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N Pescador Jun 2020
i love you but you love her
why cant you see my love for you
i love you more than she loves you
i will never make you sad or cry
just open your eyes
you'll see shes not worthy of your love
and i do
N Pescador Dec 2019
At ito nanaman ako umaasa na matapos ang relasyon niyo,
Pasikretong inaalam ang bawal hindi niyo pag kakaunawaak,
Umaasa na kung matapos man kayo pwede na ulit ang ikaw at ako

Masama ba akong tao dahil hinihiling ko na matapos kayo?
Nakakaawa ba ako dahil umaasa ako sa walang kasiguraduhan?

Nag mamahal lang naman ako.
Nag mamahal parin sa lalaking dati ay akin
Masaya mag mahal.
Pero mas masaya kung mamahalin ka rin pabalik,
Kasi kung hindi nakaka baliw ang sakit,
Lalo na kung ang mahal mo ay may mahal na iba
N Pescador Jan 5
What i need right know is be on my side
Be a father to me
comfort me like a parent would do
talk to me in a perspective of a parent
not in a perspective of a man
you are my father
please be on my side

i know parenting is hard
i understand that much
but please
just this once father
side with me
dont answer in a perceptive of a man

that is what i need right now
N Pescador Jun 2019
Too many problems and I don’t know what to do anymore.
Family problems
School problems
And even my self.

Why its so hard to live
If this is life I don’t want to live anymore
Im tired
And I already want to give up
N Pescador Mar 2019
Too many problems,
I don’t know what to do,
Don’t know what to say,
Can I tell you?
Should I tell you,
Who can I trust with my problems,
Family, friends, special one
They have problems too
Who is interested?
No one.
Problems, problems, problems. What should I do to you
N Pescador Feb 2022
They say “life is beautiful”
They say “living is a gift”
Then why does it feels like everyday is hell
Why do i need to fight though the day to have another day
Why do i need to suffer
When all i want is to be happy
If life is beautiful and life is a gift
Why mine is a nightmare
N Pescador May 2020
Mahirap ba akong mahalin?
Or hindi lang talaga ako kamahal mahal.

Am i not important
Bakit lagi akong iniiwan?
Nakakasawa na.
Pagod na ako

Bakit ang hirap ng buhay at ang hirap mabuhay?
N Pescador Feb 2019
Our life is temporary,
People go,
Everything changes in time,
Things broke or stole.

So why value thing,
Why love so much with all your heart,
if there’s no such thing as permanent in this word.
N Pescador Feb 2019
Funny how can a wrong messege,
Changed everything!
You make me believe where in the same page,
Oh wait! I guess I just assume

Funny how can two poeple
Became stranger.
How can you and I became like this?
Because of the message everything changes?
N Pescador Feb 2021
When were young
Our parents always tell us
That their is always right time for something
But how will we know when is the right time?
N Pescador Sep 2021
I smile
I say the proper responds
I do the right thing
I study hard
I follow the right tract
Im a perfect daughter
And also
Im a robot

What really inside of the robot
I’m sad but no know notice
Im screaming for help but no sound
Im studying in college
But Im not really sure what i want
Im an adult but I don’t know anything about me
Im not happy and not enjoying my life
I think I dead inside
N Pescador Feb 2020
just because your good-looking
doesn’t mean they’ll be good to you
some things or some bodies
are just nice to look at
but those same things
those same some bodies
could be the same ones
to destroy the joy of your heart

so be careful
N Pescador Feb 2020
she realized that wanting him
meant losing herself
she realize that she couldn’t
save her own soul
because her hand is too busy
holding the hand of someone
who no longer deserved her energy
N Pescador Feb 2020
sometimes you just have to let go
of certain people
in order to make a room
for something beautiful
to enter your life
N Pescador Feb 2020
save yourself for yourself
right now
only your deserve you
N Pescador Feb 2020
i hope you stop caring
when they do
i hope you walk away
because they will

i hope you know
that you’ll be fine
and they’ll regret
losing a woman like you
N Pescador Feb 2020
the beat revenge
is realizing that you never needed
the person who hurt you
N Pescador Feb 2020
you must learn
to walk away from anyone
who no longer
appreciate your presence
N Pescador Feb 2020
Who were you
before you decided
to let the world
dictate who you’d become

sure enough
you’ve always been beautiful
and yet you’ve struggled to see this
because society took your truth
then replace it with lies

i wish you knew
just how remarkable you are
i wish you knew
just how amazing you already were
before the world
told you who you should be
Copied from the book
N Pescador Jan 5
I have anxiety
And no one else knew
By now, I slowly getting used to it (I think)
I know I'm the one that can cure me
No one else but me
So why bother tell to anyone

But first I have to believe in myself
Start to think that "I'm worth it and I'm enough"
I have to realize that life is not that bad as I think
what i need is to believe in myself
It's hard for me to believe in me

Maybe someday
I see myself
And realized
That I am important like everybody else
N Pescador Oct 2019
I love you,
But she also do.

