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Feb 2019 · 342
Come / go
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
Lately I’ve been trying to figure out how I might be able to miss you
and not feel sad about it
Feb 2019 · 297
Give / take
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
I should’ve know when you didnt want to talk bout the future that you wouldn’t be here for long
You dodged my questions when I asked about where you saw yourself in five years. About grad school. About moving to New York
You didn’t ask me questions about where I saw myself in five years. About grad school. About moving to New York.

I should’ve known you’d be painfully present when you wouldn’t share about the past
We never did talk about grade school, or skinned knees, bad grades or good teachers

All you ever could think in was the present, and when I started to ask about the future, bout next week, I was no longer welcome in your presence
You vanished and took with you our time together, past tense

So I keep sleeping, to escape the present
Hide behind my covers in broad day light
My dreams take me to a place where the past, present and future are nowhere to be found
And that’s where I’m able to find you, again
Feb 2019 · 304
Static / flow
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
I tell my best friend I don’t know why I’m still sad
That it feels wrong to feel so much for someone that I don’t think felt much about me
She tells me it’s easier to be sad than to let yourself feel better
And she’s right cause it’s easier to miss you than hate you
Easier to be sad than to be happy and forget
or forgive
I’m more comfortable being sad cause then no one can take happiness from me
There’s nothing left to lose in sadness, except for the comfort of it all
And isn’t that, beautiful, too?
Feb 2019 · 367
Coming / Going
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
How do you mourn the loss of something you never had in the first place
You were the greatest almost I ever had
I hope to know you again soon

Your footprints are riddled throughout south Boston from our cold walks wandering
They’re still here
Still a reminder of us there

Together was my favorite place to be
But you’re gone like it was nothing
And i miss you like it was something
Those moments felt like everything
Does any of it matter, any more?
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
You came back for a fleeting moment / won’t you stay
Feb 2019 · 240
Pause / repeat
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
Maybe I miss you and maybe I shouldn’t but the truth is I do
I’m in a crowded room
Surrounded by bright lights and lovely people but i still wish we had more than a passing encounter last night
Wish I knew for certain that this would one day go somewhere cause
I don’t lend my heart out often
I was hopeful
And you surprised me
And hurt me
And left me
But didn’t quite leave yet
Will you come back to stay
Feb 2019 · 303
Alone / lonely
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
You left my bed filled with a terrible nostalgia
Now I can’t sleep without dreaming you next to me
I conjure up your ghost
Why do you continue to haunt my sheets
Feb 2019 · 219
Give/ Fight
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
Killing myself has always been a back burner option
Been something floating in the foreground like an exit sign in a dimly lit room that I’ve never used
See, I wake up every day and choose not to use it
I decide it’s all worth it
The way the cold makes my thighs red on a Friday night
How the crisp winter breeze reminds me what it’s like to feel something
How you made me feel good, past tense and bad present tense but **** isn’t it a gift to feel this range of emotions again
I feel all this love and heartbreak that I never thought I would again
I thought the winter wind made me numb but instead it made me realize how wonderfully alive I am
I would never do anything to change that, I’ll never take the quick exit
For that, havent I won, something?
Feb 2019 · 211
Dream / reality
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
I used to sleep to dream you
But now I wake to forget you cause
My subconscious mind keeps bringing us back together
And when I wake it hurts all over again
Like I’m losing you all over again
In my dreams I can still reach for you
You’re still with me
Then I wake up and remember you’re gone, again
Come back, again
I’ll love you, again
Feb 2019 · 266
Reliving / reincarnation
Leigh Marie Feb 2019
4.The last time you kissed me was the first time you kissed me with the lights on, standing

