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1.7k · Aug 2018
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
I'll tell you a story. On that night, the kind stories should never have to start with..I looked up at the moon and promised to never love. To never again soften eyes and whisper promises in a voice so low, the wind would have to lean in to hear. To never have to drown in bliss when she smiles. Never to colour lips with strawberries or paint kisses chocolate. To never again say yes, to the one thing I never thought I'd say never to. Noah_arkenswagg
1.3k · Nov 2018
Big Bad
NoahArkenswagg Nov 2018
It's not that I wish to be the lone wolf, but being the lone wolf, i know it hurts less than being in a pack...the lone wolf knows not the pain of losing a mate, or having to deal with the alpha who gets things done his's safer being lone. However, it tells no story about my strength..never mistake being lone for weakness, being lone makes me bigger than the rest..and maybe my voice will reach the moon now when I howl. Noah_arkenswagg
1.2k · Dec 2018
Friend zone
NoahArkenswagg Dec 2018
You shot me with bullets that weighed me down, from your lofty position above that wall, you look me in the eyes and take a shot for each stone I reach for in my climb. Leaving me in the friend zone was unfair enough, but these bullets weigh more than their equivalent in rejection...but there you go again, aiming for another shot of "he's just a friend. " noah_arkenswagg
1.0k · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Bone of my bone, the missing ivory in my rib cage...we could be peas in the same pod if you weren't of a different tree altogether. Flesh of my flesh, together we are better than vanilla with chocolate chips. Apple of my eye? Let's not see what evil we could do together. Noah_arkenswagg
902 · Aug 2018
Unwanted power
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
Why would the eagle refuse to spread her wings because the pigeons will fall in love? Why should unicorns bow their heads for the sake of a stallion's jealousy? Why would a queen like her, leave strands of hair in front of her face, just because tucking it behind ears is why all her guards have a ***** 'in love' look. Noah_arkenswagg
894 · Aug 2018
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
Back to the wall and a slow fall to the ground ..the tears will reach before I do. Pain in my heart imprisoned behind bars of bone..oh how I wish for this prisoner to escape. Knees hugged and warm lips rest on skin..with the power of tears I have created a waterfall. Noah_arkenswagg
719 · Aug 2018
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
Tell me what happens when a camp fire tries to comfort an ice giant. That's the definition of our love. Noah_arkenswagg
607 · Dec 2018
NoahArkenswagg Dec 2018
One day they'll ask why I did it. They'll find different reasons from different people..I left clues behind in all the shades of mystery. Like a puzzle, the pieces will only come together when the final picture is there for all to see. One day...crosswords will make more sense than spoken words. Noah_arkenswagg
597 · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Roses are so beautiful..and so we pluck them and watch them die. Love is a funny thing sometimes, and so I'd rather be a can love me from afar for my beauty..but never will you take me away. Noah_arkenswagg
572 · Nov 2018
Severe beauty
NoahArkenswagg Nov 2018
Prettier than a lone rose in the winter, like a rainbow coloured umbrella on a snowy desert, you stand out. You're more special than a purple sunset, you're so beautiful, and you don't know how that smile makes lions purr. Noah_arkenswagg
560 · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Stung by needles with golden hilts...and cut by shiny smiles. Memories, made from skin in the colour of scars, and then come the monster butterflies in my belly. Such is the feeling when the past comes back to haunt.Noah_arkenswagg
514 · Nov 2018
NoahArkenswagg Nov 2018
What a beauty you are, with hair looking like it had an adventure, and a face that looks as calm as the ocean at night. You're the only paradox I enjoy, you're a work of art, a walking canvas. Noah_arkenswagg
496 · Nov 2018
NoahArkenswagg Nov 2018
If I was given a scroll and a feather pen to write about you, I'd need enough parchment to cover your street, so you could walk all over it while you walked away to the other one you love. I'd still find 999,999 reasons to love you and only one not to. I really hope he's not the one for you, I really would love to add that 'you love me too' to my list. Noah_arkenswagg
491 · Mar 2021
NoahArkenswagg Mar 2021
The stronger the light, the darker the shadow, great love means hatred as black as a moonless night. Beware your choice and fear the opposite. Mirrors are doorways, and the divide between both worlds is a thin veil of glass.
