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Thomas King Mar 2018
You left without saying goodbye
You slipped so silently by
I had not even noticed
Until it was too late

I reached for you
Desperately through my darkness
Only to find an empty place
Where you used to be

I looked for you crazed
And with urgency
Like a moth who seeks the light
But was only greeted
With frustration and blindness

I called to you
But my words were returned to me
Unheard as if never spoken

I ran to you
But I stumbled and fell,
Crashing with realization of my betrayal

Please come back to me……
Forgive me for forgetting who you were,
And all that you had given me

I took you for granted
And let another’s lies
Blind my judgment

Please return to the place in me
That aches with loneliness and confusion
I have awakened from my torturous nightmare
And long for your reassuring touch

Give me your strength
So I my rise to my feet
And stand once again with purpose

Fill me again with your light
And guide me towards the path of my salvation
And never again shall I forsake you

Please return to me soon
For I am nothing without
a ” SOUL”.
3.0k · Feb 2018
Fallen from Grace
Thomas King Feb 2018
Fallen from grace,
No longer do I sit high upon the pedestal
That you had once put me
No longer am I seen as idol or mentor
Nor wanted as provider or protector
But now looked upon as an outcast
And banished from your heart

Betrayed by the one who now blinds you
With a veil of lies and deceit
That weighs on your young fragile heart
With heavy words of animosity and abhorrence

You have been trapped in a malevolent web
Of hatred and retribution
Used as an unwitting pawn
In a game of emotional chess

Your words of respect and adoration
Have been replaced by venomous accusations
Of brutality and oppression
Taught to you by the one
Who now holds the chains that bind your heart

But I will not be vanquished or deterred
By these attempts to falsify or dilute my love for you
I will be strong in my resolve and true to myself

I will not let these misguided asseverations
Destroy my confidence in knowing
That my spirit is pure and that one day
You will be able to break free from your restraints
And uncover your eyes
So you can distinguish the truth from the lies

Until that day comes I shall be waiting
Ready to stand next to you
As opposed to being on that pedestal
And walk down a new road with you
As your friend and equal
Written many years ago for my eldest son during a 4yr divorce/custody battle
2.6k · Jan 2018
A Voyage to Nowhere
Thomas King Jan 2018
I’ve sailed towards freedom
A lifetime it seems
But only manage to arrive
Only in my dreams

Stranded in this place
Like a ship on a reef
Held fast in the embrace
Of heartache and grief

Unable to pull free
From its iron tight grip
Trapped in the misery
On my now sinking ship

Desperation and anguish
Washes over my face
My hope starts to languish
On my voyage to this Imaginary place

I’m a mariner who’s out of sort
Traversing this turbulent sea
Searching for the nearest port
Where I can finally be free
1.6k · Dec 2017
All Lives Matter
Thomas King Dec 2017
How am I
To live a meaningful life
In a world full of misery
Inhumanity and strife

To dodge all the pitfalls
That lead us all to sin
Knowing good and well
It’s a battle we’ll never win

How am I
To be able to cope
In a society full racism
And a world who’s lost hope

To be reassured of a future
Where mankind still has a place
On this planet we have treated
With devastation and disgrace

How am I
To teach my children to cope
To surpass my expectations
Is there even still hope?

Will they be left with a planet
***** and poisoned beyond repair
A wasteland of religious hatred
Do we even really care?

How are “WE”
As a species expect to survive
If we all continue with the mind set
That only “MY” race and religion
Deserve to be alive.
1.5k · Jan 2018
Sowing the seed of love
Thomas King Jan 2018
Kindness and love
flows freely from your joyous being,
Radiating with a luminescence
bright and pleasing upon my soul

Chasing away the ebbing darkness
that threatens to engulf me
And denies the seed of my salvation to grow

Cascading words of rapture and merriment
Pours from your lips like a waterfall
Exciting and refreshing
Washing away the loneliness
Replenishing my dying pool of contentment.

Endless rays of the mornings bright promise
Reflect like diamonds in your eyes
across my emotional wasteland

Revitalizing the soil
with new expectations and hope
So that a new crop of pleasing feelings and thoughts
Can take root and flourish within me.

And your gentle hands
Can reap the bountiful harvest
That is my love.
1.5k · Dec 2017
The Hidden Truth
Thomas King Dec 2017
Sleepless nights full of regret
For holding it all in
Waiting for the erosion
Of my mind to begin

My soul wanders aimless
Blind, lost and weak
A beautiful future
Now dark, lonely and bleak

Where do I look for courage
To find my voice
Is it too late?
Do I still have a choice?

