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191 · Oct 2019
The First Time You Speak
Colm Oct 2019
It's newfound lovers beneath the first starry night sky shared together

It's a child playing at the tail end of a wave, just wishing for a second longer it would stay

It's a moment consumed by a clockless mouth

It's the most pleasant forget which you can find within yourself

It is a passionate glory in a war without spears

It is the flowing rivers of song in communicative ears

And therefore in being, be it the evermore near

Such love at first words is all that you wish you could hear
The First Time You Speak - nuff said
191 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
There was a time when I was broken
When I was down and waiting out
Watching others wear my crown
And waiting silently in wings

A folded self just asking why
Trusting in healing found in years of time

I outwaited all those demons  
Turned my enemies to friends
And then for ages, they looked on
As we won again, and again, and again

Sometimes you are the only problem
Sometimes the time is all you need
Sometimes the losses build the victor
No dynasty is meant to be

You have to make it
190 · Feb 2019
Ivory Box
Colm Feb 2019
You are ivory magic without a single tusk taken
Boxes of fun without a single gift opened
More gold than any pocket, more silver than any second place token
You are the pounding crescendo in my head unbroken

Yes, I like your sound
Take a box, one that rocks....
Colm Aug 2021
I feel both God and man alive
Death and valleys
Lows and mountains cresting high into the sky
A mere extension of this mortal coil
An unwinding of the intensive human mind
Combusts on thirty three inches of imperfect maple
And explodes like thunder into joyous cries
And for a moment I am king of the dust
For about three hundred and sixty feet of it, I am alive

(I swear that last one is still going)
189 · Jan 2020
The Three Year King
Colm Jan 2020
It's drive and focus
   Edge and flexibility finesse
It's youth which fades
   Bulls On Parade
   And my curse midst blessing
   One of many things
BEST my meaning, interesting
   As for one more year
   This old mortal
   Is king
Forward any doubters
   Doubts trying to bring
Win once and they're happy. Twice and they're concerned. Three times and it's official, you are evil empire.
188 · Apr 2021
Colm Apr 2021
A sense of self better known?
But in the company of those others found, and in the investment free. These betterments and attempted others, will in time, be.
Counted as blessings abound, be they only in the attempt.
In unearthing, we are found or hidden
188 · Jun 2018
At The End Of Each Day
Colm Jun 2018
Quiet is the honest whisper
When all the distractions are at an end

When your head hits the pillow
Your heart hits your ribs
And your mind's eye opens
To these inevitable ends

How we seek to wear ourselves so thin
How we think the future is better than
This present moment known to you

But the quiet whisper knows no lie
The honest whisper knows the truth
From the Sleepless Feet collection.

And I'm not commenting on depression here. This one is about the frailty of humanity. About the inadequacy of human works which are devoid of the Lords blessing. Because all we do that's for ourselves, will hold no worth beyond this world.
188 · Jan 2018
The Conflict
Colm Jan 2018
How is a young man
Intent in mind
To introduce himself
And yet
For the first time?

I ask of you
But only me
To hear the question

How is a young man
Supposed to be?
So forward as to ask of you
To spend any amount of time **on me?
Yup... How?
187 · Oct 2018
Colm Oct 2018
What doors are you afraid of walking through?
For fear of the family and following to come?
187 · Apr 2019
Steady Beat
Colm Apr 2019
Though a billion others
Like a drum beat sound
I say here stay
With words found between hand and head
As it's trapped between
Tried, tied and true
And so it is a subtle sound
Which beats ever longingly for you
Between hand and head
186 · Feb 2018
Colm Feb 2018
When day becomes night and night becomes day
And the woods are silent with seeping snow
Heavy on the branches, you'll know
The feeling of hot and cold
And the fever which drains your time away
Which you'll never get back
The old, the cold
Colm Feb 2021
There are days on one knee when
I fall for myself
And others then where I
divorce into the dark deep
nonexistence of sleep

The future can have the kids
Cold? Tired? Go to bed. Or with me. Lol
Colm Aug 2020
In August a breeze 
You are enraptured and free
Like hills clouded skies
Like stars in deepest oceans
And like rain in Auburn eyes
So refreshing and light. Yes plesse.
186 · Feb 2021
Peppermint Mocha Tanka
Colm Feb 2021
Raptures here in such
Open mouths, discussions sweet
As peppermint dreams,
Therein began still sipping
Less this noisy unknowing
Drink inspired. Tanka of the day.
185 · Dec 2017
A Song To Self
Colm Dec 2017
My eyes get intense
The echoes bounce
But no one complains
Because no one sees

And when no one sees
The enthused sight
It results
In an even happier
I wish you could see me on days like this
185 · Jul 2018
The Breeze Unseen
Colm Jul 2018
The world alone is not enough
        It was never a shade of me

