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May 2019 · 373
9,314 miles
empty seas May 2019
i wish you could give me a hug again
i wish i could mess up my brother’s hair
and try to pet all our dogs at once

i’m not at home here
this was supposed to be a
dream come true
a new family, a new life
traveling and living
but it’s not

after hearing the things
the woman who took me in said
i want to go back home
i want to be happy

this four year long dream
has been crushed

i’ve been on and off crying for an hour and have a bad headache now
May 2019 · 501
coming to terms
empty seas May 2019
i’m trying
to wrap my head
around what happened
i’ve never been dropped so
fast after being told
”i love you”

how much
was a lie you told?
how much was just so
you could wrap your hands
around my fragile heart?
i don’t think i’ll
ever know

i want
to scream
rage and make
you understand the

spun tales
about a future
you never truly wanted
i was just
an option
an outcome
someone to
maybe choose
to love

and it hurts.

a lot.

my heart was an open house
you let yourself in
and tore the
place to

i don’t know
if you’ll ever understand
what your decisions
have done
to me

i feel used. my heart hurts so much. why did i let this happen to me again.
May 2019 · 1.0k
empty seas May 2019
somedays i think
if i looked inside your heart
he would be there
instead of me

Apr 2019 · 436
crying to the moon
empty seas Apr 2019
no one wants me

i’m too loud
and it shows

i see the looks
on my new friends’ faces
it makes me not want to try

i’ll try for now
but i’m worried it’ll
never work
“if you weren’t the new kid
i would make fun of you
for your perfectionism”
-my friend
Apr 2019 · 399
ocean child
empty seas Apr 2019
i feel so alone
without the waves
of the ocean
crashing over me

i can't be satiated
i just want to smell the
salt in the air
feel the foam on my skin

i want to see the beauty
the ocean can give me

i'm snorkeling at the great barrier reef in a week and i am just so freaking excited
Mar 2019 · 630
i miss the warmth of hugs
empty seas Mar 2019
my eyes are burning
they were open much too long
so let me close them
and kiss the tears that slip through the cracks
wrap your warm arms around me
and hold me
until the sun rises
i like you, and i want to trust you
but for now, i just dream
Mar 2019 · 308
ghost on the water
empty seas Mar 2019
a ghost on the water
can you see her?
the pasts of people thrown overboard
cast aside
she is waste
second place
proxy for someone better

and she knows
there’s always someone other
than her

i’ve always tried so hard but i’ll always be a replacement or a rebound
i know in some cases that’s not true but i can’t convince myself otherwise
i don’t even know why i try with my friendships when it’s so obvious i’m annoying
i just wanna cry and give up
Mar 2019 · 219
a lil bit of love
empty seas Mar 2019
i took a picture of myself
and saved it

i never thought
i could begin to love myself again
i’m trying really hard to be happy and appreciate myself and i think it’s working
i don’t have any pictures of myself from the past few years because i hated how i looked so much
Mar 2019 · 545
empty seas Mar 2019
i keep looking at pictures
of you
imagining what it would be like
to hold you in my arms

me? finally having enough emotional security to develop a crush? it’s more likely than you think
honestly tho how long until she hates me
Feb 2019 · 281
bre a k
empty seas Feb 2019
yes, i’m fine
just wait a minute for the tears
to stop passing by

i honestly thought i was going to last a month in Australia without having a breakdown, but I guess not
it was in the middle of class and i cried for so long, I feel so embarrassed
Feb 2019 · 1.1k
empty seas Feb 2019
it starts with a whisper
quiet as the wind through your hair as you trek towards the water’s edge
feet sinking into the sand below

then it grows
filling your mind’s eye as the sight stretches before you, water crashing and frothing, stealing golden rays from the sunset above

the water tugs at your feet
the ocean, either through kindness or indifference, decides not to take you now
she just lets you watch
silently pouring all your emotions into the roar that surrounds you, into the endless amount of water at your feet and in front of you
and she listens
you are so small,
your problems and emotions are even smaller

she whispers to you, through the roar of her waves, the wind through your hair, the water stretching endlessly into the horizon

you are so small
and that is okay

bit of a different style, but I thought it captured the experience better
empty seas Feb 2019
i talk to
new people
i smile and wave and
make new friends

who is this new me?

