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Oct 2014 · 1.1k
anarchist's prayer
Lord, I cry out to you with a wrathful

I cry out with a heart of an anarchist
being shaped into a pacifist.

I want to put my fists through
the hearts of the oppressors.

I show them love.

I bleed onto my enemies.

I bleed for you.
Written in 10/14/2008
I found this poem in one of my old journals.  It was during my first year at a Methodist seminary after I had been part of an anarchist community in Cali.
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
Beloved, I take refuge in the stronghold of *Your love.
Prayer of thanks
Oct 2014 · 636
words unspoken
there are some words better
spoken in silence,
like a gentle touch and a soft
smile with the one you love.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
a quiet whisper
of truth

really love before
you *die
Gentle whisper in the silence of early morning
Oct 2014 · 453
in and out
breath in love
breath out gratitude

in the process
my heart expands

breath in gratitude
breath out love

in the process
my heart softens
Oct 2014 · 472
October Blues
summer's gone away
the leaves are falling
and the night is pitch black

I miss the long days,
and the green leaves on trees
Oh why I gotta rake those leaves

the cold is a comin'
and the pretty colors
ain't do no good when I'm cold

but my heart starts to warm
when I remember that
my baby is by my side
Oct 2014 · 975
quickest way to hell
heaven and hell lives in me
the fires of my anger destroy
me from the inside

deep rage rises from nowhere,
and I feel deep compassion for myself
despite my short comings

I am both angel and demon
rolled  up into one
I love them both
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
morning quiet
I sit breathing
staring at a lit candle

I hear the gentle
singing of crickets

the world has yet to awaken

another day of life
to open my heart to

a quiet morning
before I throw myself into the day

may I be centered by
inner stillness and peace,
so I may share this morning quiet
with all those I meet today
Poem after morning meditation
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
walking this path alone
is so lonely

please walk with me
Sep 2014 · 462
meandering thoughts
in dark periods of my life
my thoughts lead me to
seeing my life as hopeless and pointless
I tried to hurry the end multiple times

today, my thoughts wander around my head
leading me to wonder about how
I am still alive
answer: grace

I hope I do not squander this
great gift I've been freely given
and remain grateful
by passing it on
Sep 2014 · 3.0k
holy silence
i feel the Inner Light
shining inward and outward
in the holy silence
effort to describe the experience of silence as a sacrament at Quaker Meetings, during communal silence.
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
still awake
yet my body
longs for sleep

thoughts are
rushing in and
not slowing down

the more I try
to sleep I
am more awake

I am sleepless
not because I
am full of fear

I can't sleep
because my heart
is brimming with love

I am filled
with anticipation of
love yet to come
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
may my delusions
be smashed

may my sanity
be restored
Sep 2014 · 691
lost at sea
the one I knew
is dead and gone
lost at sea

pulled out
by the tide
drowned at sea

only to return
as not walking corpse
but a new man

you did not
rise like the Phoenix
out the ashes
but rose out of the water
baptized by the trial at sea
into a hardened sailor
with a sensitive heart
because of the suffering you bore

being lost is relative
and in some ways
you found yourself
for the first time
when you were
lost at sea
Not sure where this came from, sort of an allegory on the spiritual journey.
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
autumn nights
crickets are singing
on cool autumn night
my heart listens
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
a chill in my bones
there is a chill in my bones
the kind that cannot be rid of
by empty words of comfort

no amount of blankets
or wood in the fire can
bring warmth back to me

only when my frozen heart
begin to awaken by love
did the chill in me bones
fade like a distant memory
Sep 2014 · 639
the space in between
there are no words to describe
the space in between
where love blossoms or welts

no words to describe
the space in between
when life lifts you up or crushes you

no words to describe
the space in between
the joy of birth and grief of death

the greatest gift of my spiritual journey
has been learning to experience
the space in between
where life is more than either/or
joe cole's assignment
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
a sage
not lost or found
nor seeking or avoiding
just **being
I was thinking about Taoist sages as I watched an old Tibetan Terrier named Ping sleep.  If dogs can be sages, then he truly embodies the Way. ;)
Sep 2014 · 3.2k
subtle shifts
no great awakenings has happened today,
but something small has shifted and my heart
is just a little more free and light than it was yesterday