I wanna hold your hand and kiss you,
But she’s already doing it.

I wanna be with you,
But your with her.

I miss you,
But you don’t miss me.

I want you to love me,
But you already love her.
N Pescador Mar 2019
I don’t know if this is still love,
But I do know that you still care
And it makes me happy
Maybe someday
Maybe someday the story of us will continue
Someday but not today
Im sure
I dont know if this is still love. But im sure that your still important to me and you still to me.
N Pescador Feb 2020
i know you
you’re the girl
with a smile on her face
and sadness on her eyes
you’re the girl
refusing to let life
break you
you’re the girl
who always survive
you’re the one
who inspired in this words
and so
i thank God for you
N Pescador Jun 2020
I always take care other people
I’ve make them smile
I wipe their tears if they cry
I’ll take care of them if they’re sick
I can feel if they are not ok
It’s me

But how come I can’t to it to myself
Im lonely
I'm empty
I feel alone
I can’t to all the things I do to other
So I pretend
And I think
I already master the art of pretending
If you feel alone, empty, unlove and lonely. Always remember Im here for you. I care for you even if we don’t know each other
N Pescador Mar 2020
sometimes the love you crave
can’t be found in the person you want
and wanting someone is not enough
to have them love you
N Pescador Feb 2020
my life ended
the moment i fell for you
and somehow deep down
i realized that in order to live again
i had to live without you
N Pescador Jan 7
when i get sick
you're by my side
when i cry
your by my side
when i have troubles
you know the right words to say
when i have problems
you know the right words to say

but now
you're not by my side
when i am sick or when i cry
no one know the right words to say
when i have troubles or problems

i am not trying to be unfair or ungrateful
but i miss you
and right now
you is what i need
N Pescador Jan 3
Somewhere between then and now,
It went from “Mom, stop telling me what to do”
To “Mom, please tell me what to do”

Somewhere between then and now,
It went from “Mom, you don’t understand”
To “Mom, I don’t understand”

Somewhere between then and now,
It went from “Mom, stop asking so many questions”
To “Mom, I have so many questions”

Somewhere between then and now,
It went from “Mom, leave me alone”
To “Mom, never leave my side”

Somewhere between then and now,
I realized the other half of my heart was always
The person who created it
N Pescador Mar 2020
you can't tell, you just know
you always do

no man in this earth
could keep secrets
from a woman like you

but i hate this idea
of knowing everything
and saying nothing
i hate this idea
of a woman being silent
N Pescador Nov 2018
There’s no word for my pain,
There’s no word for my broken heart,
Is this heartbreak feels like?
Lonely, Alone, Cold and too much Pain.

Laying down at my bed, Crying.
Please let me go to sleep,
And wake me up if the pain is gone.

All I can see is all black,
The love is gone,
The happiness is gone
Just all black and pain.

Is this life or is this the hell?
How do I stop loving you?! My life is a living hell thanks to you
N Pescador Jan 2
i am drowning
should i do this?
can i do this?
i am screaming

i am 24 for god sake
but here i am
still dont know what to do
doubting everything
full of uncertainty

i am 24 years old
and yet here i am
unsure about everything
dont know a single thing about herself
N Pescador May 2020
If love is fading
I’ll just have to love you more everyday
Maybe you’ll never have to leave

If your love the enemy
You have to hurt me even more
Until I feel tired of love

Love is about sharing
Love is about making memories
But love can changed
Even if it can hurt like hell

I know it can hurt me alot
But I’m going to love you even more
I will always loving you
I love you
Until Im tired of love
Love can hurt like hell but i can feels like heaven.
N Pescador Feb 2020
i cannot give you anything aside from comfort and company
you can hold my hands when you’re afraid of the certainties
i would envelope you with my warmth if you feel like you are being tired of everything that seems shaking your peace
you don’t need to worry about giving me any titles or place in your life
in this world and this lifetime
i can be your ultimate person without having the world to know it
it would be ok if it’s between you and me
i will be your constant companion
i’d like you to know that i won’t leave
as long as you need me
i will be here
N Pescador Jan 2021
Everyone want to be loved
We dream to be loved someday
And hoping to find the one
But how can someone love you
If you don’t even love yourself

The first step to find the love you deserve
Is to love yourself
N Pescador Apr 2021
Admit it, We all vulnerable
But why can’t we admit it
Why is that we keep denying it
Why we keep proving ourselves wrong
Is it ego? Is it pride?
Why were all ashamed to show it or even talk about it?

