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Colm Sep 2021
reaching through my window grasp, my collar lined, my mind unfolded. pull me through this painted glass, the crown unmolded, and shape my day with glorious rays, with simple scents and lilac embolded. with the coming way, of every may, would you make my day most intoxicated, in such a simple yet glorious way?
tis true

The most unplanned set. 10/12
174 · Sep 2022
A Beleif
Colm Sep 2022
I value creation
I care about outcome
I live not for me
But to die everyday
To away from the old ways
I flee
The set about creations . 7
174 · Jan 2020
Time, It won't
Colm Jan 2020
I trick myself
More often than most
That the time before me will feel better
Than the air which I now breathe most close

It won't

Time is time
Just as a perception is a vision of the mortal mind
Most unknown
Heck, I
Need to learn how to live for the moment of most

It's time
This is one of the ways my mind works. Even if I do mimic a bit of EE in my speech.
173 · Feb 2021
falter and falling
Colm Feb 2021
     the leaves
     the snow
     the rain flow
We all
173 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
Sorry about the way I fall      
  how mortality fades me    
through and with.          
Inevitably it's this      
And this is this.      
In you and calling
Me out so much
Not seeing is.
To me        
a true      
173 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
As Fitzwilliam was
And said
Now I've only to be ashamed of what my own have been
173 · Jan 2020
Colm Jan 2020
From a distant place
Your echo reaches me here
At this length
Like a drum in my ears
Your memory kiss reverberates
And shakes my very soul of souls
Creating in me a sound of old
Which slowly fades
And with anticipation
To hear the breath of all which once was told
Next yours my present face
Colm Apr 2019
There is willingness
And there is want
And the lack thereof, one from the other
Is noticeable
A sign of impending doom
And gloom
And if so, you’d best not try
You'd best not move lest you fail to pass
The test of passing time
Necessities of limited life together
173 · Sep 2021
Carnival, A Tanka
Colm Sep 2021
Carousel clouds, spin

In skies of unnatural,

Colorful being.

Until onenness felt, is

Of carnival earth beneath
Love a good Tanka.

The most unplanned set. 7/12
173 · Aug 2021
Colm Aug 2021
11,541 days a breath
With nothing standing in my way
I can live and walk into the sure, unsure
Cutting paths to wilderness, song to wind
But to attribute THIS to my own success
Is but wishes and hopes
Nothing more or less
Visions and lights (5)
173 · Mar 2018
Like With Like
Colm Mar 2018
A thinking boy needs a thinking girl. Someone who knows some of, but not the sum of, what is in his or her own head.
I find this to be true.
172 · Jan 2018
Side By Side
Colm Jan 2018
It's the doubt which grows in the back of your mind
That you're on the wrong side of the road
That you're going to collide
But not with fate
But head on with an eternity of unkind

Side by side are different directions
Same road and minds
From one to the other, so much can vary.
172 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
seeing you
in minds eye now
and your winding ways
of browning trees
makes me remember and breathe
in the taste of cold
which November only knows
and December wishes it could be
(or was)
172 · May 2018
Whatever It Is
Colm May 2018
You invade my dreams
Mix with the past

Sounding like an angel
That's not you

But whatever it is
It's holding fast
Where three different meet and personify as one. What a dream.
172 · Sep 2019
Meaning And Being
Colm Sep 2019
The greatest trap of all for mankind
Is that of being and not being
And when there is no God
Not being begins to look awfully friendly
Being doesn't necessarily imply the other.
172 · Jun 2021
Big IF
Colm Jun 2021
If songs had bodies
Yours would be
So fine
And refined
And full of life
Most fine
171 · May 2020
Comfortable Stagnation
Colm May 2020
Comfort is a funny thing
All graciousness and charm at first
Like cotton down or endless cups
Or a pool of cool atop the earth

But in too much comfort and you will drown
In the constant reassurance of self worth

Too much of that comfort will actually keep you
From the discovery of new to be found
At work

And by work I mean
Stagnation kills creativity folks. Ya gotta take risks. Note to self.
Colm Jan 2020
Desire of being
Give me your name
And a photo to match so that I can see past
The flatness of this absent meaning
Give unto me
Yesterday - Tangent, Wishful, Desire To Know
171 · Oct 2021
Colm Oct 2021
Moonlight falls
In glorious hues
Of blueberry blue

And settles on roof tiles
Once worn so thin
And installed so new

That an age has since passed
Since the feeling of last
Me atop there with you
Miss that rooftop.
171 · Dec 2019
Let Rivers Pass You By
Colm Dec 2019
Close your eyes
Stand in the river
Let all of the waters whip past you by
Though you be made of similar materials found
You are no less running
Ever moreso alive
Than the current to be found around
Let the waters pass you by
This is how I, an introvert, need to be around people. More willing to flow without being swept away.