1. We even were able to outstay the jazz band/laughing as they passed the bass off the stage

6. You said there was no connection

5. I showed you how to dance, just to be near to you, again

4. We ****** like our bodies were familiar/ your skin was no longer a stranger to my sheets

1. You told me you had fun and we should do it again, sometime

6. You told me you had fun, but had to sort out your feelings

3. We slept, naked and familiar

6. I was harsh with my words

7. I apologized/ I am no longer decifering your intentions

7. I think I hurt you, too

2. By the end of the night, our hands were stuck to each others magnetic bodies

4. We kept missing the train

7. I still miss you

8. Will we see each other, again?
Jan 2019 · 291
Growing / shrinking
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
I’ve been learning what I deserve
Who I deserve
What makes me happy
Who makes me happy
Still sprinkled with self destruction
And holding onto fond memories
I’ve got a ways to go
But my how far I’ve come
Jan 2019 · 223
Hold / Drop
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
I'm back at square one
I know I've been here before
felt this
Everything seems so unfinished
There’s still more to say
More to experience
More connection to be had
I wish you’d wait it out a little longer but
Instead I’ll just write you one last time
Open the door to a second try
Remind you that I’m still here
Smiling, waiting
Lord knows I’m special
And I know you’re special
It’s hard to ignore how comfortable we felt
But maybe I felt like her when you closed your eyes
And maybe I didn’t make you feel the way she did when you opened them
Maybe it was her you were reaching for all along
Our connection wasn’t the same as yours but
Did you really give it a fighting chance
Or did you just hide away from the possibility
From the commitment
From the vulnerability
I’m still here arms open, eyes bright
I’m still here
Still here
Jan 2019 · 943
Heart / Lung
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
Maybe we both were trying to find the heart of someone else in between the arms of each other
Maybe I was just a place holder for what you were missing
Maybe I was a bandaid on a leaking dam
Maybe it’s all much more simple but
I’ll probably never know
Never know what it was you were looking for
What changed your mind
What you were waiting to have happen
Is my smile too big my heart too open?
Did my confidence scare you away
What was I missing
Jan 2019 · 274
Going / gone
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
I’ve been starting to think that I can love you in your absence
And I’m worried that if you came back
Next week
Next year
Ten years from now
I’d still love you
And kiss goodbye to all I’ve held since you left
All that held me since you left
Just so I could hold you, feel you
Jan 2019 · 248
Arm / Leg
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
I suppose the day has finally come where I no longer write you
Where I no longer miss you cause
It was your birthday and I did not send you carrier pigeon love
I am done accepting love fleeting
I’ve learned that there is no wrong time with the right person
Which is not to say I don’t still try harder than I should
But you are no longer on the receiving end
I seldom think of you now
But I’ll always hope just a little that you still think of me
Jan 2019 · 302
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
Every morning I make my bed
I roll off the mattress and immediately get to work
Straightening my blankets and folding them back
Plumping the spread with throw pillows that were gifted to me and don’t quite go together

But the morning after you leave I lay in the bed a little longer
Leave it messy and tangled even as I leave the house
I come home to a reminder of you being with me for one more night
Messy and tangled

I get into my unmade bed and remember how warm you made me feel
How I didn’t need the layers of blankets for heat and pressure cause
You were there with me
Messy and tangled
Havent we been here before

This morning I made my bed
The sheets were strewn across my room
Requiring a little more effort cause I had neglected them yesterday trying to keep a token of you being with me
I left this morning starting a new week with a made bed but
I want you to be with me
Messy and tangled
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
I wish I could say that I’d be the same woman I am today and maybe I don’t know who I’d be but
I know who I would not be
I’d stop loving the flat Stanley version of myself and start loving my full panoramic body,
my body 100% woman
I’d be less cool girl and more cool, girl
I’d stop my soul searching hands from picking my impurities off my face
I’d wear socks to bed and wear jackets that really keep me warm
I’d grin less and smile more
I would be radiant
But then again, how is that any different than I already am
Just a little less
A prompt by one of my favorite bloggers
Jan 2019 · 1.3k
Year of the womxn
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
There is power in knowing that I can disappear as quickly as I came
That I don’t need you need you  
There is power in holding interest cause I can lose it as fast as I found you
Being a magical woman means I can vanish before your eyes at the first sight of wavering
My body miraculous there is power in my smile
Jan 2019 · 206
Love well deserved
Leigh Marie Jan 2019
Self care looks a lot like getting dressed even if nobody will notice the difference
like taking up extra space
Like marveling at your hands for all they’ve held, for how they get red and stiff in January air
Dec 2018 · 609
Simple intimacy
Leigh Marie Dec 2018
I’ve been getting nervous that
you won’t call cause
I don’t wanna lose you
See I don’t often let myself lay
comfortably in someone else’s arms or
let someone rest their hand
on my hip while I sleep
I lose my breath remembering
that feeling of you feeling me

