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Poetic T Jul 2014
Metal wasps do sting,
Swarming over the many,
Allergic death,
this is about gun violence and how those who pull the trigger don't care of the harm it does to the intended as well as the innocent..
Poetic T Jul 2014
Spreading of her wings,
Pleasure taken to new heights,
Thrill with damp landing.
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
Diet without the “T”
Sweet potato pie
You can kiss your life goodbye
Your new thighs

Exercise or Be Exorcised?
Gluttonous Demon
I’m eating for no reason
I will get even!
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2023
Your words are flowers
Blooming in interactions
Early blossoms grow
Written 3-9-20
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
Cravings for a hit
Hints of sin begin within
Winning bit by bit
Cravings are the worst
S R Mats Mar 2015
raindrops collecting
in a bottle it fills me
and yet I am still empty
There is a "nature/natural" element to this, and a "human" aspect within this piece.  I love the duality in many forms of poetry.
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
The phone rings loudly
That noise should make me feel loved
I just feel lonely
Sometimes I just feel like I have no one to talk to because I don't want to scare them away with my craziness or  I can't trust them or I am afraid of being judged/criticized/misunderstood. So now I just don't answer it very often. I am probably one of the hardest people in the world to get ahold of... also because I sleep a lot.
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
Even with problems
Not once have I felt less than
Happy around you
Even at our worst you are still the best thing that ever happened to me
Dustin Matthews May 2014
Tattoos in the skin
One for her, and one for me
Permanently yours
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin Matthews
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
My mind is released

Another world has opened

So, I come in peace
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
Your absence still stings
Without you by my side find
I am not myself
An oldie
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
Your photo is a
Reminder not everything
Is as it appears
So many things in life are not what they seem on the surface at all
joanna dibble Mar 2012
river willow deep-rooted in crumbling bank sways in flood's wild currents
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
I think I may search
Every passing face for yours
Until my last breath
You're the person I automatically scan faces for in a crowd..
Poetic T Jun 2014
Lucid day dreamer
Not seeing reality
Train Tracks hardened life
#drugs #day #dreaming #Train #high
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
If there are other
Dimensions that means we are
Together somewhere
I'd choose you, in any lifetime, in any version of reality. I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
There’s no certainty
Only death is guaranteed
So keep your receipts
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
So, you want to leave?
Life will go on without you
…likely with more ease
Poetic T Jul 2014
Eyes cold & open
Spark extinguished beating no more
Still rigor mortis
His sad eyes wondered,
Landing in a small white could,
Swimming, a blue sky
Thanks to nature
do u think he was sad anymore?
Bluejay Nov 2014
Darkness enters slowly,
tears fall quietly, the hopelessness
is beginning to fade now.

for a friend mark
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2019
My attempts to make
You hate me only seem to
Make me hate myself
****. This is an older one but I think it says a lot in few words.
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
From my parents I
Learned the strongest love is one
Riddled with hatred
It seems like you can't have true love for that many years without a little hate too
my options are none
death is the sole arbiter
leave it all to fate
Inspired by a work from PAPAYA
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2019
I constantly try
To make others feel happy
But never myself
Self love needs to come first
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
You took my peace of
Mind, and more importantly,
A piece of my heart
You don't always win your battles but it's good to know you fought
I sit on a stump
Watching faces age with smiles
Living a worthwhile
I love watching smiles on other people's faces. Its a warm delight.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2019
I will write poems
For you to pretend to read
Every lonely night
You never even read them
Strained lines on her face,
Tears wash away her makeup
Sobs a broken heart
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
The happy ending
We always thought would be ours
Wasn't meant for us
Let go of the illusion that things could be any different
Bluejay Nov 2014
Heartbeats growing fast
hands intertwine, breaths linger
but it's just a dream.
Salmabanu Hatim Sep 2019
before the divorce,
emptied our fat bank account
donated to charity.
Dancing in the rain
Feels good to our tattered souls
Let the rain pour down

Date: 8/24/2024
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I know nothing about poetry
not my stanza from my verse
and I don't know all the rules
which makes others want to curse

I try to write a haiku
but i get the subject wrong
apparently senyru
is to the family it belongs

I don't know my Emily Dickinson
From my Edgar Allen Poe
And I feel sometimes my writing
has a long long way to go

But I like the sound of rhyming things
the rhythm and the tone
and the way that certain chosen words
can cut right to the bone

And I like the thought that somewhere
maybe upstairs in bed
someones days a little better
cos I wrote something they read.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
Aztec Warrior May 2016
Friday Night Fantasy**

The sky was a jade tangerine hue,
lightly sprinkled
with caramel colored stars,
while the moon
cried its silver beams
and a gentle breeze caressed your skin
making you shiver and smile
as you ate my eyes
with your temptation.
You swayed over me
dripping your sweet passion,
honeyed apricot nectar
over my tongue.
I wanted you,
needed your movements,
your music
and poetry,
the haiku of your desires
and the way
as you spoke it,
from inside out.
All I could do
was rock with you,
my mouth savoring
your nippled senyru.
I sang you a Friday night fantasy
of analogies, similes
and serenades,
mixed occasionally with
the raw desires of sexuality
and secrets of your femininity.
I was ablaze;
your name colored my heart.
I felt every silver moon beam
as you floated
and faded
away in the night sky.
You carried with you
all the poetry of me.

Aztec Warrior/redzone 5.6.16
....thanks for reading...
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2019
in library book
found red rose between pages
first love memento.
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2019
love you so much mum
I love you too my darling
dented your new car.
Salmabanu Hatim May 2021
this beautiful night
my poem speaks of sadness
yet my torn heart smiles
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2019
you are beautiful
your heart is more beautiful
that's why I love you.

— The End —