Let the waters pass you by
Colm May 2021
There are days when I am in love with eyes
the world in looks
and the passing by glances
of a newfound friendship, and fondness revived

And then there are days
like this one en which,
there is not enough dirt on the surface of the entire earth
to cover all of you
Colm Jan 2020
This morning
Grey thunderclouds
Fell on my morning horizon of hope
And I, half asleep still
Could hardly note anything
Less than try

So I did
When you haven't seen the sunrise in months. And then, caught speechless by its beautiful sight. You have nothing to day. That was my morning on this young day. RIP. lol

Writing this some... Nine hours later.
170 · Sep 2018
Unactualize Desire
Colm Sep 2018
My desire for you
More than anything
Is that you'd be at peace beneath these eaves
That you could sleep more deeply than the sea
And dream, oh baby that you could dream
Of the distant starlight you can barely see
My desire for you
More than anything
Is that you'd be my most comfortable everything
Some verses, for me, are just sentences or passing thoughts. Whishes in unspoken form that just ARE for me. I say unactualized because I know where I am. And heck, I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. So who knows what my life will be. Who knows?
170 · Aug 2018
Colm Aug 2018
It takes a quiet mind to sit and listen, to live this life slowly.

An insatiable appitie is an aggressive death, desire to express and to capture the expression wherever it stands.
As compared to. The opposite.
170 · Sep 2018
Everyone Is Someone
Colm Sep 2018
How quickly we confer
Judgment upon those people
Who are not ourselves

Whole people
Like whole oceans and mountain ranges

Broken people
Just like ourselves

Who are we to judge and to bestow
Such hasty blows  
Upon such people
It just blows my mind that I can be so wrong about so many people throughout life. That my mind instinctively judges, labels and categorizes so easily. Not that being a human who is just being is wrong...but it blows my mind how I narrow my own perspective sometimes.
Colm Jul 2021
look at me knowingly (thru
as I look at you)
as if we were two; the only hands to understand
this universe suddenly grasping anew

look me up and with solitary in
through and thru as I'am to you
hi eyes
169 · Jun 2018
Breathing In The Night Sky
Colm Jun 2018
The stars
To me
Are so close
That I forget
The distance
Of you
Breathe in, out, up
168 · Mar 2018
The Realization
Colm Mar 2018
You always remember the last time
Iconicized within your mind

Think back to when it was actually then
And you'll find it out over and over again

Like a slowing dance
With contented sigh
You can hear the fond memories rolling by
At a gradual pace

Be it in truth to pass
Or in feelings which last

There is the feeling of first
And the memory of last
Gosh, this rings so true to me.
168 · Jan 2020
Driving Force Of Mine
Colm Jan 2020
More than anything
It's not a home that I want
Nor people within
Or stuff
Or responsibility
It's the freedom of such
The desire to begin
And the standing memory which I've yet to know
Which drives my heart forward
Like a turning car
Racing and ever
Towards new ends
Driving Force Of Mine
168 · Oct 2018
Summer And The Night
Colm Oct 2018
What depths could I describe?
What sights have you not already seen?
What could I possibly tell you that you haven’t already heard from the whispering trees?
The warmth of summer
The shimmering gleam of the frigid stars
With stream water splashing about your feet
What cooling sensations could I possibly bring
To a heart such as yours  
On warm nights such as these
Cool is not always arrogant.
167 · Feb 2019
Caught Between Fog
Colm Feb 2019
Fog like mountain eyebrows, hovering above the area of Earth which splits between the snowy ground.

A train to steep the far side of the valley, and the other now filled with the exiting towns.

And I the traveler between the two heights. Wondering how and why this fog stays this way around.
A morning view unique to many
167 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
Holding onto you
And your thoughts
Is like water dripping
Through me and my hands
167 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
These notes were just abandoned pages, until I took them in and they adopted my thoughts. My name as their own.
166 · Jan 2021
Cafeism 874
Colm Jan 2021
Eventually ...
You drink coffee for what it means
For how you see yourself when you drink
And to think
... Eventually
166 · May 2019
Waking Up A Dream
Colm May 2019
Pull me out of the threads
Like a ragdoll willing
Almost excited to climb the cotton mount
And fall with goose feathers down

Sacrifice a fruit on the alter of passion
But do not deny me this one little thing
This basic, simple, moment left
To let my head fall ever down

And when I wake from such a falling out
And my time spent surfing on goose feathers runs out
Would you bend the rules of time for me?
Would you unwind the clock with parts ferocity on the ground?