Am I destined to be silent?
Nothing more than a mute
Unable to express
And emotionally irresolute

So now I just sit
In a dark corner and sigh
Looking for answers
To the how, when and whys

I hope the answers come soon
On why I don’t speak
Why I can’t express what I feel
And why I feel lonely and weak

Until I find the answers
I’ll just continue to cut
But I will hide my arms well
So nobody sees and thinks I’m a nut.
902 · Dec 2017
Breaking the Rules
Thomas King Dec 2017
I really thought I knew
But I was sadly mistaken
The advantage over me
You had easily taken

The wool had completely
Covered my eyes
As I fell for all your excuses
Promises and lies

You were so dame convincing
Played the part so well
All the while pretending
And I could never even tell

Until the day you faltered
And let your true self out
I finally got a glimpse
Of what you were truly about

I couldn't really believe it
I didn't want it to be so
But now that you're exposed
I have no choice but to go

I will no longer be made
To look like a fool
And never forgive myself
For breaking my own rule

The rule most important
That was number one on my chart
To never completely give
Someone my fragile heart
878 · Dec 2017
Silly Little Moon
Thomas King Dec 2017
You envy me so
With all of your might
You want to steal all my warmth
And extinguish my light

You covet my power
And my celestial role
You want to replace me
With all your heart and soul

You yearn for the control
Over the mornings and day
Your greed for more time
Has lead you astray

You try to block me out
Every couple of years
Unable to completely do so
It brings you to tears

You obsess over my fame
You detest all my praise
You despise my allure
And my warm loving rays

Void of any beauty
You feel dead and cold
Stories of your greatness
Will never be told

Forever chasing the day
You’re bound to the night
You will never be happy
Till you’re the only one on sight

Your quest to seize the day
Is useless and in vain
You’re stuck in your own orbit
That feeds your jealousy and pain

Your chance of replacing me as a star
Won’t be coming soon
For I’m the life giving sun
Silly little moon....
874 · Dec 2017
If Only I Were a Flower
Thomas King Dec 2017
Torn from your life
Like a **** from a garden
Not caring of my feelings
Or even asking my pardon

Mindlessly dislodged
And left to wither and die
Not even given the chance
To tell you goodbye

My love no longer worthy
My caring no longer wanted
And the pain that I feel
I will forever be haunted

But I hold tight to my resolve
And hold my head high
As I choke down the tears
And refuse now to cry

I know in my heart
Even after I’m gone
My love for you still
Forever lives on

It lives in the soil
Where my roots still remain
Tattered and torn
But alive just the same

So like a **** in garden
It will grow once again
In the same exact spot
Where once I had been

It will grow strong and proud
Replenished and new
With kindness and caring
To give only to you

To watch over and protect you
And give you its love
As I painfully watch you
From the heavens above

If only I were a flower
Succulent and ornate,
Maybe I would not have had
To suffer this fate
868 · Jan 2018
Lost identity
Thomas King Jan 2018
How can this be
That this face I now see
Was the face of blissful youth
And everything yet to be

It’s now twisted in hatred
Misery and pain
My Life's hard lessons
Have clearly been in vain

Those once innocent eyes
Bright and filled with wonder
Now dark and full of contempt
From the dark spell I’ve fallen under

Drained of everything
That was wholesome and clean
Unable to remember what hope
Or happiness really mean

Staring now back at me
Are my eyes that now see
The reflection that depicts a face
I no longer recognize as me
848 · Feb 2018
Poetry in Motion
Thomas King Feb 2018
Flowing effortlessly
as you arabesque twirl and spin,
as the music in your heart
starts to begin.

Poised and graceful
as you move to the sound,
as if your talented feet
are not even touching the ground.

Fluid and elegant
like wind through your hair
as you fouette’ and leap
and fly through the air.

Delicate feet
landing softly again to the floor;
to impress all the world
like never before.

You are poetry in motion
and our hearts you do lift
to be able to witness
your beautiful gift.
819 · Dec 2017
Invisible Man
Thomas King Dec 2017
Devoid of all substance and matter
I am empty to the core
Cold and vacant are my eyes
My soul resides in me no more

Love and desire have vacated my heart
And my will and hope have fled
Any thoughts of joy or happiness
No longer fill my head

Drained of all feeling and emotion
All that’s left is an empty shell
My tears have dried, my voice has gone
I’m now unable to cry or yell

My spiritual existence has ended
And left me completely hollow
If my courage hadn’t left me long ago
I would let my mortal life follow

Indistinguishable from the nothingness
I am the darkness’s biggest fan
As I am now resigned to be
Just another invisible man
800 · Mar 2019
Thomas King Mar 2019
Blood stained eyes
Gaze upon innocents sleeping form,
Malevolent intent spoils the promise of blissful slumber.

