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Jan 2021 · 844
Makayla Jan 2021
I'm being told by others that you may be the one
The person who's supposed to love me
Treat me right

I'm being told by you that you care
The reasons why you enjoy talking to me
Love me greatly
This is unfinished but maybe some poems are better when they're left unfinished?
Feel free to share revision ideas :)
Aug 2020 · 437
Makayla Aug 2020
You showed up with a teddybear, Reeses, and a strawberry candle
Left without your hoodie and cologne
And this is only the beginning of my little collection of you
Not sure what I was going for exactly.
Makayla Aug 2020
Cuddling, kissing
Watching a movie
Your hands tangled in my hair
Pull me closer deepening our kisses
Tightening your grip in my hair

Lay me back gently and tilt my head
Sliding your hand to my waist;
You pause and ask if it's okay -
Confess you don't want to go too far
I nod and say its fine,
Squeezing your hand on my waist
Leaning in for another kiss

Hands roam under my shirt
Slide softly down my pants
Fingers gently explore

My soft moans into your neck
You squeeze me tighter and pull me close
Whispering "Baby, shhh."
You pump your finger deep inside
Curling your knuckles and inserting more

Quickly undoing your belt
Rock hard throbbing ****
Slowly pushing inside

Claiming me

Legs high over your shoulders
Thrusting and pumping slow and deep
Panting, moaning, groaning and kisses
Your love spewing out all over my stomach and thighs

I hope this is the beginning of something beautiful that lasts forever...
Jun 2020 · 536
Letter To Jennie ~ {#3}
Makayla Jun 2020
I'm somewhere between heartache and agony,
Where your soul feels it's being crushed mercilessly
Yet, a raging anger
Burning its way through my body and melting my brain
Singing my insides;
Unable to think rationally

Trying to ignore you is like trying not to breathe
I can't help but look at your face,
And to tell myself this isn't real

I want to try and fix things but then again I don't wanna rush it and hurt things more instead...

I made a public collection {Letters To Jennie Collection} so all further letter posts will be together if anyone would want to follow it and read them. Thank you for your time~
Jan 2020 · 329
Makayla Jan 2020
You've made me go to mint tea
And eating fresh lettuce I've grown all myself,
With mindfulness and yoga sessions
And more thoughtful daily routines

You've made me realize
How toxic you really are;
Pondering upon if I should let you go
I conclude 'Yes.'
I suppose you did do two good things for me which was:
1.} You gave me temporary happiness
2.} You showed me what an all-around ****** person is so I know for future reference, and so I could cut you out and work and better myself so I could be healthy and healthier in all ways.
Jan 2020 · 374
Letters To Jennie ~ {#2}
Makayla Jan 2020
I had a feeling it'd come to this,
Yet I didn't want to accept such fate
Though I'm still confused,
As to what the **** I even did
Laughing and joking with all perfectly fine
A week of absence
Then suddenly years of memories thrown out the ******* window

Tell me,
Did I mean so little this whole time?

Nevertheless I laugh,
For I believe and trust you'll respect what has happened in our lives together
Realizing we shouldn't part ways;
Likewise that the first fight your boyfriend and you get into,
Will bring you strolling on back
Or even if your boyfriend and you break-up,
Shall do the same

Until then,
I mind to wait...

It's just a waiting game I suppose...

I made a public collection {Letters To Jennie Collection} so all further letter posts will be together if anyone would want to follow it and read them. Thank you for your time~
Jan 2020 · 414
Letters To Jennie ~ {#1}
Makayla Jan 2020
I don't understand why you decided
That leaving was better than staying;
Or why you think
That you don't need me anymore
But its fine dear,
I can only hope this is temporary as usual
And so when you come back,
I'll foolishly accept it
And try to pretend and hide the reality

We've had many nonsense fights and periods of silence before and I'm hoping this seems to be so.