even a year ago
i couldn’t imagine being
this open
this friendly
this happy

i look at old journal entries
when i was constantly stressed
and i’m surprised at who
i have become

and although anxiety still hits
like needles in skin
i push through it
until the end
i usually write poems about all the bad stuff because that’s just what writes easiest, but I’m okay.
I’m finally okay.
Feb 2019 · 322
blowing dandelions
empty seas Feb 2019
i leaned on the fence
dandelion in my hand
and as i blew it
i whispered

i wish
to forgive

i want to let go
Feb 2019 · 455
empty seas Feb 2019
the stars are bleeding
golden wisdom from the sky
drips down to us below

i open my arms wide
stare up at the dizzying darkness
and let the stars and universe
help me do what’s right
i am at a crossroads
empty seas Feb 2019
i stare
and i stare
my eyes are burning
but i can’t look away
from my safety
i can’t live in the moment
i’m so scared
i won’t admit it to anyone’s face but
i’m drowning in fear and loneliness
i have no good friends
people look at me as a conversation topic, not as a person
it might always be this way
and that’s what scares me the most
empty seas Feb 2019
some days i wonder why i get out of bed
my soul caves on itself
tangling into a tight ball
as if smaller means less harm
will come to it

i still get the urges
the want
to rip my skin and fat off my thighs
to change the landscape of my body
because i hate
and hate
body positivity? haven’t heard of her
Feb 2019 · 348
can you hear me?
empty seas Feb 2019
i can't breathe
there's a crushing weight on my chest
pushing and squeezing all the life out of me

i feel so utterly alone and helpless
desperately trying to feel okay
be okay
but it's so hard
when i'm so alone
so alone
im so tired
i have so much homework to do but i can’t stop doing things that are familiar and easy
Feb 2019 · 227
empty seas Feb 2019
people hurt
they take your heart in their hands and squeeze the life out of it
but why

why do they lie
why do they say things that make you question yourself again and again

is it because they’re miserable
do they like to see the insercurity bubble up on others’ faces
or they just want to see you upset

i’m so confused
what is your objective
what do you want from me
Jan 2019 · 202
my dreams are only dark
empty seas Jan 2019
i want to
fall asleep
let my body
shut down
let my brain
not think

i feel wired
on the edge
like a seam being unraveling
or a boat breaking apart in a storm
not gone
but going
not passively
but pulled apart

and even in my dreams i do not escape this
i sleep for a long time, but i always feel tired as soon as i wake up
Jan 2019 · 343
12 days and counting
empty seas Jan 2019
oh the clock ticks
towards my departure
new place
almost-new life
i’m terrified and excited

oh, how hard it is
to understand how
it is
My visa got approved!! I’m so excited to leave my home town (hopefully along with some of this drama too lol)
Jan 2019 · 263
The Asshole Moment
empty seas Jan 2019
we have all had
bad days
worse days
where the straw breaks the camel’s back
and we snap
and then we become an *******

i had my moment
a few months back
full of anxiety and repressed anger
i snapped
i was an *******
and i regret it

maybe they deserved it
but that doesn’t matter
maybe I apologized
but that doesn’t matter
i was a ****
plain and simple

but then i got better
a couple bad mistakes
don’t make me a bad person
now i keep that moment close
but not enough to where it hurts

i’m a better person now
and less of an *******
i had a bad incident, but i’m not the same person i was at the time of it.
empty seas Jan 2019
i am buried
in the mountains of things you said to me
words upon words
stories upon stories
how much
was true?