Beauty immeasurable,
As naive eyes twitch with dreams of purity and grace.

Seething abhorrence guides twisted hands towards violent deeds.

Warm sweet breath exhales from un-kissed lips,
Wet with remembrance and anticipation
Of life’s wonders yet to be lived.

Horrifying screams from now waken eyes,
As an incestuous destruction of one’s self is committed
And the very soul of god is ripped from the now ruined vessel
Of what was once,
Innocent’s sleeping form.
For those who have lived the nightmare.
724 · Dec 2017
At The End Of My Rope
Thomas King Dec 2017
Stuck in this place
Full of empty space
Where the deafening silence
Awaits a verbal embrace

Just one utterance of hope
To be given the strength to cope
And I will unwind the noose
From the end of my rope

Just one ray of light
To regain my sight
To be able to be set free
From all of the anger and fright

Unable to bear
This mask of shame I now wear
To keep living this lie
That anyone will even care

But now it’s too late
My feet now fully off the crate
And my body is now free
From my minds loathing and self hate
702 · Dec 2017
Waiting on you
Thomas King Dec 2017
I’m waiting on you
And I'm being very patient
To show you my love
Is my only intent

The hours and minutes
Tick by unmercifully slow
And my anticipation for your touch
Just seems to grow and grow

Unable to focus
My thoughts are only of you
As the hours pass into days
My red heart fades to blue

I yearn for you intensely
As those days turn into weeks
My life seems meaningless without you
Your presence my soul now seeks

Weeks have evolved into months
And my sadness I can hardly bare
I feel as though I’m fading
Into the nothingness I now stare

Desperation and heart ache
Months now have become a year
Losing you forever
Was my deepest dark fear

You left without reason
With out even a warning
Now in the stillness of this place
I find myself mourning

But today I stand at your grave
And realize now it must be
That you’re the one who now
Is patiently waiting for me….
630 · Jan 2018
Forgive And Forget
Thomas King Jan 2018
Love hast now faded
In its place
Hate is traded

Death to lights spark
Now a heart
lonely and dark

From this now dark place
Dost thy torment embrace

Forsaken and now forgotten
Thy love withered and rotten

Darkness dost now rule
Thy hatred
unbearable and cruel

But fear not
thy blinded treachery

From loves grave
I pardon thee.
601 · Dec 2017
Witches Brew
Thomas King Dec 2017
With your eyes full of hate
As venom drips from your fangs,
Your pores oozing contempt
While anger courses through your veins.

A putrid cloud of malevolence
Surrounds your black heart,
While animosity and revenge
Rips your sanity apart.

Your mind has been poisoned
And your spirit subverted,  
By the slow death of your soul
Which you could have averted.

You chose to consume
The evil and hate,
Eating every rancid morsel
Served to you on that plate.

You wash it all down
With that liquid you hold dear,
As you continue to drown
In your own misery and fear.

This sickness has destroyed
Everything you held true,
You’ve traded your life
For that foul witches brew.

Unable to see
Past the darkness and lies,
Even deaf now to hear
Your soul’s pleadings and cries.

Unsuccessfully you try
To wash it away,
As you drink from that bottle
Day after day.  

I pray for your soul
And the torment you face,
But the truth about yourself
Alcohol can never erase.
583 · Mar 2019
A Shadow of Doubt
Thomas King Mar 2019
I try to be strong
To hold onto my belief
That soon I will be free
From all of this grief

Solid and true
Is my resolve and my will
But that unknowing dark force
Continues to follow me still

I know it’s a manifestation
I’ve created and given life
As it cuts through my defenses
Like the sharp blade of a knife

It threatens to do harm
To all I have built
By delivering that blade
All the way to the hilt

But I know in my heart
My skin is too thick
And my nerves are aware
My reactions to quick

So cautiously I move
Aware of its presence and threat
Creating this darkness
I will always regret

In my mind I try forgetting
Try shutting it out
But I guess there is no escaping
My shadow of doubt
520 · Feb 2018
-Love Sick-
Thomas King Feb 2018
I am listening to your heartbeat
As I lay my head gently upon your breast

My throbbing emotions within
Keeping time with its every beat.

