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Dec 2023 · 124
Ash and Blood
mr moon man Dec 2023
No more, no more shall I be a weapon.
No more shall I destroy for the sake of my own amusement.
Im tired of looking at the ash and blood of all the bridges I’ve burned and the backs I’ve stabbed.
The weight of it all has finally crushed me, I must change.
For the sake of those who I’ve harmed, and for those who still managed to stay.
I must stop myself, to better myself.
I must no longer be a weapon of despair, but a tool of hope.
I used to be a major ******* in highschool because I believed that everyone was out for their own benefit, they will happily step on me if they got up higher…so I decided that i will be the betrayer, and harmed so many people who I would’ve called friend today. One of the people who i used to be a **** to pointed out how much i’ve changed since then and were proud of the man I have become, one more healed back, one more bridge repaired.
Oct 2023 · 737
Dearly Beloved
mr moon man Oct 2023
Here I lay, hoping that one of these days I’ll be laying across from you.
I want to feel the warmth of your hand, see the rhythm of your breathing
To know, within my heart, that your very being fills me with such a light that no darkness could ever hope to survive against.
Just as in your own heart, is filled with such a peace that you willingly give.
I hope our paths become forever intertwined and shines bright like a star, so the both of us are bathed in light.
I started playing kingdom hearts and felt that the title of the opening track, Dearly Beloved, deserved to have a poem under the same name. I hope I did it justice
Sep 2023 · 143
Two score now
mr moon man Sep 2023
I’ve done it, I’ve achieved two score as it would be said in the days of old.
Two decades on this rock with many tears shed and many wounds healed.
Yet, as I stand here now, i can feel the Reaper’s clock tick ever so closer to zero.
So to my friends who’ve always stood beside me, I thank you for your counsel and companionship.
To my old lovers, though I am covered with burns from being such a fool, I will always remember the warmth that fire gave.
And to those who kept me bound in chains and tried to force me down paths in life i despised, all for the sake of “tradition”, the scars my shackles have left heal a little more day by day.
Im now 20 ****
Aug 2023 · 311
Mans most beautiful tool
mr moon man Aug 2023
The most beautiful tool man has ever created, Art
Used to express emotion that sometimes words cannot describe
And oh my stars, how I’ve missed using this tool
I’ve been itching to write again, but I haven’t had any new material to use, so while this isn’t my best work, it scratches that itch
Jun 2023 · 124
I want to marry the moon
mr moon man Jun 2023
I want to marry the moon, and yes I’ve finally gone mad from the moonbeams.
How can nobody else think otherwise, she’s always beautiful no matter how much or how little of herself she shows us.
She’s always quietly watching, like a partner lovingly staring at us from down the hall.
And despite all her cracks and damages, she still shines for all of us to see.
Which is why she only gets to see the cracks and damage of my own.
I’ve always loved the moon, and found her to be the source of many of my works, maybe perhaps one day I should finally ask her to be my wife
Jun 2023 · 630
Binding chains
mr moon man Jun 2023
They’ve finally gone taunt, I am finally free of my Creator’s wretched tyranny.
Yet that was so long ago, and i crave to feel their pull once again
But this time, I hope that the pull will be more gentle.
My Creator wanted a servant, and she succeeded, but now I choose who I want to serve
And I hope to whatever god is listening that I choose someone deserving of my service.
I’ve been free of the tyrannical rule of my narcissistic mother for some time now, but i still wear my metaphorical chains. I just hope that if i ever find myself a woman, she doesn’t pull on them as harshly as my mother once did
Apr 2023 · 1.2k
A tempting flame
mr moon man Apr 2023
Her eyes are so beautiful, causing a shine in my own
Her lips look so kissable from here, i wonder if she’s using a new chapstick
Her hands look so soft, I want to feel them in my own
I want to wrap my arms around her, but alas, she is not my fire to warm myself
So I will continue down the path, but oh such a tempting flame she is
I hung out with a friend who I’ve always had a major crush on, but it’s too late for me because she found her perfect man already. But, I won’t let that change my love for her as a friend
Mar 2023 · 1.2k
Sleep walking
mr moon man Mar 2023
Wake up, get ready, leave, come back, sleep
Wake up, get ready, leave, come back, sleep
Like a giant loop, I follow the path.
No real goal in sight, no real plan when I stop.
