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Red Oct 2018
I am assaulted with emotion at the notion of closing my eyes               
            my drunken blackouts are the only peace I seem to find     deprived of my liquid therapy I sink into my thoughts      
              ignoring atrocious reality brings no solace to a villain caught  

paralysed within myself calling out from my empty shell
              a stranger inhabits my skeleton but I'm yet to hear alarm bells
my identity's gone missing but all the poles are poster-less
                          suffocating on small talk I'm lost in exquisite sadness

do my eyes of infinite tragedy hold the same tone of desperation?
          dead detached peepers resemble marbles glossy from sedation
privately frantic for acknowledgment of my internal death
                        fearful you see my demise but see no value in my breath

                                                         ­                              5AM
           mother dearest placed me on the curb for a foreigners collection       unworthy of a garage sale I squat amongst the household rejections
       amidst disheveled furniture a crusty mop makes my acquaintance
I suppose the oppression of my despair made it less contagious

                                                     ­                                                          6AM
whoever claimed sunrises bring hope never tried stimulants
                the ***** smeared sky bears as much nausea as I implement
such is the tacky masochistic cycle of damnation
                                  give me my slice of death and pray I don't awaken

                                                                ­ whiskey
                                                                ­                                  as
                                                  my            ­   humanity
its 5 ******* am i have not slept nor have i slept for more than 2-4 hours for 6 days straight. my selfish mind wishes you to bare the weight of my thoughts and avoidance of said burdens. that or someone get me a drink, whisky on the rocks preferably.
Red Jul 2018
You are a complication
a welcomed conundrum
our passion is mutilation
your desire a dungeon

The dilemma of us
a selfish cycle
a vendetta of trust
soft touch feels spiteful

Inevitable tragedy
so deliciously inviting
a seductive catastrophe
are we loving or fighting

my heavy mind
dragged behind me
a devilish heart
out to blind me

Love me problematically
I accept your burden
adore me traumatically
bittersweet like my bourbon

so torture me until I smile

: )
we always seem to love the people we're not supposed to
Red Aug 2018
roses are ******* useless
daises don't benefit your health
tulips won't untie nooses
Lillies don't increase your wealth

Take your insulting carnations
and shove them up your ***
just because you spent $14.99
doesn't make forgiveness fast
Red Jan 2019
broken glass on my salted tongue
spit or swallow you pressured
one scars my heart the other my lungs
self-massacre to keep you pleasured
and now my wounded throat has no intention to scream
Red Jul 2018
force my hand to speak words I don't mean
I cannot surrender feeling to a cause I do not care for
paragraphs fade my enthusiasm
like impatience for another's child
a minimum of respectful observance
an obligation with the refusal of commitment
appreciation does not equal replication
I fear my knowledge deteriorates
any remaining interest rots away
even as you recite new lines
my eyes are reading not receiving
auto-erasing traces of empathy
reciting simile upon simile  
my heart does not care for sonnets or haikus
I want to feel raw like words written
but my ecstasy of another's emotion
holds no feeling when dissected
the sacred art of expression
picked apart and prodded
like my disinterested answers
my brain groans at your analytical stare
feel my speech not the technique

I know your motives as I know mine
I see value in soul you see value in rhyme
hi yes for some reason I hate English but love the act of writing and poetry; this is not to say English is unimportant or unuseful, this is more of a musing towards how I feel about the way it is taught in said lessons. As selfish as my thoughts are, all I wish you take from this is to teach others with emotion as opposed to cold stiffness and clinical questions.
Red Oct 2018
I've run a marathon of emotion              
my heart can't catch a breath
            insides twist dramatically
                                lungs feeling empty yet dense

blood drained from my face to my stomach
a lump of fear makes home in my throat            
my brain is all but a bipolar muscle                          
anxiety climbing an unsteady *****                                    

are the walls as close as they appear to me?            
       my organs compacting and imploding  
                 squished by the pressure of the deep sea
                                 I open my lungs and gasp for salvation
                                             succumbing to the bitter waters of anxiety


