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Nov 2016 · 413
Phia Nov 2016
If I could go back
I would
Nov 2016 · 490
Phia Nov 2016
They say that sometimes
The people who build you up
Are the ones to tear you down,
And the saddest part is,
No one realises it until
It's too late.
Oct 2016 · 337
Girl like me
Phia Oct 2016
Stupid girl,
A boy like him
Could never love a girl like me
Oct 2016 · 773
Phia Oct 2016
People don't change
Their masks do
Oct 2016 · 357
Right Write
Phia Oct 2016
If only I could find the right words
To write the right poem.
Oct 2016 · 609
Phia Oct 2016
Lately I've been sleepwalying through everyday
My life is black and white and I am dreaming in grey
Red letter day but I'm as blue as the sea
I'm falling fast, somoney please save me.
Oct 2016 · 379
Phia Oct 2016
You shine brighter than all the stars that I've seen
Believe me when I say that you're lovely.
Oct 2016 · 651
I'll stay with you
Phia Oct 2016
But I don't mind
I'll stay behind
with you.
While everyone's chasing the stars
Trying to find who they are
I'll stay here with you.
Oct 2016 · 356
Falling for you.
Phia Oct 2016
Somebody help me 'cause I cannot breathe
falling for you knocked the wind out of me.
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Salt and sugar
Phia Oct 2016
Be careful
Some times it's hard to tell salt from sugar,
I have found,
People are like that too.
Oct 2016 · 600
The addict
Phia Oct 2016
I think it's hard to give you up
For the same reason a drug addict keeps going back,
The high is amazing,
Regardless of how deadly it is.
Oct 2016 · 438
Dancing with her
Phia Oct 2016
As I saw you there,
Dancing with her,
I felt as if what was left of my heart
Was ripped out
And smashed into a thousand pieces.
Oct 2016 · 456
10 words
Phia Oct 2016
Don't let them question you,
But always keep them wondering.
Sep 2016 · 391
Not alone
Phia Sep 2016
And it was then,
talking to you,
tears streaming down my face,
that I realized maybe I'm not completely
Sep 2016 · 864
You are the Earth
Phia Sep 2016
You are the Earth,
strong and beautiful,
you are the Earth.

You are the Earth
resilient and giving,
you are the Earth.

You are the Earth,
a little broken and scarred
you are the Earth.

You are the Earth
You are the thing that keeps me grounded
you are the Earth.

You are the Earth
always there and something magic
you are my world

I love you.
Sep 2016 · 552
Phia Sep 2016
And so we hold on,
despite the heartache
we hold on.
Despite the pain
we hold on,
despite the scars
we hold on.
Despite the sadness, and loneliness and tears
we hold on.
Why do we hold on?

We hold on out of hope
that one day things will be okay
we hope.
For the person that we fell in love with to return
we hope
that the mask we fell in love with wasn't really a mask at all
we hope.
that maybe we didn't get ******* over
and that this will be the person who finally loves us for all that we are.