As I listen to your life’s blood
Pass through your body

I imagine each corpuscle
Is filled with a tiny bit of my love

As it courses through your veins
To infect every part of your body
Like a disease

Until it finally reaches your brain
Where it is slowly absorbed into each cell

So that your every thought
Is now only of my love.
514 · Dec 2017
Feast or Famine
Thomas King Dec 2017
Passionate kisses
Fall upon my hungry lips
As loving hands
Caress my cheeks

Knowing eyes
Look deep into my soul
Searching for my innocence
That wanders lost and starving
Inside my darkness

Soothing words
Call forth restrained emotions
Locked deep within the ravenous confines
Of my loneliness

The sweet aroma of your passion
Wafts gently into my nose
And fills my head with the promise
Of your delectable sustenance

Do I break my fast
And ingest your delicious promises
That entices my hungry senses?

Do I let my love starved innocents
Be found by your searching eyes?

Shall I follow those soothing words
Straight to the rapturous bounty
That is your love?

Shall I trust those loving hands
And take hold
To be pulled from the dark depths
Of my loneliness and emotional famine?

Am I ready to feast
Upon the sumptuous banquet you offer,
Or has my appetite been lost forever?

I think I will just taste your passionate kisses
And let my heart decide
How hungry it really is.
501 · Feb 2018
Just One Touch
Thomas King Feb 2018
Just one touch
Is all that it took
To confirm what I knew
In just one look

The instant I saw you
My life flashed swiftly by
So beautiful and fulfilling
I fought hard not to cry

It was terrifying and profound
But calmness soon set in
As I realized what was happening
It was love wanting to begin

So I threw caution to the wind
And opened my weary heart
So that yours may find mine
And a life together could start

Many years have now passed
And our love is steadfast
Our life full of joy
And a love that will forever last

Just on touch is all it took
To set my heart ablaze
And know we will be together
For the rest of our days….
486 · Feb 2018
My Forever Valentine
Thomas King Feb 2018
This day is set aside
So that we may impart
Our feelings of devotion
Which comes straight from the heart

Some show adoration
With chocolate and sweets,
With heart shaped cookies
Or some similar treats

Some choose to give flowers
In a vase or a mug,
With the picture of a bear
Asking for a big hug

Some send silly cards
With a balloon or a toy,
In hopes it will show
The amount of their joy

Some are more elaborate,
Expensive and bold,
In the form of a diamond
Or something made of gold

I chose to be simpler
Or humble if you will,
To try and show you
Just how I really feel

So I wrote you this poem
In hopes that you would see
Just how special you are
And how much you mean to me

Although they are just words
They are passionate and true,
And meant to express
The enormous love I have for you

You are my beautiful princess
So elegant and divine,
So I'm asking that you
Be my forever Valentine.....
Written for my forever valentine
483 · Dec 2017
Adam’s Apple
Thomas King Dec 2017
Red ripe is my fruit
Plump and bursting with resentment
Oozing remorse and regret
My pain Ready for you to harvest

I have waited patiently
For your uncontrollable urge
To feast upon my agony
And devour my shame

Your greedy appetite
For my suffering is insatiable
Feed your glutinous desires
As you sink your teeth deep
Into my cold flesh

******* bittersweet discontent
As you ingest my poisoned hatred
And choke upon the shards
Of my broken heart and shattered dreams

Now that you have consumed
The essence of my pain
I’m nothing but a hollow core
Return my ravaged remains
Back into the soil of Eden's garden

So that I may be absorbed
Back into the earth
And the seed of mans sins
Can now take root
483 · Dec 2017
A Question of Love
Thomas King Dec 2017
I asked a question
Onto the night
How is it love
Has not found me today?

Alas the night did answer
My question of love
And these are the words
Onto me it did say

If you open your eyes
And heart you will find
You have walked right by it
And left it behind

Love does not seek
Or make an effort to find
Or even to reveal it self
To eyes that are blind….
474 · Feb 2018
Love At First Sight
Thomas King Feb 2018
Brilliant eyes opened wide,
sparkling orbs radiating incandescent light
upon the dark face of my loneliness.

A vast array of spectral wonders
dance just within the periphery of my mind,
like a beacon of hope
emitting a kaleidoscope of pleasing images
that soothe the inner confines of my heart,
just one look
and my life is revealed
within those loving eyes.
470 · Jan 2018
I am again one
Thomas King Jan 2018
Flowing through the space
Of my new found existence.

I am no longer chained to the mortal shortfalls
Of my mortal being.