for hana
Red Aug 2018
last night you appeared to me
an intruder to my peaceful sleep
words slid smoothly from your mouth
with confidence of a man who's liquor isn't cheap

yet your tattoos lingered upon your body
like the fingertips that linger here still
for once you weren't using or abusing
and you appraised me with free will

your eyes once rough and accusatory
now sickeningly endearing
your egotistical defence mechanisms
wasting away feverishly and disappearing

your dried out hollow heart
now plump with passion and flesh
a hallucination if viewed during the day
complexion of radiancy dewy and fresh

in my slumber i didn't have to save you
you weren't a criminal or a troubled statistic
ever since i awoke from my innocently ****** encounter
the knowledge of what you could've been
makes every waking second worse than a bad dream
Red Nov 2018
my skin is candle wax
I burn my being in search of a purpose
my thoughts melt and liquify
feelings simmering until I'm a puddle person
I scrape away my entity in search of a core
charred flesh beneath my fingernails
addicted to the sting I'm the lighters *****
scoop myself empty and present my entrails
Red Apr 2019
I speak curtains
around myself
strangers hear the agony
and go deaf
they ignore the
screams of a banshee
applause rings out
at my last breath
Red Oct 2018
traitor words spill from my traitor lips                                          
         a violent regurgitation of chunky conversation                
                flopping pathetically onto the pavement below              
               like a hopeless orphaned seal taking its last breath
                      I seek answers in strangers gin flavoured lips       
                        gluing bottles to my mouth like my father once did    
             a disturbed individual addicted to distilled *****       
 aching to wash back my word ***** with whisky
                 I enjoy waking to split skin and bruised knees                  
my blackouts are as close to death as I can get
        maybe if I'm lucky I'll slip into a permanent sleep 
                       I deserve this fate of headaches and chipped teeth            

there is no
night                                                           ­                                                                 ­    there is no
                                                                ­                    day
  only vomiting                                          
                                          and words washed away
Red Dec 2018
I awaken with no eyes
empty sockets in a swollen head
I reach out in search of an angel
hands choking me instead
is it ****** if you ignore your own death
Red Sep 2018
my organs sustained by the blood that seeps from my mangled heart
my gruesome wounds performed a variety
the oily stranger who slipped me a pill and a victim complex
my parents whom raised glasses to their lips but did not rasie me
the drugs i consumed by the dozens that refused **** me
Red Aug 2018
lie to me
i want to hear the deceit in your voice
sigh to me
speak your rehearsed apology of choice
say goodbye to me
watch me crumble and silently rejoice
Red May 2018
you think you deceit me
hands burning my body with lust
sure that your touch completes me
never reading into each ******
feigning emotion to ensure your win
endless fingers take what they please
oblivious I'm only in it for the sin
its my heart you wish to seize
unaware you're my pray for the taking
I want to watch you drop me
as you want to watch me shaking
you'll wait and wait for my pleas
looking forward to have me beg on my knees
a security measure to know you're wanted
is a game to me in which you are haunted
as soon as you expect me to sob and cry
i'll exceed your expectations hold my head high
i'll watch as your face droops seeing me flourish
left in the dust while my pride is nourished
this is my fun my game to play
to watch you crumble when I say