I made a public collection {Letters To Jennie Collection} so all further letter posts will be together if anyone would want to follow it and read them. Thank you for your time~
Jan 2020 · 188
Slowing Dark
Makayla Jan 2020
Its the behind the scenes
That no one knows,
World's questions
Of greatest secrets,
Truly beautiful;
Greatest desire
Feel free to share any revision ideas :)
Dec 2019 · 1.9k
Makayla Dec 2019
Why am I so easy to forget like that?
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
May 2019 · 3.1k
Makayla May 2019
She's like a wildflower,
Beautiful and carefree
She goes with the flow
And finds beauty in everythin'
Her only motivation - the sun and the wind
The ability to love herself, a power within
She counts the bumblebees as they buzz by
While some come to stay others just say 'Bye.'
She treats them kindly and gives them her all
Sweet and vulnerable, in hopes they don't sting
After all, herself,
Another human being
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
This poem is dedicated to my best friend Jen~
Makayla May 2019
If we lived forever, maybe we'd have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is.
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Apr 2019 · 273
Makayla Apr 2019
My dear, you are purely saccharine
But even the sweetest of things turn into something weary
For after a while, sweets start to become too rich for our taste as we age
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Mar 2019 · 440
Makayla Mar 2019
Today my bus was a little late
So 27, 71, and 42 arrived all at the same time;
Mine, my best friend's, and then "******'s" as we call him

My best friend wandered off and returned
Only to sit in the bay window two windows away,
And "******" greeted me for the first time ever,
He walked up to me, greeting me with a sincere smile
Something he's never done before

Another friend standing by told me something,
She told me he had his signature blank expression as he walked up to me
How she gave him a nod as in a "What's up" motion
To which he replied back, emotionless

But when I turned to him and my eyes met his
His face light up;
He smiled and seemed glad that I was there
"******" didn't worry about my best friend who he claims loves so deeply

Soon our trio was roaming the halls together
Though, not long after we set off he said that we need to talk later
In that serious tone he used with my best friend when they were off and on

What are you thinking?
What are you planning?
Why did you smile?
Does it mean anything?
I'm so confused and have too many questions.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
Mar 2019 · 187
Makayla Mar 2019
We skipped 1st period together
And things were cool and calm

No issues - we didn't get caught
As I gave advice to you as usual,

We discussed what we have in common - good and bad
Then you can't see anything good about yourself
But as I told you,
Sometimes the good things and people are overlooked;
Sometimes we overlook the good things about ourselves

After that you agreed and seemed to understand a bit
Suddenly you asked what's on my mind,
To which I confessed my fear to you

How I want to live near my best friend after high school,
That I want to be around someone I know
"Because, anxiety." As I said
And added how the thought of going to a different country
Scares me to all high hell

Then again, you mentioned that you want me to go with you to Ireland
Or that we can stay here
And when your grandmother passes, I can move into your house with you

I don't understand why you're being so nice,
I don't know if I can believe your words
You a confusing character my friend, I hope I can trust and believe you.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
Mar 2019 · 909
Makayla Mar 2019
You shook my hand
And touched my soul
Burning my heart
And poisoning my skin
I don't know why you decided to shake my hand today before you left, let alone why the handshake was so weak and you were so gentle
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Mar 2019 · 355
Like The Back Of Your Hand
Makayla Mar 2019
If you really knew me,
You'd know I don't like people remembering my birthday;
That I'd rather have any other song sung to me around those small candles
Than that overused and cliche Happy Birthday song
Like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

If you really knew me,
You'd know that the fewer birthday wishes the better;
That a simple smile and hug will cut it for me
Rather than money

If you really knew me,
Like the back of your hand,
You'd respect that;
Nobody ever really remembers my birthday.
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Mar 2019 · 386
My Head
Makayla Mar 2019
Greasy hair,
No sleep,
Forgot her glasses,
That's me
Notice how they all kind of have to do with my head hence, the title.
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Mar 2019 · 568
Scenario Plans
Makayla Mar 2019
Most times I imagine myself committing suicide
And actually dead,
I find myself running away from my home
Only time end my life somewhere alone in the woods

A few times I see myself going behind my best friend's house
Others the woods near my home;
Sometimes going somewhere where I know nobody would think of looking
But rarely in my home in the bathroom

I know exactly how things would go if I did it at my trailer home;
In the early morning hours, I'd cut and overdose on my pills I've saved up,
My mother would try to come in the bathroom at 6:45am when she wakes my brother up for school
The door will be locked, she'll call out my name thinking I missed the bus
Though she'll receive no response and can't get in
So my mother will wake up her boyfriend and ask him to unlock it
Only for them to find me on the ground unconscious

But if I left my home,
No one would know where to start looking
And I'd be successful -

