles last.
This is where I have been able to find purpose, sincerity, and freedom.
I have found love and understanding.
This is where I found my talent.
Here I have found my sweet escape.
This is where I found myself and I decide to stay.
In the pencil and paper.
my sweet escape.
937 · Oct 2017
little blue house
Ileana Payamps Oct 2017
It's in the little blue house
All the way in its peak
Is where you'll find my soul melting
Dying for the one up there.
It's in the big blue sky
In its rainbow and clouds
That's where you'll find his lovely eyes
Waiting for mine to spot his.
my special someone.
871 · Sep 2017
Ileana Payamps Sep 2017
Aveces tomamos decisiones rapidas
Y la mayoria de veces,
Esas decisiones son malas.
Aveces decimos cosas sin pensar
Y la mayoria de veces
Lo que decimos es lo incorrecto.
Aveces saltamos a conclusiones
Y la mayoria de veces
Son conclusiones incorrectas.
Aveces queremos consolar a esa persona especial
Y brindarle palabras de aliento
Pero la mayoria de veces
Lo queremos hacer en el momento equivocado.
Aveces es mejor no decidir,
no pensar,
no inventar,
no querer.
Aveces es mejor callar.
832 · Aug 2017
así como: parte i
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
así como la lluvia toca la tierra
en un dia soleado.
así llegaste a mi vida:

así como el arco iris
abraza el cielo con sus colores.
así llegaste a mi vida,
para pintar mis dias.

así como llegaste aquel 25 de Agosto
a robarle un pedacito de corazón a tus padres.
así has llegado a mi vida,
a robarte mi alma entera.
for a special someone.
759 · Aug 2017
Fell In Love
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
While I hovered in the pool
I glimpsed at the sky
I noticed that its beauty
Comes from its stars
I fell in love with you
You were shining in my eyes
You were the smallest star
Yet the brightest one
I wrote this as I wished
the star was next to me.
726 · Aug 2017
I'll Stoppage
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
I'm so confused,
I don't know what to do.
No way to elude,
No way to breakthrough.

What should I do?
What should I pick?
What's my best option?
In times like these.

I'm craving help,
I'm craving knowledge.
I'm so confused,
But these feelings I'll stoppage.
even though times are tough,
just hang in there and have faith.
i know you will get through this.
666 · Sep 2017
Inappropriate Desire
Ileana Payamps Sep 2017
It all starts with a Facebook friend request,
Is that guy, who’s not ashamed of himself,
He did not want to treat her as a guest,  
All he probably needed was self-help.
She believed he was happily married,
Maybe something else he was looking for,
She sees how his ring he never carried,
His wife he wouldn’t value anymore.
But she was only seventeen years old,
He would talk to her like she was so grown,
None of his thoughts she could ever control,
She is so happy he left her alone.
She’s hoping this kid he has on his way,
Grows up to be a better man someday.
653 · Sep 2017
beyond blessed
Ileana Payamps Sep 2017
I have been blessed with a guy sent from above
Someone who my thoughts and heart have stolen
Whose voice and presence brings joy to my days
Someone whose love I will never let go
What have I done to win someone like you?
Someone so pure, kind, and true
Whose love and care shows me every day
Someone whose patience cannot be compared
You are my answered prayer, my one true prince
You are my best friend and my guide
You are my confidence and the one
You have come to this world to lighten my life
My days I want to spend with you by my side
Happiness I want to give you until death finds me
But faith we have that heaven we will reach
for that special someone.
638 · Aug 2017
Nothing Like Us
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
There is something
I want to keep
It's your heart
It's your love
It's you by my side.

You make me feel
Like there is a purpose in my life,
Like I'm really someone.
Stand by my side,
Grab my hand,
Walk with me,
And just be mine.

I love you,
So please love me.
I'm for you,
So be for me.

These feelings,
This love,
It's special,
It's real.

Let's not give up on us,
We have to fight for us,
There is nothing like us...
611 · Aug 2017
Growing Up
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
i know i'm growing up.
life has taught me many things,
things that i think are mistakes
but in reality,
they aren't...
they're just lessons,
teachings that will help me
discover who i am.
who i truly am.
who i was born to be.
608 · Aug 2017
Forever meant to be
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
Someone has suddenly come into my life,
I don’t know the reason why,
All I know is that it feels great
These feelings can’t go away for now.
With joy I start my day
Since his good morning text I read
After each “Good night” with peace I go to sleep
I wasn’t expecting one for a while
But I couldn’t be happier with another guy
It’s for the little details of imperfection that I have fallen
I love this guy to the moon and back
I am glad God chose him,
It feels like if he came right down from heaven
He has so much spirit and passion for love
He really adores the indescribable Son of God
I have no idea about what the future has in store for us
But the very best I wish for the both of us
Not only success we’ll reach
But happiness and love we’ll find
Maybe we are the ones until forever meant to be
I could not be happier with anyone else by my side
I only love you to the moon and back
that special someone.
598 · Aug 2017
Simply Love
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
It’s not their level of education
It’s not their level of wealth
It’s not their looks
It’s not the way they dress
It’s not where they come from
It’s not their background
It’s not their interests
It’s not their personality
It’s not their music taste
It’s not you
It’s not me…

It’s simply love.