thats ok Brooklyn,
the *** was **** anyways.
Red Jun 2018
hands radiate heat
a ***** infatuation
a sweaty encounter
out of reach
warmth oozes from each fingertip
wasted in stiff air
a fire only sensed through memories
a feeling faded by time
now a vivid resurrection
burns freely in a candid encounter
Red Dec 2018
body drenched in my sinning blood
lifeless hands fumbling to close my wounds
my body a cake, my inners the icing, my corpse is fuel to you
fingers tear me open and I hear him moan as my life concludes
a metaphor for a guy tearing me apart with his actions, even though he knows he's hurting me.
Red Jan 2018
We drove our cars side by side,
always steady but not too slow.
All of a sudden you sped up
and I watched as you
fled from my dependance.
Without warning
you swerved
and you smashed
into my car
with so much force
i couldn't breathe.
your mistake pinned my car
against a pole of regret,
the smoke of shame
forced its way down my throat
and shards of sharp words
impaled my body.
your love trapped me
my doors sealed shut by misery
if you had just reversed
I'd be free
from this twisted metal cage of suffering
you took one look at the mess we made
unbuckled your seatbelt of lies
opened your door of deception
stood and watched
as i succumbed to the death of our relationship.
I struggled helplessly
to reach out
as you simply chuckled
and walked away.
Red Jan 2018
******* truth,
sour and sweet.
I lick your lies
the bittersweet myth
that falls from your lips.
I let you mislead me,
so you can feel less guilty
for misusing my flesh and bones
so you can feel pleasure.
silly boy.
too naive to realise
i know you feel nothing for me.
To these simple minded lovers
i have never been a person
all i am
is a hole to ****,
and a lemon to squeeze dry.
Vapid romancers
often forget
that with the sweetness of citrus
comes the sour cry.
Red Dec 2018
my mind
is just a concept
never heard nor seen
its existence is questionable
fragile like my sanity
do I exist or am I a character in a strangers game?
Red Jan 2019
I live with a tumour of paranoia
haunting my social life
flaring up with small annoyance
in a world of violence and strife
my cautiousness turns to avoidance
and my irrational fear is rationalised
I fear my old demons and yet have a reason to.
Red Dec 2018
I taste rusting windows and warm tequila
I smell permanent markers and rotting tomatoes
I see distorted faces and doctors turned dealers
I hear broken CDs and internal tornados

I am the bones in the reapers dead hands
I am the creature clawing at your back
I am the carnage you cause for a couple grams
I am the voice that haunts the insomniac

I am a black hole
Red Jul 2018
I despise myself
and every selfish molecule in my body
my own traitorous flesh
clings to my rotted soul
with such strong emotion
but I can't pin the source
living in shame and guilt
trapped here by the speculation of others
secretly yearning for your validation
just to know I'm worth
a smile or a second glance
but to expect the best is to receive the worst
so I'll never lift my head to check
I'd rather doubt you than hope to death

whats worse than losing someone you love?
knowing there's no one you love to lose you.
Red Apr 2019
days droop like my tired eyes
hope starts tasting like weak tea
just a hint of salty wind before capsize
heart aching like my bruised knees

I'm haunted by intertwined hands
in brave roots of daring trees
the crack in the sidewalk silently understands
being hollow yet infested with weeds

arms dislocated from reaching so far
grabbing for a man to sew up my heart
even if they leave a gruesome scar
I'd love him till he tears me apart
god give me an angel
Red Dec 2018
his voice
a velvet black hole
"take off your exterior,
I'll eat dessert whole"
I slip out of my skin
present my inners and insecurities
chewing my rotted heart
his hunger trumps purity
you disregard my innocence and my self-hatred shall forever encourage it
Red Dec 2018
TV static paints shadows upon your features
your infinite thirst pours one drink after another
you stare into the emptiness consumed by a vacant demon
an insecurity baring the face of my mother
Red Nov 2018
my           therapy   is      poured    from    an                            
                                                                ­                        ïmmörtäl böttle  

I     gulp      g r e e d i l y     and     await     the   comfort    of

my       own       personal       death      without       commitment 

adore        my     missing   memories    and    w o r s h i p    the 

                 ­                                    e
                                                                ­        s
Red Mar 2019
Oh god won't you tell me you love me
as vacant as the lord himself
I know you buried the church key
why'd you rip out the doorbell

don't summon me for worship
to put my praying on display
this cold can only worsen
as I wait in your doorway