It’s almost as if I’m sleepwalking, hell, I probably can sleep through most of my day and my body will still follow the path.
But one day I’ll need to look back at how long I’ve been on this trail, and all the self destruction I’ve left.
I don’t know if I have any more with me or if I’ll return to the trail. But I do know that after such a long slumber, even if it’s just for one poem, it’s good to be back.
Oct 2022 · 661
Chilling feel
mr moon man Oct 2022
I can tell that it's coming once again.
The chill down my back, tensing my muscles and even reaching my bones.
Most people shudder at the thought of no longer spending time in the heat of the sun, but I feel as though an old friend has come back to greet me once more.
That chilling feel, making my body stay in the confinds of a warm bed for a bit longer.
It's finally cooling down where I live, and I absolutely love it. I can finally sleep with blankets again and can go outside without being flashcooked by the unmatched power of the sun.
Sep 2022 · 226
Under the light, with you
mr moon man Sep 2022
We walk along the path, the one we both were excited to explore.
With the moon overhead, gently moving the shadows
And flowers bloom, as we walk together.
But now when I walk this path, as I've done many times before.
You've become just another ghost, amongst those who have walked with me.
Goodbye, but not forever, for we will walk together again.
Welp, I'm single again. However, I knew it was gonna happen, I always end up walking alone
Jul 2022 · 546
mr moon man Jul 2022
It's all it takes
To finally feel the warmth again
A single spark
And the blazing fire that will ensue is more than enough to comfort even the coldest of hearts
Even mine
I did it, I have a girlfriend again. The fire of love feels so nice after years in the cold
Apr 2022 · 278
mr moon man Apr 2022
Her voice touches my heart
Her eyes shine like the most expensive gems
Her thoughts paint the most stunning portraits
Her moves are as if she swims through the very air that touches her
Her breathing gets relaxed whenever she talks
Her footwork is almost as if she's always dancing
As Her voice has claimed my heart, i hope that one day my words will claim hers...
i finally got the chance to watch the movie "Her" after almost 10 years later. And I dedicate this piece that hopefully one day will be the Samantha to my Theodore.
Apr 2022 · 274
Moon Love
mr moon man Apr 2022
I sit by my desk
with my laptop playing our favorite jazz tracks
waiting for you
for the peek into my room with your light
the tap at my window
so that we can dance together again
with my words being my dance
my room being the stage
and you as my audience
i found myself sitting at my desk for the first time in months trying to find a new job on my laptop. i had my moon lamp on and it reminded me of all the times i would stay up to look at the moon from my window
Mar 2022 · 674
You're out there, somewhere
mr moon man Mar 2022
Perhaps we've passed each other, while walking down the street
Or perhaps stood in line, one behind the other, paying for our groceries.
Maybe we've seen each other, at that one restaurant we both love.
While these are all uncertain, there is one thing I know.
You're out there, somewhere.
Waiting for you and I, as well as I and you, to finally meet.
And maybe, then we can finally be together.
Hope is a powerful thing, however it's also dangerous. I hope she's out there, somewhere. However, I will not be blinded by hope whenever I believe I found her anymore.
