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Apr 2021 · 1.0k
Beautiful Blind Poets
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I fell in love with a blind poet
I fell in love with her eyes
they were as pretty as words
Oh, the light, she would write
reciting every line
though blind and couldn’t see
between verse and the rhyme
I swear, she’d see
right through me
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I want to hide in
someone else’s house
sleep in the retreat room
and be myself
wear a slipper
drink a cup of tea
lie back in their chair
and watch TV

I want to hide
in someone else’s house
spray some cologne
and be myself
look at photographs
forget about me
leave the noise outside
browse the library

I want to hide
in someone else’s house
deeper in the forest
and be myself
lost in their walls
as far as can be
maybe up in the attic
alone but free

I want to hide
In someone else’s house
look through the rooms
and find myself
if only I could
try find a key
for my own house
won’t house me

I want to hide
in someone else’s house
not be a Jesus,
just be myself
just another piece missing
like missing socks
still finding peace
being Goldilocks
Apr 2021 · 4.9k
A girl kissed a boy
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
a girl kissed a boy
and told him not to tell
he grew up to be a poet
with a promise kept so well
till he wrote one day a poem
that she’s found reading, but forgot
and wondered if it’s really him
and thinking that it’s not
but buried within these pages
and hidden within the rhyme
were words dripping from his lips
caressing every line
so she came in a little closer
and read it to the end
and found him in the poem
and kissed his lips again
Now it’s your turn not to tell
Apr 2021 · 863
In My Head
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
These thoughts in my head
talk about me like I’m dead
“I’m here, you know!”, I say
but they keep talking away
So I scream all the louder
to get through their laughter
yet they snicker and cheer,
“Get out of here!”,
But I reply, “No!”
“It’s my mind you know!”
and I stay there instead
always in my head
Apr 2021 · 630
My Dear Destiny
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
all the ways
we can make a wish
I’m not sure which is true
Stars, candles, bones or dish
for on neither did I wish for you
It must have been the best of fate
some say determined by destiny
that you’d find me, as I wait
with you waiting
for me
Do we need to make the first move?
Apr 2021 · 528
Not For Sale
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
could possibly buy
almost anything.
And everything
without fail.
Even me.
But not today.
I’m currently
not on sale.
Apr 2021 · 245
Indescribable Loneliness
Apr 2021 · 256
If I Was To Die
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
If I was to die drowning
Let it be in your eyes

If I was to die suffocating
Let it be in your kiss

If I was to die of natural causes
Let it be by your side
Apr 2021 · 206
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
a lot like
a straw
in marshmallow
You ****
and ****
and nothing
Life is sweet but hard
Apr 2021 · 615
The Day Behind That Door
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Through empty hallways
and the wide corridor of life
days, like doors, are unopened
for fears of welcoming strife
reluctantly, we refuse to look
into a new day, like a locked room
known only by unlatching a hook
to find the futures not so gloom
Yet running to the day before
We drop ‘Today’,  like a lost key
that unlocks the day behind that door
where ‘Tomorrow’, could’ve set us free.
Apr 2021 · 1.5k
I’m sorry
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’m sorry
for the little hidden things
I’m sorry
for the secrecy and shame
I’m sorry
for waking up too late
I’m sorry
for not prophesying the pain

I’m sorry
for this apology
I’m not sure how this can heal me
by hurting you with ‘sorry’ again
Apr 2021 · 170
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’ve packed all your farewells in your suitcase
so you don’t leave without goodbye
Apr 2021 · 336
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’ll give you the sun
Once I pay off the moon
Apr 2021 · 1.0k
Collecting Broken Pieces
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’m collecting little broken pieces of me
piecing me together,
you see

a piece at a time
each fragment you’ll find
more of me

I’m collecting little broken pieces of me
I’m finding them in places
I used to be

beneath the books I’ve read
under the words I’ve said
in the things I’ve grown
behind things I’ve known

I’m collecting little broken pieces of me
placing them together,

and finally,
when I’m done
if I’m missing one
possibly two
know this
for this is true

I’m complete
as complete as can be
its in the missing pieces
I feel more like me
Apr 2021 · 530
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I met one day, a day,
that was dressed up
as yesterday
I asked, “Why not live in today,
than the previous day’s cotton?”
All it could simply and sadly say
“I hide in yesterday
for fear, tomorrow
I’ll be forgotten.”

