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empty seas Dec 2018
i don’t think anyone loves me anymore
everything i say and do
feels muted
like if no one notices it
it starts to not exist at all

i have so many things
i want to talk about
its been so long
since i’ve been someone’s best friend
i don’t remember the last time
someone invited me to hang out
without me asking

i miss the days
when my best friends and i
would curl up on a couch or bed
and watch Netflix
that hasn’t happened in a long time

i just feel so lonely
i’m wrapped up in my own head
and everyday i want to leave more
this town has shown me the depths
of loneliness
and i want to abandon it
just run
and not come back
i have so many secrets to share
but no one wants to listen
Dec 2018 · 601
sickness #4
empty seas Dec 2018
it took me a while to realize
this isn’t normal
most people don’t wake up
feeling sick
they don’t have to plan when to eat
to avoid throwing up

i avoided help for so long
because i could handle the pain
but i spent so many days
huddled in a ball trying to keep my guts
from liquidating
i guess i still avoid help
because this constant
day-in-day-out pain
seems like it’ll never end
Dec 2018 · 1.0k
i am made of glass and steel
empty seas Dec 2018
no one has made a hole in my heart
that i couldn’t fix
in the end, i don’t need anyone
Dec 2018 · 166
soft fantasies
empty seas Dec 2018
i want to take a walk
through trees and gentle sunlight
holding hands together
like we were destined to be this way

i want to study together
books and papers lying around
legs crossed over each other’s
helping ourselves to success

i want to go on dates
coffee and food and movies
hesitant touches as we redefine boundaries
falling in love slowly

i want to kiss you
arms around your shoulders
your hands on my waist
soft and gentle
like the world falling into place
Dec 2018 · 242
empty seas Dec 2018
everything was beautiful
the equipment in every science lab
the basement of the residential hall
I felt myself fall in love
with the school around me
the enthusiasm of the seniors
the old and new buildings
I felt my future
at the reach of my fingertips
I just only hope
I’ll be allowed to make the jump
I got to tour a boarding school and it was so amazing. This poem can’t begin to describe the happiness and excitement I felt there
empty seas Nov 2018
i’m beginning to hate myself again
all my work has been for naught
i still feel the same nausea when i look in the mirror
i still feel the same disgust when i eat
i still feel the urge to rip my skin off
has anything changed?
i remember what it feels like to be happy
but i was filled with anxiety for so long
i think it’s become my natural state

i don’t want to give up
but it’s so hard...
my skin is burning and
every step is like walking through fire
but i promised myself i wouldn’t give up
i won’t give in
i left the part of me that gives up behind
even as i crack
even as i burn
even as i hurt
i do not stop
i do not give up
sorry if the not giving up theme is a little redundant but it’s important to me
empty seas Nov 2018
the sunlight caresses her face
her smile shines with the light of all the stars

the wind slides through her hair
she laughs as it gets in her eyes

it's as if nature is trying to touch her
wrap its hands around her curves and claim her
as its own

she’s beautiful
and i have not met her yet
but i dream
and i wait

I want a girl/boyfriend, but I’m so scared I’ll ***** it up
also it’s not like anyone would ever want to date me so i guess I don’t have to worry that much about whether or not I’ll mess it up
Nov 2018 · 1.3k
corpse: pan-pan (3)
empty seas Nov 2018
i can’t do this
i’m not good enough

i can’t control my own actions recently
obsessively checking and checking
to see if someone is talking about me behind my back

i ate close to 4 meals today
i just ate and ate and even when i was full
i couldn’t stop
even now my stomach yells at me
so full yet so hungry
and the whispers say just throw up
but i’m still too cowardly to try

i can’t stop shaking
if not my hands, my legs
if not my legs, my teeth
at one point i could feel my brain inside my skull
everything is uncomfortable and hurts
so, so much

i am a failure
i am a failure
and i need to drill it though my
rotting brain
before self confidence comes again
i can’t do anything
i can’t practice for a state competition
i can’t study for the ACT
i can’t even keep myself from tearing
the inside of my cheek apart
in an attempt to stay calm
i’m rotting