The simple intimacy of laying in bed
in our underwear
looking at each other after the sun rises,
Talking bout cards our parents gave us
our laughter filling the room with warmth
Lately it’s been so cold

I don’t want to let this all go
I rest my head on your shoulder
just to be closer to you
Don’t let me go

Innocently intertwining as we sleep
I hear you snore and you pull me in
Your body familiar, my body resurrected
Let’s lay here still while the world spins
Like we’ve done this all before
Dec 2018 · 374
Leigh Marie Dec 2018
Haven’t been calling like I should or
Visiting like I said I would
Made you cry at dinner cause you said I make you feel stupid
Don’t know why I push and pull you away but if anyone were to ask I’d say you’re my go to
Though I don’t always treat you like it
I’m sorry that I’m your world and that I’ve been so absent
Been trying to figure out who I am without you
But you made me
You shaped me and sometimes I resent your honesty
I love you more than anyone else
I’m sorry that I can’t show you that the way I should
Dec 2018 · 226
Leigh Marie Dec 2018
Maybe it is that we are so fiercely afraid that we can be loved wholeheartedly that we run into the arms of people we know never will
Which is to say maybe it is that I can not bring myself to believe that I might deserve better so
Forgive me if I am skeptical
Forgive me if I’m fleeting cause
It all seems too imaginary to be my manifest destiny
Dec 2018 · 742
Leigh Marie Dec 2018
For the first time I’ve been loved like I’m more than a body
Held like more than a place holder
So forgive me if I try to hold you close but
I don’t wanna lose this feeling of being loved with eyes wide open
I don’t tend to feel this way often so I wanna know if this is new for you too
Nov 2018 · 157
Leigh Marie Nov 2018
You were already so familiar
So honest and vulnerable
Though you were not ready
Even if I finally was
So maybe we can try again
In a month or two
And see if we can start something
Oct 2018 · 141
Leigh Marie Oct 2018
Without you, everything is alright
But with you, all is right
Apr 2018 · 770
Leigh Marie Apr 2018
my body is 100% woman
all curves and no straight angles
full of grace and love
a pillow to hold

my body is 100% miracle
all strength and perseverance
awkward and unique
a frame to remember

even when it feels
full of shame
I still know it to be
Apr 2018 · 196
even after Saturday
Leigh Marie Apr 2018
we laughed
we walked, and sat
we talked and remained silent

I cried and
didn’t look you in the eye

you came to say hi

everything and nothing has changed
all the same

how might tomorrow
change yesterday?
Apr 2018 · 171
Leigh Marie Apr 2018
Why are we so quick to
Forgive each other but
So reluctant to forgive ourselves

Perhaps we keep closing doors
Not because we don’t want what is
On the other side but because
We don’t think we deserve it
Apr 2018 · 200
Leigh Marie Apr 2018
we used to wear fishnets with shorts and
talk about God beneath the no smoking sign
we’d play made up games and watch Disney movies
cause it was ironic
made each other mixtapes on CDs
talked on the internet
sent each other emails
in the name of irony and being different

we wear ankle boots with jeans and
talk about politics over a beer
we travel and make mistakes
cause it fills us up
send each other poetry from youtube
tag each other in posts
in the name of keeping in touch
we’re no longer living down the street but
still together
Mar 2018 · 196
Leigh Marie Mar 2018
I knocked and
You answered
You were always the answer
Maybe not always the right one
But I’ve always picked you so
Hopefully this time I’ll
Get things right

Maybe we won’t leave eachother
Won’t have to say I miss you again or
Let’s catch up
Don’t wanna have to know more time without you in it
Leigh Marie Jan 2018
I've been trying to write away humiliation &
carve embarrassment out of my chest
but its hard to put emotion to paper when the boy that hurt you
won’t even tell you his last name

you lost the right to anonymity when you took me to bed &
used my first name like a curse word
like you yourself named me
you told me I’m still a hot little thing
as if I was worried bout what you thought in the first place

you told me it was best that I leave
told me maybe after we get to know each other we can try again
as if I was begging you for mercy
begging you to let me stay

not knowing you wasn’t the problem
knowing your touch,
your kiss
was the problem
you told me your story but
when I said that I do not even know your last name
you said its best that way
why are you hiding,

you asked what we are doing here
as if it weren’t already clear
you were really asking me bout what I am not doing

