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Red Oct 2018
mother never cared as such to tell me to eat my greens

her absence of discipline matches her obsession with greed

mother can't you see how my tantrums reflected yours

my screams for affection silenced by gin and locked doors

mother never cared as such to tell me to eat my greens

now I smoke them to forget her face and burn out my genes
for my mother, the unfortunate reality being we are bonded by blood, making it mandatory to say i love you. im unsure how to love a person whom i dont know but in a sick way i love you more when youre hurting me. even though you dont remember when you drunkenly told me i was a pest not a daughter it really never surprised me- i guess youve treated me accordingly
Red Jun 2018
i am
an abundance of mass
a glob of tasteless matter
destructivly silent
my chaos likes chatter

mumbling tumbling words in my head
toppled over one another
emotions kick each other dead

inner thoughts are attempted murders
crimes against myself
logic speaks but they havent heard her
i plead that you save yourself

there are tiny workers inside my mind
they chip away at my normality
my fight with them is blind
pick axes gouge me with brutaility

there is only so much of me left
where is my god, my mercy
morally this carnage is theft
my own exsistence a controversy

mental illness's mental workers
climb around my brain
but if I ever told you that
you'd think I'm more insane
Red Feb 2022
I grow out my fingernails,
Into featureless feminine talons
In a vain prolonged pursuit of
Tearing, shredding, divorcing
Their mundane endeavour for life
Mocking me with their empty perseverance

I terminate their audacity with entrapment
Between tarnished tile teeth
Every ribbon departed
Easing my plump pulsing contempt

Oh, sweet relief,
I disfigure their arrogant survival
Ragged pieces of something neither flesh or bone
Catching upon smooth skin and loose threads
Just as I am.
Red Jun 2018
Loneliness smells like wet paint
bitter sharp
and comfortably toxic.
Pigmented tragedy stings my nose,
brimming my eyes with tears.
The more I inhale
the fainter I feel,
dizzy with sadness
and wildly confused.
Liquid isolation
stains my walls
Egyptian blue,
thick abandonment
coating my insides.
This dense colour
that wears my body
shall dry out and harden,
like the tears I wore before,
leaving me a cracked canvas.
I shall cover my mass with a new colour
and fill the cavities of my past self.

pain[t] is not permanent.
Red Apr 2019
hollowed out is
the carcass I wear
empty bones
surrounding my decay
stuff myself with
liquid despair
golden whiskey
bleaches my body grey
Red Jan 2018
i haven't had hope
since i was just a young girl
innocent and inexperienced.
But when you smile
teeth like sculptures
lips like lust
centuries of insecurity
seem like only seconds
past lovers
are finally past.
And when i hear your voice
deep like my wounds
thick with want
i can't help
but lose myself in your adoration
Still, I'm scared
so scared
when i wake in your bed
you'll pack the last pieces of my heart
in that old wrinkled guitar case
and leave
like all the others.
Red Nov 2018
the good guy supply ran dry
21st century bled them empty
entitled smiles and toxic masculinity
mistreating our lovers became trendy

the nice girl merchandise is missing
scorned women turned hazardous
glassy eyes and defence mechanisms
self sabotage never looked so glamorous

maybe we're not as good as we think
trying to match our collective catastrophes
drunken *** and desperate divorcees

damaged people cause the most casualties
just my thoughts on the whole "where did all the good guys go" theme
Red Mar 2019
numbers numbers
I think it shows
that calorie counting
is all I know

number numbers
make me shrink
I wither away
before you blink

number numbers
I'm falling apart
these brittle bones
my failing heart

numbers numbers
thats all I see
on back of packages
beneath my feet

numbers numbers
please let me be
I can't control
what you're feeding me
Red May 2020
Oh dull ache beneath thy ribcage of rot,
doth you thuder against such mortal flesh of mine?
My heart, my disobedient parasite
clench and thrash against my jaggard spine
Red Nov 2019
peach pits and rotting herbs
you ravage my garden
but you water hers
for all I've grown I still let you cut me down to size
Red Aug 24
I buried a bird at sunset
To teach its elder’s some respect
As bundles of familiar feathers swooped
singing scornful songs of incomplete youth
I knew where they’d been at time of death.

