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Apr 2020 · 197
For someone
Maja Apr 2020
For someone who is never really present,
I can always feel you here

For someone who doesn’t listen,
you always seem to hear

For someone who rarely talks,
you have an awful lot to say

For someone who never leaves,
you don’t ever really stay
For someone. For you.
Apr 2020 · 295
Maja Apr 2020
Fly, light, like a dancer,
spin, stop and ask
but there is no answer

Jump, dip, scream your question,
welcome your sentence
of death at confession

bad things.
good things.
what are those?
everyone is both,
so no one f*cking knows.
Moral is something we decide.
Apr 2020 · 238
If you care
Maja Apr 2020
Save me if you must.
Love me if you dare.
Turn me into dust.
Leave me if you care.
A short poem about something.
What is still not certain. But then again, is anything?
Mar 2020 · 417
die twice
Maja Mar 2020
I heard you die twice,
once when they bury you in the grave
and the second time is the last time
that somebody mentions your name

- Glorious, Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
From: Glorious by Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
Mar 2020 · 185
dead already
Maja Mar 2020
"I need you", you said,
"Without you, I’d be dead."

I locked my eyes into yours with a gaze steady.
I said, "If you can’t live without me,
why aren’t you dead already?"
don't lie to me
Mar 2020 · 297
a price
Maja Mar 2020
Everything comes at a price,
but it’s not always the one buying
that will have to pay
People do bad things without having bad things done to them. Instead, other people suffer because of the actions of other people.
Life is fair, to some more than others.
Mar 2020 · 178
Our nature
Maja Mar 2020
Our nature is not that of beauty,
we are all monsters,
inhabitants of cruelty.

Give someone power over another
and you will quickly see

that our nature comes forth
when set free.

We are all monsters at heart,
some are just better at hiding it.

Don’t say you’re not bad,
then you would be bad as well as a hypocrite
Mar 2020 · 1.3k
Let's talk
Maja Mar 2020
Let’s talk about the group that killed an old lady
and the fact that they escaped.

Let’s talk about the woman who was judged
for "saying she wanted" to be *****.

Let’s talk about the boy who was bullied
and that no one said a thing.

Let’s talk about the people who bullied
and that the boy hanged himself on a sling.

Let’s talk about the girl who was kidnapped,
***** at only four,

Why is everyone quiet?

because people are horrible
and sometimes it’s easier to ignore.
My heart is heavy and mind burdened with thoughts no child should have to ponder.
Why do humans have to exist?
Mar 2020 · 272
I'm not sorry
Maja Mar 2020
Is this not what you wanted?
Is this not what you meant?

Sorry, oh my,
did you want a compliment?

but no.

Actually just no
I’m not sorry, and I didn’t forget

I’m just not sorry

because you broke that part of me
that could feel regret.

So I don’t,
and for you,
I won't
not anymore
Mar 2020 · 416
first things first
Maja Mar 2020
I wanted everyone to like me
without giving them a reason to

I wanted them to like me
without even trying to change their view

I wanted to be good,
without doing a good deed

I wanted to succeed
but to grow,
you need to first plant the seed.
Mar 2020 · 254
Reality is frightening
Maja Mar 2020
Someone was burned,
another was stabbed,
cut into pieces,
sold for a grand.

A monster under the bed,
is better than the monster in my head.

Read me a horror story,
and I will sleep well.

Turn on the news,
it will be scarier than the stories we can tell.
stories can be scary, but the reality is scarier.
Mar 2020 · 220
Maja Mar 2020
I’m leaving,
I mean, what did you expect?

To hit me, time and time again,
then for me to feel respect?

That’s just stupid,
as am I

for not realizing you were sooner,
only now, saying goodbye.

But it’s okay,
because I’ve learnt from my mistake

and you were my biggest one,
and the only I will ever make
I've had enough.
Mar 2020 · 63
Me and I
Maja Mar 2020
There is someone who will always be there for me
I can’t get rid of it, and it can not of me.
We are one, but we hate each other,
we are me, but we’d rather be another
Mar 2020 · 95
a lie
Maja Mar 2020
A lie is not a lie,
until someone tells the truth

and sometimes a lie is needed,
to keep what's left of youth.