I missed the signs
of you walking in front of me and waving me over
waving me out
of you kissing me like theres a timer around my neck
like there wasn't someone on the other side trying to kiss you back

I do not wish to see you again
If I see you I will tell you my last name
Nov 2017 · 526
I wish you forget me
Leigh Marie Nov 2017
I spend hours trying to understand
why you still care
when I should address why I do, instead
I don't think bout you often anymore
But when I do, I think bout how i hope you can't get my smile out of your head, that you wonder how I am

But most days, I wish that you hit every red light on the way to class
that you forget your phone charger at home and your iphone dies halway through your three hour lecture,
on a Monday,
at 9 am

Some days, I hope that the left bud of your headphones break
that all your lays chips are crushed, even though the bag is all air and no potato

I rarely think of you, but when I do, I hope that you lose your last guitar pick
and your brother leaves your aux cord at home,

I hope that all of your mac and cheese is just a little to watery and that you lose all of your left socks

On the days I think of you, I wish you uneven laces
and rain on your birthday

I wish you a hole in the crotch your favorite pants and
the parking spot furthest from the entrance

I hope only radio commercials for tampons
and a brain freeze

I wish you forget the last page of your paper in the printer
I wish you forget me

I wish you lose my number
and hope you lose the desire to text me, again

cause maybe if you forget it will be easier for me too
and I won't have to wish you ****** noses and a really big hang nail anymore
after Dry Cake Wishes and Tap Water Dreams by Rachel Wiley
Nov 2017 · 354
president's precedent
Leigh Marie Nov 2017
maybe its that I'm not meant to forget you forever
Oct 2017 · 355
Leigh Marie Oct 2017
It took me 17 years to finally meet you and 344 days to finally forget you
It took me 1 night to fall in love with you and 2 mistakes for our hearts to be broken
I felt like we were made for eachother
Like everything happened as it should be as if we were born already in love
My soulmate
We liked the same poems and preferred the same songs
We always laughed together
It seemed so logical it seemed so intelligible
So easy to intellectualize
It was obvious you were my destiny
Till destiny took you away till you ran away till you slept with her till you stayed with her
Every "I'm not ready for a relationship" is a "I'm not ready for you" is a "I don't want you" why couldn't I accept that
Why couldn't you accept that why couldn't you stay away
You come back sporadically
Come back long enough to remind me that you're still there
But she's still there with you

I am long gone
I have sat across from other dark eyes and laughed
I have connected with our men have kissed other men
See I can leave you like you left me
Like he left me
Like my dad left me

Don't know if these new eyes will stay with me or run like you did
Don't know if he feels the chemistry between us if he skipped as he walked away like I did
If he told his friends about me like I did
He reminded me of the first time
Of my first time in love
Of falling in love blindly unaware
I feel the opportunity of forever but don't think I am worth it
Don't think he thinks I'm worth it
I don't think he thinks of me
Maybe he isn't worth it
But I know he is I can't stop running
Can't stop hiding
Last time I put my neck out I nearly drowned
You nearly drowned
Don't want him to drown me again like you did
But I'm already falling
Sep 2017 · 213
on letting go
Leigh Marie Sep 2017
still haven't found anyone like you
but I doubt you've found anyone
like me

we might not write bout each other or to each other anymore
but we'll always be bound to each other