i am falling apart
i can’t do this
i’m not good enough
i am a failure
empty seas Nov 2018
i’m trying hard
to keep it together
desperation is my middle name
restless nights
and hopeless days
i can’t do enough
can’t be enough
to keep up this juggling act
everything is falling apart so spectacularly
a fire of blues and reds and purples
one that only i can see

so i play a little game with myself
let’s see how well i can pretend everything is okay
i’ve gotten good at it recently
as my plans for my future start to crumble in my palms
i can still feign interest over a friend’s passing fling
i’ve even been able to pretend
my self esteem is going up
accepting compliments
even convincing myself i’m not a failure
it’s laughable, really
a ******* like me,
who can’t even keep
her life from falling apart,
finally loving herself?
not gonna happen

so i laugh
and sit
and watch
as everything falls apart
Wowee everything has not been good recently, and someone has made it worse, but I cant let it show bc I’m basically the therapist of the group
I’m supposed to be the emotionally stable one, the one you can always ask for advice or help in school work and I don’t know how long I can keep up this facade of being okay
Nov 2018 · 1.9k
i’ll never be good enough
empty seas Nov 2018
i failed again
i couldn’t make myself work
i’m supposed to be good at things
i’m too lazy for anything, though
i am a failure
everything i touch crumbles
everyone i love leaves
i can’t even muster enough motivation
to practice for the upcoming competition
or work on securing my future
i’m awful
why can’t i ******* do things
god im a failure at everything I’m so ******* lazy
empty seas Nov 2018
the fire whispered apologizes in her ear
begging for her embrace once again
she began to waver
just a tad
but then she looked around
at the fire’s history all around them
she saw the destruction, the hate, the lies
and suddenly she remembered
the healing burns
on her skin
her resolve hardened
she would not excuse the pain
fire does not regret what it hurts
it only begs for more to burn

bad metaphors? bad metaphors
empty seas Nov 2018
some people hate me
that fact pushes down on my chest
chokes me
it’s an excuse for my anxiety to creep in
it’s a simple fact that threatens to destroy
my fragile self-love
i cannot change that fact
some people i will never meet will think of my name and disgust will paint their face
some people will only know the worst of me, the person i have sought to change
some people i have met will dislike me
for no other reason than that i was annoying to them
and there’s nothing i can do about that
so when the hate tries to consume me
i just have to let go
in some places my name has been slandered even though i don’t know anyone and it’s a terrifying thought, but that does not make me or the people who believe that bad people
it does not make me worthless or awful
empty seas Nov 2018
the anxiety was like hooks in my body
digging into the edges of my organs
cramming everything to the sides
and leaving a gaping emptiness behind
it was all day, consuming me

i feel like that again, sometimes
my organs shift inside my body
my bones begin to ache
and the only solution seems to be
to open my skin and set everything right
to hurt

but i stop myself
i stop myself
and again, i realize
i can handle my own pain
i can handle my own anxiety

i've finally started taking care of myself
i've finally gotten rid of the toxicity in my life
and sometimes my lungs still feel like ten-pound weights
and sometimes it still seems almost easier to tear into my skin
but i don't
i fight through it
and although somedays feel impossible
i fight for my future
i fight against my own anxiety and fears
i fight against what other people have told me
i fight for myself
because i deserve to be happy and loved
and that's a long battle, indeed
and to make this happen

i will never ******* give up
empty seas Nov 2018
the ocean
it calls
reaching out with invisible fingers
beckoning me
come, child of mine
to the place you were meant to be
the place you've always yearned for
the only place you'll ever feel at peace

i am its long lost child
briefly returned but never for long enough
and it calls for me to return forever

my child, it says
you have only glimpsed your future
place your life in my hands
i will guide you
you will be okay