Freed from the trivial pursuits
of mans blind ambitions
and false dreams of hope and happiness.

No longer a part of the sick and twisted realities
Of societies collectively corrupt mind.

No longer wandering aimlessly
Through the endless maze of conformity
But free to absorb the spectral light of creation
And the universal energy of existence.

I am again one with it all,  
I am again one with myself.
466 · Jan 2018
Celestial Bodies
Thomas King Jan 2018
I hear your heart beat
Pounding inside my head

A deafening aria
Vibrating every cell and nerve within

Reverberations of passion
Echoing down the celestial corridors
Of my brain

I hear your thoughts
Screaming in my ear
Like the gushing solar winds

Whipping and whistling
Through the cold blackness of space
As it cries out in ecstasy

I feel the soft touch of your skin
As your spirit enters my body
And embraces my soul
In its loving arms

I smell the sweet scent
Of your body on mine
And the taste of your desire
While consuming the very essence of your being
As we become one.

Exploding like a super nova
And sending ripples of passion
Throughout the expanse of our very existence

And giving birth to a love
That can be felt light years away
From our own realities

A conception of universal beauty
Growing into a world
Of everlasting peace and happiness
434 · Jan 2018
Thomas King Jan 2018
Trapped like a bird in this filthy cage where I am starved of compassion and understanding, left to survive on meager crumbs of affection and tolerance.

Held captive and unable to fly and be free from the physical and emotional restrictions placed upon me by my keeper, who’s only reason for my presence it seems, is to stay its loneliness and insecurity and to feed its selfish need for control through its twisted concept of love and adoration.

I am looked upon as a possession other than the living, breathing individual that I long to be. So now I sit upon my proverbial perch in my so called gilded cage, in the confines of my seemingly mundane existence and walk though my mind confused and alone.
Aimlessly wandering through the now empty spaces that no longer hold the dreams or aspirations which I once thought gave my life purpose.

Memories which were bright and alive, full of promise and hope but have faded away into a past that is now gray and bleak, devoid of anything worth remembering.
My footfalls echo in the silence giving testament that these memories have been empty and forgotten long ago.

My only hopes now are that my keeper will grow tired of my deliberate silence and obvious disdain and release me, whether through life or by death, at this point either would be welcome.

How I long for the freedom and comfort of the clear blue sky, the ability to soar like a bird high above the reaches of those who only want to keep me, and fly towards the bright and colorful horizon where I know my future awaits and new memories and dreams can be made.
421 · Dec 2017
Dream Catcher
Thomas King Dec 2017
But conscious within my dream state
I travel through the spectral doorway
Into a world where only a being
Of your divine substance can exist

As I enter your heavenly domain,
I don my wings and gently ascend
Into the brilliantly colored sky
High above the velvety swirling mists
That carpets the depths of your reality

Seeking the soft glow
Of the life force that emanates
From deep within the nucleus of your soul

Like a beacon
Your loving light guides me
Straight to your awaiting arms
And gently you absorb me
Into your primordial existence
And I am given new life
Within your beautiful dreams
390 · Dec 2017
Art Reflecting Life
Thomas King Dec 2017
A kaleidoscope of disturbing
And enigmatic images
Flash now before my mind’s eye

A cerebral menagerie
Painted from long forgotten memories
That were tucked secretly away
In the back corner of my mental studio
That are now being displayed
In my mind's personal gallery

Shocking reminders of youth;
On blood red canvases
Depicting moments of cruelty and neglect

Abstract images of confusion and loneliness
And various black and white portraits
Of heartache and pain
Now arranged in a horrific collage
Of misery before me

An unscheduled showing
To remind me of what I fought so hard to forget
And put behind me.

But as I reflect
And now admire the perplexing
And unsettling collection laid out before me
I realize how I have successfully erased my past

And have painted a new life
Full of beautiful lines and brilliant colors
And find comfort as I now let my wonderful life
Reflect the art my heart now produces.
388 · Dec 2017
Darkness Above
Thomas King Dec 2017
The Angel of Darkness
Hovers close overhead
I can feel his evil stare
Like an impending dread

Dark and foreboding
With fiery eyes
That can pierce a weaker man's heart
And fill it with lies

I feel the heat of his gaze
And smell the stench of his breath
Full of hatred and malevolence
And the promise of death

He patiently waits
To claim my soul as his own
And force me to pay homage
And bow to his throne

An eternity of suffering
Is promised to me
If I weaken my defenses
And allow this to be

But my heart is made pure
Because I pray to the light
And live a clean life
And try to do right

To this wondrous light,
I give devotion and love
And in return I am protected
From the darkness above

But sometimes the light can get hot
And burn like the sun
And trying to be perfect
Is sometimes not very fun

So on those bright days
I let my veneration fade
And seek out the darkness’ shadow
For just a little bit of shade
382 · Jan 2018
Love is a Battlefield
Thomas King Jan 2018
A thought born from rage,
a decision made in haste.
An action performed out of anger
as a precious heart’s laid to waste.