you feed on my addiction
give me enough love to last a day
I loathe this crucifixion  
but you love the way I stay
I am a follower until you walk me into my cage
from which I shall never emerge
Red Feb 2019
don't you remember the way we used to talk
or was it only endless suggestive texting
was it my shy smile when we drank and walked
that made you pretend we were connecting
or did I mistake our time together for a bond
even though we hooked up most everytime we hung
I couldn't question your collection of leggy blondes
because you'd silence my words with your tongue
the hammer man and the lady with the heart of eggshells
Red Aug 2018
i wanted to write a poem for my father
and so i searched for such apprasions from before
yet i only found scattered homes and absent dreams
and i cannot deny my father was once not as whole as me
he tipped the glass to his lips until he his inners wasted away
suddenly i see how easy it is to write upon the mistakes of yesterday
but i cannot deny that he struggled against that glass of temptation
like adam and eve he took the fruit and was shunned from the garden
but he now leaves and starts a fresh
and seed by seed
i thank you father
for building a new garden for me
do u know how hard it is to write a poem in the shape of a tree the answer is very hard
Red May 2019
I only write sad poetry
and never say much else
I'm used to articulating my feelings
my therapist says it helps
I'm not used to being ok
instead, I'm just uncomfortable
waiting for the other shoe to drop
my tear ducts are insufferable
unusually ok
Red Jan 2018
The fine line
fresh starts
and running away
blur together,
melting into
a new kind of sadness
that is not sad at all
Red Oct 2020
Alien is the dirt between my fingernails
fathomless to me is the air upon my plastic skin
this water upon my lips feels like such synthetic whispers
what ecstasy I find in empty flavoured gin
Red Nov 2018
how do you categorize pain
I can't describe my mood from 1-10
pump me full of chemicals doctor dearest
tell me who I'm supposed to be again
a        m       e        n
Red Aug 2018
white mist fills my head
veins pump it into each cavity i hold
I am light yet heavy
floating at the bottom of the ocean
my body raw and naked
repulsing only myself

grief holds me to that hopeless sand
sinful stomach permanently lurching
the rocks of regret reside there
yesterdays poison long soaked into my soul

glasses of liquid brown
pills to dissolve my frown
boulders of remorse
surrounded by my greedy belly

an open wound to you a nosebleed
sharp thoughts now empty grog
pinned permanently to that oppressive seaweed
victim am I to the sea of fog
Red Aug 2018
I shave the acres of skin that envelope me
a useless movement only viewed by me
you can't touch my flushed skin nor can I yours
yet I cut away my old being for you
an action you shall never feel nor see
a perfect representation of you and me
my self-sabotaging heart yearns for attention
greedily absorbing any ounce of affection
wanting only what I cannot have
any risk of real connection a dangerous thing
so when I stared at the forbidden
I had never expected the forbidden to stare back
Red Nov 2018
give me a little more devastation
heat it up and inject me with a tragic end
assist me as i demonise you into emotionless matter
it's easy for me to view you as a monster and not a departed friend
Red Nov 2018
I hope hell overflows and they burn the sinners
maybe the heat will melt that plastic smile from your face
and when your ripe powdered skin rots away with old age
you gouge your glassy eyes from your ghastly painted face
I pray for a blizzard to follow your starved shadow
so your botox filled features shall freeze over and still forever
I chant for a deep well to appear below your floss thin legs
and to make a rope you rip your dry blonde hair from your head
most of all I wish upon you to feel as I once did
when you chewed out my heart and replaced it with a bomb instead
Red Jan 2019
fixing my problems with dried out glue
don't want to feel this so I'll try something new
a pill, a drink, a meaningless ****
I want to cover myself in glue and forever be stuck
Red Apr 2019
greedy fingers
stolen flesh
beneath fingernails
wounds still fresh
missing entrails
I know you took it
bloodied hands and all
I'll take your limbs
you better learn to crawl

give back my heart.
he who consumes excessive amounts of female flesh, what a sinner indeed.
Red Nov 2021
I fear I am an oyster

stuck to the underside of a rock's bloated belly
festering or ripening, I'm scarce to know
Red Nov 2018
momentary feelings of contentment
appear in the solace of substance abuse
my personal pockets of happiness
presenting itself in seductive caramel pills

family tradition collapsed in my bottomless glass
thick fluid dancing amongst cubes of comfort
sacrificing sanity for seconds of clarity forgotten
four minutes of freedom from my insecure narration

i awaken to mistake stained sheets mangled violently beneath me
but this alien form I present in doesn't communicate my thoughts
for my aching fleshy cage is not made of meat nor cartilage
skin of sin engulf my devious bones pulse ticking like a time bomb

