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Aug 2016 · 561
bjynxthelyric Aug 2016
It must be a curse to feel so deeply.
Smog bodies with their ****** energies
and frivolous frequencies
annoy me on an exponential level and
bring me out of an amorous dream
back into this ****** reality
where light bounces off bodies of darkness
and darkness creates light from nothingness.

Humility is always the word.

So many L's,
Life Lessons Learned from Losses Left on Loop,
but when you collect enough,
you make Double Use(W's) out of an Undaunted Understanding...

When Will We Win?
What Were We Wrongfully Weary of?

And after realizing that there are those and they's and things that will never have the luxury of order to give life meaning,
a conscience for consciousness to coincide with itself,
or the ability to feel at all for lack of a decent heart,
you see every moment as a cause for celebration.
It must be a blessing to feel so deeply
Jul 2016 · 750
I feel you
bjynxthelyric Jul 2016
You get lost in your own mind sometimes
just trying to find yourself
locked inside of a prison where the bars
are made out of your fears
the guards are negative connotations
and the warden is your own inflated ego
You dare not go beyond the walls of self-doubt
without proactive reconnaissance
but you can’t help feeling that freedom lies
just beyond your insecurities
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
Muse saves the macabre
bjynxthelyric Jun 2016
The meaning of life lies
Within the honor of her eyes
When our pupils harmonize
I’m seduced yet purified

Our frequencies collide
We make sometimes, rainy weather
But my sunshine inspires me to change
For the better
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
Proper Gander
bjynxthelyric Jun 2016
Sinister ministers deliver scriptures per
Illicit missions to present religious works for intrinsic worth
Men amended an "Amen" to end to the verse
Then apprehended the script they knew Kemet had written first

I’m in the blemish my kin is a part of the sin it hurts
Given my hair and skin were both considered dirt since the birth
It’s printed in their gospel I’ve been getting worse since the curse
It’s vivid plagiarism for the villain to get the perks
the truth
May 2016 · 921
The Skeptics
bjynxthelyric May 2016
What do we know about this world
besides what the powerful want us to know?

How can we fulfill our lives based on "facts" and knowledge that we will probably never have the chance to disprove for ourselves?

A wise man knows nothing, "for this world is but an illusion"

A sensory experience to groom the soul for manifestation

A game of imploding extremes that not so coincidentally level out to create the rare occurrence of life that is aware of itself

What do we know about this world
besides that we are here for the moment?
May 2016 · 399
Progression is...
bjynxthelyric May 2016
The struggle to do the "right" things...

The wonder of what "right" actually is...

The discovery that "right" varies by perspective...

The wisdom to know that things will be,

Regardless of how they're perceived
May 2016 · 824
Auset la flor
bjynxthelyric May 2016
All she ever wanted
Was for him to shout "love" from the rooftops.
For him to take pride in
Giving her something to be proud of.
She deserved it,
To be shown off and held closely
Like the feast of flowers that she is.
For all the world to know that she is,
His goddess.
May 2016 · 519
The Lost Gods of the West
bjynxthelyric May 2016
from a somber whisper to a roll of thunder
the gods have awakened from their slumber
the dream that they collectively believed
was a long range message to receive
in an effort to relieve us from machines
and the labels that they place on every thing
it's a fable a facade a safe place be to a sheep
so when all the other great ones were asleep
and a couple went astray it made them think
that they would have to start war to make some peace

their logic is dependent on limits so when we bend it
they'll befriend it for the moment for a minute just to get it
just to get an edge
just to get ahead
meanwhile, the earth bound spirits get stronger living dead
May 2016 · 1.8k
Orgasm to Chasm
bjynxthelyric May 2016
tragic how we go from ****** to chasm
in the hope that it would all work out but pull a spasm
bound by human error like muscles in skin
expecting to see light while abundant in sin