The world is still mine
even if you aren't
Aug 2017 · 280
Leigh Marie Aug 2017
outa sight outa mind I haven't missed you in a while cause
**** things have changed
no more hoping or wishing or thinking bout you
you haven't called me in over a year
you been with her for over a year
but then you come back even just for a second and I
wanna tell you everything you've been missing
how I've seen the world and found my passions
how I've laughed and cried and grown without you
the books I've read
the people I've met
wanna share them with you
wanna share you with them
but you'll be gone before I can
utter the words
before I can ask how you are
before you can ask how I am
you dance in and out
using poetry as your vessel to remind me of what we share
our mutual existence in this crazy world
our coexistence
back for a second you'll be gone for a minute
I miss you already
I've forgotten you again
Jun 2017 · 305
Leigh Marie Jun 2017
He don't leave me smiling like you did
But then again you left me crying too
Maybe he'll at least spare me the heartache
Jun 2017 · 325
Old friends
Leigh Marie Jun 2017
I'm two lips closer to forgetting you
Hands are hands and
Mouths breathe fire but
I can't pretend they know me like you do
Legs are legs and
His arms around me feel the same as yours but it doesn't matter cause he doesn't get me like you do
Like you did
Jun 2017 · 412
touch back
Leigh Marie Jun 2017
Each day I am closer to escaping you
closer to forgetting you
but each night I am reminded of who I remember you to be
closer to missing you
I close my eyes and you are next to me, again
holding my hand, again
closer to needing you
you visit me in my dreams and virtual reality
closer to forgiving you
I want to be closer to you
May 2017 · 237
Leigh Marie May 2017
It has been months of reconciliation
Of learning to love myself again
Of learning to let go to what I can not change
And stop trying to change people
My worth is no longer dependent on how people prioritize me or how they treat me
But instead loving them through their mal treatment and most importantly
Loving myself through it
Letting go of contempt and resentment leaves room for new friendships and working on old ones
Cause six years mean everything and make it worth it
May 2017 · 226
Leigh Marie May 2017
It is the age old ritual
Of time apart bringing us together
Or bringing it together
That is being away from you
Makes me realize how much I light up when I talk about you or want to talk to you
The last time I felt this way everything ended up in unrequited flames
May 2017 · 233
From the Other Side
Leigh Marie May 2017
you were a laughing constant
that always smiled at my jokes and
fell for my fake stories
that I told just to make you laugh
you should've known then
that I will lie to you
if it means making you smile
if it means hiding who I really am

I saw you in the corner of an empty room
that was crowded with my thoughts
clouded with drugs
I saw you
barely knew you
but still told you
cause I knew to take it as a sign
that you're here for
me too

I'm sorry that we broke each other
and that we waltz in and out of our lives
waiting for me to be ready
or else you to be ready
I can't be sure
not sure if we'll ever be ready
just always right
I didn't want to hurt you
and I'm sorry I did
when I ran away to hide
and protect you from me
I mean protect me from you
cause you hold me to who I am
and pull me out from hiding
but its hard to keep hiding from you
don't want to stay away from you
but I'm afraid I've done too much damage
May 2017 · 1.8k
unrequited love poem
Leigh Marie May 2017
I've ran away to all the far places where
I know you will not be
I have made memories in foreign tongues
and smiled into the eyes of people I will never see again

Perhaps, it is the reflection of our intermingling in space-
languages on two different wave lengths
destined to be separated again

Whenever I send you a carrier pigeon love letter I
hear from him instead or else
don't hear from you at all

I just want to hear my name on your mouth again cause
my memory of you will never be tainted
no matter how many times you try to sabotage it
I will always love you

I anxiously wait you to remember me while I try to forget you
It is all a bit too futile for someone so open hearted
I'm going to catch a cold
Our love has grown cold but my heart will keep it warm
I've always been a warm fire for you
kindling for you to ignite

I know all your secrets, I am not sure that you know mine
I hold them close to me
I imagine a world where you miss me where you ring me again
You have come and gone I can not forget that
Can not forget the day we met
Forget the day you left
I cried