each day sometimes can feel weighted with life's responsibilities,
and feels like more of a burden than a gift

a subtle shift happens in me when I trust in a God I don't understand to guide me, to where I do not know, but
I know I'm not walking it alone
Just sharing some thoughts running through me.
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
there is a slow burn that
irritates from within

my only relief is drinking
from the living water
that quenches my thirst
Sep 2014 · 2.7k
another day
grateful for another day
with breath in my lungs

there were days when
I used to pray for death,
but today I pray to grow
so I can be more useful
and to help another who
is suffering
each day is a gift
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
before I die
i want to laugh uncontrollably with someone I love

run naked through the woods at night

make amends to people I've harmed

tell my wife I love her

give thanks to a God of my understanding for my life

hold my baby daughter in my arms
I've done everything except the last one, which will hopefully happen in a few months when she is born.
Sep 2014 · 535
running wild
my thoughts run wild
as I sit in silence

I focus on my breath
and my thoughts go off
like pop-corn

I come to my breath and posture
I keep thinking about an itch
I can't reach

I keep coming back to my breath
and to this very moment
Written after my morning meditation
Sep 2014 · 3.6k
deep wounds
wounds on the surface are easier to heal,
then the deep wounds I experienced as a child.

sometimes my old wounds of my heart rub against
the wounds of others, and in the confusion we lash out
against each other, when in fact we are reliving an old pain.

when I embrace my brokenness, somehow I can move forward.
in loving my self and extending forgiveness and gentleness to
my own heart, I am able to extend love when someone I meet
bring their wounds forward.

slowly but surely, my deep wounds guide me to a deeper surrender and deeper trust in a loving God that holds me safe.
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
small is beautiful
I am treated as small and insignificant
many feet tread on me

I have been around for millions of years,
I have been a mountain, a boulder, a stone,
and finally a grain of sand.

I am small but beautiful.
now, I can catch the light of the sun,
and let the light in.
Joe Cole's grain of sand prompt
Sep 2014 · 364
keys to the kingdom
willingness to
be honest and vulnerable
cracks open the door of my heart
to allow love to flood in,
so I can then share what I have

fear holds me captive and
keeps the door of my heart closed.
I cannot give away what I don't have.

love frees me to open up to life,
and trust in connecting with another, which always feels like a leap.
anger leads me to the gates of hell
a short trip from fear to anger,
then to rage

heaven and hell is a state I live in
here and now
Sep 2014 · 3.7k
fear paralyzes
then I fall back to
my old self
A poem expressing some fears through poetry.
Sep 2014 · 6.9k
evening song
the cicadas are singing
and the cats stare in quiet contemplation

a cool breeze passes through our window
and my heart perks at the sound of  your foot steps

love is knowing your steps
and greeting the rhythm of your breath
with wonder and gratitude
Sep 2014 · 4.3k
my spirit
will not be caged
by conformity
and ignorance
Sep 2014 · 3.1k
strange that my
self-will and self-centered fear
had to be emptied
before I could be filled by
a Loving Power

I did not surrender,
because I was so spiritual
but I had no where else to turn.
the gift of desperation was truly grace, a free gift, but in the moment I only saw it as a curse.
More a thought than a poem.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
no words
there are no words
that can fully
express my gratitude
for giving and receiving love
with you
For my wife
Sep 2014 · 935
sea of contemplation
O creator
I am lost at sea
until I rest in you

in the silence of contemplation
I become one with the sea,
and awaken to the reality that
what I was searching for was you

you were with me always
even when I thought I was
Sep 2014 · 863
my mind floats
the Void.
only to be labeled
written after surviving the frenzy of grocery shopping on Labor's Day.
Aug 2014 · 6.8k
sweetness of love
may your love illumine
like the sun
the darkness that lurks
in my heart

may your love quench
my thirst
I have never experienced
the sweetness of love
until now
Aug 2014 · 4.5k
loving attention
help me
open my eyes with loving attention
so I may see the world with a lover's heart.
Aug 2014 · 635
flooded with emotions
lost in thought ,
then I remembered
"feeling are not facts,"
and I should judge myself
based on my actions.