I denied the cat the flightless fallen body
Siblings guarding silently as I tore up flower beds
With a piece of broken tile and old weeds left in a pile
Solemn is the hand that carves the final nest.

I buried them with nothing more than three sprigs of lavender,
& fluffy baby feathers splattered with dirt
I wished only empty bellied, good-hearted scavengers
Would carry them to a better nurturing earth.

Tucked into blankets of leaves and mud
I wondered what god they feared, if any
Tying twisted twigs together with reeds & blood
a wonky cross to tell the worms they’re ready.

Loud is the crying fowl that pushed the flightless
Like pitted berries bulging through drooling chins
A clumsy stork is unburdened by lightness,
like the absence of young wings in the wind.

I hope when I am weak in breath & bone
With no children nor chirping to mourn my vessel empty
Someone might lay me down with three sprigs of lavender & a stone

And wonder what god I feared, if any.
Red Jan 2018
I was angry at the list,
Of disorders I supposedly had
I hadn’t known at the time
The list would grow
Like the weeds in my garden
Infesting my life
And like a daisy
My petals would droop
Then wilt
Then rot
Until I was nothing more
Than an ugly stem
Red Nov 2019
Eyes stare at me from within flowers
engulfing me in a fever-dream of light
storms rage then twist to limp showers
sprites sense the menace and take flight
In such beauty I find paradoxical peril
grabbed by the weeded floor of the ravine
suffocating on this gleaming world turned feral
I succumb to my death of melancholy green
based upon the painting by John Everett Millais
Red Aug 2020
In morning I awaken, gasping for light

my birth, a first breath in fire

ripped from my sanctuary of void sight

identical synthetic houses made to admire

filled with stain of suffering and spite

stuffed to the brim with the wet words of liars

thick is my liquid consciousness which fades into the night
Each day is the same but each morning I am someone new, a stranger to this reality.
Red Feb 2019
I collect ill-fitting prescriptions
suffering from a hollowed out heart
morse code thoughts drowned in encryption
doctors pull my nervous system apart

they can't find a cure so they try true loves kiss
they package him in an orange pill bottle
bite-sized pieces of pure chemical bliss
I take a handful of shortlived lust and gobble

these synthetic feelings stuff me momentarily
I can't digest them so they absorb me instead
blood boiling until I'm filled with transparency
first I'm empty, then I'm bursting, then I'm dead.
they say love is the cure, yet every time I dig for that feeling I just find myself in a deeper hole.
Red Sep 2018
what am I but bad habits and misfortune
a clump of anxious organic matter
thriving on a slow painful demise
curious to watch my brains splatter
a constant state of drunk or high

I categorise my years by tragedy
this year i was carved out like a misshapen pumpkin
a sick fleshy void eternally waiting
filling my abyss with liquor and stale cigarettes

an existence built on mistrust
my subconscious is a traitor I've tried to ****
force feeding me sadistic thoughts
I try to exterminate indruding thoughts with pills

why is it I seek solace in strangers faces
looking for meaning in empty glances
I scavenge for genuine connection
my renegade mind shuns potential advances

my identity is hiding somewhere
between the pillows of a ***** stained couch  
it fell down those dusty neglected crevasses
I dropped it the night I got slipped a pill and a victim complex
Red Nov 2019
I empathize for the bugs of damnation
spiders, ants & roaches as frantic as I
flinching away from the gangly limbs of civilization
a world of fleshy foul things perched high.
Spray,   squash,  slap,   scorn,
how we scamper from the polished hand of misery
hath you no mercy for the unwillingly born?
hath you a reason to cause such injury?
perhaps I am like the cockroach who weaves between the shadows, perhaps I've romanticized insect-like alienation
Red Nov 2018
unfamiliar fingertips
plague my sleepless dreams
silenced by sweaty palms
stinking of rubber and cigarettes
hands mashed into my profile
disfiguring my features like clay
if I look close enough
I swear my face hardened that way
funny how i cant find the words to name my traumas yet i can recite exactly how my nightmares feel in vivid detail
Red Dec 2018
I let strangers pick
at my rotting brain
unfamiliar fingertips
grasping my darkest thoughts
I tried to bleed my emotions
but knicked a vein
presenting to you
my papercuts
and gunshots
its all for the wandering eyes of the cracks and corners of the internet
Red May 2018
Does she know?
that my heart throbs
at the sound of her ignorance
her mind,
her unforgiving inferno
scarring me with each self-serving word
spitting blame upon my naked soul
justifying her sadistic superiority
guilt's eating at my spine
tissue of tranquility
ripped from my body
paralysed by shame
powerless to her crooked finger of accusation
my defensive glaciers of redemption
melting down into her ocean of allegation
shelter of speech dissolving into doubt
mouths mirroring guns
both pointed at me
lips move in sync
insecurity rewires retaliation
I do not recognise my reflection
am I battling this woman of manipulation
or I am simply demolishing my self-worth
I'm unsure of what I've done
but I feel it in my sickly bones
it most definitely was wrong
must be my fault
must be
my fault.