Whenever I am with someone else I always think of you
I measure him to you
even though you were nothing short of a let down
I paint you perfect
remember you between the moon and my brow
under the starlight between the blades of grass or
sitting, a safe distance apart
you always kept me a safe distance apart
inspired by poems by Sabrina Benaim and Sierra DeMulder
Apr 2017 · 303
Leigh Marie Apr 2017
I'm sorry for
what I did cause
I never wanted you all to leave
That wasn't me
I just told the truth and
what happened,
was going to happen
You all broke me and I am sorry I fell this way
I am I mean it
I'm not facetious
I miss you all and I wish it could be the same again
Wish we could laugh together about the good times or talk about the bad but I understand
I still grieve
I am sure you do too
Didn't think that conversation in the green chairs would change everything
Couldn't hold it in anymore
When I shattered so did my walls holding in your secrets
It's not just my fault
And it's not just yours
We're just kids at heart
But we had hearts in our hands
I couldn't watch you let them fall
Had to catch them
So I dropped you
I'm sorry
Apr 2017 · 515
Leigh Marie Apr 2017
Growing tired of the present I
Fear the future cause she is
My next door neighbor
I am reminded of her everyday
I pass her in the hallway
She waves hello but I
Do not want her to move in with me
I'm happy alone
Apr 2017 · 280
Leigh Marie Apr 2017
even if days may go by that I do not think of you
not a day goes by that I do not miss you

some days I take a breath
and feel the air get lost on its way to my lungs - trapped
lost soul searching
found hiding from reality
I push out the empty air, still alive
still breathing,
without you
you, still missing
from me - lost
Apr 2017 · 326
Leigh Marie Apr 2017
in all of my best memories with you, we always were in the car,
maybe you’re just always on the move
you love best in motion

you had to **** time before you picked up your brother
but arrived an hour early
so you picked me up and we went for a drive

you were bored on the way home from your girlfriends,
so you picked me up and we went for a drive

we went to visit our friend and
you stopped in the middle of an intersection
nobody was coming and you got out,
just to make me laugh and boy I did
I screamed for you to get back in
you still deny it ever happened

countless hour long drives together
one car accident, one time being pulled over by the police
one time missing my train, 4 night drives by the farm

you called me in the car, on the way to break up with your girlfriend
you called me in the car, after almost dying in an accident
you ended things in the car

the last time I saw you, we drove separately
said hello with a hug
goodbye with a wave
I hope to drive with you again
don’t know if I ever will
Apr 2017 · 425
Leigh Marie Apr 2017
maybe, I'm holding on to the best parts of you
but there are so many best parts that
I don't wanna let go, I can't let go
can't open my hand to wave good bye
can't open my arms to anyone else
didn't have you long enough to
say I love you but
boy did I
knew that for a while cause
I always had

I said happy birthday cause
that's my white flag
my bridge to over it
my olive branch
but I haven't heard from you since

I miss the feeling that you weren't going anywhere
cause your 4 am hellos were enough
your "you're probably not awake"
your "have you heard this song"
my, being awake
my, "I love that song too"
were all enough
do you still think of me when you
hear those songs or find that art
or have you completely forgotten about us
riding together in your car like we had started
the beginning of forever?

I try to forget I miss you by
finding the good in everyone else
finding prospect in guys not meant for me
maybe you were not meant for me either

So instead I tell my stories, of my crazy, funny friend
and how he lights up my time at home
with good luck and bad timing
how everything for him always works out
but almost falls apart
of our time together, in the car, driving
incidents with police officers
where I kept my cool and
your good fortune got us out unscathed

I tell them about the time you stopped in the intersection,
just to make me laugh till
I pulled you back in the car and we drove away

I keep to myself that first morning after in the car, silent
we didn't talk for 30 minutes till
you told me you wanted to buy fruit leather
I don't even know what fruit leather is

I keep to myself the time you looked at me and
told me how she broke your heart
I keep to myself the time you broke my heart

All our best times together were in the car
going somewhere or nowhere
just going, together  
going out for coffee, but you, not getting coffee
cause you don't like coffee but I always forget and
pick the same place to eat
you never remind me that you don't like coffee
if you ring me again I promise, I won't forget that
you don't like coffee
Leigh Marie Mar 2017
I tell you bout my trips and everything I’ve seen
about my laughter and what I’ve learned but
I’m afraid to tell you that I feel like I’m losing myself again
that stopping my medication was the wrong decision
like I am trapped in this opportunity, can't get out and can't go home
I don't tell you about being filled with regret
that my flashbacks hurt more than I expected
That I lost my safe place and I feel abandoned

You did yoga today and I travelled some more
I laughed a little, and took a nap
you're seeing your friend tomorrow
I know what you are doing
but how are you doing
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