The End
Just my honest thoughts and facts.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
Mar 2019 · 369
Makayla Mar 2019
I've been up since Monday,
Not an ounce of sleep
I feel so dead inside
But that ain't stopping me -
From smiling on the outside

Because a song I listened to last night,
That provoked certain thoughts and urges,
Said that it doesn't matter what's on the inside;
That you need to shove it deep down inside and just smile
Because only what's on the surface matters

So that's what I've been doing so far -
In the 2 hours I've been in public and around my best friend
I've smiled and threw jokes out
Laughing perfected fake laughs
Pretending that I'm sleeping while the world was dreaming
That I was having a happy dream in a cozy slumber

I pretend I wasn't crying all night long, alone
As I convinced myself that my best friend didn't need me;
When I get in those episodes where the need to die is so strong,
I can never really imagine a scenario where she cares or wants me around

But there's one scenario - one moment where she vaguely does
And it's when I see myself in my casket being lowered into my grave
I can see her sad and crying sometimes depending on the night
But others she just stares, remotely sad

Though, what do I care?
I'm dead and free
True story that's based on only facts hah.
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Mar 2019 · 329
In Between
Makayla Mar 2019
Finding loopholes and skipping class;
Playing substitutes like pawns

We try to sneak away together,
My best friend and I

Making petty lies -
We smudge reality and falsity

Our second year of high school
And we're already aces of forged passes and coming up with smoothly said ******* excuses when questioned

It is in between classes when we roam the halls
That we hatch our plans and ideas, building excuses

A few failed attempts
Though we still have many tallies on our side of success

There is an in between that no one likes to talk about
And that my friend, is home to me
The last two stanzas don't really go with the poem and I apologize but I really like the last stanza and don't know what to do so my poem can flow into that last bit but whatever.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
Mar 2019 · 590
Makayla Mar 2019
Only fools fall for you,
So I guess that's why I did too
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Mar 2019 · 356
Mind Over Body
Makayla Mar 2019
Your body, so crazy I bet your mind's amazing
Excerpts of my favorite and relatable pieces that describe how things are in my life or how I feel...
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Mar 2019 · 387
Makayla Mar 2019
You were the song that was stuck in my head
Excerpts of my favorite and relatable pieces that describe how things are in my life or how I feel...
Mar 2019 · 232
Makayla Mar 2019
With raised hands we
Joined together creating a
Revolution as we
United as one
Voice spoke by a
Galaxy of people
A bit of a different format from my usual approach but why not? Also apologies for this not being one of my best.
Feel free to share your revision ideas (:
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
Motorsickle Mosquito
Makayla Mar 2019
Revving engine there you go,
Twisting the throttle of your Harley Davidson

Sunglasses down, a small smirk upon your face
You think you're better than everyone
You stupid mosquito
A poem I made for my best friend based off a joke we made lol.
Makayla Mar 2019
I was headed home when I stumbled upon thee;
A spidder

Your hill-like crooked legs speeding down the road towards me,
I tried to run

But far too fast were thee and crawled upon me
The spidder whispered to me;

Now at last,
We're connected by stomach and arm
A poem I made for a best friend based off a joke we made lol.
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Concluding Terms
Makayla Mar 2019
I'm so sick of being blamed,
Getting yelled at for adults' and teachers' mistakes
All because of the "she said, he said" bull

I've devoted so much time into my job
I've been a good student with honor and higher grade classes
I've always gone the extra mile and scored those brownie points
Yet now I'm on lockdown

Who knew acting out and skipping classes for once
All due to my mother's threats of kicking me out along with my suicidal thoughts
Would bring everyone to ******* hate me

Haha but listen here,
I won't give up that easily;
I'll bite back with venom and fangs while you try to toss me in a cage
I'll show you I'm the one who ******* rules my life
And that I make my own decisions
Even if that means ending my own life
This most likely isn't that good but it's because it's fueled with pure, raw emotion and I can't describe things any better.
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Mar 2019 · 190
Makayla Mar 2019
Barely talked since she told you no;
My best friend rejecting your love
And not wanting to be yours

New crush within 2 days
After being 2 years obsessed over my best friend
And trying for 3 months to charm her, requesting my aid

So you didn't talk to me for 3-4 weeks until you messaged me,
You were miserable and wanted me to break it off to her
And we're still friends so I do

Today we were talking and you seem more comfortable with me
And you seem all worried about how I am and how things are
But then you said something odd and abrupt;

"Come to Ireland with me."