To be happy
is to not know
and I would rather be happy
than grow
Mar 2020 · 163
Maja Mar 2020
Strong is the heart,
shared between two;

because multiple of something,
is more powerful than a few
The heart sign <3 is two heart joined.
Mar 2020 · 118
Even if it's a lie
Maja Mar 2020
Embrace me and whisper a lie,
just don’t let go,
don’t say goodbye.

Don’t leave me alone,
even if I feel lonely with you

Don’t give up on me,
even if your love isn’t true.

I don’t care who you are,
I just want to have someone.

Who doesn’t matter,
it could just be anyone.

As long as he’s mine,
and I am his only.

As long as he’s mine,

I will be fine
Even if it's a lie, I just want to have someone to love.
Mar 2020 · 163
I held someone
Maja Mar 2020
When I was young,
I held someone.

I held her harder,
when I began to grow.

Now when I am old,
I don’t know how to let myself go.
I held myself and don't know how to let go
Mar 2020 · 125
The Clock
Maja Mar 2020
I went up to my room
It disappeared, the light
my family went to sleep
now my only company, the night
I can't sleep and go down for a snack
I’m all alone now
I’m surrounded by black
I started to cry
my eyelids got heavy
hello, a new day
peace - goodbye
goodbye peace.
Mar 2020 · 303
it used to be
Maja Mar 2020
The world used to be so beautiful,
the sky so blue
and grass so green.

I don’t know what changed
but everything is different from what I’ve seen

nothing makes sense anymore
I don’t even know if left is left
or right is right.
all I know
is that I’ve lost my sense of sight

and sense of direction
as there is no sense

there is no connection
to the world

now through a screen
that used to be so beautiful
with a sky so blue
and grass so green
I don't know if the world changed, or me.
Mar 2020 · 165
when I saw you
Maja Mar 2020
there was just something about you
something I can’t place
maybe your sad eyes
and broken face

I felt something
when I saw you
I felt the pain
that you felt too

Somehow I knew,
that you knew it as well
knew of tears
knew of hell

I want to tell you
that it won’t always be that way
it does get better
it does, someday
you knew it too.
Mar 2020 · 153
Maja Mar 2020
what a beautiful person,
what a beautiful view
what a beautiful feeling,
to be here with you
Just a short poem about nothing at all.
Well, maybe about the random feelings of happiness I sometimes get.
Mar 2020 · 209
I fought
Maja Mar 2020
I did not stop when I got hurt
I did not stop when defeated

I did not stop for a second
I never retreated

I fought with everything I had
because I knew what I fought for

I knew, not all battles
needed to be won to win the war.

So I fought and did not stop,
and finally, exhaust
the war ended
and I lost.
You need more than a good cause to win a war. Reality is different. You lose, you win, but you will mostly lose.
Mar 2020 · 354
understand, not know
Maja Mar 2020
One can know a lot of things,
but knowing doesn’t mean a thing,
if you don’t understand.
Mar 2020 · 437
Do I need a reason?
Maja Mar 2020
I’m completely fine,
because when I said that I was not,

they responded with,
"You can’t be sad, just look at what you’ve got."

All they did was doubt,
they said,

"You don’t have anything to be sad about."

they said,

"Just look at all the friends you have,
and family around."

that only made me sadder;
do I need a reason to break down?
You don't have to live a depressing life to be depressed.
Mar 2020 · 145
I knew of
Maja Mar 2020
I knew of the sun,
but I never saw it in the skies.

I knew of colours,
but I never got to see them with my eyes.

I knew of the wind,
but could only dream of it upon my skin.

I knew of happiness,
but I never got to experience a grin.

I knew of living,
but I only lived through death.

But most of all I knew of pain;
that, I felt with my every breath
Now I don't know a thing. What is even going on?
Mar 2020 · 129
Run or Stay
Maja Mar 2020
Do you run or do you stay?
Most people would run away.
But I don’t think that you would too
You’re not most people,
now, are you?
You're different.
Mar 2020 · 1.4k
You're only human
Maja Mar 2020
"After all, you’re only human,"
I’ll take that as a compliment.