she knows.
Red Jan 2019
my body, an unfinished puzzle
men pocketing my cherished pieces
chunks of my heart they like to smuggle
maybe they're feeding their demons,
maybe they get off on my struggle
Red Mar 2019
I obsess over what it must feel like
to have the earth's veins beneath your feet
roots flowing like a lightning strike
your soil is mother nature's meat

do blades of grass encase your feet
when taking your slice of heaven for granted
pretending the honey doesn't taste as sweet
as the sprouts from the seeds love planted

you wouldn't like the place I dwell
melting skin and bloodied hands
my head is every circle of hell
purgatory hath no sympathy for lambs
have you ever felt so distant you're not on earth itself?
welcome to my mind, the limbo between heaven and hell.
Red May 2018

between our lips
in the corners of our eyes,
the blush on your cheeks
residing between your thighs.
Its what we're made of,
how we enter this existence
sometimes how we exit it
appearing alongside your pain
rushing through our veins
something so momentous
is known by one name

Red Aug 2020
Dead glassy cow eyes
Mock me from within their bloated facade
They see right through me, and I, them.
Red Dec 2018
she points ***** covered fingers in accusation
as her bones melt down the sink
her flesh stuck to my porcelain bowl
I still smell that chunky pink
if ***** had a voice
Red Dec 2018
when you grasp her hand in yours
I feel you tear open my hollow chest
knuckles tightly bound to your knife
searching for a battered heart to digest
hope you enjoyed your meal you slimy ****
Red Jul 2018
force fed lies from birth
subliminal messages infest my upbringing
blindfolded by greed
I don't see you starve
or smell the pollution
I can't hear the bullets flying
because my ears are stuffed with lies
they say the government has my interests at heart
that the school systems are built to support me
and we're more equal than ever
so why is the wage gap wider than my young eyes
and how is it that a country that screams freedom
won't put down their weapons
when their children are bleeding
why do I know how to dissect a frog
ignorant of the fact innocent civilians are slaughtered
intestines on display
like the green amphibian under my knife
because I can kiss a girl
in a drunken game of spin the bottle
but such an act would get me killed in 11 countries
and is still illegal in 72
why do I know the sum of internal angles in a triangle
yet I don't know how
to read the signs of suicidal friends
when statistically 1 out of 5 people I roam the halls with
struggle with a mental illness
even though more than half of those suffering
have no access to treatment
we are collectively clueless
I am no stranger to privilege
my gratitude is not withheld
but why am I more worthy
than the child forced out of his country
for his religious identity,
for being himself?
why when accessing the privilege of education
they don't teach me how to help other humans
when did sums become more important
than knowledge of current wars
did you know there's more than 10 of them?
because I've only heard of one
I believe that you choose to do nothing
but if i am never aware that I have a choice
nothing can change
and even though everyone has a voice
people with the solutions only choose to hear those with a status
how is it that such screams of desperation
sound so quiet to them
why are those in power of whole countries
so blind to our demands
why do they make things impossibly easier
for those whom already have wealth and advantage
when those stripped of human rights
always seem to escape their greedy sight
but some of us have something they fear
something that never crossed their closed minds
we have the power to create our own opportunities
we can force those whom are voluntarily deaf to hear
so hear me in my passage only seen by very few
this platform may be small but my words shout at you
an action no matter how small
a voice no matter how soft
provokes change if not in yourself
then in even the most unfamiliar faces
but the difference between thinking and action making
is you
Red Dec 2018
every word
that spills from my broken brain
depresses and subdues

