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24.7k · Sep 2014
Unknown unknown
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2014
Unknown friends with
Unknown faces
Unknown ways to
Unknown places

Unknown depths
Yet to find
Unknown heights
Yet to climb

Unknown beauties
Yet to see
Unknown things
Yet to be

Unknown waters
I am not afraid
Unknown future
I am not scared

The shiny sun
During days
Will give me strength
On my way

The countless stars
So far above
Will keep me safe
With their tender love

My dearest one
My one and only
Will kiss me softly
When I feel lonely

I cannot wait
to meet you soon
I am prepared
For new typhoons

Unknown, Unknown
Yet to be
You have never met
Someone like me
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
12.7k · Oct 2014
Coffee and a hug
Afrodita Nestor Oct 2014
I asked you out
for a coffee and a hug
Say yes to put a smile on my face
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
11.3k · Apr 2016
"P" for patience
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
I kissed the moon tonight
Kissed her three times
She smiled but didn't kiss me back
Patience child patience

Funny thing this patience
Sometimes all I have is patience
Sometimes I can't even remember
What the letter P stands for

"P" for patience
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Is it left or is it right?
Should I go there or should I hide?
Is it true or is it false?
was it love or just an impulse?

In the day or in the night
into darkness or into light
I will go with no return
I have had my lesson learned

In the deep sea or up there high
where fearless falcons fly
You will find me there free
smiling to my destiny
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
4.9k · Mar 2014
Helping hands
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2014
I met a man with eyes so lonely
I felt his pain I felt it strongly
I gave my hand to help him out
to find a way out of the doubt

His pain was real
not some reflection
His cure was love
and true affection

But how do you tell
a man with life like hell
that he needs true love
to break the spell

Did he ache or was it me?
What did I miss and did not see?
I thought a lot through and through
and tried to change my point of view

But it was clear there was no mistake
it was time to get awake
I gave my hand to help him out
at the end of the day was the other way around

I met a man with eyes so lonely
He felt my pain He felt it strongly
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
4.8k · Aug 2014
Forbidden love
Afrodita Nestor Aug 2014
I love you said the moon
love you as you are
I love you said the earth
love you for who you are

I adore you said the moon
You make my soul dance around
I adore you said the earth
You embrace me when the sun goes down

I want to kiss you said the moon
kiss your mountains, oceans too
I want to kiss you said the earth
kiss you nights kiss you days
want to kiss you in amaze

I heard the moon only now
Heard her cry her avow
I heard earth’s gentle whisper too
Behind a brow, a distant brow

It's forbidden, but it’s worth
Oh I love to see how the moon kisses the earth
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
4.7k · Mar 2015
Black sugar
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2015
Black sugar you say
Black as the night
Sweet as your lips
Caressing my senses
Touching me deep
I felt it running through me

Warming me up
from the inside
Leaving a glow
of heat and energy
Oh God what have you done
What have I become

Black sugar
in the longest of days
Black sugar
in the shortest of nights
Black sugar
with a friend
or without
experimenting with a friend after couple of coffees from the machine (black with sugar)... Thank you Lena
4.7k · Feb 2014
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Unexpected* but it’s true
The feeling’s old and yet so new
Swept away in just few lines
against all odds and all the signs
Is this a dream?
Pinch me please
I could scream
With such an ease
I could smile
With just a word
I could fly
like a bird
but it's
The dream is real
and so are
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
4.1k · Nov 2014
No stranger you are
Afrodita Nestor Nov 2014
No stranger
You are to me
Though we have just met
It seems you have the right keys
But I have never borrowed you mine

How come this is so real
How come
How come you opened my soul
How come

No stranger
You are to me
No stranger
You are
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
4.1k · Mar 2015
Lips to lips
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2015
Northern lights
across the skies
make a dream
of a future time
will rule the day
will rule the night
Lips to lips embraced
Under the sky full of stars
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
3.2k · Apr 2015
Pure souls like you
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2015
Pure souls are like the ray of sunlight
fighting through the darkest night
Like a full moon that wakes your spirit
and makes you smile like a child 