Because even if you must
I beg of you
I plead
Please don't make me wakeup to this morning now
Waking Up A Dream
Colm Jan 2020
The end
A poignant secret

You're my type of breeze
The height of trees
Whispering in the arms of wind
I can't wait for the beginning. Not the end.
163 · Jan 2021
A Glancing Haiku
Colm Jan 2021
Look at me in turn
And see only this second
Passing eyes meet
Colm May 2020
Which is the greater fear?
That you might
Despite all of your wishes
Be seen?
Or that you will find something
Once you truly begin looking?
My guess is that the truth of you
Lies somewhere in between
Lost but found
Like coins in this fountain of being
(For now)

162 · Sep 2018
Worry Out, Not In
Colm Sep 2018
Just about everything you worry about
Is not about
And does not matter

It's the things you don't see
And do not worry about

Those are the things that you have to watch out for
Worry Out, Not In
162 · Jun 2022
Best Words
Colm Jun 2022
It pleases me to think
That one day I woke up
And with
Whatever coffee I had
The best poetry I would ever sing
And noone heard a sound from me
Not even then
And yet I was free
Completely and indifferently
Boxing Poems . 9
162 · Dec 2019
Psychosis Deep
Colm Dec 2019
Why do we stare into the mirror?
Why do we turn away from a cosmic gaze?
Wanting crowns, but afraid of being kings?
But why?
Because we humans do not know the depth of things
Though we like to think we do
162 · Jul 2018
See, Woo, Court
Colm Jul 2018
It is the dance before the long dance
With music played for two
With one a mask, and one unmasked
We linger still
Until the truth of the song is renewed
The truth being...that one is not the other.
Colm Jan 2020
A fish can say to a frog
   "I am a tree
    And you a leaf"
But that doesn't make it so
In truth or shade
Midst nature and in light
They were designed as neither such to be
On top of which
It's different languages they speak
We are the only painted creature, by the hand of God, who thinks this way. Not Angels, or birds, or bees. But our awareness and being makes us different.
Colm Apr 2019
I used to write here
Craft in these corners
Scoff at these walls
Scratch at the stars, like a lottery ticket, when the world was young
When my own structures were seemingly falling apart
How I laboured without toil
Spinning spun without thread
How tired was I, as a peice of myself, with leaps and bounds from cloud to cloud
When I was no older than the dirt beneath
How the tired me, trod this distant ground into my own history
Until it was more familiar and resound
In memory, as it is now
159 · Jul 2018
Short Tower
Colm Jul 2018
At the top of every ivory tower
        Is a steeple proud and tall

At the top of everybody's body, is a head
        Be it hollow or whole in all
Short Tower
Colm Mar 2021
I dream
Of the shadows we would cast
And in moonlight drape ourselves
And make
The flowers we'd align with rain
As we celebrate
The no more of snow
And the frozen pond on which we'd skate
For no less than an eternal day
Like sunlight to hold
Close until we have our own
End of night alight
Sleeping in each others confidence
Without even being awake
And I
Cannot, will not, wait
At least to dream
Of these such things
And in other words make dreams
Of another heighted sky alive
159 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
The bare earth
The scratched skies
The predictable people midst their ponderous lives
And I live to see them over time
As they progress towards somethingness
Towards no outcome which will leave any of us
Watching towns
159 · Apr 2021
A Lost Breath Breathed
Colm Apr 2021
We forget to breathe and thank God for that freedom of ...

And yet the being (which is).
Is also you, and not.
The breath is yet to be, yet also not be.

What is freedom?
158 · Dec 2021
Memoric Love
Colm Dec 2021
The lover on the other line
Who whispers nothings
Literal nothings
Isn't real

She's just the memories which
I'm inclined to think about
And yearn to kiss
Again and again
158 · Mar 2018
My Writing Is
Colm Mar 2018
Experiential and sensation
Mixed with a desire to connect
A wonder regarding where its going
And very much
The fear that I'll forget
Scribble, scribble, scrawl it quick
The moment turns like a television set
Onward with the next
The fear I mentioned, is what intuitive mind may call a lightning bolt. A sporadic shock of thought mixed with the alignment of truth and observation. The desire to capture that and hold onto it... That can be a strong motivation.
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