vivid pictures are how puzzles begin
snakes double as friends
claim they love you, find the trouble within
exploit faults in hopes that theirs come to an end
give them space to see the hate and they'll love you again
what you hate in others is a reflection of your self perception
Mar 2016 · 717
bjynxthelyric Mar 2016
Between the third rock and a hard place,
we spark in a dark space
where the heart quakes
and "smart" makes man
exclusive to a fault.
The ego locked the answers
to our freedom in the vault.
After wars were fought,
people and thoughts were bought.
The devil lost,
running up the score would cost
the well being of the land.
Hard to to see the meaning
even through the short spans
but over time we understand.
In order to reprimand
before we judge, we must demand
that we give ourselves as much love
and acceptance as we can.
For space is just a portion of never-ending expansion,
don't forget to praise the lord of your own planet.
Feb 2016 · 325
Inner Space
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
Always alive in the twilight
My day begins where the sun ends
I am the shadow cast behind illuminated objects
the silence that listens to
the symphony of life
the darkness that sets the stage
for the stars to shine
I am the witness of being
Feb 2016 · 283
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
You find it
when you're not
looking for it.
we lose in ourselves
humility affords it.
Whether you believe it
or choose to remain a heathen,
the universe will always give it
up for some reason.
Feb 2016 · 547
Amun Ra
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
Irrelevance is an illusion
Cast by
A shallow understanding
Of self

Purpose can't be comprehended
Solely in the eyes
But is always projected
By the hidden

Silence the narrator
Dispel the labels
Return to formlessness
Life is never truly bound by flesh
Feb 2016 · 853
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
Queen Nubian,
keen enough to school me in
the 'ways of the rulers
with intentions to pursuit' her.

A man who looks down on men
would never suit her
She's a healer, and a soother,
It takes love to truly move her.

Such a strong mind that
heartbreak won't ever bruise her.
You'll never be the chooser,
You just manifest through her.

She changes your demeanor
into super from a stupor
Because when you see her face,
you see your future.
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
Preserving herself from the gaze of brutes

Hardened by incompetence

She melts only for understanding

Reflecting more than light

Real substance
Feb 2016 · 324
Puzzled Pieces
bjynxthelyric Feb 2016
Easy to get lost in the maze caught in a daze smothered by your fear of failing way too often afraid. You'll never find an out by staying stationary stuck inside where faces vary singing songs about your wings you caged canary. You can perish living scary being cavemen only ever made the situation hairy while the others roam the prairie abundant in fruits and dairy and you're getting blessed barely 'cause you only look to pray when fate treats you unfairly.
for my lost ones
Jan 2016 · 354
bjynxthelyric Jan 2016
Vivid in your face
without class or taste
We waist away the fruits and replace
with man makes
Like brutes
on a never ending search for the truth
& comfort in places
that give our senses no use
Eventually we lose
trade awareness for the news
And over time we learn and
find our way back to recoup
Jan 2016 · 676
Self Love
bjynxthelyric Jan 2016
We are curious for purpose
But terrified of reflection
When the Gods are self respected
Watch the Conscious get collected

I pray we make connections
Via perfect imperfections
What is God? Who are you
That's an answer not a question

Living for the physical
Is a spiritual death wish
Patience is the lesson
when your faith is being tested

And fate just has this fetish
For placing what we regretted
Right back in our lives
For another chance to relish
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
Natural Athletes
bjynxthelyric Jan 2016
She gets bodied by minds
Our Intellect intertwined
Gets her wet until
She drowns in my words
Then comes alive

Just to save her suicides
She runs it back a hundred times
Like running backs trying to find
A hole in my defensive lines

She's a sporty shorty
Dropping gyms to try and court me
But when I land one
She says that's foul on the scoresheet
She sees that I'm a stand up guy
Looking for floor seats
I score to force overtime
And now I need more sheets
Dec 2015 · 512
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
Peace & love I have to find
The probability is Israel valentines
with Palestine
I clarify through wraps of mine
A mummy tapped into his passive eye
when Sam had poisoned tap water
to pacify
Without a voice to ratify
Decalcify, buy back your mind
Business casual grab a tie
Blue collar crime gets past to slide
But just because I'm black I die
You're a human, I'm a human
Really we should have a tie
Grew up proper, finished college
Cop still popped it, **** I tried
Dec 2015 · 802
Isis Reincarnate
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
I'd fallen many times
Crippled by vices
With pride in one hand
And fear in the other