Pure souls are like the first love spark
that makes you feel million of butterflies
floating around dancing to the music
that only you could hear 

Delicate as a petal of the rarest orchid
fragile as a heart made out of glass
tender as the mothers love
Pure souls like you are gift from above
Copyright Afrodita Nestor ... to my friends
2.8k · Dec 2014
When we are together
Afrodita Nestor Dec 2014
Gravity is negligible
Ground below disappears
Stars are within reach
And our energy grows
Even Einstein envies us
Because time stops
When we are together

Control is needless
With full confidence
we make every desire reality
Even Atlas envies us
Because the world lies
In the palm of our hands
When we are together

As brave warriors
We boldly crash
Every border ahead
For a higher cause
Even Napoleon envies us
Because we are the masters of power
When we are together

The melody of
Our melded bodies
Is the only thing we hear
Even Mozart envies
The perfectly composed symphony
When we are together

Moral vanished
Rationality forgotten
Our psyche ruled by Id
Even Freud envies us
because pleasure is the only drug we use
When we are together

The fantasy is real
As  is the breathing
Mine and yours
Deep and passionate
Even Nietzsche envies us
Because the Übermensch becomes alive
When we are together
Copyright Afrodita Nestor

It takes a lot of time to unleash the hidden beast inside... But when it is out I feel like I have exhaled a mountain... Poetry makes me visit secret worlds where everything is possible...
2.7k · Oct 2014
Hyperbolic Love
Afrodita Nestor Oct 2014
When Love
When Love touched
When Love touched me

I felt like me again
I felt like
I felt

Did you
Did you felt
Did you felt it too?

Hope is all I have
Hope is all
Hope is
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
2.6k · Feb 2014
Inner peace
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Have you seen the passion
and the blurry eyes of two people in love?
Have you seen it?
Have you seen how their two bodies
are so close and don’t give any force
against the things
that the moment brings?
I have seen it and it is true
It is like a window with a perfect view
It’s like the river to the sea
Like the mountains and their tops
Like the first spring raindrops on the tender snowdrops
It’s like the top of a long lost *** and the dot to a spot
Like the leaves to the trees and the honey to the bees
It’s the revelation for our own salvation
I want to have the inner peace and forever feel like this
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
2.6k · Feb 2014
Wake up....
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Wake up it’s no time to sleep
Shake up don’t be so cheap
Clean up and put your best smile
Tide up and run for a mile

Chin up
Stand up
Step up
Wake up!!!!
...the spring is coming in the north :)
2.5k · Jun 2014
To my future-self
Afrodita Nestor Jun 2014
Cry if you want
It's never a sin
Scream if you want
To relieve the pain
Lie if you want
When you feel you're weak
Stand if you want
When they say you should sit
Smile if you want
There is no better time
Run if you want
But don't run from me
Rest for a while
And don't you give up
I was once you, don't forget
So live your time without regret
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
2.2k · Nov 2014
Speak your truth
Afrodita Nestor Nov 2014
Speak your truth
Someone said to me
How, I replied
How could I
When there is only one truth
You don’t listen
Said the voice
I didn’t say
Speak the only truth
I said 'speak your truth'
I just got the message
Copyrith Afrodita Nestor
2.1k · Mar 2015
The other side of the moon
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2015
The other side of the moon
is not dark as it is said
It’s not mean nor have ever been
It’s not red nor grey
It’s not yellow or blue
It’s real as you and me
It aches as we do
Because it’s the other
Not the one we could see

The other side of the moon
Is what makes me wonder
When I see into your eyes
From an inch of space
Between our naked souls
And it’s not the eyes
that make me wonder
It’s not your words
that make me stronger
It’s the silence in between
That wakes me up from the dream

Where the moon and I dance around
Where the dark and light it’s all the same
Where front and back doesn't matter
Where you have just one face
And not a hundred from which you choose
And there are no lies that make me lose
The fight of love
The fight of freedom
The fight for truth against your demons