424 · Dec 2018
NoahArkenswagg Dec 2018
I can't function without you, so how about I make us equals and see how this all works out. Get closer, take away the barriers.. Together we'll divide and conquer, and soon, add our adventures to the greatest romance stories ever told. Noah_arkenswagg
402 · Aug 2018
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
There's one thing I'm scared of. It creeps around in my veins night it crawls into my rib cage and makes a nest, only to colour my cheeks a bright red the next morning. It makes the birds outside my window look like they're winking at me ..and the clouds become more artsy than should be allowed. There are some of you that welcome call it love...I call it my bane....poison. noah_arkenswagg
393 · Aug 2018
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
I miss you more than lungs crave air underwater. I need you more than skin needs the sun's kiss. I love you more than poets could ever describe. Please be mine, for I already belong with you. Noah_arkenswagg
384 · Nov 2018
NoahArkenswagg Nov 2018
It's like being separated from air by a mask, or love by glass. It's knowing you're there, just in my peripheral vision, but never being able to see you, no matter how far I turn. It's knowing how I feel when you're with me, yet never meeting you in person. I hate this diet, I'm so done. Noah_arkenswagg
370 · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Travelling home in the company of golden stars and silver moons, to the left is a sea of wild grass..a reminder of a future with endless possibilities. To the right, liquid blue, like the sky was admiring itself in a mirror...a reminder of the beauty that awaits me. Noah_arkenswagg
360 · Oct 2018
At world's end
NoahArkenswagg Oct 2018
What happens when you reach the end of the world... do dreams end, or do nightmares dragons fly or do they swim where the world ends? Do castles float where it ends and is grass blue? Can't wait till this voyage brings me to the place where the horizon hugs the sky. Noah_arkenswagg
359 · Oct 2018
NoahArkenswagg Oct 2018
Frozen gold is the colour of your eyes, and I'm a treasure hunter with a sweet tooth. If the eyes are an expression of the heart, then I'm here to capture your heart... The true source of gold. Noah_arkenswagg
352 · Aug 2018
Tree of discord
NoahArkenswagg Aug 2018
This pain, self inflicted like kissing roses and ignoring hugging poison ivy, because ivy is a nice name. Deep rooted in your ways, you punish yourself for planting your heart in harms way. These seeds of discord were yours to grow and oh how you watered them with silver tears. Branch away from what is bad, reach for the sunlight, dear melancholic. Noah_arkenswagg
344 · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Panick.. Insane panick, eyes that dart like marbles in a glass sphere, mind racing faster than neurons allow, insanity breathing down her neck...desperation..and anger..and powerlessness, and pain and tears. After such torment, why would she trust another ... Why should she not be stronger than damsels and wiser than queens. Noah_arkenswagg
341 · Apr 2020
NoahArkenswagg Apr 2020
Beautiful fire, how easy it is to ***** you out of makes me jealous. If I could disappear in silent smoke and forever remain absent, I'll burn ever more brightly with pain, then...*****.
329 · Sep 2018
NoahArkenswagg Sep 2018
Hands that only reach for you when you turn to leave, whispers that only say your name when you turn up the music and shut the world that only rears it's head in their hearts when you give up on feeling anything beyond hunger; such is the fleeting nature of man. Noah_arkenswagg
307 · Dec 2018
Bad news
NoahArkenswagg Dec 2018
Crown of words and a suit of metaphor, ring of art and a heart aflame with pain..all have failed me in this material moment. A poet without his words, a writer who no longer bleeds ink ...being speechless is not a good sign obviously, silence is a pig in the mud and never gold. So much pain and so little to say, so much to say and no way to express with words what the heart screams; no more flame. Noah_arkenswagg
198 · Oct 2018
NoahArkenswagg Oct 2018
Prisoner of bone, stuck behind horizontal bars the size of bones. I know not my crime, or why I deserve a prison, but it feels too small, cramped, it feels like the walls close in every time I look at them... I'm tired, really..of hearing my own voice echo each second. Noah_arkenswagg

— The End —