She was the only one
Willing to lift me up
As long as I let go
Of what was weighing me down
Dec 2015 · 380
My pen weighs...
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
My pen weighs
Heavy like the Roots of Kunta Kinte
The sweeter the juice
is what my kin say
An evening boost
for seasoning fruit
to get paid
You've seen me in bloom
for many a moon
so get saved
Pedal the petals to give praise
I get raised to get rays
A never ending cycle in the womb of what my pen lays

Shrouding word in mystery
Message too smooth for censoring
I read that it was written
They would ink our place in history
Poem inspired by Muse
Dec 2015 · 764
Horus & Set
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
Destruction erosion
Eruption explosion
Compulsive emotion
Divided by demons
And what was the quotient
Impulsive implosion
It ***** when you blow it
That shoulder's the coldest
You're stuck feeling frozen
Overcome by the moment

None is more free
than the man with no motive
He knows it
The life of a loner
chose it
Cause even his closest

Friends are hidden corpses
Trapped inside colossus corpus
Where the Devil's ego grows too big enormous when we're dormant

Racing through the floor
for blood and gore
to stick a fork in
Devil blacked out
woke up feeling
on his forehead
He was hornless

Touring door to door in
Southern Kemet
Selling hope with
All the people
Who had taken
What he witnessed
For a joke

When he spoke
His followers quote

But watered-down the quality
Of the words
in the knowledge he wrote

So over time via scribe
the mythology ghost
Would come back to **** reality
And haunt the people
lil mind purge for my own sanity
Dec 2015 · 2.4k
The Bloom
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
Loving you from afar is like admiring a flower that I refuse to pick. Simply taking a picture would never be as fulfilling as holding it in my hands but it's beauty remains for others to experience for generations if I refrain from affecting it's benevolent state. I planted you, a young seed in the desert only to watch you germinate amongst a lush forest teeming with fertility. You spawn roots from nothingness in a ploy to recreate love in my image. Predators lust after your flesh but your roots remain firm in the soil. You pray as I pray to the sun with veins full of water and energy. I see distorted reflections of myself in your essence and therefore sacrifice my passion, in the name of appreciating life
Something I wrote for a friend when she was going through it
Dec 2015 · 2.0k
Combine & Conquer
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
Firm hold of a stressful release
The real ease...
Is music to your heart in skilled keys
Closed noted memories unlock the liberties
that now potentially send me back to infinity
So this delivery came from the enigmatic entity
That never ceased empathy for any arch enemy
And even when the serpent brought the sin into the synergy
Symmetry was just a waste of energy
Only the incompetent compete for skin identity
Stab it with a label, still the same color when you bleed
Blind folded you could truly peep what the spirit speaks
Monologue with nonsense on your conscience and you'll miss the speech
Nov 2015 · 484
bjynxthelyric Nov 2015
Constant request for ***
But with frequency and no rest
Comes duress and your value lessens
So how much is it worth if I can...
Always expect it but cant respect it,
See truth dissected...
We cut, got Love and Lust
But somehow kept the two connected

You threatened you would pull the plug if we're not newly wedded
But tried to holler at like all of my potential best men
Yelling my name and countless others in your dialect then
Your constant cry for acceptance
Is what got you rejected
Nov 2015 · 798
Amun Ra
bjynxthelyric Nov 2015
Lying to yourself can harm the universe
The truth it hurts
That's more than just a bunch of rhyming words to fit into the verse

It's time to pay attention to the things we never do in church
You really think you're blessed because you paid tithes to the church?

