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Oka Dec 2017
Whenever my heart pours it's content,
I believe it splashes not humans.
For every sound I capture is not speech
but people spewing literature.
An english translation of my previous poem
Oka Jan 2018
It burdens me
the more I hold on to my innocence
an album of joy and cheer
devoid of concern and stress
Fool, immature, reckless
wild, untamed...destructive
names that would land
on my ears
Fiery gazes blazed upon me
yet, I let me be
Oka Jun 2020
Lonely, lonely soul
Where should we go?
Life is done, a little dull
nothing but a burden to throw
Suicide is not the answer. However, that I question.
Oka Oct 2020
Would you like me
to live in agony
over the thought of
never meeting you,
or a life full of regret
because I lost you?
Oka Nov 2019
Like the flowing spring breeze
you will forever slip out
of my grasp
no matter how tight I hold
you will get away with ease
leaving me in wonder
of where you leave
Oka Apr 2020
It's like you found a missing piece
But really, you were never incomplete
I do not complete you dear
I remind you that you were whole all along
Oka Mar 2021
I get lonely, I forget my worth
I get lonely, I pretend it could be worse
I get lonely, I burn me to keep you warm
I get lonely, I hate that you are truly happy
Oka Dec 2017
Two hearts are never one,
that's why a couple is two humans.
Our relationships are mutual ego feeding,
one craving attention and affection,
the other hungry for lust.
Make me your number one
and tonight I will accompany you til you are done.
Oka Jun 2020
Gazing up to the starry sky
It's all beauty I can not deny
But it's not up where my thoughts fly
It has always been you, but I'm too shy
Oka May 2020
Before us, I was a nobody
But now I found myself
As the main character
Of our tragic love story
Oka May 2020
Aku ingin bertemu tuhan
dengan tubuh kering berkafan
Bukan sebagai bangkai terurai
Di rumahku yang kini lautan
Oka Dec 2018
I am not afraid of change
cause if you do
I needn't worry
my memories of you stay the same
hi there..a little gift for you
Oka Apr 2020
Tidurlah di sampingku
Dan izinkan aku memasuki mimpi indahmu
Karena ingin kutenggelam di dalamnya
Menghiasi ruang khayalmu selamanya
Lupa kalau aku butuh hiburan dari swakarantina, makanya nulis puisi
Oka May 2020
All she has is the hollow shadow of an ex-lover
And all that bring her joy are cigarettes and retro city pop records
Oka Nov 2020
Turn on the night lamp
and slither in the bed
scroll through the apps
and let your lethargy extend
Don't worry about an alarm to tap
whether it's day or noon, you are eternally condemned
Just a rough draft
Oka May 2019
I want you that looks at me
I want you that waits for me
Please let your care hold me
Let your love blossom again
“Never Ever Fall”
I wish upon our love in autumn
Oka Dec 2017
A new book to fill
A new page to write
A new pen to empty
Oh, how exciting!
A story not happy
A tale not bright
but a jargon that will
drown you ill
Happy new year!
Oka May 2018
I have regrets
so do you...right?
Maybe a slip of tongue
that stabbed trust
A mishap, maybe slight klutziness
causing success to sigh
and leave for the exit
A life empty of regret
is non-humane
so is a life of regret
when choices are standing
opportunities are waving
possibilities waiting for you
and there you are
fascinated but scared,
and chanting to yourself
Maybe it's not worth it
Oka Sep 22
What could ever be,
What would ever be,
Whatever it may be,
It doesn't matter to me!

There is no debate
Fantasizing is hard to hate
But the more that I indulge,
my sanity further engulfs,
What's happiness?
now it's desperation manifest

You are all I want you to be,
Let the what ifs just be,
We have our present to forever be
whatever we ever want to be!
Oka Aug 2019
live for now never later
Be happy in the moment
But never cling on it foolishly
cause all it ever does is delay your misery
It’s been a while
Oka Aug 2018
We have done something wonderful
for all these months we poured
our blood, sweat and tears
to achieve perfection
to claim honor
to find my purpose
after all we have accomplished
why do I feel my soul getting more hollow
why am I back to square one
a place thats curse I have thought to be undone
Oka Sep 2019
Our story is a little star
among the vast galaxy
may the stars align for us to meet again
even if it’s just in our dreams
Hi there
Oka Apr 2020
I bathed down my screen rays more than the sun
I'm anxious of forgetting attendance
than not understanding ****
I'm not sick due to covid but I'm sick
of times new roman font size 12
Oka Apr 2020
Spent the whole night in my head
Did a little cleaning
Perhaps I should dream instead
and stop trying to figuring out living
but my eyes get lighter with dread
If I ever sleep, please be eternal rest
Oka Oct 2018
When time strands us oceans apart
and the sky clouds up our future
my wish for you
is to never forget me
An outburst of romance since I don't actually have someone to send this to. Even though we don't have the time and energy to have romantic relationships, we always wonder what would that be like, right? Or is it just me?