I didn’t catch the days name
But I guess it’s the same
Monday wanted to be Sunday
Tuesday wanted to be Monday
And so on and so long
That I guess it was true
by the end of that week
I forgot which day
was who anyway
Some people are still stuck in the past and can’t seem to move forward. For all kinds of fear and reasons.
Apr 2021 · 201
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
There is an oasis in the middle of my dream
I spend a nights rest at the edge of its stream
Beneath palm trees and cool of shade
I close my eyes where my body is laid

Silhouettes of chain linked camels at sunrise
I squint and peer out through half lit eyes
A band of gypsies, sing, dance and play
The music is faint but it wakes me today

In bed between concrete and cement
Staring at a ceiling I wish to forget
A cold city of asphalt and bitumen grey
I’ll wait yet again, tonight, to be on my way
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I love the things we don’t do together
They are the spaces between us
of how much I miss you
How much I need you
They are the silent conversations
I have alone in my head
and how much of a poet I can be without you
I love those things we don’t do together
because whenever you’re there
and I am here
I always remember
how much I need you
and want you near.
Apr 2021 · 298
Find yourself a book
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Go to page 27
Read line 15
Copy the line in the comment
Give it a go.
The wonder of random words

“But he thought one genuine enquirer was worth fifty” PD James -The ****** Room
Apr 2021 · 159
Waiting Room
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Wait, hold up
Did she actually say she loved me?

Wait, hold on
Are they actually our kids?

Wait till next appointment
Are they actually the results?

Wait, give me a sec
Was that life that just passed us by?
Apr 2021 · 177
Road Trip
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’m on a road trip
It’s a while since I’ve written
Still there’s nothing like writing poetry
It’s my best any trip
Long roads are better enjoyed
With words floating
In and out my head
Even the most beautiful of sunsets
can be ignored
when that perfect word
sits right next to me in the passenger seat
talking with me till I stop driving
to pick up a paper and pen
Apr 2021 · 931
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
The devil would pull down your halo
to bind you around the ankle
Apr 2021 · 491
Big Words
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Why do people play with big words?
Is a poet to impress or express?
As for me,
I’ve carried too heavy a load to care
I just want to share
Apr 2021 · 445
The Sun Can Hurt You
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I lay you in the shade of my heart
Apr 2021 · 195
Forever Falling
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I was falling in love
Till you took the ground
from under my feet
Now I’m just falling
into a bottomless pit
Apr 2021 · 470
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
We don’t need to pretend
being someone we’re not
We are so unbelievable
they won’t believe us anyway
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
“What’s your
favourite colour?”,
she asked,
I replied, “black”.

“Black, like the night?”
she questioned
And went on
to question,
“Black’s not a colour”,
and she was right

But, I’d choose black
for anything
black car
black jeans
black beans
All my favourite things.

We paused

“What’s your favourite colour?”,
I asked
She smiled
touched my lips
and said,

But she wore pink
with green jeans
and a purple bow
on her head

I stopped and stared
wondering at that
How beautiful
she would make
the colour red
Apr 2021 · 181
When Forever Arrives
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
When forever arrives
will we make the time?
We always make time for things that matter
Apr 2021 · 925
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Don’t trust in anyone
who trusts in themselves
This is the problem with people
Apr 2021 · 160
Not Going Anywhere
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I won’t come when you call me
because I’ll always be there
Apr 2021 · 1.0k
Little Box
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I hold a very little box
with very little things
little thoughts
little clippings
of smaller things
I often fold myself up
and place myself in
waiting in my little box
there sitting
for a little time
for a little while
I’m not asking for much
I sit with a little smile
nothing bigger than the box
nothing more than two
room for me
and a little of you
Apr 2021 · 880
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Why are the things I want the most
found on the highest shelf?
I question why others can reach
and why I can’t reach myself.
Are my legs too stout or small,
or my arms too short to love?
Is my heart too low below my head
to reach so high above?
I learn not how strong or tall
or how high up a thing is stacked
but how smart you are to make it fall
and secure the bottom rack
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Don’t tell her you love her
just show her you do
Don’t show her you love her
unless it’s really true
Don’t hold her if you don’t want her
neither let here hold you
Don’t touch or kiss her
even if she’d like you to
She may just be lonely
and just lost in what to do
So be patient, take it slowly
if you’re strong to carry through
You’ll be hers and hers only
and she’ll be yours too
Apr 2021 · 2.9k
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’m hanging
on the ‘y’
of your goodb  e
Apr 2021 · 424
What Was That?
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
said the clang
said the drum
said the flute
said the gong
said the strings
the violins
Mishmash was the noise
“                      “
said the voice
It’s so loud I can hardly hear anything
Apr 2021 · 907
Like Love & Hate
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
You          I am
are a lot    much like 
like Hate     Love, I hate  
you love to   that you    
despise     do  
It takes two parts of a heart to be broken
(to be read in two parts)
Apr 2021 · 788
Go For Gold
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
A silver spoon
still never feeds the soul