The other side of the moon
Is what makes me feel close to you
Though I cannot see it
I am sure it’s part of you
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.9k · Aug 2014
Inner scream
Afrodita Nestor Aug 2014
I think of you
I dream of you
I breath you in
then breath you out
Wanna whisper gently
but you make me scream loud
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.8k · Oct 2014
My Miracle
Afrodita Nestor Oct 2014
Nearly impossible and
still here we are You and Me
because the impossible
is in our genes
You put the unreachable
at my reach and
make the unimaginable
just a simple effort

With just a word You tame my troubles
Your funny wit makes
the bad thoughts disappear
Your silly ideas put a smile on my face
And when I feel lost
You are always there
to show me the right direction

Nearly impossible and
still here we are You and Me
because the impossible
is in our genes
Don’t You ever forget this fact
You are the miracle that
gives my heart the perfect tact
Scientists estimate the probability of one being born at about one in 400 trillion and the probability of the combination of two persons being born as siblings is even smaller... To my sister.. my miracle!

Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.7k · Feb 2014
To My Better Half
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Long before dawn when the sunshine is gone
I turn to you so I could keep on
In times when I am blue and want something true
I call you so I could get through

When I go mad or I feel sad
You are there for me to tell that the world is not so bad
When my heart aches and my soul breaks
I want you by my side to do whatever it takes

To free me of my pain and sorrow
To keep me company today and tomorrow
To put me back on my two feet
With a comforting word and your smile sweet

Thank God you are the better half of mine
So here is to you and your beauty divine
And here is to us and our eternal connection
United as one on the road to perfection
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.7k · Mar 2014
Let's kiss
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2014
Let’s kiss with open eyes
Show me love with no disguise
Let’s kiss with naked souls
Show me love with no controls
Let’s kiss without a shame
Show me love burn the flame
Let’s kiss without restrain
Show me love don't abstain
Let’s kiss with delight
Show me love the whole night
Let’s kiss everyday
Show me love don’t run away
Let’s kiss until dawn
Show me love turn me on
Let’s kiss under the moon
Show me love show it soon
Let’s kiss while we dance
Show me love and romance
Let’s kiss till we can
Show me love be a man
Let’s kiss till we die
Show me love don’t be shy
Let’s kiss as we used to do
Show me love, as I love you
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.6k · Aug 2014
Storm is coming
Afrodita Nestor Aug 2014
Storm is coming
The wind has whispered
Storm is coming
Let us hide

Storm is coming
The rain declared
Storm is coming
don’t get scared

Storm is coming
The thunder shouts
Storm is coming
I should know

The light has kissed me
The light has kissed me
Storm is coming
To set me free
***A love story between the thunder and the lightening ***
1.6k · Feb 2014
Kill Kill Bang Bang
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
**** **** Bang Bang
I'm a soldier without a rang

**** **** Bang Bang
I don't even have a gang

**** **** Bang Bang
I'll have to catch the new slang

**** **** Bang Bang
Am I ever gonna get the hang

**** **** Bang Bang
I have to find my yin-yang

**** **** Bang Bang
Why am I going mad?

**** **** Bang Bang
Why am I feeling bad?

**** **** Bang Bang
I don't want my feathers shed

**** **** Bang Bang
I have told I have said

**** **** Bang Bang
I'm alive but she is dead
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.5k · Jul 2014
Forever yours
Afrodita Nestor Jul 2014
I am a skydiver
a cloud walker
A time traveler
in a bodiless soul
Feeling dared
to live the dream
Feeling strong
to move mountains ahead
Feeling brave
just to keep you safe
I might be broken you know
but I am forever yours
1.4k · Sep 2014
Our Tango Argentino
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2014
When we are together
Just me and you
I imagine we are dancing tango

Shoulder to shoulder
Hand in hand
Chest to chest

Our lips are gently touching
The rhythm of our bodies is leading us
Step by step

We lose eye contact for just a second
But you tirelessly follow my steps
And the moment I think that I have lost you again
You enchant me with your irresistible glare