like my endless pain
I'm sorry I'm sad but I'd rather be truthful than smiling and lying
Red Nov 2018
I still taste the salt of the silent tears
that poured from my empty orbs
the sea spilled from my eyes
and burned holes into my soul
I bathe in my acid raindrops
and favour the torment
my heart drowned dead
a romantics ritual
Red Mar 2019
listen to my blood stained breath
feel the thing that lives in my throat
can't you smell my restless death
my sanity took my last lifeboat

I warn of the wasteland inside me
rotting from my outsides in
how is your stare so carefree
you don't know where I've been

Oh my divine master of torment
I do not accept his purity
I refuse to lead him to your decent
I am the tornado to his Dorothy

he dares to stare into the eyes of death
smiling at my sadistic odyssey
the devil has claimed my hope but his halo shall not perish
Red Feb 2019
I'll melt down my fingerprints
smear my identity across your face
embedding lines of original blueprints
I'm there in the wrinkles of your disgrace

              ­         what
                                             ­ ----t-a-k-e-n---
a       w       a         y
melt and harden, disfigured like my soul
Red Jul 2018
I'm trying to shorten my poems

I fear my chunky paragraphs bore you

my mass of meaningful words now lonesome

make me question if my questions are even for you
Red Nov 2018
doctor dearest
don't you know
I am only worth
the meat on my bones
boys bite chunks
of my empty flesh
I let one take my heart
now there's nothing left
Red Jan 2020
that Gigantes face
so engulfed in clouds of euphoria
teeth melt and mould
against my delirious musings
that sweat of shame
and remoulded nausea
dissipating sand of
rapacious time bruisings
Red Feb 2020
these sharp crooked joints
bulge beneath powdered skin
rotting nailbeds point
lurch from a lumpy shin
stretch my elastic ligaments
release these captive organs
seethe against my innocence
seek release from biblical orphan
what godless days roam this world
Red Feb 2019
the cold swell of emptiness crashes hard over my naked soul
floating in the middle of a masochistic murky sea
I pray the tide shall sweep my aching body away
I grieve yet the waves laugh as they drown me
Red Jul 2018
I'm fairly certain I'm a bad person  
                      I can't help but steal, I'm rude and I lie    
                                         I tell myself I'm not as awful as ******          
                                               at least when he tried to **** himself        
                                                                  that lucky ****** died
Red Dec 2018
you slapped me once
whilst I removed my clothes
and then you degraded me
a cheek's a cheek I suppose

I wish I could soak up the sting
and feel your harsh hands once more
I'd rather feel your wrath
than be another forgotten *****
hurt me a little harder baby
Red Sep 2022
Am I supposed to feel like sunrise,
Or smell of freshly cut grass?
Am I supposed smile with my teeth
like white doves in unlocked cages?
Is this supposed to give me hope
Like a baby’s first breath?
And emptying the vacuum?

All I feel is ugly and desperate  
Like a mushroom
sprouting from cow ****
Or the fitted sheet
I never put on my bed

I fear if I go back to the beginning

I won’t ever be  
Homemade Apple crumble
Lipstick stained skin
Or my favourite Jane Austen book
Not ever again
I don’t want to start from the beginning, I don’t know where to put all my love for you
Red Jan 2020
each day I rise with good intention
by noon I'll have disappointed myself
I'll suffer more pain of my own invention
these evenings like death himself
Red Jun 2018
Skin like gold
eyes of lust
surrender to me
the nectar of your attention
****** and innocent
lips criminal and shameless
sinful teeth like sculptures,
shower me with the sunlight of your validation
covering my acres of limbs
tangled gracefully in you.
Our immortal contentment,
burning only for moments
dimming to deja vu
you arise from our disheveled heaven
replacing the garments shed in the dead of night.
Your god-like stature
looks rotted in straight black suit pants,
your alluring atmosphere
dulling to a whisper of our dawn indecencies.
Returning to the street awaiting beneath my home,
you blend into a sea of outsiders
realization dancing across my conscience