Aug 2021 · 344
mr moon man Aug 2021
Some are a sign of evil intent
Others are the final glimpses of a moment around the corner
And then there's yours
Still on the other side of the bed
Almost as if you never left
I've been stuck in a depressive loop of being single, but the worst part of it is that it constantly reminds me that she's no longer here and that I have nobody else to replace the old flame
Jun 2021 · 164
mr moon man Jun 2021
I stare into her
And she stares back
She offers me my hearts truest desire
To finally rest, and become nothing
To simply cease, is what I crave most
All I have to do is jump
Yet, something stops me
A call, that I am not done yet
And we both weep, for we cannot be together
But one day we will, when my job is done
And the ones who call out to me are finally happy
I do not wish to die, I'm simply tired of living. How I wish to simply cease to exist. But I cannot rest just yet. I still have a life to live and people to bring joy to in that life
Jun 2021 · 156
Almost Blue
mr moon man Jun 2021
I am almost blue
Grasping at the ghost of my desires next to me
Silently shedding tears into my pillow
Hoping that I will have someone to share my soul with
And at that moment I realize
I really am blue
Singles blues have been eating away at me while I manage to only push away my friends futher by accident. I've come to the realization that I will spend most, if not the rest of, my life alone...its enough to make someone almost blue
Jun 2021 · 485
mr moon man Jun 2021
you can't hear it, but you can feel it
Like a weight in the very air
Or wearing wet clothes slowly pulling you down
You try to break it, but it has its own magic
You let it win this time, but only for the peace that it brings today
I'm not gone for good, I simply was just very busy...for example I recently graduated from high school
mr moon man Apr 2021
I see what they see, yet they don't see what I see
when they look in my reflection, they see what I am
when I look in my reflection, I see what I want to be
when they look in my closet, they see the clothes I wear
when I look into my closet, I see the clothes I want to wear
they see my form as a shell, nothing more than protection
I see my form as a cocoon, with a more beautiful creation inside it's walls
while they see me and I see them
it is not the same in the looking glass
today is national transgender/nonbinary visibility day, so this is for those who stand under that umbrella, dedicated to max
Mar 2021 · 151
Water and Oil
mr moon man Mar 2021
we are water and oil, old friend
you move freely, untempered by those who try and control you
I make things unstable, make others see warped forms of themselves
stuck in the same ***, but never mixed together, no matter how hard we tried
when the heat is on, you're the first to boil yet i try to control your splash
we're no longer in the same ***, and while i'm glad you've finally left, i wish to spend one more day with you
me and my best friend had a falling out, she realized the one thing i've been telling her for years...that we're too different, like water and oil
Feb 2021 · 426
mr moon man Feb 2021
you feel it now, don't you
the hatred clawing away at your mind, tearing apart your sanity
yelling at you to let it loose, demanding to let them feel your wrath
but don't let it out, don't let it free
because once it is out, it will never go back
It will bring you satisfaction, but at a cost
the cost of your very soul
something that's been on my mind, lately almost everything has been making me mad to the point that it's boiling into hatred. But my hatred will never get out
Feb 2021 · 333
Tired and sore
mr moon man Feb 2021
I heard the jingle of her keys being pulled out of her purse
the lock started to move and i go to open the door for her
as I opened the door, she collapsed in my arms and smiled
I dragged her back into our bedroom and put her in bed with me
I asked her how her day was and she only had three words for me through a quiet voice and sleepy eyes
"tired and sore"
I held her in my arms as she slowly drifted off to sleep and i kissed her goodnight
This is a poem for a friend of mine who wanted to do a community event and wanted to have a poem be her entry, obviously she's going to give me credit for the work
Jan 2021 · 806
Alone at last
mr moon man Jan 2021
I've done it
the house is finally quiet
no more sound, no more commotion
I've asked them all to leave, and even forced some out the door
and finally, I've done it
Alone at last
but, like many things, it came at too high of a price
i'm finally alone, but now my very soul is gone too
I hurt my only friend enough to the point where she's had enough of me, so im finally alone at last
mr moon man Jan 2021
my heart beats at the idea of having a woman in my arms
yet, the women around me have their hearts beat over other things besides love
lust, greed, popularity, revenge
their hearts pound for anything but love
how I wish to find a woman who loves as I do
and that's when I realize what my heart is
A heart of a long forgotten past
and it'll never find a partner to dance the same beat
I've come to realize that i'm stuck in an old style of romance for someone my age. most of the women around me don't get in relationships for love anymore, they have some secondary agenda
Jan 2021 · 882
Lovers for a day
mr moon man Jan 2021
We were lovers for a day
you wanted us to stop by setting sun, to take a step back
i wanted us to keep going, to achieve new things together
but, the voice of reason cut in-between us
it warned me of the price to pay for going down my road
so, we were lovers for a day
and it was one of my happiest days
something quick about the short time me and my best friend were dating, she wanted us to stop because she didn't feel ready for dating...and as her boyfriend, it would've been cruel of me to not let her have what she wanted
Dec 2020 · 651
Fire in your eyes
mr moon man Dec 2020
they want to see you crumble like an old abandoned building
they wait for you to stop climbing
they pray that you will ultimately fail
however, they fear your gaze
for you have a fire in your eyes
and that fire is hot enough to burn away any doubt
I've re-watched the original rocky movies and the two creed spin off's and it's got me so pumped to work out that i wrote a motivational poem to myself...and of course, whoever needs to feel like the Italian stallion
Dec 2020 · 312
mr moon man Dec 2020
They always ask why I go back, they say that I should accept the fact that they're gone, that they're not waiting for me...