Oka Aug 2018
Tertera kah di alam
bahwa hati manusia tenggelam
tak mampu menghirup tenang,
mengambang, hanyut dalam tegang
membusuk takut
menjalani hidup
Halo jiwa yang tersesat
Oka Aug 2018
Is it in nature
that my personality has nurtured
to associate every concurring event, place, or person
with worry, anxiety and fear?
Oka Mar 2021
Promise me just tonight
You will hold me ever so tight
It's for the best, I can't second guess
compared to leaving me restless
I thought I would never post again but here we are
Oka Feb 2020
To the rooftop we went
Cause you wanted to see the stars
After sunset, no one shone for you
to your grumpy face I said that
I had the galaxy with me
the whole time
**** I'm so basic
Oka May 2020
In this mad, mad world
All we seek is composure
But no matter how old
Self hate is alcohol,
You're either drunk or sober
Oka Mar 2021
What am I to her?
I am emotionally defective
and physically secondhand.
You deserve luxury and excess
not thrifted vintage.
Your worth is immaterial
Oka Sep 2019
You are the mystery
that lays in every page of my novel
no matter how hard I try to solve
Your simplicity baffles me every single time
Oka Apr 2020
Will I ever be fine?
Am I able to feel happy?
Can my confidence radiate and shine?
Or am I always going to feel ******?
My self-hatred, I can not confine
My life's worth? Not even a penny
That's it folks. I'm hating myself more than ever. My poems are ******, my studies are wack, my body is ****, I can't do anything without at least being anxious and panicky.
I am useless at best.
Oka Apr 2020
To see you walk alone
down the alley that we met
It aches my heart that yearns
To fill the void beside you
For those few meters
are oceans I have to sail
Oka Nov 2019
You are a messy soul
Wandering through life
What I offer is love
Too much for you to repay
Worry not, as I acknowledge that
Guilt is a toxin to the soul
I hope you can see that
A field of sunflowers
Waits for you everytime
Sunflowers are a symbol of loyalty.
Oka Apr 2020
Perutku meronta
Semangatku hampa
Tak berharta, tak berkerja
Olahmu hanya buka sel-sel penjara
dan menatap kamera penuh gaya
Kalau begini dirimu, persetan saja
Lebih baik aku mati karena korona
Oka Apr 2020
Rest in my arms
sink in my embrace
so I can dive into your dreams
and soar in your imagination
Oka Sep 2019
While I try to be the best
your expectations mount like Everest
Truly, I can never rest
before I die of all this stress
and no one will hear my distress
Oka Jan 2018
I remember you with every drop of rain.
Under my umbrella,
asking for another chance,
a remedy to our mistake.
Rejection was shot out of me.
it was a downpour of emotion,
and your tears were heavier than the rain.
Oka May 2020
I can write you
endless poems
About all the reasons
I fell for you yet
You can not
even text me back
Oka Mar 2021
It's scary how life can change
For now, I witnessed the sky fall
As I float in those galactic eyes
Anchor me down will you?
To the core of your gravity
May I land gracefully in your earthly embrace to kiss those rosey cheeks?
Oka Jan 2018
Fact :
When people leave you, they take a part of you.
They chip your heart, and vandalize your thoughts.
But, you are a ***** for not doing the same
Oka Apr 2020
Skinny jeans, black cardi
Iphone 8 with that cracked screen
Eyebags from assignments overdue
Longing for a natural view
Outside the screens and books too
I need to ask "How do you do?"
First time using modern refrences really
Oka Mar 2020
Though no pictures remain,
Your care is deeply engrained
We might change
But my memories stay the same
I apologize for any form of pain
I realize that there was nothing to gain
From you I learned to not feel shame
When I open up my heart, untamed
Cause love is best explained
Not as place to point and blame
Nor a tight, competitive game
But letting both hearts reign
and set the soul in flames
It's been a while
Oka Jan 2019
Why should I answer tomorrow today?
My past is haunting me
My future is scaring me
Should I go here or there?
I don't know and no one would care
Oka Nov 2020
Would you like us to burn in
the summer heat,
blossom like the tulips in spring?
Or would you like us to be as clear
as the winter's ice,
fall like the leaves in autumn?
Oka Jan 2019
Melihatmu melukis warna
Merah cerah dan jingga
Mengangkat kedua ujung bibir
Membawa bahagia dengan sihir
Namun kini bukanlah yang lalu
Melihatmu menyobek raga
Merah darah dan infeksi
Menggebuk harapan memfana
Mengenakan topeng yang berseri
Oka Sep 2019
The city is asleep
and the rain decided to come by
No taxi or bus is gonna pick me up but
home is far away
Oka Dec 2017
When the sky was black and the earth was white,
your silhouette was the focus of my sight.
I walked closer, to where you were under
A trademark of romance, oh! it shocked my heart like thunder.
Warmth among the cold snow
Your face and it's beautiful glow
It was there that our lips met
a kiss not of love
but to bid me farewell
Under the mistletoe, I wished for us to grow
but it was "us", the present that you chose to throw
Merry Christmas Y'all!
Oka May 2020
You and I are vintage
Unfit for a modern setting
And at best a distant memory
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