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With clarity and honesty
Not with an excuse,
It diminishes its sincerity.
Hope is when you stand on the threshold of darkness
On one side,
And move to light,
On the other side.
Hope is the master key that opens the doors of hardships and despair,
That befalls on you.
Hope is having trust in Allah,
Giving you peace,
Knowing your troubles will not last forever.
Have Hope,
Be patient,
Be constant in prayer,
And hope will stop your heart from breaking,
Knowing with faith a miracle will happen.
Opens up his soul and emotions,
With a bevy of words.
As you cleanse your body with water,
Cleanse your soul with love.
Becomes a bagful of thoughts,
I go to a quiet and serene place,
Like a beach,
Or a cliff with the waves crashing against the rocks,
And declutter them.
Less or nothing,
Give of your heart,
That still makes a difference.
Imam Hussain had not sacrificed his head,
Humanity would have died.
Hussain stood for justice, truth and dignity.
Hussain awakens your conscience,
And I am his disciple.
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