A silver lining
still cannot hold back the rain

A silver moon
still brings on the howling

A silver chain
still holds the weakest link
Is it ever ok to come second best?
Apr 2021 · 436
Look After Your Soul
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
“Look after your Soul”,
that old preacher would say
Cherish with your life
or it may wither away
Take care, to take care
and guard it well
Lest it becomes so sickly
it’s fit only for Hell
Apr 2021 · 246
Sometimes I wish I Bled
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
If water so easily slips through fingers
then why are these tears
still stored up in my head?
When all I’ve wanted
is just to cry sometimes
at those times
I’ve wished I bled
Mar 2021 · 788
You Are More Than Words
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
“Words are everything”, said the poet
And he was willing to let them go
to continue to love her
Mar 2021 · 118
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening,
I was too busy trying to get this down.
Mar 2021 · 108
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
You sit off the edge of my mind
dangling your slippers
before my eyes
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
Picasso always stroked his perfect lines
beautifully and gently  
Yet still found himself
painting weeping women
Mar 2021 · 169
The Boy With The Hole
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I’m just a broken man
and broken, yes, I  am.
It’s nothing new, I’m just old.
Ever since I was young I’d been told,
”It’s the boy with the crack”,
and that fine line around my soul
formed the piece, I now lack
and I became,
‘The boy with the hole’

All along they would say
“Hey, boy with the missing piece,
I’d like a part, if that’s okay,
and can I take one please?”

and they'd take what they can
and break what they would
left me less than the man I was
holding only to what I could

Now, they point about
at the piece from my breast
where my heart fell out
from that hole in my chest.
They watch and laugh
and waiting perhaps,  
to steal another piece
and watch me collapse.

Yet still standing strong
though I’ve a hole in my head
“Just keep that  brain bigger”,
my father once said.
“Beware my son,
for one thing is true,
everyone will want to take
a piece of you”
“You want a piece of me do ya!” ;)
Mar 2021 · 555
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I glued the tears
back to your eyes
that dropped off your face
but got stuck in the lies
Now all I see
when you cry
that dangling tear
filled with a lie

I stitched your smile
back in it’s place
but a ***** of blood
streamed off your face
Now all I see
beneath the guile
the drip of red
when you smile
Can never erase that lie
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
“No, It’s not good enough
this poem, on love”,

she said.

“It comes short, It’s falls flat
Love’s not this. Love’s not that.”

She read.

“You can’t force a rhyme each line
There’s no heart, just head”

I stared.

She was right
when she walked away
that night

A poem is not enough.
All poems end,
and true,

not like love.
Mar 2021 · 461
One Flick
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
One flick
of a matchstick
I light you up

One blow
at a candle glow
off you go

One glitch
of a light switch
you flicker

One snap
of a mouse trap

Mar 2021 · 955
Real Lies
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
real eyes
real lies
I take no credit for this amazing write. I found it scribbled roughly on a
scrap piece of paper by a patient
at a psychiatric ward.

I found it quite profoundly powerful.
Mar 2021 · 209
Love Lost
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I wish I could tell you
about the love
that stole my mind
Mar 2021 · 1.3k
Be Rich In Giving
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I have a bag full of money
Filled only with paper notes
it’s not really all that heavy
Infact, It’s so light it often floats
So I’m glad I don’t carry
The weight of the rich
on my back
because life would be so scary
weighed down by a sack
I’d rather be up and airy
strung along by a balloon
Flying up like a fairy
Scattering money from the moon
Mar 2021 · 134
When a Woman Loves a Man
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
When a woman loves a man
She is patient
She knows he’s built like a factory
And there’s certain parts of him that won’t work
But he’s working
And bringing the steam
so she can be warm
Unlike her, a garden, she is beautiful in all seasons, her soil is soft and clean
But he, gets ***** like a machine
When a woman loves a man
She understands the grease
And loves all of him even if she can’t hold him
Sometimes when he cries
It’s just a broken pipe, he’s trying to figure out beneath a bonnet
It’s not because he’s no longer in love
He’s just searching.
When a woman loves a man
She makes him feel like he’s the fire in her heart and she knows he needs to feel just as safe as she is.
When he’s quiet, she gives him air.
He’s just thinking.
He can’t believe he’s loved
with all his defects and loose cogs
and how can any woman love him
like you.
Love him
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