If we show some vulnerability, do we look less of ourselves?
If we show some vulnerability, should we be ashamed of ourselves?
If we show some vulnerability, does anyone accept us?
N Pescador Oct 2018
I really love you.
And I know that your happy.
But was it wrong?
Wishing you two broke up
And be with me again.
Was it wrong?
Loving you too much until now
Just random thoughts
N Pescador Apr 2021
When we’re younger
We always dream to be a doctor, lawyer, etc. when we grew up
But now we all grew up
We all wanted to be free, happy, we want freedom
We want to stop all this responsibilities even for a day
And you know what we all wanted when we all grew up?
To bring back time and be a kid again
N Pescador Mar 2020
you have been strong for so long
cry if you need to
scream if it helps
N Pescador Nov 2018
I cant promise you
That i can bring you the moon,
Can count the stars,
And that tomorrow will be perfect
Or that my mistakes will never happen again.

But I can promise you
My love,
my respect,
my loyalty,
And my unconditional love,
Will be a lifetime.

I can promise you
I’ll always be here for you,
If you need me or if you don’t.
I’ll always do my best to make you smile,
Be the best girlfriend who is worthy to you and your love.

I can promise that
I’ll see you through crisis,
Pray with you,
Make dream with you
And always cheer you up.

I can promise that
I’ll willing be your lover,
Your best friend,
Your family,
Your strength
And your everything

Thats my promise for you
N Pescador Feb 2019
I like your wavy hair,
I like your lazy eyes,
I like your pointed nose,
I like your perfect lips.

I like you genuine smile,
I like your laugh,
I like the way you move,
I like when your close to me,
I like everything in you

Same as you like everything in her
I know you like her so much
Or maybe you love her
And maybe i like the way you like her so much

Just remember if she hurts you
Im still here
Loving you secret
I like you with who you are and who you are is im inlove with. Just love me too and Im the happiest girl in this world
N Pescador Jan 2019
In this world full of bacteria, parasites and virus
Can I be your white blood cell?
Weird but sweet. Someone left that note in my locker and I don’t know who is he/her.
N Pescador Jan 2019
There’s this boy
He stole my heart
And for that
I wrote 26 poems about him
To confest my feelings
But everything change
He became cold and dry
I thought the feelings is mutual
But I guess not

I want to ask
Is there something wrong about the poems?
Don’t you like it?
Why you suddenly change?
Is there something wrong?
N Pescador Oct 2019
I write here because im lonely
And i have no one to talk to
About my feelings and staff

I write here because I don’t trust people
People can hurt you, can disappoint you
But in here
No one knows me and I don’t know you all
So there’s no room for disappointments.

I just want to lessen the baggage in my chest
N Pescador Feb 2019
Why life is sad?
Why life is hard?
Why life is full of disappointments?
Why life is unfair?
Why it’s hard to lived everyday?

I am tired of living?
Why am I still alive?
There’s no use
N Pescador Oct 2018
Tell me you love me baby
Tell me all you need is me
Tell me everything i wanna hear
Even if it was all a lie

Cause right now, all I need is you
I need you baby
Can you hear me
Im calling your name so loudly

Telling you to comeback
Just even for a month
Just until im ready to let you go
N Pescador Feb 2020
what a deadly feeling it must be
to fall heart first into a space
next to someone incapable
of loving you the way you deserve

and how terrible it must be
to find it difficult
to walk away from someone
you shouldn’t stay with
N Pescador May 2019
I just wanna let you know

If she hurts you and crushes your heart
Cry. Cry till there's no comes out
And you’ll be mine and never let you go this time
I willingly catch you even if I hurt myself in the process

I still love you and it haven’t change
I still love you and it haven’t change. If you breaks you i will be there for you to catch you. I know you can’t see me as you see her but i hope someday you can see me like you see her.
N Pescador May 2020
The people we love
Doesn’t love us back
But it doesn’t mean
We’re not worth the love
It means
His not the right for you
The right person
Will be knocking in your door
And in that moment
You will know
That person is the right person
So don’t doubt your self. You are worth the love.
N Pescador Feb 2020
they always seem to return
when all the hard work is finished
they add nothing to the journey
but bumps and bruises
and yet they wait for you
at the finish line with their hands open
expecting to be greeted with kindness even when they’ve spend their energy being unkind toward you. taking credit for what you’ve done alone taking credit for your joy when all they’ve ever done
was hurt you
N Pescador Nov 2018
He smile at me
So I smile back
I need him so much
But he seems so happy now
So I walk away and smile
He doesn't need me
Like I need him
He already moved on
So It’s time for me to let him go and move on.
Happiness is a choice and I choose your happiness first before mine.

— The End —