I simply laugh and tell them I know, but that won't stop me from spending time with them in my memories I made with them
I've been talking to my friends about my thoughts on my exes and they always try to help me by telling me to block out those thoughts
Nov 2020 · 448
Unus Annus
mr moon man Nov 2020
It was only a matter of time
Until the clock runs zero
We've had happy times
But we have also had somber times
Now it is time to prepare the casket
But this is not a time to grieve
This is a time to celebrate the memories we have made
They might be gone
But as long as they are not forgotten
then they will never truly die
memento mori, unus annus
this is a poem about the year long project that markiplier and crankgameplays held to have a different video every day for one year and once the year is up, they delete it all. As i'm typing this there's only four hours and twenty minutes left unti they "die" and i must say, i had fun
Jul 2020 · 864
The end of the day
mr moon man Jul 2020
It was the end of the day.
the sun was saying its final goodbyes.
All the men were going home to a nice dinner
not me, I went home to a deafening silence.
As I prepared for tomorrow, you messaged me,
asking me how I was doing and how much my muscles ached.
As the conversation continued, I felt the fatigue of the day wash away as we talked into the night.
and when we said our final goodnights, I felt ready to face tomorrow.
this is a little something I whipped up for a tiny writing competition with the theme of friendship. I decided to post it here because it turned out better than expected
Jul 2020 · 259
For many years
mr moon man Jul 2020
For many years
I've searched for you
For many years
I've wished for you
But many years
have come to pass
And to those years I say
I love you still
Meant to be read to the tune of Davey Jones's Theme from Pirates of the Caribbean, this my own version of the same message that's a bit more friendly to those who don't sail with the Flying Dutchman. It's not exactly perfect, but there's no such thing as a perfect poem.
mr moon man Jun 2020
the soul yearns for her presence, but the heart knows she's already gone
the soul yearns to hold her hand, but the heart knows her feel
the soul yearns to tell her that she is loved, but the heart knows she won't hear
the soul yearns for her return, but the heart knows she made her choice
the soul yearns to erase what happened, but the heart knows it's too late
something i've been thinking of writing about for a while now
Jun 2020 · 95
Sad but True
mr moon man Jun 2020
It is sad but true
in the world, we live in
that we cannot trust the ones who have sworn to protect us
that the death of one man can call the rise of the destruction of communities
that simple action of lifting a leg could've not caused the war we see now
It is sad but true
that there is still a belief that certain people are superior
that many people abuse the responsibility of a gun and badge
that there are people that take advantage of a crime to raise anarchy
It is sad but true
a little something I decided to piece together of current events. after all, poets are the recordkeepers of their time.
Apr 2020 · 196
To my Irreplaceable Lover
mr moon man Apr 2020
It was Fate that gave us each other
But a mix of ignored warnings and mistakes that drove us apart
now time has passed and I still wish you back
I look at the gift of our first date and think back at the happiness we felt
as I lay fresh lilies on the grave of what we had
I still see your smiling face haunting the forest of my dreams
your words of confidence still echoing in the back of my mind
Now the thriving town of my heart is nothing more than a cold forgotten ruin
I travel back to when we first met as a tear rolls down my cheek
now I wish for you to be happier, rather than return, for that may be the only way the pieces will sew themselves anew
Something that has been eating away at me ever since she left me. I'm still torn up about it but I hope that she has someone better now
Apr 2020 · 199
mr moon man Apr 2020
He finds himself in the back of his mind again looking at what could've been. The sins of his past and the demons of isolation scratching their mark on his back. He knows he will never truly leave his past, but instead of fighting back or ignoring the whispers in his ear, he accepts them. For He of all people knows that a sword of negative word loses it's edge when the target allows the blade to hit its mark. He curses not his past, but the Fates who have forged the path ahead of him. "**** YOU" he wants to shout at the ones who control the river of time but he knows that it is pointless and continues down his path of sorrow alone with nothing but his thoughts and the light of the moon to keep him company.