I passionately grasp you and
Trapped in a love embrace
I fully commit to you and you
you surrender completely to me

When I breathe
you exhale
Our hearts beat to the same rhythm
We have become a harmonious whole

Even gravity has given up on us
Because we obey one another
Not the laws of nature

As experienced dancers
With fluid movements
We transform the fire in us into a passionate dance
Our Tango Argenitno
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.4k · Aug 2015
Afrodita Nestor Aug 2015
In the middle of the night
Night night 
A rainbow
In the absence of the light
Light light 
The moon

In the spirit of the past
Past past
A story
Among the things that are fast
Fast fast
The time

It was funny how it came
Came came
The echo in my heart
Heart heart
That night

In the darkness I could see
See see
A reflection of the other Me
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.4k · Sep 2016
Silent voices
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2016
Silent voices
In my head
Made of fear
Danger, pain
Never hear
Only when
I am on the floor
Silent voices
Making choices
Constant knocking
On my door

Restless heart beat
On rewind
Makes me deaf
Makes me blind
Always here
A puppeteer
Inside my body
Soul and mind
Silent voices
Roaring sea
Go away
Let me be
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.3k · Jan 2015
Donut world
Afrodita Nestor Jan 2015
Do we care anymore
other than for donuts
and a free seat in a bus?
We are waiting in lines
for the wrong things and
seating in the wrong seats
Constantly chasing the time
as though it will start
running backwards
as soon as we catch it

I saw one young girl
drawing hearts on a foggy glass
She smiled when she put her own
and the initials of her younger sister
Children care!
I still have hope that
this donut world of ours
will one day be filled
with the right things

For the mean time please one
Chocolate Coconut Cake Donut with Sprinkles
low fat, gluten free and rich in fibres of course
and to go please
so we can eat it on the bus
because when we eat on the go
calories do not count
It's not a poem...but still... I felt lost...
1.2k · Jun 2017
Persistence of pain
Afrodita Nestor Jun 2017
From the top of the toes
To the tips of the hair
A permanent sway
Between hope and despair

Days with no sunshine
Nights with no sleep
Making the soul
Fall down deep

Frantic with anger
Sourced from within
Like closed road to heaven
And paved way with sins

Numb to the world
Nowhere to hide
Persistence of pain
Locks us inside

From the top of the toes
To the tips of the hair
With butterfly wings
We fight through the air
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.2k · Apr 2016
Real women
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
Real women will blow your mind
Real women will never leave you behind
Real women will be kind when you feel hurt
Real women will shout if you can't hear their voice
Real women will show you the way
Real women will charm your soul
Real women will smile with their eyes
Real women will know when you lie
Real women are not ashamed to cry
Real women will feel your deepest pain
Real women are not as fragile as you think
Real women are not afraid to tell the truth
Real women are not hiding behind their strengths
Real women do not show off their beauty
Real women are proud of their flaws
Real women do have beautiful souls
Real women do glow in the dark
Real women do know what they want
Cause Real woman, they love with their heart
Copyright Afrodita Nestor

To all real women I have met and will meet in my life... You rock the universe!
1.2k · Sep 2016
Careless love
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2016
Like a lost cloud
In the blue sky
You appeared from nowhere
Or somewhere
I cannot remember
It was a trick
Of some kind
Along the pitch line
Of the belt of life
I think, or not
But it was short
The me and you
And the them and those
Who never had a choice
To do more than they can
Than they want or wish
I cannot tell
I am not a golden fish
Nor a golden chance
Well not to you
But to me
I am the world
And the moon
And a distant star
I worship from afar
As you fade away
With the yesterday
We shared somewhere
I say goodbye
I say farewell
As the sadness dies
In my brown eyes
We fade away
Behind the horizon line
It’s yesterday
You and I
It’s a memory
An end  
Of a careless love
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.1k · Jul 2014
The concrete beauty
Afrodita Nestor Jul 2014
I saw a butterfly on the concrete floor
I saw her for a moment, but wanted much more
The moment I touched her she flew away
I followed her lead throughout the day
It’s nothing more thrilling, and mark my word
as to follow this beauty across the world