Trembling lips blow out smoke
from the fatal shot of words spoken,
as the sanctity of ones promise
is left shattered and broken.

A soul stained with blood
from that murderous shot,
as the words enter the heart
painful and red hot.

A grieving face wet with tears
and the others eyes filled with shame,
as misguided emotions
were most likely to blame.

Jealousy, mistrust,
insecurity and greed,
from their tight grip
some can never be freed.

This emotional war we fight
is brutal and tough,
but as hard as some fight
it is never enough.

So whats left are the victims
of this senseless war,
leaving the survivors bloodied and broken
and empty to the core.

Words and emotions
are powerful weapons and tools,
so make sure you don’t put them
in the hands of loves fools….
381 · Feb 2018
Do not weep for me now
Thomas King Feb 2018
Do not weep for me now,
For I am back in my mother’s arms

Do not morn another day,
For I walk in peace
with those who have been waiting in the light
To share their everlasting love

Do not be saddened,
For I have been blessed with your love
And carry it in my heart
To my new plain of existence

Do not be afraid,
For I am a part of the light that shines down upon you
And brightens your way towards your future

Do not feel lonely,
For I am the one who will watch over and protect you
Until we again walk hand in hand
To our eternal place of peace
376 · Jan 2018
Final Goodbye
Thomas King Jan 2018
This pain is so intense
I never thought I would have to bear
This enormous feeling of emptiness
knowing you are no longer there

I try to ignore the dead silence
That endlessly screams your name
But my efforts to shut it out
Is just a painful silly game

Your time with me has expired
Our journey has come to a close
To think you would be here forever
Was just selfish of me I suppose

But now I must accept
And face the painful fact
That the knowledge of our fate
Is never really exact

So now I must face my fear
And say my final goodbye
Continue to be strong
And pretend not to cry

I know you are safe
And not suffering anymore
As you step across the threshold
Of heavens golden front door
371 · Jan 2018
Love Hides Within
Thomas King Jan 2018
Again I see her;

Fumbling for my thoughts
As I trip over my emotions.  

My heart pounding
As if to send a Morse code to my brain
So that it may fully understand
The urgency in delivering its message

My inner voice screaming the words
But somehow lose their way to my lips.

Desperation courses through my veins
As she goes to him

Tears of frustration run down my cheek
Only to be wiped away
By the cold hands of loneliness

My frantic emotions subside
Back to the only place
Where my love for her will ever truly be known,
Deep within myself
Thomas King Feb 2018
The light on my face
The sun on my skin
I start this new life
But where to begin

Do I walk a new path
Or continue straight ahead
Do I carry this old baggage
Or walk empty handed instead

Do I shed this old skin
And toss it aside
Like a love I have once given
That’s withered and died

Do I again give love freely
Or hang on to it tight
Should I trust in my heart
To know which is right

So, until that day comes
My courage I must own
And take that first step
Into the unknown


I took that first step
Into the unknown
And the meaning of true love
Again I was shown

I chose my new path
So down it I tread
And chose to go down it
Hand in hand with you instead

I donned my new skin
And tossed the other aside
In the shadow of the past
I no longer shall hide

My courage I do own
And my heart I did give
With strength and with love
This new life I now live.
367 · Feb 2018
Sunshine Of Your Love
Thomas King Feb 2018
I bask in your sunlight
As I lay upon the shore
Of your tranquil sea

Your love shines down upon me
Warming my skin
And energizing my soul

Your cool sweet breath
Stimulating my senses
As I watch the waves gently bow
And lay themselves at your feet

Flora and fauna
Rejoice in your glory
As they dance and sing
In honor of your presence

Sand and shells
Reflect the brilliance of your smile
Across the expanse,
Of an endless summer sky

As I lay here gazing
Into your infinite beauty
I feel my spirit ascend

Carried away on thermals
Created by your passion
As my mortal body is absorbed
Into the moist sand

And I become one
With all that you are
364 · Dec 2017
Evil Abound
Thomas King Dec 2017
Evil abound in the dark night air
The watcher is waiting
As you feel its blood thirsty stare