At first, my mind told me that's absurd moving to a different country
But now that I think,
I may just take you up on that offer

We both could use a fresh start;
Strange people that don't know the rumors spread about us here
No stained reputation and issues to follow us

It sounds heavenly,
A blissful paradise that seems so beautiful
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Mar 2019 · 286
Makayla Mar 2019
We then quit thinking about each other
Yes we did

All was so empty
All was so noisy
Then all went silent

Now all is balanced now all can happen, now all can happen
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Feb 2019 · 681
Makayla Feb 2019
Hang a rope 'round my neck
Say goodbye, write the check
Just something random I wrote.
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Feb 2019 · 281
Makayla Feb 2019
We danced in winter;
Shining suspense here
Blackout Poetry I did that was taken from the lyrics of Stolen Dance by Milky Chance.
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Feb 2019 · 279
Makayla Feb 2019
You never brought us dancin' in paradise
Blackout Poetry I did that was taken from the lyrics of Stolen Dance by Milky Chance.
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Feb 2019 · 278
Makayla Feb 2019
I feel alone;
The kind they bring
Blackout Poetry I did that was taken from the lyrics of Stolen Dance by Milky Chance.
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Feb 2019 · 241
Different Perspective
Makayla Feb 2019
You're my heaven but maybe I'm your hell
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Feb 2019 · 227
Makayla Feb 2019
You told me a story
Of how you left
A young girl who became too depressed

She spoke in monotone
When you'd call on the phone
And that affected you

But instead of trying to help her
You left

Now I sit and wonder
'Am I next?'
Based on the exact words my friend said to me.
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Feb 2019 · 263
Existing Loudly
Makayla Feb 2019
Maybe you're an introvert
But really bubbly and carefree among those you know best
Maybe you don't have many friends and that's okay
But sometimes you need the type of people that bring out that side of you
Maybe one day you'll get yelled at
Because you're laughing too loud in the hallway with that special best friend
As you leave class early
But all you have to tell them is,
"I'm existing loudly."

Leave a legacy,
Exist loudly
I really don't know what this is so I apologize if this *****.
Feel free to share revision ideas :)
Feb 2019 · 715
Makayla Feb 2019
I've always liked quiet people;
You never know if they're dancing in a daydream
Or if they're carrying the weight of the world
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Feb 2019 · 263
Makayla Feb 2019
And in that moment it hit me

You don't care,
And you never did

You only came to me when you were bored;
I guess I was a second option to you
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Feb 2019 · 197
Makayla Feb 2019
You may not believe me but I gave you all I had
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Feb 2019 · 146
Makayla Feb 2019
I like people too much or not at all.
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Feb 2019 · 191
Makayla Feb 2019
Don't exist;
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Feb 2019 · 177
Quit It
Makayla Feb 2019
Stop making me feel so sad
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Feb 2019 · 207
Makayla Feb 2019
Don't give up now
Chances are
Your best kiss,
Your hardest laugh,
And your greatest day
Are still yet to come
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Feb 2019 · 723
Makayla Feb 2019
I'm here,
I love you

I don't care
If you need to stay up
Crying all night long
I will stay with you

There's nothing you can
Ever do to lose my love
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Feb 2019 · 290
Makayla Feb 2019
Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you.
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Feb 2019 · 187
Makayla Feb 2019
It's weird to think about the person who you once told everything to
Has no clue what's going on in your life

All they can remember are past memories;
Unfinished stories from places you left off

You place a bookmark to remember where you stopped,
In hopes of returning back to that place again in the future
But maybe you never do

So instead of hoping for another chance you just hope they can even remember your name;
Because the thought of being forgotten tears us apart

It's a reason so many of us fall into an existential crisis every other day
As we try to leave our mark on the world

Thinking of the people who have come and gone
And all the bookmarks we've placed in our unfinished story
I apologize for the ending being so bland.
Feel free to share revision ideas :)
Feb 2019 · 669
Like You
Makayla Feb 2019
Girls like you
Deserve a love
That always
Feels like summer
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Feb 2019 · 289
Makayla Feb 2019
You are my heart in human form
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Feb 2019 · 394
Makayla Feb 2019
I care for myself
The way I used to care about you
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Feb 2019 · 543
Makayla Feb 2019
Not all storms come to disrupt your life;
Some come to clear your path
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