A human can be anything,
if only you are competent.
you're only human. But what is a human then?
Mar 2020 · 325
Maja Mar 2020
It’s okay that they hurt me
because it was a joke.
They were just kidding,
when they kicked and spoke.


It’s not okay to hurt someone,
not even on a joke,
because a joke is supposed to be funny,
and if that’s funny,
then I don’t want to ever laugh again.
I don't know if it's similar to the other one, but it's another one so I don't know if it matters that it's similar.
Mar 2020 · 205
My fault?
Maja Mar 2020
I smiled when I would rather cry.
And when I felt the pressure on my chest,

"It’s fine," I lied.

But is it my fault for hiding,
or is it their fault for making me hide?
Mar 2020 · 369
truth or lie
Maja Mar 2020
It depends on who is looking;
whether a picture is truly true,

The picture can be a lie when looked at by someone
who has a different view
we all see things differently.
Mar 2020 · 110
my mind is a scary place
Maja Mar 2020
Sometimes, it gets dark
and other times I wish that I was blind,
because there are some things, I wish I’d never seen
but then there are some things that have no place in my mind

The world can be a scary place,
but when left alone,
my own mind can scare me more
than whatever thing the world has known

The world can be a scary place,
but more so I fear my mind
because whenever there’s a blank
it fills it in with all the horrors it can find.

The world can be a scary place,
but nothing’s scarier than me
because only I know what truly make me scared,
and how scary that can be.
I often scare myself, and sometimes it feels like my own mind betrays me by making up scenarios that will never happen.
Mar 2020 · 260
Show me... something
Maja Mar 2020
Hate me all you want
I’m okay with that

what breaks me is when you lie
and do it with your voice completely flat.

Show me some emotion,
show me that I’m worth it

Don’t just turn your back
and say "I think that we should quit."
indifference hurts as much as emotion
Mar 2020 · 339
Happy Birthday
Maja Mar 2020
Happy Birthday, my dear mother,
your smile makes me as happy as one can be,
there are no words that I could use,
to describe how happy you make me.

I cried whilst writing this,
but I cried with a smile on my face,
because you’re so special to me,
my heart reserves for you a place.

You are the cause of my happiness,
the source of my laughter
you make every day worth living
you are my happily ever after.

There’s just no one else like you,
you are unique - in every way
and I want you to know
that I really mean what I say

when I say that I love you
I really do love you.

You are so strong,
and when you hold me, you make me calm
your embrace is so warm

I love you, mom.
I was worried it wouldn't be enough for someone like you, but mom. You deserve everything I can give.
Mar 2020 · 140
I pray and I pray
Maja Mar 2020
I close my eyes and pray.
Always in the night.
I pray, even though I know,
it’ll never be alright.

I continue to pray,
I clasp my hands and hope.
I pray as if I’ll get an answer
as if there’ll be an upturn to this *****

I pray, and I pray
but even when I pray,
even when I wish,
it never feels okay.
pray pray pray but doesn't do anything about it.
Mar 2020 · 259
sometimes I wish...
Maja Mar 2020
I breathe,
but sometimes I wish…

I see,
but sometimes I wish…

I live,
but sometimes I wish…

sometimes I wish I didn’t…
Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I want to give up. But I can't. And I won't.
Mar 2020 · 212
I wish
Maja Mar 2020
I wish I was clueless again,
that I could go back,

go back to a time when it didn’t hurt,
a time that wasn’t so black

I wish I could see the colours
of the sun and sky at day

now, everything is so dull,
every colour I see is grey

I wish I didn’t know,
that rejection hurts so much

I wish I didn’t know
the strength of coldness clutch

I wish I didn’t know,
that a broken heart breaks you

I wish I didn’t know
but sadly, now I do.
Wouldn't it be nice to return to when life was easy?
then again... was it ever?
Mar 2020 · 163
You're beautiful
Maja Mar 2020
You’re beautiful,
no matter what the mirror view.