Sweat starts to form
On your brow and your cheek
As fear grabs your voice
So you cannot even speak

Icy fingers of terror
Run down your neck to your back
As you nervously anticipate
The demons vicious attack

Palm to your chest
You feel your heart race
As the blood starts to slowly
Drain from your face

White as if paper
Ashen colored with fright
As you imagine the unbearably
Painful first bite

Fear in your heart
And tears in your eyes
As you try to be brave
And await its surprise

It steps from the shadows
And into full view
The hideous evil
That was waiting for you

With the light you now see
A form and its shape
Wondering what’s in store
And wanting death over ****

But to your relief
Through tearful eyes you now see
It’s not evil or hateful
As you believed it to be

It stands in the light
Unthreatening and at ease
Not wanting to harm
But only to please

The wings on its back
Are now spread wide and of white
That shines with a pleasing
Soft gleaming light

Its features so beautiful
And wondrous to see
Your fear and the terror
Are suddenly set free

For this is not a creature
Of death, evil or hate
But a loving blessed angel
From heavens front gate

In that moment it was clear
All your life you did waste
For fearing the unknown
And judging in haste
363 · Dec 2017
Till Death Do Us Part
Thomas King Dec 2017
What is it with you?
Tiny little pill
That makes me crave you
Even though I’m not even ill

You have clouded my judgment
And infected my brain
The way I let you control me
I must be totally insane

I know I should leave you
Discard you for sure
But I can’t seem to shake
Your illicit allure

You always seem to know
How to make me forget
All the things in my life
That fills me with regret

You numb all my pain
And chase away my fear
You take me from my reality
And make everything disappear

How ironic it is
Although my mind is sedated
I feel we are as one
Both poison and encapsulated

I guess I must accept
You’re my companion for life
My life’s guilty pleasure
My 80 milligram wife

So forever we are bound
You have had me from the start
Just one dose of your pleasure
So now it’s till death do us part
359 · Dec 2017
Left For Dead
Thomas King Dec 2017
Look at you now
All bloated and stinking
Feeding the maggots
What were you thinking?

Did you think it would last?
Your rein of malicious intent
All the days of physical abuse
And nights of hellish torment

Your belittling ways, gave you such a thrill
How you chipped away at my sanity
Breaking not only my bones
But my dignity and will

You tried to control my thoughts
Your power over me you had to prove
By binding my heart and soul
So tight I could barely move

I had become just a toy
To amuse your twisted mind
To my misery and unhappiness
You were unaware and completely blind

But your cruel games are now over
Your time of tyranny is through
It was my life I had to defend
And that’s why I had to **** you

I wish they had not found you
Revenge or satisfaction I never really got
I wanted to feel your soul suffer
And watch your body rot!
359 · Dec 2017
Idle Hands
Thomas King Dec 2017
Mine hands
Sinful tools possessed
Dance along the periphery
Of thy intimate domain
Touching and probing
With subtle  
Perverse persuasions

Caressing thy sweet softness
With course and brutal desires
Has thou the courage
Within thy soul
For acceptance of such
And grant admittance
Into thy Forbidden garden

Or shall these hands
Be bound and left idle
Their tools left to rust
From the tears
Of mine intimate frustrations
353 · Feb 2018
Hands of time
Thomas King Feb 2018
It seems like only minutes pass
And then you are gone
Into the nothingness
That surrounds me when you are away

Our hearts fleeting moments
Seem to go by in the blink of an eye
Our desire for one another’s touch
Is only enjoyed in intermittent flashes of time  

How we both desperately want to reach out
And take hold of the hands of time
And use them to bend and mold
The very fabric of time and space

Into a continuous shared moment
Within our very own place
Of timeless existence
352 · Jan 2018
Listen Closely
Thomas King Jan 2018
Listen closely
As I breathe words of desire
Into your eager awaiting ears
And fill your head with visions of lust

Focus on my eyes
As I transcend love and truth into your being
While I taste your moist lips
And savor the aftertaste of your wanting

Lean towards me
As I slowly inhale your essence
While my soul feeds your hunger
And we devour one another's desires

Touch my skin
As the heat from our fevered passion
Ignites the sultry air around us
And we burn like white hot embers
In a bed of our fiery pleasures
336 · Jan 2018
Two Peas in a Pod
Thomas King Jan 2018
Two peas in a pod
We share the same space
Happily enjoying
This time and this place

Side by side we now sit
Brought together by fate
Comfortable and cozy
In our pod on a plate