I try to put one foot in front of the other,
and do the next right thing.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
subtle damage
negative words cut into me
they leave their wounds

old cuts flare up now and then
I hear the world screaming
I am not good enough,
even when I am the only person around

the negative voices in my head
are slowly quelled by the daily spiritual path
based on love and service,
and each subtle damage is being transformed
to scars that teach
my heart explodes with joy
as I flutter my wings

I will never fly as gracefully
or as long as the other birds

but when I am in the air
even for a moment
I feel free

my broken wings lift me up
to where I do not know,
but somewhere etched in my heart

a strange thing happened when I
started singing songs of gratitude
for learning to fly with broken wings

other birds with broken wings
started to gather around me
sharing their experience and hopes

I am free as my heart sings joyfully
my own hopes and dreams
as I share my experience
to help another bird with broken wings
to journey a little closer
to the place etched in their hearts

and somehow I am exactly
where I am supposed to be
flying with broken wings
joe cole's prompt for a poem about freedom.  I chose to approach it in the non-literal route.
unrelenting thoughts are vying
for valuable space in my head
Another touch of insomnia
Aug 2014 · 653
deep pools of sorrow
waiting to drown me

pulled down by fear,
guilt and remorse

today, I know where
the stepping stones are
that guide me
step by step
to the other side
Aug 2014 · 11.6k
soul food
nothin' like home cookin'
to revive my soul and belly
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
I used to seek connection in bars
needed at least four to five pints to talk to

I no longer seek connection by chasing the bottle
connection starts with me and a God of my understanding
that's always with me

I used to feel totally alone and isolated with
a room full of people
and today I am connected even,
when I am alone

I am grateful for the love was shown to me by others
who felt as alone and hopeless like myself,
and they loved me before I could love myself
Aug 2014 · 2.8k
being at home
I am at home
in my heart
as love bursts forth
like contagious laughter
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
the gift of weakness
most of my life I have tried to keep
appearances and show the world
that I was a strong confidant young man

I smiled my polite smile as I was dying inside,
so afraid to share with any other human being
all the shame and guilt I kep buried deep inside

I have a fellowship of people today,
where our common weakness unites us
and we find strength in mutual vulnerability

when I embrace my weakness,
I allow God to enter into me
through my wounds

how easily I forget along with the rest of the world
that God chose to meet us face to face in weakness,
in a flesh like mine
Aug 2014 · 21.0k
morning light
the yellow glow of the rising sun
gives me the gift of renewed hope
and gratitude for my breath and life
Thank you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Aug 2014 · 2.8k
dear friend do not loose hope
someday the shards of broken pieces
will be lifted out and placed
to create something new
a beautiful tapestry of color
and life lived through pain
to create a beautiful
written after reading Rachel's "shards" and written for those who have gone through heartbreak. I've gone through my share and it gets better, even though in the moment it feels like forever.
autum comes
I am a lone leaf on a tree
holding for dear life
last one to

winter comes
and I am huddled
on the ground with my
fallen brothers and sisters

I return to the earth
and absorbed back into the great source
the giver of life
the tree

spring comes
I am reborn again
budding, growing
and no longer alone on the tree
I had forgotten that I was never alone
I was holding on when I should of let go
to join the great connection
of life
Poem written upon Joe's request.

"many leaves, one tree: we're all individuals, but we're all connected."--epic (movie). Great wisdom is in children's films and literature.
Aug 2014 · 3.5k
bondage of self
my own thoughts keep me trapped,
the bonds tighten when I try to
think my way out

I am only truly free when I open my
heart and mind to something different,
which is to open myself to love

I am slowly lifted out of myself,
when I give and receive love.
helping others, really helps me
to be free
Aug 2014 · 2.7k
lives burn bright
and die out

some are remembered
and some forgotten

each light is precious and unique
in the end which lights are remembered is
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