Couple more dollars on the plate
But now you're doing worse
Dummy keep your money and your patience
Let him do his work

Looking for the meaning of life without a Google search?
All roads lead your soul
Right back to rebirth
Nov 2015 · 585
bjynxthelyric Nov 2015
There's an innocence to her
A purity I'd rather not taint
But enjoy for the moment
There is no lying in her
She is free of sin
Flowing with the wind and the waves of the ocean
She changes form but never loses substance
I witness her becoming and unraveling
In a never ending cycle
Of creation and chaos
I suspend, hypnotized
In awe of all that it is
To be free
Feb 2015 · 494
Nature of the Caucasoid
bjynxthelyric Feb 2015
The overlying theme of this generation
Is veneration for people practicing subjugation over other nations

Private socials are the new public places
Where they run from other faces
Just to fake feel the safest
While they make racist statements

Acting out like cavemen
But somehow claim a falsified sense of sophistication
Irony resulting from a lack of education
Little white lies to fill the empty black spaces

Over saturated pale faces for replacement
The only history they have lacks origination
Dissatisfied with their own situations
They'd buy your black skin if it was worth their down payment

Hypocritical to a sense literal
Coincidental how the long arm of the law
Tends to bend the rules

And grade the 'colored' on a curve
Being vain, with their emotions hues change
So it's easy to see who has the nerve

Claiming ties to land they've never been from
Accomplishing feats and mastering the weather was one
Makes you wonder how'd the pyramids ever get done
While shedding skin, getting burnt and turning red in the sun

What a creature...
Feb 2015 · 2.4k
bjynxthelyric Feb 2015
We all vibrate at different frequencies of speed
Exerting different energies which cause a difference in needs
Necessities that matter like atoms hidden beneath
Range from molecule to Saturn on an infinite degree

Waves collide with others causing ripples in between
Blending fusion with illusion, then division in our genes
Editing a code that's impossible to delete
We evolve the grand scheme with every thought to be unique
Bigger than you could ever imagine
bjynxthelyric Dec 2014
I sometimes flee to my cerebral and lock myself in like Cerebro, to escape the evils; devils manifested through the medium of people who would dare take the shape of amigos, how feeble. I minimized the beasts, except for my desert eagle; I almost blew my brain to pieces, to get some peace though. It turns out a harder feat than Jesus' feet on top of seas. Often what we need is too immaculate... to conceive. You perceive traditions of faulted knowledge from who deceives, now test the credibility of who creates what you believe. Learn about the authors of the books they're telling you to read and you can peep the reasons why I seldom see the truth in these. They robbed us of our history, then named us after who we served & cut our wrists when trying to reach for knowledge, now we grew some nerve. Ironically the pictures where the "****** be like" synonyms are similar to similes in rules they write on pyramids.
Dec 2014 · 361
Awareness Defecit Disorder
bjynxthelyric Dec 2014
in the conscious collective
where our thoughts manifested
but "reality" rejected
to have nonsense accepted

we war with ourselves
trading love for aggression
trying to make complete senses of it
lost our sixth and seventh

awareness is bliss, and many are unaware of this
a shot into the dark with no intent, is just a miss

even if you hit the left and right brain in betwixt
you **** the limits of the body
yet the spirit still exists
Dec 2014 · 740
Time's Sensitive
bjynxthelyric Dec 2014
unrestricted by the laws of attraction
focused on this beautiful distraction

dreaming FORWARD to FUTURE scenarios

presented with her TIME as the PRESENT and a guide
to take us PAST where we dare to go
Oct 2014 · 388
Giving Back
bjynxthelyric Oct 2014
Hold me to the soundness
Of my words
Like you heard

Feel me
Like you worked up the nerve

But don't be so vain ****

When I serve

Food for thought with the works
Save your opinions for dessert
Regurgitate what I deserve
Oct 2014 · 701
A Deep Falling
bjynxthelyric Oct 2014
I've been planting the seeds
To terminate the machines
That make you believe
That you can turn hatred and greed

To proceeds

For keeping the future
rich and pristine
For your seeds

Just to grow fruit
that spoil on your leaves

Things we sense in vision
Intentions we won't speak

Spending time demented on things
We don't need
Making a commitment or promise
And don't keep

Everyone is falling
So we have to go DEEP

— The End —