The mirror doesn’t see everything,
but some people do.
you just have to find those people who see.
Mar 2020 · 514
drip drop
Maja Mar 2020
It’s silent when I’m alone.
But why is it still so loud?

That voice doesn’t scream,
when I’m with a crowd.

Why does it keep,
and keep on screaming?

Why doesn’t it ever stop?
Why is it,
that when I’m alone,
I can hear every single **** raindrop


it doesn’t ever stop

Do you also hear the silence?
Why is it so loud?
Mar 2020 · 188
broken glass
Maja Mar 2020
Mirror, mirror, oh broken glass
will you cut me,
like everyone I pass.

Will you be sorry too,
when I take a piece and bleed.

Will you save me from this world
One cut is all I need.
Don't try this at home, kids.
Mar 2020 · 198
No — Yes
Maja Mar 2020
No, I can’t.

Yes, you can.

No, I won’t.

Yes, you will.

Just stop.

Just try.

What if I fall?

What if you fly?
Just dare to take a leap.
Mar 2020 · 250
stay with me
Maja Mar 2020
Stay with me.
For a second or a minute.

For an hour or a day,
I don’t care,
but please just stay.

We can rest under the stars,
look at the sky we lay beneath

Just let us be like this a little longer.
Just let us take a break and breathe.
just breathe...
Mar 2020 · 251
smile and cry
Maja Mar 2020
Don't worry.
I collapse.

It’s alright.
My voice cracks.

I'm okay.
Another tear shapes.

It’s fine.
My heart breaks.
In silence.
Mar 2020 · 280
like a candle
Maja Mar 2020
Like a candle, small
fragile, easy to blow out

with a set time to burn
always flickering about

like a candle,
we live like the light;

we burn short,
but we burn bright.
Mar 2020 · 717
just a joke
Maja Mar 2020
It was a joke
he didn’t mean to lift his hand
he didn’t mean to bring it down

he didn’t mean to raise it a second time
he didn’t mean to commit a second crime.

He didn’t mean it.

But if everyone got pardoned
for the things they said and did without meaning,
everyone would hit
and no one would mean it.
Again, actions speak louder than words, and ironically, that is because you can't say them.
Trust the first fist,
not the apology that comes after when the deed is already done.
Mar 2020 · 366
the higher you climb...
Maja Mar 2020
The higher you climb, the further you’ll fall,
With a mindset like that,
you will never stand tall.

What you should instead remember,
when you fight against time,
is that the best view
comes after the hardest climb
Two ways of thinking. Both true, but which to choose?
Don't choose:
just try to become a better self.
Mar 2020 · 172
Win a fight
Maja Mar 2020
The only way to win a fight

is to not fight at all
If both attack with raised guns, then you can be sure no one will walk away unscattered. Life is not a movie. People die.
It's just how it is.
Mar 2020 · 330
It's just...
Maja Mar 2020
I know I’m not that pretty,
and I know I’m not that loud
But I still have some feelings
and I do make a sound

Just because I don’t drink
doesn’t mean that I am lame,
it’s just,
I worry about myself,
and my mother the same.

Just because I don’t dress up,
doesn’t mean I don’t want to be pretty
it’s just,
to be pretty,
I would not be myself,
though that would not be a pity

Just because I don’t cry
doesn’t mean that I don’t want to
it’s just,
I don’t think anyone will care,
even if I do

And just because I don't speak up,
doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to say
it’s just,
no one asked me,
so I don’t know if talking is okay.
Mar 2020 · 139
Be someone
Maja Mar 2020
You are something.
You just gotta find the right people to be someone to.
Real friends.
Mar 2020 · 96
fight fire with fire
Maja Mar 2020
fight fire with fire.

fight evil with evil

but doing it like that,

in the end,

won’t you just be fighting yourself?
You don't have to bring about peace by starting a war. It is a way, but isn't there a more peaceful one?
Mar 2020 · 174
fear of death
Maja Mar 2020
People fear what they don't understand

and death is an incomprehensible mystery.
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