Not a care in the word
Like teens on a first date
But both praying inside
Neither one of us gets ate…
331 · Feb 2018
Deaf, Dumb and Blind
Thomas King Feb 2018
Neither song nor chant
Or glorious of hymn
Could express the music
That continuously plays inside my head

Neither sonnet nor poem
Or the purest ode to love
Can translate the verses of you
My heart now recites

Neither movie nor show
Or the finest of plays
Could tell the story of your beauty
My eyes now behold

But to this I pay no mind
Because when it comes to love
We are all deaf, dumb and blind
326 · Dec 2017
Who we once were
Thomas King Dec 2017
Broken pieces of our shattered lives
are packed away and forgotten
like unwanted items in the attic.

Hidden inside a box that holds the crushed dreams
and un-kept promises of more hopeful times.

Near the torn bag of trust and the other miscellaneous emotions
which once held meaning in our lives.

How convenient to hideaway our mistakes and bad choices
or to stow away the things that once gave us joy,
but now only collect dust on a shelf.

We live by the rule out of sight out of mind,
more willing to discard than retain,
easier to forget than to feel pain.

Only to one day realize
there is no more room to store those unwanted memories
and we are force to go through them and remind ourselves
of who we once were.
Thomas King Mar 2019
A smile forms at the edge of my face
As random thoughts of you tiptoe through my head.

Your silly little laugh
As you acknowledge my poor attempts at humor

Your quiet breathing
As you sleep peacefully next to me.

The natural beauty held within your soul
And the tenderness that emanates through your eyes,
As I gaze intently into them.

Pleasing memories of your soft skin,
Fragrant scent and elegant form
Send waves of heat throughout my body.

Suddenly I feel a rumbling within the depths of my being.  

Emotions spew from my inner core
Like magma from the mouth of an erupting volcano,
Molten hot with fiery intention

Boiling blood courses through my veins like a lava flow,
Searing my heart and heating my lungs,
Turning my breath into a pyroclastic flow of lust and desire

The soft tiptoed footsteps within my mind
Transform into thunderous stomps
As deliberate memories of our unbridled passion
Run rampant throughout my head.

Tremors of elation and excitement rock my body
Like the aftershocks from a violent earthquake
As pleasure sweeps across my body like a tidal wave,
And turns my smiling face into a mirrored image
Of satisfaction and pleasure

I am left breathless, shaken.

As the thoughts of you slowly fade from my head
My smile remains

Because even though on the days you are away from me,
I am blessed to know that just the very thought of you
Leads to a happy ending
Adult write slightly ******
301 · Feb 2018
The Proposal
Thomas King Feb 2018
How can I speak?
Or praise your greatness
When your very presence
Takes my breath away

How can I behold your loveliness?
Or gaze upon your wonder
When your divine beauty
Blinds my adoring eyes

How can I caress your elegant form?
When the very touch of your soft skin
Sparks a flame within my soul
And burns like a wildfire throughout my body

How can I impart to you
The very essence of my emotions
When just the thought of you
Paralyzes my senses and leaves my body weak,
And my mind reeling with images of your grandeur

Slave to your beauty
And a prisoner to my own weaknesses,
I find myself lost in this realm
Of obscurity and helplessness,
Afraid that you may never know my true feelings

As a final attempt to show my heart
I offer you my hand

Hoping that you may take it into yours
And I can lead you down the aisle
Towards a new life together
As husband and wife
300 · Feb 2018
Companion Moon
Thomas King Feb 2018
You are the moon
Orbiting my world
Controlling the tides
Of my emotional oceans
And directing the winds
That carry my dreams
Creating uncontrollable storms of passion
That pummel my mountainous desires
But shine your calming reflection
Across the stillness
Of my solemn lakes
293 · Dec 2017
Tortured By Love
Thomas King Dec 2017
Deep pools of heartache and sadness
spill from eyes like drops of liquid pain.

Contorted images of punishment and suffering
Twist and writhe just beneath the surface
Of a bruised and tattered form

Torturous memories
Devour and feast upon the dead carcasses
Of dreams and desires that once ran free
Within a realm of innocents

A heart held captive,
Bound by chains of broken promises and lies,
Held fast by the weight of fear and self pity,
Complacent to the illusion of change

The soul wanders lost within the mists of insecurity
As it searches frantically for that once loving hand
To lead it back into the light,
But only finding an angry fist
That forces it back into the darkness

How long must a nightmare continue
Before one can awake from its horror,
Or has this become the waking life
Of a content submissive
Trapped within one’s own brutal reality
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