I never met the man that left my bed
only a persona of lust to calm my racing head
a one night stand that was so much more but then everything less when he left
Red Mar 2019
insecurity sits
upon my windpipe
choking out
my loyal declaration
I've never been
the indulgent type
mistaking my desire
for desperation
don't want to fall for the only guy who I actually want to stay. love rips people apart. love is selfish.
Red Dec 2018
I sold my soul
for those bony hands
and you stomped on it
for a couple grams
Red Sep 2018
I've misplaced my identity
It slipped from my sticky *** covered hands
I froth and rage when asked for my name
spit blame upon others because I've lost myself
tragedy is nestled in the cracks of my family life
burrowed in school classrooms and house parties
I never noticed my life was submerged in it
consumed by that cruel water of humiliation
I am a beggar depending on my next stray dollar of affection
clinging hopelessly to its contents for survival
they coax me with promises of change and adoration
yet these charitable samaritans always seem to wander off
like I'm a stray dog starved and ignored
so do not dare ask me how I've been lately
I itch to use my fists to show you
all that remains in my empty void
Is this dull aching for another sip
a violent seduction of my morality
amber elixir offensively dancing in my glass
mouth watering at the smell of that pungent liquor
my friends remain rolled in cigarettes and sipped from bottles
this masochistic cycle fuelled by self damnation
I have no respect for this dependable broken body I occupy
for I am no longer a person but a problem
hostage to the memory of the smiles of my perpetrators
but these clammy deformed hands
hurt my loved ones in a fit of paranoia and fear of betrayal

so hurt be a little harder baby
a sadistic existence is what I deserve
arent I just a cheery chick
Red Sep 2018
meaningless hands
cover my lands
acres of skin
stained with our sin
tell me some lies
cover my eyes
feel my heart break
I know its fake
don't say her name
I smell your shame
keep your girlfriend
and let me pretend
Red Apr 2018
Weekends blur together,
into unfathomable disgusting pleasure
alcohol captures my throat in its hands,
burning in the most pleasant way
smoke is my new oxygen
I inhale greedily
waiting for my eyes to redden
and my mind to split open
spilling all its contents into my body,
into my blood thirsty heart.

A park, a house, a beach,
I can't tell the difference.
Raging hormones clawing at the bodies surrounding
flesh against flesh
wanting, searching
for a new obsession
to burn out the infestation of another lover
the one time encounter of two empty shells
hoping to be filled with something other than dread.

Its unavoidable,
the cold reality of what it really is.
But still our hearts hunt for purpose,
and I feel every vibration of desire surround me
dozens of developing disasters
hungry for more than what's given
more than the guidelines
it engulfs me.

I'm just another alcoholic statistic
part of a generation willingly destroying ourselves
just to feel something,
other than the seat we're permanently stuck to
and the desk we're forever trapped under
uselessly typing on a computer we can never look away from
for the rest of our pointless existence
stuck in a miserable cycle
of losing
but never obtaining.
Red May 2020
Aim your guns of flesh oh mighty sailor!
whisk me away on those washing machine waves
Turner, hath you come to keep those ravenous omens at bay?
Embrace me now while I banish this inner monologue
through my skull, to melt infinitely into your indulgent rain.
Red Nov 2018
I force my feelings into my stomach
belly swelling and skin stretching
my body bursts open violently
guts, blood and emotion looking for a home
s   p   r   e   a   d   i   n   g
so basically I've been trying to communicate my emotions in a way that shows it's effect and damage, the gory imagery I'm presenting is created to rub you the wrong way, for me my feelings often feel detrimental to me physically and so that terrifying sinking feeling is what i am trying to portray
Red Apr 2019
let me purge
away my sins
gluttony is an
endured stench
if I peel away
this being of mine
would you feel
my heart clench?
to love, a little too much. to fear it all far too often.
Red Nov 2018
eyes droop
heartbeat jumps
sweaty hands
viens pump
the paranoia
eats at my chest
spreads through my limbs
panic possessed
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