Though I feel often as lost as she is
As confused and lonely and without a peace
I am asking myself day and night
If this is just wrong or if this is alright

To live in a world with no place for such beauty
To feel like a stranger that has no duty
That has no purpose in this jungle of ours
Like a magic potion with no powers

Like the butterfly on the concrete floor
Like a house without a front door
Like a man with no shadow behind
Is this just me or are we all blind?
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2016
I am not deaf
They could say
What they want
What they need
To make me plead
Guilty for something
I have never done
Nor I have ever thought
But I would never run
From my faults and mistakes
Playing ducks and drakes
On an empty lake
Like they do
Just to be away
Cause they are afraid
Of being condemned
But I am not them
I am not mad
I feel only free
When the silence speaks to me
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
1.1k · Dec 2016
At dawn of love
Afrodita Nestor Dec 2016
A crownless king lies beside me
Each night as the day surrenders
Singing a song, playing a game
With the moon of the twenty eight days

Heavenly voice breaks through the air
As the story unravels its blossoms
Making us sway from side to side
Embraced together in the face of love

At dawn of day as the light creeps in
It feels like we are kissing the sky
This king in my arms, his virtues and charms
Bring each day new dream to life
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2015
Drop by drop in a sea of sand
Lost among equal ones
You sell your soul
For a bit of time
But as seconds dwell
Your spirit dies
Your eyes get closed
And your body slows
The price is high
When you wish for more
Step by step haven’t moved
Past and present all the same
In an hourglass we are all alike
No one knows how to play the game
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
938 · Mar 2016
Love is in the air
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2016
Summer spoils me with all the sunny days
Autumn colors my life in fiery red
Winter calms me down
But Spring...
Spring makes me think everything is possible
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
935 · May 2017
If you haven't existed
Afrodita Nestor May 2017
If you haven’t existed I would have created you
Written you word after word
With blue eyes and red lips
Like the dream I had that day
When my heart started beating again
As the rain whispered you exist

If you haven’t existed I would have created you
Written you row after row
With curly hair and invisible wings
So we could fly together above the clouds
Embraced as now
Day after day waiting for the sunrise

If you haven’t existed I would have created you
Written you page after page
With smiling eyes and gentle soul
Painted you in the colors of the light
So I could find you when it’s dark
And you could kiss me when it’s hard

If you haven’t existed I would have created you
Written you poem after poem
Drawn you line after line
Until my mind went completely blank
For you have countless rainbows inside your soul
Without which the world would not exist
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
913 · Mar 2015
Love came
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2015
Love came
When I was on my own
Love came
When I was left in the cold
Love came
when I was barefoot
Love came
And gave me hope
Love came
And gave me warmth
Love came
And broke the spell
Love came
To fetch me out of hell
Love came!
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
901 · Jul 2014
Wishful thinking
Afrodita Nestor Jul 2014
I wish you were by my side
kissing me good night
I wish we were holding hands
as we dance
as we walk
as we sleep
as we talk
I wish you were here with me
so I could lay down on your shoulder
and whisper gently in your ear
I love you most and disappear

Oh how I wish you were here
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
900 · Feb 2014
Black swan
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
Silent steps I hear
creeping in, coming near
Distant rush coming close
keeping me on the toes

All the senses on alert
making me to convert
My excitement on the verge
timely seeking to emerge

My asylum just a place
to lay down my broken face
But it’s not safe anymore
I need to find another door

It’s time to throw the glove down
To wake up and look around
To feel the love from my friends
To see the world through their lens

*It’s so scary to just go on feeling like a black swan
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
894 · Feb 2014
When you feel blue
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
When it seems the happiness has given up on you
and you think there is no way through
When you see an endless road ahead
and no one seems to understand the words you've said