I still feel the grime stuck beneath my fingernails
I claw and scrape but the sludge takes permanent residence
the harmfully minuscule reminder of failure pushes me off the edge
falling forever but never reaching my deserved demise

stuck in limbo I'm trapped in a bleaker version of purgatory
last nights choices weigh painfully on my intestines
boulders of regret forcing my anxious form to fasten in its decent
but the comforting splat never reaches my deformed ears

it is here in the free fall I carry out my personal catastrophe
shirt ***** stained as my permanent plummet sickens me
years of sinking pass as i endure my eternal punishment
my immortal agony mutates into a sadistic contentment

a sheen of sweat sticks regularly to my aching soul
a permanent hangover and a never-ending come down
i find more than peace in this cataclysm
amidst my deserved torture pain melts into a masochistic enjoyment

Now I'm absolutely mad
flesh falling away from my body
the only tissue that remains holds my grin firmly in place
Happy as sin
Red Dec 2018
my skin is littered with burns and boils
not one for the razor's edge
I like the sting that hangs around
the pain wakes me from the dead
Red Apr 2019
I know her innocent gaze
her ghost gracing the hallways
news hits harder every day
posters on poles state the phrase

I fear her dainty bones
lay nestled in a field of green
among nameless headstones

I know her heart-shaped face
but not her current location
I know the details of her case
but no other information

Red Apr 2019
he who lays down upon a cross
to draw an insatiable crowd
what a devilish smile you wear
when your women weep so loud
Red Jan 2018
I think of the days
That I woke in those cardboard beds
Not knowing how I’d gotten there
The nurse’s pity filled stares
Burnt a hole in my chest
I remember
What that lump in my throat was made of
Something bitter
Something cruel
I felt guilty
Not for consuming
The drugs
The drinks
The pills
I felt guilty for wasting their time.
Red Sep 2022
Fruitless, malnourished
I rot within myself
I give you every seed, every petal
I wish I had known
You’d grow bored of gardening
You drown
I dry up
Until we both cry over soiled roots
Desperate hands scraping,
Squeezing fallen leaves
Until they’re limp with indifference
Red Nov 2018
we are squeezed
into this crowded existence
snotty faces wailing for attention
when we grow into our bones
we lose our brave lungs
and our blotchy red cheeks
stretch into such long faces
full-grown features don't cry for help
we bite our meaty tounges
and taste the blood of our disgraces
what if every step we take, every shirt we wear and every word spoken is a prolonged scream from birth
Red Aug 2018
I am no innocent being
guilty am I of emotionless touch
strategically avoiding attachment
reducing myself to an object of lust

I ****** the ones I loathe the most
****** movements and tasteless smalltalk
faces blur together in a sea of one night stands
blocked phone calls and shameful morning walks

but the system has failed its creator
his hard shell was reflective of mine
confident I'd hate him the way I hate myself
I pursued him like I pursued cheap wine

a foolish underestimation found me in his bed
tender words and careful hands
my personal affectionate antichrist
played a game worse than my plans

I fell in love with a boy just like me
so much so he told me to shut the door when I leave
Red Nov 2019
Reach in and rob my greedy body
these retched pieces are no longer mine
giving up this flesh is an endless hobby
serve his ego by tearing out my spine

What say I the human doormat?
dare I bear the weight of your soul
I am both the mouse and the house cat
whilst you drink the milk from my bowl
I give him my world and bear the weight of his hell, oh what a mess we've made, only I can clean this retched stain
Red Nov 2018
"I don't bite" he whispers into my plump flesh
he laid me on the table and spat stones over my eyes
distracting me from the consumption of my lower intestines
yea it's not meant to make sense
but the spitting stones over your eyes thing is a metaphor for his words blinding me
I hope you enjoy the visuals
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