i comply
i will be okay
the wanting gets worse somedays, like the feeling is consuming me, and all i want to do is sit and let the waves crash over me
empty seas Nov 2018
it was dark
the closet
small, too
i put the sandbag down
he did too
i tried to leave
when he grabbed me
wrapped his arms around me hard
pinning my arms to my sides
and i was frozen
all i could say was
“Boy, what are you doing”
(stupid, i know
but thoughts were frozen in my head)
and he
kept squeezing
like we were old friends
when i considered him a stranger
i was frozen
a thousand other synonyms all applied
is he going to hurt me?
he lifted me up slightly
and i said again
“what are you doing?”
that’s when
he slapped his hand on my mouth
said “you’re under arrest”
but then someone came in the room
and he let go of me and left
what did i do wrong?
i was friendly
i joked
but i never did anything inviting
so why?
empty seas Nov 2018
it’s comforting to know
the anxiety and pain i feel
is the tide
of the chemicals in my brain

i try to control the ebb and flow
with medicine
and it works, for the most part
i no longer feel like i’m always drowning
but solutions are never that simple
and when the tide rolls in
and i sink under the waves
i remind myself
that i will be okay

when the tide rolls in
it has to roll back out again

empty seas Nov 2018
i say i strive to do my best
but that is not true
i strive for perfection
because my best isn’t good enough

if i’m in the 99th percentile
there’s still 1% who beat me
i must be better

A’s are not sufficient anymore
i have to have 100s in my classes
i must be better

i am a hideous Medusa of a monster
i must dress better, cover my face
i must be better

if i am not perfect, i am worthless
if i am not perfect, i am worthless
if i am not perfect, i am worthless
if i am not perfect, i am worthless
i am worthless
i am worthless
i deserve this endless hunt, this punishment
always failing to meet my goals
i deserve all the sleepless nights and anxiety and having panic attacks over getting a B on an assignment
Why? because i am a worthless human being
i only hurt and cause pain and everyone who has ever known me knows this, even if not consciously
they are all perfect in all their imperfections, balancing it out with kindness and friendship
i am just worthless
Nov 2018 · 420
the next step
empty seas Nov 2018
I have always been
fiercely independent
even when people took away
pieces of my personality
that has always remained
and I’m proud of it

my family raised me
to meet my future head on
and now it’s time
to take the next step
into that future
They finally found my host family for when I’m going to be a foreign exchange student!!!
I’m honestly so happy, it’s going to be amazing
Nov 2018 · 507
the anger
empty seas Nov 2018
the anger
through the air

at my head

i could not leave
could not shut
it out
could not feel
can’t be calm

the anger
it pulls
wraps its arms
around me
pulls itself
into that empty place
above my stomach
in my ribcage
it was them
and now
is me

they put
the anger there
placed it
by the force
of the looks
the words
the tears
the anger is
all around
are not
are never
will never be

anxiety is
not just fear
it is
the rage
the fear
it wraps itself
in you
and you can only
channel it
you can only
self destruct

anxiety and anger
are two sides
of the same coin
and i
the two
i stop
at all
i flip
and i flip
it seems like
the only thing
i do
Oct 2018 · 175
empty seas Oct 2018
i’d forgotten what it felt like
to be confident in your body

i’m Finally able to look at myself
my face
my chest
my stomach
my legs
and appreciate them all

it feels really nice

i have bad moments where
i think i’m ugly and fat and awful
but they’re becoming less and less and less

and the weirdest part
is that i’m not feeling this because someone says i’m pretty
and i guess that makes sense
because after all
her words never seemed to translate
into her actions
and after all
i’ve never let someone’s views
form my own opinions

either way
i know i’m...
well, i haven’t decided what i am yet
but i don’t think i’m ugly

i was shown that it was okay
to let your anxiety control you
but i will no longer let that happen
to me

side affect of being confident: I really want to flirt with this cute British girl that showed up to an academic team meet but I’m too much of a coward
Oct 2018 · 4.7k
control + alt + delete
empty seas Oct 2018
i went through
every poem
about her
and made them