Though from the earth, the straw men rise and fall
        There also blows the breeze
        More beautiful than all once seen
The Breeze Unseen
Colm Sep 2021
The only voice I wish to hear
Like the padding of the deer
And the misty Falls approach in trees
Which whispers here, and
With wandering footprints, there

Like the only sky I've ever been
Before being rush back within
To an eternal indoors
Full of plastic stars which burn out slow
And the hum of air which,
Once conditioned, streams

It's such a beautiful sound, I see
Such a lovely thought, that now I feel
You, my flooded mind, in ears
Begs this of my most unsubtle me
Let me drown anew
In this memory, please


Probably my favorite verse in this most unplanned set. 2/12
184 · Sep 2021
Twelve Words, One Question
Colm Sep 2021
What countenance could keep
my fascinated feet
from following ⁠—
wherever you've been?
This is me. Closing it out. Kinda cleverly. (:

An unplanned set. 12/12
183 · Feb 2021
take a taxi
Colm Feb 2021
When my channeled radiowaves groove
and reach your ears like LEDs
(and in mind's eye explode)
with colorful remnants of unimposing
ultra all-knowing, unimportant dues
You will want (if anything)
to pick up the phone
and (to no one in particular) call
and take a taxi beneath the moon
183 · Jul 2019
Tom's Lament
Colm Jul 2019
My Goldberry

My heart runs dark as blue berries
For you and for your inevitable change

With soft and growing orange light
With cool water wandering skies
You are all of me and as much mine

My Goldberry
Would you never stop
And always change though you needn't try

I give to you my conscious though
And you give to me
Your mercurial eyes

The way of seasons past like our memories passing by
His hat is blue. His boots... Yellow.
183 · Jan 2019
Death Of A Good Day
Colm Jan 2019
I'm SAD today
But don't ask WHY
It's about my PAST
Best let it DIE
That's crushing news.
182 · Jan 2021
Son of Sun
Colm Jan 2021
Somedays I'm the orphan
And others
I'm the imperfect avatar of the world in shining
All of its smiling glory
182 · Nov 2022
Age old warrior
Colm Nov 2022
These humans have stoked my fires of old
With their chest beating brows
With their self praising pride

And so with my own and this hand of mine
I will move swifter than wind
And do my best to be better

And so they will find soon enough
In the waiting, wanting
In the destructive test
182 · Feb 2020
For A Sunlit Second
Colm Feb 2020
Serene moment
You of feelings people felt
Dont leave me on this Sunday imperfect
Your warm my soul
You calm my mind
In you I am happy with myself
If but for a single sunlit time
I feel and felt
When the sun sneaks though. Making a happier you feel felt for a second. Hashtag it. What it's like to be human lol.
182 · Nov 2017
Wallpapering Words
Colm Nov 2017
The real wallpaper isn't plastered
It's ongoing and expressed
Pulled out of the nothing of tongue and cheek
And unknown until it finds itself
At home at last
Surrounded on these four sides
The walls which we keep

*No thought is heard until it is spoken
spoken thought word mind inside speak speaking to understand poem poetry poet verse rhyme sean scribbles lol
182 · Feb 2021
amidst-chaos (found)
Colm Feb 2021
Found is no more where I am
No less than before the thought

In us there is this lie of nothing
Yet in something I find myself more lost

Remeber then and in being between true
The realization of what could be

Directionally guided are we when
Left is right, up is down, and I am you
The last line was the prompt
182 · Jan 2020
Colm Jan 2020
Once was given a great gift of voice
To sing loud and be heard before many a thousand
But the crowds silenced me, as I preferred to sleep
And speak less with the world a burden

I am selfish I find
Asking for differently
As my own first motivation is the speech within me
It is what is, will be
Say what you want. Try it out in person. Though you may learn to dislike it later.
180 · Jun 2018
Little Birds
Colm Jun 2018
Homeless is the bird which flies from tree to tree.
And so are we...
So are we...
No home is ever truly home until you're home with HIM
Colm Feb 2021
My carbon becoming
near this oxygenated girl
and breathe
Everything but me, IN
as my outward going is
180 · Feb 2020
Her Hair Color
Colm Feb 2020
Raven, earth, sand, sky
A color for every millennia dream
Through trees in rushed winds
Comes a dancing wish
To know is a reasonable wonder of mine
To explain the why
I wish
For someday (soon)
Beauty knows no color. Only perspective. Perhaps. Lol
179 · Aug 2019
Give And Take
Colm Aug 2019
Give me iron
And I'll give you structures

Give me thunder
And I'll give you storms

Give me raindrops falling on an empty beach
And I'll give you a song like never before

Give me one
And I'll give you all

Give me time
And I'll give you naught

Give me the knowledge of what your human heart desires
And I'll give you my every waking thought