When you feel alone with no friendly face around
and your feet are in the air and your head in the ground
There is something pure on the other side
just wait and see, and don't try to hide

We are what we believe in
so don't be naive and let be deceived
In this enduring moment of weakness
The answer lies in your uniqueness

God put a smile upon your face for a reason
so use it well in this rainy season
You are the architect of this life of yours
so let there be light behind the closed doors

You have the strength to move the walls ahead
so let there be purity to put away the dread
We all are special in some way or other
so don't you dare give up and try to be another

There is always a force behind our backs
that helps us stay back on the tracks
So do not forget this, my soul friend of mine
at the end of the night the sun always shines
...when you feel blue just don't give up on you!
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
887 · Sep 2016
only mine
Afrodita Nestor Sep 2016
I hope the dreams
Will be good to you
I would give it all
To lie next to you

When the night exists
We can still pretend
That the dreams we have
Will never end

And at the break of day
When the sky turns blue
I am imagining
I am kissing you

I cannot wait
For the night to come
So we could run
And we could fly

When you close your eyes
As you fall asleep
I cannot wait
For us to meet

It’s the end of day
That makes me smile
Because in my dreams
You are only mine
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
883 · May 2016
Dancing butterfly
Afrodita Nestor May 2016
Her graceful wings
She got at birth
And her talent to dance
Used her wings to fly away
Whenever she got a chance

With her happy feet
And a smile that heals
She dances through every pain
Her truthful heart and her humble soul
Will save you from the vain

The righteous way
Is the only way
For a hero like she is
No matter what she has your back
Shadowing her bliss

Blessed with love I must have been
To have her by my side
She gives me wings
So I could fly
My dancing butterfly
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
To my sister for always having my back
872 · Jun 2014
In search of my lost soul
Afrodita Nestor Jun 2014
My dearest love, my one and only
Have you seen my lost soul lonely
Have you heard her silent cry
When she left with no goodbye

My faithful friend, my strongest rock
Have you heard my lost soul’s knock
Has she come to you somehow
Tell me please, tell me now

Unknown stranger from far away
Please do tell me, please do say
Have you seen my lonesome soul
She might have left or has been stolen

My long-lost soul, my deepest fear
I hope to find you somewhere near
Hope to bring you back home soon
Before next rising of the moon

My dearest soul please be brave
I’ll find you soon and keep you safe
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
838 · Jul 2014
Stars among us
Afrodita Nestor Jul 2014
Looking up the cloudy sky
searching for the stars
I thought of you and realised
the sky is not their only home
there are stars among us
forever searching for home.
Thank You Sjr1000 for the perfect ending
819 · Mar 2014
Afrodita Nestor Mar 2014
Oh, the Desire the inner fire
that makes us go much higher
that makes us go much deeper
she is our own soul's keeper

Oh, the Desire the great fire
has the strength to inspire
to move the walls ahead
and cleans up all the dread

Oh, the Desire the inner fire
the smooth body and admire
the soft sweeps and the hand grips
The tension and the pressure high

Oh, I don't ever want to die!

Oh, the Desire the great fire
my one and only attire
that is all that I require
that is what I desire
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
818 · Feb 2014
Afrodita Nestor Feb 2014
My eyes are blind
need no guidance
My ears are deaf
hear the silence
My mouth is closed
the taste is clear
My nose is broken
smell the fear
My hands are burned
My mind concerned
My heart is smashed
My soul is splashed
My life is mashed
My spirit crashed

*Up the river down the drain
That’s the beauty of being humane
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
799 · Apr 2015
You are up!
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2015
not really
how to live
by yourself
and don't get
your mouth shut
best behavior
speak up
you are up!
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
790 · Apr 2016
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
Don't believe sweet talkers
They are just a deception
A fairytale, but never a dream come true

Don't believe a broken heart
They are too weak
To see the truth and let themselves dream

Don't believe a non-believer
They have already failed
To have a dream

Never believe a sweet talker with broken heart who doesn't believe in dreams

But never ever give up on your dreams
Cause dreams they should never get lost
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
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