I've been down on my luck in almost every sense of the word from my girlfriend breaking up with me to watching some of my close friends succumb to serious cases of cabin fever but sooner or later this whole thing will either end happily or with a bang...only time will tell
mr moon man Mar 2020
Just as the moon getting closer agitates the waves, He got too close and angered the waves of her heart. He hoped for a piece of his soul to calm her tide but it was too much and she wished him gone as the waves spit the moon back out into the sky. While the rising sun found two sets of footprints, the path they were taking was separate from each other.
sorry that i've been gone for a while, i haven't had any inspiration for poetry until recent happenings in my personal life outside of poetry gave me inspiration...but at a cost that was too high
mr moon man Mar 2020
He finds himself somewhere new, a beach with his beautiful moon being licked by the ocean waves. Then he notices her, dancing at the tide's edge. He comes to realize that the moon led him to her through its final moonbeams for the night. As the Day cracks into a new dawn, It finds two sets of footprints walking along tide's edge on a path to the moon while the sea slowly consumes the trail.
my "unknown responder" recently confessed that she loved me...and I loved her too. she revealed that she's a Thalassophile when she found out I was a selenophile.
Feb 2020 · 222
Unknown Responder
mr moon man Feb 2020
He keeps finding them. Letters to the Moon full of his woes opened and replied to by an Unknown Responder. He hopes that this Unknown Responder will let his letter be by still writing to the Moon, But a part of him wants to keep this mystery around. To have someone listen to his worries and troubles without judgment makes his heartbeat play a song he hasn't heard in years. He signs his letter for tonight, he notices that it's addressed not to the Moon, but to his personal mystery. And there are only two words in that letter. "Thank You"
This poem is based on a unique relationship I have with this girl I met through a group chat my friends threw me into for laughs...after just a couple of weeks of talking, this girl knows me deeper than even my closest friends do...and we've never met IRL
Feb 2020 · 761
The Bachelor
mr moon man Feb 2020
He goes through women like a food critic goes through a restaurant menu, one after another they were all flings and one night stands. But as his loneliness grows evermore, he comes to realize that one day he wouldn't want to give up a woman that fits all of his desires. That one day Cupid will catch up to him and lock the shackles of love to his ankles. He laughs it off as he orders another drink. Then she walks in, and he can feel those shackles close around tighter.
This is the third and final poem of a three poem project that I've been working on to celebrate the people of Valentine's day. This poem is dedicated to all the bachelors that were finally caught by cupid's arrow.
Feb 2020 · 233
The Hopeless Romantic
mr moon man Feb 2020
He watches His calendar, seeing the day of love tick ever so closer. Yet another year without a significant other, He thinks to himself. But one day, He'll win a woman's heart with his charisma and charm. All He has to do is let Fate spindle its wire of time and let that woman stumble into his life.
This is the second poem of a three poem project that I've been working on to not only celebrate Valentine's Day, but also the people of Valentine's day. This poem is dedicated to all the hopeless romantics who still look for their better halves.
Feb 2020 · 254
The Valentines
mr moon man Feb 2020
They confide in one another, wishing for time to stop so that they may have the world to themselves. So that their personal lives don't tear them apart from each other's loving arms. Then, the day finally comes where the flow of time is at their feet. They spend their blessing learning about one another. As time flows on, they decide to let the world continue around them as they depart with a final kiss under the rising moon.
This is the first of the three poem project I've been working on for Valentine's day about the three different people of Valentine's day. the first one to represent the couples of this day
Feb 2020 · 224
The moonstruck poet
mr moon man Feb 2020
He stares at the blank page of his notebook, wondering what he should write about next. As he stares into the blank page, he suddenly gets an idea and opens the curtains of his window to reveal the moon shining brightly at him. He reaches out and grabs at the moonbeams as he wakes up in the same position where he started. Filled with the inspiration of moonbeams and empty pages waiting to be written on, he grabs his pen and starts spindling poetry.
This poem is definitely a bit self-reflected on its writer (me, duh) but I felt that the sudden uprisings in my moon-related poetry needed a poem of its own
Feb 2020 · 988
The Selenophile
mr moon man Feb 2020
They stare at me, with questioning eyes. They wonder why I always look so tired, but in reality, I've never felt better. Last night I was able to speak with you again, tell you of my troubles and bathe in your light. They will never understand but that doesn't matter, for as long as I have you. I can handle the waking world just to have another chance to enjoy your company in a state of reality I don't belong in.