Human as this practice may be or not
It is give and take between be taught
Give and take
179 · Jul 2019
Wisdom, A Haiku
Colm Jul 2019
A wise man will say
Such days are an illusion
Such lies are well lived
179 · Nov 2022
Burn on above and beyond
Colm Nov 2022
If there's one thing I know
More than anything un
It's that the sunsets will fall
The skies will stand tall
And just out of reach
Of this shared everyone
The stars will burn on
And be unseen when they finally decided to come undone
179 · Jul 2018
Concerning Memory
Colm Jul 2018
Like a beautiful window in a summer home that's now closed to you. And the only memory that remains is the last day before before this new autumn view. Unseen is the growing day of this memory between me and you.
178 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
My bones are strong
my back straight enough to keep .
If anything I do not
need any more structure in me .
I need
            opposite . The
178 · Jan 2019
Clouds Pass By
Colm Jan 2019
No sky will ever hold such elegant phrases
Or pen to carve the cursive clouds
No such dreams were just a thought to be
Not meant for you indefinitely
No, like clouded skies they were ever passing through
Just as now no memory will remain
Either of or through or of you
Clouds Pass By
178 · Aug 2018
Oregon Reflection
Colm Aug 2018
Sometimes you walk out of this world
And into another, full of complacency.
Where all of your hopes and dreams from before,
Are revealed to be, the excuse.
The escape from present just to mentally be,
Wherever you were,
Just so long as you were free.
Free that is, from the here and now.
For a friend.
178 · Jul 2021
A Thirsty Earth, A Haiku
Colm Jul 2021
A twist of cloud zest
Looking up into sky glass
Perhaps the earth drinks?
177 · Mar 2019
Sand Castles
Colm Mar 2019
There is weakness in two just as in one
A sandcastle of constituents
Molded and bound together beneath the basking sun
But the conjoining doesn’t change the component
Nor make it any more fun to be
The most honest version of the newest one
Certainly sand has its own set of difficulties
Who you are before really matters.
177 · Jan 2018
Windows Are
Colm Jan 2018
The perfect form of imagery
They're clear but not
They are but not
Visible but not directly in front of us
A marvel of modern society
A symbol of something
Safe and deadly
Broken but whole
Reflective in all
A monument of our mastery...

**** it Bill Gates
Windows - Always liked em
176 · Aug 2018
Permitting Self
Colm Aug 2018
Sometimes to lose is to find
     It's true

But sometimes
     You cannot allow yourself to live
          (At least as you'd like)

Until you stop
          Go back
               And rewind
Permitting Self
176 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
A dog grins
Knowing he was once a wolf
And one day he will be again
But when, but when?
175 · Apr 2018
Mindful Eyes
Colm Apr 2018
Her hair alive
A life of its own

With waters clear
And mindful eyes

Ever wide awake
As if with sound

Be it nothing at all
She is ever still
Verbal portrait of a woman in water.
175 · Jan 2021
Cold Cream
Colm Jan 2021
Cold cream,
sweeping taste,
atop the hottest cocoa.
Pure bliss which
incites violent smiles
below my eyes.
175 · Nov 2022
Trsuted Haiku
Colm Nov 2022
Kindness knows no end
Until the trust is destroyed
And remains no will
175 · Jan 2020
Showers Before Bed
Colm Jan 2020
Short wet hair in wild sheets
With seeping eyebrows bent with dew
Tired breath, warm chest
And memory foam
Soft cotton sleeves layered like carved stone
And quiet cold from windows still
Our heads beneath these pair of sills
With heaving breaths in unison bound
Our heartbeat drums the only sound
Amidst these vibrant warms around
Mere unity I'm pleased
Showers before bed
Colm Sep 2018
Whenever here the stars are closer, the Moon is fuller, and the trees could never fall. This is a world away from worlds within, and there's so much here. For me. That I'll never be able to describe it all, or explain therein.
174 · Jan 2020
Time, It won't
Colm Jan 2020
I trick myself
More often than most
That the time before me will feel better
Than the air which I now breathe most close

It won't

Time is time
Just as a perception is a vision of the mortal mind
Most unknown
Heck, I
Need to learn how to live for the moment of most

It's time
This is one of the ways my mind works. Even if I do mimic a bit of EE in my speech.
Colm Jan 2021
Yawning breathes out sky
Inhaling questioning earth
Breathless we will try
Colm Sep 2021
reaching through my window grasp, my collar lined, my mind unfolded. pull me through this painted glass, the crown unmolded, and shape my day with glorious rays, with simple scents and lilac embolded. with the coming way, of every may, would you make my day most intoxicated, in such a simple yet glorious way?
tis true

The most unplanned set. 10/12
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