So we hold on to hope, despite it all
thinking maybe
this will be it.
I kind of rambled and it makes no sense written out but it did in my head. Hope I got the point across
Sep 2016 · 422
Phia Sep 2016
This friendship is dead,
the only thing left to do,
is bury it.
Sep 2016 · 441
The Storm
Phia Sep 2016
Oh honey,
you're not strong enough
to handle me.
Sep 2016 · 425
Promises to Keep
Phia Sep 2016
I know the price of this life is steep,
but I have promises to keep.
Sep 2016 · 447
Your arms
Phia Sep 2016
I would give up 10 years
To go back to that night
And relive being in your arms.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
Too late
Phia Sep 2016
Too late?
It's never too ******* late
Sep 2016 · 584
Take time
Phia Sep 2016
Good things take time,
I like to believe this can be the case
For people too.
Sep 2016 · 371
Break my heart
Phia Sep 2016
Who would've thought
That the person to break my heart into
Thousands of pieces would be
Sep 2016 · 362
Phia Sep 2016
If they don't ******* understand,
Make them ******* understand
So sick of being misunderstood
Sep 2016 · 612
My angel
Phia Sep 2016
I sit here broke
Because my angel has choked
On its halo.
Sep 2016 · 763
Secrets and regrets
Phia Sep 2016
Remember the nights we got drunk on moonlight
And shared secrets
But I sit here alone
With heart heavy as stone
And so many regrets.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
Phia Sep 2016
Life is not about surviving,
It's about living.
Sep 2016 · 330
Love yourself
Phia Sep 2016
Love yourself
And everything else will
Fall into place.
Sep 2016 · 355
Untitled 13
Phia Sep 2016
There are days when it will be hard,
Getting out of bed will seem impossible,
Breathing will seem like a battle,
You'll want to just curl up and die.
On those days, you must remember
How far you've come.
How much further you have to go,
And all of the people that will love you
In between
Sep 2016 · 799
The monsters
Phia Sep 2016
I don't think I'm scared of letting people in,
I'm scared of my monsters escaping,
And for you to really see what transpires
In my mind.
Sep 2016 · 820
The weight
Phia Sep 2016
The goal is to climb the mountain
Not carry it.
Life is a climb, with so much baggage and weight on my shoulders it seems near impossible sometimes
Phia Sep 2016
Life is a locked door,
but somebody stole my key
labeled "happiness".
They say happiness is the key to life, but I can't find my key.
Sep 2016 · 275
Phia Sep 2016
Life is a locked door,
but I can't seem to find my key
labeled "happiness".
Sep 2016 · 639
Unfinished song
Phia Sep 2016
I have always been an incomplete song
You were the chorus
I have always been missing
Sep 2016 · 391
Lonely places
Phia Sep 2016
As I walk these crowded halls
getting lost in the sea of people around me,
You are gone
and I have never felt so lonely.
Jack is gone, I have never felt more alone. I feel like a part of me is missing.
Sep 2016 · 314
Phia Sep 2016
"Why do you always make funny faces in the mirror?"
She asked me.
I wanted to say
So that I can actually look at myself,
I just smiled and said "cause it's fun"
I always make funny faces, most of the time I can't stand the sight of myself, funny faces take the edge away
Sep 2016 · 694
Phia Sep 2016
She kept making herself smaller,
Putting herself into a box
To try to fit into everyone else's world
Silently praying that one day
She would come across someone
That would open her up
For someone I know
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
A message to my followers
Phia Sep 2016
I just want you all to know,
That if you ever need someone to talk to,
I will always be here.
No matter what.
I care about all of you, so if you need to talk then send me a message, I will do my best to help you :)
Sep 2016 · 295
Feel something
Phia Sep 2016
Why do you do it?
He asked her,
To which she replied,
So I can feel something.
Sep 2016 · 667
Phia Sep 2016
She wears her scars like trophies  
And tells each story proudly
Whenever someone doubts her strength.
Sep 2016 · 904
Phia Sep 2016
My mom says
"Wear more colour"
If only she knew how red
My hips are
I bet she wouldn't be saying that.
Sep 2016 · 434
Dance in the rain
Phia Sep 2016
I needed a little rain
So that I could dance,
But now I'm drowning in it.
Sep 2016 · 2.9k
Phia Sep 2016
If the rain is falling
And you're stuck outside
Just know my arms will be a
Safe place to hide
Idea for a song
Sep 2016 · 836
Phia Sep 2016
And with you gone too,
I think I am officially
Sep 2016 · 343
How much more
Phia Sep 2016
Her bones break
her body shakes,
trying to figure out
how much more she can take
Sep 2016 · 785
Promise rings
Phia Sep 2016
Saw a couple today,
Younger than me,
With promise rings on their fingers.
How truly lucky
Or unfortunate
To find love
At such a young age.
I've always wanted to find someone and have a promise ring
Sep 2016 · 360
In my 17 years
Phia Sep 2016
In 17 years of mistakes
And regrets,
Wrong turns and
Bad decisions,
You are the first thing
To feel right.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
These feelings
Phia Sep 2016
These feelings I have for you
Are too much for me.
Sep 2016 · 275
What do i do?
Phia Sep 2016
I think I love you,
And I'm not going to lie,
That absolutely terrifies me.
What do I do?
Sep 2016 · 240
Phia Sep 2016
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder
I don't think that is true,
Unless this is a sign that
You don't feel the same way I do.
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