maybe now
it'll be easier
to feel better
to feel free

i have no more poems
about the good times
for the bad times
outweighed them

i feel freer
although i am sad
my most popular poem
is gone

it is for the best
i am freer
if you noticed my number of poems drop down randomly in the past two days, that is because i deleted all my poems about my manipulative ex
i was going to leave them up as a testament to our time together (unsurprisingly, a lot of those poems were actually quite negative). I am usually unafraid of the past but my poems about her made me cringe whenever I saw them. I deleted them to make me feel better.
empty seas Oct 2018
i feel so cold and alone
all the hurt i’ve experienced is my fault
i’m so dumb
so naïve
so willing to please
i let my personality fade away
and i don’t know where it’s gone

all the feelings of those months
came back to me
the constant nausea
the paranoia
the want to hurt
the feeling of being
so utterly useless and ugly

i was beginning to regain
some semblance of self-confidence
but when i think of those days
it’s gone
and all i can think is:
i’m so ugly
i’m so dumb and stupid
why am i like this?
why am i so awful?

i feel like all the progress i made is gone...
Oct 2018 · 318
close friends
empty seas Oct 2018
i can never seem to keep close friends
they come and go
almost as fast as possible
so i latch on where i can
taking things faster than necessary

i just want to be loved
but no one ever loves me for long

i want a hug...
i just don’t think im a good person anymore
people who said they loved me and cared about me always leave, even when they promise
I just want a consistent friendship for once, but i don’t think anyone will ever like me enough for that to happen
Oct 2018 · 2.2k
soft love
empty seas Oct 2018
I want a soft kind of love
holding hands while
taking walks in the park
learning different bird songs
just to point them out

I want a friendly kind of love
being able to talk to friends
and go to social events
without capitalizing all of each other's

I want a warm kind of love
compassion bleeding through every action
cuddles and warm cocoa
and helping each other when we're down
no hopelessness around

I want an aware kind of love
knowing when to take things slow
and that it's okay to not want to do things
no more closed doors to other people
just when it doesn't hurt

I want real love
love that doesn't hurt
love that isn't lust
love that makes you feel nice
love that is not all-consuming
love that helps you

love that is love
love doesn't have to be fast and secret and rough
it can be kind and soft
you just have to find the right one
Oct 2018 · 2.0k
me myself and i
empty seas Oct 2018
i’m trying to be better
a better leader
a better friend
a better student
a better person
and it’s hard
every step feels like dragging my feet through syrup
but i can feel improvement

i am starting to love myself
to love the way my mind
finds comfort in learning
to love the way
i’m good at things

i feel more free now
no longer someone’s crutch
but now i feel a solid future under my feet
instead of constantly being pushed down

i’m not quite happy yet
not as happy as i was
ignorant happiness is hard to beat
some days i crave intimacy
but i am not a dependent person
and i will wait until i’m better before pursuing someone else
it’s the right choice
being independent is something I’ve been priding myself on more recently
It just feels so nice to not be someone’s crutch for once, it’s like I can finally breathe, I’m really trying to use this to better myself though
A lot of people I know when they’re upset they just give up and never try to make things better and I’ve been desperately trying to avoid that
Weird rant over
Sep 2018 · 269
corpse: rotting (1)
empty seas Sep 2018
my limbs are so cold
my body failing to produce body heat
yet my heart still beats
my breaths are shallow
my lungs collapsing in on themselves
yet my heart still beats
my stomach always hurts
my intestines rotting from the inside out
yet my heart still beats
my mind is fuzzy
my brain unable to function while my body fails
yet my heart still beats

i am dead
a rotting corpse of a person
yet my heart still beats

i am dead
but i am alive
my anxiety often makes me feel like I’m a dead body, but certain things can dispel that feeling and make me feel alive
This poem series “corpse”, is one where I talk about this feeling and the things that manage to make me feel like a real person
empty seas Sep 2018
i want to look out at the beauty of the world
and be so filled with joy
that i can't hold it in
so i cry

or even
i want to cry
about the bad things
i want to cry about the love i lost
or even about the things you said to me

but i can't those things
i can't feel anything anymore
only a few things make me feel alive
but nothing brings me the satisfaction of tears
i just want to cry, is that too much to ask?
Sep 2018 · 202
hey you
empty seas Sep 2018
Yeah you
I know you’ll read this soon