There is way more to love
Than what we think.

Love is and will always be
The only thing
That will bind two souls together.
love is blind
590 · Aug 2017
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
Out of all the things that my grandfather taught me, the advice that I will remember the most is: everything in this world is possible; everything that you can dream about can be achieved.
For you to reach your goals, live your dreams and be successful in life, you have to dedicate yourself and never give up.
It will not be easy to get wherever you want to go but it’s not impossible.
It will take time but you have to be patient and you must believe in yourself.
You cannot be afraid to be different from everyone else, this world seeks change, and if you work hard, you can be that change.
You will have to fight harder as the days go by for what you truly love and care about.
The world needs warriors who would go out their way to please and help others get through life.
You have to be good to others, but be greater to yourself.
You have to love others, but you must love yourself first.
I, personally, have to stop being afraid to love the people that I love.
I don’t know what it feels like to put my heart out there and give it to the ones that love me. I don’t know what it feels like to have my heart broken by the one I thought would never fail me.
But I do know that to love feels good and to be loved feels greater.
I know what it feels like when your best friend chooses something else over you.
I know what it feels like to let him walk away from me, from someone who would go out her way to do anything for him. Just to make him happy and please him.
I know what it feels like to see him everyday,
Walk by him and after everything,
After every advice,
After every smile shared,
After every well-spent time,
After loving each other unconditionally…
I know what it feels like to feel nothing at all.
I know what it feels like to not care at all.
I know what it feels like to be happy and loved again.
Started writing this in the beginning of freshman year in high school,
Finished writing it in the beginning of freshman year in college
Since my life has changed very much...
580 · Aug 2017
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
I consider life
“Something that *****”

When those thoughts
Come to mind

I flip the page.

Life is beautiful
Life is lovely
Life is a blessing
Life is an extraordinary gift from God

Make it special
Remembering these 77 words:

You are precious
You are valuable
You are here for a reason
You can achieve anything
You are unique
You are the change
You can touch lives
You can inspire lives
You are different
You are kind
You are generous
You are humble
You are beautiful
You are healthy
You are strong
You are talented
You are free
You are prosperous
You are anointed
You are patient
You are protected
You are forgiven
You are a masterpiece

Start your journey
Not tomorrow
Not later

Start right now

Do not stop

Not until everything is done
Not until you achieve your goal
Not until you are remember
As the warrior
Who created her destiny
In the palms of her hands.
Wanted to share
My daily reminder
With you guys!
hope you like it.
430 · Aug 2017
What I Do Know
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
Too many people have asked me
The same question,
So many times:
“What do you want to do when you grow up?”
I always respond:
“I don’t know”

But this,
This is what I do know.

When I write,
I feel free.
I love the feeling
Of simply
I can write
So little,
So much.
I can write
What cannot be spoken,
What cannot be imagined.
Its like a rudder,
It leads me to different worlds,
Worlds where I find
Where I find myself.
My pains,
My problems,
My evils,
It all goes away.
When my pencil
Kisses my paper,
It feels like magic.
I don’t know its gender
She is my friend.
He is my friend.

I don’t know much,
But this is what I do know;

I want to keep writing.
Until words cannot be written,
Until words cannot be spoken,
Until words cannot be sang,
Until words cannot be pronounced,
Until words cannot be spelled.

I will always keep writing.
there is beauty in writing.
417 · Aug 2017
peace & quiet
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
sometimes i'm not in the mood.
i just want to run away,
somewhere quiet,
somewhere peaceful,
where i can lie down on the grass,
listen to music
    and watch the sun go down.
sunset lake.
379 · Aug 2017
"First Love"
Ileana Payamps Aug 2017
A blessing I thought you were in my life,
A lovely sentiment your presence brought.
Our long conversations were never strife,
Our love was never considered a naught.
A couple of friends came into your life,
To ruin such a pure and honest heart,
To encourage you to carry a knife,
All they did was tear your dear life apart.
Hope, trust, and faith never left my glum soul,
Until **** and beer surrounded your home,
You said your desires you could not control,
It seemed like this bare world you tried to roam.
In my life I thought you were a blessing,
You only came to teach me a lesson.

— The End —