This is a little poem that's more personal than most of my original works, considering that I recently accepted the fact that I love the moon
Feb 2020 · 265
The last train home
mr moon man Feb 2020
I look at the friends I made in my life and come to realize how time has changed us, Some of us would be proud of who we've become while others would've never expected the path they took. We've all grown to see each other as a family of sorts, but only I have noticed the clock ticking away at the corner of my eye. Day after day, the clock becomes louder until I realize that the clock is a signal, and that signal is when I'm supposed to catch the last train home
this is a little poem I made about my friend group at school and how, over the three years we've hung out and grown, started to grow apart to follow our own paths.
Feb 2020 · 498
Lady Moon
mr moon man Feb 2020
A beam of light, I can see. Shining brightly across the sea. Then I see Her, in a torn white dress. Slowly climbing with the stars. She tries to hide her damaged face but I encourage her that it's part of her beauty. As a thank you for letting her shine with all her flaws, she tells me of the things she's seen back in a time when her face was smooth and craterless. And I sit with her and listen to her stories. Then comes the time for her to climb down, but she promises to be back, and I promised to be there waiting.
My first midnight poetry post that I wouldn't make sense if I didn't make it about lady moon
Feb 2020 · 1.3k
The playful spirit
mr moon man Feb 2020
She looks on into the clock, wondering when the bell would signal her release from boredom. She finds herself playing with the hoodie of a classmate, hoping he'd focus on her to have someone keep her mind from the mundane atmosphere of the classroom. She always loved messing with his hoodie during class because his reactions were always funny. She tosses the piece of clothing from one hand to the other when She comes to realize the patient nature of the classmate and thanks him for not leaving her in a world of loneliness and apologizes for having to put up with her.
I have a friend in class that sits behind me and she always liked to mess with my hoodie whenever the class would bore her, one day she apologized about having to put up with her. I never really minded when she played with it.
Jan 2020 · 1.1k
When Daybreak comes
mr moon man Jan 2020
I confess to you and only you, lady moon highest in the sky, to take my fears and insecurities and keep them with you throughout your path in the night sky. For when Daybreak comes, those fears I hold close to me will be protected from the burning light of the sun. For when Daybreak comes, the secrets I've shared with you will be shielded and safe under the dim light of your moonbeams. For when Daybreak comes, Nobody but you and I will know of the secrets I've kept with you.
I've been tapping into my selenophile side lately whenever I start writing poems of my own work. This is the result of almost two months of wanting to write about the moon
Jan 2020 · 1.4k
The Silver Lining
mr moon man Jan 2020
Her heart aches from the thorn of loneliness. She believes her only cure is the Silver Lining. So She searches for it in the hearts of men. Others see her search as strange and pointless, but that doesn't hinder her efforts.
Year after year, she hunts and looks, to no avail. As the fear of emptiness slowly consumes her, she reminds herself of what her silver lining has to offer her. So she brushes off and continues her search.
My woman of the moonlight wanted me to write a poem about her love life and after about a month, this is the final result
Jan 2020 · 211
The Artist
mr moon man Jan 2020
She sits on her bed, with chaos lurking outside her bedroom door.
Asking herself what she should draw next.
She feels the clock ticking down the time she has left in her world before she is forced into her role as a Quiet One again.
As the seconds tick by, she feels an odd sense of calm when she notices the next source for her latest work.
She questions how she will capture the inspiration purring in her lap when time finally runs out and she's forced to be a Quiet One once again
a friend of mine who is like a sister to me wanted to help me with writer's block and offered that I do a poem about her, this is the outcome of that
Jan 2020 · 182
The Quiet Ones pt.2
mr moon man Jan 2020
The Quiet Ones are not to be blamed for their inability to say no, but rather the ones who don't take the opinion of others into consideration. Unfortunately, unknown to many, the Quiet Ones can be beneficial if given even a moment to speak. Then they can give knowledge that many seek. If allowed to speak, they can offer solutions to both sides of the argument. If given a chance to speak, then they can bring peace to all conflict.
a continuation of pt.1, I wanted to end it on a happy note
Jan 2020 · 678
How they leap
mr moon man Jan 2020
As the fox watches in the bushes, He notices two frogs minding their existence.
The fox stares at the water dwellers with ill intent in his heart, but as the fox waits for a time to strike. He soon comes to realize that he would intrude upon a scene he was not meant to see. As the fox retreats from the pond, much to the dismay of his empty stomach, he finds that his companion brought something for both of them.
This poem was suggested to me by a frog lover, I'm sorry if it's not up to what you expected
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