I miss you, too
and I know it was my fault
things happened that I regret
(like not taking your advice)
but I hope we can put that behind us
I don’t know what our friendship is
right now
but I’d like to build it back up again
if you want too
so uh
we should talk again
A response
Sep 2018 · 129
empty seas Sep 2018
i don't like being caught in the rain
the moisture settles in my skin and sinks down
a painful numbness
i'm so cold
my muscles move in slow motion
and my bones ache
even hours after
the rain has been washed away
the cold is still there
settled in my skin
it never goes away
Sep 2018 · 275
the monster in my chest
empty seas Sep 2018
slimy fur slides past my stomach walls
wrapping tighter
and tighter
around my fragile lungs
i can't breathe
the monster in my chest is back
fed by my guilt
and your words
its claws are so sharp
its starving for my pain

it grabbed onto the part of me
that feels so guilty
and it forces me to think about
how upset you feel
and how you think i was unfair
and over
and over again

i don’t want to feel guilty
but it’s as if i have no choice
was i not fair?
i was kind and gave explanations
what more did you want?
Aug 2018 · 327
empty seas Aug 2018
how do you do something
that half of your body protests?

how do you leave behind
something that has made you so happy?

how to do you accept
that this will be for the greater good?

i have no answers to these questions
only silence
and decisions to be made
this applys to more than one thing in my life
Aug 2018 · 201
burial at sea
empty seas Aug 2018
can you hear the waves?
the relaxing sound
hides a dark undertone

a funeral song
helping the dead and the dying
drift off
to a more peaceful sleep

when i am but a husk
let me join the many
that rest
beneath the waves
and i can feed
the ocean's creatures
to give back what i have taken

life started in the oceans
and there
it shall end

Aug 2018 · 151
empty seas Aug 2018
sleep well
I love you

read 5 minutes ago
sometimes silence hurts more than words ever will
Aug 2018 · 187
empty seas Aug 2018
my muscles have frozen
my bones turned to icicles
my fingers crack at any movement
my blood turned to icy mush
and slowed to a trickle
even the hot summer sun
can’t keep me from shivering
the only thing I can feel
is the cold
anxiety is weird
empty seas Aug 2018
i used to have an easy time
enjoying myself
laughs came easy
smiles even easier
even being around these people made me happy

but something has changed
my heart has moved places
and my stomach refuses to consider the possibility that I’m safe
every word, every breath feels forced
out of an unchanging smile

i guess im just waiting
but i don’t know what for
for when ill finally have a day in which the possiblity of sleeping forever doesn’t feel appealing?
for when ill finally love myself?
maybe im just waiting for the sun to set
so we can finally start the bonfire
and the burning of my skin
will make me feel something
everything feels so numb and strange
i think it would’ve been better if i never woke up from that nap we took together
empty seas Jul 2018
ive been feeling weird recently
i have these Moments
where i just want to
curl up in a ball
and cry
Jul 2018 · 180
the tide
empty seas Jul 2018
sweep me away
start the
slow filling
of my lungs
with the salty
water of life
that will happen
to all of us

drown me
take me away

Jul 2018 · 433
another year
empty seas Jul 2018
another year of my life has gone by
and surprisingly
I’m staying alive

I’m getting things done
making things
making me

sometimes I’m properly

and I think that’s the best birthday gift of all
Just a quick poem for the occasion
Jun 2018 · 136
left behind
empty seas Jun 2018
this isn’t the first time
my friends
have forgotten
that i existed

it’s humbling
to realize
how easy you can slip through someone’s mind

sipping a melted popsicle
to hide the forming tears

”of course it’s alright!
everyone forgets something”

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