i don't think i'll ever know
your truths and lies are both a mystery to me
so i
di s t a  n    c      e
myself from the words
but i will always be wrapped up in it no matter how much
i want to be free
i'm part of those words now

when words tip out of your mouth my name will be there
good memories tainted with disgust
i went from a nice person who did a few rude things
to an *******
to a monster
what point did it start becoming a lie?
at what point did the person you view in your mind stop becoming me
or it is possible that your words are so influential that i have now become what you said
or has it always been that way

i don't know

it feels wrong to be scared
god, it's been months, but i've always been so affected by people's words about me, so being called a monster and having that behavior justified by one of my closest friends has been a wild ride. i can't help feeling so alone and awful when i think about it. i really am starting to feel like i've always been a bad person and i've worked so hard to like myself again that this just feels like i've been pushed back down the stairs of progress. i just want to be told i'm a good person and believe it.
empty seas Jan 2019
i was pacing back and forth
wondering how i could tell you
how amazing and awesome you are
oh, but i knew

i knew your mind is shut
you think your value lies with him
he’s your lifeboat with a leaky bottom
you’re drowning, not trying to swim

so please do what’s best
for your health and your heart
you’ve probably guessed what i’ll say
but i still think it’s a start


you’re way to good for him
the shining star you are
please take care of yourself
and go say au revior

i want you to be okay
but he just makes you feel like ****
i know you’re in love with him
but please just go do it

dump his ***.
this isn’t the best poem I’ve written, but it really gets the point across, hopefully

for everyone who’s in a ****** relationship, get out of it. You may love them, but they’ll only hurt you, and you deserve way better than that
empty seas Jan 2019
the world
is so much
than i
have been told

one person
was never
my world

one town
is not
my world

my world
is the universe
and everything
i can get
my hands on
the world is so big and beautiful
empty seas Jan 2019
i just
have to
and tell myself
it’s okay
to not want something
it’s okay
to not please everyone
it’s okay
to feel emotions

i don’t have
to sacrifice
to make someone else

one of my not-very-close friends is here in my house spending the night and I really really don’t want him to be here because they can be super clingy and I really don’t like it but I don’t know what to do so I’m just hiding in my room
empty seas Dec 2018
pieces of me
stick to past pains
like they're a part of me

but no

i must let go
move on
a million other words
that will do me
only good

i can't keep dwelling
on things
that bring up
anxiety and fear

so i fight
to finally become
i have bad habits that bring up bad memories, so i'm fighting to break them as best as possible
Dec 2018 · 453
as the wind goes
empty seas Dec 2018
people come
and go


they leave
whether by virtue
of circumstance
or choice

and this time
the choice
is mine

i cannot
be friends
with you
any longer

does not
make me
a monster

is not
my fault.
Dec 2018 · 546
the dream
empty seas Dec 2018
held my hand
and kissed me
in the forest
as sun dappled
leaves swayed
around us

hugged me
as i cried
asked questions
and most of all
was kind

was the
summer sun
winter snow
autumn leaves
spring flowers
everything lovely
in the world

we only had
a few hours
together but
the dream
felt like forever
so wonderful
and so real
i woke up last night
for the boy
i lost
Dec 2018 · 816
years not spent wasted
empty seas Dec 2018
i’ve spent
of my life
i’m not
a monster


i deserve
to be happy

words hurt me
they will not change me
i grow stronger
lies do not cut
as much as they used to
Dec 2018 · 219
sticks and stones
empty seas Dec 2018
names stick
they burrow
into your being
breaking you

each second
they tear through
my bones
into the spaces
between my organs

the words
force themselves
into me
but i’ll be ******
if i let them
become me

empty seas Dec 2018
i can’t handle
public shaming
it’s my weakness
my paranoia

i felt hot all over
my eyes filled with tears
and i tried
not to cry
as 40 people stared

someone i admire
hurt me
made fun of me
in front of people
i like
and i couldn’t
handle it
i’m too weak
to handle it

when class was over
i walked out
and cried

Public shaming makes me so paranoid about what people think and it makes me so upset. I haven’t had a good past few days and this made it so much worse. I can’t go home and change out of the clothes that I was made fun of for and I’m so anxious and hurt.
empty seas Dec 2018
my body was cold and hot
my hands shook
and as tears began to well up in my eyes
i could only think
why did this take so long
but in the end
only a few tears fell
and i was left
the same
empty seas Dec 2018
everything is heavy
it hurts to move
it hurts to breathe
i just want this
pain to end
this drama
i’m sick of worrying
whether or not people
think i’m a monster
i just want to be left alone
god, please
just leave me alone
once i leave,
i don’t want to come back
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